-- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Host: -- Server version: 10.4.21-MariaDB - mariadb.org binary distribution -- Server OS: Win64 -- HeidiSQL Version: -- -------------------------------------------------------- /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!50503 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- Dumping database structure for moon CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `moon` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */; USE `moon`; -- Dumping structure for table moon.acc_chart_class CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `acc_chart_class` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `class_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `chartype` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.acc_chart_class: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acc_chart_class` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `acc_chart_class` (`id`, `class_name`, `chartype`) VALUES (1, 'assets', 1), (2, 'liabilities', NULL), (3, 'income', NULL), (4, 'cost', NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acc_chart_class` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.acc_chart_master CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `acc_chart_master` ( `account_code` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `account_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `account_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', UNIQUE KEY `account_code` (`account_code`), UNIQUE KEY `account_name` (`account_name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.acc_chart_master: ~37 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acc_chart_master` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `acc_chart_master` (`account_code`, `account_name`, `account_type`, `branch_id`, `deleted`) VALUES (100, 'sales tax', 5, 0, '0'), (101, 'account payable', 5, 0, '0'), (200, 'inventory', 2, 0, '0'), (300, 'account receivables', 1, 0, '0'), (400, 'customer payment', 3, 0, '0'), (500, 'sales account', 4, 0, '0'), (600, 'purchase', 7, 0, '0'), (601, 'Cost of Goods Sold - Retail', 7, 0, '0'), (700, 'VAT', 5, 0, '0'), (806, 'first athlantic bank', 1, 0, '0'), (807, 'multicredit bank', 1, 0, '0'), (809, 'ag bank', 1, 0, '0'), (900, 'electricity bills', 6, 0, '0'), (901, 'T n T / Transport', 6, 0, '0'), (902, 'telephone bills', 6, 0, '0'), (903, 'Office Supplies', 6, 0, '0'), (1000, 'other expenses', 6, 0, '0'), (1500, 'customers deposit', 5, 0, '0'), (8001, 'other banks', 1, 0, '0'), (605, 'open balace to supplier', 5, 0, '0'), (550, 'mtn mobile money account', 4, 0, '0'), (905, 'stationaries', 6, 0, '0'), (906, 'refuse dumping', 6, 1, '0'), (907, 'credit cards', 6, 1, '0'), (908, 'salaries', 6, 1, '0'), (7777, 'fbn', 1, 1, '0'), (8, 'ssnit contribution for staff', 6, 1, '0'), (9, 'payment to supplier', 6, 1, '0'), (10, 'iou', 6, 1, '0'), (11, 'unloading', 6, 1, '0'), (12, 'loading', 6, 1, '0'), (1234, 'money to bank', 6, 1, '0'), (123, 'transport fuel', 6, 1, '0'), (1, 'gra', 6, 1, '0'), (125, 'payment made by workers', 6, 1, '0'), (86, 'c b g', 1, 1, '0'), (4020, 'added to sales', 6, 1, '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acc_chart_master` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.acc_chart_type CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `acc_chart_type` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `class_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.acc_chart_type: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acc_chart_type` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `acc_chart_type` (`id`, `name`, `class_id`) VALUES (1, 'current assets', 1), (2, 'inventory assets', 1), (3, 'capital assets', 1), (4, 'sales revenue', 3), (5, 'current libilities', 2), (6, 'general expenses', 4), (7, 'Cost of Goods Sold', 4); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `acc_chart_type` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.app_modules CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `app_modules` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `default_app` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `vert_app` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.app_modules: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `app_modules` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `app_modules` (`id`, `default_app`, `vert_app`) VALUES (1, 'defaul_app', 'vert_app'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `app_modules` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.banking_trans CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `banking_trans` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `bank_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `amount_debit` double DEFAULT NULL, `amount_credit` double DEFAULT NULL, `current_balance` double DEFAULT NULL, `vourch` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `note` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `user` double DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.banking_trans: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `banking_trans` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `banking_trans` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.banks CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `banks` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `bank_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `tel` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `loc` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.banks: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `banks` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `banks` (`id`, `bank_name`, `tel`, `loc`, `branch_id`) VALUES (1, 'access bank', '435435', 'adum', NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `banks` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.branch CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `branch` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `branch_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `loc` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.branch: ~3 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `branch` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `branch` (`id`, `branch_name`, `loc`) VALUES (1, 'ashanti, ksi - maakro', 'kumasi'), (2, 'b/a - techiman', 'techiman'), (3, 'ashanti, ksi - mampong', 'mampong'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `branch` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.company CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `company` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `co_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `addr` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `website` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `tel` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `care_text` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `tin_no` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.company: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `company` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `company` (`id`, `co_name`, `addr`, `website`, `email`, `tel`, `care_text`, `tin_no`) VALUES (1, 'moon light farm', 'p.o.box we 164 asawasi - kumasi', '', 'moonlightfarms@yahoo.com', '0240815421/0504555426', 'goods sold are not returnable. thank you\r\n(moonlight we care for you)', NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `company` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.customers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `customers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `fname` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `tel` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `addr` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `branch` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `cust_pricing_type` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `credit_limit` double DEFAULT NULL, `affiliate` char(1) DEFAULT '0', `disabled` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `fname` (`fname`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=589 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.customers: ~582 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `customers` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `customers` (`id`, `fname`, `tel`, `addr`, `email`, `branch`, `cust_pricing_type`, `credit_limit`, `affiliate`, `disabled`) VALUES (0, 'customer', '', '', '', 1, NULL, NULL, '0', '0'), (2, 'opoku farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (3, 'stepkataky farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (4, 'mr thomas gyimah mensah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (5, 'madam mary opoku', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (6, 'b.boakye farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (7, 'akyease farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (8, 'bro prince', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (9, 'patony farms', '0244891126', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (10, 'mr ntim(offinso)', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (11, 'mr anaba', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (12, 'akom farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (13, 'bro sammy (offinso)', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (14, 'alhaji offinso', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (15, 'mary acheampong', '0203715452', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (16, 'mr.gyamfi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (17, 'mr.agyei', '0204135215', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (18, 'mr thomas (offinso)', '0245818624', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (19, 'agya owusu', ' ', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (20, 'mr opoku farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (21, 'stepkataky', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (22, 'masa hudu.', '0549577672', 'offinso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (23, 'oforiwaa farms', '0244991169', 'offinso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (24, 'jato', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (25, 'hallal', '', 'adankwame', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (26, 'mr duah', '0269338791/0542746032', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (27, 'mr. amoako', '0244632002', 'bampenase-bomfa', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (28, 'boateng farms', '0244723862', 'new edubiase', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (29, 'mr. james sampana', '0244758319', 'kotwi', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (30, 'mr. amoako 2014 debt', '0244632002', 'bomfa', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (31, 'mr thomas quaye', '0553826888', 'asante mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (32, 'mr martin', '', '0551687495', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (33, 'victora opoku techiman', '', '0551687495', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (34, 'nana adu boahen', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (35, 'mr osei techiman', '0244036429', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (36, 'mr obiri yeboah farms', '0269298977/0541036757', 'plt 11e blk ka adomakoaa buoho', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (37, 'acheampong techiman', '0244747543', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (38, 'mr ntim farms (tafo)', '0244816142', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (39, 'mr tabi', '0246156732', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (40, 'mr dapaah 0244615874', '0244615874', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (41, 'dogo moro farms', '0557359354/0555156156', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (42, 'e and b farms/0244985922', '0244985922/0244632002', 'tafo pankorno', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (43, 'wan transport farms', '0249118004', 'offinso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (44, 'bro roland', '0249577660', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (45, 'stevan farms', '0249398054', 'fawoade', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (46, 'emmaali farms', '0244574719/0244122917/0277811134', 'kwadaso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (47, 'bro sammy 0244693031', '0244693031', 'masa tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (48, 'david and albert', '0248749265', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (49, 'asare farms (desmond)', '0558097385', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (50, 'makom farms offinso north', '0242751669', 'akumadan offinso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (51, 'desmond farms offinso', '0241435020', 'offinso menti', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (52, 'amoako randy', '0240418323', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (53, 'wuni abdullai fadila', '0245940117', 'afrancho', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (54, 'kadir shaibu', '0249061120', 'buohu', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (55, 'elder (ofori farms)', '0243942578', 'offinso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (56, 'bro mohammed', '0240435197', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (57, 'bro elvis antwi', '0244882762', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (58, 'mr anibo', '0242022179', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (59, 'bro awal frank', '0244214718', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (60, 'kingsley kumah', '0548206356', 'nkawkaw', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (61, 'esther oppong kwarteng', '0244677260', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (62, 'dominic mensah', '0244541437', 'kumasi', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (63, 'maazu ibrahim', '0547857751', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (64, 'mr acheampong philip otuo', '0541066560', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (65, 'freda atanga', '0244726457', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (66, 'godswill techiman', '0240826657', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (67, 'appresteve farms', '0241315510', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (68, 'franaya farms', '0244131475', 'upper east', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (69, 'bawa abdul rahaman', '0243862112', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (70, 'gyamfi kenneth', '0248940865', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (71, 'genester farms', '0544654153', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (72, 'ayomah nsowine', '0244313559', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (73, 'jiltin ohemeng fosu', '0557458182', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (74, 'mr yeboah', '0243072996', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (75, 'mr yeboah farms', '0244593019', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (76, 'bro justice', '0243563331', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (77, 'mr oxford', '0205090130', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (78, 'pr.alfred agyeman', '0243777516', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (79, 'linda serwaa frimpong', '0241908981', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (80, 'dorcas dadzie', '0543188530', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (81, 'nana yaw', '0244289887', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (82, 'mr edward mark baah', '0240848024', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (83, 'abdal-ali farwk', '0246110440', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (84, 'mark farms', '0558090440', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (85, 'peace and humble', '024777755', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (86, 'raymond naoh', '0246085732', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (87, 'mr stephen afriyie', '0245444777', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (88, 'k.d', '0541695554', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (89, 'mr yaw frimpong', '0249962345', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (90, 'bonah prince', '0247707498', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (91, 'bro adolf', '0254', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (92, 'dacosta boakye', '0244203899', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (93, 'kenneth gyamfi', '000', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (94, 'samuel k-wadwo kyere', '0243606013', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (95, 'kennedy domfer', '0541695554', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (96, 'a .amaning ventures', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (97, 'mr obeng', '0248741107', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (98, 'abdul razak', '0544161541', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (99, 'mr kwarteng appiah', '0242804774', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (100, 'mr appiah andrews', '0243302457', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (101, 'julli farms (ntonsua)', '0242388809', 'ntonsua', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (102, 'philip kyeremeh', '0242543388', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (103, 'bossman adu kwarteng', '0244621010', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (104, 'mr eric akwesi adjei', '0244589499', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (105, 'mr yaw asumani jnr', '0205274712', 'upper east navrongo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (106, 'j.a farms', '0244860733', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (107, 'best bird farms', '0509631249', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (108, 'emmanuel seidu', '0242265876', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (109, 'fredrick techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (110, 'babus gani', '0244937830/0553425362', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (111, 'mr mumuni iddi', '0243011178', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (112, 'mr daniel kwame osei', '0244265242', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (113, 'mr bismark', '05553808907', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (114, 'rojaforkod', '0208384765', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (115, 'mr frimpong tafo', '0244694910', 'tafo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (116, 'mama agartha', '0546243541', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (117, 'derrick opoku mensah', '0249610320', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (118, 'mr tweneboah koduah', '0244462923', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (119, 'elisha akwesi', '0241664792', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (120, 'mr dan farms', '0244265242', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (121, 'yakmay enterprise', '0558112297', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (122, 'mr bismark addai', '0553808907', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (123, 'k.asante', '0541817801', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (124, 'bryberyl ventures(moses)', '024515130', 'kintampo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (125, 'hajia haleema', '0249610320', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (126, 'osei samuel', '0244781425', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (127, 'big essien farms', '0245108338', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (128, 'sarfo george', '0244385491', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (129, 'pufray', '0246085732', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (130, 'saliu abdullai', '0244876911', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (131, 'bro sammy', '0244781425', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (132, 'osei kwadwo', '0243942578', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (133, 'mad sarah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (134, 'owura', '', '', '0243392838', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (135, 'abdullai salifu senjah', '0247013002', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (136, 'kofi brobbey okyere', '0243387936', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (137, 'abdul lateef', '0540590905', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (138, 'kwarteng augustine(paa)', '0242804774', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (139, 'mr nkansah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (140, 'arthur osei', '0246959558', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (141, '5cs farms', '0243227788', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (142, 'capo', '0541201971', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (143, 'adjei patrick', '0559009925', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (144, 'nyankyera farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (145, 'sekyere farms', '0543451675', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (146, 'solar', '0247073252', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (147, 'osman abubakari', '0242224903', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (148, 'mr kojo', '0546644222', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (149, 'asume', '0249793000', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (150, 'mr awal', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (151, 'isaac boahen adu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (152, 'josai farms', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (153, 'abubakar suleiman', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (154, 'agya collins', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (155, 'baaba musah', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (156, 'dauda musah', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (157, 'tofic mustapha', '0244058345', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (158, 'kameel mohammed', '0244370882', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (159, 'appiah collins', '0244501639', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (160, 'nana adu', '0243413232', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (161, 'maxwell', '0248148899', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (162, 'yussif', '0243274679', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (163, 'yakubu mohammed', '0243933979', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (165, 'green generation farms', '0542228822/0246061886', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (166, 'kitach farms', '0243467806', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (167, 'big joe', '0553984700', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (168, 'god first farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (169, 'alidu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (170, 'mohammed nuhu', '0244051616', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (171, 'payaro', '0244646580', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (172, 'mubashar sana ilyasu', '0246306643', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (173, 'bright acheampong', '0244563203', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (174, 'chief', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (175, 'dacosta', '0244804057', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (176, 'maame rebecca', '0542636454/0205308967', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (177, 'kwasi ampong emmanuel', '0241103448', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (178, 'felicity mensah', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (179, 'birds of paradise', '0248522499', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (180, 'manager', '0241959778', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (181, 'twumasi', '0244114728', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (182, 'kona wheat bran', '0548137950', 'kona', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (183, 'doc', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (184, 'pius', '0243196315', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (185, 'nkrumah fredrick', '0556667451', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (186, 'nii( agric extension officer)', '0245102924', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (187, 'eronica farms', '0204403342', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (188, 'mr. asante', '0554247705', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (189, 'peter nsiah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (190, 'bro james', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (191, 'mad florence', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (192, 'sekyere', '0543451675', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (193, 'yaw opoku', '0594573115', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (194, 'opana farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (195, 'mr daniel aquah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (196, 'stevbee farms', '0249764535', 'jamasi', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (197, 'vertinary officer', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (198, 'nii-tabi farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (199, 'mr paul adu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (200, 'mad agnes baidoo (asamoah farms)', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (201, 'isaac adams', '0209449305', 'yedi', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (202, 'abdul mmin', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (203, 'app agro farms', '0246177349', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (204, 'samuel prempeh', '0244874258', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (205, 'bennisar', '0241103448', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (206, 'nana gyimah amoako', '0244811434', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (207, 'stephen acheampong', '0241612549', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (208, 'frimpong', '0247100184', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (209, 'mad sarah united kingdom', '+447506442854', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (210, 'tick farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (211, 'baffour', '0242070514', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (212, 'kwabena kuma', '0242118373', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (213, 'erick adu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (214, 'nicole demus', '0243585891', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (215, 'thunder farms', '0244477867', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (216, 'bro alex', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (217, 'amadu suleiman', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (218, 'ahmed kwabena', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (219, 'mad afiriyie', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (220, 'isaac mensah', '0246233872', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (221, 'markbee farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (222, 'niifa farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (223, 'stanley kwabena yeboah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (224, 'stephen manu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (225, 'musah saleem', '0247013002', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (226, 'doppkwatt farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (227, 'jonathan k. mensah', '0548501841', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (228, 'abubakar sadiq', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (229, 'blessed farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (230, 'mr ibrahim', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (231, 'rosemary', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (232, 'mike', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (234, 'sadat', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (235, 'bro george mampong', '0545942137', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (236, 'amoh rich', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (237, 'oke', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (238, 'gibson', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (239, 'paul', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (240, 'alberta atuahene', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (241, 'joe', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (242, 'rexford antwi boateng', '0553788780', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (243, 'hitech farms techiman', '0242314207', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (244, 'richpong farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (245, 'ejura agric college', '', 'ejura', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (246, 'martin north', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (247, 'ismail', '0557173228', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (248, 'kintampo techiman', '', 'kintampo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (249, 'paul nsoh agooh', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (250, 'maame agyeiwaa', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (251, 'timothy mampong', '0245850251', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (252, 'kokorokoo', '0543463444', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (253, 'f.k farms', '0556864876', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (254, 'mr francis mampong', '0249582090', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (255, 'mr mohammed techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (256, 'david annim', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (257, 'apreku', '0249520765', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (258, 'bawa abdul', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (259, 'gagam w farms mampong', '0249678261', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (260, 'agyao farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (261, 'princess farms mampong', '0246280889', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (262, 'barakah organic farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (263, 'appiah kobi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (264, 'mr williams', '0547438192', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (265, 'rich guide', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (266, 'kwabena kusi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (267, 'mr. akoto', '0557159639', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (268, 'haq', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (269, 'frijay farms ltd', '0559060222', 'atimatim tabuo', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (270, 'baaba jamal', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (271, 'thank god farms mampong', '0244326558', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (272, 'mr gyarko techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (273, 'seth boamah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (274, 'mad hanna amoah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (275, 'augustine asubonteng', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (276, 'mr osei', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (277, 'freeman atta', '0249019916', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (278, 'mr boamah afram plains', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (279, 'alhaji', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (280, 'eric tabi mampong', '0593026708/0244381040', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (281, 'ken', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (282, 'richard frimpong', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (283, 'stephen boateng', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (284, 'emmanuel', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (285, 'sekyi raegan farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (286, 'bro akoto', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (287, 'kofi amankwaaah', '0547898117', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (288, 'bro willson', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (289, 'mad meena', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (290, 'driver shortage', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (291, 'm d farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (292, 'jude', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (293, 'mr annor wiafe', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (294, 'saliu yakubu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (295, 'asonaba', '0244562825', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (296, 'faith farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (297, 'kwesi sarkodie', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (299, 'sarfo', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (300, 'nyantakyi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (301, 'benjamin akan', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (302, 'gagam w farms', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (303, 'a square farms mampong', '0247625830', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (304, 'mohammed nurudeen', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (305, 'mad mercy dapaah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (306, 'daniel gyarko (techiman)', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (307, 'yaw frimpong', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (308, 'washington mampong', '0243576721', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (310, 'mr timothy mampong', '0246004837', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (311, 'mad nancy', '0244386035', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (312, 'kutia farms limited', '0244633953/0244509880', 'ksi dichiemso', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (313, 'samuel owusu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (314, 'page two2 farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (315, 'kumasi driver', '', 'kumasi', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (316, 'jonathan benefo', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (317, 'komfour wright', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (318, 'francis', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (319, 'fati alhassan', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (320, 'heaven showers', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (321, 'mr sarkodie', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (322, 'bro alidu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (323, 'oteng bonsu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (324, 'pastor prince', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (325, 'jonajoy farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (326, 'anderson mensah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (327, 'mr attakora mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (328, 'mr azziz mampong', '0243003578', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (329, 'mad priscilla', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (330, 'asore ba mampong', '0242810387', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (331, 'mr enock mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (332, 'ebenerst', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (333, 'mr victor mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (334, 'stephen bonsu mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (335, 'namm farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (336, 'gideon', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (337, 'mr kumah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (338, 'tahiru mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (339, 'abdul mumeen', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (340, 'agya aman farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (341, 'bernard', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (342, 'michris farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (343, 'mr antwi sarfo kennedy', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (344, 'apogee farms mampong', '0262899891', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (345, 'mr donkor oteng', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (346, 'kanbonaba entreprise', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (347, 'akrofi farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (348, 'amadu thousand mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (349, 'abraham sarfo mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (350, 'consila farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (351, 'aduhene farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (352, 'mad agyei sarpong', '', 'kumasi', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (353, 'nana boakye yiadom', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (354, 'abass abdul azeez', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (355, 'delord farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (356, 'kofi agyapong', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (357, 'mad theresah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (358, 'mr kingsley', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (359, 'mr martin mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (360, 'mr inusah techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (361, 'bro seth', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (362, 'mad afiriyie grace', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (363, 'driver techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (364, 'mad kate', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (365, 'jakes mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (366, 'asoreba mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (367, 'bintu sani', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (368, 'bro abass', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (369, 'mad eronicas farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (370, 'sofomaame mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (371, 'bro twumasi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (372, 'justice farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (373, 'frank ohene kwame', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (374, 'benjamin osei', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (375, 'agya poku farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (376, 'abdul wahab diwilhaq', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (378, 'mabang farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (379, 'aduhene farms', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (380, 'amar mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (381, 'nana akua serwaa', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (382, 'fataw moonlight farms', '0249610320', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (383, 'ali moonlight farms', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (384, 'jonathan', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (385, 'samuel mensah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (386, 'abu yahya', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (387, 'tumu techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (388, 'mr kweku darko', '0246708929', 'aduman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (389, 'mr donkor', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (390, 'macbee farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (391, 'shaibu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (392, 'e and e farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (393, 'dr dominic mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (394, 'mr mensah techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (395, 'nana', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (396, 'kofi boakye danquah', '0548101424', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (397, 'just king farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (398, 'mr bonsu mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (399, 'mr alfred mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (400, 'padrito farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (401, 'j k ofori mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (402, 'agyemang', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (403, 'beam zillion farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (404, 'mr brown', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (405, 'newton', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (406, 'mr aikins', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (407, 'kofi amankwaah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (408, 'clement', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (409, 'charles atobrah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (410, 'kofi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (411, 'siloam gob mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (412, 'nana kwame mampong', '0542749757', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (413, 'mad lizabeth mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (414, 'mad evelyn', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (415, 'gunner farms', '0202002429', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (416, 'mr adams techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (417, 'bafana techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (418, 'sylvester mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (419, 'mr and mrs appiah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (420, 'mr ayeaba techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (421, 'best lands estate', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (422, 'junior', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (423, 'mr kweku antwi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (424, 'bro asante', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (425, 'mohammed abass', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (426, 'mr anthony kwadjo', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (427, 'mad sharon armah', '0545594204', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (428, 'benjamin boakye mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (429, 'osei bonsu benjamin', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (430, 'gack mm farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (431, 'atta mensah mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (432, 'godwin mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (433, 'azeez zainu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (434, 'gabriel', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (435, 'bro marfo', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (436, 'paul mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (437, 'ghanny solution mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (438, 'mr ohves techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (439, 'mr daniel hamond', '0243836005', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (440, 'mary rose farms(yeji)', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (441, 'anados farms techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (442, 'adom', '0249708916', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (443, 'anthony kwabena boakye', '0244165630', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (444, 'mr samuel', '0243343617', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (445, 'bapio farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (446, 'mr bramah techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (447, 'maame yaa techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (448, 'collins amankwaah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (449, 'sarpong', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (450, 'akumadan farms techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (451, 'isaac', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (452, 'agyekum', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (453, 'foster', '0247180349', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (454, 'william oppong', '0546472086', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (455, 'mad rita', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (456, 'peace techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (457, 'mad agyeiwaa', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (458, 'vegas techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (459, 'stephen agyemang', '0248690076', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (460, 'gyamfuah farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (461, 'k.dwomoh', '0277755554', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (462, 'farm 8-8', '0553911822', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (463, 'zuobog farm', '0541557425', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (464, 'emmanuella adu gyamfi', '0244782180', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (465, 'mr boakye', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (466, 'joyce akowah', '0246211122', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (467, 'sofo antwi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (468, 'mrs alberta techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (469, 'robben agyei', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (470, 'emmaarate farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (471, 'a. amaning ventures', '0246851280', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (472, 'kweku', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (473, 'a.h arhan ent', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (474, 'mad sylvia adom', '0243867711', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (475, 'sylvanus mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (476, 'hamond jubaili', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (477, 'serwaa', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (478, 'zinbouyant farms', '0249146758', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (479, 'nana ama', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (480, 'classic farms', '0244025399', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (481, 'bro salia', '0246427080', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (482, 'mr emmanuel kankam', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (483, 'mad sylvia', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (484, 'thunder', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (485, 'agyemang kufour', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (486, 'opoku', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (487, 'juliana opoku', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (488, 'jokas farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (489, 'george farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (490, 'p s horex farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (491, 'visionary farms mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (492, 'mad christiana', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (493, 'zaitun farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (494, 'mr peter mampong', '', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (495, 'farouk', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (496, 'mad patricia', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (497, 'afiriyie grace', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (498, 'beatrice mensah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (499, 'appreku', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (500, 'nana adwoah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (501, 'bro baaba farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (502, 'tonboah farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (503, 'k.duah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (504, 'mad akua tiwaah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (505, 'maglex farms', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (506, 'snow', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (507, 'kwadjo boamah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (508, 'justice ameyaw', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (509, 'aseda farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (510, 'padmond', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (511, 'nana dankye', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (512, 'solomon', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (513, 'platinum farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (514, 'mr okyere techiman', '', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (515, 'lious', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (516, 'abbiw konsar', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (517, 'nash', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (518, 'abbey', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (519, 'wofa boris', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (520, 'samuel afenah mensah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (521, 'saed', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (522, 'pinamang farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (523, 'ayekooo farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (524, 'abdul wasiu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (525, 'superb farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (526, 'mad serwaa bonsu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (527, 'kundis farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (528, 'elliot amponsah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (529, 'mad cecilia', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (530, 'mampong branch', '0201768947', 'mampong', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (531, 'mr. evans', '0553617230', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (532, 'wodaso ye onyame', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (534, 'janet kyerewaa', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (535, 'piper pretty company ltd', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (536, 'mr asamoah', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (537, 'mr yahya', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (538, 'alhaji moro', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (539, 'houselord', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (540, 'ababio', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (541, 'adams mikihdhaad', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (542, 'bro eric', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (543, 'feniko farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (544, 'isaac owusu', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (545, 'mr ntim samuel', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (546, 'samuel mawuni', '0242733354', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (547, 'yakpo farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (548, 'prince moonlight farms', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (549, 'mr botwe', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (550, 'mr alex essilife', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (551, 'mr akoto', '', 'maakro', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (552, 'andrews', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (553, 'badu fish farms', '0245516832', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (554, 'amoah charles', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (555, 'bro matthew', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (556, 'mattew', '0246061886', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (557, 'amfobi', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (558, 'comfort ayamma', '0243375206', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (559, 'mr owusu akom', '0541544590/0200432321', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (560, 'agya owusu akom', '0541544590/0200432321', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (561, 'n y anane ent', '0244289887', 'b a', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (562, 'cecimec ent', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (563, 'wodaso ye onyame farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (564, 'philkafos enterprise', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (565, 'nketiaa mansa farms(mad mercy dapaah)', '0244073123', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (566, 'oppong lot moonlight farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (567, 'mr acheampong', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (568, 'isaah poultry feeds dealer', '0245170751', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (569, 'felicia moonlight farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (570, 'moonlight feed shortage maakro', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (571, 'moonlight drug shortage maakro', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (572, ')sen nhyira farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (573, 'micphrims farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (574, 'uthman moonlight', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (575, 'agya sei white maize', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (576, 'mr yahya/0244862857', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (577, 'mad mercy', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (578, 'opoku adanse', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (579, 'mr evans', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (580, 'otema w.i. ltd', '0247026753', 'techiman', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (581, 'b.gabela farms', '0240989284', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (582, '7-brothers', '0551441187', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (583, 'joyant farms', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (584, 'b.gabella entrprise', '02403989284', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (585, 'faith alive farms', '0542175894', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (586, 'mr aseidu reiss and co', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (587, 'felicia/agyemang moonlight', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'), (588, 'madam comfort', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 0, '0', '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `customers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.cust_deposit CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cust_deposit` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `trans_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `amount_deposited` double DEFAULT 0, `cash_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `mtn_momo_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `cheque_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `seller` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `deleted_date` date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=19 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.cust_deposit: ~18 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_deposit` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cust_deposit` (`id`, `trans_date`, `trans_id`, `trans_type`, `cust_id`, `branch_id`, `amount_deposited`, `cash_amount`, `mtn_momo_amount`, `cheque_amount`, `notes`, `seller`, `deleted`, `deleted_date`) VALUES (1, '2018-12-31', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 17, 1, 0, 817, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, NULL), (2, '2018-12-31', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 11, 1, 0, 2646, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, NULL), (3, '2019-01-21', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, NULL), (4, '2019-06-11', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 30, 1, 100, 100, 0, 0, 'part payment of old debt.', 11, 0, NULL), (5, '2019-07-08', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 27, 1, 3190, 3190, 0, 0, '', 8, 0, NULL), (6, '2019-07-08', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 30, 1, 100, 100, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (7, '2019-07-08', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 30, 1, 100, 100, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (8, '2019-07-29', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 12, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (9, '2019-10-05', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 0, 1, 2.5, 2.5, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (10, '2019-10-12', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 0, 1, 4319, 4319, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (11, '2019-12-12', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 0, 1, 1916, 1916, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (12, '2020-03-23', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 36, 1, 14100, 14100, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (13, '2020-08-18', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 312, 1, 20000, 20000, 0, 0, 'payment made', 12, 0, NULL), (14, '2020-09-16', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 0, 1, 1140, 1140, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (15, '2020-10-24', 32304, 'sales_from_dep', 312, 1, -4459, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 12, 0, NULL), (16, '2020-11-13', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 0, 1, 5000, 0, 5000, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (17, '2020-12-14', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 8, 1, 930154, 0, 0, 930154, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL), (18, '2021-06-15', NULL, 'cust_deposit', 0, 1, 2263, 2263, 0, 0, 'over from payment', 1, 0, NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_deposit` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.cust_trans CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cust_trans` ( `trans_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `vert_sales` char(1) DEFAULT '0', `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `trans_time` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_core` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `cust_tel` varchar(15) DEFAULT '1', `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `customer_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `seller` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `total_amount_debit` double DEFAULT 0, `total_amount_credit` double DEFAULT 0, `mtn_momo_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `cheque_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `from_deposit` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `current_bal` double DEFAULT 0, `amount_given` double DEFAULT 0, `change_given` double DEFAULT 0, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `del_reason_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `del_notes` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `del_date` date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`trans_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=20 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.cust_trans: ~19 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_trans` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cust_trans` (`trans_id`, `vert_sales`, `trans_date`, `trans_time`, `trans_core`, `trans_type`, `cust_tel`, `cust_id`, `customer_name`, `branch_id`, `seller`, `total_amount_debit`, `total_amount_credit`, `mtn_momo_amount`, `cheque_amount`, `from_deposit`, `current_bal`, `amount_given`, `change_given`, `notes`, `deleted`, `del_reason_id`, `del_notes`, `del_date`) VALUES (1, '0', '2021-10-27', '08:26:29am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 9800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9800, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (2, '0', '2021-10-27', '08:28:15am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 23800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23800, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (3, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:04:27am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 14560, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14560, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (4, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:11:55am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 2, 'opoku farms', 1, 19, 14560, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14560, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (5, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:12:31am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 840, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (6, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:12:43am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 12600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12600, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (7, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:15:43am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 9240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9240, 0, NULL, 1, 1, '', '2021-10-27'), (8, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:38:21am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 9520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9520, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (9, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:39:14am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 9240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9240, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (10, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:44:00am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 12600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12600, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (11, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:44:11am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 1400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1400, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (12, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:44:32am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 12320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12320, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (13, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:45:30am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 12320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12320, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (14, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:46:56am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 280, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 280, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (15, '1', '2021-10-27', '09:47:29am', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 1120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1120, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (16, '1', '2021-11-01', '07:27:47pm', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 1120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1120, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (17, '1', '2021-11-01', '10:09:16pm', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 19, 9520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9520, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (18, '1', '2021-11-01', '10:13:16pm', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 13, 132, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 132, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), (19, '1', '2021-11-05', '10:04:21pm', 'sales', 'cash_invoice', '', 0, 'customer', 1, 13, 14560, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14560, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_trans` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.cust_trans_details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cust_trans_details` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `unit` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `base_qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `cost_price` double DEFAULT NULL, `tax` double NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=20 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.cust_trans_details: ~19 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_trans_details` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cust_trans_details` (`id`, `trans_id`, `item_id`, `unit`, `qty`, `base_qty`, `amount`, `cost_price`, `tax`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, 1, 11, 1, 35, 35, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (2, 2, 11, 1, 85, 85, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (3, 3, 11, 1, 52, 52, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (4, 4, 11, 1, 52, 52, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (5, 5, 11, 1, 3, 3, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (6, 6, 11, 1, 45, 45, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (7, 7, 11, 1, 33, 33, 280, 0, 0, b'1'), (8, 8, 11, 1, 34, 34, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (9, 9, 11, 1, 33, 33, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (10, 10, 11, 1, 45, 45, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (11, 11, 11, 1, 5, 5, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (12, 12, 11, 1, 44, 44, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (13, 13, 11, 1, 44, 44, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (14, 14, 11, 1, 1, 1, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (15, 15, 11, 1, 4, 4, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (16, 16, 11, 1, 4, 4, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (17, 17, 11, 1, 34, 34, 280, 0, 0, b'0'), (18, 18, 586, 1, 4, 4, 33, 0, 0, b'0'), (19, 19, 11, 1, 52, 52, 280, 0, 0, b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_trans_details` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.cust_trans_waybill CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cust_trans_waybill` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_title` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'way bill', `trans_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `packed_by` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `vehicle_no` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `transport_to` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `deleted` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `trans_id` (`trans_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.cust_trans_waybill: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_trans_waybill` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cust_trans_waybill` (`id`, `trans_title`, `trans_id`, `packed_by`, `vehicle_no`, `transport_to`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, 'way bill', 6469, '', '', '', '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cust_trans_waybill` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.del_reasons CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `del_reasons` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `del_reason` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.del_reasons: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `del_reasons` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `del_reasons` (`id`, `del_reason`) VALUES (1, 'Double Entry'), (2, 'Item Returned'), (3, 'Mistake Entry'), (4, 'Double Entry'), (5, 'Item Returned'), (6, 'Mistake Entry'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `del_reasons` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.developer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `developer` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `co_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `website` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `addr` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `tel` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `office_line` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ad_text` tinytext NOT NULL, `support_text` tinytext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.developer: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `developer` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `developer` (`id`, `co_name`, `website`, `email`, `addr`, `tel`, `office_line`, `ad_text`, `support_text`) VALUES (1, 'enovaticom', 'www.enovaticom.com', 'alilucomputer@gmail.com', 'p.o.box ', '0571858034', '0', 'Developer Enovaticom. cantact us for business software', 'for any issue with the software, please cantac us'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `developer` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.gl_banking CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gl_banking` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `acc_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `voucher_code` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `debit_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `credit_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `seller` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `memo` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `deleted_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1129 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.gl_banking: ~1,128 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_banking` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `gl_banking` (`id`, `trans_date`, `trans_type`, `acc_code`, `voucher_code`, `debit_amount`, `credit_amount`, `seller`, `branch_id`, `memo`, `deleted_date`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '2019-01-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1373868', 6822.2, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit made by ofori to fbn bank.', NULL, b'0'), (2, '2019-01-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1373868', 6500, 0, 1, 1, 'by ofori randolf', NULL, b'0'), (3, '2019-01-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1373871', 12, 0, 1, 1, 'deposited by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (4, '2019-01-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1373871', 12203, 0, 1, 1, 'deposited by ofori. transaction wrongly keyed as 12 cedis now corrected.', NULL, b'0'), (5, '2019-01-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1373872', 14794, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (6, '2019-01-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1373873', 7390, 0, 1, 1, 'deposited by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (7, '2019-01-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1373875', 14309.2, 0, 1, 1, 'being dep. made by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (8, '2019-01-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1373876', 10607, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. made by ofori. this deposite comprise of both thursday and friday.24-25/01/19', NULL, b'0'), (9, '2019-01-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1373877', 17017.4, 0, 1, 1, 'being deposit of 29/01/19 sales.', NULL, b'0'), (10, '2019-02-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1373878', 6581, 0, 1, 1, 'deposited by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (11, '2019-02-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1373879', 1453.5, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (12, '2019-02-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1373880', 1125, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (13, '2019-02-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1373881', 3172, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (14, '2019-02-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1373882', 8881, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by offori', NULL, b'0'), (15, '2019-02-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1373883', 11374, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (16, '2019-02-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1373884', 20918, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (17, '2019-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1373885', 6689, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'1'), (18, '2019-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1373885', 6689, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (19, '2019-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1373886', 12544, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (20, '2019-02-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1373890', 4940, 0, 1, 1, 'afternoon dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (21, '2019-02-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1373888', 1525, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (22, '2019-02-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1373887', 1954, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (23, '2019-02-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1373891', 2820, 0, 1, 1, 'dep. by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (24, '2019-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1828', 10, 0, 1, 1, '', NULL, b'0'), (25, '2019-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1828', 10, 0, 1, 1, 'money to bank', NULL, b'0'), (26, '2019-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1828', 10205, 0, 1, 1, 'money to bank', NULL, b'0'), (27, '2019-02-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2473', 7910, 0, 1, 1, 'money deposited at bank', NULL, b'0'), (28, '2019-02-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm998', 2696, 0, 1, 1, 'money deposited at bank', NULL, b'0'), (29, '2019-02-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1959', 5770, 0, 1, 1, 'money deposited to bank', NULL, b'0'), (30, '2019-02-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1373898', 12026, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit made to bank', NULL, b'0'), (31, '2019-02-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1373899', 6755, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit made to bank', NULL, b'0'), (32, '2019-02-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1373899', 6755, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit made to bank', NULL, b'0'), (33, '2019-02-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1501311', 1033, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit of money to bank', NULL, b'0'), (34, '2019-02-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1501312', 5750, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit made to bank', NULL, b'0'), (35, '2019-02-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1501317', 14100, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit at the bank', NULL, b'0'), (36, '2019-02-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1501319', 576, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (37, '2019-02-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1501320', 8930.5, 0, 1, 1, 'dep by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (38, '2019-03-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1501316', 600, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit', NULL, b'0'), (39, '2019-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1501326', 2664.5, 0, 1, 1, 'cash to bank by ofori in the morning around 10:00am.', NULL, b'0'), (40, '2019-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1501327', 8, 0, 1, 1, 'cash to bank by ofori in the morning around 10:00am.', NULL, b'0'), (41, '2019-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1373944', 3, 0, 1, 1, 'cheque deposit by ofori at 10am in the morning.\r\n \r\nchq. details; \r\nbank name: hfc bank \r\nchq. number: 510377\r\namt: 3,244.00', NULL, b'0'), (42, '2019-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1501327', 8706, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by ofori around 10am in the morning', NULL, b'0'), (43, '2019-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1373944', 3244, 0, 1, 1, 'chq. deposit by ofori around 10am in the morning', NULL, b'0'), (44, '2019-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1501328', 12000, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori at 4:30pm', NULL, b'0'), (45, '2019-03-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1501329', 8137.8, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit at bank by ofori at 09:30am in the morning. being part of sales proceeds on 11/03/19 after an initial deposit of ghs12000 and an expense of ghs211.20(ghs100 being cash from matilda to mr. opoku) made from the total sales of ghs20349.', NULL, b'0'), (46, '2019-03-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1501330', 11742, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by ofori at 09:00am in the morning.\r\n\r\nbeing balance of ghs22000 meant for the purchase of hendrix on 11/03/19 by mr. opoku of which ghs10258(46bags) worth of hendrix was purchased.', NULL, b'0'), (47, '2019-03-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1501331', 5000, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank', NULL, b'0'), (48, '2019-03-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1373945', 28975, 0, 1, 1, 'being cheque deposit to bank by ofori in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (49, '2019-03-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1373945', 14110, 0, 1, 1, 'being cheque deposit to bank by ofori in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (50, '2019-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1373948', 3417, 0, 1, 1, 'chq. deposit by ofori in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (51, '2019-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1501333', 14820, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (52, '2019-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1501334', 7785.1, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit of 7785.10 by ofori in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (53, '2019-03-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1501335', 9403, 0, 1, 1, 'being amount deposited at the bank by mr.randolf ofori in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (54, '2019-03-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1501337', 7275, 0, 1, 1, 'being amount deposited at the bank by mr. randolf ofori in the afternoon.', NULL, b'0'), (55, '2019-03-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1501338', 1921, 0, 1, 1, 'being cash deposit to bank by mr. randolf ofori. that is, cash at hand by cob tuesday, 19/03/19.', NULL, b'0'), (56, '2019-03-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1501339', 10400, 0, 1, 1, 'being cash deposit to bank by mr. ofori from cash received from sales and payments.', NULL, b'0'), (57, '2019-03-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1373949', 5000, 0, 1, 1, 'being chq. deposit by ofori in the afternoon presented by bro. prince.\r\n\r\ndetails hfc 510380', NULL, b'0'), (58, '2019-03-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1501344', 7611, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to back by ofori. being cash at hand by close of business 24/03/19.', NULL, b'0'), (59, '2019-03-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1501346', 8530, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by ofori; being part of total cash sales for today(25/03/19).', NULL, b'0'), (60, '2019-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1501347', 635, 0, 1, 1, 'being cash deposit to bank by ofori from cash at hand(ghs3295) by close of business(25/03/19)', NULL, b'0'), (61, '2019-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1501348', 5645, 0, 1, 1, 'being cash deposit to bank from total cash sales today by mr. ofori.', NULL, b'0'), (62, '2019-03-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1501349', 48, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank . being cash at hand by cob 26/03/19.', NULL, b'0'), (63, '2019-03-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1501350', 6360, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank . being part of cash received from sales and customer payments.', NULL, b'0'), (64, '2019-03-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1500768', 6550, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit to bank by ofori in the morning. bring cash at hand by cob 28/03/19.', NULL, b'0'), (65, '2019-03-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1500770', 7000, 0, 1, 1, 'deposit to bank from cash sales by ofori in the afternoon.', NULL, b'0'), (66, '2019-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1500771', 1890.7, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by ofori in the morning. being cash at hand by close of business 29/03/19.', NULL, b'0'), (67, '2019-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1500772', 5063.5, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by ofori in the morning. being cash at hand by cob 30/03/19.', NULL, b'0'), (68, '2019-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1500773', 16175, 0, 1, 1, 'cash deposit to bank in the afternoon by ofori in the afternoon from cash sales and customer payment.', NULL, b'0'), (69, '2019-04-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1500774', 10592, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by mr. ofori in the morning. being cash at hand by cob 03/04/19.', NULL, b'0'), (70, '2019-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1500775', 6135, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by mr. opoku-darko. being cash at hand by cob 04-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (71, '2019-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1500776', 6523.4, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by mr. opoku-darko. being cash at hand by cob 05-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (72, '2019-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1500777', 4000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by mr. opoku-darko. being part of cash received from sales on 06-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (73, '2019-04-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1500778', 3083, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being cash at hand by cob 06-04-19', NULL, b'0'), (74, '2019-04-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1500779', 13450, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being payment of goods on credit by mr. opoku of opoku farms.', NULL, b'0'), (75, '2019-04-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1373914', 4000, 0, 11, 1, 'cheque deposit by randolf ofori. being cheque payment by bro. prince.', NULL, b'0'), (76, '2019-04-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1373916', 4000, 0, 11, 1, 'chq. deposit by ofori ifo bro. prince.\r\n\r\nnb: hfc number 510384', NULL, b'0'), (77, '2019-04-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1500780', 10929, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by martin opoku-darko. being balance of cash at hand by cob 16-04-19 after ghs9500 was given to mr. opoku and ofori to purchase goods from ashvet.', NULL, b'0'), (78, '2019-04-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1500781', 10000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by martin opoku-darko. being part of cash received on 16-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (79, '2019-04-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1501863', 12000, 0, 11, 1, 'deposit to bank. being part of cash sales and customer payment on 17-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (80, '2019-04-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1501864', 3249, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank. being cash at hand by cob 16-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (81, '2019-04-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1501865', 11952.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit made by martin.', NULL, b'0'), (82, '2019-04-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1501866', 411, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit made by martin.', NULL, b'0'), (83, '2019-04-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1501867', 2897, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit made by martin.', NULL, b'0'), (84, '2019-04-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1501868', 330, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by martin.', NULL, b'0'), (85, '2019-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1501869', 9375, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by martin.', NULL, b'0'), (86, '2019-04-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1373917', 4000, 0, 11, 1, 'chq. deposit by ofori randolf on behalf of bro. prince.', NULL, b'0'), (87, '2019-04-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1501870', 7843.2, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being cash at hand by cob 26/04/19.', NULL, b'0'), (88, '2019-04-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1501871', 7370, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being part of cash sales on 27/04/19.', NULL, b'0'), (89, '2019-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1373918', 3186, 0, 11, 1, 'chq. deposit by ofori randolf. being chq. presented by bro. prince.', NULL, b'0'), (90, '2019-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1501872', 6381, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf in the morning.', NULL, b'0'), (91, '2019-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1501873', 4517, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being part of cash at hand by cob 25/04/19.', NULL, b'0'), (92, '2019-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1501874', 15630, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf in the afternoon. being part of cash received on 29/04/19', NULL, b'0'), (93, '2019-04-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1501875', 2575, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being cash at hand by cob 29/04/19.', NULL, b'0'), (94, '2019-04-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1501876', 13000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori randolf. being part of cash received on 30-04-19.', NULL, b'0'), (95, '2019-05-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1501883', 4231, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit made by ofori randolf. being cash at hand by close of business 04-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (96, '2019-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1501882', 10, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank. being part of cash received from sales on saturday 04-05-19', NULL, b'0'), (97, '2019-05-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1501877', 2297, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori .being cash at hand by cob 30-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (98, '2019-05-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1501878', 19027, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 01-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (99, '2019-05-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1501879', 6870, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori.being cash at hand by cob 02-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (100, '2019-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1501881', 6912.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 03-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (101, '2019-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1501882', 10000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on saturday 04-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (102, '2019-05-07', 'deposit', '7777', '1501884', 415, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being part of cash at hand by cob 06-05-19 after ghs7500 was used to pay supplier(tfm) for 500bags of wheatbran.', NULL, b'0'), (103, '2019-05-07', 'deposit', '7777', '1501885', 8500, 0, 11, 1, 'being part of cash received on 07-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (104, '2019-05-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1501886', 1548.6, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit made by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 07-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (105, '2019-05-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1501887', 5426.6, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 08-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (106, '2019-05-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1501888', 2096, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 09-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (107, '2019-05-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1501890', 4875, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 10-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (108, '2019-05-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1501891', 4238, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori . being cash at hand by close of business 10-1-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (109, '2019-05-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1501892', 6513.2, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 11-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (110, '2019-05-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1501893', 19000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 13-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (111, '2019-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1501895', 352.1, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 13-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (112, '2019-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1501896', 15000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori.being part of cash received on 14-25-19.', NULL, b'0'), (113, '2019-05-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1501897', 13000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 15-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (114, '2019-05-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1501898', 417, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 14-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (115, '2019-05-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1501899', 2487.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 15-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (116, '2019-05-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1501900', 2700, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 16-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (117, '2019-05-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1503166', 24.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori. being cash at hand by cob 16-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (118, '2019-05-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1503167', 7000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 17-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (119, '2019-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1503168', 2566, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori. being cash at hand by cob 17-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (120, '2019-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1503169', 8000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by mr. ofori. being part of cash sales on 18-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (121, '2019-05-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1503171', 4458.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori.being cash at hand by close of business 18-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (122, '2019-05-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1373921', 2800, 0, 11, 1, 'chq. deposit by randolf ofori. being part payment by bro. prince.', NULL, b'0'), (123, '2019-05-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1503172', 10974, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 20-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (124, '2019-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1503173', 3842.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 21-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (125, '2019-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1503174', 11000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash sales on 22-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (126, '2019-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1503175', 8000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by martin. being part of sales on 22-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (127, '2019-05-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1503177', 263, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 22-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (128, '2019-05-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1503176', 23000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 23-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (129, '2019-05-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1503178', 6775, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 23-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (130, '2019-05-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1503179', 7400, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 24-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (131, '2019-05-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1503180', 813, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori.being cash at hand by cob 24-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (132, '2019-05-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1503181', 4000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 25-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (133, '2019-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1503182', 3095, 0, 11, 1, 'deposit to bank by mr. randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 25-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (134, '2019-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1503183', 11700, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by mr. randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 27-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (135, '2019-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1373922', 2800, 0, 11, 1, 'hfc chq. 210391 - chq. deposit of ghs2800 by mr. randolf ofori. being part payment by creditor( bro. prince)', NULL, b'0'), (136, '2019-05-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1503184', 2279, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 27-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (137, '2019-05-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1503185', 7000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 28-05-19.', NULL, b'0'), (138, '2019-06-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1503197', 498, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 04-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (139, '2019-06-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1503198', 3989, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori . being cash at hand by cob 05-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (140, '2019-06-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1502772', 4909, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by ofori. being cash at hand by close of business 08-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (141, '2019-06-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1502773', 14000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by r.ofori.being part of cash received on 10-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (142, '2019-06-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1502774', 816.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by r. ofori. being cash at hand by cob 10-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (143, '2019-06-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1502775', 16400, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by r.ofori. being part of cash received on 11-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (144, '2019-06-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1502776', 1439, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 12-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (145, '2019-06-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1502778', 2747, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by r. ofori. being cash at hand by close of business 15-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (146, '2019-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1502780', 590.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by r. ofori. being cash at hand by cob 18-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (147, '2019-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1502781', 10347, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by r. ofori. being cash at hand by cob 17-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (148, '2019-06-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1518425', 1839.4, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 20-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (149, '2019-06-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1518426', 10000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by randolf ofori. being part of cash received on 21-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (150, '2019-06-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1518428', 6000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash to bank by ofori. being part of cash sales on 22-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (151, '2019-06-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1518431', 7485, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank by randolf ofori. being cash at hand by cob 25-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (152, '2019-06-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1518433', 19000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit to bank. being part of cash received on 25-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (153, '2019-06-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1518438', 109.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by adams fataw. being cash at hand by cob 25-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (154, '2019-06-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1518435', 5647, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by adams fataw. being cash at hand by cob 26-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (155, '2019-06-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1518439', 12950.5, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by adams fataw. being cash at hand by cob 28-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (156, '2019-06-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1518440', 12000, 0, 11, 1, 'cash deposit by adams fataw. being cash part of cash sales on 28-06-19.', NULL, b'0'), (157, '2019-07-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm828', 11289.5, 0, 12, 1, 'cash dep by fatau adam ifo moonlight farms', NULL, b'0'), (158, '2019-07-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2395', 14500, 0, 12, 1, 'bank deposit made to fbn bank by fataw', NULL, b'0'), (159, '2019-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2260', 7942.5, 0, 12, 1, 'sales balance send to bank \r\n date: 08-07-2019 and 13-07-2019 by ofori randolf', NULL, b'0'), (160, '2019-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1518446', 3996, 0, 12, 1, 'sales balance send to bank \r\n date: 15-07-2019 by ofori randolf', NULL, b'0'), (161, '2019-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2323', 17, 0, 12, 1, 'money send to bank\r\n by ofori randolf', NULL, b'0'), (162, '2019-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2323', 16983, 0, 12, 1, 'money send to bank by ofori rando', NULL, b'0'), (163, '2019-07-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1285', 3360, 0, 12, 1, 'sales balance send to bank date 19-07-2019', NULL, b'0'), (164, '2019-07-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1279', 8433, 0, 12, 1, 'sales balance send to bank date 20-07-2019', NULL, b'0'), (165, '2019-07-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3065', 5773, 0, 12, 1, '26-07-2019 sales balance sent to bank by randolf', NULL, b'0'), (166, '2019-07-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2208', 8730, 0, 12, 1, '27-07-2019 sales balance send to bank by adam fataw', NULL, b'0'), (167, '2019-07-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1517666', 1678.5, 0, 12, 1, '25-07-2019 sales balance send to bank by ohemaa', NULL, b'0'), (168, '2019-08-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1876', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (169, '2019-08-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm610', 862, 0, 12, 1, '01-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (170, '2019-08-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm629', 235, 0, 12, 1, 'pay back money by tony (koudjis) 17-07-2019', NULL, b'0'), (171, '2019-08-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm677', 14480, 0, 12, 1, '31-07-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (172, '2019-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3052', 12182, 0, 12, 1, '02-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (173, '2019-08-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm421', 6395.5, 0, 12, 1, '03-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (174, '2019-08-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm345', 40.5, 0, 12, 1, 'abdul short send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (175, '2019-08-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm28', 6536, 0, 12, 1, '08-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (176, '2019-08-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2654', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by fataw abdul 09-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (177, '2019-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3096', 719, 0, 12, 1, '09-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ohemaa', NULL, b'0'), (178, '2019-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3538', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori 10-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (179, '2019-08-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm211', 11224, 0, 12, 1, '12-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by fataw', NULL, b'0'), (180, '2019-08-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm202', 6667.5, 0, 12, 1, '10-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by fataw', NULL, b'0'), (181, '2019-08-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2947', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by fataw 13-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (182, '2019-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm219', 2846, 0, 12, 1, '13-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (183, '2019-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2341', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori 14-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (184, '2019-08-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm124', 1078, 0, 12, 1, '14-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (185, '2019-08-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm122', 10368.5, 0, 12, 1, '15-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (186, '2019-08-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2009', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 16-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (187, '2019-08-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3097', 5731.5, 0, 12, 1, '16-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by fataw', NULL, b'0'), (188, '2019-08-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2897', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by fataw', NULL, b'0'), (189, '2019-08-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm119', 1520, 0, 12, 1, '19-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (190, '2019-08-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2043', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by fataw 20-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (191, '2019-08-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2110', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by fataw 20-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (192, '2019-08-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm260', 733, 0, 12, 1, '20-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (193, '2019-08-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1453', 4716.5, 0, 12, 1, '22-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (194, '2019-08-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1486', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (195, '2019-08-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2309', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (196, '2019-08-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3132', 3723, 0, 12, 1, '23-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (197, '2019-08-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2071', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori 27-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (198, '2019-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm308', 3071.5, 0, 12, 1, '27-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (199, '2019-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2081', 16776, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori 28-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (200, '2019-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2086', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori 28-08-2019', NULL, b'0'), (201, '2019-08-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1708', 2329, 0, 12, 1, '28-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (202, '2019-08-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1739', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to by ofori 29-08-19', NULL, b'0'), (203, '2019-08-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1760', 48, 0, 12, 1, '21-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (204, '2019-08-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm180', 615.5, 0, 12, 1, '29-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (205, '2019-08-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm243', 200, 0, 12, 1, 'part payment made by collins amankwa (refund debit )', NULL, b'0'), (206, '2019-08-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3012', 5855.5, 0, 12, 1, '30-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (207, '2019-08-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3298', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori 31-08-19', NULL, b'0'), (208, '2019-09-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm618', 48, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori m-bike 28-08-19', NULL, b'0'), (209, '2019-09-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm577', 4961, 0, 12, 1, '31-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (210, '2019-09-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1946', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ohemaa 03-09-19', NULL, b'0'), (211, '2019-09-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1194', 4706.5, 0, 12, 1, '03-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (212, '2019-09-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1209', 23, 0, 12, 1, 'abdul august short send to by ofori 04-09-19', NULL, b'0'), (213, '2019-09-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1190', 5.5, 0, 12, 1, 'mr duah balance send to bank by ofori (wheat bran)', NULL, b'0'), (214, '2019-09-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1076', 5079.5, 0, 12, 1, '04-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (215, '2019-09-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2218', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 05-09-19', NULL, b'0'), (216, '2019-09-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm92', 178.5, 0, 12, 1, '05-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (217, '2019-09-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1990', 28000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 06-05-2019', NULL, b'0'), (218, '2019-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3274', 5897.5, 0, 12, 1, '06-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by emma', NULL, b'0'), (219, '2019-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3316', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 07-09-19', NULL, b'0'), (220, '2019-09-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2184', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by fataw09-09-2019', NULL, b'0'), (221, '2019-09-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1676', 2426, 0, 12, 1, '09-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by emma', NULL, b'0'), (222, '2019-09-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1692', 1010, 0, 12, 1, '10-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by emma', NULL, b'0'), (223, '2019-09-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm769', 3130, 0, 12, 1, '12-09-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (224, '2019-09-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm286', 69, 0, 12, 1, '13-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (225, '2019-09-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2400', 15786, 0, 12, 1, 'sales sand to bank by ohemaa 17-09-2019', NULL, b'0'), (226, '2019-09-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1260', 2243.4, 0, 12, 1, '17-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (227, '2019-09-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm982', 6202, 0, 12, 1, '18-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (228, '2019-09-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm11714', 5695, 0, 12, 1, '19-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (229, '2019-09-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1195', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'seals send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (230, '2019-09-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2081', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (231, '2019-09-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3186', 1174.5, 0, 12, 1, '20-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (232, '2019-09-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3175', 6000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (233, '2019-09-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm165', 4208, 0, 12, 1, '21-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (234, '2019-09-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm157', 13063, 0, 12, 1, '23-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (235, '2019-09-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1824', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (236, '2019-09-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm27', 4583, 0, 12, 1, '24-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (237, '2019-09-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2151', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (238, '2019-09-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1342', 5273, 0, 12, 1, '25-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (239, '2019-09-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1335', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (240, '2019-09-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm194', 1471, 0, 12, 1, '26-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (241, '2019-09-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm185', 6000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (242, '2019-09-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1392', 6000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (243, '2019-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3167', 4695, 0, 12, 1, '27-09-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (244, '2019-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1470994', 24000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (245, '2019-09-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm186', 2251.5, 0, 12, 1, '28-09-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (246, '2019-09-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2205', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (247, '2019-10-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm79', 2333, 0, 12, 1, '30-09-2019 sales balance send bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (248, '2019-10-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1162', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (249, '2019-10-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm852', 5136.5, 0, 12, 1, '01-10-2019 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (250, '2019-10-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm334', 4, 0, 12, 1, 'end of month short send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (251, '2019-10-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm359', 8413.3, 0, 12, 1, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (252, '2019-10-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3199', 8834.5, 0, 12, 1, '04-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (253, '2019-10-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3204', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (254, '2019-10-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1780', 4171.5, 0, 12, 1, '07-10-2019 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (255, '2019-10-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1790', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (256, '2019-10-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1471256', 8770.2, 0, 12, 1, '09-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (257, '2019-10-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1805', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (258, '2019-10-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm174', 2413, 0, 12, 1, '10-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (259, '2019-10-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1884', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (260, '2019-10-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1992', 2800, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (261, '2019-10-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm247', 466.5, 0, 12, 1, '11-10-19 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (262, '2019-10-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm241', 7399.5, 0, 12, 1, '12-10-19 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (263, '2019-10-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm143', 6073.1, 0, 12, 1, '17-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (264, '2019-10-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm148', 55, 0, 12, 1, '14-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (265, '2019-10-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm152', 15, 0, 12, 1, '15-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (266, '2019-10-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm154', 10, 0, 12, 1, '16-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (267, '2019-10-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3085', 30, 0, 12, 1, '18-10-2019 motor bike sales', NULL, b'0'), (268, '2019-10-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3082', 28119.8, 0, 12, 1, '18-10-2019 sales balance send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (269, '2019-10-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3344', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (270, '2019-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm238', 5, 0, 12, 1, '19-10-2019 motor bike sales', NULL, b'0'), (271, '2019-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm255', 30, 0, 12, 1, '21-10-2019 motor bike sales', NULL, b'0'), (272, '2019-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm261', 4272.9, 0, 12, 1, '19-10-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (273, '2019-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm268', 19914, 0, 12, 1, '21-10-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (274, '2019-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm277', 14809, 0, 12, 1, '22-10-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (275, '2019-10-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm835', 25, 0, 12, 1, '23-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (276, '2019-10-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm844', 40, 0, 12, 1, '24-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (277, '2019-10-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm861', 13838.5, 0, 12, 1, '24-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (278, '2019-10-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm71', 100, 0, 12, 1, '26-10-2019 sales motor bike send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (279, '2019-10-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm419', 35, 0, 12, 1, '28-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (280, '2019-10-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm406', 13264.1, 0, 12, 1, '28-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (281, '2019-10-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2080', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (282, '2019-10-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm382', 30, 0, 12, 1, '29-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (283, '2019-10-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm374', 4301.8, 0, 12, 1, '29-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (284, '2019-10-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2204', 6500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (285, '2019-10-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm111', 20, 0, 12, 1, '30-10-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (286, '2019-10-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm104', 1828.6, 0, 12, 1, '30-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (287, '2019-11-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3411', 20, 0, 12, 1, '01-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (288, '2019-11-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3409', 7332.4, 0, 12, 1, '01-11-2019 sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (289, '2019-11-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm411', 30, 0, 12, 1, '02-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (290, '2019-11-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1841', 13744.7, 0, 12, 1, '02-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (291, '2019-11-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1835', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (292, '2019-11-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm751', 662.5, 0, 12, 1, '04-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (293, '2019-11-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1811', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (294, '2019-11-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1805', 55, 0, 12, 1, '05-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (295, '2019-11-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1776', 6941, 0, 12, 1, '05-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (296, '2019-11-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1087', 1962.5, 0, 12, 1, '06-10-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (297, '2019-11-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1097', 8, 0, 12, 1, 'fataw end of month short send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (298, '2019-11-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2166', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (299, '2019-11-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm115', 15, 0, 12, 1, '08-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (300, '2019-11-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm132', 30, 0, 12, 1, '07-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (301, '2019-11-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm140', 20, 0, 12, 1, '09-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (302, '2019-11-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm275', 11333.3, 0, 12, 1, '11-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (303, '2019-11-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm992', 65, 0, 12, 1, '12-11-2019 motor sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (304, '2019-11-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm985', 20, 0, 12, 1, '14-11-2019 motor sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (305, '2019-11-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm951', 7646.5, 0, 12, 1, '12-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (306, '2019-11-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm959', 980.5, 0, 12, 1, '13-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (307, '2019-11-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm977', 4637, 0, 12, 1, '14-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (308, '2019-11-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1096', 2030.5, 0, 12, 1, '16-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (309, '2019-11-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1417', 47, 0, 12, 1, '18-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (310, '2019-11-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1441', 35, 0, 12, 1, '20-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (311, '2019-11-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1383', 13799.8, 0, 12, 1, '20-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (312, '2019-11-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1470550', 40, 0, 12, 1, '21-11-2019 motor bike sales sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (313, '2019-11-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1583434', 55, 0, 12, 1, '22-11-2019 motor bike sales sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (314, '2019-11-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1471292', 1860, 0, 12, 1, '22-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (315, '2019-11-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1471293', 30814, 0, 12, 1, '23-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (316, '2019-11-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1471294', 15800, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (317, '2019-11-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm333', 3805, 0, 12, 1, '25-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (318, '2019-11-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1639268', 20, 0, 12, 1, '26-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (319, '2019-11-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1168', 4161.5, 0, 12, 1, '27-11-2019 sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (320, '2019-11-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2040', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (321, '2019-11-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1506', 75, 0, 12, 1, '28-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (322, '2019-11-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1518', 904, 0, 12, 1, '28-11-2019 sales balance send to bank ofori', NULL, b'0'), (323, '2019-11-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2410', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (324, '2019-11-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3259', 10, 0, 12, 1, '29-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (325, '2019-11-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3251', 791, 0, 12, 1, '29-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (326, '2019-11-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3639', 26000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (327, '2019-12-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1582514', 6645, 0, 12, 1, '30-11-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (328, '2019-12-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1639631', 20, 0, 12, 1, '30-11-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (329, '2019-12-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm47', 45, 0, 12, 1, '02-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (330, '2019-12-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2376', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (331, '2019-12-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1068', 35, 0, 12, 1, '03-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (332, '2019-12-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1076', 3270.5, 0, 12, 1, '03-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (333, '2019-12-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2088', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (334, '2019-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2024', 40, 0, 12, 1, '09-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (335, '2019-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2489', 45, 0, 12, 1, '06-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (336, '2019-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2029', 10421, 0, 12, 1, '09-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (337, '2019-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2465', 2978, 0, 12, 1, '04-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (338, '2019-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2451', 10502, 0, 12, 1, '05-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (339, '2019-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2435', 6996.5, 0, 12, 1, '06-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (340, '2019-12-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm417', 20, 0, 12, 1, '11-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (341, '2019-12-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm429', 35, 0, 12, 1, '12-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (342, '2019-12-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm434', 1010, 0, 12, 1, '11-12-2019 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (343, '2019-12-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm449', 19234, 0, 12, 1, '12-12-2019 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (344, '2019-12-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm685', 4620.5, 0, 12, 1, '10-12-2019 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (345, '2019-12-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm388', 80, 0, 12, 1, '14-12-2019 motor bike sale send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (346, '2019-12-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm37', 27410.3, 0, 12, 1, '16-12-2019 sales balance send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (347, '2019-12-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm425', 15236.7, 0, 12, 1, 'momo balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (348, '2019-12-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm156', 13011, 0, 12, 1, '18-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (349, '2019-12-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm272', 60, 0, 12, 1, '18-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (350, '2019-12-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm230', 38, 0, 12, 1, '19-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (351, '2019-12-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm279', 35, 0, 12, 1, '21-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (352, '2019-12-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3250', 60, 0, 12, 1, '24-12-2019 motor bike sales send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (353, '2019-12-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3254', 55, 0, 12, 1, '27-12-2019 motor bike sales send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (354, '2019-12-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3244', 1472, 0, 12, 1, '25-12-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (355, '2019-12-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3248', 1320, 0, 12, 1, '24-12-2019 sales balance send to by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (356, '2019-12-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3463', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (357, '2019-12-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3774', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (358, '2019-12-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm24', 4477, 0, 12, 1, '28-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (359, '2019-12-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm78', 40, 0, 12, 1, '30-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (360, '2019-12-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm69', 5070.5, 0, 12, 1, '30-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (361, '2019-12-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1775', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (362, '2020-01-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm190', 20, 0, 12, 1, '31-12-2019 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (363, '2020-01-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm179', 9525, 0, 12, 1, '31-12-2019 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (364, '2020-01-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1918', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (365, '2020-01-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2613', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (366, '2020-01-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3058', 1493, 0, 12, 1, '03-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (367, '2020-01-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3317', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (368, '2020-01-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1017', 45, 0, 12, 1, '04-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (369, '2020-01-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1035', 26438, 0, 12, 1, '04-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (370, '2020-01-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2384', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (371, '2020-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm123', 20, 0, 12, 1, '06-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (372, '2020-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm127', 15, 0, 12, 1, '07-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (373, '2020-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm137', 3024, 0, 12, 1, '06-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (374, '2020-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm144', 6562, 0, 12, 1, '07-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (375, '2020-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2811', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (376, '2020-01-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm194', 410.5, 0, 12, 1, '08-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (377, '2020-01-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm24', 15, 0, 12, 1, '09-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (378, '2020-01-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm19', 1874, 0, 12, 1, '09-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (379, '2020-01-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2157', 24000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (380, '2020-01-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2995', 2515, 0, 12, 1, '10-01-2020 sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (381, '2020-01-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3129', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (382, '2020-01-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3004', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (383, '2020-01-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm376', 2671, 0, 12, 1, '11-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanel', NULL, b'0'), (384, '2020-01-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2231', 14600, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (385, '2020-01-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm57', 40, 0, 12, 1, '13-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (386, '2020-01-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm66', 865, 0, 12, 1, '13-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (387, '2020-01-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1535075', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (388, '2020-01-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm207', 35, 0, 12, 1, '14-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (389, '2020-01-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm162', 1279.5, 0, 12, 1, '14-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (390, '2020-01-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm189', 12137, 0, 12, 1, '15-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (391, '2020-01-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm217', 13413, 0, 12, 1, '16-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (392, '2020-01-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm513', 40, 0, 12, 1, '17-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (393, '2020-01-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1535081', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (394, '2020-01-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm49', 20, 0, 12, 1, '20-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (395, '2020-01-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm27', 2661, 0, 12, 1, '20-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (396, '2020-01-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1535083', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (397, '2020-01-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2626', 30, 0, 12, 1, '21-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (398, '2020-01-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2630', 120, 0, 12, 1, '24-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (399, '2020-01-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2618', 2726, 0, 12, 1, '23-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (400, '2020-01-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2622', 1445, 0, 12, 1, '24-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (401, '2020-01-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm45', 6610, 0, 12, 1, '27-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (402, '2020-01-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2096', 7800, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (403, '2020-01-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2193', 2117, 0, 12, 1, '28-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (404, '2020-01-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2229', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (405, '2020-01-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1361', 40, 0, 12, 1, '29-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (406, '2020-01-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1353', 560, 0, 12, 1, '29-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (407, '2020-01-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2299', 25, 0, 12, 1, '30-01-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (408, '2020-01-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2322', 4074, 0, 12, 1, '30-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmenuel', NULL, b'0'), (409, '2020-01-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2368', 11500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (410, '2020-01-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2759', 17000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (411, '2020-02-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm81', 524.2, 0, 12, 1, '31-01-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (412, '2020-02-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm90', 3817, 0, 12, 1, '01-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (413, '2020-02-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2894', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (414, '2020-02-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm96', 1373, 0, 12, 1, '03-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (415, '2020-02-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm85', 11289, 0, 12, 1, '04-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (416, '2020-02-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm788', 5816.7, 0, 12, 1, '06-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by ofori', NULL, b'0'), (417, '2020-02-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2565', 33000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (418, '2020-02-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2557', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (419, '2020-02-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2823', 1348, 0, 12, 1, '07-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (420, '2020-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1928', 8272.8, 0, 12, 1, '12-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (421, '2020-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1939', 5000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (422, '2020-02-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2233', 4172.5, 0, 12, 1, '13-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (423, '2020-02-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1535467', 30000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (424, '2020-02-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2280', 39796.23, 0, 12, 1, 'momo send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (425, '2020-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2229', 837, 0, 12, 1, '17-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (426, '2020-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2240', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel;', NULL, b'0'), (427, '2020-02-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm780', 251, 0, 12, 1, '18-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (428, '2020-02-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2135', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (429, '2020-02-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1950', 919, 0, 12, 1, '19-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (430, '2020-02-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1940', 16000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (431, '2020-02-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm253', 35, 0, 12, 1, '21-02-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanue', NULL, b'0'), (432, '2020-02-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm246', 50, 0, 12, 1, '20-02-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanue', NULL, b'0'), (433, '2020-02-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm244', 7, 0, 12, 1, '21-02-2020 fataw more send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (434, '2020-02-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2275', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (435, '2020-02-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1535334', 17, 0, 12, 1, '24-02-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (436, '2020-02-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1535477', 416.5, 0, 12, 1, '24-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (437, '2020-02-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1928', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (438, '2020-02-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm800', 6607, 0, 12, 1, '25-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (439, '2020-02-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm186', 30, 0, 12, 1, '26-02-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (440, '2020-02-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm200', 10167.4, 0, 12, 1, '26-02-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (441, '2020-02-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm214', 8615, 0, 12, 1, 'momo sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (442, '2020-02-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2086', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank ny emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (443, '2020-03-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1606', 30, 0, 12, 1, '27-02-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (444, '2020-03-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm29', 20, 0, 12, 1, '02-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (445, '2020-03-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2725', 23500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (446, '2020-03-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1535484', 4902, 0, 12, 1, '03-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (447, '2020-03-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1535485', 7918, 0, 12, 1, '04-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (448, '2020-03-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1535339', 40, 0, 12, 1, '03-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (449, '2020-03-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1535340', 15, 0, 12, 1, '05-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (450, '2020-03-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1706', 10616, 0, 12, 1, '06-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (451, '2020-03-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1764', 11995, 0, 12, 1, 'momo balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (452, '2020-03-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2290', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (453, '2020-03-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1721', 40, 0, 12, 1, '09-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (454, '2020-03-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2839', 25, 0, 12, 1, '10-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (455, '2020-03-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2831', 7144, 0, 12, 1, '12-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (456, '2020-03-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2838', 22818, 0, 12, 1, '13-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (457, '2020-03-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2011', 15, 0, 12, 1, '16-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (458, '2020-03-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1992', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (459, '2020-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2186', 30, 0, 12, 1, '17-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (460, '2020-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2180', 10, 0, 12, 1, 'fataw more send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (461, '2020-03-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm189', 40, 0, 12, 1, '18-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (462, '2020-03-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm184', 2203, 0, 12, 1, '19-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (463, '2020-03-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm838', 8750, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by mad vida labour (wheat bran)', NULL, b'0'), (464, '2020-03-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm666', 8750, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by mad vida labour (wheat bran)', NULL, b'0'), (465, '2020-03-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2101', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (466, '2020-03-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1535346', 70, 0, 12, 1, '21-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (467, '2020-03-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm312', 22709.8, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo sales send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (468, '2020-03-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1072', 22645, 0, 12, 1, '23-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (469, '2020-03-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1029', 15, 0, 12, 1, '23-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (470, '2020-03-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1827', 31000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (471, '2020-03-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1890', 32000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (472, '2020-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1319', 3708, 0, 12, 1, '24-03-2020 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (473, '2020-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1478855', 238, 0, 12, 1, '25-03-2020 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (474, '2020-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1193', 15, 0, 12, 1, '25-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (475, '2020-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1401', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (476, '2020-03-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1435', 15726.5, 0, 12, 1, 'maakro momo balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (477, '2020-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2833', 30, 0, 12, 1, '26-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (478, '2020-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2835', 20, 0, 12, 1, '27-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (479, '2020-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2874', 6625, 0, 12, 1, '26-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (480, '2020-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2825', 8656, 0, 12, 1, '27-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (481, '2020-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2890', 24000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (482, '2020-03-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm219', 49059, 0, 12, 1, '28-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (483, '2020-03-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1162', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (484, '2020-03-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm501', 17500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (485, '2020-03-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm477', 80, 0, 12, 1, '30-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (486, '2020-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm607', 35, 0, 12, 1, '31-03-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (487, '2020-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm669', 4320, 0, 12, 1, '31-03-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (488, '2020-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm660', 19000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (489, '2020-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm377', 40, 0, 12, 1, '03-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (490, '2020-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm378', 893, 0, 12, 1, '01-04-20 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (491, '2020-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm353', 5004, 0, 12, 1, '03-04-20 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (492, '2020-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm360', 5036, 0, 12, 1, '04-04-20 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (493, '2020-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm381', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (494, '2020-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm914', 6500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (495, '2020-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm728', 60, 0, 12, 1, '06-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (496, '2020-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm721', 1121, 0, 12, 1, '06-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (497, '2020-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm692', 18500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (498, '2020-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm711', 21026, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (499, '2020-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm713', 12829, 0, 12, 1, 'maakro momo send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (500, '2020-04-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm170', 3051, 0, 12, 1, '07-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (501, '2020-04-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm172', 8524.8, 0, 12, 1, '08-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (502, '2020-04-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm923', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (503, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm60', 1989, 0, 12, 1, '09-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (504, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm105', 13401, 0, 12, 1, '10-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (505, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm77', 2648, 0, 12, 1, '11-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (506, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm133', 5, 0, 12, 1, 'fataw more send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (507, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm119', 43, 0, 12, 1, '09-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (508, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm125', 35, 0, 12, 1, '10-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (509, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm129', 40, 0, 12, 1, '11-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (510, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1478868', 25000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (511, '2020-04-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1410', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (512, '2020-04-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1178', 40, 0, 12, 1, '14-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (513, '2020-04-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1172', 14500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (514, '2020-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm877', 30, 0, 12, 1, '17-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (515, '2020-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm874', 4723.7, 0, 12, 1, '17-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (516, '2020-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm870', 2504, 0, 12, 1, '18-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (517, '2020-04-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1092', 5829, 0, 12, 1, '20-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (518, '2020-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2020', 40, 0, 12, 1, '20-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (519, '2020-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2022', 25, 0, 12, 1, '23-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (520, '2020-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2010', 18281, 0, 12, 1, '23-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (521, '2020-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2015', 36741, 0, 12, 1, '23-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (522, '2020-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2250', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (523, '2020-04-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2414', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (524, '2020-04-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm70', 10443, 0, 12, 1, '25-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (525, '2020-04-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm95', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (526, '2020-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm92', 11450, 0, 12, 1, '28-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (527, '2020-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1407', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (528, '2020-04-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2033', 13500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (529, '2020-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm873', 40, 0, 12, 1, '30-04-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (530, '2020-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm863', 50, 0, 12, 1, '02-05-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (531, '2020-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm864', 73, 0, 12, 1, '29-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (532, '2020-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm894', 774.5, 0, 12, 1, '30-04-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (533, '2020-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm948', 19336, 0, 12, 1, '01-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (534, '2020-05-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1661', 25000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (535, '2020-05-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2063', 17200, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (536, '2020-05-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1797', 29000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (537, '2020-05-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2512', 13980, 0, 12, 1, '08-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (538, '2020-05-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2516', 30000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (539, '2020-05-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2772', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (540, '2020-05-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1510', 20, 0, 12, 1, '09-05-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (541, '2020-05-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1462', 4148, 0, 12, 1, '09-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (542, '2020-05-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1483', 356, 0, 12, 1, '10-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (543, '2020-05-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1505', 18000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (544, '2020-05-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1547948', 123000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by green g farms dated 12-05-2020', NULL, b'0'), (545, '2020-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1478', 10954, 0, 12, 1, '13-05-2020 sales balance send to by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (546, '2020-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1519', 24000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (547, '2020-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1056', 25000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (548, '2020-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2012', 22000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (549, '2020-05-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm716', 3239, 0, 12, 1, '18-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (550, '2020-05-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1570', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (551, '2020-05-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1581', 6000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (552, '2020-05-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1236', 50, 0, 12, 1, '19-05-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (553, '2020-05-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1195', 883, 0, 12, 1, '19-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (554, '2020-05-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1209', 23663, 0, 12, 1, '20-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (555, '2020-05-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1232', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (556, '2020-05-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1710', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (557, '2020-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1804', 729, 0, 12, 1, '21-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (558, '2020-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1825', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (559, '2020-05-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2248', 15, 0, 12, 1, '25-05-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (560, '2020-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm633', 1280.5, 0, 12, 1, '25-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (561, '2020-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm644', 5697, 0, 12, 1, '26-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (562, '2020-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm640', 20, 0, 12, 1, '26-05-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (563, '2020-05-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1096', 18500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (564, '2020-05-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1553', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (565, '2020-05-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm382', 20, 0, 12, 1, '27-05-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (566, '2020-05-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm421', 5628, 0, 12, 1, '27-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (567, '2020-05-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm432', 3732, 0, 12, 1, '28-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (568, '2020-05-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm437', 19538, 0, 12, 1, '29-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (569, '2020-05-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm447', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (570, '2020-06-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1153', 8096, 0, 12, 1, '30-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (571, '2020-06-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1160', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (572, '2020-06-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1572', 1560.5, 0, 12, 1, '02-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (573, '2020-06-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1559', 13710.5, 0, 12, 1, '03-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (574, '2020-06-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1578', 60, 0, 12, 1, '02-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (575, '2020-06-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1583', 20, 0, 12, 1, '03-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (576, '2020-06-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1548', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (577, '2020-06-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2375', 8500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (578, '2020-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1566', 455, 0, 12, 1, '05-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (579, '2020-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1585', 4429, 0, 12, 1, '06-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (580, '2020-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1669', 13500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (581, '2020-06-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1720', 3585, 0, 12, 1, '08-05-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (582, '2020-06-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1758', 30000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (583, '2020-06-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1767', 7728.9, 0, 12, 1, 'maakro momo send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (584, '2020-06-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm202', 1791, 0, 12, 1, '09-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (585, '2020-06-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm218', 3376.5, 0, 12, 1, '10-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (586, '2020-06-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm450', 183, 0, 12, 1, '12-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (587, '2020-06-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm434', 4210, 0, 12, 1, '13-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (588, '2020-06-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm395', 50, 0, 12, 1, '13-06-2020 motor bike sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (589, '2020-06-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm274', 13120, 0, 12, 1, '15-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (590, '2020-06-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm581', 26099, 0, 12, 1, '16-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanul', NULL, b'0'), (591, '2020-06-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm600', 19000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (592, '2020-06-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1613', 5803, 0, 12, 1, '17-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (593, '2020-06-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1623', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (594, '2020-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1580', 1253.5, 0, 12, 1, '18-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (595, '2020-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1593', 17000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (596, '2020-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1740', 40, 0, 12, 1, '18-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (597, '2020-06-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3333', 2446, 0, 12, 1, '19-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (598, '2020-06-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3346', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (599, '2020-06-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm193', 18267, 0, 12, 1, '20-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (600, '2020-06-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2060', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (601, '2020-06-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm353', 30, 0, 12, 1, '22-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (602, '2020-06-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm358', 20, 0, 12, 1, '23-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (603, '2020-06-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm340', 1250, 0, 12, 1, '22-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (604, '2020-06-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1513824', 9858, 0, 12, 1, '24-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (605, '2020-06-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1513826', 9500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (606, '2020-06-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1513827', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (607, '2020-06-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1479445', 40, 0, 12, 1, '26-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (608, '2020-06-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1513829', 2377, 0, 12, 1, '25-06-2020 sales balance send to by prince', NULL, b'0'), (609, '2020-06-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1513830', 6866.5, 0, 12, 1, '26-06-2020 sales balance send to by prince', NULL, b'0'), (610, '2020-06-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1513831', 8500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (611, '2020-06-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1513832', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (612, '2020-06-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1513833', 1596.5, 0, 12, 1, '29-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (613, '2020-06-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1513834', 25000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (614, '2020-07-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1479446', 65, 0, 12, 1, '30-06-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (615, '2020-07-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1513835', 3145, 0, 12, 1, '30-06-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (616, '2020-07-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1513836', 7500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (617, '2020-07-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1513837', 4710, 0, 12, 1, '01-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (618, '2020-07-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1513838', 3266, 0, 12, 1, '02-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (619, '2020-07-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1513839', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (620, '2020-07-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1513840', 876, 0, 12, 1, '03-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (621, '2020-07-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1513841', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (622, '2020-07-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm457', 54392.3, 0, 12, 1, 'momo balance send to bank by emmauel', NULL, b'0'), (623, '2020-07-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1479447', 40, 0, 12, 1, '04-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (624, '2020-07-07', 'deposit', '7777', '1513843', 20916, 0, 12, 1, '06-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (625, '2020-07-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1479448', 10, 0, 12, 1, '07-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (626, '2020-07-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1513844', 14785, 0, 12, 1, '07-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (627, '2020-07-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1479449', 45, 0, 12, 1, '09-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (628, '2020-07-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1513846', 402, 0, 12, 1, '08-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (629, '2020-07-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1513847', 5754, 0, 12, 1, '09-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (630, '2020-07-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1513848', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (631, '2020-07-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1513850', 3284, 0, 12, 1, '10-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (632, '2020-07-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1479089', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (633, '2020-07-13', 'deposit', '7777', '1504574', 11500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (634, '2020-07-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1504575', 4017, 0, 12, 1, '13-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (635, '2020-07-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1479450', 75, 0, 12, 1, '13-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (636, '2020-07-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1504576', 18500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (637, '2020-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', '15045', 57327, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by prince to techiman account', NULL, b'0'), (638, '2020-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1504580', 1862, 0, 12, 1, '14-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (639, '2020-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1504581', 654, 0, 12, 1, '15-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (640, '2020-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1504582', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (641, '2020-07-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504583', 1678, 0, 12, 1, '16-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (642, '2020-07-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504584', 27117, 0, 12, 1, '17-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (643, '2020-07-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1504551', 30, 0, 12, 1, '18-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (644, '2020-07-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1504585', 10249, 0, 12, 1, '18-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (645, '2020-07-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1504587', 7670, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (646, '2020-07-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1504589', 1218.5, 0, 12, 1, '20-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (647, '2020-07-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1504590', 7500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (648, '2020-07-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1504552', 15, 0, 12, 1, '20-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (649, '2020-07-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1504591', 1879, 0, 12, 1, '21-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (650, '2020-07-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1504592', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (651, '2020-07-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504553', 20, 0, 12, 1, '24-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (652, '2020-07-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504593', 10591.5, 0, 12, 1, '24-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (653, '2020-07-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504594', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (654, '2020-07-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1504554', 35, 0, 12, 1, '25-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (655, '2020-07-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1504595', 26658, 0, 12, 1, '25-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (656, '2020-07-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1504596', 46576.85, 0, 12, 1, 'momo balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (657, '2020-07-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1504597', 12045, 0, 12, 1, '27-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (658, '2020-07-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1504598', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (659, '2020-07-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1504555', 40, 0, 12, 1, '27-07-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (660, '2020-07-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1504599', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (661, '2020-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1504600', 1370, 0, 12, 1, '30-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (662, '2020-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1504851', 5711, 0, 12, 1, '31-07-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (663, '2020-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1504852', 22560, 0, 12, 1, '01-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (664, '2020-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1504853', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (665, '2020-08-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1504556', 25, 0, 12, 1, '04-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (666, '2020-08-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1504854', 2400, 0, 12, 1, '03-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (667, '2020-08-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1504855', 23565, 0, 12, 1, '04-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (668, '2020-08-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1504856', 1, 0, 12, 1, '04-08-2020 in balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (669, '2020-08-06', 'deposit', '7777', '1504858', 9833, 0, 12, 1, '05-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (670, '2020-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1504859', 4190, 0, 12, 1, '06-08-2020 sales balance send to by prince', NULL, b'0'), (671, '2020-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1504860', 20045.5, 0, 12, 1, '07-08-2020 sales balance send to by prince', NULL, b'0'), (672, '2020-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1504558', 90, 0, 12, 1, '08-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (673, '2020-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1504861', 38556, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (674, '2020-08-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1504862', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (675, '2020-08-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1504863', 704, 0, 12, 1, '10-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (676, '2020-08-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1504864', 13532, 0, 12, 1, '11-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (677, '2020-08-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1504559', 30, 0, 12, 1, '10-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (678, '2020-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1504865', 9478, 0, 12, 1, '12-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (679, '2020-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1504866', 3086, 0, 12, 1, '13-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (680, '2020-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1504560', 30, 0, 12, 1, '13-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (681, '2020-08-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1504867', 2540.5, 0, 12, 1, '15-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (682, '2020-08-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1504868', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (683, '2020-08-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504869', 4312, 0, 12, 1, '17-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (684, '2020-08-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504870', 17000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (685, '2020-08-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504871', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince a/2', NULL, b'0'), (686, '2020-08-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504561', 20, 0, 12, 1, '17-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (687, '2020-08-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1504562', 35, 0, 12, 1, '20-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (688, '2020-08-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1504873', 19000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (689, '2020-08-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1504874', 3741.5, 0, 12, 1, '20-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (690, '2020-08-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1504563', 30, 0, 12, 1, '22-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (691, '2020-08-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1504875', 21534, 0, 12, 1, '22-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (692, '2020-08-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1504876', 3746, 0, 12, 1, '21-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (693, '2020-08-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504877', 5641, 0, 12, 1, '24-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (694, '2020-08-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504878', 11700, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (695, '2020-08-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504879', 10, 0, 12, 1, '24-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (696, '2020-08-25', 'deposit', '7777', '1504881', 53622.5, 0, 12, 1, 'kumasi momo send t o bank by prince and emmanuel', NULL, b'0'), (697, '2020-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2109', 2523, 0, 12, 1, '25-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (698, '2020-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2077', 5052, 0, 12, 1, '26-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (699, '2020-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2048', 7333, 0, 12, 1, '27-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (700, '2020-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1986', 6000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (701, '2020-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1504566', 35, 0, 12, 1, '27-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (702, '2020-08-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1504565', 70, 0, 12, 1, '25-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (703, '2020-08-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1505169', 3563.5, 0, 12, 1, '28-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (704, '2020-08-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1504567', 20, 0, 12, 1, '28-08-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (705, '2020-08-31', 'deposit', '7777', '1504568', 40, 0, 12, 1, '29-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (706, '2020-09-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1505171', 26366, 0, 12, 1, '31-08-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (707, '2020-09-01', 'deposit', '7777', '1505172', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (708, '2020-09-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1505173', 4558, 0, 12, 1, '01-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (709, '2020-09-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1505174', 17000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (710, '2020-09-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1504569', 5, 0, 12, 1, '01-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (711, '2020-09-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1505175', 4069.5, 0, 12, 1, '02-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (712, '2020-09-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1505176', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (713, '2020-09-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1504570', 40, 0, 12, 1, '03-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (714, '2020-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', '1505177', 7670, 0, 12, 1, '04-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (715, '2020-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', '1505178', 19935, 0, 12, 1, '05-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (716, '2020-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', '1505180', 12500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (717, '2020-09-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1505181', 112341, 0, 12, 1, 'kumasi momo send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (718, '2020-09-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1504571', 30, 0, 12, 1, '07-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (719, '2020-09-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1505182', 6000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (720, '2020-09-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1504572', 40, 0, 12, 1, '08-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (721, '2020-09-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1505183', 4159, 0, 12, 1, '10-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (722, '2020-09-11', 'deposit', '7777', '1505184', 28000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (723, '2020-09-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1505185', 703, 0, 12, 1, '11-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (724, '2020-09-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1505186', 12000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (725, '2020-09-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1504573', 40, 0, 12, 1, '12-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (726, '2020-09-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1505187', 7041, 0, 12, 1, '12-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (727, '2020-09-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1505188', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (728, '2020-09-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1505189', 4067, 0, 12, 1, '16-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (729, '2020-09-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1505190', 9000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (730, '2020-09-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1505191', 519, 0, 12, 1, '17-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (731, '2020-09-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1505192', 8000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (732, '2020-09-18', 'deposit', '7777', '1504883', 70, 0, 12, 1, '17-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank', NULL, b'0'), (733, '2020-09-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1505194', 4093.2, 0, 12, 1, '18-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (734, '2020-09-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1505196', 7500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (735, '2020-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1505197', 14065, 0, 12, 1, '19-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (736, '2020-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1505198', 8500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (737, '2020-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1504884', 40, 0, 12, 1, '21-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (738, '2020-09-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1505199', 2596.5, 0, 12, 1, '23-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (739, '2020-09-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1505200', 12403, 0, 12, 1, '25-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (740, '2020-09-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1504885', 20, 0, 12, 1, '23-09-2020 motor bike sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (741, '2020-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1513775', 21952.5, 0, 12, 1, '26-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (742, '2020-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1513776', 302, 0, 12, 1, '27-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (743, '2020-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1513777', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (744, '2020-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1504886', 40, 0, 12, 1, '26-09-2020 motor bike send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (745, '2020-09-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1513778', 9493, 0, 12, 1, '28-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (746, '2020-09-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1513779', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (747, '2020-09-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1513781', 27000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (748, '2020-10-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1513783', 9262, 0, 12, 1, '02-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (749, '2020-10-03', 'deposit', '7777', '1513784', 6982, 0, 12, 1, '30-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (750, '2020-10-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1513786', 9419, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (751, '2020-10-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1513787', 7000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (752, '2020-10-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1513788', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (753, '2020-10-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1513789', 7500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (754, '2020-10-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1513790', 10712, 0, 12, 1, '15-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (755, '2020-10-19', 'deposit', '7777', '1513791', 25000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to by prince', NULL, b'0'), (756, '2020-10-20', 'deposit', '7777', '1513792', 18500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (757, '2020-10-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1513793', 4238, 0, 12, 1, '20-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (758, '2020-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1513795', 130391.39, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (759, '2020-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1513796', 5630.5, 0, 12, 1, '22-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (760, '2020-10-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1513797', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (761, '2020-10-28', 'deposit', '7777', '1513798', 4868.5, 0, 12, 1, '27-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (762, '2020-10-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1513799', 4399, 0, 12, 1, '28-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (763, '2020-10-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1504887', 6394, 0, 12, 1, '29-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (764, '2020-10-31', 'deposit', '7777', '1504889', 24713, 0, 12, 1, '30-10-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (765, '2020-11-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1504894', 12573.75, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (766, '2020-11-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1504895', 25753.92, 0, 12, 1, 'kumasi momo send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (767, '2020-11-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1504896', 14596.5, 0, 12, 1, '02-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (768, '2020-11-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1504897', 4458.5, 0, 12, 1, '05-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (769, '2020-11-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1504898', 24778, 0, 12, 1, '06-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (770, '2020-11-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1504899', 34506.5, 0, 12, 1, '07-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (771, '2020-11-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1504900', 38072, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (772, '2020-11-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1469929', 18000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (773, '2020-11-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1469930', 3809.5, 0, 12, 1, '09-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (774, '2020-11-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1469933', 10393.5, 0, 12, 1, '10-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (775, '2020-11-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1469932', 21774.5, 0, 12, 1, '11-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (776, '2020-11-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1469934', 5000, 0, 12, 1, '11-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (777, '2020-11-17', 'deposit', '7777', '1469936', 3395, 0, 12, 1, '16-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (778, '2020-11-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1469937', 12876, 0, 12, 1, '20-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (779, '2020-11-21', 'deposit', '7777', '1469938', 14000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (780, '2020-11-26', 'deposit', '7777', '1469939', 26832, 0, 12, 1, '25-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (781, '2020-11-27', 'deposit', '7777', '1469940', 14663, 0, 12, 1, '26-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by felcia', NULL, b'0'), (782, '2020-12-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1469941', 42112.5, 0, 12, 1, '03-11-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (783, '2020-12-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1469942', 23390, 0, 12, 1, '08-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (784, '2020-12-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1469944', 30500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (785, '2020-12-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1469945', 10627, 0, 12, 1, '08-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (786, '2020-12-09', 'deposit', '7777', '1469947', 19500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (787, '2020-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1469948', 11451.5, 0, 12, 1, '09-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (788, '2020-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1469949', 15500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to by prince', NULL, b'0'), (789, '2020-12-10', 'deposit', '7777', '1469950', 80673, 0, 12, 1, 'kumasi momo send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (790, '2020-12-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1469901', 4646, 0, 12, 1, '10-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (791, '2020-12-12', 'deposit', '7777', '1469902', 17734, 0, 12, 1, '11-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (792, '2020-12-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3694', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank (mullen awua gloria by prince', NULL, b'0'), (793, '2020-12-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1469903', 15215, 0, 12, 1, '12-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (794, '2020-12-14', 'deposit', '7777', '1469904', 20000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (795, '2020-12-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1469905', 10256, 0, 12, 1, '14-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (796, '2020-12-15', 'deposit', '7777', '1469906', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (797, '2020-12-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1772', 10000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank (mullen awua gloria) by prince', NULL, b'0'), (798, '2020-12-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1469907', 6226, 0, 12, 1, '15-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (799, '2020-12-16', 'deposit', '7777', '1469908', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (800, '2020-12-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1469912', 41449.5, 0, 12, 1, '21-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (801, '2020-12-22', 'deposit', '7777', '1469914', 27811.5, 0, 12, 1, '19-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (802, '2020-12-23', 'deposit', '7777', '1469915', 204534, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (803, '2020-12-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1469916', 4040, 0, 12, 1, '23-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (804, '2020-12-24', 'deposit', '7777', '1469917', 29000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (805, '2020-12-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1469918', 6500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (806, '2020-12-29', 'deposit', '7777', '1469919', 48420, 0, 12, 1, '28-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (807, '2020-12-30', 'deposit', '7777', '1469920', 18000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (808, '2020-12-31', 'deposit', '7777', '1469921', 22073, 0, 12, 1, '30-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (809, '2020-12-31', 'deposit', '7777', '1469922', 25000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (810, '2021-01-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1469923', 28000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (811, '2021-01-02', 'deposit', '7777', '1469924', 2830, 0, 12, 1, '31-12-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (812, '2021-01-04', 'deposit', '7777', '1469925', 14939, 0, 12, 1, '02-01-2021sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (813, '2021-01-05', 'deposit', '7777', '1469926', 30000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (814, '2021-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1469927', 24369, 0, 12, 1, '07-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (815, '2021-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', '1469928', 10235, 0, 12, 1, '06-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (816, '2021-01-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm747', 72000, 0, 12, 1, 'kumasi momo send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (817, '2021-01-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2290', 49877, 0, 12, 1, '08-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (818, '2021-01-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2309', 38721, 0, 12, 1, '09-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (819, '2021-01-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2300', 13000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (820, '2021-01-13', 'deposit', '86', 'tt21013x56c2', 4000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (821, '2021-01-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'ghm1739', 9340.5, 0, 12, 1, '14-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (822, '2021-01-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'ghm0139', 11000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (823, '2021-01-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'ghm01739', 80848, 0, 12, 1, 'mampong momo send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (824, '2021-01-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1942', 825, 0, 12, 1, '15-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (825, '2021-01-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1931', 23347, 0, 12, 1, '16-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (826, '2021-01-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1455', 18000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (827, '2021-01-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1027', 16813.5, 0, 12, 1, '22-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (828, '2021-01-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1043', 23417, 0, 12, 1, '23-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (829, '2021-02-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1876', 7499.4, 0, 12, 1, '28-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (830, '2021-02-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1857', 31839, 0, 12, 1, '30-01-2021 sales balance send to bank by prince', NULL, b'0'), (831, '2021-02-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1668', 44500, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (832, '2021-02-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2826', 11287, 0, 12, 1, '05-02-2021 sales balance send to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (833, '2021-02-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3035', 15000, 0, 12, 1, 'sales send to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (834, '2021-02-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2151', 19500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (835, '2021-02-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1982', 2697, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 08/02/2021', NULL, b'0'), (836, '2021-02-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1999', 50000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (837, '2021-02-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm700', 2834, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 9/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (838, '2021-02-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm712', 10509, 0, 17, 1, 'sale balance sent to bank by konadu 10/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (839, '2021-02-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1655', 16400, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu 11/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (840, '2021-02-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1477', 2922, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 11/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (841, '2021-02-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1485', 15000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (842, '2021-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3378', 11500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (843, '2021-02-13', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 5473, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (844, '2021-02-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1349', 14000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (845, '2021-02-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm163', 12711, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank 16/2/21', '2021-02-18', b'1'), (846, '2021-02-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm163', 12711, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank 16/2/21', '2021-02-17', b'1'), (847, '2021-02-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1643', 7500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (848, '2021-02-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1643', 7500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '2021-02-17', b'1'), (849, '2021-02-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1623', 12711, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 16/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (850, '2021-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1463', 2392, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (851, '2021-02-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1451', 11000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (852, '2021-02-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1493', 9006.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 18/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (853, '2021-02-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1502', 20500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (854, '2021-02-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3297', 5118, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 19/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (855, '2021-02-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3313', 11500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (856, '2021-02-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm405', 28420, 0, 17, 1, 'transfer made to the bank fbn with momo', NULL, b'0'), (857, '2021-02-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1697', 93316, 0, 17, 1, 'transfer to fbn with mampong momo', NULL, b'0'), (858, '2021-02-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2141', 3459, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 20/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (859, '2021-02-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2125', 24000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (860, '2021-02-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm405', 28420, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit via kumasi momo', NULL, b'0'), (861, '2021-02-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1697', 93316, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit via momo', NULL, b'0'), (862, '2021-02-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2277', 143.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 25/2/21', '2021-03-01', b'1'), (863, '2021-03-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2277', 143.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 25/2/21', NULL, b'0'), (864, '2021-03-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3464', 8583, 0, 17, 1, 'repayment of debt by amaning ventures as cheque was rejected by bank', NULL, b'0'), (865, '2021-03-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3499', 10000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (866, '2021-03-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1931', 1535.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 1/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (867, '2021-03-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1970', 57000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (868, '2021-03-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2277', 4150.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu2/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (869, '2021-03-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2204', 19000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (870, '2021-03-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2519', 7594, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 3/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (871, '2021-03-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2555', 13216, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu 4/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (872, '2021-03-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2454', 20000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (873, '2021-03-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3836', 7863, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (874, '2021-03-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3827', 20000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (875, '2021-03-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2542', 4876, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 6/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (876, '2021-03-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2575', 20227, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu 8/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (877, '2021-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2238', 5460, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (878, '2021-03-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2245', 13671, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu 10/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (879, '2021-03-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2251', 3026, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 11/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (880, '2021-03-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2235', 9000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (881, '2021-03-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3428', 4084, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (882, '2021-03-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3417', 20000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (883, '2021-03-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3416', 7131, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 13/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (884, '2021-03-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2340', 30500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (885, '2021-03-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm141', 20563, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 15/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (886, '2021-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm406', 4191, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 16/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (887, '2021-03-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2044', 14500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (888, '2021-03-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1943', 4313, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 18/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (889, '2021-03-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1793', 22995, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (890, '2021-03-23', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 10000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '2021-03-23', b'1'), (891, '2021-03-22', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 10000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (892, '2021-03-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3363', 13000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (893, '2021-03-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2270', 6062, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 22/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (894, '2021-03-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2259', 19000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (895, '2021-03-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2257', 10000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (896, '2021-03-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2064', 4577.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (897, '2021-03-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2043', 12500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (898, '2021-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm56', 21224, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 25/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (899, '2021-03-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm60', 10000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (900, '2021-03-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3308', 28844, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (901, '2021-03-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3296', 14000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (902, '2021-03-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2428', 9453, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (903, '2021-03-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2409', 27500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (904, '2021-03-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2579', 8343.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (905, '2021-03-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2546', 25000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (906, '2021-03-27', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 681.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 26/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (907, '2021-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2695', 10422.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 31/3/21', NULL, b'0'), (908, '2021-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2664', 20000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (909, '2021-04-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm859', 7700, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 1/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (910, '2021-04-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm852', 26450, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu2/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (911, '2021-04-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm839', 15500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (912, '2021-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4645', 3525, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 3/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (913, '2021-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4624', 18000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (914, '2021-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2413', 2666.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 6/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (915, '2021-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2380', 40000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (916, '2021-04-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2266', 773, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 7/4/21', '2021-04-28', b'1'), (917, '2021-04-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2811', 95392.99, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn techiman account with kumasi momo', NULL, b'0'), (918, '2021-04-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2266', 773, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank konadu', NULL, b'0'), (919, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2106', 34737, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn techiman account with mampong momo', '2021-04-13', b'1'), (920, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2175', 124860, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to techiman fbn account with kumasi momo by bro opoku', '2021-04-13', b'1'), (921, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2474', 7190, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 8/4/21', '2021-04-13', b'1'), (922, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2441', 22164.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/4/21', '2021-04-13', b'1'), (923, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2463', 25201.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 10/4/21', '2021-04-13', b'1'), (924, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2106', 34737, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to techiman fbn account with momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (925, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2175', 124860, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to techiman fbn account with momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (926, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2474', 7190, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 8/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (927, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2441', 22164.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 9/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (928, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2463', 25201.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 10/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (929, '2021-04-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2449', 16000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (930, '2021-04-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm814', 9, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 10/4/21', '2021-04-13', b'1'), (931, '2021-04-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm814', 9, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 10/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (932, '2021-04-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1783', 6000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (933, '2021-04-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm308', 9393, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (934, '2021-04-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1783', 6000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '2021-04-15', b'1'), (935, '2021-04-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm231', 2104.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 13/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (936, '2021-04-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm241', 11226, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 14/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (937, '2021-04-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2043', 11000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (938, '2021-04-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2328', 15910, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 15/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (939, '2021-04-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2359', 30000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (940, '2021-04-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4044', 12115.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 16/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (941, '2021-04-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4139', 33500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (942, '2021-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm294', 1, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 16/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (943, '2021-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm302', 26489, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (944, '2021-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm283', 44653, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 19/4/021', NULL, b'0'), (945, '2021-04-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2356', 15000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (946, '2021-04-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2207', 3042, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (947, '2021-04-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2199', 16500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (948, '2021-04-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3578', 2910, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 22/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (949, '2021-04-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3571', 22256, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 23/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (950, '2021-04-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3076', 10561.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (951, '2021-04-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'mn3053', 5400, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (952, '2021-04-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2408', 1827, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 26/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (953, '2021-04-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2380', 14000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (954, '2021-04-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm307', 112397.5, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn account with kumasi momo by mr opoku', '2021-04-28', b'1'), (955, '2021-04-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm307', 112397.5, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn account with mampong momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (956, '2021-04-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm305', 67859.96, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn account with kumasi momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (957, '2021-04-01', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 30000, 0, 17, 2, 'sales sent to bank by fredrick', '2021-04-28', b'1'), (958, '2021-04-07', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 22960, 0, 17, 2, 'sales sent to bank by fredrick', '2021-04-28', b'1'), (959, '2021-04-09', 'deposit', '7777', '123', 13383, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by fredrick', '2021-04-28', b'1'), (960, '2021-04-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2388', 3841.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/4/21', '2021-04-30', b'1'), (961, '2021-04-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2388', 3841.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/4/21', '2021-04-30', b'1'), (962, '2021-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2388', 3841.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (963, '2021-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2485', 27500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (964, '2021-04-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2907', 1270, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (965, '2021-04-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2889', 32000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (966, '2021-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1554', 3326, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/4/21', NULL, b'0'), (967, '2021-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1542', 8942.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 1/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (968, '2021-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1509', 27688.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 3/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (969, '2021-05-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2830', 25000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (970, '2021-05-06', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1806', 13501, 0, 17, 1, 'sals balance sent to bank by doris 5/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (971, '2021-05-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm739', 24000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 8/5/21', '2021-05-11', b'1'), (972, '2021-05-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm739', 24000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 8/5/21', '2021-05-11', b'1'), (973, '2021-05-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm751', 1863.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 8/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (974, '2021-05-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm739', 24000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 8/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (975, '2021-05-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2601', 5596, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent bank by konadu 11/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (976, '2021-05-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2584', 25500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (977, '2021-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2996', 5909, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/5/21 into techiman account', NULL, b'0'), (978, '2021-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3029', 16452, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 13/5/21 into techiman account', NULL, b'0'), (979, '2021-05-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3050', 16000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris into techiman account', NULL, b'0'), (980, '2021-05-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm624', 3752.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 14/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (981, '2021-05-17', 'deposit', '7777', 'm614', 20948, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 15/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (982, '2021-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm963', 73056.05, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made at fbn account with kumasi momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (983, '2021-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm963', 73056.05, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made at fbn account with kumasi momo by mr opoku', '2021-05-19', b'1'), (984, '2021-05-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm952', 99579.39, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made at fbn account with mampong momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (985, '2021-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3906', 5548, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 19/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (986, '2021-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3890', 38754.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (987, '2021-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3916', 2364.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 21/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (988, '2021-05-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3893', 15000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (989, '2021-05-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2785', 67208, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made at fbn account with kumasi momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (990, '2021-05-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2800', 30538, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made at fbn account with mampong momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (991, '2021-05-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3116', 35000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (992, '2021-05-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2336', 8708, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (993, '2021-05-25', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2317', 15000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (994, '2021-05-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2603', 10309, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (995, '2021-05-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2668', 30500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (996, '2021-04-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3985', 5359, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (997, '2021-05-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3988', 18500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (998, '2021-05-31', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3418', 35099.5, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made at fbn account with kumasi momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (999, '2021-05-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3985', 5359, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (1000, '2021-06-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm274', 43380.98, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn account with mampong momo by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1001, '2021-06-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm267', 32728, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 29/05/21', NULL, b'0'), (1002, '2021-06-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm270', 26855, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 31/5/21', NULL, b'0'), (1003, '2021-06-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2391', 33500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1004, '2021-06-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2340', 4278, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 1/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1005, '2021-06-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2325', 22000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1006, '2021-06-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm816', 4144, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 2/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1007, '2021-06-04', 'deposit', '7777', 'm894', 20666.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 3/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1008, '2021-06-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4120', 10302, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 4/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1009, '2021-06-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1649', 12022.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 5/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1010, '2021-06-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3226', 42500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1011, '2021-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2231', 2727, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 7/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1012, '2021-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2193', 6900, 0, 17, 1, 'account 2 (sales of 30 bags of 25% koudijs bought by mr clement at tecchiman branch sent to bank by konadu)', NULL, b'0'), (1013, '2021-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2214', 27500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1014, '2021-06-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2370', 5504, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 8/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1015, '2021-06-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2408', 20500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1016, '2021-06-08', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2370', 5504, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/6/21', '2021-06-10', b'1'), (1017, '2021-06-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2328', 5552, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1018, '2021-06-10', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2316', 27500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1019, '2021-06-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1232', 1325, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 10/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1020, '2021-06-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1074', 28771.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 11/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1021, '2021-06-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1101', 25367, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1022, '2021-06-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2716', 7000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1023, '2021-06-15', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2617', 41000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konad', NULL, b'0'), (1024, '2021-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3910', 1067.8, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1025, '2021-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3891', 48805.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 18/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1026, '2021-06-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3900', 11000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1027, '2021-06-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm458', 24911.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 21/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1028, '2021-06-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2199', 38252, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 21/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1029, '2021-06-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2194', 95, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 22/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1030, '2021-06-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2252', 39000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1031, '2021-06-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1931', 7110.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 23/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1032, '2021-06-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1969', 27000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '2021-06-26', b'1'), (1033, '2021-06-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3774', 16498.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1034, '2021-06-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3779', 34872.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 25/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1035, '2021-06-26', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3778', 17500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1036, '2021-06-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1969', 27000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1037, '2021-06-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2147', 30000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1038, '2021-06-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm343', 28139.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1039, '2021-06-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1784', 19402, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1040, '2021-07-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2177', 56466, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 30/6/21', NULL, b'0'), (1041, '2021-07-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4217', 38106, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 2/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1042, '2021-07-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2188', 30000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1043, '2021-07-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1199', 41900, 0, 17, 1, 'kumasi momo deposit to fbn techiman account by mr opoku micheal', NULL, b'0'), (1044, '2021-07-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1232', 28620, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by mr opoku micheal 5/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1045, '2021-07-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1206', 8356.6, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by mr opoku micheal 6/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1046, '2021-07-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2425', 15023.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 7/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1047, '2021-07-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2459', 29637, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 8/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1048, '2021-07-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1668', 9642.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 9/7/21', '2021-07-12', b'1'), (1049, '2021-07-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1703', 30541.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 10/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1050, '2021-07-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3345', 10500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1051, '2021-07-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3345', 40000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by mr opoku micheal', NULL, b'0'), (1052, '2021-07-12', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1668', 9642.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent t bank by doris 9/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1053, '2021-07-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1473', 28707.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1054, '2021-07-13', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1511', 43000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1055, '2021-07-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2426', 20766, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (1056, '2021-07-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2452', 19500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (1057, '2021-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1159', 10, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 13/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1058, '2021-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1202', 13087.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 14/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1059, '2021-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1238', 18696, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 15/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1060, '2021-07-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1307', 39500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1061, '2021-07-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1905', 40500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1062, '2021-07-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3223', 50000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1063, '2021-07-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2309', 10979, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 19/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1064, '2021-07-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2339', 13105.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 20/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1065, '2021-07-21', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3322', 13500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1066, '2021-07-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm332', 58006.5, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to fbn techiman account 2 with mampong momo by mr opoku', NULL, b'0'), (1067, '2021-07-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2671', 1178, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1068, '2021-07-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2585', 25001, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1069, '2021-07-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2650', 9297.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1070, '2021-07-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2619', 22000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1071, '2021-08-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3960', 7369, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1072, '2021-08-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3927', 46490, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 31/7/21', NULL, b'0'), (1073, '2021-08-02', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4020', 41000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1074, '2021-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2897', 1827.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 2/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1075, '2021-08-03', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2855', 71000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1076, '2021-08-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3262', 7963.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 3/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1077, '2021-08-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3232', 35184.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 4/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1078, '2021-08-05', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3178', 50000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1079, '2021-08-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3496', 5501, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 5/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1080, '2021-08-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3451', 56037.1, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 6/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1081, '2021-08-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3485', 8449, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 7/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1082, '2021-08-09', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3581', 40000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1083, '2021-08-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2421', 7003, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1084, '2021-08-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2686', 21072.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 10/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1085, '2021-08-11', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2401', 28000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1086, '2021-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4108', 10834, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 11/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1087, '2021-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4110', 42072, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1088, '2021-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4114', 85336.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 13/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1089, '2021-08-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4253', 32500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1090, '2021-08-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1449', 38172.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 14/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1091, '2021-08-16', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3278', 46000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1092, '2021-08-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1326', 16252.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 17/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1093, '2021-08-18', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1335', 1136, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 16/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1094, '2021-08-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm623', 48747.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent bank by doris 18/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1095, '2021-08-19', 'deposit', '7777', 'm635', 11500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1096, '2021-08-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1400', 5469, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 19/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1097, '2021-08-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1442', 34475, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 20/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1098, '2021-08-23', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3451', 32500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1099, '2021-08-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1812', 6107, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 26/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1100, '2021-08-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1831', 14500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1101, '2021-09-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2764', 44981.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 31/8/21', NULL, b'0'), (1102, '2021-09-01', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2860', 80020, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1103, '2021-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2150', 45672, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 6/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1104, '2021-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2617', 14500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1105, '2021-09-07', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2141', 26500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1106, '2021-09-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1517', 33843.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 10/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1107, '2021-09-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1532', 16460, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 11/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1108, '2021-09-14', 'deposit', '7777', 'm1556', 83664.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1109, '2021-09-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2421', 8138, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1110, '2021-09-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2449', 42069, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 18/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1111, '2021-09-20', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3749', 41000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1112, '2021-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm4179', 62000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1113, '2021-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2276', 135000, 0, 17, 1, 'money to bank by bro hamidu', NULL, b'0'), (1114, '2021-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2482', 68750, 0, 17, 1, 'money to bank by bro hamidu', NULL, b'0'), (1115, '2021-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2444', 32571, 0, 17, 1, 'dales balance sent to bank by konadu 21/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1116, '2021-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm2437', 4067, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1117, '2021-09-22', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3166', 14300, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1118, '2021-09-24', 'deposit', '7777', 'm988', 15000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sen t bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1119, '2021-09-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3566', 4288.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1120, '2021-09-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3550', 15250, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1121, '2021-09-27', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3533', 20000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'), (1122, '2021-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3382', 6732, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 27/9/21', NULL, b'0'), (1123, '2021-09-28', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3451', 70000, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by doris', NULL, b'0'), (1124, '2021-09-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm513', 95641, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to techiman fbn account with mampong momo', NULL, b'0'), (1125, '2021-09-29', 'deposit', '7777', 'm506', 156824, 0, 17, 1, 'deposit made to techiman fbn account with kumasi momo', NULL, b'0'), (1126, '2021-09-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3114', 225, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28-9-21', NULL, b'0'), (1127, '2021-09-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3139', 10113.5, 0, 17, 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29-9-21', NULL, b'0'), (1128, '2021-09-30', 'deposit', '7777', 'm3131', 13500, 0, 17, 1, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', NULL, b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_banking` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.gl_deposit CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gl_deposit` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `amount` double DEFAULT NULL, `memo` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `seller` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `deleted_date` date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.gl_deposit: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_deposit` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_deposit` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.gl_expenses CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gl_expenses` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date NOT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `seller` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `account_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `credit_account_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `memo` tinytext NOT NULL, `deleted_date` date NOT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6225 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.gl_expenses: ~6,224 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_expenses` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `gl_expenses` (`id`, `trans_date`, `branch_id`, `seller`, `account_code`, `credit_account_code`, `amount`, `memo`, `deleted_date`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '2018-12-28', 1, 1, '905', '500', 350, 'paper rolls for printing receipts', '2018-12-31', b'0'), (2, '2018-12-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3, '2018-12-28', 1, 1, '901', '500', 275, 'tnt for wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4, '2018-12-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5, '2018-12-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6, '2018-12-29', 1, 1, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt to akyease farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (7, '2018-12-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt for wheat', '2018-12-31', b'1'), (8, '2018-12-31', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (9, '2018-12-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 4.4, 'tnt to bank to make deosit', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (10, '2018-12-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 550, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (11, '2018-12-31', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 150, 'from sis. to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (12, '2019-01-02', 1, 1, '903', '500', 1000, 'payment for copra cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (13, '2019-01-02', 1, 1, '901', '500', 25, 'tnt for foreign soya and black shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (14, '2019-01-03', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2977.5, 'employees sarlary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (15, '2019-01-03', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1, 'to mr george ntiamoah by madam matilda', '2019-01-03', b'1'), (16, '2019-01-03', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 277.5, 'snitt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (17, '2019-01-03', 1, 1, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt for micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (18, '2019-01-03', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1020, 'to mr george ntiamoah by madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (19, '2019-01-04', 1, 1, '901', '500', 687.5, 'tnt for wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (20, '2019-01-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 37.5, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (21, '2019-01-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (22, '2019-01-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2800, 'purchases of soya for b. boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (23, '2019-01-04', 1, 1, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt for soya on 05/01/2019.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (24, '2019-01-04', 1, 1, '901', '500', 30, 'on loading of soya, on 05/01/19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (25, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'for mr opoku in care of purchase of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (26, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '901', '500', 170, 'tnt for f. soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (27, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of soya and wheat for kadir', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (28, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 306, 'to mr opoku ordered by madam matida', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (29, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchase of sack', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (30, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'allowance for micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (31, '2019-01-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'to micheal by madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (32, '2019-01-07', 1, 1, '901', '500', 570, 'tnt of layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (33, '2019-01-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (34, '2019-01-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 155, 'to madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (35, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '901', '500', 550, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (36, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt to ashvet by micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (37, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (38, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (39, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (40, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '900', '500', 260, 'payment of electricity bill', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (41, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '901', '500', 10.4, 'tnt to ecg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (42, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 3250, 'payment to agya collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (43, '2019-01-09', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1140, 'tnt of soya to driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (44, '2019-01-10', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'payment of salary to vic.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (45, '2019-01-11', 1, 1, '901', '500', 45, 'tnt to ashvet by micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (46, '2019-01-11', 1, 1, '901', '500', 687.5, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (47, '2019-01-11', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1900, 'tnt of f.soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (48, '2019-01-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 37.5, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (49, '2019-01-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (50, '2019-01-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10, 'offloading of local soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (51, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10, 'offloading of local soya', '2019-01-14', b'1'), (52, '2019-01-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10, 'offloading of local soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (53, '2019-01-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (54, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 204, 'transfer from madam matilda to george ntiamoah', '2019-01-14', b'1'), (55, '2019-01-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 204, 'transfer from madam matilda to george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (56, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 85, 'renewal of internet bundle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (57, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'purchasing of computer sets', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (58, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of poly bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (59, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of alfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (60, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '901', '500', 130, 'tnt of alfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (61, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt to reiss and co.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (62, '2019-01-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 150, 'from madam matilda to george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (63, '2019-01-15', 1, 1, '907', '500', 10, '5 ghana cedis each for the both phones', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (64, '2019-01-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 150, 'to bro. mike (takoradi flower mill) as exmas gift.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (65, '2019-01-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 270, 'to mr george ntiamoah by madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (66, '2019-01-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'payment to takoradi flower mills for 50 bags of broiller mash', '2019-01-15', b'1'), (67, '2019-01-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5157.5, 'payment to bro. mike for broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (68, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1350, 'tnt of wherat from takoradi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (69, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '901', '500', 825, 'tnt of wheat from tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (70, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '901', '500', 20, 'to carpenter for removal of shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (71, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'to mr opoku by madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (72, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '907', '500', 75, 'offloading of wheat', '2019-01-16', b'1'), (73, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '907', '500', 45, 'offloading of wheat from tema', '2019-01-16', b'1'), (74, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 75, 'offloading of wheat from takorai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (75, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of wheat from tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (76, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 36, 'onloading of local soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (77, '2019-01-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 80, 'tnt of local soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (78, '2019-01-17', 1, 1, '901', '500', 35, 'tnt and onloading to frankason', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (79, '2019-01-17', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4550, 'payment to agya collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (80, '2019-01-17', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 160, 'offloading of maize. that is 90 cedis to kardir and 72 cedis to the other parties hired.', '2019-01-17', b'1'), (81, '2019-01-17', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, '', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (82, '2019-01-17', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 162, 'offloading of maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (83, '2019-01-19', 1, 1, '901', '500', 275, 'tnt of wheat', '2019-01-19', b'1'), (84, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '901', '500', 275, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (85, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '901', '500', 223.3, 'tnt of broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (86, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 70, 'payment made to suame municipal assemble', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (87, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to suame', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (88, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (89, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 8.7, 'offloading of broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (90, '2019-01-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchase of exercise book.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (91, '2019-01-19', 1, 1, '908', '500', 350, 'salary paid to harriet nyarko', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (92, '2019-01-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2.8, 'printing and photocopy of forms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (93, '2019-01-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchase of poly. bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (94, '2019-01-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchase of cello tape', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (95, '2019-01-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 80, 'painting of no parking board', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (96, '2019-01-21', 1, 1, '901', '500', 30, 'tnt to frankason', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (97, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'payment for growup', '2019-01-22', b'1'), (98, '2019-01-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 50, 'on loading of 5% kudjis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (99, '2019-01-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 26, 'offloading of 5% kudjis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (100, '2019-01-21', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (101, '2019-01-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'transfer,by madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (102, '2019-01-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'payment for grow up', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (103, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '900', '500', 100, 'recharge of prepaid card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (104, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 412.5, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (105, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '907', '500', 22.5, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (106, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 15, 'repairs of aircondition', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (107, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '907', '500', 10, 'purchase of credit for both phones', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (108, '2019-01-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 205, 'transfer by madam matilda.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (109, '2019-01-23', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchase of poly. bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (110, '2019-01-23', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 520, 'by order of( boo) madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (111, '2019-01-24', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'to mr opoku by order of madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (112, '2019-01-24', 1, 1, '901', '500', 275, 'tnt for wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (113, '2019-01-24', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (114, '2019-01-25', 1, 1, '901', '500', 550, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (115, '2019-01-25', 1, 1, '907', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (116, '2019-01-26', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchase of extension board', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (117, '2019-01-28', 1, 1, '901', '500', 7, 'tnt to s.m.a', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (118, '2019-01-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 19.8, 'offloading of local soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (119, '2019-01-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'offloading of jubaili', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (120, '2019-01-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 15, 'typing and printing of application letter at s.m.a', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (121, '2019-01-29', 1, 1, '907', '500', 5, 'purchase of credit card to mtn line', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (122, '2019-01-29', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'poly. bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (123, '2019-01-29', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, '', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (124, '2019-01-29', 1, 1, '901', '500', 8.6, 'tnt to offinso', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (125, '2019-01-29', 1, 1, '907', '500', 1, 'purchase of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (126, '2019-01-30', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'to mr opoku by od madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (127, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to access bank.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (128, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'to mr ntiamoah bo of madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (129, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 962.5, 'tnt for wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (130, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 52.5, 'offloading of wheat.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (131, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 55, 'tnt of f. soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (132, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2000, 'payment to supplier, maa dorah konadu.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (133, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 25, 'offloading of jubaili concentrate.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (134, '2019-01-31', 1, 1, '901', '500', 202, 'tnt for jubaili', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (135, '2019-02-01', 1, 1, '903', '500', 415, 'payment to reiss and co.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (136, '2019-02-02', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of polythene bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (137, '2019-02-02', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of washing powder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (138, '2019-02-02', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 350, 'sis. mat to mr. george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (139, '2019-02-02', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (140, '2019-02-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5943, 'payment to mamps service (agya sei).', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (141, '2019-02-04', 1, 1, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt for conveying feeds from wear house', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (142, '2019-02-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1000, 'payment to agya collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (143, '2019-02-04', 1, 1, '908', '500', 570, 'salary to mr esiamah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (144, '2019-02-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 250, 'purchases of poly and robber bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (145, '2019-02-05', 1, 1, '908', '500', 1210, 'employees salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (146, '2019-02-06', 1, 1, '907', '500', 10, 'purchase of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (147, '2019-02-06', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 210, 'to mr ntiamoah bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (148, '2019-02-06', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchase of poly bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (149, '2019-02-06', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1160, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (150, '2019-02-06', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, '', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (151, '2019-02-06', 1, 1, '901', '500', 45, 'tnt for conveying office staffs to the house by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (152, '2019-02-08', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 660, 'house project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (153, '2019-02-08', 1, 1, '900', '500', 100, 'purchase of prepaid card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (154, '2019-02-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1032, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (155, '2019-02-07', 1, 1, '901', '500', 822.25, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (156, '2019-02-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 44.85, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (157, '2019-02-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'to mr alhassan bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (158, '2019-02-08', 1, 1, '907', '500', 345, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '2019-02-08', b'1'), (159, '2019-02-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 51, 'to micheal bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (160, '2019-02-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 345, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (161, '2019-02-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '2019-02-09', b'1'), (162, '2019-02-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchase of nails', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (163, '2019-02-09', 1, 1, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (164, '2019-02-09', 1, 1, '906', '500', 4, '', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (165, '2019-02-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'payment for suggestion box', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (166, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '901', '500', 11, 'tnt to sma', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (167, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'payment for no parking bord', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (168, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 150, 'to mr kofi kidisel bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (169, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1100, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (170, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (171, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 870, 't o mr ntiamoah bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (172, '2019-02-11', 1, 1, '908', '500', 388, 'vic', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (173, '2019-02-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchase of thread', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (174, '2019-02-12', 1, 1, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (175, '2019-02-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 400, 'to mr george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (176, '2019-02-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 116, 'purchase of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (177, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1200, 'to mr opoku bo madam madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (178, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'mr opoku to krofrom by bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (179, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1520, 'tnt of f. soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (180, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of f. soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (181, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 195, 'ssnit', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (182, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment to bro. kojo (carpenter)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (183, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 350, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (184, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '908', '500', 420, 'fataw adams salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (185, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt to ssnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (186, '2019-02-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 157, 'loan to fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (187, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 510, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (188, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '907', '500', 10, 'purchase of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (189, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'purchase of sand to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (190, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (191, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of maize( hired boys)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (192, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (193, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2100, 'tnt for white maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (194, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 550, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (195, '2019-02-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of cement', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (196, '2019-02-15', 1, 1, '901', '500', 240, 'tnt of 5% kudjis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (197, '2019-02-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of koudjis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (198, '2019-02-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1930, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (199, '2019-02-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 510, 'mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (200, '2019-02-16', 1, 1, '907', '500', 20, 'purchase of credit', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (201, '2019-02-16', 1, 1, '901', '500', 825, 'tnt of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (202, '2019-02-16', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (203, '2019-02-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 685, 'final payment to mr ali (software developer)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (204, '2019-02-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'to attah yussif bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (205, '2019-02-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 250, 'sis. mat to mr. attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (206, '2019-02-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 250, 'sis. mat to mr. george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (207, '2019-02-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4070, 'full payment made to agya collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (208, '2019-02-20', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (209, '2019-02-20', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 102, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (210, '2019-02-20', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 85, 'payment made to vodafone personel for the internet service connection', '2019-02-20', b'1'), (211, '2019-02-20', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 85, 'for internet service connection', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (212, '2019-02-21', 1, 1, '901', '500', 825, 'tnt of wheat(2.75*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (213, '2019-02-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 45, 'off loading of wheat(0.15*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (214, '2019-02-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 204, 'sis. mat to bro. michael', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (215, '2019-02-21', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 138, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (216, '2019-02-22', 1, 1, '901', '500', 962.5, 'tnt of wheat(2.75*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (217, '2019-02-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 52.5, 'off loading of wheat(0.15*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (218, '2019-02-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 130, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku in purchasing padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (219, '2019-02-22', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'sis. mat to michael', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (220, '2019-02-23', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (221, '2019-02-25', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of hard disk cord', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (222, '2019-02-26', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 410, 'sis. mat to mr. attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (223, '2019-02-26', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 454, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (224, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1224, 'to mr opoku bo madam matilda', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (225, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '901', '500', 360, 'tnt of white shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (226, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '903', '500', 1490, 'payment to supplier', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (227, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 55.8, 'offloading of shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (228, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '903', '500', 2457, 'payment to suppliers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (229, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt of f. soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (230, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of f. soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (231, '2019-02-27', 1, 1, '908', '500', 200, 'employee salary (ofori)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (232, '2019-02-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 102, 'sis. mat to mr. george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (233, '2019-02-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 204, 'sis. mat to mr. kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (234, '2019-03-01', 1, 1, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit cards', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (235, '2019-03-01', 1, 1, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (236, '2019-03-01', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'sis. mat to hardi baba', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (237, '2019-03-02', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 870, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (238, '2019-03-02', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 133, 'sis. mat to victoria', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (239, '2019-03-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (240, '2019-03-04', 1, 1, '901', '500', 120, 't&t of local soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (241, '2019-03-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'off loading of local soya(0.3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (242, '2019-03-04', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4252, 'full payment to supplier (maikudi-local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (243, '2019-03-05', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1900, 't&t of foreign soya(3.8*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (244, '2019-03-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'off loading of foreign soya(0.2*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (245, '2019-03-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (246, '2019-03-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 310, 'sis. mat to michael', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (247, '2019-03-05', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'sis. mat to mr. george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (248, '2019-03-06', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of remote control', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (249, '2019-03-06', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 510, 'sis. mat to alhassan mohammed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (250, '2019-03-06', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 714, 'sis. mat to dramani abubakar', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (251, '2019-03-08', 1, 1, '907', '500', 100, 'purchasing of credit cards', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (252, '2019-03-08', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 550, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (253, '2019-03-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 194.5, 'ssnit payment', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (254, '2019-03-07', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (255, '2019-03-09', 1, 1, '907', '500', 5, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (256, '2019-03-09', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 816, 'sis. mat to mr. george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (257, '2019-03-11', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (258, '2019-03-11', 1, 1, '901', '500', 100, 't&t of hendrix (46 bags)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (259, '2019-03-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 9.2, 'unloading of hendrix (0.2*46)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (260, '2019-03-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (261, '2019-03-11', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10258, 'payment to supplier - bags of hendrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (262, '2019-03-12', 1, 1, '901', '500', 30, 't&t to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (263, '2019-03-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 200, 'sis. mat to mr. george ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (264, '2019-03-12', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment to repairer of air condition', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (265, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '907', '500', 750, 'iou from matilda to mr. opoku.', '2019-03-13', b'1'), (266, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '903', '500', 4, 'purchase of staple pins.', '2019-03-13', b'1'), (267, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchase of broom.', '2019-03-13', b'1'), (268, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 750, 'sis. mat to mr. opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (269, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '905', '500', 4, 'purchasing of staple pins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (270, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4290, 'payment to supplier (agya collins)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (271, '2019-03-13', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchasing of broom', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (272, '2019-03-14', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1650, 'being tnt for 600bags(25kg) of wheat bran received from takoradi flour mill at ghs2.7 each.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (273, '2019-03-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 90, 'being amount paid to loaders for unloading 600bags(25kg each) for unloading at a cost of ghs0.15 per bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (274, '2019-03-14', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 250, 'being amount matilda ordered to be sent to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (275, '2019-03-15', 1, 1, '901', '500', 360, 'being cost of transport of 300bags of koudjis at ghs1.2/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (276, '2019-03-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 120, 'being cost of loading of 300bags of kuodjis at ghs0.40/bag.', '2019-03-16', b'1'), (277, '2019-03-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 60, 'being cost of unloading 300bags of koudjis at ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (278, '2019-03-15', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 120, 'being cost of loading 300bags of koudjis into cargo at ghs0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (279, '2019-03-15', 1, 1, '907', '500', 662.5, 'being cost of transport of over 265bags of feeds to techiman @ ghs2.5/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (280, '2019-03-15', 1, 1, '905', '500', 8, 'being cost of scroller tape.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (281, '2019-03-15', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'being cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (282, '2019-03-16', 1, 1, '901', '500', 550, 'being cost of transport of 200bags of wheat at ghs2.75.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (283, '2019-03-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'being cost of unloading 200bags of wheat at ghs0.15.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (284, '2019-03-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 612, 'being iou from madam matilda to michael.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (285, '2019-03-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 408, 'being iou from madam matilda to kofi kidisel.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (286, '2019-03-16', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 53, 'being cost of loading 265bags of feeds at ghs0.20/bag to techiman.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (287, '2019-03-17', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 120, 'being cost of repacking 400bags of feeds @0.30 on sunday.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (288, '2019-03-17', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 100, 'cash to staff ( abdul, adams and ofori) for tnt on sunday.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (289, '2019-03-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'cash to loaders on sunday for transport.', '2019-03-18', b'1'), (290, '2019-03-17', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'being cash to loading boys for tnt on sunday.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (291, '2019-03-18', 1, 1, '901', '500', 35, 'being cost of transportation to and fro frankatson by mr. opoku and mr. ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (292, '2019-03-18', 1, 1, '908', '500', 388, 'being feb. salary payment for ms.victoria opoku amponsah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (293, '2019-03-18', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (294, '2019-03-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 12, 'being tnt for it expert for fixing our malfunctioning network.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (295, '2019-03-19', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'being iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (296, '2019-03-19', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'being cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (297, '2019-03-20', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 1200, 'payment of 40bags of layer premix at ghs30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (298, '2019-03-20', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 693, 'payment of 99bags of 3-sulfa at ghs7/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (299, '2019-03-20', 1, 1, '902', '500', 5, 'cost of purchasing airtime for office mobile phone.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (300, '2019-03-25', 1, 1, '907', '500', 10, 'being cost of call credit for the office mtn line.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (301, '2019-03-25', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 85, 'being cost of internet data for the office.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (302, '2019-03-25', 1, 1, '901', '500', 160, 'being cost of loading andtransportation of 100bags of alfa.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (303, '2019-03-25', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 20, 'cost incurred for unloading 100bags of alfa @ghs0.20.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (304, '2019-03-26', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 615, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. attah yussif.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (305, '2019-03-26', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 400, 'iou for madam matilda to maa dora.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (306, '2019-03-26', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 2000, 'payment of ghs2000 to maa dora konadu for ordering 100bags of white shells.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (307, '2019-03-26', 1, 1, '903', '500', 5, 'cost of purchasing plastic bags.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (308, '2019-03-26', 1, 1, '901', '500', 2, 'cost of transport to make deposit by ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (309, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 45, 'cost of loading 150bags of hendrix at ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (310, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 155, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (311, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '901', '500', 350, 'cost of transporting products to techiman by mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (312, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 30, 'unloading of 150bags of hendrix at ghs0.20/bag.', '2019-03-27', b'1'), (313, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '906', '500', 2, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (314, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '901', '500', 130, 'cost of transporting koudijs chick mash from santasi to office.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (315, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 24, 'loading of koudijs chick mash at ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (316, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 10, 'cost of unloading 50bags of hendrix at ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (317, '2019-03-27', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 18, 'cost of unloading 120bags of koudijs chick mash at ghs0.15/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (318, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 410, 'iou for madam matilda to seidu abdullai.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (319, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 7704, 'total cost of purchasing 255bags of blackshell @13/bag (ghs3315) and whiteshells @21/bag (ghs4389)', '2019-03-29', b'1'), (320, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 92.8, 'unloading of 464bags of white and black shells @ghs0.20/bag.', '2019-03-29', b'1'), (321, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 500, 'payment of revenue to gra by mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (322, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '901', '500', 1100, 'cost of transporting 400bags of wheat at ghs0.27/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (323, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 80, 'unloading of 400bags of wheat at ghs0.20/bag.', '2019-03-29', b'1'), (324, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4700, 'payment of supplier for the supply of 204bags of whiteshells and 255bags of blackshells received on 28/03/19.', '2019-03-29', b'1'), (325, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 300, 'part payment to supplier(alex ofori mensah) for the supply of 204bags of whiteshells and 255bags of black shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (326, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '901', '500', 2565, 'cost of transport for the supply of 255bags of blackshells and 204bags of whiteshells.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (327, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 91.8, 'cost of unloading 459bags of white/black shells @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (328, '2019-03-28', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 25, 'amount paid to loading boys for unloading and loading of good during stock count.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (329, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 60, 'cost of unloading 400bags of wheat @ghs0.15/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (330, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '901', '500', 10, 'payment to it expert for servicing.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (331, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4737, 'payment for the supply of 255bags of blackshells and 205bags of whiteshells.', '2019-03-29', b'1'), (332, '2019-03-29', 1, 1, '1000', '500', 4734, 'payment of shells to mr. alex ofori mensah for the supply of 205bags of whiteshells and 255bags of blackshells.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (333, '2019-04-03', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 50, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (334, '2019-04-03', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 40, 'cost of unloading 200bags of fish and broiler starter mash @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (335, '2019-04-03', 1, 11, '901', '500', 240, 'cost of transporting 200bags of fish and broiler starter mash @ ghs1.20/bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (336, '2019-04-04', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 400, 'iou to md. matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (337, '2019-04-04', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 300, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (338, '2019-04-04', 1, 11, '903', '500', 6, 'cost of buying polythene.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (339, '2019-04-04', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 500, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (340, '2019-04-04', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 2, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (341, '2019-04-05', 1, 11, '901', '500', 5, 'cost of transportation for visiting reiss and co.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (342, '2019-04-05', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 5, 'mobile money charge for sending ghs150 and receiving same from vodafone facilitator.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (343, '2019-04-06', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 150, 'iou for madam matilda to mr.george ntiamoah.', '2019-04-06', b'1'), (344, '2019-04-06', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2660, 'cost of transporting 700bags of soya bean at ghs3.80/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (345, '2019-04-06', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 190, 'unloading of 450bags of soya bean at ghs0.20/bag (kadir and jato) and 250bags at gh0.40/bag for external loading boys.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (346, '2019-04-06', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 155, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. georgr ntiamoh.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (347, '2019-04-06', 1, 11, '908', '500', 800, 'iou( part pymt. of salaries).\r\nmartin opoku-darko - ghs500\r\nadams fataw - ghs100\r\nrandolf - ghs100\r\n abdul fataw - ghs100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (348, '2019-04-08', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 612, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. arthur yussif.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (349, '2019-04-08', 1, 11, '902', '500', 5, 'cost of purchasing vodafone credit card.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (350, '2019-04-08', 1, 11, '908', '500', 1425, 'payment of outstanding balance of march salary to staff.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (351, '2019-04-09', 1, 11, '903', '500', 6, 'cost of purchasing a pack of polythene bags.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (352, '2019-04-09', 1, 11, '906', '500', 4, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (353, '2019-04-10', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2.8, 'cost of transportation for visiting reiss and co. by ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (354, '2019-04-10', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 250, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. arthur yussif.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (355, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 750, 'iou to madam matilda to mr. abubakar dramani.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (356, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 30, 'loading of 100bags of p.f.c @ ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (357, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 15, 'unloading of 100bags of wheat @ ghs0.15/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (358, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 20, 'unloading of 100bags of p.f.c @ ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (359, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '901', '500', 275, 'cost of transporting 100bags of wheat from tema to kumasi @ ghs2.75/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (360, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '901', '500', 120, 'cost of transporting 100bags of p.f.c @ ghs1.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (361, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '901', '500', 6, 'tranportation cost to kwadaso to purchase p.f.c by mr.opoku and ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (362, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 510, 'iou for madam matilda to michael.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (363, '2019-04-12', 1, 11, '901', '500', 750, 'cost of +', '2019-04-15', b'1'), (364, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1100, 'cost of transporting 400bags of wheat from tema to kumasi @ ghs2.75/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (365, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 60, 'cost of unloading 400bags of wheat @ ghs0.15/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (366, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 450, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (367, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 303, 'iou for madam matilda to abubakar dramani.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (368, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 16, 'iou for madam matilda for the purchase of one oyeade3 yie.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (369, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 268.5, 'payment of ssnit contribution for the month of march 2019.', '2019-04-12', b'1'), (370, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2.75, 'transportation cost to ssnit office by michael.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (371, '2019-04-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 268.25, 'payment of ssnit contribution for employees.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (372, '2019-04-15', 1, 11, '903', '500', 6, 'cost of purchasing a pack of polythene.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (373, '2019-04-15', 1, 11, '906', '500', 2, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (374, '2019-04-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 2, 'transportation cost to access bank to deposit part payment of amount owed maa konadu.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (375, '2019-04-16', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 510, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. joseph acheampong.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (376, '2019-04-16', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 210, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (377, '2019-04-16', 1, 11, '903', '500', 1, 'purchase of pen for office use.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (378, '2019-04-16', 1, 11, '901', '500', 75, 'cost of transport to and from ashvet and maridav for products.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (379, '2019-04-17', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 1428, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '2019-04-17', b'1'), (380, '2019-04-17', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 1424, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku(george ntiamoah).', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (381, '2019-04-18', 1, 11, '901', '500', 80, 'cost of transportation for 60bags of macro sulphur.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (382, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 40, 'cost of loading 60bags of macro sulphur at suppliers end by potters.', '2019-04-19', b'1'), (383, '2019-04-18', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 200, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (384, '2019-04-18', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 6, 'purshasing of polythene pack.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (385, '2019-04-18', 1, 11, '906', '500', 3, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (386, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 6000, 'payment to supplier for 60bags of macro sulphur. ghs4929 being cash at hand by cob 17/04/19 and ghs1071 being part of cash received on 18/04/19 w', '2019-04-19', b'1'), (387, '2019-04-18', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 6000, 'part payment for 60bags of macro sulphur. ghs4929 being cash at hand by cob 17-04-19 and ghs1071 being part of cash received on 18-04-19.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (388, '2019-04-18', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 40, 'amount paid to potters for loading 60bags of macro sulphur.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (389, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 4300, 'being part payment to bro. sammy(driver) for the supply of 1000bags of whiteshells.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (390, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 237, 'unloading of 592bags of whiteshells by outsourced loading boys @40p/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (391, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '901', '500', 120, 'cost of transporting 100bags of alfa @ghs1.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (392, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 102, 'unloading of 508bags of whiteshells and alfa @20p/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (393, '2019-04-19', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 40, 'loading of 100bags of alfa @40p/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (394, '2019-04-20', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 3000, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (395, '2019-04-20', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 1000, 'iou for madam matilda to michael.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (396, '2019-04-20', 1, 11, '903', '500', 5, 'purchase of a pack of polythene bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (397, '2019-04-20', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 400, 'iou for madam matilda to staff.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (398, '2019-04-23', 1, 11, '903', '500', 6, 'cost of purchasing polythene pack', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (399, '2019-04-24', 1, 11, '906', '500', 3, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (400, '2019-04-24', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 510, 'iou for sis.matilda to mr. joseph acheampong.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (401, '2019-04-24', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 420, 'iou for madam matilda to kofi kidisel.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (402, '2019-04-24', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 310, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (403, '2019-04-24', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 600, 'goodwill pymt. to agro landlord.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (404, '2019-04-25', 1, 11, '902', '500', 10, 'purchase of mtn credit card.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (405, '2019-04-26', 1, 11, '903', '500', 6, 'purchase of polythene pack.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (406, '2019-04-26', 1, 11, '901', '500', 275, 'transportation cost of 100bags of wheat.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (407, '2019-04-26', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 15, 'cost of unloading 100bags of wheat @ghs0.15/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (408, '2019-04-26', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 133.6, 'cost of unloading 334bags of white maize by outsourced loading boys @ghs0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (409, '2019-04-26', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 73.2, 'cost of unloading 366bags of white maize by kadir and jato @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (410, '2019-04-26', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 400, 'part payment to supplier of maize ( mr. opoku; driver)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (411, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1650, 'cost of transporting 600bags of wheatbran @ ghs2.75/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (412, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 420, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah osei.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (413, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 510, 'iou for madam matilda to madam philomina opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (414, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 300, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (415, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 6, 'cost of purchasing a pack of polythene.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (416, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 32, 'iou( purchasing of 2 oyeadeyie) for sis. matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (417, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '906', '500', 2, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (418, '2019-04-29', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 90, 'unloading of 600bags of wheatbran @ghs0.15/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (419, '2019-05-07', 1, 11, '902', '500', 10, 'cost of purchasing ghs10.00 of vodafon recharge card for office line.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (420, '2019-05-07', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 80, 'amount paid to outsourced loading boys for 200bags of soya bean @ ghs0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (421, '2019-05-07', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 40, 'amount paid to kadir and jato for unloading 200bags of soya bean @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (422, '2019-05-07', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1520, 'being amount paid to driver for transporting 400bags of soya bean @ghs3.80/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (423, '2019-05-07', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 510, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (424, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 350, 'iou for sister matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (425, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 2660, 'payment to reiss and co. for debt settlement.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (426, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '906', '500', 2, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (427, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 1000, 'iou for sis. matilda to md. philomina.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (428, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 230, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (429, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '901', '500', 101.4, 'transportation cost to and from reiss and co. by ofori.', '2019-05-09', b'1'), (430, '2019-05-08', 1, 11, '901', '500', 11.4, 'transportation cost to and from reiss and co. by randolf ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (431, '2019-05-09', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 5700, 'payment to supplier ( maa konadu). being part payment of debt owed her.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (432, '2019-05-09', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2, 'cost of transportation to deposit money into suppliers account by ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (433, '2019-05-10', 1, 11, '900', '500', 100, 'purchase of electricity prepaid credit for office by ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (434, '2019-05-10', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 100, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (435, '2019-05-10', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 32, 'iou(2 oyeadieye) for md. matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (436, '2019-05-10', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 400, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. abubakar.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (437, '2019-05-10', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 612, 'iou for md. matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (438, '2019-05-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 400, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (439, '2019-05-11', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 389, 'iou for madam matilda to ofori for the purchase of a blender.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (440, '2019-05-11', 1, 11, '903', '500', 15, 'cost of purchasing two glass cleaners.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (441, '2019-05-11', 1, 11, '903', '500', 10, 'cost of purchasing dusters for office use.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (442, '2019-05-11', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2.8, 'transportation cost to and from melcom for the purchase of blender.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (443, '2019-05-13', 1, 11, '901', '500', 11.4, 'transportation cost for products to and from reiss and co. by randolf ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (444, '2019-05-13', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 456, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (445, '2019-05-13', 1, 11, '8', '500', 277.5, 'payment of ssnit conribytion for staff for the month of april.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (446, '2019-05-13', 1, 11, '901', '500', 10, 'transportation to michael for the payment of ssnit contribution for staff.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (447, '2019-05-14', 1, 11, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card for office vodafone line.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (448, '2019-05-14', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 2250, 'payment to supplier(maa konadu) for wholewheat by randolf ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (449, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 8.5, 'purchase of binding tape.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (450, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1300, 'part payment to supplier for the supply of 200bags of blackshells; ghs900 to driver and ghs400 to supplier(bro. alex)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (451, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 60, 'unloading of 200bags of blackshells @ghs0.60/bag.', '2019-05-16', b'1'), (452, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 60, 'unloading of 200bags of blackshells @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (453, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1100, 'payment to driver for transporting 400bags of wheatbran @ghs2.75/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (454, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 380, 'unloading of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '2019-05-16', b'1'), (455, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 250, 'part pymt. to artisan for the reconstruction of billboard.\r\n \r\nnb: given to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (456, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 154, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (457, '2019-05-15', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 76, 'unloading of 380bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (458, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1520, 'payment to driver for transporting 400bags of soya bean @ ghs3.80/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (459, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 120, 'unloading of 400bags of soya bean @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (460, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 370, 'payment to driver for delivering 100bags of wheatbran @ghs2.75/bag and 25bags of wholewheat @ghs3.80/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (461, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '901', '500', 27.5, 'unloading of 100bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag and 25bags of whole wheat @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (462, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '9', '500', 3000, 'payment to bro. alex for the supply of blackshells.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (463, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '906', '500', 2, 'payment to refuse collector.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (464, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '10', '500', 250, 'for madam matilda to mr. g. ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (465, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '901', '500', 50, 'transportation fee to mr. sampana by mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (466, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '901', '500', 175, 'payment to driver for delivering 150bags of 5% koudijs.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (467, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading 150bags of 5% koudijs @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (468, '2019-05-16', 1, 11, '12', '500', 60, 'loading 150bags of koudijs 5% @gh0.40/bag @ dorpoult ventures depot.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (469, '2019-05-17', 1, 11, '901', '500', 175, 'payment to driver for delivering 50bags of 5% koudijs and 100bags of 20% koudijs.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (470, '2019-05-17', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 60, 'loading of 50bags of 5% koudijs and 100bags of 20% koudijs at suppliers depot.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (471, '2019-05-17', 1, 11, '10', '500', 306, 'for madam matilda to mr. arthur yusif.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (472, '2019-05-17', 1, 11, '11', '500', 18, 'payment to kadir for unloading 60bags of koudijs.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (473, '2019-05-17', 1, 11, '11', '500', 36, 'payment to outsourced loading boys for unloading 90bags of koudijs products.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (474, '2019-05-17', 1, 11, '10', '500', 1000, 'for madam matilda to manager mr.opoku (chris).', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (475, '2019-05-18', 1, 11, '10', '500', 1020, 'for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (476, '2019-05-18', 1, 11, '10', '500', 510, 'for madam matilda to kofi kidisel.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (477, '2019-05-20', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment to artisan for the reconstruction of bill board.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (478, '2019-05-21', 1, 11, '901', '500', 412.5, 'transportation cost for the delivery of 150bags of wheatbran @ghs2.75.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (479, '2019-05-21', 1, 11, '9', '500', 350, 'payment for 50bottles of 3-sulfa.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (480, '2019-05-21', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment for the reconstruction of billboard.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (481, '2019-05-21', 1, 11, '11', '500', 30, 'payment to kadir and jato for unloading 150bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (482, '2019-05-22', 1, 11, '10', '500', 360, 'for madam matilda to mr. attah yussif.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (483, '2019-05-23', 1, 11, '906', '500', 3, 'payment to refuse collector.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (484, '2019-05-23', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 20, 'cost of purchasing a mop.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (485, '2019-05-24', 1, 11, '10', '500', 510, 'for madam matilda to mr. abubakar.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (486, '2019-05-24', 1, 11, '10', '500', 360, 'for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (487, '2019-05-24', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchase of 100bags of sack.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (488, '2019-05-25', 1, 11, '10', '500', 816, 'for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (489, '2019-05-25', 1, 11, '10', '500', 310, 'for madam matilda to mr. kofi kidisel.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (490, '2019-05-25', 1, 11, '10', '500', 450, 'for madam matilda to mr. joseph acheampong.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (491, '2019-05-27', 1, 11, '907', '500', 20, 'purchase of ghs10.00 airtime each for vodafone and mtn office lines.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (492, '2019-05-27', 1, 11, '9', '500', 1100, 'part payment to maize supplier( driver).', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (493, '2019-05-27', 1, 11, '12', '500', 125, 'paid to kadir and jato for unloading 416.6bags of maize @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (494, '2019-05-27', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 113, 'paid to outsourced loading boys for unloading 283.4bags of maize @0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (495, '2019-05-27', 1, 11, '10', '500', 408, 'for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (496, '2019-05-27', 1, 11, '10', '500', 770, 'for madam matilda to mr. dramani abubakar.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (497, '2019-05-28', 1, 11, '10', '500', 714, 'for madam matilda to mr.opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (498, '2019-05-28', 1, 11, '10', '500', 404, 'for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (499, '2019-06-05', 1, 11, '9', '500', 2160, 'payment to elizabeth annan . being balance for the supply of 200bags of copra cake.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (500, '2019-06-05', 1, 11, '9', '500', 2210, 'payment to mr. collins amankwah for the supply of 17bags of local fish @ghs130/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (501, '2019-06-04', 1, 11, '908', '500', 2635, 'payment of salaries for the month of may to staff.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (502, '2019-06-04', 1, 11, '10', '500', 250, 'for madam matilda to mr. seidu abdullai.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (503, '2019-06-06', 1, 11, '9', '500', 6072, 'payment to maa konadu . being settlement of debt ghs322( wheatbran), ghs1750(whole wheat) and payment of ghs4000 for whiteshells to techiman.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (504, '2019-06-07', 1, 11, '901', '500', 150, 'payment to driver for delivering 100bags of hendrix.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (505, '2019-06-07', 1, 11, '11', '500', 30, 'payment to loading boys for unloading 100bags of hendrix.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (506, '2019-06-07', 1, 11, '12', '500', 20, 'payment for loading goods to techiman on 05-06-19.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (507, '2019-06-07', 1, 11, '907', '500', 30, 'purchase of airtime for office lines. vodafone(ghs20) and mtn(ghs10)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (508, '2019-06-08', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2660, 'payment to drivers for deliverying 700bags of foreign soya.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (509, '2019-06-08', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1375, 'payment to driver for delivering 500bags of wheatbran.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (510, '2019-06-08', 1, 11, '11', '500', 80, 'payment to outsourced loading boys for unloading 200bags of soya @ ghs0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (511, '2019-06-08', 1, 11, '11', '500', 250, 'payment to kadir, ryan and wahab for unloading 500bags of foreign soya @ ghs0.30/bag and 500bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (512, '2019-06-08', 1, 11, '10', '500', 860, 'for madam matilda to mr. joseph acheampong.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (513, '2019-06-08', 1, 11, '10', '500', 300, 'for madam matilda to mr. kofo kidisel.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (514, '2019-06-10', 1, 11, '10', '500', 310, 'iou for madam matilda for mr. abubakar dramani.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (515, '2019-06-10', 1, 11, '10', '500', 400, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (516, '2019-06-11', 1, 11, '901', '500', 100, 'transportation cost for mr. opoku to techiman.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (517, '2019-06-11', 1, 11, '10', '500', 714, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. albert duah(nana).', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (518, '2019-06-11', 1, 11, '10', '500', 110, 'iou for madam matilda to purchase credit card for mr. albert duah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (519, '2019-06-11', 1, 11, '10', '500', 204, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. abubakar dramani.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (520, '2019-06-11', 1, 11, '906', '500', 4, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (521, '2019-06-11', 1, 11, '10', '500', 400, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. george ntiamoah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (522, '2019-06-12', 1, 11, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment to supplier for the supply of 150bags of macro sulphur @ghs110.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (523, '2019-06-12', 1, 11, '901', '500', 150, 'payment to driver for the delivery of 150bags of macro sulphur.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (524, '2019-06-12', 1, 11, '9', '500', 30, 'part payment to supplier of layer(40) and broiler premix(10).', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (525, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '9', '500', 2000, 'payment to dannex for the supply of 100bottles of gluco vet c.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (526, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '901', '500', 380, 'transportation cost for 100bags of sankofa layer mash.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (527, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '11', '500', 30, 'payment to loading boys for unloading 100bags of sankofa layer mash.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (528, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment for the services of an electric welder.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (529, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '10', '500', 360, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. albert duah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (530, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '10', '500', 204, 'iou for madam matilda to bro. kofi thru mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (531, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '10', '500', 306, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (532, '2019-06-13', 1, 11, '10', '500', 250, 'iou for madam matilda to michael.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (533, '2019-06-14', 1, 11, '10', '500', 816, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (534, '2019-06-14', 1, 11, '901', '500', 190, 'payment to driver for delivering 50bags of whole wheat @ghs3.80.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (535, '2019-06-14', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 350, 'payment of revenue to gra by ofori in the name of matilda mensah .', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (536, '2019-06-14', 1, 11, '906', '500', 5, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (537, '2019-06-17', 1, 11, '10', '500', 495, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku for postage.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (538, '2019-06-19', 1, 11, '10', '500', 300, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (539, '2019-06-19', 1, 11, '10', '500', 410, 'iou for madam matilda to albert oliver.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (540, '2019-06-19', 1, 11, '901', '500', 2.8, 'cost of transportation to and fro reiss n co, by ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (541, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '9', '500', 15682, 'payment to supplier (vbp limited). ghs10,940( being part of sales proceeds on 20-06-19) and ghs4742( being cash at hand by cob 19-06-19)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (542, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '10', '500', 260, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (543, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '10', '500', 320, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (544, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '12', '500', 40, 'loading fee of 100bags of alfa @ghs0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (545, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '11', '500', 30, 'cost of unloading 100bags of alfa @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (546, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '901', '500', 130, 'payment to driver for deliverying 100bags of alfa @ghs1.30/bag', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (547, '2019-06-20', 1, 11, '901', '500', 32.8, 'transportation cost to and from frankatson by ofori for drugs.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (548, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '10', '500', 510, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (549, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '10', '500', 600, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (550, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '901', '500', 260, 'payment to driver for deliverying 200bags of 5% koudijs @1.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (551, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '12', '500', 80, 'cost of loading 200bags of 5% koudijs @ghs0.40/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (552, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '11', '500', 60, 'payment to loading boys for unloading 200bags of 5% koudijs @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (553, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '10', '500', 1024, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (554, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '903', '500', 35, 'purchase of note book for office use.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (555, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '10', '500', 220, 'iou for madam matilda to ofori.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (556, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '906', '500', 4, 'cost of dumping refuse.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (557, '2019-06-22', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 150, 'to artisan for tapoli.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (558, '2019-06-25', 1, 11, '10', '500', 200, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku on 24-06-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (559, '2019-06-25', 1, 11, '10', '500', 420, 'iou for madam matilda to mike.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (560, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '10', '500', 200, 'iou for madam matilda to ohemaa.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (561, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '901', '500', 30, 'payment to driver for the delivery of 50bags of wheatbran @ ghs0.60/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (562, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '11', '500', 10, 'unloading of 50bags of wheatbran @ ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (563, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '12', '500', 10, 'loading of 50bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (564, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '10', '500', 200, 'iou for madam matilda to her mother.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (565, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '9', '500', 1000, 'purchasing of 50bags of wheatbran @ ghs20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (566, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 650, 'purchasing of jute bag sewing machine for mr. collins amankwaah.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (567, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '10', '500', 2080, 'payment to supplier for the supply of 16bags of local fish @ ghs130/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (568, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '10', '500', 50, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (569, '2019-06-26', 1, 11, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of paint.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (570, '2019-06-27', 1, 11, '900', '500', 100, 'purchase of electricity prepaid credit.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (571, '2019-06-27', 1, 11, '10', '500', 816, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. dramani abubakar.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (572, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card for mtn line.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (573, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '901', '500', 25, 'transportation cost to and from mark doxin for drugs by mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (574, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '9', '500', 600, 'purchasing of 30bags of wheatbran from abba @ghs20.00.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (575, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '12', '500', 9, 'payment to loaders for loading 30bags of wheatbran @ ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (576, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '11', '500', 6, 'payment for unloading 30bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (577, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '901', '500', 15, 'payment to driver for delivering 30bags of wheatbran.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (578, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '901', '500', 10, 'transportation to mtn office by mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (579, '2019-06-28', 1, 11, '10', '500', 450, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. opoku.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (580, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1620, 'payment to driver for the delivery of 600bags of tfm wheatbran @ ghs2.70/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (581, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '11', '500', 41.9, 'unloading of 139.5bags of wheatbran by outsourced loading boy @ ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (582, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '901', '500', 1100, 'payment to driver for the delivery of 400bags of wheatbran @ ghs2.75/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (583, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '11', '500', 172.1, 'payment to loading boys for unloading 860.50bags of wheatbran @ghs0.20/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (584, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '11', '500', 30, 'unloading of 100bags of jubaili coloured concentrate @ghs0.30/bag.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (585, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '10', '500', 455, 'iou for madam matilda to mr. abubakar dramani.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (586, '2019-06-29', 1, 11, '901', '500', 200, 'payment to driver for the delivery of 100bags of jubaili coloured concentrate.', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (587, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 950, 'pmt made to mr albert oliver duah', '2019-07-04', b'1'), (588, '2019-07-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5578.45, 'pmt made to supplier maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (589, '2019-07-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4375, 'pmt made to bro alex (shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (590, '2019-07-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 950, 'pmt made to mr albert duah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (591, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 750, 'pmt made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (592, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '907', '500', 306, 'pmt made mr seidu abdulai', '2019-07-04', b'1'), (593, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '907', '500', 170, 'ptm made to mr opoku', '2019-07-04', b'1'), (594, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'pmt made to mr seidu abdulai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (595, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 170, 'pmt made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (596, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2000, 't n t for sonal soya (4*500) =2000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (597, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'pmt made to loading boys for sonal soya (0.3*500)=150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (598, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purch for bulb and holder', '2019-07-04', b'1'), (599, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purch of bulb and holder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (600, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5368.5, 'pmt made to mamps servies', '2019-07-08', b'1'), (601, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'purch made for tapoli', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (602, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '908', '500', 810, 'pmt salaries \r\n kadir =300 jato=260 wahab=250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (603, '2019-07-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'to mr kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (604, '2019-07-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 6, 't n t to omni bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (605, '2019-07-05', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'pmt made for dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (606, '2019-07-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly-bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (607, '2019-07-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5368.5, 'pmt made to mamps service omni bank', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (608, '2019-07-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'pmt made to ohemaah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (609, '2019-07-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10142, 'full payment made to jubaili agrotec account no =9040003913206 by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (610, '2019-07-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3900, 'full payment made to mr collins amahkwah by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (611, '2019-07-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 't n t made to mr michael and emmanuel \r\n stanbic bank =5 ssnit =20', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (612, '2019-07-08', 1, 12, '907', '500', 277.5, 'payment of ssnit contribution my michael', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (613, '2019-07-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2853.55, 'part payment to mamps service', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (614, '2019-07-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 't n t to bank fatwa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (615, '2019-07-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12778, 'part payment to mamps service', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (616, '2019-07-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4500, 'part payment to jubali agrotec', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (617, '2019-07-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7358, 'part payment to jubaili agrotec', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (618, '2019-07-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 't n t to techiman by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (619, '2019-07-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 855, 'payment made to mr albert oliver duah =255 and \r\nohemaa =600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (620, '2019-07-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (621, '2019-07-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 't n t made for mad sarah boateng soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (622, '2019-07-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse cost', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (623, '2019-07-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 22500, 'full payment of layer champrix to frankatson by mr opoku dated 11-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (624, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'payment made to ohemaa to micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (625, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 't n t payment made to frankatson by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (626, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from frankatson by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (627, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 't n t made to ohemaa dropping', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (628, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '902', '500', 150, 'telephone bills made to ali (ict man)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (629, '2019-07-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1292, 'part payment to lucy paintsil date 12-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (630, '2019-07-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 23051, 'part payment mdae to lucy paintsil date 12-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (631, '2019-07-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1657, 'part payment made to lucy paintsil date 12-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (632, '2019-07-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 't n t to techiman by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (633, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1620, 't n t to wheat bran offload car', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (634, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (635, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (636, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchases of poly bags 1/2', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (637, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'i o u by sis mat to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (638, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8815, 'part payment to essvee ago ltd (raj) 15-07-2017', '2019-07-15', b'1'), (639, '2019-07-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12637, 'part payment to essvee ago (raj) 15-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (640, '2019-07-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8815, 'part payment to essvee ago ltd (raj) 15-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (641, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3548, 'part payment made essvee agro ltd (raj) 15-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (642, '2019-07-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'onloading of layer champrix by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (643, '2019-07-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 135, 'offloading of goods by kadir and co 14-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (644, '2019-07-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 133, 'offloading of goods by other loading boys 14-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (645, '2019-07-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 330, 't n t for staff 14-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (646, '2019-07-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of staples pin for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (647, '2019-07-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2033, 'sales balance send to bank 16-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (648, '2019-07-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5909.5, 'sales balance send to bank1 16-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (649, '2019-07-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3996, 'sales balance send to bank 16-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (650, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of layer champrix and hendrix by loading boys (0.30*150) =45', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (651, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 195, 't n t for hendrix driver (1.30*150) =195', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (652, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (653, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 140, 'purchases of toffi and t n t for my opoku from south to kokoso', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (654, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '902', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (655, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou to ohemaa by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (656, '2019-07-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 't n t to reiss and co by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (657, '2019-07-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to ali (i c t man )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (658, '2019-07-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'i o u by sis mat to albert oliver duah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (659, '2019-07-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5570, 'part payment made to macro sulfa( bridget osei )', '2019-07-18', b'1'), (660, '2019-07-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5570, 'part payment made to macro sulfa( bridget osei ) 18-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (661, '2019-07-18', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of office refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (662, '2019-07-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to techiman by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (663, '2019-07-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 408, 'part payment made to wheat bran by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (664, '2019-07-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3040, 't n t for safrip soya (3.80*800)to drivers ali iddrisu and salifu taminu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (665, '2019-07-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of safrip soya by loading boys (0.30*250) =240', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (666, '2019-07-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'money send to kofi kedisel by sis mat (c.e.o)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (667, '2019-07-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'money send to olady by sis mat (c.e.o)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (668, '2019-07-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1659, 'part payment made to maridav by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (669, '2019-07-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10257, 'part payment made to maridav by mr opoku', '2019-07-22', b'1'), (670, '2019-07-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10257, 'part payment made to maridav by mr opoku 22-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (671, '2019-07-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8433, 'sales balance send to bank date 22-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (672, '2019-07-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3360, 'sales balance send to date 22-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (673, '2019-07-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8433, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori', '2019-07-22', b'1'), (674, '2019-07-22', 1, 12, '11', '500', 120, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (675, '2019-07-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (676, '2019-07-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 90, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (677, '2019-07-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to maridav by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (678, '2019-07-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 508, 't n t made to driver for kudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (679, '2019-07-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 40, 't n t to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (680, '2019-07-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 95, 'offloading of kodjis product my loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (681, '2019-07-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12418.5, 'part payment made to supplier (lucy paintsil)', '2019-07-24', b'1'), (682, '2019-07-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12418.5, 'part payment made to supplier (lucy paintsil) 22-07-2019', '2019-07-24', b'1'), (683, '2019-07-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12418.5, 'part payment made to supplier (lucy paintsil) 24-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (684, '2019-07-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4781.5, 'full payment to lucy painstsil', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (685, '2019-07-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (686, '2019-07-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (687, '2019-07-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made to mr opoku to registered general by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (688, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1620, 't n t made to nana moore wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (689, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 't n t made to mr ntim\'s farms by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (690, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (691, '2019-07-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of white shells by loading boys (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (692, '2019-07-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 534, 'iou to mr opoku by c.e.o for assignment of work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (693, '2019-07-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2020, 'full payment made to dannex', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (694, '2019-07-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 19250, 'full payment made to brother samuel (white shells) 26-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (695, '2019-07-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5773, 'sales balance send to bank randolf 27-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (696, '2019-07-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag of office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (697, '2019-07-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8730, 'sales balance send to bank by adam fataw 29-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (698, '2019-07-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9714, 'part payment made to agyasei (maize) 29-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (699, '2019-07-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12513.5, 'part payment made to agyasei (maize) 29-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (700, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8387.5, 'full payment made to agyasei (maize) 29-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (701, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '907', '500', 1678.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ohemaa 29-07-2019', '2019-07-29', b'1'), (702, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1678, 'sales balance send to bank by ohemaa 29-07-2019', '2019-07-29', b'1'), (703, '2019-07-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1678.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ohemaa 29-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (704, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 141, 'offloading of white maize by loading boys (0.30*471)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (705, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12, 'purchases of credit cards of office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (706, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of sacks for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (707, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1345, 'cost of c.c.t.v. extension by ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (708, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to philomina opoku (mother)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (709, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 't n t to techiman by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (710, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to frankason by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (711, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit card for office use (vodafone )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (712, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (713, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kedisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (714, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to alhassan mohammed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (715, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10203, 'full payment made to reiss and company 31-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (716, '2019-07-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4534, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu 31-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (717, '2019-07-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7906, 'part payment made to maa dora konad 31-07-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (718, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (719, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of electricity for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (720, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 84.5, 't n t of koudjis product (1.30*65bags)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (721, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 't n t to access bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (722, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 23, 'offloading of koudjis product by loading boys (0.20*70) +(0.30*30)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (723, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1483, 'full payment made to maa dora konadu (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (724, '2019-08-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 't n t to mr opoku for purchases of fire estinquisher', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (725, '2019-08-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 30, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (726, '2019-08-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (727, '2019-08-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchase of fire extinguisher for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (728, '2019-07-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14480, 'sales balance to bank by ofori 02-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (729, '2019-08-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 862, 'sales balance to bank by ofori 02-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (730, '2019-08-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 102, 'iou by c.e.o to alhassan mohammed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (731, '2019-08-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (732, '2019-08-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12182, '02-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by ofori', '2019-08-03', b'1'), (733, '2019-08-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15000, 'full payment made to takoradi flour mill (wheat bran) 02-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (734, '2019-08-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12182, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 03-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (735, '2019-08-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (736, '2019-08-03', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (737, '2019-08-03', 1, 12, '908', '500', 3477.5, 'full payment of staff salaries for july 2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (738, '2019-08-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (739, '2019-08-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1375, 't n t made by wheat bran (2.75*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (740, '2019-08-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (741, '2019-08-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (742, '2019-08-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 't n t made to driver for jubaili product (200*1.5)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (743, '2019-08-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of jubaili product by loading boy (200*0.30)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (744, '2019-08-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 256, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (745, '2019-08-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8766, 'part payment made to multivet macro premix 08-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (746, '2019-08-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4734, 'payment made to multivet (marco premix) 08-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (747, '2019-08-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2160, 'part payment made to multivet 08-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (748, '2019-08-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11193.5, 'part payment made to multivet 08-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (749, '2019-08-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6395.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 08-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (750, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (751, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 't n t to multivet by ofori and mr opoku (in and out )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (752, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to albert oliver duah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (753, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 270, 'ou by c.e.o to alhassan mohammed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (754, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to olady', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (755, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 178, 'full payment made to multivet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (756, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1470, 'full payment made to nana kwame (layer premix and dicalcium)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (757, '2019-08-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6536, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 09-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (758, '2019-08-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (759, '2019-08-09', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (760, '2019-08-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by fataw 09-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (761, '2019-08-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 719, 'sales balance send to bank by ohemaa 10-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (762, '2019-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (763, '2019-08-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 10-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (764, '2019-08-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (765, '2019-08-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (766, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 550, 'tnt for wheat bran (2.75*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (767, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (768, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 195, 'tnt for hendrix (1.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (769, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of hendrix (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (770, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of hendrix by loading boys (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (771, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (772, '2019-08-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11224, '12-08-2019 sales balance send to bank by fataw 13-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (773, '2019-08-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6667.5, 'sales balance send to bank by fataw 13-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (774, '2019-08-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 420, 'iou by c.e.o to bro kwadwo capenter', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (775, '2019-08-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 175, 'iou by c.e.o of purchases of dog feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (776, '2019-08-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to mr albert oliver duah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (777, '2019-08-13', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (778, '2019-08-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by fataw 13-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (779, '2019-08-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2846, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 14-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (780, '2019-08-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (781, '2019-08-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 200, 'full payment made to multivet (macro premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (782, '2019-08-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 14-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (783, '2019-08-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 8, 'iou by c.e.o to albert oliver duah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (784, '2019-08-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1078, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 16-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (785, '2019-08-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10368.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 16-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (786, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use (mtn)', '2019-08-17', b'1'), (787, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit card for office use (mtn)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (788, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (789, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 't n t to achiase farms by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (790, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1170, 'payment made to mr collins amankwa (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (791, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 16-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (792, '2019-08-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5731.5, 'sales balance send to bank by fataw 17-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (793, '2019-08-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of a4 sheet for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (794, '2019-08-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (795, '2019-08-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 816, 'iou by c.e.o to atta yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (796, '2019-08-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kedisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (797, '2019-08-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (798, '2019-08-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8499.5, 'part payment made to dora konadu wheat bran 19-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (799, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1500.5, 'part payment made to dora konadu (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (800, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 962.5, 't n t of wheat bran from tema (350*2.75)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (801, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 70, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (350*0.20)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (802, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 't n t to access bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (803, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2700, 't n t of wheat bran (1000*2.70)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (804, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (1000*0.20)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (805, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to pk', '2019-08-20', b'1'), (806, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to phillomina opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (807, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (808, '2019-08-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1520, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 20-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (809, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (810, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1140, 'tnt for soya (300*3.80)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (811, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (812, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of soya by loading boys (300*0.30)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (813, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales to bank by fataw 20-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (814, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales to bank by fataw 20-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (815, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (816, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 220, 'iou by wahab own by company', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (817, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 100, 'part payment made to lucy paintsil (soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (818, '2019-08-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 733, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 21-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (819, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to rashid mohammed(sonal soya) 4*500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (820, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 33, 'offloading of soya by loading boys (0.30*110)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (821, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 156, 'offloading of soya by other loading boys (0.40*390)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (822, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made to ali (bundle for july )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (823, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to emmanuel (office work by c.e.o)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (824, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to driver to techiman(egg tray)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (825, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of (black shells) by loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (826, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1400, 'part payment made to alex (black shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (827, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 460, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (828, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 160, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (829, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4716.5, '22-08-2019 sales balance send to bank', '2019-08-23', b'1'), (830, '2019-08-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4716.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 23-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (831, '2019-08-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 189, 'full payment made to ebo (3 sulfa) 27*7', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (832, '2019-08-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2900, 'full payment made to alex (black shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (833, '2019-08-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 23-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (834, '2019-08-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 23-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (835, '2019-08-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3723, 'sales balance send to by ofori 24-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (836, '2019-08-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (837, '2019-08-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 270, 'tnt made to drive wheat bran (2.70*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (838, '2019-08-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (839, '2019-08-26', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (840, '2019-08-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 13, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (841, '2019-08-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'iou by c,e,o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (842, '2019-08-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8035, 'part payment made to mark doxin 27-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (843, '2019-08-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9645, 'part payment made to mark doxin 27-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (844, '2019-08-27', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit card for office use (techiman)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (845, '2019-08-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchases of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (846, '2019-08-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt by mr opoku town for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (847, '2019-08-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to by ofori 27-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (848, '2019-08-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7360, 'full payment made to mark doxin', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (849, '2019-08-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3071.5, 'sales send to bank by ofori 28-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (850, '2019-08-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1035, 'full payment made for motor bike (aboboyaa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (851, '2019-08-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 16776, 'sales send to bank by ofori 28-08-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (852, '2019-08-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 28-08-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (853, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6000, 'part payment made for motor bike 27-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (854, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 48, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 28-08-2019', '2019-08-29', b'1'), (855, '2019-08-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 48, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 29-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (856, '2019-08-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2329, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 29-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (857, '2019-08-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1560.5, 'full payment made to ernejoyson ltd (ellen)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (858, '2019-08-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4940, 'full payment made to collin amankwa (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (859, '2019-08-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to albert duah oliver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (860, '2019-08-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 29-08-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (861, '2019-08-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 615.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 30-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (862, '2019-08-30', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (863, '2019-08-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 35, 'tnt to maridav in and out by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (864, '2019-08-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (865, '2019-08-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5532, 'full payment made to maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (866, '2019-08-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 208, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kedisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (867, '2019-08-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5855.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 31-08-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (868, '2019-08-31', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (869, '2019-08-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by ofori 31-08-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (870, '2019-08-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4961, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 02-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (871, '2019-09-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (872, '2019-09-02', 1, 12, '905', '500', 15, 'purchases of stationary for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (873, '2019-09-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1900, 'full payment made to dannex (glucose c)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (874, '2019-09-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3930, 'part payment made to bridget osei (macro sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (875, '2019-09-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9472.5, 'part payment made to tema flour mills ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (876, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (877, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (878, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 243, 'purchases of poly bags for office use and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (879, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 442.5, 'full payment made to flour mills tema (stanbic bank)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (880, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by ohemaa 03-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (881, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '908', '500', 710, 'august salary paid to staff (loading boys)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (882, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to stanbic bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (883, '2019-09-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4706.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 04-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (884, '2019-09-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 205, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa to children\'s home', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (885, '2019-09-04', 1, 12, '908', '500', 2667.5, 'full payment of august salary 2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (886, '2019-09-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5079.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 05-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (887, '2019-09-05', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of power for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (888, '2019-09-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchases of wood for office work (agro)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (889, '2019-09-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 600, 'iou by c.e.o to opoku philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (890, '2019-09-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales to bank by emmanuel 05-09-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (891, '2019-09-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 178.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 06-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (892, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt to driver local soya (salifu)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (893, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '11', '500', 80, 'unloading of koudijs product (0.40*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (894, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt to driver koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (895, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 300, 'work man-ship of office (agro shop) kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (896, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs product by loading boys (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (897, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 25.5, 'offloading of local soya by loading boys (0.30*85)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (898, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 28000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 06-09-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (899, '2019-09-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5897.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 07-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (900, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel 07-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (901, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 287.5, 'tnt of goods from techiman to maakro (2.5*115)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (902, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (903, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 192.5, 'tnt made to driver layer mash (3.85*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (904, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer mash by loading boys (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (905, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku (family funeral)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (906, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku (family funeral)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (907, '2019-09-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4838, 'part payment made to dora konadu (wheat bran) 09-09-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (908, '2019-09-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to access bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (909, '2019-09-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1650, 'tnt made to driver (wheat bran) 2.75*600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (910, '2019-09-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (911, '2019-09-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4162, 'part payment made to dora konadu(wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (912, '2019-09-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by fataw 09-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (913, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 500, 'part payment made to fatwa (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (914, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '8', '500', 277.5, 'full payment made for staff ssnit (july)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (915, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '8', '500', 351.5, 'full payment made for staff ssnit (august)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (916, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '907', '500', 5, 'tnt to ssnit office ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (917, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '902', '500', 150, 'payment made for august bundle (ali)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (918, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (919, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (920, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 30, 'part payment made to nana kwame (layer premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (921, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13495, 'full payment made to dexvet', '2019-09-11', b'1'), (922, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13495, 'full payment made to dexvet 11-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (923, '2019-09-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2426, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 11-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (924, '2019-09-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1010, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 11-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (925, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 192.5, 'tnt made to driver (sankofa mash) 50*3.85', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (926, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya(4*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (927, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of sankofa mash (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (928, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of f.soya(0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (929, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to ssnit office by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (930, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'payment made to raj essvee product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (931, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1470, 'full payment made to nana kwame (layer premix )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (932, '2019-09-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver (f.soya)4*500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (933, '2019-09-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f.soya by loading boys (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (934, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 380, 'tnt made to driver to tema 3.8*100(essar agro)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (935, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver (alfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (936, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of alfa product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (937, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of w.shells by loading boy (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (938, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of alfa product by loading boys (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (939, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of credit cards for office use (vodafone)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (940, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (941, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 312, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (942, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (943, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3360, 'part payment made to bro sammy (w. shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (944, '2019-09-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6864, 'part payment made to ashvet by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (945, '2019-09-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3130, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 16-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (946, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to maa elizabeth capper cake 16-09-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (947, '2019-09-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 69, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 16-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (948, '2019-09-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14174, 'part payment made to bro sammy (w. shells) 16-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (949, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1816, 'full payment made to bro sammy(w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (950, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 736, 'full payment made to ashvet by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (951, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3500, 'part payment made to agya-osei(maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (952, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to ashvet by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (953, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from ashvet by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (954, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 123.6, 'offloading of maize by loading boys (0.30*412)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (955, '2019-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7184.4, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu 17-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (956, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7815.6, 'part payment made to maa dora (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (957, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1650, 'tnt of wheat bran (2.75*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (958, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (959, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'registration of mobile money', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (960, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (961, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of broiler mash by loading boys (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (962, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to bank by fatwa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (963, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt of broiler mash (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (964, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 15786, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (965, '2019-09-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2243.4, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 18-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (966, '2019-09-18', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (967, '2019-09-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6202, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 19-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (968, '2019-09-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5400, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (969, '2019-09-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 33, 'tnt in and out to mark doxin for product by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (970, '2019-09-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchases of extension board for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (971, '2019-09-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (972, '2019-09-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (973, '2019-09-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (974, '2019-09-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt to akyease farms by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (975, '2019-09-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (976, '2019-09-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5695, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 20-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (977, '2019-09-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1174.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 21-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (978, '2019-09-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (979, '2019-09-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1500, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (980, '2019-09-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 350, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (981, '2019-09-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made for 5%koudijis (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (982, '2019-09-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of 5%koudijis (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (983, '2019-09-23', 1, 12, '11', '500', 40, 'unloading of 5%koudijis (0.40*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (984, '2019-09-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4208, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 24-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (985, '2019-09-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13063, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 24-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (986, '2019-09-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (987, '2019-09-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (988, '2019-09-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4583, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 25-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (989, '2019-09-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (990, '2019-09-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr agya kofi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (991, '2019-09-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr agya kofi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (992, '2019-09-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to fatwa for office work 22-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (993, '2019-09-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5273, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 26-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (994, '2019-09-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (995, '2019-09-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchases of glass cleaner for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (996, '2019-09-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1471, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 27-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (997, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 900, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth copra cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (998, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made for wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (999, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1000, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1050, 'tnt made for wheat bran to mampong (3.50*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1001, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of copra cake (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1002, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of mouse catcher for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1003, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit cards for techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1004, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1005, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1006, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4695, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 28-09-2019', '2019-09-28', b'1'), (1007, '2019-09-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4695, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 28-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1008, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1009, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to uncle george(hospital bills)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1010, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt for essvee layer mash (1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1011, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of essvee layer mash (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1012, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1013, '2019-09-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2251.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 30-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1014, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'full payment made to mad elizabeth annan(copra cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1015, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1400, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1016, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to brigett (macro sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1017, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1018, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 10, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1019, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1020, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sale send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1021, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of duster of office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1022, '2019-09-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2333, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 01-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1023, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1024, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 342, 'full payment made for costa pharmacy(glucose)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1025, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'iou by c.e.o to bro kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1026, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 35, 'tnt made to frankatson both in and out by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1027, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1028, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '908', '500', 3377.5, 'full payment made for employee salary by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1029, '2019-10-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5136.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 02-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1030, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1031, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt from reiss and co. ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1032, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1033, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1034, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '905', '500', 40, 'purchases of solid tape,note book and maker pen', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1035, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver ( f.soya) 4*600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1036, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya by loading boys (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1037, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver (hendrix) 1.50*200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1038, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of hendrix (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1039, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of hendrix (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1040, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1041, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 19.2, 'offloading of layer champrix(0.40*48)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1042, '2019-10-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8647.8, 'payment made for rent of office at maakro 03-10-2019', '2019-10-03', b'1'), (1043, '2019-10-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8647.8, 'payment made for rent of office at maakro 03-09-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1044, '2019-10-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 690, 'tnt made to driver of goods to techiman (3*230)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1045, '2019-10-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3352.2, 'full payment made for rent of office at maakro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1046, '2019-10-03', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1047, '2019-10-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1048, '2019-10-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8413.3, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 04-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1049, '2019-10-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment to mr fatawu (local soya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1050, '2019-10-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 800, 'tnt made driver f.soya (4*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1051, '2019-10-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1052, '2019-10-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8834.5, 'sales balance send to by emmanuel 05-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1053, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1054, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1055, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.e.o to mr adam fataw (loan)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1056, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 508, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1057, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1058, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1059, '2019-10-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7705.5, 'part payment made to essver agro pvt ltd 07-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1060, '2019-10-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3094.5, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1061, '2019-10-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4000, 'part payment made to collins amankwa (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1062, '2019-10-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1063, '2019-10-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1064, '2019-10-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4171.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 08-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1065, '2019-10-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1066, '2019-10-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver (wheat bran) 2.90*600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1067, '2019-10-08', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of electricity bill for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1068, '2019-10-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys(0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1069, '2019-10-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1070, '2019-10-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14288, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1071, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4446, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1072, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 650, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1073, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 10, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1074, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1075, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '11', '500', 70, 'unloading of koudijs product (175*0.40)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1076, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 6.3, 'tnt nade to frankatson by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1077, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 262.5, 'tnt made to driver of koudijs product (175*1.50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1078, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudijs both 5%and 20%(0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1079, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 10, 'offloading of koudijs chick mash (0.20*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1080, '2019-10-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8770.2, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 10-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1081, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1082, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1083, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '11', '500', 50, 'unloading of koudijs product(125*0.40)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1084, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 187.5, 'tnt made to driver of koudijs product(1.50*125)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1085, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '8', '500', 351.5, 'full payment made for worker ssnit payment september2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1086, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to ssint office by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1087, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of 5% koudijs product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1088, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 10, 'offloading of koudijs chick mash (0.20*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1089, '2019-10-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2413, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 11-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1090, '2019-10-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1091, '2019-10-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2800, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1092, '2019-10-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 400, 'payment made for motorbike insurance by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1093, '2019-10-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 466.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 14-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1094, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to maame roman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1095, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'funeral donation / tnt to agya owusu (customer) twedie', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1096, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1097, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1098, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 130, 'purchases of rain coat /tapoli for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1099, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8800, 'full payment made to shinefeel ltd (egg tray) 14-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1100, '2019-10-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7399.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 14-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1101, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14500, 'full payment made to olam ghana ltd (14.50*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1102, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1103, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '907', '500', 22, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1104, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '902', '500', 150, 'full payment made for internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1105, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchases of thred for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1106, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2.2, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1107, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of thred for office use motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1108, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1109, '2019-10-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2370, 'full payment made to agya collins (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1110, '2019-10-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 260, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1111, '2019-10-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'payment of income tax motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1112, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9907.8, 'part payment made to multivet on product', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1113, '2019-10-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9907.8, 'part payment made to multivet on product 18-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1114, '2019-10-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8896.5, 'part payment made to multivet on product 18-10-2019', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1115, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran(2.90*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1116, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1117, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt/ letter writing by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1118, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6737, 'part payment made to multivet on product 18-10-2019', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1119, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1120, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of broiler koudijis(0.40*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1121, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of broiler koudijis(0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1122, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1123, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2799.9, 'full payment made to multivet on product 18-10-2019', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1124, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6073.1, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 18-10-2019', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1125, '2019-10-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4485.2, 'full payment made to multivet 18-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1126, '2019-10-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4411.3, 'part payment made to frankatson 18-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1127, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6737, 'part payment made to frankatson 18-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1128, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2799.9, 'part payment made to frankatson 18-10-2019', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1129, '2019-10-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6073.1, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 18-10-2019', '2019-10-18', b'1'), (1130, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2799.9, 'part payment made to frankatson 18-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1131, '2019-10-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6073.1, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 18-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1132, '2019-10-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1133, '2019-10-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'part payment made of purchases of table for techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1134, '2019-10-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 33.2, 'tnt made to multivet by ofori in/out', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1135, '2019-10-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 110, 'hotel rent for worker from techiman by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1136, '2019-10-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 28119.8, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 19-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1137, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1138, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4000, 'part payment made to maa dora (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1139, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'full payment made for purchases of table techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1140, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '905', '500', 106.4, 'payment made for stationary for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1141, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to fredrick back to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1142, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to techiman by manager and mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1143, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to techiman by emmanel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1144, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4.2, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1145, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1146, '2019-10-21', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1147, '2019-10-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product (150 bags)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1148, '2019-10-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1149, '2019-10-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1150, '2019-10-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1151, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1152, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product (150 bags)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1153, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1154, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1155, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of 20% koudjis (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1156, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '11', '500', 40, 'unloading of 20% koudjis (0.40*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1157, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to driver 20% koudjis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1158, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3200, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1159, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made to ofori of purchases of drugs by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1160, '2019-10-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14809, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 23-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1161, '2019-10-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19914, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 23-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1162, '2019-10-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4272.9, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 23-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1163, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver ess vee broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1164, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of ess vee broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1165, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1166, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1167, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '11', '500', 40, 'unloading of layer champrix (0.40*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1168, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 180, 'tnt made to driver layer champrix (1.80*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1169, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 550, 'tnt made to driver for goods to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1170, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading layer champrix (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1171, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1172, '2019-10-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15915, 'part payment made to mr abdul (maize) 24-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1173, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1085, 'part payment made to mr abdul (maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1174, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 58, 'body work done on motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1175, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to opoku farms by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1176, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1900, 'tnt made to driver to techiman by mobile money (3.80*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1177, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 19, 'mobile money charge made on tnt to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1178, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 129, 'offloading of maize by loading boys (0.30*430)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1179, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1180, '2019-10-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13838.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 25-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1181, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4600, 'full payment made to essvee layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1182, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3410, 'full payment made mr fataw (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1183, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to mr atsu havor', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1184, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '123', '500', 50, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1185, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '906', '500', 6, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1186, '2019-10-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1187, '2019-10-26', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1188, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14500, 'full payment made to olam gh ltd wheat 28-10-2019 (14.50*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1189, '2019-10-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5768.5, 'part payment made to maridav on product 28-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1190, '2019-10-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4245.5, 'full payment made to maridav on product 28-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1191, '2019-10-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3445.5, 'full payment made to reiss and co ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1192, '2019-10-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 230, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1193, '2019-10-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1194, '2019-10-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2.2, 'tnt to stanbic bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1195, '2019-10-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3.7, 'tnt to maridav by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1196, '2019-10-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15022.5, 'part payment made to reiss and co ltd 28-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1197, '2019-10-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13264.1, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 29-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1198, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1199, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1200, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 122, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1201, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1202, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 262, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1203, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3.2, 'tnt made to town by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1204, '2019-10-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 4301.8, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 30-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1205, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6500, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1206, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'payment made gra on tax', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1207, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1208, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 76.7, 'tnt made to driver local soya (1.30*59)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1209, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1210, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '12', '500', 17.7, 'offloading of local soya by loading boy (0.30*59)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1211, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'letter writing and tnt made to gra office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1212, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1213, '2019-10-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1828.6, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 31-10-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1214, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made mad elizabeth anan (copra cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1215, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '10', '500', 714, 'iou by c.e.o to mr abdulai yakubu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1216, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of sim card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1217, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 66.3, 'tnt of local soya (1.30*51)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1218, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15.3, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*51)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1219, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to manpong by mr opoku and manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1220, '2019-10-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 19098.4, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tec 01-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1221, '2019-11-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10901.6, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tec', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1222, '2019-11-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.eo to mr abduliai yakubu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1223, '2019-11-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7332.4, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 02-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1224, '2019-11-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4900, 'part payment made to bro sammy ( w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1225, '2019-11-02', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of electricity bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1226, '2019-11-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 165.6, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*552)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1227, '2019-11-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 179.2, 'offloading of w.shells by other boys (0.40*448)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1228, '2019-11-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1229, '2019-11-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13744.7, 'sales balance send to by emmanuel 04-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1230, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1231, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 24100, 'full payment made to bro sammy (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1232, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1500, 'full payment made to nana kwame (layer primix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1233, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.e.o to mr seidu abduliai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1234, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1235, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1236, '2019-11-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 662.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 05-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1237, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7500, 'part payment made to mad dora konadu (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1238, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1239, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1240, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1241, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made for internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1242, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1243, '2019-11-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6941, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 06-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1244, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6000, 'part payment made to mr agya sei (russian fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1245, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '908', '500', 3715.5, 'full payment of employees salaries by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1246, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'maintenance and washing of motori bike', '2019-11-07', b'1'), (1247, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1248, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to driver (russian fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1249, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '11', '500', 40, 'unloading of russian fish (0.40*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1250, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of russian fish (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1251, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1962.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 07-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1252, '2019-11-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'maintenance and washing of motori bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1253, '2019-11-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1254, '2019-11-07', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1255, '2019-11-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'fake money paid by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1256, '2019-11-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4583, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize 08-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1257, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3787, 'full payment made to abdul (maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1258, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1500, 'part payment made to agye collins (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1259, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1260, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 476, 'tnt made to driver essaar fish meal (4*119)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1261, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1262, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 35.7, 'offloading of essaar fish by loading boys (0.30*119)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1263, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4271.3, 'part payment made to shinefeel ltd (egg tray)', '2019-11-11', b'1'), (1264, '2019-11-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4271.3, 'part payment made to shinefeel (egg tray) 11-11-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1265, '2019-11-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3700, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1266, '2019-11-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of bulb of office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1267, '2019-11-09', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse of branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1268, '2019-11-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10881, 'part payment made to multivet (macro premix c)11-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1269, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8928.7, 'full payment made to shinefeel gh ltd (egg tray)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1270, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2819, 'full payment made to multivet (macro premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1271, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1680, 'full payment made to frankatson (gro up )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1272, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1273, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 400, 'tnt made to ada by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1274, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1275, '2019-11-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11333.3, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 12-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1276, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10800, 'full payment made to ess vess agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1277, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 260, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1278, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '8', '500', 277.5, 'full payment for ssnit contribution for staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1279, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '905', '500', 25, 'purchases of stationary for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1280, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to ssnit office by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1281, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1282, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit cards to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1283, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver essvee broiler mash (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1284, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of promo banner', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1285, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee b mash by loading boys (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1286, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1287, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1288, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 672, 'full payment made to frankatson (oyeadieyie)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1289, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'payment made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1290, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1291, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs 5% (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1292, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of koudijs chick mash (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1293, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koudijs product (0.40*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1294, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 210, 'tnt made to driver of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1295, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'letter writing to mampong by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1296, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10000, 'part payment made for manpong store to mr isaac ofosu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1297, '2019-11-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to manpong by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1298, '2019-11-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7646.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 15-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1299, '2019-11-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 980.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 15-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1300, '2019-11-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4637, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 15-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1301, '2019-11-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15000, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran (1000*15) 15-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1302, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'iou by c.e.o purchases of oyeadieyie', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1303, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e.o to mr seidu abdulali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1304, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1305, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1306, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of sack for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1307, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '905', '500', 8, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1308, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1309, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1310, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1311, '2019-11-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 24913, 'part payment made to dexvet ghana ltd 16-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1312, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6618, 'full payment made to dexvet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1313, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'part payment made to mr fataw (local soya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1314, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 180, 'purchases of paint for branch use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1315, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 210, 'tnt made to driver hrndrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1316, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of hendirx (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1317, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of hendirx by loading boys (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1318, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1319, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 60, 'part payment made to painter', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1320, '2019-11-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 210, 'iou by c.e.o to ohmaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1321, '2019-11-16', 1, 0, '1234', '500', 2030.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 18-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1322, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '907', '500', 22, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1323, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to mr opoku by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1324, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'washing of office fridge', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1325, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 90, 'full payment made to painter', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1326, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '905', '500', 3.2, 'tnt made to reiss and co ltd by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1327, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1328, '2019-11-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 22272.8, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tec 20-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1329, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 800, 'full payment made to frankatson (automatic drinkers)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1330, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 820, 'full payment made to mr daniel (syringe)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1331, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 505, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakuba abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1332, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to shadrack (mtn guy)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1333, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1334, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1020, 'part payment made for mampong store', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1335, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1336, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1337, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4180.3, 'part payment made to maridav on cash product 20-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1338, '2019-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2727.2, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tec 20-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1339, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 55, 'iou by c.e.o purchases of sprayer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1340, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 430, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1341, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 349, 'iou by c.e.o purchases of dog feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1342, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1343, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 247.7, 'full payment made to maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1344, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 130, 'full payment made to uncle ebo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1345, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of cable for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1346, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 95, 'purchases of items for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1347, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 6, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1348, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchases of nails for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1349, '2019-11-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13799.8, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 21-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1350, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'full payment made to mad elizabeth anann( copra cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1351, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1200, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1352, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 40, 'iou by c.e.o purchases of layer premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1353, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to ibrahim of filling of gas', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1354, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 550, 'full payment made to sunset multimedia (advertisement)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1355, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver essvee broiler concentrate(1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1356, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of essvee broiler concentrate (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1357, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of copra cake (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1358, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 56, 'purchases of pen driver and drinks for branch use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1359, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 33, 'purchases of picture frames', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1360, '2019-11-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15396.5, 'part payment made to agya-sei (russian fish) 22-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1361, '2019-11-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5873.5, 'full payment made to agya sei (russian fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1362, '2019-11-22', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1363, '2019-11-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1860, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 25-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1364, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'part payment made to mr abdul ( white maize dry)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1365, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 45, 'tnt made to driver broiler koudjis (1.50*30)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1366, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 9, 'offloading of broiler koudjis (0.30*30)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1367, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of maize (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1368, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver ess vee layer mash (1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1369, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of ess vee layer mash (0.40*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1370, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of electricity bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1371, '2019-11-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 30814, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 25-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1372, '2019-11-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 260, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1373, '2019-11-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 10, 'iou by c.e.o to adam fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1374, '2019-11-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1375, '2019-11-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt to suame by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1376, '2019-11-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 15800, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1377, '2019-11-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3805, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 26-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1378, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1050, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1379, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '11', '500', 80, 'unloading of koudijs product (0.40*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1380, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 21, 'offloading of koudijs product (0.30*70)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1381, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to driver on koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1382, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4408, 'part payment made to mampong store', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1383, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to mr ike mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1384, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '1', '500', 1000, 'payment made to gra on tax payment', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1385, '2019-11-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5617, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize 27-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1386, '2019-11-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4383, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1387, '2019-11-27', 1, 12, '1', '500', 650, 'payment made to ghana revenue authority', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1388, '2019-11-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 13, 'tnt made to gra by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1389, '2019-11-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 80, 'iou by c.e.o to ofori tnt/dropping from mr opoku farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1390, '2019-11-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4161.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 28-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1391, '2019-11-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15400, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt ltd on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1392, '2019-11-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1393, '2019-11-28', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1394, '2019-11-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1395, '2019-11-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 122, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1396, '2019-11-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 904, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 29-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1397, '2019-11-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1398, '2019-11-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of internet bundle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1399, '2019-11-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'appeal for fund made to s.m.a', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1400, '2019-11-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1401, '2019-11-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 791, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 30-11-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1402, '2019-11-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1403, '2019-11-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1404, '2019-11-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1405, '2019-11-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6645, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 02-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1406, '2019-12-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'tnt made to driver layer champrix (1.50*20)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1407, '2019-12-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 6, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*20)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1408, '2019-12-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made for refill of toner for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1409, '2019-12-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13627.5, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 03-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1410, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1411, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '908', '500', 1260, 'full payment of salary for november 2019 loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1412, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1413, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '908', '500', 1987, 'full payment of salary for november 2019 staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1414, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1415, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 500, 'full payment made to olam ghana ltd (wheat bran )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1416, '2019-12-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3270.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 04-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1417, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1418, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1741, 'full payment made to jubaili agrotec', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1419, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1420, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1421, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 9, 'purchases of omo for branch use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1422, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1423, '2019-12-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5460, 'full payment made to agya collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1424, '2019-12-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 600, 'part payment for mampong bill board', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1425, '2019-12-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of sim card for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1426, '2019-12-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 102, 'iou by c.e.o to opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1427, '2019-12-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2978, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 10-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1428, '2019-12-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10502, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 10-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1429, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9400, 'full payment made to mr abdul (dry maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1430, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 600, 'purchases of wheat bran for office use (abba concept)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1431, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1432, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'purchases of pens for staff use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1433, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to bro sammy ( store rent )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1434, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 420, 'purchases of x-max t shirt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1435, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yaw boakye dankwa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1436, '2019-12-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6996.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 10-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1437, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1200, 'part payment made to agya-sei (dry maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1438, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5.5, 'purchases of envelop for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1439, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1440, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of dry maize (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1441, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koudijs product (0.40*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1442, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 220, 'tnt made to driver on koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1443, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 550, 'funeral donation and tnt to mad hannah arhin funeral', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1444, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1445, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudijs of prodcut (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1446, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1447, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1500, 'part payment made mr alex (black shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1448, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to emmanuel and fatwa for office work done 08-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1449, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to techiman by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1450, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1451, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of rod for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1452, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 51, 'offloading of black shell (0.30*170)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1453, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10421, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 10-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1454, '2019-12-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1455, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 20000, 'part payment made to mr daniel b ventures(w.shells) 11-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1456, '2019-12-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7997, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu (wheat bran) 11-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1457, '2019-12-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1458, '2019-12-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1459, '2019-12-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 276, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1460, '2019-12-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 102, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1461, '2019-12-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4620.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 13-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1462, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12, 'purchases of credit card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1463, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1464, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 62, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike and washing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1465, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1466, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3, 'part payment made to mad dora konadu (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1467, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9600, 'full payment made to takoradi flour mills ltd (wheat)13-12-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1468, '2019-12-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1010, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 13-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1469, '2019-12-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2680, 'full payment made to bro alex (black shells )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1470, '2019-12-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to mampong by emmanuel and mr opoku for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1471, '2019-12-12', 1, 12, '8', '500', 277.5, 'full payment made for staff ssnit for noverber', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1472, '2019-12-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to snnit by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1473, '2019-12-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1474, '2019-12-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19234, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 13-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1475, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of credit card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1476, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5000, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (5*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1477, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1478, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 212.8, 'offloading of w.shells other boys (0.40*532)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1479, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140.4, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*468)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1480, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to ibrahim as loan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1481, '2019-12-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13415.3, 'part payment made to mark adu kodie 16-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1482, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of sweeping brush for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1483, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '906', '500', 2, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1484, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made for x-mas tshirt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1485, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1486, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1487, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 13, 'purchases of mosquito sprayer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1488, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1489, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11470, 'full payment made to ashvet 16-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1490, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7990, 'full payment made to multivet 16-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1491, '2019-12-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11498, 'part payment made to agye-sei dry maize 16-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1492, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7868.7, 'full payment made mark doxin on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1493, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2, 'part payment to agye-sei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1494, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1495, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1496, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'letter writing mr opoku to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1497, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1498, '2019-12-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 27410.3, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 17-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1499, '2019-12-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to techiman my mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1500, '2019-12-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1501, '2019-12-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1502, '2019-12-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1503, '2019-12-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11149, 'part payment made to dexvet 18-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1504, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1580, 'full payment made to dexvet on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1505, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1428, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1506, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr kofi kidisell', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1507, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1508, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 35, 'purchases of water and drinks for customers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1509, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made driver on ess vee product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1510, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1511, '2019-12-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13011, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 19-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1512, '2019-12-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1513, '2019-12-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 630, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1514, '2019-12-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1515, '2019-12-19', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1516, '2019-12-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1858, 'part payment made bro sammy on store rent 20-12-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1517, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1518, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1519, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1142, 'part payment made to bro sammy( store rent )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1520, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 90, 'tnt made to driver local soya (1.50*60)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1521, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 18, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*60)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1522, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1523, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 94, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1524, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1500, 'purchases of wine,donsimon and phone for customers xmas gift', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1525, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1526, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'full payment made daniel ventures (w shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1527, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 510, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (drinkers)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1528, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 714, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdllali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1529, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7300, 'full payment made agya sei dry maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1530, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 603.5, 'full payment made essvee agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1531, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1015, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1532, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 70, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1533, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 75, 'hospital charges made for wahab', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1534, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to edwenase', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1535, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'iou by c.e.o to mr attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1536, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13700, 'full payment made to multivet macro premix 23-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1537, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1538, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 151, 'xmas gift made to mad pat wheat bran by moonlight farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1539, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1540, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1541, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1542, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1543, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of f .soya by other loading boys (0.40*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1544, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '11', '500', 10, 'unloading of marco premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1545, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '10', '500', 312, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1546, '2019-12-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1109, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec 24-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1547, '2019-12-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12823.5, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec 24-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1548, '2019-12-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9335.5, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec 24-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1549, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '905', '500', 450, 'payment made for invoice book by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1550, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 112, 'purchases of wine for staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1551, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of electricity bill for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1552, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '908', '500', 1525, 'part payment made for december salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1553, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1550, 'payment made for xmas gift to staff by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1554, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6000, 'full payment made to bro sammy on store rent', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1555, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1732, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tech on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1556, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1557, '2019-12-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1558, '2019-12-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1559, '2019-12-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1560, '2019-12-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1561, '2019-12-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1562, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6138.5, 'part payment made to koudijs poultry feed 28-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1563, '2019-12-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1320, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 28-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1564, '2019-12-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1472, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 28-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1565, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '123', '500', 84, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1566, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to akyease farms by emmanuel and mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1567, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1568, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made for internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1569, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1570, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 210, 'iou by c.e.o to children\'s home', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1571, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1572, '2019-12-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 28111.5, 'full payment made to koudijs poultry feed 28-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1573, '2019-12-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1574, '2019-12-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1575, '2019-12-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 714, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1576, '2019-12-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1577, '2019-12-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1578, '2019-12-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4477, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 30-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1579, '2019-12-30', 1, 12, '1', '500', 700, 'payment made to gra by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1580, '2019-12-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to gra by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1581, '2019-12-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to emmaali farms by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1582, '2019-12-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12600, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh ltd 31-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1583, '2019-12-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5070.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 31-12-2019', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1584, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '10', '500', 650, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1585, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '10', '500', 606, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdulai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1586, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to bro awal frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1587, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth annan copra cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1588, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1589, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1590, '2019-12-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9525, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 02-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1591, '2020-01-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1592, '2020-01-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1593, '2020-01-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1594, '2020-01-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10276.5, 'part payment made to maridav 03-01-2019', '2020-01-03', b'1'), (1595, '2020-01-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10276.5, 'part payment made to maridav 03-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1596, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by emmenuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1597, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by emmenuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1598, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4741.5, 'full payment made to maridav on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1599, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1600, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1601, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '905', '500', 6.5, 'purchases of staple pins and ink for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1602, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 43, 'payment made to loading boys by momo by customer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1603, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 29, 'tnt/dropping made to maridav by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1604, '2020-01-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1493, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 04-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1605, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1606, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1607, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 262, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1608, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1609, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of alfa (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1610, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of alfa (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1611, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 210, 'tnt made to driver (alfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1612, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1613, '2020-01-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26438, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 06-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1614, '2020-01-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1615, '2020-01-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3024, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 08-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1616, '2020-01-07', 1, 12, '908', '500', 850, 'full payment for loading kadir,wahab,ibrahim december \r\n 19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1617, '2020-01-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 225, 'tnt made to driver on essvee product (1.50*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1618, '2020-01-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1619, '2020-01-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6562, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 08-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1620, '2020-01-07', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1621, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 600, 'full payment made to shinefeel ghana egg tray', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1622, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 940, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anann (c.cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1623, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1624, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 270, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1625, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1626, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of copra cake (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1627, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to offinso by my opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1628, '2020-01-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 410.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 09-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1629, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1900, 'part payment made to essvee agro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1630, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1160, 'full payment made to elizabeth annan c.cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1631, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4240, 'part payment made to collins ( local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1632, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6600, 'full payment made to mr fataw (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1633, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1634, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 878, 'iou by c.e.o to opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1635, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to bro bolt ( chairman)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1636, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '8', '500', 277.5, 'payment made for ssnit for december', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1637, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to ssnit office by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1638, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '11', '500', 160, 'unloading of koujis product (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1639, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 75, 'offloading of koujis product (0.30*250)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1640, '2020-01-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1874, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 10-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1641, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1642, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 600, 'tnt made to driver koudjis product (1.50*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1643, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of broiler koudjis (0.3*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1644, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of koudjis chick mash (0.2*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1645, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1646, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1647, '2020-01-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2515, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 11-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1648, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1649, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1650, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 450, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1651, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 90, 'iou by c.e.o to richard,ofori,and fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1652, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1653, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1654, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1655, '2020-01-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2671, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 13-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1656, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14600, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1657, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 190, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdulla', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1658, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1659, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 620, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1660, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1661, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1662, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1663, '2020-01-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 865, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 14-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1664, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1665, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 460, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1666, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '1', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1667, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '908', '500', 819.5, 'full payment made for employees salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1668, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1669, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchases of glass cleaner', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1670, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made for maintenance motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1671, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of mouse for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1672, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1673, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1674, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 276, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1675, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 20, 'iou by c.e.o to ahadrack mtn guy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1676, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1677, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 400.5, 'full payment made to takoradi wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1678, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to frankatson by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1679, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '905', '500', 25, 'purchases of a4sheet for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1680, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '905', '500', 75, 'printing of stock card (0.15*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1681, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 12, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*40)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1682, '2020-01-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1279.5, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 17-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1683, '2020-01-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12137, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 17-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1684, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 91, 'purchases of tofees and tnt and other', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1685, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of hendrix (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1686, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver hendrix (1.50*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1687, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 18, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*60)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1688, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of hendrix (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1689, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 491, 'full payment made to costa phamacy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1690, '2020-01-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13413, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 17-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1691, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1692, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 630, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1693, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1720, 'iou by c.e.o to emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1694, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1200, 'tnt made for driver f.soya (4*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1695, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1696, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1697, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1698, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2500, 'part payment made to ess agro on product 20-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1699, '2020-01-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9719, 'part payment made to multivet on product 20-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1700, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '905', '500', 9, 'purchases of solid tape for branch use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1701, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1702, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading wheat bran (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1703, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1704, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of f.soya (0.4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1705, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1706, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '905', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1707, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 90, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1708, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1400, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1709, '2020-01-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20200, 'full payment made to ess vee on product 20-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1710, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1711, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1712, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt to mampong by mr opoku and kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1713, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to ali for work done (i t)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1714, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 400, 'workmanship made to kojo on mampong project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1715, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver local soya (1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1716, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 306, 'purchases of flag poll for mampong project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1717, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1718, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1099, 'full payment made to multivet on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1719, '2020-01-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2661, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 21-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1720, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1721, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1722, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 660, 'purchases of wood for mampong store', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1723, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1724, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1725, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1726, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 40, 'iou by c.e.o to emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1727, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to mampong by emmanuel and mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1728, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1160, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1729, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 80, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1730, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1731, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1732, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1733, '2020-01-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4678, 'part payment made to maa dora (wheat bran) 23-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1734, '2020-01-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10105, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran 23-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1735, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 405, 'purchases of items and workmanship for mamapong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1736, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1737, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 130, 'cost balance made to emmanuel from mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1738, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call cards for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1739, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '905', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1740, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5000, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (5*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1741, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 234, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*780)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1742, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to town by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1743, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 88, 'offloading of w.shells by other boys (0.40*220)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1744, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1017, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1745, '2020-01-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2726, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 25-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1746, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1747, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1748, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '123', '500', 80, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1749, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of rippers for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1750, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 12, 'dropping from town by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1751, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'money given to amanda as launch/super', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1752, '2020-01-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14069, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 25-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1753, '2020-01-25', 1, 12, '905', '500', 200, 'tnt made to ike mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1754, '2020-01-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'letter writting my emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1755, '2020-01-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping made to town by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1756, '2020-01-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'part payment made for mampong table', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1757, '2020-01-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to amanda for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1758, '2020-01-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8029, 'part payment made to dainel b ventures w.shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1759, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '907', '500', 100, 'purchases of ecg bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1760, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1761, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1762, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 375, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1763, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '11', '500', 41, 'unloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1764, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 80, 'unloading of w.shells (0.40*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1765, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '905', '500', 140, 'purchases of stationary for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1766, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '903', '500', 13, 'unloading of koudijs by customer by momo to loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1767, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '905', '500', 340, 'purchases of padlock for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1768, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 690, 'tnt/offloading of prodcut mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1769, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'full payment made for mampong table', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1770, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1771, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver koudjis produt (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1772, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4954, 'part payment made daniel b ventures (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1773, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2020, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1774, '2020-01-27', 1, 12, '907', '500', 6610, 'sales balance send to by ofori 28-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1775, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '905', '500', 462, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1776, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to town by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1777, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver essvee product mampong (2.50*120)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1778, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 48, 'offloading of essvee product mampong (0.40*120)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1779, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt made to mampong by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1780, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1781, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7800, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1782, '2020-01-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2117, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 29-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1783, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iuo by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1784, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 40, 'part payment made to uncle ebo (allvit ma)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1785, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1786, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 840, 'full payment made to m.m.a mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1787, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 17, 'momo charges pay by fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1788, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1789, '2020-01-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 560, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 30-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1790, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 740, 'full payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1791, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '905', '500', 25, 'purchases of a4sheet for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1792, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 335, 'purchases of chairs and other items for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1793, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1794, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1795, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'part payment made for mampong no packing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1796, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchases of tired for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1797, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13700, 'full payment made to multivet (macro premix) 31-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1798, '2020-01-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4074, 'sales balance send to bank by emmauel 31-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1799, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1800, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1801, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '123', '500', 95, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1802, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 6.4, 'tnt made to multivet by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1803, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 714, 'part payment made for construction of bridge mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1804, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '908', '500', 149.4, 'full payment made to yussif yakubu for two week work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1805, '2020-01-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 524.2, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 03-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1806, '2020-02-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 520, 'iuo by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1807, '2020-02-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iuo by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1808, '2020-02-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14797, 'full payment made to reiss and company ltd 03-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1809, '2020-02-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3817, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 03-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1810, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2384, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (allvit ma)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1811, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iuo by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1812, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iuo by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1813, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to reiss and company', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1814, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '906', '500', 6, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1815, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 960, 'full payment made to agro store (good will)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1816, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1817, '2020-02-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1373, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 05-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1818, '2020-02-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anann (c.cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1819, '2020-02-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 16, 'tnt /dropping made to reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1820, '2020-02-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11289, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 05-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1821, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1822, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '8', '500', 277.5, 'ssnit payment made for satff (january)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1823, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to ssnit office by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1824, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 57, 'tnt made to driver local soya (1.50*38)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1825, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 11.4, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*38)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1826, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 300, 'part payment made for invoice printing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1827, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '908', '500', 810, 'full payment made for loading boys salary (january2020)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1828, '2020-02-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15166.1, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1829, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1833.9, 'part payment made to maa dora (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1830, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '908', '500', 450, 'full payment made to ibrahim january salary 2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1831, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1832, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1200, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1833, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2.4, 'tnt to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1834, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1835, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '11', '500', 100, 'unloading of product (franaya farms )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1836, '2020-02-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5816.7, 'sales balance send to bank by ofori 07-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1837, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 33000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1838, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1839, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1840, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1841, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1842, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1843, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to bank by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1844, '2020-02-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1348, 'sales balance send to bank emmanuel 08-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1845, '2020-02-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to comfort', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1846, '2020-02-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 5000, 'iou by c.e.o.to emmanuel yeboah as loan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1847, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9860, 'full payment made to maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1848, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5500, 'full payment made to mr fataw ( l.soya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1849, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2030, 'part payment made to maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1850, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1851, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1852, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1853, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to bro sammy mardiav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1854, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to edmond kpodo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1855, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1856, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to shadarck (mtn guy)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1857, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to mardiav by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1858, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 70, 'dropping from maridav by ofori', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1859, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchases of phone for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1860, '2020-02-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3225, 'part payment made to daniel b ventures 11-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1861, '2020-02-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5927, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh ltd 12-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1862, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4160, 'full payment made to agya collins (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1863, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1775, 'full payment made to daniel b ventures (w.shells )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1864, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for officer use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1865, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '905', '500', 9.2, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1866, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver on koudjis product (1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1867, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1868, '2020-02-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3139.8, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh ltd 12-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1869, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7033.2, 'full payment made to shinefeel gh ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1870, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'iou by c.e.o (purchases of dog feed )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1871, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1872, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1873, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku and emmanuel for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1874, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '905', '500', 20, 'purchases of frimes for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1875, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1876, '2020-02-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8272.8, 'sales balance send to bank by emmaniel 13-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1877, '2020-02-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1878, '2020-02-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1879, '2020-02-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 2020, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1880, '2020-02-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1881, '2020-02-13', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1882, '2020-02-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4172.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1883, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1884, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1885, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1886, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver on essvee product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1887, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of essvee product (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1888, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1889, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.eo to yakubu abdllai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1890, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.eo to sammy maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1891, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 250, 'full payment made to hummic vet gh on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1892, '2020-02-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16500, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran) 17-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1893, '2020-02-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1464.5, 'part payment made to made to maa dora (wheat bran )17-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1894, '2020-02-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1067, 'part payment made to made to maa dora (wheat bran )17-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1895, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 510, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1896, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2500, 'part payment made to mr fataw (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1897, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10468.5, 'part payment made maa dora (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1898, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 550, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1899, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to fuseini alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1900, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1901, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '905', '500', 3.5, 'purchases of staple pin for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1902, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to franktson by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1903, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1904, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping from frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1905, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '905', '500', 200, 'full payment made for invoice printing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1906, '2020-02-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 837, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 18-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1907, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '2020-02-19', b'1'), (1908, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1909, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 940, 'tnt made to driver copra cake (4.70*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1910, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1911, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1912, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of copra cake (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1913, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1914, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1915, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1, 'pumping of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1916, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1917, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 251, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 19-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1918, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 251, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 19-02-2020', '2020-02-19', b'1'), (1919, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2950, 'full payment made to maa dora (wheat bran) 19-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1920, '2020-02-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1260, 'full payment made to mad elizabeth (c.cake ) 19-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1921, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1922, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 406, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1923, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '123', '500', 60, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1924, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'workmanship made for air condition', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1925, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1926, '2020-02-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 919, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 20-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1927, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 16000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1928, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1929, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1930, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1931, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 480, 'payment made to bro sammy (good will)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1932, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'purchases of notebook for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1933, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1934, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 962, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3sulfa/allvit ma )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1935, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 182, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1936, '2020-02-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8800, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1937, '2020-02-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1938, '2020-02-21', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of ecg bill for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1939, '2020-02-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 612, 'money give to ernest dadiz', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1940, '2020-02-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c,e,o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1941, '2020-02-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1453, 'part payment made to sonal alobal ltd 24-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1942, '2020-02-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10239, 'part payment made to sonal global ltd 24-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1943, '2020-02-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1944, '2020-02-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 180, 'dropping /money to cid', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1945, '2020-02-22', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of credit card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1946, '2020-02-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 64, 'purchases of d4 for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1947, '2020-02-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 35750, 'part payment made to sonal global ltd 24-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1948, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1949, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1158, 'full payment made to sonal (soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1950, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1680, 'full payment made to mr fataw (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1951, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 350, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy (glucose orange)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1952, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1160, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1953, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 80, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1954, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2200, 'tnt made to driver for return goods back to tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1955, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to suame by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1956, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1957, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1958, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '905', '500', 205, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1959, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 650, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1960, '2020-02-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 416.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 25-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1961, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1962, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt from twon by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1963, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1964, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1965, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1966, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1967, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1968, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of jubaili product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1969, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1970, '2020-02-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6607, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 26-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1971, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8424.6, 'full made to reiss and company ltd on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1972, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1973, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 153, 'iou by c.e.o to mary bonnie', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1974, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1975, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1976, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 70, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1977, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 320, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product (1.60*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1978, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1979, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '905', '500', 37, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1980, '2020-02-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10167.4, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 27-02-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1981, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1982, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdllali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1983, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5000, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (5*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1984, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 280, 'offloading of w.shell other boys (0.40*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1985, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading w.shells (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1986, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '902', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1987, '2020-02-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1950, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (6.50*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1988, '2020-02-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1989, '2020-02-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1990, '2020-02-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 918, 'iou by c.e.o to selasie dacosta boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1991, '2020-02-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1992, '2020-02-29', 1, 12, '123', '500', 93, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1993, '2020-02-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15758, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 02-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1994, '2020-02-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 437, 'part payment made to daniel b venture (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1995, '2020-02-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8176, 'part payment made to daniel b venture (w.shells)03-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1996, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1997, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1998, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 742, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (1999, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'wprkmanship made for table repairing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2000, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1010, 'money send to ernest dadzie as commission (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2001, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2002, '2020-03-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12237, 'part payment made to daniel b venture (w.shells)03-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2003, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4150, 'part payment made to daniel b venture w.shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2004, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anann (c.cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2005, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c.e.o to hussein rufar', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2006, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 23500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2007, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of mob for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2008, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2009, '2020-03-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4902, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 05-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2010, '2020-03-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1890, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2011, '2020-03-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to boakye danquah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2012, '2020-03-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 20, 'iou by c.e.o to richard aquah moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2013, '2020-03-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2014, '2020-03-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7918, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 05-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2015, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to hussein rufai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2016, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to hussein rufai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2017, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 61, 'iou by c.e.o to hussein rufai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2018, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 260, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2019, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to emmanuel yeboah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2020, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 70, 'tnt made to techiman by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2021, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 45, 'workmanship made for sliding door', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2022, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 300, 'workmanship made for brilbard', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2023, '2020-03-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15362, 'part payment made to multivet on product 09-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2024, '2020-03-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of hendrix (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2025, '2020-03-06', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of hendrix product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2026, '2020-03-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 230, 'tnt made to driver hendrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2027, '2020-03-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to boakye dacosta', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2028, '2020-03-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchases of shoval by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2029, '2020-03-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of thried', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2030, '2020-03-07', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2031, '2020-03-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10616, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 10-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2032, '2020-03-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15941.5, 'part payment made to dexvet \r\n on product 10-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2033, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of internet bundle for use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2034, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to multivet by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2035, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '8', '500', 296, 'full payment made ssnit contribution (february 2020)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2036, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to ssnit office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2037, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2038, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2039, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from multivet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2040, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 638, 'part payment made to multivet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2041, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 320, 'part payment made to agya collins (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2042, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iuo by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2043, '2020-03-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13203, 'full payment made to multivet (marco primix) 10-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2044, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '907', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2045, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 497, 'full payment made to multivet (macro premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2046, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6100, 'full payment made to shinefeel ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2047, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2048, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2049, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2050, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'payment made for income tax for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2051, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to tax office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2052, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2053, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '123', '500', 90, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2054, '2020-03-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 438, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran 12-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2055, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 600, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2056, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e.o to philomina opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2057, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping form town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2058, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 160, 'unloading of koudijis product (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2059, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 600, 'tnt made to driver on product koudijis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2060, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2061, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '905', '500', 8, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2062, '2020-03-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12319, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran 12-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2063, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '907', '500', 30, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2064, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2065, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '907', '500', 240, 'offloading of f.soya other boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2066, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of f.soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2067, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2068, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 51, 'making of banner br branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2069, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3243, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2070, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 320, 'iou by c.e.o to opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2071, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2072, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8750, 'sales send to bank by maa vida (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2073, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping from frankatson by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2074, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2075, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran by loading boys (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2076, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver essvee product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2077, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2078, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2079, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '11', '500', 20, 'unloading of maize (jato)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2080, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 70, 'tnt made to mampong by emmnauel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2081, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2300, 'part payment made to bro fataw (w.maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2082, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1621, 'full payment made to daniel b ventures (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2083, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 440, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2084, '2020-03-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7144, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2085, '2020-03-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 22818, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2086, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 940, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anaaa (c.cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2087, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to techiman by emmanuel and mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2088, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 435, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2089, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of c.cake (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2090, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2091, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 190, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2092, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 184, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullail', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2093, '2020-03-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10066, 'part payment made to ashvet ghana on product 17-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2094, '2020-03-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2095, '2020-03-16', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2096, '2020-03-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10799, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 17-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2097, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1260, 'full payment made to mad elizabeth annan (c.cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2098, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 404, 'full payment made to ashvet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2099, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6000, 'part payment made to mr fataw (w.maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2100, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2101, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to ashvet by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2102, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2103, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2104, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from ashvet by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2105, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'commission made to ernest (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2106, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 10, 'iou by c.e.o to opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2107, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2108, '2020-03-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 535, 'part payment made to maa lucyproduct(hendrix)18-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2109, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to lucy pinstal (hendrix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2110, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 35, 'purchases of hand glous for for use covid-19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2111, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '905', '500', 20, 'purchases of calculator/price tag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2112, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 13, 'tnt made to emmaali farms my mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2113, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2114, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 185, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2115, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 356, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2116, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2117, '2020-03-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5657, 'part payment made to olam ghana (wheat )20-03-202', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2118, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8750, 'sales send to bank by mad vida labour (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2119, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2120, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2121, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2122, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver alfa(1.50*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2123, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of alfa (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2124, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of alfa (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2125, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10843, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran) 20-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2126, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2203, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 20-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2127, '2020-03-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 408, 'short by fataw that will be paid at the end of the month', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2128, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2129, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to opoku farms by emmanueland mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2130, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2131, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2132, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 175, 'purchases of padlock for officer use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2133, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iuo by c.e.o to yaw boakye danquah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2134, '2020-03-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1459, 'part payment made to mr fataw (maize) 21-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2135, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4926, 'full payment made to mr fataw (maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2136, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4000, 'part payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2137, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to dacosta boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2138, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2139, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2140, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 450, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2141, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 73, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2142, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2143, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'money given to ernert as comision', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2144, '2020-03-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 22871, 'part payment made to maridav on product 23-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2145, '2020-03-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3215, 'full payment made to lucy painstil on product (hendrix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2146, '2020-03-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver local soya(1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2147, '2020-03-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 900, 'full payment made to (s.m.a)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2148, '2020-03-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2149, '2020-03-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2500, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 24-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2150, '2020-03-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 22645, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 24-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2151, '2020-03-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 31000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2152, '2020-03-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14000, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2153, '2020-03-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2154, '2020-03-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2155, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 32000, 'sales send to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2156, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2157, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'c omission given to ernest', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2158, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 80, 'tnt to mampong by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2159, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2160, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 160, 'offloading of f.soya other boys (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2161, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2162, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2163, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '11', '500', 76, 'unloading paid to loading boys by franaya farms on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2164, '2020-03-24', 1, 12, '907', '500', 3708, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 26-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2165, '2020-03-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 238, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 26-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2166, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2167, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1100, 'iou by c.e.o to mr fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2168, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 750, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2169, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 875, 'full payment made to olam ghana (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2170, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 870, 'full payment made to cost pharmacy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2171, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2172, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 243, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2173, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 120, 'purchases of hand sanetizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2174, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2175, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2176, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of f. soya (0.40*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2177, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'payment made to ernest as commission', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2178, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2179, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2180, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2181, '2020-03-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6625, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 28-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2182, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 110, 'offloading of f.soya by other boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2183, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 90, 'tnt to customer /dropping from farnkatson by emmanuel and mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2184, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2185, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2186, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2187, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2188, '2020-03-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8656, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 28-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2189, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made ro mr collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2190, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2191, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to old lady', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2192, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 2030, 'iou by c.e.o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2193, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 380, 'purchases of rich by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2194, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '1', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2195, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'purchases of dog food by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2196, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to mr opoku to twon', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2197, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2198, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of e c g bills for officer use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2199, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '907', '500', 5, 'purchases of call card for officer use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2200, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '903', '500', 40, 'cost of i d card made for sattf', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2201, '2020-03-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 49059, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 30-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2202, '2020-03-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2203, '2020-03-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 500, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2204, '2020-03-30', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchasing of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2205, '2020-03-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5047, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 31-03-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2206, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '907', '500', 795, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2207, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2208, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2209, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '123', '500', 80, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2210, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 153, 'purchases of internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2211, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2212, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2213, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2214, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'commission pay to ernest dadzie wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2215, '2020-03-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4320, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 01-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2216, '2020-04-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2217, '2020-04-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2218, '2020-04-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 800, 'purchases of save box for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2219, '2020-04-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to twin by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2220, '2020-04-01', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*2000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2221, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9310, 'full payment made to reiss and company', '2020-04-03', b'1'), (2222, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'nt made to reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2223, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9310, 'full payment made to reiss and company', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2224, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'dropping from reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2225, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'dropping from frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2226, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2227, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 102, 'tnt made to driver l .soya (1.50*68)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2228, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 21, 'offloading of l soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2229, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 520, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2230, '2020-04-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4400, 'part payment made to reiss and company ltd 03-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2231, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7803, 'full payment made to reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2232, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2350, 'part payment made to maa elizabeth annan (c.cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2233, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '11', '500', 120, 'unloading of koudijs product \r\n (0.40*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2234, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of c.cake (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2235, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver of koudijs product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2236, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2237, '2020-04-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 893, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 06-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2238, '2020-04-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5004, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 06-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2239, '2020-04-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2240, '2020-04-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 165, 'offloading of koudijs product (0.30*550)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2241, '2020-04-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver on koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2242, '2020-04-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2243, '2020-04-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16500, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 06-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2244, '2020-04-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5036, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 06-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2245, '2020-04-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2246, '2020-04-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2247, '2020-04-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 63, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2248, '2020-04-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 500, 'tnt made to driver on product to mampong dated 04-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2249, '2020-04-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'tnt made to asokwa by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2250, '2020-04-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1121, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 07-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2251, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2252, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2253, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver (wheat bran) 2.90*500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2254, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2255, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2256, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '905', '500', 35, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2257, '2020-04-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3051, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 09-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2258, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to rayyan and alhassan for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2259, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2260, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2261, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2262, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 97.2, 're-parking of product by other loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2263, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2264, '2020-04-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8524.8, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 09-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2265, '2020-04-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2266, '2020-04-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 510, 'money given to ernest as commission', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2267, '2020-04-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 650, 'purchases of system units for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2268, '2020-04-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of mouse for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2269, '2020-04-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2270, '2020-04-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 435, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2271, '2020-04-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2272, '2020-04-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2273, '2020-04-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1989, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2274, '2020-04-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13401, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2275, '2020-04-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 950, 'iou c.e. o to satff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2276, '2020-04-11', 1, 12, '123', '500', 74, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2277, '2020-04-11', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2278, '2020-04-11', 1, 12, '905', '500', 8, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2279, '2020-04-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16500, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 14-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2280, '2020-04-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2648, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2281, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 32000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2282, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 102750, 'sales send to bank by techiman branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2283, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2284, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2285, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping to asokwa by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2286, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of hand sanitizer for office use (covid-19)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2287, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'money given to ernest as commission', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2288, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16500, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran ) 15-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2289, '2020-04-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7665, 'part payment made to mr fataw (local soya) 15-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2290, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'dropping to asokwa by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2291, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 510, 'commission to ernest', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2292, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '11', '500', 120, 'unloading of product to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2293, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5500, 'tnt made to driver w.shells(5.5*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2294, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180.3, 'offloading of w.shell (0.30*601)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2295, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of w.shells (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2296, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 335, 'part payment made to mr fataw (local soya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2297, '2020-04-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10120.7, 'part payment made to maa dora (wheat bran) 16-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2298, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 979.3, 'full payment made to maa dora (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2299, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2300, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2301, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2302, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 225, 'tnt of essvee product (1.50*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2303, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2304, '2020-04-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10803.7, 'part payment made to daniel b ventures 17-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2305, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2306, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1896.3, 'part payment made to daniel ventures (shells )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2307, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to elizabeth annan (c.cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2308, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2309, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2310, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2311, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2312, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 250, 'tnt made to driver of product from mampong (2.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2313, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '11', '500', 26, 'unloading of product from mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2314, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1350, 'full payment made to hummic vet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2315, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 340, 'tnt made to driver on jubaili product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2316, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2317, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '905', '500', 4, 'purchases of staply pins for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2318, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2319, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 60, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2320, '2020-04-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4723.7, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 20-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2321, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 21000, 'full payment made to olam ghana ltd(wheat bran)20-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2322, '2020-04-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2504, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 20-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2323, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2200, 'part payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2324, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2325, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2326, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2327, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1000, 'commission payn to ernest (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2328, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2329, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to adam and ali for office work done dated 19-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2330, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13700, 'full payment made to multivet (macro premix) 21-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2331, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5829, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 21-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2332, '2020-04-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2333, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 800, 'tnt made to driver soya (4*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2334, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of soya (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2335, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from farnkatson mr emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2336, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of maize (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2337, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2338, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2339, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2340, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 800, 'part payment made to mr opoku maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2341, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2342, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu alhassen', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2343, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'purchases of dog dewormer)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2344, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 17750, 'full payment made to multivet ghana ltd 22-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2345, '2020-04-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2243.5, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 22-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2346, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 29301.5, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2347, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'donation made to kumasi children\'s home', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2348, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to mr opoku to kumasi children s home', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2349, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2320, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2350, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2351, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2352, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2353, '2020-04-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 230, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2354, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'dropping to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2355, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2356, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2357, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '11', '500', 10, 'unloading of product from multivet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2358, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '123', '500', 75, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2359, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2360, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1455, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2361, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '10', '500', 220, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2362, '2020-04-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2363, '2020-04-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2364, '2020-04-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2365, '2020-04-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2366, '2020-04-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18281, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 25-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2367, '2020-04-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 36741, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 25-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2368, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2369, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2370, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 260, 'purchases of poly bags and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2371, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2372, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2373, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c. e .o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2374, '2020-04-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10443, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 27-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2375, '2020-04-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2376, '2020-04-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of internet for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2377, '2020-04-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2378, '2020-04-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11900, 'full payment made to maa dora wheat bran 28-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2379, '2020-04-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11320, 'full payment made to mr fataw local soya 28-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2380, '2020-04-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2593, 'part payment made to mark adu on prodcut 28-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2381, '2020-04-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3215, 'full payment made to mark adu kodie on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2382, '2020-04-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 80, 'unloading of f .soya (0.40*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2383, '2020-04-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to kwadaso by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2384, '2020-04-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2385, '2020-04-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11450, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 29-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2386, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2387, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1500, 'full payment made to frankatson ltd auto drinker', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2388, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2389, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2390, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 250, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (12.50*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2391, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to driver auto drinker', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2392, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8400, 'full payment made to jubaili agrotech on product 30-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2393, '2020-04-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2394, '2020-04-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2395, '2020-04-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2396, '2020-04-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1740, 'upgrade of kits and replacement of part money count', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2397, '2020-05-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2398, '2020-05-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 102, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2399, '2020-05-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 154, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2400, '2020-05-01', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call credit cards', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2401, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1224, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku 30-04-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2402, '2020-04-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 73, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 04-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2403, '2020-04-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 774.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 04-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2404, '2020-05-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19336, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 04-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2405, '2020-05-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iou by c.e.o to mr dacosta boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2406, '2020-05-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2407, '2020-05-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 32100, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize)04-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2408, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5600, 'full payment made to mr opoku maize (nkoranza)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2409, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2960, 'purchases of soya from best granis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2410, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2411, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2412, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 18, 'purchases of hand sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2413, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2414, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '11', '500', 5, 'unloading of product from best grain', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2415, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2416, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17200, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2417, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2250, 'part payment made to mr collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2418, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2419, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2420, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2421, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '8', '500', 592, 'ssnit payment made to satff for march and april 2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2422, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to snnit office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2423, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'part payment made to driver (f.soya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2424, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 280, 'offloading of f.soya (0.40*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2425, '2020-05-05', 1, 12, '123', '500', 80, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2426, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2023, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2427, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2150, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anann (c.cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2428, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2429, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2430, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '905', '500', 770, 'full payment made to driver soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2431, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran to samtak farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2432, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10763, 'full payment made for rent to bro sammy maakro', '2020-05-08', b'1'), (2433, '2020-05-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10763, 'full payment made for rent to bro sammy maakro 08-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2434, '2020-05-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16110, 'part payment made to dexvet 08-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2435, '2020-05-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 29000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2436, '2020-05-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 40, 'iou by c.eo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2437, '2020-05-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.eo to mr attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2438, '2020-05-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 194, 'iou by c.eo to mr yakubu abdulali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2439, '2020-05-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to mampong by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2440, '2020-05-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1448, 'part payment made to dexvet 08-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2441, '2020-05-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1480, 'part payment made to maridav on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2442, '2020-05-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2442, 'part payment made to dexvet on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2443, '2020-05-08', 1, 12, '905', '500', 408, 'purchases of receipt roll for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2444, '2020-05-08', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'purchases of file for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2445, '2020-05-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2446, '2020-05-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13980, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 09-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2447, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2448, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2449, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2450, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2451, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 109, 'purchases of drinks and biscuit for office meeting dated 10-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2452, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '900', '500', 100, 'purchases of e.c.g bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2453, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 320, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2454, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 102, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2455, '2020-05-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4148, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 11-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2456, '2020-05-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2457, '2020-05-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 356, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 11-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2458, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2459, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2460, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 510, 'tnt made for staff meeting', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2461, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4, 'purchases of broom for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2462, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2463, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '905', '500', 110, 'purchases of chair for techiman branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2464, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 220, 'repairing of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2465, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 35, 'dropping from frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2466, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1010, 'commission made to ernest dadzie wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2467, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 350, 'full payment made to driver wheat bran to kona', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2468, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchases of scale for techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2469, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 130, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2470, '2020-05-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13265, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran 13-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2471, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2472, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2473, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 250, 'tnt made to driver fish meal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2474, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3200, 'tnt made to dirver f soya (4*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2475, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2476, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2477, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of fish meal (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2478, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2479, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 490, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2480, '2020-05-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10917, 'part payment made to dexvet on product 13-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2481, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 123000, 'sales send to bank by green g farms dated 12-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2482, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'workmanship made to kojo for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2483, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '905', '500', 40, 'purchases of note book and solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2484, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '11', '500', 36, 'unloading of koudijis product (0.30*120)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2485, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver jubaili (1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2486, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 260, 'offloading of product by loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2487, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2035, 'full payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2488, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1660, 'full payment made to collins amankwah local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2489, '2020-05-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10954, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 14-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2490, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '905', '500', 100, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2491, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2492, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of f.soya (0.40*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2493, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2494, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2495, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 458, 'tnt made to diver of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2496, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2497, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 400, 'offloading of maize (0.40*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2498, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2499, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2500, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'iou by c.e.o to fussin rufai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2501, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3000, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2502, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1500, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2503, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5714, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2504, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 375, 'tnt made to driver essvee product (1.50*250)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2505, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 75, 'offloading of ess vee product (0.30*250)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2506, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '11', '500', 46, 'unloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2507, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '905', '500', 3.5, 'purchases of stipple pins for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2508, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7.5, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2509, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt made to customer (mr opoku farms,mr akoto and akyeese farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2510, '2020-05-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1303, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 18-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2511, '2020-05-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13875, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 18-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2512, '2020-05-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2513, '2020-05-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 23, 'iou by c.e.o for purchases of wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2514, '2020-05-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 19630, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 18-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2515, '2020-05-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2516, '2020-05-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 22000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2517, '2020-05-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1492, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2518, '2020-05-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1110, 'commission pay to ernest dadzie (wheat bran )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2519, '2020-05-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2520, '2020-05-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3239, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 19-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2521, '2020-05-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 22000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2522, '2020-05-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2523, '2020-05-19', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2524, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 24, 'purchases of hand sanitizer for office use covid -19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2525, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2526, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'work done on cutting of pad lock for replacement', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2527, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2528, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'ntn made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2529, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2530, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'ntn made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2531, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2532, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '905', '500', 60, 'purchases of pad lock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2533, '2020-05-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 883, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 21-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2534, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 33000, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 21-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2535, '2020-05-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 23663, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 21-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2536, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2537, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2538, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 180, 'tnt made to staff for overtime work done dated 20-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2539, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2540, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 360, 'iou by c.e.o to mr dacosta boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2541, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to in god we trust', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2542, '2020-05-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 729, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 22-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2543, '2020-05-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 750, 'full payment made to ernejoysen ltd on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2544, '2020-05-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2545, '2020-05-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 8, 'tnt to town by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2546, '2020-05-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 7, 'tnt made to opoku farms by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2547, '2020-05-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2548, '2020-05-23', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2549, '2020-05-23', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2550, '2020-05-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2645.5, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran 26-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2551, '2020-05-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16839, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran 26-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2552, '2020-05-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to adams and sead', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2553, '2020-05-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2554, '2020-05-25', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2555, '2020-05-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 29115.5, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 26-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2556, '2020-05-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1280.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 27-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2557, '2020-05-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 19200, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah ( maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2558, '2020-05-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 6, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2559, '2020-05-26', 1, 12, '907', '500', 2, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2560, '2020-05-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'washing of motor bike by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2561, '2020-05-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5697, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 27-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2562, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3700, 'full payment made to multivet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2563, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2564, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchases of thread by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2565, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '11', '500', 15, 'unloading of product from multivet ldt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2566, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2567, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2568, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2569, '2020-05-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5628, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 30-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2570, '2020-05-28', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2571, '2020-05-28', 1, 12, '907', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran to samtak farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2572, '2020-05-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1670, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2573, '2020-05-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3732, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 30-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2574, '2020-05-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2575, '2020-05-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 27, 'tnt / dropping to reiss and company /unloading', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2576, '2020-05-29', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2577, '2020-05-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2578, '2020-05-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19538, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 30-05-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2579, '2020-05-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2580, '2020-05-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran to kona (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2581, '2020-05-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8096, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 01-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2582, '2020-06-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2583, '2020-06-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 185, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2584, '2020-06-01', 1, 12, '905', '500', 7, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2585, '2020-06-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8971, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize) 02-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2586, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5200, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2587, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5529, 'full payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2588, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 600, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2589, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2590, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2591, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2592, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 33000, 'full payment made to olam (wheat bran) 03-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2593, '2020-06-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1560.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 04-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2594, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of mob for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2595, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2596, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to mampong by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2597, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '905', '500', 7, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2598, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2599, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2600, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2601, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2602, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading wheat bran by other boys (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2603, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 130, 'tnt made to driver product from mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2604, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 19.5, 'offloading of product from mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2605, '2020-06-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13710.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 04-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2606, '2020-06-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1600, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2607, '2020-06-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2608, '2020-06-04', 1, 12, '905', '500', 32, 'purchases of a4 sheet and solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2609, '2020-06-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2610, '2020-06-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1010, 'commission pay to ernest dadzie wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2611, '2020-06-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2918, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth ( c.cake ) 05-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2612, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2613, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2614, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 599, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth ( c.cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2615, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2616, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 225, 'tnt made to driver koudjis on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2617, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of koudjis product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2618, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2619, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2620, '2020-06-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 455, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 08-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2621, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2622, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2623, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2624, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2625, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2626, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 20, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2627, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4429, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 08-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2628, '2020-06-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16800, 'full payment made to shinhefeel ghana ltd (egg tray)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2629, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13500, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2630, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'full payment made to essvee agro on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2631, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6110, 'full payment made to collins amankwah local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2632, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2633, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 70, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2634, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 170, 'iou by c.e.o to abdullali siedu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2635, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2636, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2637, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2638, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt made to fataw /prince for office work done date 07-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2639, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 24, 'purchases of hand sanitizers for office use covid -19', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2640, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '905', '500', 1, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2641, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '11', '500', 40, 'unloading of koudijs to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2642, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 300, 'offloading of mazie (0.30*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2643, '2020-06-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3585, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 09-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2644, '2020-06-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2645, '2020-06-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran to kona (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2646, '2020-06-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'tnt made to mr opoku to town', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2647, '2020-06-09', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2648, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2649, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2650, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of extension board for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2651, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2652, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2653, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 280, 'offloading of w.shells (0.40*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2654, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 7000, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (5*1400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2655, '2020-06-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1791, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 12-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2656, '2020-06-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3376.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 12-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2657, '2020-06-11', 1, 12, '8', '500', 296, 'ssnit payment made to staff for may 2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2658, '2020-06-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to ssnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2659, '2020-06-11', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2660, '2020-06-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11776, 'part payment made to maa dora (wheat bran) 12-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2661, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2662, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2663, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2664, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2665, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 950, 'payment made to bro ali it man', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2666, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2667, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullaili', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2668, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 824, 'full payment made maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2669, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 24750, 'full payment made olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2670, '2020-06-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 183, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 15-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2671, '2020-06-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1410, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth ( copra cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2672, '2020-06-13', 1, 12, '905', '500', 14, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2673, '2020-06-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of c.cake (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2674, '2020-06-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8250, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 15-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2675, '2020-06-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8000, 'full payment made to hajia (macro sulfa) 15-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2676, '2020-06-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4210, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 15-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2677, '2020-06-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1890, 'full payment made to mad elizabeth (c.cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2678, '2020-06-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2679, '2020-06-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2680, '2020-06-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13120, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 16-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2681, '2020-06-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o (propaty rate )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2682, '2020-06-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 102, 'iou by c.e.o to ohamaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2683, '2020-06-16', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2684, '2020-06-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1010, 'commission pay to ernest dadzie (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2685, '2020-06-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 33, 'offloading of product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2686, '2020-06-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26099, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 17-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2687, '2020-06-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2688, '2020-06-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 42, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2689, '2020-06-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2690, '2020-06-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5803, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2691, '2020-06-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2692, '2020-06-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 337.5, 'tnt made to driver koudijs product (225*1.50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2693, '2020-06-18', 1, 12, '11', '500', 70, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2694, '2020-06-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 75, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2695, '2020-06-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1253.5, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 19-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2696, '2020-06-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2697, '2020-06-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2698, '2020-06-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2699, '2020-06-19', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2700, '2020-06-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2446, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 20-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2701, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2702, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 14, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2703, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2704, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2705, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 175, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdillai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2706, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 10, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2707, '2020-06-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18267, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 22-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2708, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2709, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 358, 'work -done at agro shop by kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2710, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2711, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2712, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to simon agymang', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2713, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2714, '2020-06-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1250, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 24-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2715, '2020-06-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2716, '2020-06-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2717, '2020-06-23', 1, 12, '10', '500', 450, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2718, '2020-06-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16405, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh ltd (egg tray)24-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2719, '2020-06-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 395, 'full payment made shinefeel ghana ltd (egg tray)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2720, '2020-06-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr seidu atta', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2721, '2020-06-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 18, 'purchases of hand saniters for office use (covid 19)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2722, '2020-06-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2723, '2020-06-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2724, '2020-06-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9858, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 25-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2725, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 14, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2726, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2727, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 110, 'purchases of glass replacement by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2728, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'workmanship of glass replacement by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2729, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'tnt made to ecg guy and mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2730, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2731, '2020-06-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2377, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 27-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2732, '2020-06-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2733, '2020-06-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 354, 'workmanship made to ecg guy for work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2734, '2020-06-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6866.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 27-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2735, '2020-06-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2736, '2020-06-27', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2737, '2020-06-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2738, '2020-06-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 80, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2739, '2020-06-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 34313.5, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran 29-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2740, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3086.5, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2741, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5985, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2742, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2743, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 300, 'ecg /energy commission full payment', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2744, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2745, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 14, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2746, '2020-06-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1595.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 30-06-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2747, '2020-06-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2748, '2020-06-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 606, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2749, '2020-06-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 4, 'iou by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2750, '2020-06-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2751, '2020-06-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3145, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 01-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2752, '2020-07-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2753, '2020-07-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2754, '2020-07-01', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2755, '2020-07-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4710, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 02-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2756, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2757, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '907', '500', 5, 'tnt made town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2758, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2600, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (6.50*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2759, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping from owford vet ent by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2760, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2761, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 676, 'purchases of wood for re-construction of office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2762, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 710, 'full payment made for meter for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2763, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to e. c .g office by ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2764, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'purchases of steple pins for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2765, '2020-07-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3266, 'sales balance send to bank by emmanuel 03-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2766, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2767, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2768, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2769, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2770, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made for registration of agric dep', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2771, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '905', '500', 8, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2772, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2773, '2020-07-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 876, 'sales balance send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2774, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2775, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4000, 'full payment made to jubaili agro tec (toxin binder )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2776, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2777, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 315, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product (1.50*210)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2778, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '905', '500', 14, 'purchases poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2779, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of jubali product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2780, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2781, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 280, 'iou by c.e.o purchases of rice', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2782, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 60, 'iou by c.e.o purchases of maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2783, '2020-07-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5173, 'part payment made to hajia ( macro sulfa ) 06-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2784, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 20000, 'part payment made to dexvet on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2785, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2786, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2787, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 261, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2788, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of hendrix (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2789, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '11', '500', 10, 'unloading of macro sulfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2790, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 730, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2791, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 450, 'iou by c.e.o to old lady', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2792, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2827, 'part payment made to hajia macro sulfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2793, '2020-07-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20916, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 07-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2794, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 408, 'purchases of save box for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2795, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '905', '500', 8, 'purchases of rubber bard and inke for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2796, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2797, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2798, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2799, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '908', '500', 2958.5, 'full payment made to staff for june 2020 salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2800, '2020-07-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14784.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 08-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2801, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6517, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2802, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2803, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '8', '500', 338.5, 'payment made for staff ssnit june 2020', '2020-07-09', b'1'), (2804, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to snitt office by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2805, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1600, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2806, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2807, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to efoh by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2808, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '900', '500', 50, 'purchases of electricity bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2809, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver essvee product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2810, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2811, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchases of sack for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2812, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2813, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1616, 'full payment made to hajia macro sulfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2814, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 370, 'purchases of e c g conductor', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2815, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '8', '500', 388.5, 'payment made for staff ssnit june 2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2816, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 402, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-07-2020', '2020-07-10', b'1'), (2817, '2020-07-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 402.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2818, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made to e c g estimator by ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2819, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f. soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2820, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2821, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'part payment made to digging boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2822, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 600, 'payment made to e.c.g office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2823, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2824, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made to kojo for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2825, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of product to techiman (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2826, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1300, 'full payment made to mr clement on koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2827, '2020-07-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5754, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2828, '2020-07-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2829, '2020-07-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 470, 'full payment made to gigging boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2830, '2020-07-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2831, '2020-07-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3284, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 11-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2832, '2020-07-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of rubber bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2833, '2020-07-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 231, 'tnt made to driver on product from techoman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2834, '2020-07-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2835, '2020-07-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 13774, 'part payment made to bro sammy on store rent 13-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2836, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2837, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3645, 'part payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2838, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 185, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdulai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2839, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to mr collins by c.e.o', '2020-07-14', b'1'), (2840, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1226, 'full payment made for store rent to bro sammy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2841, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2842, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2843, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to mr collins by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2844, '2020-07-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4017, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 14-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2845, '2020-07-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2846, '2020-07-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 800, 'commission made to ernest (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2847, '2020-07-14', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2848, '2020-07-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2849, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3620, 'part payment made to boris b farms (egg tray)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2850, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 600, 'purchases of carpentry item for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2851, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 350, 'tnt made to driver of product to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2852, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '11', '500', 53, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2853, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 262, 'tnt made to driver on koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2854, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 51, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2855, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2856, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to driver essvee product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2857, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to chairman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2858, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 34000, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 16-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2859, '2020-07-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1862, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 16-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2860, '2020-07-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 654, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 16-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2861, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales balance send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2862, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4875, 'full payment made to ernejoyson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2863, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 303, 'iou by c.e.o to attah yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2864, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2865, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 60, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2866, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 545, 'purchases of iron rods for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2867, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2868, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'part payment made to mr ali for printer for office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2869, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2870, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 205, 'workmanship made to steel bender for officer work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2871, '2020-07-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1678, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2872, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '1', '500', 400, 'payment made to g r a', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2873, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3, 'tnt made to g r a office by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2874, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '907', '500', 2, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2875, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 920, 'purchases of stones for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2876, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2877, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2878, '2020-07-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 27117, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2879, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6600, 'full payment made to phimich ent (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2880, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2881, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*300)', '2020-07-20', b'1'), (2882, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2883, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2884, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 808, 'commission pay to ernest wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2885, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1400, 'purchases of cement and send for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2886, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2887, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to mr abass', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2888, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1200, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2889, '2020-07-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10249, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 20-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2890, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7670, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2891, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1262, 'payment made to e c g by branch of office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2892, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran to kona (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2893, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2894, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 337, 'payment made for workmanship by branch of office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2895, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1746.5, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran to mampong (3.50*449)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2896, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 582.9, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*201)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2897, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40.2, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*201)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2898, '2020-07-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1218.4, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 21-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2899, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2900, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2901, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 160, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2902, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'tnt made to emmanuel to seminar', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2903, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 214, 'workmanship made for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2904, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 105, 'payment made for veterinary council of ghana forms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2905, '2020-07-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1879, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 22-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2906, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2907, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3000, 'advanced payment made mad elizabeth anann (c.cake )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2908, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1080, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*270)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2909, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2910, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2911, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'washing of motor bike by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2912, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 81, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*270)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2913, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2914, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2915, '2020-07-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 34000, 'full payment made to olam wheat barn (17*2000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2916, '2020-07-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2200, 'part payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2917, '2020-07-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2918, '2020-07-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2919, '2020-07-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'workmanship made for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2920, '2020-07-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3112, 'part payment made to ess vee agro p v t ltd 24-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2921, '2020-07-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5834.5, 'part payment made to ess vee agro p v t ltd 24-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2922, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1053.5, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2923, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 220, 'iou by c.e.o to blackman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2924, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 170, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2925, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o for purchases of call card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2926, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '905', '500', 15, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2927, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2928, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2929, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2930, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 105, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2931, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'tnt made for mixing machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2932, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 14, 'purchases of blocks for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2933, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '11', '500', 38, 'unloading of kouijs prodcut', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2934, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of mixing machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2935, '2020-07-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10591.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 25-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2936, '2020-07-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2937, '2020-07-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (100*2.90)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2938, '2020-07-25', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2939, '2020-07-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2940, '2020-07-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of hand sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2941, '2020-07-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26658, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 27-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2942, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver local soya (1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2943, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '11', '500', 15, 'unloading of local soya (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2944, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '905', '500', 1, 'purchases of exercise book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2945, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping made from ernjoyson ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2946, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2947, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2948, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2949, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'tnt made to nketiah and frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2950, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2951, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2952, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to mr yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2953, '2020-07-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12045, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 28-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2954, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2955, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 670, 'full payment made to costa phanrmacy (glucose and salts )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2956, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr atta yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2957, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'workmanship made to kojo for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2958, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2959, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2960, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 342, 'tnt made to driver essvee product (1.50*228)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2961, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 68.4, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*228)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2962, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of marco sulfa for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2963, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 300, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2964, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping /tnt to frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2965, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '905', '500', 50, 'purchases of pens for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2966, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver of product to mampong part payment', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2967, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 230, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2968, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2969, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2970, '2020-07-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 32.6, 'part payment made for store rent at maakro 30-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2971, '2020-07-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12914, 'part payment made for store rent at maakro 30-07-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2972, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2973, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 80, 'tnt made to workers for late work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2974, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2975, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4053.4, 'full payment made for store rent at maakro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2976, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of macro sulfa for office use by moonlight farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2977, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2978, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 345, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2979, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2980, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2981, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to fataw and ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2982, '2020-07-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchases of rubber for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2983, '2020-07-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchase of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2984, '2020-07-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'reconstruction of billboard', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2985, '2020-07-31', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e .o to bro ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2986, '2020-07-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 1369.6, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 03-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2987, '2020-07-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5711, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 03-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2988, '2020-08-01', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2989, '2020-08-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 22560, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 03-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2990, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2991, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'purchases of product for c.e.o by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2992, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2993, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 42, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2994, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to mark adu office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2995, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made for office project (part )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2996, '2020-08-04', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2997, '2020-08-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 226, 'workmanship made for office project work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2998, '2020-08-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2400, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 05-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (2999, '2020-08-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 23566, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 05-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3000, '2020-08-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 39000, 'sales send to bank by green g farms at techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3001, '2020-08-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3000, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3002, '2020-08-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 163, 'workmanship made for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3003, '2020-08-05', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3004, '2020-08-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 130, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3005, '2020-08-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9833, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 06-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3006, '2020-08-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3007, '2020-08-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1100, 'purchases of tiles for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3008, '2020-08-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 4, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3009, '2020-08-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 213, 'workmanship made for office project work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3010, '2020-08-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3011, '2020-08-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6000, 'full payment made to mei-kudi (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3012, '2020-08-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8500, 'part payment made to mr roberts (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3013, '2020-08-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3014, '2020-08-07', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'purchases of staple pins for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3015, '2020-08-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of w.shells by loading boys (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3016, '2020-08-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4190, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3017, '2020-08-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20045.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3018, '2020-08-08', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3019, '2020-08-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3020, '2020-08-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 23938, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran) 10-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3021, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3022, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1299, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3023, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4000, 'part payment made to collins amankwaah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3024, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 404, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3025, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchases of battery for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3026, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3027, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of napkin for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3028, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'fetching of water for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3029, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'unloading of koudijs product to ( franaya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3030, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchases of polythene bag of office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3031, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 35, 'purchases of pad lock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3032, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3033, '2020-08-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'full payment made by hajia macro sulfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3034, '2020-08-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to mr kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3035, '2020-08-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of medicine for office use (trap)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3036, '2020-08-11', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3037, '2020-08-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3038, '2020-08-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 704, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3039, '2020-08-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13532, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3040, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2760, 'full payment made to richovet emi ventures(glucoses)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3041, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 154, 'purchases of cement for office project and loading', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3042, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (600*4)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3043, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3190, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*1100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3044, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3045, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of maize (0.50*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3046, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f. soya (0.50*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3047, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 220, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*1100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3048, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3049, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9000, 'full payment made to maa dora (wheat bran) 13-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3050, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2300, 'full payment made to dalikey (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3051, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3052, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '906', '500', 3, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3053, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of hendrix product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3054, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 75, 'tnt made to driver hendrix product ( 1.50*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3055, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of hendrix product (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3056, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3057, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 250, 'part payment made to welder on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3058, '2020-08-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9478, 'sales balance send to by prince 14-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3059, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13680, 'full payment made to enrejoyson ltd 14-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3060, '2020-08-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3086, 'sales balance send to by prince 14-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3061, '2020-08-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 261, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3062, '2020-08-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3063, '2020-08-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 307, 'tnt made to driver of product from mampong to kumasi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3064, '2020-08-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'part payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3065, '2020-08-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12975, 'part payment made to mark adu kodie 15-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3066, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4689, 'full payment made to mr mark adu kodie on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3067, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 940, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anann (c.cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3068, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8.5, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3069, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of hard sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3070, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3071, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '123', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver local soya (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3072, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of local soya (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3073, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of c.cake (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3074, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 17000, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 17-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3075, '2020-08-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2540.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 17-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3076, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3077, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3078, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3079, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3080, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koudjis product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3081, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 370, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3082, '2020-08-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4312, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3083, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3084, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3085, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3110, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3086, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2500, 'full payment made to humic vet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3087, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 32, 'iou by c.e.o (purchases of oyeadieyie )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3088, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3089, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'ou by c.e.o (offloading of sand and stones)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3090, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mad nancy as discount', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3091, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 145, 'cost of damage goods by moonlight farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3092, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3093, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 65, 'commission made to s.m.a office / tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3094, '2020-08-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 18998, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt 19-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3095, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 290, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3096, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3097, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '8', '500', 536.5, 'payment made for ssnit for staff july 2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3098, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1200, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3099, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank /ssnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3100, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3101, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 114, 'purchases of cement for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3102, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3103, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3104, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3105, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1002, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3106, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.eo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3107, '2020-08-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6061.5, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh ltd 20-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3108, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3109, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3110, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10000, 'part payment made for store rent for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3111, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3112, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3113, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of tiling tools for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3114, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4, 'fetching of water for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3115, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 827.5, 'full payment made to shinefeel ghana ltd (egg tray )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3116, '2020-08-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 3741.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 21-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3117, '2020-08-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3118, '2020-08-21', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3119, '2020-08-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made to welder on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3120, '2020-08-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3121, '2020-08-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1122, 'iou by c.e.o to mad amina mumuni', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3122, '2020-08-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to staff by c.e. o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3123, '2020-08-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3124, '2020-08-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3125, '2020-08-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3746, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 24-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3126, '2020-08-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 21534, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 24-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3127, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16500, 'full payment made to mr abdul (maize dry)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3128, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3129, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3130, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 55, 'commission made to s m a and t n t', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3131, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of macro sulfa for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3132, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3133, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of maize (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3134, '2020-08-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5651, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 25-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3135, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11700, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3136, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7000, 'part payment made to mr robert dalikey (shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3137, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 38, 'purchases of cement for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3138, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3, 'fetching of water for office office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3139, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3140, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3141, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 715, 'part payment made to mr abdul (maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3142, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3143, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3144, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to koudjis product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3145, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchases of battery for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3146, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of picture frame for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3147, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '903', '500', 100, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3148, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 52, 'payment made for construction of bill board', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3149, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of maize (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3150, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchases of throed for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3151, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 27, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*90)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3152, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mad rita', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3153, '2020-08-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2523, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 28-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3154, '2020-08-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5055, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 28-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3155, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15785, 'full payment made to mr abdul (maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3156, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3400, 'full payment made to owford vet on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3157, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3158, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3159, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to asafo by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3160, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from town by opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3161, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchases of scrubbing brush for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3162, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of filer for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3163, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '11', '500', 10, 'unloading of martin north product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3164, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to tiler on office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3165, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'filling of fire extinguisher by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3166, '2020-08-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7333, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 28-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3167, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3800, 'full payment made to bro alex (w.shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3168, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3169, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mr dacosta boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3170, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3171, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3172, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3173, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'purchases of office chairs and other for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3174, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 60, 'payment made for banner for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3175, '2020-08-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3563.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 29-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3176, '2020-08-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to wahab', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3177, '2020-08-29', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3178, '2020-08-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12198, 'full payment made to reiss and company ltd 31-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3179, '2020-08-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11103, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran 31-08-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3180, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15000, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3181, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1436, 'full payment made to ernejoysen ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3182, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to mr collins amankwaah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3183, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3184, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 35, 'tnt /repairing of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3185, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3186, '2020-08-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26366, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 01-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3187, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3188, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to vet office by prince', '2020-09-02', b'1'), (3189, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchases of water for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3190, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of hand sanitizers for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3191, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 350, 'tnt /dropping made to vet officers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3192, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3193, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 510, 'purchases of meter cable for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3194, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver essvee (1.50*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3195, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3196, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3197, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3198, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3199, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 250, 'iou by c.e.o for purchases of dog feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3200, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3201, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to vet office by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3202, '2020-09-01', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4558, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 02-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3203, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3204, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1200, 'payment made to e.c.g for work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3205, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1600, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3206, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3207, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '905', '500', 2, 'purchases of exercise book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3208, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3209, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of alfa (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3210, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver alfa (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3211, '2020-09-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4069.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 03-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3212, '2020-09-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3213, '2020-09-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1100, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*275)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3214, '2020-09-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 82.5, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*275)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3215, '2020-09-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'making of table for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3216, '2020-09-03', 1, 12, '11', '500', 30, 'unloading of alfa product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3217, '2020-09-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2550, 'part payment made to collins amakwah 04-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3218, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6825, 'payment made to ernejoyson ltd on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3219, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to mr fataw (local soya )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3220, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 430, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3221, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3222, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3223, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '8', '500', 536.5, 'payment ssnit contribution to staff (august 2020)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3224, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to ssnit ofice by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3225, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for maakro and mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3226, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchases of battery for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3227, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to maa philo to kwadaso', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3228, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 505, 'commission made to ernest (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3229, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '900', '500', 50, 'purchases of e.c.g credit units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3230, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'workmanship made for air condition', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3231, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3232, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of koudjis chick mash (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3233, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3234, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3235, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1005, 'iou by c.e.o to kaant biefo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3236, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to atta yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3237, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'moonlight purchases of tylo dox', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3238, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 21, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3239, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'washing of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3240, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1000, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (200*5)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3241, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3242, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 198, 'expired product by moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3243, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3244, '2020-09-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7669.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 07-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3245, '2020-09-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19935, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 07-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3246, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3247, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '10', '500', 445, 'iou by c.e.o to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3248, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5260, 'payment made to mad elizabeth anann on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3249, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3250, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of soiled tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3251, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3252, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of hendirx product (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3253, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3254, '2020-09-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7946, 'part payment made to ernejoyson ltd 08-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3255, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3256, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3257, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3258, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 580, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3259, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3260, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of macro sulfa for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3261, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 60, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3262, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 230, 'purchases of plunging materials', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3263, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '900', '500', 200, 'purchases of e c g bills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3264, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 275, 'purchases of paint for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3265, '2020-09-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10885, 'part payment made to ess vee agro pvt 10-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3266, '2020-09-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 120, 'tnt made to ejura by mr opoku and emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3267, '2020-09-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3268, '2020-09-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to i see you paint project work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3269, '2020-09-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3270, '2020-09-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15290, 'part payment made to chen tao (egg tray )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3271, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3272, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 910, 'full payment made by shinefeel ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3273, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3400, 'full payment made to dalikey (shell)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3274, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3275, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to melcom by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3276, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3277, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 450, 'purchases of fire extinguisher', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3278, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '905', '500', 535, 'purchases of poly bags for office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3279, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3280, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 714, 'payment made to vet counsel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3281, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by price', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3282, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 40, 'tnt /melocom card by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3283, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3284, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1370, 'purchases of paint for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3285, '2020-09-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4159, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 11-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3286, '2020-09-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 28000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3287, '2020-09-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3288, '2020-09-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 300, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3289, '2020-09-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'purchases of plumbing materials for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3290, '2020-09-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchases of of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3291, '2020-09-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 703, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3292, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3293, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3294, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3295, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 250, 'workmanship made for plumbing work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3296, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 510, 'purchases of plumbing item for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3297, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'workmanship made to panting work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3298, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2304, 'purchases of air condition and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3299, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases key holder for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3300, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to farowk', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3301, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6000, 'part payment made to olam (wheat bran ) 14-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3302, '2020-09-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7041, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 14-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3303, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14601, 'part payment made to dexvet ghana ltd on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3304, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3305, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3306, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '1', '500', 405, 'payment made to g r a office and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3307, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'purchases of cement for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3308, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of plumbing item for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3309, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3310, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3311, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of mouse catcher for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3312, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'workmanship for painting work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3313, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of omo and water for office work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3314, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3315, '2020-09-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3322, 'part payment made to ernejoyson ltd 15-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3316, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3317, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2187, 'full payment made to ernejoyson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3318, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'full payment made for plumbing work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3319, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to auto enginer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3320, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3321, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3322, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 985, 'purchases of electrical appliance for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3323, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3324, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3325, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1647, 'purchases of fridge for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3326, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3327, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from town by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3328, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o to mad thezza', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3329, '2020-09-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4708, 'part payment made to mr fataw (local soya) 16-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3330, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2792, 'full payment made to bro fataw (local soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3331, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 100, 'part payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3332, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 80, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3333, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of steple pins for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3334, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2000, 'payment made to bro ali ( i t man )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3335, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 306, 'purchases of electrical appliances for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3336, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'services of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3337, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 550, 'payment made to auto engineer for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3338, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 187, 'tnt made to driver on product hendrix /koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3339, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 50, 'offloading of hendrix and koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3340, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3341, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to panting', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3342, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o stephen (f33f3)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3343, '2020-09-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4067, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 17-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3344, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3345, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to mpasatia by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3346, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '11', '500', 23, 'unloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3347, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 400, 'workmanship made to air condition work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3348, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '11', '500', 25, 'unloading of franaya farms product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3349, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3350, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to mr opoku to town', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3351, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for mampong branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3352, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'workmanship made to mason for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3353, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3354, '2020-09-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 519, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3355, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3356, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3357, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 79.2, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy (glucose letap)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3358, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5811, 'part payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3359, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3360, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to veterinary office by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3361, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'tnt made to ohemaa to town', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3362, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 550, 'purchases of veronica bucket for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3363, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of nails for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3364, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10.6, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3365, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 560, 'iou by c.e.o to atta yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3366, '2020-09-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4093.2, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 19-09-2020', '2020-09-19', b'1'), (3367, '2020-09-18', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4093.2, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 19-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3368, '2020-09-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3369, '2020-09-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2500, 'tnt made to driver w.shell(5*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3370, '2020-09-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of w.shells (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3371, '2020-09-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 250, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3372, '2020-09-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14065, 'sales balance send to bank prince 22-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3373, '2020-09-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 260, 'purchases of over all and other for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3374, '2020-09-21', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3375, '2020-09-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3376, '2020-09-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3377, '2020-09-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to i see you for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3378, '2020-09-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 26274.5, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran 22-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3379, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 8500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3380, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5725.5, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3381, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3382, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3383, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3384, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2500, 'tnt made to driver w.shells (5*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3385, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of w.shell (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3386, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr atta yssif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3387, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 34500, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran 23-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3388, '2020-09-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4473.5, 'part payment made to hajia (macro sulfa) 23-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3389, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5526.5, 'part payment made to hajia (macro sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3390, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 500, 'part payment made to collins amankwaah (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3391, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e .o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3392, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3393, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3394, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3395, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping from reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3396, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'payment made to maa dora whole wheat 24-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3397, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3398, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of hand sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3399, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 260, 'purchases of chairs for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3400, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to f33f3 richard', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3401, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3402, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 930, 'purchases of machine scales for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3403, '2020-09-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 18607, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt 25-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3404, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1958, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3405, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2500, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish0', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3406, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '906', '500', 9, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3407, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3408, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 14, 'purchases of chisel for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3409, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 300, 'payment made to welder for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3410, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '905', '500', 25, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3411, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3412, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 250, 'payment made to diggers for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3413, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 275, 'iou by c.e.o to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3414, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'full payment made', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3415, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2596.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 26-09-2020', '2020-09-26', b'1'), (3416, '2020-09-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2596.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 26-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3417, '2020-09-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12403, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 26-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3418, '2020-09-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'tnt made to emmali farms by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3419, '2020-09-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer champrix (50*1.50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3420, '2020-09-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 9849.5, 'iou by c.e o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3421, '2020-09-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 21952.5, '28-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3422, '2020-09-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to satff for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3423, '2020-09-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 302, '28-09-2020 sales balance send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3424, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3425, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of dusters for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3426, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchases of nose mask and extension for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3427, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchases of internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3428, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1650, 'purchases of laptop for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3429, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3430, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 225, 'tnt made to driver essvee product (1.50*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3431, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made stephen f3f33fe', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3432, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of essvee product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3433, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '125', '500', 559, 'payment made by ali moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3434, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '125', '500', 273, 'payment made by fataw moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3435, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3436, '2020-09-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9593, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 29-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3437, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3438, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4953, 'full payment made to reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3439, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 70, 'tnt made to auto enginee for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3440, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchases of tanking and air condition backet for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3441, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '900', '500', 400, 'purchases of e c g bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3442, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt /dropping to e.c.g office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3443, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2010, 'payment made to f3f33f3', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3444, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3445, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to staff for office work done dated 27-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3446, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of hendrix (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3447, '2020-09-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4975, 'part payment made to bro sammy (office rent) 30-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3448, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 27000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3449, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver whole wheat (6*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3450, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3451, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of plunging materials for office project', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3452, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'payment made bro sammy on store rent', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3453, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3454, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of whole wheat (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3455, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping from reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3456, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 801, 'part payment made to agya-sei (maize supplier)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3457, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 350, 'part payment made to mr abdul (maize supplier)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3458, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchases of tried for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3459, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '12', '500', 139, 'offloading of maize (0.30*466)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3460, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3461, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 180, 'iou by c.e.o to mr abdullali yakubu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3462, '2020-10-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2800, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3463, '2020-10-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of maize (0.30*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3464, '2020-09-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6982, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 03-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3465, '2020-10-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10307, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize 03-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3466, '2020-10-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to afayad on product 03-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3467, '2020-10-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9262, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 03-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3468, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3343, 'full payment made to mr abdul (maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3469, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3470, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3471, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3472, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for mampong branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3473, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '125', '500', 564, 'full payment made by fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3474, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '125', '500', 267, 'full payment made by ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3475, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3476, '2020-10-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 28619, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize) 05-09-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3477, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9000, 'full payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3478, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1092, 'part payment made to maa lucy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3479, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 20581, 'full payment made to mr opoku mensah (maize)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3480, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 16419, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3481, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3482, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to e.c.g office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3483, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 50, 'offloading of product by franaya farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3484, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e.o to mr dacosta boaky', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3485, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to e.c.g office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3486, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3487, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchases of machine instrument for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3488, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1160, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3489, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver whole wheat (4*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3490, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to auto engineer for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3491, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1000, 'payment made to engineer 2', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3492, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 180, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*900)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3493, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 15, 'offloading of whole wheat (0.30*50)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3494, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3495, '2020-10-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1635, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd 08-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3496, '2020-10-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10068, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd 08-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3497, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3498, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3499, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3500, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '1', '500', 400, 'payment made to g r a by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3501, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of hand sanitizers for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3502, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '903', '500', 15, 'purchases of mob for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3503, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to g r a office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3504, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3505, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver hendrix chick care (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3506, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 62, 'offloading of koudijis product (0.30*207)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3507, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 171, 'offloading of koudijis product (0.50*343)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3508, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of koudijis/hendrix chick mash (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3509, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9975, 'full payment made to collins amankwaah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3510, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 344, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3511, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 495, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy ltd (salts)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3512, '2020-10-07', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15811, 'part payment made ess vee agro pvt 08-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3513, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4189, 'part payment made to ess agro pvt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3514, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 297, 'part payment made to frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3515, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3516, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3517, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '8', '500', 536.5, 'payment made for snnit contribution', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3518, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to snnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3519, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 20, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3520, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of thread for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3521, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1200, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3522, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3523, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3524, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of dog eye ointment by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3525, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to mr opoku to town', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3526, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3527, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of f. soya (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3528, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3529, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of f.soya (0.40*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3530, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 50, 'iou by c.e.o to konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3531, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 350, 'iou by c.e.o to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3532, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 548, 'iou by c.e.o purchases dog food', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3533, '2020-10-08', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1842.5, 'part payment made to lucy paintsil 10-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3534, '2020-10-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 23770, 'part payment made to lucy paintsil 10-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3535, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3536, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4387, 'part payment made to lucy painstil soya', '2020-10-12', b'1'), (3537, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3538, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of engine oil and washing of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3539, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koudjis product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3540, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '11', '500', 20, 'unloading of martin product to north', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3541, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4387.5, 'part payment made to lucy painstil soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3542, '2020-10-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13315, 'part payment made to lucy painstil (soya) 12-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3543, '2020-10-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 26185, 'part payment made to maa lucy (soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3544, '2020-10-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 490, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3545, '2020-10-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to atta yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3546, '2020-10-12', 1, 12, '908', '500', 300, 'salaries made to abass loading boy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3547, '2020-10-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchases of cup for re-banging of product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3548, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1010, 'iou by c.e.o to dacosta abodye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3549, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 550, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3550, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '905', '500', 24, 'purchases of a4 sheet for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3551, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '900', '500', 200, 'purchases of e c g bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3552, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3553, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4000, 'purchases of lamp for vet shop', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3554, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to e.c.g office by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3555, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3556, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3557, '2020-10-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 561.5, 'payment made to supplier maa lucy (soya) 15-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3558, '2020-10-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9943, 'payment made to supplier maa lucy (soya) 15-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3559, '2020-10-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 306, 'purchases of motor for mixing machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3560, '2020-10-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 28, 'tnt made to magazine by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3561, '2020-10-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14755, 'payment made to supplier maa lucy (soya) 15-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3562, '2020-10-15', 1, 12, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3563, '2020-10-15', 1, 12, '11', '500', 31, 'unloading of koudiji product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3564, '2020-10-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to mad philomina opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3565, '2020-10-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1400, 'full payment made to carpenter for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3566, '2020-10-15', 1, 12, '9', '500', 440.5, 'part payment made to maa lucy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3567, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3000, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3568, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchases of electrical appliances for office work done', '2020-10-17', b'1'), (3569, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to suame by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3570, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of maize (0.30*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3571, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 170, 'payment made made to e c g worker for work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3572, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 400, 'payment made to auto engineer for work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3573, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '123', '500', 10, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3574, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 790, 'purchases of electrical appliances for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3575, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 15336, 'sales send to bank by green g farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3576, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3577, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3578, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchase of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3579, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3580, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3581, '2020-10-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 30487, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah 19-10-20', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3582, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7200, 'full payment made to maa dora wheat bran 19-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3583, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8200, 'full payment made to shinefell egg tran 19-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3584, '2020-10-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2899, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah 19-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3585, '2020-10-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10712, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 19-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3586, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3587, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1614, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3588, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3589, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3590, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of glue for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3591, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver hendrix chick mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3592, '2020-10-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8506, 'part payment made to afayad on product 20-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3593, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1494, 'part payment made to afayad', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3594, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 280, 'iou by c.e.o to abdullai yakubu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3595, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3596, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3597, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3598, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3599, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3600, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2320, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3601, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3602, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 202, 'commission made to adede egg tray', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3603, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3604, '2020-10-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4238, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 21-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3605, '2020-10-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to ernejoysen ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3606, '2020-10-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3607, '2020-10-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3608, '2020-10-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7945, 'full payment made to ashvet on product 22-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3609, '2020-10-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 228, 'part payment made to ashvet on product 22-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3610, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1772, 'part payment made to ashvet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3611, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 940, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth anann c cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3612, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 714, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3613, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3614, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 344, 'maintenance of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3615, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of c cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3616, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 34860, 'sales send to bank by niifa farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3617, '2020-10-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5630.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 23-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3618, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1840, 'full payment made to richovet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3619, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of hard sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3620, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3621, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for mampong branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3622, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '11', '500', 105, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3623, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 225, 'tnt made to driver on koudjis product (1.50*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3624, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3625, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3626, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3627, '2020-10-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4019.5, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu wheat 26-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3628, '2020-10-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19998, 'money to bank by kutia farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3629, '2020-10-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3630, '2020-10-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 23000, 'full payment made to dexvet on product 26-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3631, '2020-10-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4753, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu wheat 26-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3632, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1207.5, 'part payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3633, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 20, 'part payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3634, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 122, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3635, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1020, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3636, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 428, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3637, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3638, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3639, '2020-10-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 18893.5, '', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3640, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 975, 'full payment made to ernjoysen ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3641, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2300, 'full payment made to nana kwame premix', '2020-10-29', b'1'), (3642, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10106.5, 'part payment made to flour mills ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3643, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4921, 'full payment made to collins amanakwaah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3644, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 90, 'iou by c.e.o to alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3645, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'tnt to bank by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3646, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to ernejoyson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3647, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3648, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver essvee product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3649, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3650, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2380, 'full payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3651, '2020-10-27', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4868.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 28-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3652, '2020-10-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14000, 'full payment made to mr opoku mensah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3653, '2020-10-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3654, '2020-10-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3655, '2020-10-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2030, 'commission to ernest dadzie wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3656, '2020-10-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4399, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 29-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3657, '2020-10-29', 1, 12, '10', '500', 2300, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3658, '2020-10-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchases of poly bag for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3659, '2020-10-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3185, 'tnt made to driver shell (5*637)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3660, '2020-10-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 254, 'offloading of shell (0.40*637)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3661, '2020-10-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6394, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 30-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3662, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3462, 'full payment made to reiss and company', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3663, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 470, 'iou by c.e o to abdullali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3664, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3665, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 52, 'iou by c.e o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3666, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e o to fuseni mudasin', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3667, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to reiss and company by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3668, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of hendrix product (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3669, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3670, '2020-10-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24713, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 31-10-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3671, '2020-10-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 120, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3672, '2020-10-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 320, 'offloading of soya (0.40*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3673, '2020-10-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3471, 'tnt made to driver soya (4.35*798)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3674, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15837, 'part payment made to mark adu on product', '2020-11-03', b'1'), (3675, '2020-10-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15837, 'part payment made to mark adu on product 02-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3676, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 120, 'tnt made to staff for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3677, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3678, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3679, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 210, 'hospital bills for fataw by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3680, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2030, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3681, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 870, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3682, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 44, 'offloading of local fish by loading', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3683, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3684, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3685, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 30163, 'part payment made ,ark adu on product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3686, '2020-11-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14596.5, 'sales balance send to bank by mr opoku 04-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3687, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6000, 'full payment made to hajia macro sulfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3688, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3689, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '125', '500', 299.5, 'full payment made fataw on stock balance', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3690, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '905', '500', 2, 'purchases of exercise book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3691, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '905', '500', 5, 'purchases of envelop for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3692, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '908', '500', 5542.5, 'full payment made of salary to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3693, '2020-11-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11545.5, 'part payment made to mr dan shells 04-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3694, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2468.5, 'full payment made to daniel b ventures', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3695, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 535, 'purchases of poly bags for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3696, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3697, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 170, 'tnt made to driver alfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3698, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of alfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3699, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '11', '500', 30, 'unloading of alfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3700, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3701, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchases of thread for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3702, '2020-11-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8687.5, 'part payment made to multivet for( macro premix)05-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3703, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5262.5, 'full payment made to multivet (macro premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3704, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 505, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3705, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to s m a office by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3706, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '11', '500', 30, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3707, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to s m s office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3708, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 280, 'offloading of koudijs product (04*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3709, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '123', '500', 22, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3710, '2020-11-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3711, '2020-11-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3712, '2020-11-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3713, '2020-11-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 531, 'iou by c.e o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3714, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4458.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 09-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3715, '2020-11-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'payment made to s m a office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3716, '2020-11-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24778, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 09-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3717, '2020-11-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchases of omo for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3718, '2020-11-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 34506.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 09-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3719, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2200, 'full payment made to dalikey shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3720, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3721, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 700, 'iou by c.e,o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3722, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 560, 'iou by c.e,o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3723, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 500, 'iou by c.e,o to mr opoku', '2020-11-10', b'1'), (3724, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 110, 'purchases call card for c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3725, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1740, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3726, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3727, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3728, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e,o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3729, '2020-11-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3809.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3730, '2020-11-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 40500, 'part payment made to olam ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3731, '2020-11-10', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'full payment made to jubaili agro tec', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3732, '2020-11-10', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3733, '2020-11-10', 1, 12, '8', '500', 536.5, 'payment made for ssnit contribution for october 2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3734, '2020-11-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to snitt office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3735, '2020-11-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10393.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3736, '2020-11-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to franktson in and out by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3737, '2020-11-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3738, '2020-11-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to collins amankwaah local fish 12-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3739, '2020-11-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26774.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3740, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to collins amankwaah local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3741, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3742, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3743, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '10', '500', 230, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abduallia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3744, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to emmanuel to accra', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3745, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3746, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3747, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver essvee product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3748, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading essvee product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3749, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11758, 'full payment made to afayad on product 13-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3750, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '10', '500', 220, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3751, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3752, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 160, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product (1.60*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3753, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of jubail product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3754, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3755, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '123', '500', 100, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3756, '2020-11-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3757, '2020-11-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'washing of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3758, '2020-11-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 525, 'tnt made to driver of product to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3759, '2020-11-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 54, 'offloading of w maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3760, '2020-11-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 238, 'payment made to maa lucy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3761, '2020-11-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2761, 'part payment made to koudijs poultry feed 17-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3762, '2020-11-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 22576, 'part payment made to koudijs poultry feed 17-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3763, '2020-11-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 27345, 'part payment made to koudijs poultry feed 17-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3764, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 280, 'nsabo to ashvet by emmanuel and prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3765, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3766, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of w.maize (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3767, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 231, 'sending and tnt made to post office by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3768, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 800, 'payment made for invoice books', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3769, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3770, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3771, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1750, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3772, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 19315, 'part payment made to koudjis', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3773, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2526, 'full payment made to boris b farms f.soya 17-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3774, '2020-11-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 3395, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 17-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3775, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11820, 'full payment made maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3776, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 700, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3777, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3778, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to brios b farms by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3779, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3780, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '900', '500', 400, 'puechases of e c g bills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3781, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 54, 'offloading of w maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3782, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchases of internet bundle for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3783, '2020-11-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6641, 'part payment made to richovet \r\n vent 18-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3784, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4164, 'full payment made to richovet ventures', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3785, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4630, 'full payment made to collins amankwah local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3786, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3787, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 120, 'overge made to fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3788, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1500, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3789, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3790, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1800, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3791, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3792, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3793, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '11', '500', 100, 'unloading of soya at brios farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3794, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3795, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 350, 'offloading of f soya (0.50*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3796, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offload of product to mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3797, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c.e.o to abdullai yakubu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3798, '2020-11-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15827, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh co ltd 19-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3799, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3778, 'full payment made to mr abdul maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3800, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2300, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3801, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5173, 'full payment made to shinfeel egg tray', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3802, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 202, 'money given to mr dan shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3803, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '11', '500', 100, 'unloading of f.soya (0.50*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3804, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3805, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3806, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '900', '500', 200, 'purchases of e c g bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3807, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 400, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (2*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3808, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3809, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to twon by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3810, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to in god we trust', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3811, '2020-11-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15475, 'part payment made to olam wheat bran 20-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3812, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2025, 'full payment made to olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3813, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3814, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3815, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3816, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3817, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3818, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 4000, 'commission made to ernest wheat bran olam', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3819, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4800, 'tnt made to driver shells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3820, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '12', '500', 400, 'offloading of shells (0.40*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3821, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 800, 'loan given to alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3822, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of thred for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3823, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3824, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 300, 'iou by c.e.o to emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3825, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3826, '2020-11-20', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 12876, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 21-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3827, '2020-11-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3828, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '907', '500', 30, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3829, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3830, '2020-11-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 29062, 'payment made to gloria aroua mullen 24-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3831, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11954, 'payment made to gloria aroua mullen 24-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3832, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 11642, 'payment made to gnat soya 24-11-2020', '2020-11-24', b'1'), (3833, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'payment made to kofi nkumah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3834, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14642, 'payment made to gnat soya 24-11-2020', '2020-11-24', b'1'), (3835, '2020-11-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 14522, 'payment made to gnat soya 24-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3836, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'full payment made to ghana nuts soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3837, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8000, 'part payment made to daniel b ventures shell', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3838, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 5984, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3839, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3840, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 420, 'purchases of phone to mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3841, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3842, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1450, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (2.90*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3843, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3844, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 165, 'iou by c e o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3845, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 54, 'iou by c e o purchases of wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3846, '2020-11-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8698, 'part payment made to ashvet ghana ltd 25-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3847, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3848, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 515, 'iou by c.e.o to simon agyeman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3849, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 712, 'full payment made to ashvet ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3850, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3510, 'full payment made to ashvet ghana ltd (purchases of chick tray )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3851, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '905', '500', 150, 'purchases of bearing /tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3852, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '905', '500', 35, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3853, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 350, 'tnt made to mampong by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3854, '2020-11-25', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26832, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 26-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3855, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3856, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1500, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3.500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3857, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3858, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3859, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3860, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 900, 'tnt made to driver ghana nuts soya (3.300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3861, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 900, 'tnt made to driver ghana nuts soya (3.300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3862, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '12', '500', 240, 'offloading of ghana nuts soya (0.40*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3863, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'part payment made to driver on product to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3864, '2020-11-26', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14663, 'sales balance send to bank by felicia 27-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3865, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3866, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3867, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3868, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3869, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3870, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 705, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3871, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '10', '500', 560, 'iou by c.e.o to mad akua tiwaah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3872, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3800, 'full payment made to nti armah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3873, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made to driver koudijs product (1.50*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3874, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koujis product (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3875, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of koujis product (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3876, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 750, '3 months store rent made to bro sammy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3877, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1010, 'iou by c. e o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3878, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1500, 'iou by c. e o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3879, '2020-11-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to staff by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3880, '2020-11-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 23158.5, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec 30-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3881, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 21841.5, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec 30-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3882, '2020-11-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2879.5, 'part payment made to ernejoyson ltd 30-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3883, '2020-11-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 635, 'part payment made to ernejoyson ltd 30-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3884, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3885, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 21, 'purchases of expired product \r\n by moonlight farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3886, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 800, 'full payment made for receipt books', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3887, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kidisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3888, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3889, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3118, 'full payment made to ernejoyson limited', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3890, '2020-11-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 25706, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah maize 01-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3891, '2020-12-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9044, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3892, '2020-12-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 200, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3893, '2020-12-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 540, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3894, '2020-12-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchases of omo for use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3895, '2020-12-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 17730, 'part payment made to mamp service 02-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3896, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1000, 'full payment made to mr opoku mensah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3897, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4270, 'full payment made to mamps service', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3898, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '905', '500', 8, 'purchases of staple pin for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3899, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3900, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 600, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3901, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3902, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '908', '500', 500, 'salaries payment made to felicia konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3903, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3904, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of thired for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3905, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 255, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3906, '2020-12-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8700, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt 03-11-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3907, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 500, 'full payment made to essvee agro pvt ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3908, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3909, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3910, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2370, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*790)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3911, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 158, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*790)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3912, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 205, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3913, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 306, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3914, '2020-12-04', 1, 12, '11', '500', 85, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3915, '2020-12-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'part payment made to driver of product to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3916, '2020-12-04', 1, 12, '908', '500', 4055, 'full payment made salaries', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3917, '2020-12-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 122, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3918, '2020-12-03', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 42112.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 05-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3919, '2020-12-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 46395.5, 'sales balance send to awua gloria by prince 05-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3920, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7000, 'part payment made to agya collins (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3921, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2020, 'payment made to ernest dadzie olam wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3922, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchases of oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3923, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'purchases of scales for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3924, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3925, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 505, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3926, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e .to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3927, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13605, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3928, '2020-12-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 23390, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 08-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3929, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 30500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3930, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3931, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prnice', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3932, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '11', '500', 84, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3933, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 420, 'tnt made to driver of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3934, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 84, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3935, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10627, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 09-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3936, '2020-12-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 150, 'i o u by c.e .o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3937, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 19500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3938, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3939, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3940, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2100, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3941, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '12', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3942, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 165, 'purchases of bearing for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3943, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3944, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3945, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 250, 'workmanship made for feed mix room', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3946, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to usman i t', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3947, '2020-12-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11451.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 10-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3948, '2020-12-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 15500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3949, '2020-12-10', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3950, '2020-12-10', 1, 12, '8', '500', 537, 'payment made for ssnit contribution for november', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3951, '2020-12-10', 1, 12, '10', '500', 505, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3952, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '906', '500', 11, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3953, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1173, 'purchases of poly bags and phone for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3954, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3955, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'repairing of motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3956, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of phone glass', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3957, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3958, '2020-12-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 17734, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3959, '2020-12-10', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4646, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 12-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3960, '2020-12-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank (gloria awuah ) by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3961, '2020-12-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to ali internet bundle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3962, '2020-12-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3963, '2020-12-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3964, '2020-12-12', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 15215, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 14-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3965, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3966, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3967, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3968, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 671, 'purchases of pallits for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3969, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '11', '500', 60, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3970, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3971, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3972, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchases of kill it for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3973, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6500, 'full payment made to collins amankwah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3974, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3975, '2020-12-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10256, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 15-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3976, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10000, 'sales send to (gloria awuah ) by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3977, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3978, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 400, 'workmanship made to kojo for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3979, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 240, 'purchases of sack for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3980, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3981, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3982, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '11', '500', 45, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3983, '2020-12-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6226, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 16-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3984, '2020-12-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3985, '2020-12-16', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3986, '2020-12-16', 1, 12, '906', '500', 9, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3987, '2020-12-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10967, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 17-12-2020', '2020-12-19', b'1'), (3988, '2020-12-16', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10967, 'part payment made to mr afriyie maize 17-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3989, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 833, 'full payment made to mr afriyie maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3990, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3991, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '900', '500', 400, 'purchases of e c g bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3992, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5000, 'tnt made to driver shells (5*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3993, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 147, 'offloading of shells (0.40*361)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3994, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 316, 'offloading of shells (0.50*631)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3995, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of w.maize (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3996, '2020-12-17', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7628, 'part payment made to mr afriyie maize 19-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3997, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5550, 'full payment made to konadu wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3998, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '11', '500', 30, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (3999, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4000, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 216, 'purchases of plywood and other for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4001, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 150, 'tnt made for koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4002, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4003, '2020-12-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15332.5, 'part payment made to mr afriyie maize 19-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4004, '2020-12-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 839.5, 'part payment made to mr afriyie maize supplier', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4005, '2020-12-19', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4006, '2020-12-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 90, 'offloading of maize (0.30*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4007, '2020-12-19', 1, 12, '906', '500', 14, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4008, '2020-12-19', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 27811.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 22-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4009, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6176, 'part payment made to mr gyan sonal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4010, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'full payment made to mr afriyie maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4011, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1800, 't n t made to driver wheat bran (3*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4012, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4013, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchases of paint for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4014, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchases of rappir for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4015, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchases of glass for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4016, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 448.5, 'offloading of maize (0.50*897)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4017, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2500, 'purchases of laptop for office use mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4018, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 195, 'offloading of maize (0.30*650)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4019, '2020-12-21', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 41449.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 22-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4020, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchases of glass cleaner for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4021, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 120, 'workmanship made to i see you', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4022, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'workmanship made to kojo caper ta', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4023, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 50, 'tnt made to usman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4024, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to mr opoku to suame', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4025, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4026, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '11', '500', 40, 'unloading of alfa product (0.40*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4027, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver alfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4028, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 30, 'offloading of alfa (0.30*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4029, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 400, 'offloading of w maize (0.40*1000)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4030, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 405, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4031, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 100, 'part payment made to mr opoku maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4032, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 23016.5, 'full payment made to maridav 23-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4033, '2020-12-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3297.5, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tech 23-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4034, '2020-12-23', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13622, 'full payment made to jubaili agro tech', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4035, '2020-12-23', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4036, '2020-12-23', 1, 12, '905', '500', 30, 'purchases of perfertor for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4037, '2020-12-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4038, '2020-12-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4040, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 24-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4039, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 29000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4040, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4041, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4042, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4043, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1220, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4044, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1010, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku 25-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4045, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku 25-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4046, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '10', '500', 2850, 'iou by c.e.o to staff 25-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4047, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '907', '500', 200, 'purchases of e c g credit', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4048, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to kronom by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4049, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'part payment made to i see u', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4050, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 560, 'purchases of paint for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4051, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1100, 'full payment made for printer and others', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4052, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'workmanship made for bearing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4053, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 210, 'donation made to children', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4054, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 900, 'full payment made to uncle 3-sulfa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4055, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 714, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4056, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of pellet wheat bran (0.4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4057, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver pellet wheat bran (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4058, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4059, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 6, 'tnt made to asafo by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4060, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4061, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1500, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4062, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 165, 'offloading of product (0.30*550)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4063, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4064, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of f soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4065, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2303, 'full payment made to oxwford', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4066, '2020-12-24', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1001, 'part payment made to mr collins local fish 29-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4067, '2020-12-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9617, 'part payment made to mr collins local fish 29-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4068, '2020-12-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 48420, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 29-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4069, '2020-12-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7697, 'full payment made to ernejoysen ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4070, '2020-12-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9621, 'full payment made to richovet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4071, '2020-12-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 6500, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4072, '2020-12-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4073, '2020-12-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16111, 'part payment made to olam pellet wheat bran 30-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4074, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4075, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2139, 'full payment made to olam pellet wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4076, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to olam', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4077, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4078, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4079, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '11', '500', 76, 'unloading of koujis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4080, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of credit card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4081, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5000, 'part payment made sliding door operator', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4082, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 300, 'x mas gift made to felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4083, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4084, '2020-12-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 22073, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 31-12-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4085, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '125', '500', 500, 'part payment made for stock balance (ali moonlight)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4086, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '125', '500', 129.5, 'full payment made for stock balance (fataw moonlight)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4087, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4088, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '10', '500', 808, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4089, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1382, 'part payment made to collins amankwaah (local fish)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4090, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 270, 'purchases of sacks for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4091, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 187.5, 'tnt made to driver koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4092, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 225, 'tnt made to driver hendrix product (1.50*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4093, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to g r a office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4094, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 82.5, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4095, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '905', '500', 70, 'purchases of flis for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4096, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '1', '500', 1600, 'full payment made to g r a', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4097, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4098, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4099, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt nade to driver sonal soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4100, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal soya (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4101, '2020-12-31', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 2830, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 02-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4102, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 450, 'iou by c.e.o to seidu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4103, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 505, 'iou by c.e.o to kofi kediseil', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4104, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 375, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4105, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 518, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy (glucose )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4106, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 435, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy (salt )', '2021-01-04', b'1'), (4107, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 28000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4108, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4109, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4110, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 200, 'tnt made to driver mampong egg tray', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4111, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 22, 'tnt made to mr opoku to twon', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4112, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from costa pharmacy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4113, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '908', '500', 300, 'full payment made to rayyan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4114, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14939, 'sales send to bank by prince 04-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4115, '2021-01-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 435.5, 'full payment made to costa pharmacy (salt )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4116, '2021-01-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to multivet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4117, '2021-01-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to reiss and company', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4118, '2021-01-04', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from reiss company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4119, '2021-01-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1200, 'x mas gifts made to supplier by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4120, '2021-01-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 408, 'iou by c.e.o to mt opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4121, '2021-01-04', 1, 12, '9', '500', 37853.5, 'part payment made to mr opoku mensah maize 05-01-21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4122, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2146, 'part payment made to opoku mensah', '2021-01-07', b'1'), (4123, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2146, 'part payment made to opoku mensah (w maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4124, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales send to bank b y prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4125, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to nkoranaza by felecia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4126, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '908', '500', 500, 'salaries payment made to felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4127, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4128, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping from afayed by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4129, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '908', '500', 4154, 'full payment made for staff salaries', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4130, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping by kojo to c.e.o house', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4131, '2021-01-05', 1, 12, '9', '500', 16898.5, 'part payment made to jubalai agro 06-01-21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4132, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2612, 'full payment made to jubali agro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4133, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3600, 'full payment made to nana kwame (premix)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4134, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 155, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4135, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4136, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4137, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made to e c g guys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4138, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '125', '500', 360.5, 'part payment made by ali moonlight (short)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4139, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '901', '500', 250, 'tnt made to driver jubaili product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4140, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of jubaili product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4141, '2021-01-06', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 10234.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 08-01-2020', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4142, '2021-01-07', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made for internet card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4143, '2021-01-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2, 'tnt made to mr abdul to suame', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4144, '2021-01-07', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2400, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran', '2021-02-16', b'1'), (4145, '2021-01-07', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.2*800)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4146, '2021-01-07', 1, 12, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4147, '2021-01-07', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 24369, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 08-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4148, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 230, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4149, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '10', '500', 918, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4150, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 170, 'tnt made to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4151, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 12, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*40)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4152, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '8', '500', 537, 'payment made for ssnit contribution', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4153, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 40, 'workmanship made to mason for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4154, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to ssnit office by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4155, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4156, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 65, 'tnt/purchases of bearing for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4157, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver pellet wheat (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4158, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 150, 'offloading of pellet wheat bran (0.30*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4159, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '901', '500', 525, 'tnt made to driver koudjis product (1.50*350)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4160, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '11', '500', 105, 'unloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4161, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 108, 'offloading of koudjis product by other boys (0.40*270)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4162, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '12', '500', 24, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*80)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4163, '2021-01-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 500, 'gifts made to land lord by c.e.o', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4164, '2021-01-09', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchases of paint for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4165, '2021-01-08', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 49877, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 11-01-21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4166, '2021-01-09', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 38721, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 11-01-21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4167, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4168, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use (mampong )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4169, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1200, 'tnt made to driver ghana nut soya (3*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4170, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4171, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to sliding door (vet)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4172, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2850, 'full payment made to mr collins (local fish )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4173, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '10', '500', 204, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4174, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '9', '500', 8623, 'part payment made to olam pellet wheat 12-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4175, '2021-01-11', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offoading of ghana nut soya (0.30*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4176, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3700, 'full payment made to maa dora (wheat bran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4177, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9627, 'full payment made to olam pellet wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4178, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 18, 'purchases of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4179, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '123', '500', 70, 'purchases of fuel for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4180, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4181, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4182, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4183, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4184, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 300, 'offloading of koudjis product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4185, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2000, 'tnt made to driver shells (5*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4186, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '12', '500', 160, 'offloading of shells (0.40*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4187, '2021-01-13', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 4000, 'sales send to bank by mr opoku (cbg)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4188, '2021-01-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4189, '2021-01-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4190, '2021-01-13', 1, 12, '901', '500', 800, 'tnt made to driver f soya (4*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4191, '2021-01-13', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4192, '2021-01-13', 1, 12, '9', '500', 21441, 'part payment made to maridav 14-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4193, '2021-01-12', 1, 12, '9', '500', 15113, 'part payment made to dexvet 13-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4194, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3281.5, 'full payment made to maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4195, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to maridav and frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4196, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from maridav by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4197, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 75, 'offloading of soya (0.30*250)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4198, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading od w.shells (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4199, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of shells (0.50*400)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4200, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 400, 'purchases of printing roll for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4201, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4202, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 35, 'dropping from frankatson by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4203, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '10', '500', 165, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4204, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '901', '500', 3000, 'tnt made to driver shells (5*600)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4205, '2021-01-14', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 9340.5, 'sales send to bank by prince 15-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4206, '2021-01-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4207, '2021-01-15', 1, 12, '906', '500', 18, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4208, '2021-01-15', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 825, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4209, '2021-01-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 992, 'tnt made to driver sonal soya (4*248)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4210, '2021-01-16', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4211, '2021-01-16', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4212, '2021-01-16', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 23347, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 18-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4213, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12000, 'full payment made to maa dora wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4214, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 75, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.30*250)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4215, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of f soya (4*302)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4216, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 750, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*250)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4217, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1208, 'tnt made to driver f .soya (4*302)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4218, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 60, 'tnt made to staff for office done dated 17-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4219, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '903', '500', 100, 'funeral donation made to wodaso ye onyame', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4220, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchases of engine oil for motor bike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4221, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4222, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchases of hand sanitizer for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4223, '2021-01-18', 1, 12, '9', '500', 17092, 'part payment made to flour mills tema 19-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4224, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7318.5, 'full payment made to flour mills tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4225, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to ernjoysen ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4226, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchases of macro sulfa for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4227, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '11', '500', 30, 'unloading of hendrix product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4228, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '900', '500', 400, 'purchases of e c g bills for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4229, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4230, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '907', '500', 160, 'tnt made to driver hendrix product (2*80)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4231, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '12', '500', 25, 'offloading of hendrix product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4232, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to mr collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4233, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4234, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchases of padlock for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4235, '2021-01-19', 1, 12, '9', '500', 6719.5, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd 21-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4236, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by emmanuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4237, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 360, 'purchases of sack for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4238, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchases of thred for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4239, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 70, 'workmanship of machnory', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4240, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4241, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 2500, 'fixing of cameras and internet for vet shop', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4242, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1080, 'good will made to bro sammy (land lord )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4243, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 202, 'purchases of sack for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4244, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 720, 'purchases of phone and cover for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4245, '2021-01-20', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13691, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd 21-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4246, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 250, 'purchases of sack for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4247, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1700, 'tnt made to driver pellet wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4248, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '12', '500', 400, 'offloading of pellet wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4249, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 600, 'iou by c.e.o to maame roman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4250, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to maame pokuah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4251, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 400, 'iou by c.e.o to mr baffour', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4252, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '10', '500', 100, 'iou by c.e.o (purchases of yellow maize )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4253, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 89.5, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4254, '2021-01-21', 1, 12, '9', '500', 9586.5, 'part payment made to olam pellet wheat 25-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4255, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 18000, 'sales send to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4256, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4257, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'washing of motor bike by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4258, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 739.5, 'tnt made to driver sankofa prodcut (4.35*170)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4259, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 51, 'offloading of sankofa product by branch (0.30*170)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4260, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '901', '500', 600, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4261, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '12', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4262, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 404, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4263, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '10', '500', 155, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4264, '2021-01-23', 1, 12, '906', '500', 12, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4265, '2021-01-23', 1, 12, '901', '500', 4, 'tnt made to town by kaider', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4266, '2021-01-23', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 50, 'workmanship made for sliding', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4267, '2021-01-22', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 16183.5, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 25-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4268, '2021-01-23', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 23417, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 25-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4269, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2833.5, 'full payment made to olam pellet wheat bran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4270, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2020, 'part payment made to ernest dadzie olam wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4271, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1080, 'part payment made purchases flames for office work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4272, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4273, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4274, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '10', '500', 357, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdullai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4275, '2021-01-25', 1, 12, '9', '500', 18390, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd 26-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4276, '2021-01-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1610, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4277, '2021-01-26', 1, 12, '10', '500', 202, 'iou by c.e.o to mr ntiamoah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4278, '2021-01-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 20000, 'full payment made to takoradi flour mill wheat 27-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4279, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 24900, 'full payment made to shinefeel ltd (egg tray)', '2021-01-28', b'1'), (4280, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 24900, 'full payment made to shinefeel ltd (egg tray)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4281, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchases of bilt for office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4282, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4283, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4284, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '901', '500', 20, 'tnt made to town by oppong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4285, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '12', '500', 18, 'offloading of layer champrix (0.30*60)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4286, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 202, 'payment made to engineer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4287, '2021-01-26', 1, 12, '9', '500', 12207, 'part payment made to reiss and company ltd 28-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4288, '2021-01-27', 1, 12, '9', '500', 5655, 'part payment made to reiss and company ltd 28-01-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4289, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 17599.6, 'full payment made to reiss and company ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4290, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '9', '500', 924, 'full payment made to uncle ebo (3-sulfa )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4291, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 15, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4292, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4293, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4294, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to reiss and company ltd by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4295, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 4184, 'full payment made to ernejoyson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4296, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to agya sei (f soya)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4297, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4298, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4299, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4300, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 900, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4301, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*300 )', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4302, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '12', '500', 200, 'offloading of f soya (4*500)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4303, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '901', '500', 100, 'tnt made to driver f soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4304, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 909, 'payment made to mr paul kweku dorgbefu ghana nut', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4305, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4306, '2021-01-30', 1, 12, '901', '500', 1000, 'tnt made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4307, '2021-01-30', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4308, '2021-01-30', 1, 12, '905', '500', 25, 'purchases of a 4 sheets for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4309, '2021-01-30', 1, 12, '10', '500', 375, 'iou by c.e.o to yakubu abdulliah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4310, '2021-01-28', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 7499.4, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 01-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4311, '2021-01-29', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 14208, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 01-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4312, '2021-01-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 31839, 'sales balance send to bank by prince 01-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4313, '2021-01-30', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 26816, 'sales balance send momo (f b n) by prince 01-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4314, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 1400, 'part payment made to ghana nut ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4315, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4316, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 80, 'purchases of mixture bearing for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4317, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '901', '500', 10, 'tnt made to suame by mr abdul', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4318, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '905', '500', 10, 'purchases of solid tape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4319, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 3000, 'full payment made to damiemaa ent for office product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4320, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '10', '500', 510, 'iou by c.e.o to alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4321, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '9', '500', 19442, 'part payment made to mr dan (shells) 02-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4322, '2021-02-01', 1, 12, '905', '500', 2, 'purchases of note book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4323, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3558, 'full payment made to daniel b ventures (shells)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4324, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 7000, 'part payment made to collins amankwaah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4325, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4326, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 80, 'tnt /payment made to post office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4327, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 70, 'tnt made to iddrisu i t guy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4328, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to bank by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4329, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 720, 'full payment made to ali i t man', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4330, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '11', '500', 175, 'unloading of hendrix product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4331, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 150, 'payment made to engineer for work done', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4332, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver hendrix (1.50*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4333, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '12', '500', 60, 'offloading of hendrix (0.30*200)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4334, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '10', '500', 2000, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4335, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '8', '500', 537, 'payment made for ssnit contribution', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4336, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to ssnit office by prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4337, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '908', '500', 500, 'salaries payment made to felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4338, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver koudijs product (1.50*300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4339, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '12', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudjis product (0.30*150)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4340, '2021-02-04', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 44500, 'sales send to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4341, '2021-02-04', 1, 12, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4342, '2021-02-04', 1, 12, '1000', '500', 1300, 'full payment made to sliding door operator', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4343, '2021-02-04', 1, 12, '12', '500', 280, 'offloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4344, '2021-02-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 612, 'iou by c.e.o to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4345, '2021-02-02', 1, 12, '9', '500', 3142, 'part payment made to afayad 05-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4346, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '9', '500', 13898, 'full payment made to afayad 05-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4347, '2021-02-03', 1, 12, '10', '500', 1007, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku 05-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4348, '2021-02-04', 1, 12, '10', '500', 888, 'iou by c.e.o to mr opoku 05-02-2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4349, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '908', '500', 1610, 'salaries payment made to loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4350, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '907', '500', 10, 'purchases of call card for office use (mampong)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4351, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '907', '500', 20, 'purchases of call card for office use kumasi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4352, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt made to driver wheat bran (3*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4353, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheat bran (0.20*100)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4354, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 2800, 'tnt made to driver f.soya (4*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4355, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '12', '500', 210, 'offloading of f.soya (0.30*700)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4356, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '901', '500', 5, 'tnt made to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4357, '2021-02-05', 1, 12, '1234', '500', 11287, 'sales balance send to bank by mr konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4358, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15000, 'sales send to bank by mad konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4359, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 155, 'iou c.e .o o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4360, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1000, 'iou by c. e o to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4361, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '906', '500', 15, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '2021-02-08', b'1'), (4362, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '906', '500', 15, 'dumping of refuse by branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4363, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '908', '500', 300, 'salary payment made to oppong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4364, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '125', '500', 124.5, 'shortage payment made by fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4365, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '125', '500', 360.5, 'shortage payment made by ali moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4366, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '908', '500', 2579.5, 'full payment made to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4367, '2021-02-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14667, 'part payment made to ashvet 08/02/2021', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4368, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of omo powder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4369, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '908', '500', 100, 'salary payment made to oppong lots', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4370, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchasing of correction fluid', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4371, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchasing of spinner for office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4372, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4373, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '10', '500', 300, 'money given to ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4374, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '10', '500', 80, 'money given to ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4375, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3623, 'full payment made to ashvet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4376, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1520, 'full payment made to jubali agrotec', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4377, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '12', '500', 10, 'offloading made to rayyan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4378, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '123', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4379, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of battery', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4380, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 'tn t made to driver of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4381, '2021-02-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4382, '2021-02-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1920, 'goodwill to bro sammy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4383, '2021-02-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1970, 'payment made to ali it', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4384, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 50000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4385, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2834, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu11/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4386, '2021-02-09', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1500, 'full payment made to ernejoyson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4387, '2021-02-10', 1, 17, '10', '500', 606, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4388, '2021-02-11', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to mad philomina', '2021-02-11', b'1'), (4389, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 19500, 'money to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4390, '2021-02-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2697, 'sales balance to bank by konadu9/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4391, '2021-02-10', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4392, '2021-02-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10509, 'sales balance to bank by konadu11/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4393, '2021-02-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 50, 't n t made to alhaji moro(koudjis)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4394, '2021-02-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchasing of bearings for milling machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4395, '2021-02-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'fetching of water', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4396, '2021-02-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16400, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4397, '2021-02-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2922, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 11/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4398, '2021-02-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of sanitizers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4399, '2021-02-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15000, 'money sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4400, '2021-02-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5473, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4401, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12135, 'full payment made to reynold hammond', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4402, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of wheat 0.3 by 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4403, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4404, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3200, 't n t of wheat tfm 1000bags', '2021-02-15', b'1'), (4405, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3200, 't n t of wheat 1000bags', '2021-02-15', b'1'), (4406, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3200, 't n t of wheat 1000bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4407, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 300, 'offloading of wheat 1000bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4408, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'offloading of koudijs mash nicole demus', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4409, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4410, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of polythene bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4411, '2021-02-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11500, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4412, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4413, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4414, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1600, 't n t of l.d.c soya 400bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4415, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '10', '500', 600, 'refund to a customer(drinkers)', '2021-02-16', b'1'), (4416, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'full payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4417, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 600, 'refund made to a customer(drinkers)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4418, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '12', '500', 120, 'offloading of l.d.c soya 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4419, '2021-02-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 17653, 'payment made to supplier sonal 16/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4420, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4421, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3347, 'full payment to sonal global ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4422, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing of rolling towels', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4423, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'fetching of water', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4424, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4425, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4426, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by emma', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4427, '2021-02-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 12711, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 17/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4428, '2021-02-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7500, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4429, '2021-02-17', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'money given to mr ntiamoah by ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4430, '2021-02-17', 1, 17, '906', '500', 16, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4431, '2021-02-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2392, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 18/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4432, '2021-02-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales to bank by konadu 18/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4433, '2021-02-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to tixon by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4434, '2021-02-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of staple pins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4435, '2021-02-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1106, 'offloading ang purchasing of sacks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4436, '2021-02-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 9006.5, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 19/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4437, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4438, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '907', '500', 600, 't n t of wheatbran 200 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4439, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4440, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 'payment made to driver to mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4441, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchasing of insecticide spray', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4442, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4443, '2021-02-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5118, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4444, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11500, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4445, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4745, 'full payment made to mr collins local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4446, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t made to mr collins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4447, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchasing of broom for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4448, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2600, 't n t of white shells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4449, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 428, 'offloading of whiteshells 1070 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4450, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '900', '500', 200, 'purchasing o prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4451, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 30, 't n t made to carpenter', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4452, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 't n t made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4453, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2964, 't n t of whiteshells 570', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4454, '2021-02-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3459, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 22/2/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4455, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 24000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4456, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2520, 't n t of pellets', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4457, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 24, 'purchasing of buckets for rebagging of pellet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4458, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 500, 'offloading of pellets', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4459, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'money given to staffs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4460, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '906', '500', 15, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4461, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 170, 't n t of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4462, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4463, '2021-02-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9814, 'part payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4464, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 21874, 'full payment made to multivet gh ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4465, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 20800, 'part payment made to frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4466, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit cards for kumasi and mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4467, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 't n t made to shadrach mtn guy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4468, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to bank by felicia and mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4469, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of polythene bags', '2021-02-24', b'1'), (4470, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of polyethene bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4471, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of bulb for mixing department', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4472, '2021-02-23', 1, 17, '11', '500', 20, 'onloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4473, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13129.5, 'part payment to a supplier ronald hammond', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4474, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 900, 't n t of wheatbran 300 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4475, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4476, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1800, 't n t of wheatbran 600 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4477, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheatbran 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4478, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to agro directorate', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4479, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 130, 't n t of broiler koudijs 80bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4480, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1.5, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4481, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 15, 't n t and onloading of multivet goods', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4482, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 24, 'offloading of broiler koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4483, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5126, 'payment made to multivet gh ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4484, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 186, 'payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4485, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 30, 'payment made to nana kwame layer premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4486, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 303, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4487, '2021-02-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4488, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of correction fluid', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4489, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '906', '500', 15, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4490, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 104, 't n t made to driver on koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4491, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4492, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2600, 't n t of foreign soya 650 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4493, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 195, 'offloading of foreign soya 650 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4494, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1270.5, 'full payment made to ronald hammond', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4495, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 826, 'part payment made to dexvet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4496, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 27500, 'part payment made to quality feeds', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4497, '2021-02-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15476, 'full payment made to dexvet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4498, '2021-02-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 120, 't n t of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4499, '2021-02-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4500, '2021-02-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 35, 'purchasing of speaker', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4501, '2021-02-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 24, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4502, '2021-02-25', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 143.5, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 1/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4503, '2021-02-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 36381.5, 'part payment made to mr mark adu kodieh', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4504, '2021-02-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4505, '2021-02-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4506, '2021-02-27', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4507, '2021-02-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3200, 't n t of foreign soya 800', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4508, '2021-02-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 261.5, 'offloading of foreign soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4509, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4510, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4511, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchasing of engine oil', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4512, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 779, 't n t and purchasing of polythene bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4513, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1080, 't n t of pellets', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4514, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 900, 't n t of ghana nut soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4515, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of ghana nut soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4516, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4517, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2618.5, 'payment made to mr mark adu kodieh', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4518, '2021-03-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1535.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu2/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4519, '2021-03-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 57000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4520, '2021-03-02', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4521, '2021-03-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'fetching of water', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4522, '2021-03-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of mouse trap', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4523, '2021-03-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4150.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu3/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4524, '2021-03-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1000, 'payment made to takoradi flour mills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4525, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 19000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4526, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 't n t made to mr mumuni on his hendrix products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4527, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchasing of rubber for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4528, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 130, 't n t made to issah on his koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4529, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4530, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 195, 'offloading of broiler, 5% and 25% koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4531, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4000, 'full payment made to ronald hammond', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4532, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1170, 'full payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4533, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 4, 'purchasing of cups for rebagging', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4534, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4535, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 53, 'purchasing of wire for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4536, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '1', '500', 600, 'payment made at gra office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4537, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4538, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to gra office by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4539, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of essvee broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4540, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4541, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '907', '500', 7594, 'sales balance to bank by konadu', '2021-03-05', b'1'), (4542, '2021-03-04', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13216, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 5/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4543, '2021-03-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7594, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 5/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4544, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7863, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 6/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4545, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4546, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5000, 'purchasing of counting machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4547, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for motorbike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4548, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 't n t to sofoline', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4549, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '900', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4550, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to reiss and co by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4551, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of mouse trappers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4552, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'repairing of motorbike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4553, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '908', '500', 2970, 'salary payment made to staffs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4554, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of envelope', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4555, '2021-03-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 8, 't n t to ecg office by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4556, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1190, 'full payment made to uncle ebo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4557, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 600, 'money given to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4558, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4559, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 250, 't n t of vitalac 25kg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4560, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 8, 'purchasing of notebook for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4561, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '906', '500', 20, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4562, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '908', '500', 2353.5, 'staffs salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4563, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 30, 't n t from reiss and co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4564, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '125', '500', 455, 'payment made to fataw moonlight', '2021-03-12', b'1'), (4565, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '125', '500', 455, 'payment made to fataw moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4566, '2021-03-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4876, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4567, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5000, 'part payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4568, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4569, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made on counting machine', '2021-03-12', b'1'), (4570, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing and tnt of first aids', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4571, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4572, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 'tnt of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4573, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4574, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of hendrix 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4575, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20227, 'sales to bank by konadu 9/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4576, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20227, 'sales to bank by konadu 9/3/21', '2021-03-12', b'1'), (4577, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '8', '500', 450, 't n t of hendrix 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4578, '2021-03-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'payment made on counting machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4579, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15000, 'part payment made to dexvet ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4580, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9000, 'full payment made to shinefeel ghana ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4581, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '8', '500', 388.5, 'payment of ssnit contribution for staffs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4582, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to ssnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4583, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4584, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 270, 'payment made on replacement of counting machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4585, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to mampong driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4586, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5460, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 10/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4587, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4588, '2021-03-10', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4589, '2021-03-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'money given to ecg guy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4590, '2021-03-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of battery', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4591, '2021-03-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13671, 'sales to bank by konadu', '2021-03-12', b'1'), (4592, '2021-03-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13671, 'sales balance to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4593, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14500, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4594, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15000, 'advanced payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4595, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1470, 'full payment made to nana kwame layer premix 49 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4596, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4597, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 225, 't n t of essvee broiler and layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4598, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of essvee broiler and layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4599, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of wheatbran 200bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4600, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4601, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4602, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '10', '500', 700, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4603, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1434, 'payment made to costa pharmacy (salt)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4604, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 9000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4605, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4606, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 16, 't n t to tafo by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4607, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4608, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of wheatbran 200 bags', '2021-03-13', b'1'), (4609, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4610, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of wheatbran 200 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4611, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 450, 'part payment made to engineer(milling machine)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4612, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to mr abdallah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4613, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to green generation(wedding gift)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4614, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4615, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'internet explorer and others (bro ali)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4616, '2021-03-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3026, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 12/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4617, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6000, 'part payment of local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4618, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4619, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 9, 'purchasing of omo powder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4620, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'purchasing of tissue paper', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4621, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 130, 'money given to bro ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4622, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4623, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to town by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4624, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'full payment made to engineer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4625, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of cellotape for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4626, '2021-03-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7131, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 15/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4627, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment to reiss & co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4628, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 0.5, 'full payment made to maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4629, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4630, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4631, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to mr paul adu wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4632, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 35, 'purchasing of notebook', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4633, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t from reiss & co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4634, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 240, 'funeral donation and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4635, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 8, 't n t to town by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4636, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20563, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 16/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4637, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4638, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 960, 'full payment made to william wood engineering (ectopowder)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4639, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '11', '500', 52, 'onloading of hendrix products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4640, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of hendrix 150 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4641, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloadng of hendrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4642, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4643, '2021-03-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4191, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 18/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4644, '2021-03-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 18116, 'part payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4645, '2021-03-17', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4646, '2021-03-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 500, 'purchasing of blower machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4647, '2021-03-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1300, 'purchasing of motor for milling machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4648, '2021-03-17', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4649, '2021-03-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2384, 'full payment made to essvee agro ltd', '2021-03-19', b'1'), (4650, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2770, 'full payment made to mr collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4651, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3600, 'part payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4652, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 14500, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4653, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 26, 'mtn charges paid on the purchasing of motor(1300)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4654, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4655, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to pick up motor from engineer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4656, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 615, 'purchasing of plywood and other for making pallets', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4657, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 135, 'ffloading of white maize 450 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4658, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of essvee broiler mash 150 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4659, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 225, 't nt of essvee broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4660, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 25, 't n t from the collection of motor from engineer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4661, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 612, 'ceo to mr kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4662, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4663, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 30, 'ceo purchasing of univerm', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4664, '2021-03-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4084, 'sales balance to bank 13/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4665, '2021-03-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 300, 'ceo to mr aseidu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4666, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2384, 'full payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4667, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4313, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 19/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4668, '2021-03-18', 1, 17, '11', '500', 30, 'olnloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4669, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '1', '500', 700, 'gra payment', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4670, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to gra office by manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4671, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4672, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4673, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of 5% and broiler koudijs 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4674, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of 5% and broiler koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4675, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading 5% and broiler koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4676, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to engineer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4677, '2021-03-19', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9955, 'part payment to maa dora konadu 22/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4678, '2021-03-20', 1, 17, '906', '500', 12, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4679, '2021-03-20', 1, 17, '123', '500', 70, 'purchasing of motorbike for motorbike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4680, '2021-03-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22995, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 22/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4681, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4682, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1600, 'full payment made to william wood engineering (ectopowder)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4683, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1045, 'full payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4684, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 55, 'ceo to mr opoku micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4685, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to mr opoku micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4686, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 540, 'ceo to mr opoku micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4687, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4688, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4689, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4690, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 4, 'purchasing of bolt for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4691, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4692, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of mouse trappers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4693, '2021-03-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 6062, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 23/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4694, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1600, 'full payment made to williams wood engineering(ectopowder)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4695, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1500, 'part payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4696, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 19000, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4697, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of wheatbran 200 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4698, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4699, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 110, 'purchasing / tnt of bearings', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4700, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs 50/50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4701, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't nt of koudijs 50/50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4702, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs 50/50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4703, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 165, 'offloading of maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4704, '2021-03-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12281, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4705, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4706, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9719, 'full payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4707, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4708, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card to mampong branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4709, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'money given to suame municipal assembly towing service', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4710, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 32, 'offloading of essvee layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4711, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 120, 't n t of essvee layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4712, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 738, 't n t of wheatbran 246 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4713, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t to nana yaw farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4714, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3200, 't n t of wheatbran 1000 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4715, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheatbran 1000 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4716, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't nt to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4717, '2021-03-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4577.5, 'sales baance to bank by konadu 25/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4718, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2000, 'part payment made to mad elizabeth annan(copra cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4719, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 12500, 'sales to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4720, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book', '2021-03-29', b'1'), (4721, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book', '2021-03-29', b'1'), (4722, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4723, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1.5, 'purchasing of marker pen', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4724, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4725, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of copra cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4726, '2021-03-25', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 21224, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4727, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 681.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4728, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12000, 'full payment made to nana pizaro ent (wheatbran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4729, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4730, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 25, 't n t to frankatson ghana ltd', '2021-03-31', b'1'), (4731, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1500, 't n t of wheatbran 500bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4732, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of bulb for vet room', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4733, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4734, '2021-03-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 28844, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4735, '2021-03-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t for products sent to wodaso ye onyame farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4736, '2021-03-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2800, 't n t of sonal soya 700 bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4737, '2021-03-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4738, '2021-03-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4739, '2021-03-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4740, '2021-03-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4741, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales sent to bank by komnadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4742, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 404, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4743, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 9453, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4744, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchasing of batteries for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4745, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 3000, 'payment made to bro ali it man', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4746, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing f a4 sheet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4747, '2021-03-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 't n t made to electrician', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4748, '2021-03-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '2021-04-01', b'1'), (4749, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 8343.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 31/3/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4750, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3400, 'full payment made to mad elizabeth annan ( copra cake)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4751, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to mr paul addo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4752, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '11', '500', 135, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4753, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 15, 't n t to and from bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4754, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 375, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4755, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4756, '2021-03-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 27500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4757, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4758, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4759, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'ceo to frankatson driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4760, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '10', '500', 20, 'ceo to loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4761, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchasing of bulb for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4762, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 27, 'offloading of champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4763, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs 5%', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4764, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4765, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of jubali normal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4766, '2021-03-31', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10422.5, 'sales balance to bank by konadu 1/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4767, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4768, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 520, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4769, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4770, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing of gas for air condition', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4771, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '11', '500', 30, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4772, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 350, 'purchasing of internet bundles', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4773, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4774, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4775, '2021-04-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7700, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 3/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4776, '2021-04-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 26450, 'sales sent to bank by konadu 3/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4777, '2021-04-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to mr opoku and manager for visitation', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4778, '2021-04-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'workmanship fof air condition', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4779, '2021-04-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4780, '2021-04-03', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to bernice', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4781, '2021-04-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to mr opoku and manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4782, '2021-04-03', 1, 17, '908', '500', 6473.5, 'payment made to staff salaries', '2021-04-15', b'1'), (4783, '2021-04-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3525, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 6/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4784, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 18000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4785, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4786, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card for mampong branch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4787, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4788, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to julli farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4789, '2021-04-03', 1, 17, '908', '500', 6373.5, 'payment of staff salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4790, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 'tnt of of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4791, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4792, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '11', '500', 200, 'onloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4793, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 640, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4794, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4795, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2666.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 7/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4796, '2021-04-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9045, 'full payment made to collins amankwa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4797, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 40000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4798, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 95, 'purchasing of engine oil, fuel and others for tricycle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4799, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4800, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4801, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4802, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of whiteshells 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4803, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '11', '500', 200, 'onloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4804, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4805, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '11', '500', 30, 'onloading of techiman products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4806, '2021-04-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 773, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 8/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4807, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7190, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4808, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to dexvet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4809, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4810, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 't n t from reiss and co by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4811, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t made by mr opoku and manager', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4812, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4813, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4814, '2021-04-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of spinner', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4815, '2021-04-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22164.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4816, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8400, 'full payment made richovet gh ltd', '2021-04-15', b'1'), (4817, '2021-04-09', 1, 17, '125', '500', 8400, 'full payment made to richovet ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4818, '2021-04-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 65, 'purchasing of white maize by oppong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4819, '2021-04-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 49.5, 'offloading of safrip soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4820, '2021-04-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 91, 'offloading of safrip soya 227', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4821, '2021-04-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'money given to safrip driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4822, '2021-04-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3150, 't nt of safrip soya 700', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4823, '2021-04-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 92.5, 'offloading of safrip soya 308', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4824, '2021-04-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 'part payment made to driver sending goods to mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4825, '2021-04-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 280, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4826, '2021-04-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25210.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4827, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4828, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of charger cable', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4829, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 60, 't n t made to n y anane ent', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4830, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 500, 'money given to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4831, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 60, 't n t made to fataw moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4832, '2021-04-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 9393, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 13/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4833, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 6000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4834, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '9', '500', 200, 'part payment made to collins amankwa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4835, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 505, 'sis mat to bro awal frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4836, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'sis mat to abass yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4837, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 3600, 'sis mat to abass yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4838, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'sis mat to doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4839, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'sis mat to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4840, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4841, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '8', '500', 638.5, 'ssnit contribution to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4842, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to ssnit office by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4843, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t made by manager to multivet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4844, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'workmanship fee made to welder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4845, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4846, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of whitemaize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4847, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of white maize 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4848, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2104.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4849, '2021-04-13', 1, 17, '900', '500', 200, 'purchasing of prepaid card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4850, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 22000, 'part payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4851, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 240, 'full payment made to agya sei foreign fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4852, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 800, 'sis mat to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4853, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'sis mat to doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4854, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 330, 'sis mat to mr yakubu abdalla', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4855, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 4, 'purchasing of water for visitors', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4856, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 750, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4857, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 105, 'offloading of maize 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4858, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4859, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11226, 'sales balance sent to bank konadu 15/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4860, '2021-04-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4861, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15910, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 16/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4862, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8980, 'full payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4863, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4864, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'offloading of yellow maize 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4865, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2475, 't n t of sonal soya 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4866, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 180, 'offloading of sonal soya 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4867, '2021-04-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 202, 'sis mat to doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4868, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 12115.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4869, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 550, 'payment made to agya sei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4870, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to issah customer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4871, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 195, 't n t of essvee layer and broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4872, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 39, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4873, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4874, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '10', '500', 300, 'sis mat to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4875, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of koudijs products 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4876, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 375, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4877, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '11', '500', 75, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4878, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units for mixing department', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4879, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 960, 'purchasing of bagging rubbers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4880, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4881, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4882, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 320, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4883, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4884, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 450, 't n t of white maize 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4885, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to issah customer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4886, '2021-04-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 16/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4887, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 26489, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4888, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 33500, 'sales send to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4889, '2021-04-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of maize 300*.40', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4890, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to med philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4891, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1250, 'ceo to mr kofi konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4892, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to baaba amidu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4893, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4894, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4895, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4896, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '11', '500', 30, 'onloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4897, '2021-04-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 44653, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4898, '2021-04-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4899, '2021-04-20', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'advanced payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4900, '2021-04-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4901, '2021-04-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4902, '2021-04-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3042, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 21/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4903, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4904, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 170, 'payment made to abbiw konsar for returning jubailli dicalcium 25kg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4905, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '10', '500', 655, 'donation made by ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4906, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4907, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2664, 'advanced part payment made to takoradi flour mills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4908, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of mob for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4909, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of whiteshells 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4910, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '11', '500', 20, 'onloading of whiteshells 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4911, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4912, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, '', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4913, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 135, 'purchasing of champagne', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4914, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to wodaso ye onyame farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4915, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 750, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4916, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4917, '2021-04-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2280, 't n t of whiteshells 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4918, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5000, 'full payment made to takoradi flour mills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4919, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2336, 'part payment made to takoradi flour mills', '2021-04-24', b'1'), (4920, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2336, 'payment made to takoradi flour mills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4921, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 500, 'donation made to kumasi children home', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4922, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 900, 'payment made at the suame municipal assembly', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4923, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of whiteshells 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4924, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2280, 't n t to children home', '2021-04-24', b'1'), (4925, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2280, 't n t of whiteshells 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4926, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t to children home', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4927, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 570, 'ceo purchasing of lunch for staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4928, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4929, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4930, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mr yakubu abdulla', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4931, '2021-04-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2910, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4932, '2021-04-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1000, 'payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4933, '2021-04-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 200, 'part paymnet made to collins amankwa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4934, '2021-04-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1200, 'full payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4935, '2021-04-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1020, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4936, '2021-04-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of hendrix 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4937, '2021-04-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 22256, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4938, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4939, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'purchasing of bearing and workmanship', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4940, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4941, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of phone chargers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4942, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1200, 't n t of sonal soya 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4943, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4944, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of cello tape', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4945, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mr desmond', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4946, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13800, 'full payment made to collins amamkwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4947, '2021-04-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10561.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4948, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1826, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/4/21', '2021-05-08', b'1'), (4949, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6000, 'advanced payment made to elizabeth anann', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4950, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing of thread for milling department', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4951, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4952, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 375, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4953, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4954, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 306, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4955, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 2600, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4956, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to god we trust', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4957, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 200, 'part payment made to opoku mensah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4958, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14583, 'part payment made to afayad', '2021-04-30', b'1'), (4959, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14583, 'payment made to afayad', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4960, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1600, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4961, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4962, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 30, 't n t to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4963, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 800, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4964, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'offloading of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4965, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1200, 'purchasing of sacks for rebagging', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4966, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchasing of padlock', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4967, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to bro kpjo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4968, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '10', '500', 10, 'ceo to in god we trust', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4969, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '10', '500', 82, 'ceo to ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4970, '2021-04-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 14000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4971, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 23989, 'payment made to afayad', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4972, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1320, 'payment made to opoku mensah maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4973, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to hajia amina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4974, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'oflfloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4975, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1600, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4976, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchasing of rebagging cup', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4977, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to mr paul adu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4978, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 900, 'rebagging and offloading of maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4979, '2021-04-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 27500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4980, '2021-04-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of engine oil', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4981, '2021-04-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 160, 't n t of wheatbran 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4982, '2021-04-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4983, '2021-04-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1270, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4984, '2021-04-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 32000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4985, '2021-04-30', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4986, '2021-04-30', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasng of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4987, '2021-04-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4988, '2021-04-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 130, 'workmanship made to steel bender', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4989, '2021-04-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3326, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4990, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 21440, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4991, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1600, 'payment made to william wood engineering', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4992, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4993, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 40, 'ceo to mr uthman(feed mixture)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4994, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 154, 'ceo to mr yakubu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4995, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4996, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 110, 'offloading of white maize 370', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4997, '2021-05-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 8942.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 4/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4998, '2021-05-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 27688, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 4/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (4999, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4990.5, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5000, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '10', '500', 5020, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5001, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for motorbike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5002, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 260, 'purchasing of bearing and others for milling machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5003, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 49, 'purchasing of hammer and chisel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5004, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'payment made to engineer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5005, '2021-05-04', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5006, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12009.5, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5007, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to stanbic bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5008, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 't n t and payment made to registrar general', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5009, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to maridav gh ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5010, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 120, 't n t made to driver of essvee', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5011, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of essvee layer mash 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5012, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 30, 'dropping from maridav ghana', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5013, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 75, 't n t of jubaili normal 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5014, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of jubaili normal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5015, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '908', '500', 2492.5, 'part payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5016, '2021-05-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13501, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 6/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5017, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5018, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mr fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5019, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, '', '2021-05-07', b'1'), (5020, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5021, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1000, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5022, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '908', '500', 50, 'part payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5023, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 320, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5024, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5025, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 43, 'purchasing of pens', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5026, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to mampong driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5027, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchasing of key holders', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5028, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '908', '500', 2837.5, 'full payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5029, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of essvee products 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5030, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5031, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 280, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5032, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of sonal soya 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5033, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 160, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5034, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5035, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '11', '500', 120, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5036, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5400, 'sales sent to bank by koandu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5037, '2021-04-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1827, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5038, '2021-04-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3841.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/4/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5039, '2021-05-06', 1, 17, '4020', '500', 9765.5, 'sales was added to 10/5/21 cash at hand', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5040, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 50, 't n t made to maridav driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5041, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5042, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3150, 't n t of sonal soya 700', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5043, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'photocopying of ssnit forms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5044, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of ghana nut soya 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5045, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 575, 't n t of products to mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5046, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of ghana nut soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5047, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'purchasing of notebook', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5048, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of staple pins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5049, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 800, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5050, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5051, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to issah customer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5052, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 25000, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5053, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15400, 'payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5054, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 24000, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 10/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5055, '2021-05-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1863.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 10/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5056, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '4020', '500', 8643, 'sales balance was added to 10/5/21 cash at hand', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5057, '2021-05-07', 1, 17, '10', '500', 2550, 'ceo to mr pegeson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5058, '2021-05-10', 1, 17, '9', '500', 25205, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5059, '2021-05-10', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5060, '2021-05-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to ssnit and bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5061, '2021-05-10', 1, 17, '8', '500', 888, 'ssnit contribution', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5062, '2021-05-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 135, 'offloading of white maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5063, '2021-05-10', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15019, 'part payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5064, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5596, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 12/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5065, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 795, 'full payment made to agya osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5066, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 33000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5067, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '10', '500', 612, 'sis mat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5068, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of washing powder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5069, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5070, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2550, 't n t of safrip soya 4.5*500', '2021-05-17', b'1'), (5071, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1600, 't n t of wheatbran 3.2*500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5072, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5073, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of essvee product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5074, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5075, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 250, 'offloading of safrip soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5076, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5077, '2021-05-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5078, '2021-05-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5909, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 14/5/21 into techiman account', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5079, '2021-05-12', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5080, '2021-05-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 175, 'offloading of maize 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5081, '2021-05-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1575, 't n t of white maize 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5082, '2021-05-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'sis mat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5083, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3300, 't n t of wheatbran 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5084, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of mampong products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5085, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 640, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5086, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5087, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t made to paul adu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5088, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 300, 'offloading of wheatbran 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5089, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'money given to loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5090, '2021-05-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16452, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 17/5/21 into techiman account', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5091, '2021-05-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2250, 't n t of safrip soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5092, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3400, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5093, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo bto maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5094, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 3752.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5095, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5096, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5097, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '11', '500', 30, 'onloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5098, '2021-05-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5099, '2021-05-15', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20948, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 17/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5100, '2021-05-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 220, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5101, '2021-05-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 160, 'ceo to mr yakubu adbulla', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5102, '2021-05-17', 1, 17, '906', '500', 5, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5103, '2021-05-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of calculator and notebook', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5104, '2021-05-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 47000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5105, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 24780, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5106, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1020, 'sis mat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5107, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15350, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5108, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3200, 'payment made to william wood ectopowder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5109, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5110, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5111, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5112, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5113, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of eggtray', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5114, '2021-05-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11379, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 19/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5115, '2021-05-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t made to hajia adiza', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5116, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5117, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5548, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 22/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5118, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '9', '500', 11220, 'full payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5119, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mr adjei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5120, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '906', '500', 6, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5121, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 480, 't n t of wheatbran 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5122, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5123, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 11, 'purchasing of cellotape', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5124, '2021-05-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of maize 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5125, '2021-05-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 38754.5, 'sales sent to bank by konadu 22/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5126, '2021-05-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5127, '2021-05-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5128, '2021-05-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of koudijs mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5129, '2021-05-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'offloading of koudijs', '2021-05-28', b'1'), (5130, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '2021-06-02', b'1'), (5131, '2021-05-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5132, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1500, 'payment made to elizabeth annan copra cake', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5133, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 11000, 'payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5134, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'money given to ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5135, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5136, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t made to felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5137, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 320, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5138, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of copra cake 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5139, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5140, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 210, 'offloading of koudijs produts', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5141, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5142, '2021-05-21', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2364.5, 'sales balance ent to bank by konadu 22/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5143, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5638, 'payment made to collins amankwah local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5144, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5145, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 918, 'ceo to amisty', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5146, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5147, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5000, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5148, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5149, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 900, 't n t of sonal soya 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5150, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 105, 't n t of layer champrix to techiman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5151, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5152, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2080, 'payment made to julli farms for the return of jubaili coloured 8*260', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5153, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit ard', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5154, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 450, 't n t of sonal soya 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5155, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sonal soya 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5156, '2021-05-22', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse mixing department', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5157, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 35000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5158, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 520, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5159, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '907', '500', 3, 'purchasing of credit card for osman loading boy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5160, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1000, 't n t of pfc fish 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5161, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 'offloading of pfc fish 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5162, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 60, 't n t made to doris, fataw and osman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5163, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of layer champrix 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5164, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'money given to osman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5165, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 8708, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 25/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5166, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4092, 'paymnent made to collins amankwah', '2021-06-02', b'1'), (5167, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1500, 'payment made to mad elizabeth annan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5168, '2021-05-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4062, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5169, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5737, 'part payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5170, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5171, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '900', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units for mixing department', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5172, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'workmanship made to tv repairer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5173, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5174, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5175, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t of layer mash essvee', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5176, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5177, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 130, 'purchasing of satelite dish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5178, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 450, 't n t of sonal soya 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5179, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of wiring cable and extension board', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5180, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of sonal soya 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5181, '2021-05-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'workmanship made to satelite operator', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5182, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8063, 'full payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5183, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5523, 'payment made to maa dora (essaar agro)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5184, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2000, 'money sent to bank by fredrick on behalf of frijay farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5185, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12500, 'payment made to pizzaro enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5186, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 22, 'purchasing of engine oil for aboboyaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5187, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 960, 't n t of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5188, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5189, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '1', '500', 600, 'payment made to gra', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5190, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to gra office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5191, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5192, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '11', '500', 81, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5193, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5194, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2000, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5195, '2021-05-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5196, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10309, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5197, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5677, 'payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5198, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 261, 'payment made to costa pharmacy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5199, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 30, 'part payment made to nana kwame layer premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5200, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to bank by konadu', '2021-06-04', b'1'), (5201, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 't n t and dropping from multivet by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5202, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 56, 'purchasing of picture frames', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5203, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '10', '500', 358, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5204, '2021-05-27', 1, 17, '10', '500', 101, 'ceo to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5205, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5359, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/5/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5206, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5207, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5208, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 244, 'purchasing of first aid kit and others', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5209, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 225, 't n t of layer mash 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5210, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5211, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, '', '2021-06-04', b'1'), (5212, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5213, '2021-05-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 87, 'payment made to costa pharmacy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5214, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 32728, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 1/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5215, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 18500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5216, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 450, 't n t of essaar layer mash 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5217, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essar layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5218, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1350, 't n t of sonal soya 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5219, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sonal soya 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5220, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 't n t made to issah koudijs frenchman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5221, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'payment made to welder on agro store', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5222, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5223, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse mixing department', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5224, '2021-05-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'purchasing of padlock', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5225, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 26855, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 1/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5226, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1170, 'payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5227, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9940, 'payment made to collins amankwah local fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5228, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5229, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchasing of batteries for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5230, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of no smoking stickers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5231, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '10', '500', 60, 'ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5232, '2021-05-31', 1, 17, '10', '500', 300, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5233, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 33500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5234, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1204, 'ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5235, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to ohemaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5236, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from ashvet gh', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5237, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '123', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for motorbike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5238, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 25, 'dropping from riess and co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5239, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to frankatson by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5240, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchasing of water for visitors', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5241, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5242, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5243, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5244, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4278, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 2/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5245, '2021-06-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12000, 'payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5246, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5247, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1350, 't n t of sankofa layer mash 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5248, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchasing of envelope', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5249, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5250, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '908', '500', 320, 'part payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5251, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 640, 't n t of wheatbnran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5252, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5253, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sankofa layer mash 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5254, '2021-06-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4144, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 4/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5255, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1010, 't n t sent to mampong driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5256, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '8', '500', 888, 'ssnit contribution', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5257, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '908', '500', 4231.5, 'full payment of salaries', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5258, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to ssnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5259, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 640, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5260, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5261, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of white maize 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5262, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of dustpan for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5263, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 450, 'money given to osman and co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5264, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'ceo to felicia konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5265, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20666.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 4/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5266, '2021-06-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10302, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 5/6/31', '2021-06-07', b'1'), (5267, '2021-06-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 225, 'purchasing of rubbers and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5268, '2021-06-04', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10302, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 5/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5269, '2021-06-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 135, 'offloading of white maize 450', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5270, '2021-06-04', 1, 17, '903', '500', 1930, 'inernet bundle and server maintenance', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5271, '2021-06-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 12022.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 7/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5272, '2021-06-05', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5080, 'part payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5273, '2021-06-05', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1200, 'full payment made to uncle ebo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5274, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 'part payment made to techiman driver', '2021-06-08', b'1'), (5275, '2021-06-05', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'part payment made to ernejoyson ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5276, '2021-06-05', 1, 17, '10', '500', 606, 'ceo to nana pizzaro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5277, '2021-06-05', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to techiman driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5278, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 42500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5279, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1271, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5280, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '10', '500', 250, 'ceo to mr opku micheal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5281, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5282, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to issah frenchman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5283, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 320, 'offloading of maize (0.3*202) + (0.4*648)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5284, '2021-06-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 2727, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 8/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5285, '2021-06-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2800, 'part payment made to mr opoku maize supplier', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5286, '2021-06-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 27500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5287, '2021-06-08', 1, 17, '10', '500', 125, 'purchasing of maize by ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5288, '2021-06-08', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5289, '2021-06-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5504, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 9/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5290, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5291, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12000, 'advanced payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5292, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5293, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 88, 't n t made to issah frenchman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5294, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5295, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of white maize 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5296, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5297, '2021-06-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5552, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 10/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5298, '2021-06-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 27500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5299, '2021-06-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5300, '2021-06-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs mash 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5301, '2021-06-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offoading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5302, '2021-06-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1325, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadui 14/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5303, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 7500, 'part payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5304, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '10', '500', 612, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5305, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5306, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs mash 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5307, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5308, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5309, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5310, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 180, 'offloading of sonal soya 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5311, '2021-06-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 28771.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 14/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5312, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2500, 'full payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5313, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '11', '500', 61, 'onloading of koudijs mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5314, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2700, 't n t of sonal soya 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5315, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1000, 't n t of sonal soya 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5316, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t of koudijs 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5317, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '11', '500', 90, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5318, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudijs products 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5319, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5320, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5321, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 150, 'ceo to koudijs personnel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5322, '2021-06-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25367, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 14/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5323, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8450, 'full payment made to ernejoyson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5324, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3515, 'part payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5325, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5326, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'printing and typing of documents', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5327, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 320, 'accomodation and shelter for john', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5328, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5329, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5500, 't n t of whiteshells 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5330, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5331, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5332, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '11', '500', 200, 'onloading of whiteshells 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5333, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 67, 'ceo to mad mercy customer', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5334, '2021-06-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 75, 'ceo to john', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5335, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6143.5, 'part payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5336, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 41000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5337, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to ohemaa pensan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5338, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 255, 'ceo to seidu alhassan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5339, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5340, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to frankatson by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5341, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card for mampong', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5342, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '905', '500', 100, 't n t made to issah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5343, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5344, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5345, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5346, '2021-06-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'money given to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5347, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1041.5, 'full payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5348, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1020, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5349, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5350, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5351, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'goodwill made to warehouse landlord', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5352, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1000, 'money given to usman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5353, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5354, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing of bearing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5355, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to town by mr abdul', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5356, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 600, 'goodwill made to bro sammy store', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5357, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of koudijs and jubaili', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5358, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '11', '500', 90, 'onloading of koudils products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5359, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 19984.7, 'full payment made to multivet gh ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5360, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1067.8, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 19/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5361, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 529, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5362, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t made to nultivet gh ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5363, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of essvee product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5364, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from multivet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5365, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 190, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5366, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloadlong of essvee broiler mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5367, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'money to bank by cecimec enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5368, '2021-06-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 48805.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 18/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5369, '2021-06-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs product', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5370, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5371, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'ceo to iddrisu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5372, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 320, 'ceo to kutia farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5373, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to john moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5374, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5375, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 4, 'purchasing of office files', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5376, '2021-06-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 24911.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 21/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5377, '2021-06-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5378, '2021-06-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee layer mash 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5379, '2021-06-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essve layer mash products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5380, '2021-06-21', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 38252, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5381, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5000, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5382, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6000, 'advanced payment to mad elizabeth annan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5383, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14000, 'advanced payment to watara ibrahim', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5384, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5385, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5386, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5387, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2, 't n t to bank', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5388, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5389, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5390, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 95, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 23/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5391, '2021-06-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 95, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 23/6/21', '2021-07-02', b'1'), (5392, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7110.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 24/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5393, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 39000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5394, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to michelle nana tweneboah gavour', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5395, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5396, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 350, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5397, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5398, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 875, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5399, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5400, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 6, 'printing of stock cards', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5401, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1000, 't n t of snakofa layer mash 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5402, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 12, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5403, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'airtime sent to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5404, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of sankofa layer mash 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5405, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5406, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12250, 'payment made to ibrahim watara abidjan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5407, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8200, 'payment to razak wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5408, '2021-06-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 344, 'payment to flour mills tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5409, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 27000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5410, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5411, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 303, 'ceo to abdollai', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5412, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 26, 'payment made to flour mills tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5413, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 750, 't n t of wheatbran 50kg 150bags', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5414, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1220, 'part payment made to driver', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5415, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 900, 't n t of sonal soya 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5416, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1000, 't n t of sankofa layer mash 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5417, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of layer mash sankofa 200', '2021-07-06', b'1'), (5418, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheatbran 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5419, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, '', '2021-07-06', b'1'), (5420, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of sonal soya 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5421, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 106.5, 'offloading of wheatbran 355', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5422, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '123', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for motorcycle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5423, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of wheatbran wodaso ye onyame', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5424, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'duty made on goods', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5425, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16498.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 26/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5426, '2021-06-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of sankofa layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5427, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1094.5, 'payment to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5428, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5429, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5430, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5431, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1755, 't n t of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5432, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 350, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5433, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5434, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 72, 'offloading of wheatbran 240', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5435, '2021-06-25', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 34872.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 26/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5436, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 17500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5437, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5438, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1225, 't n t of wheatbran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5439, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5440, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 714, 'ceo to abubakar mohammed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5441, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5442, '2021-06-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 19872, 'payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5443, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5444, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5445, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of clutch wire for the motorcycle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5446, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'photocopying of documents', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5447, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1350, 't n t of sonal soya 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5448, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sonal soya 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5449, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'money given to bro ali it man', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5450, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 128, 'payment to made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5451, '2021-06-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 19407, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29/6/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5452, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '9', '500', 46000, 'payment made to flour mills of ghana', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5453, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1400, 't n t of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5454, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5455, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5456, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee product 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5457, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5458, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 11, 'purchasing of notebook', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5459, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5460, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 50, 't n t to bantama by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5461, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 875, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5462, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5463, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 30, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5464, '2021-06-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 28139.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu yiadom', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5465, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13000, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5466, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t made to reiss and co by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5467, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 204, 'money give to abass', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5468, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '125', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5469, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5470, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5471, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5472, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 't n t made to issah poultry feed', '2021-07-10', b'1'), (5473, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 't n t made to issah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5474, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '11', '500', 150, 'onloading of wheatbran 50kg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5475, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mr fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5476, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 56466, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 1/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5477, '2021-06-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'money to bank by cecimec enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5478, '2021-07-01', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5479, '2021-07-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 25348, 'payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5480, '2021-07-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of white maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5481, '2021-07-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 300, 'offloading of white maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5482, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5483, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 652, 'ppayment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5484, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3400, 'payment made to mr opoku maize supplier', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5485, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 20500, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5486, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '900', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5487, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of white maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5488, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5489, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of white maize 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5490, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '11', '500', 220, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5491, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of a4 sheets and stamp ink', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5492, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of white maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5493, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5494, '2021-07-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 38106, 'sales balane sent to bank by konadu 3/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5495, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '9', '500', 27669.5, 'payment made to ice store venture (ibrahim wheatbran)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5496, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1581, 'payment made to william ectopowder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5497, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 800, 't n t of koudijs products 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5498, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '11', '500', 160, 'onloading of koudijs products 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5499, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5500, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5501, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5502, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee products 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5503, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1200, 't n t of white maize 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5504, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1275, 't n t of techiman products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5505, '2021-07-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of maize 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5506, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8050, 'payment made to mr collins amakwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5507, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3069, 'payment made to william ectopowder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5508, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '125', '500', 14330.5, 'payment made to ice stone ventures ibrahim wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5509, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '907', '500', 22, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5510, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of wheatbran 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5511, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of champrix 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5512, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '908', '500', 50, 'part payment of salaries', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5513, '2021-07-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 28620, 'sales balance sent to bank by mr opoku 7/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5514, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 70600, 'part payment made to mr osei maize supplier', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5515, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 23000, 'money to bank by cecimec enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5516, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '907', '500', 4, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5517, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5518, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 209.4, 'offloading of white maize 699', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5519, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '908', '500', 3116.5, 'part payment of salaries', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5520, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '125', '500', 35, '', '2021-07-10', b'1'), (5521, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '125', '500', 35, 'payment made to uthman moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5522, '2021-07-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 8356.6, 'sales balance sent to bank by mr opoku 7/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5523, '2021-07-07', 1, 17, '9', '500', 17600, 'full payment made to mr osei maize supplier', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5524, '2021-07-07', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5525, '2021-07-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of koudijs mash 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5526, '2021-07-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5527, '2021-07-07', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5528, '2021-07-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15023.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 9/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5529, '2021-07-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 13, 'purchasng of cello tape', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5530, '2021-07-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1225, 't nt of wheatbran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5531, '2021-07-08', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'offloading of wheatbran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5532, '2021-07-08', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 29637, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 9/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5533, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15600, 'payment made to nana pizaro enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5534, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5535, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1390, 'maintenane made on internet usage (enovaticom)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5536, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't nt of essvee layer mash 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5537, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5538, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5539, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 9642.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 12/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5540, '2021-07-09', 1, 17, '10', '500', 185, 'refund made to bro prince', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5541, '2021-07-10', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5300, 'part payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5542, '2021-07-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2250, 't n t of sonal soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5543, '2021-07-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5544, '2021-07-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 472.5, 'part payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5545, '2021-07-10', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to zakaria', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5546, '2021-07-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30541.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 10/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5547, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10500, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5548, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 40000, 'sales sent to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5549, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5550, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '906', '500', 20, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5551, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '8', '500', 610.5, 'ssnit contribution', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5552, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to ssnit office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5553, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5554, '2021-07-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 28707.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 13/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5555, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 43000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5556, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for aboboyaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5557, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchasing of broom', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5558, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '905', '500', 2450, 't n t of wheatbran 700', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5559, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 140, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5560, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20766, 'sales balance sent to bank by mr opoku 14/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5561, '2021-07-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 16/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5562, '2021-07-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13000, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5563, '2021-07-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2250, 't n t of wheatbran 450', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5564, '2021-07-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 135, 'offloading of layer mash sankofa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5565, '2021-07-14', 1, 17, '908', '500', 1606.5, 'full payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5566, '2021-07-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 19500, 'sales sent to bank by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5567, '2021-07-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13087.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 16/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5568, '2021-07-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t to maridav and ashvet by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5569, '2021-07-15', 1, 17, '11', '500', 100, 'onloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5570, '2021-07-15', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5571, '2021-07-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2750, 't n t of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5572, '2021-07-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of whiteshells 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5573, '2021-07-15', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 18696, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 16/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5574, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 39500, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5575, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5576, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6000, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5577, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5578, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 450, 't n t of sonal soya 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5579, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of sonal soya 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5580, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 't n t made to mr yahaya poultry', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5581, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5582, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5583, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of sonal soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5584, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5585, '2021-07-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8879, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5586, '2021-07-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1600, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5587, '2021-07-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of engine oil for aboboyaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5588, '2021-07-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 5, 'purchasing of staple pins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5589, '2021-07-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 51, 'purchasing of bearing and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5590, '2021-07-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 210, 'offloading of white maize 700', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5591, '2021-07-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 76878, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5592, '2021-07-19', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6522, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5593, '2021-07-19', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1121, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5594, '2021-07-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 40500, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5595, '2021-07-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 50000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5596, '2021-07-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 260, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5597, '2021-07-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10979, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 21/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5598, '2021-07-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'money given to abba loading boys', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5599, '2021-07-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13105.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 21/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5600, '2021-07-21', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 13500, 'sale sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5601, '2021-07-21', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5602, '2021-07-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made to welder on milling machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5603, '2021-07-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purhasing of washing powder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5604, '2021-07-22', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5605, '2021-07-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 158, 'repairing of aboboyaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5606, '2021-07-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 50, 't n t from frankatson by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5607, '2021-07-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 7312, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5608, '2021-07-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 25790, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5609, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 20320, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5610, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5611, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1200, 'payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5612, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '123', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for aboboyaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5613, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 770, 'purchasing of polythene bagsd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5614, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '11', '500', 100, 'onloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5615, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 750, 't n t of sonal soya 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5616, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '900', '500', 200, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5617, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5618, '2021-07-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 750, 't n t of sonal soya 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5619, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 52520.5, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5620, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 700, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5621, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 80, 'ceo to iddrisu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5622, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 350, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5623, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1500, 't n t of sankofa mash 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5624, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of sankofa mash 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5625, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5626, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 250, 't n t of sonal soya 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5627, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of copra cake 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5628, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'offloading of sonal soya 50', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5629, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'offloading of wheatbran 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5630, '2021-07-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 120, 't n t made to staff of moonlight', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5631, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14000, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5632, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '906', '500', 18, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5633, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 16700, 'payment made to ice stone ventures (rasta)', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5634, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 18, 'offloading of champrix 60', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5635, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5636, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '11', '500', 1400, 'onloading of grinded maize 500', '2021-07-28', b'1'), (5637, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1400, 't n t of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5638, '2021-07-26', 1, 17, '11', '500', 150, 'onloading of grinded maize 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5639, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 30000, 'advanced payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5640, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1178, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5641, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 28300, 'payment made to ice stone ventures', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5642, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 57.5, 'payment made to mr oser maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5643, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of bulb', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5644, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 3, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5645, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5646, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of grinded maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5647, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 350, 'renewal of internet bumdle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5648, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 270, 'offloading of white maize 900', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5649, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of grinded maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5650, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'money given to osman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5651, '2021-07-27', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5652, '2021-07-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25001, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/7/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5653, '2021-07-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3000, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5654, '2021-07-28', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5655, '2021-07-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 342, 'offloading of white maize 855', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5656, '2021-07-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5657, '2021-07-28', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mad philomina opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5658, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '9', '500', 38560.5, 'payment made to mr aseidu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5659, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 9297.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5660, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 300, 't n t of koudijs mash 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5661, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5662, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs mash 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5663, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1400, 't n t of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5664, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5665, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5666, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 21, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5667, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5668, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mr osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5669, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5670, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 306, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5671, '2021-07-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 137, 'sis mat to doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5672, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7369, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 2/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5673, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 22000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '2021-08-04', b'1'), (5674, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22000, 'money to bank by cecimec ent', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5675, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5676, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8000, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5677, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2000, 'payment made to quality farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5678, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to bro boat', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5679, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to sahadatu halali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5680, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5681, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 160, 'offloading of hendrix 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5682, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '11', '500', 30, 'onloading of koudijs products 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5683, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of sonal soya 502', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5684, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5685, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5686, '2021-07-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5687, '2021-07-31', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 46490, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 2/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5688, '2021-07-31', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5689, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1827.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 3/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5690, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 17800, 'payment made to dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5691, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '10', '500', 150, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5692, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '10', '500', 30, 'ceo to mr zhuyo farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5693, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 41000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5694, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5695, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 875, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5696, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5697, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 'part payment of salary', '2021-08-04', b'1'), (5698, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5699, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '908', '500', 530, 'part payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5700, '2021-08-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of jubaili products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5701, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 71000, 'sales sent to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5702, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '10', '500', 150, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5703, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '10', '500', 306, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5704, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '10', '500', 805, 'ceo to issah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5705, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 800, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5706, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of bulb', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5707, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 240, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5708, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 48, 'offloading of koudijs 120', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5709, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 222, 'offloading of white maize 740', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5710, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 160, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5711, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '908', '500', 5081.5, 'payment of salaries', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5712, '2021-08-03', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7963.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 5/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5713, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 35184.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 5/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5714, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 790.5, 'payment made to costa pharmacy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5715, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '10', '500', 550, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5716, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '908', '500', 20, 'part payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5717, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '11', '500', 280, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5718, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5719, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 360, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5720, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 800, 't n t of hendrix 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5721, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'offloading of koudijs products', '2021-08-07', b'1'), (5722, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of hendrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5723, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 72, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5724, '2021-08-04', 1, 17, '11', '500', 10, 'onloading of products from kumasi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5725, '2021-08-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 50000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5726, '2021-08-05', 1, 17, '10', '500', 808, 'ceo to janet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5727, '2021-08-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5728, '2021-08-05', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 500, 'loan given to abdul rahman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5729, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15000, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5730, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2000, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5731, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5732, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 12, 'offloading of champrix 40', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5733, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't nt to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5734, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5735, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5736, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 350, 't n t of wheatbran 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5737, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5738, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 126, 'offloading of white maize 420', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5739, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 308.4, 'offloading of white maize 771', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5740, '2021-08-05', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5501, 'sales sent to bank by doris 9/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5741, '2021-08-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 56037.1, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 9/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5742, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '9', '500', 27573, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5743, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 8449, 'sales balance sent to bank by felicia 9/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5744, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5745, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t to wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5746, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5747, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5748, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 24, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5749, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '908', '500', 603, 'payment of salary to fredrick', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5750, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 160, 't nt of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5751, '2021-08-07', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5752, '2021-08-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 7003, 'sales balance sent to bank by felicia 11/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5753, '2021-08-09', 1, 17, '10', '500', 306, 'ceo to mad philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5754, '2021-08-09', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1020, 'ceo to hajia fauzia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5755, '2021-08-09', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5756, '2021-08-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'repairing of milling machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5757, '2021-08-09', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 40000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5758, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 21072.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 11/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5759, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12500, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5760, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5761, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 105, 'offloading of wheatnran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5762, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1225, 't nt of wheatbran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5763, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '8', '500', 499.5, 'ssnit contribution made to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5764, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 7, 't n t to ssnit office by kojnadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5765, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of ldc soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5766, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of ldc soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5767, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1400, 't n t of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5768, '2021-08-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5769, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10834, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 14/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5770, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 28000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5771, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 23800, 'payment made at the bank by cecimec enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5772, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 22000, 'payment made to flour mills takoradi', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5773, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 7280, 'payment made to richovet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5774, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5775, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2000, 't n t of sankofa mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5776, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of sankofa layer mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5777, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 175, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5778, '2021-08-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 21, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5779, '2021-08-12', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 42072, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 14/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5780, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to mad philomena', '2021-08-20', b'1'), (5781, '2021-08-12', 1, 17, '906', '500', 15, 'dumping of refuse', '2021-08-20', b'1'), (5782, '2021-08-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5783, '2021-08-12', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'purchasing of long broom for office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5784, '2021-08-12', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to philomena', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5785, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6000, 'payment made to williams ectopowder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5786, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12800, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5787, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2920, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5788, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 404, 'ceo to mr simon', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5789, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5790, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 46, 'purchasing of engine oil for aboboyaa', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5791, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchasing of wireless mouse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5792, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2000, 't n t of sonal soya 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5793, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of sonal soya 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5794, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1100, 't n t made to isaah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5795, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of koudijs products 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5796, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 800, 'offloading of koudijs products', '2021-08-27', b'1'), (5797, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'onloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5798, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 85434, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 13/8/21', '2021-08-27', b'1'), (5799, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 85336.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 14/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5800, '2021-08-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5801, '2021-08-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 38172.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 16/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5802, '2021-08-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 32500, 'sales sent to bank doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5803, '2021-08-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 500, 't n t of sonal soya 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5804, '2021-08-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5805, '2021-08-14', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5806, '2021-08-14', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to hajia aishatu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5807, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 46000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5808, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1010, 'sis mat to mad janet', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5809, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 45, 't n t and dropping from frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5810, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5811, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5500, 't n t of whiteshells 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5812, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'offloading of whiteshells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5813, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of whiteshells', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5814, '2021-08-16', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 1136, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 18/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5815, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 23000, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5816, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16262.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 18/8/21', '2021-08-27', b'1'), (5817, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to mad philomina opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5818, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 750, 't n t of soya soya 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5819, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5820, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3500, 't n t of wheatbran 1000', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5821, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 110, 'workmanship made to bro ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5822, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 300, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5823, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 522, 'offloading of white maize 348', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5824, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 52, 'offloading of whiye maize 52', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5825, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4150, 'payment made to mr osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5826, '2021-08-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16252.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 18/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5827, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 48747.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 19/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5828, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 29000, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5829, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1000, 'payment made to mr osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5830, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 490, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5831, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5832, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5833, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5834, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5835, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1050, 't n t of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5836, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5837, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5838, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 21, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5839, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 510, 'ceo to ohemaa pensan', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5840, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 500, 't n t made to issah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5841, '2021-08-18', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5842, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 5469, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 23/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5843, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 43000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5844, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '9', '500', 200, 'payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5845, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to rvo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5846, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 306, 'ceo to', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5847, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5848, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5849, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 85, 'purchasing of air conditioning gas', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5850, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5851, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 140, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5852, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5853, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5854, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5855, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5856, '2021-08-19', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'workmanship made on air conditioning', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5857, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 34475, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5858, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5859, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5860, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 48, 'purchasing of cement for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5861, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 98, 'purchasing of tiles', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5862, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 300, 'refund made to mr john', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5863, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'sis mat to bro kosmos', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5864, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 24, 'sis mat to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5865, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'sis mat to usman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5866, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5867, '2021-08-20', 1, 17, '9', '500', 17925, 'payment made to ma dora konadu', '2021-08-27', b'1'), (5868, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2500, 'payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5869, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5870, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5871, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 4000, 'sales sent to kumasi momo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5872, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of ldc soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5873, '2021-08-21', 1, 17, '9', '500', 17925, 'payment made to maa dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5874, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 265, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 24/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5875, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 32500, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5876, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to bro fatw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5877, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5878, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 676, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5879, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'ceo to bro fataw', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5880, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 525, 'payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5881, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5882, '2021-08-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5883, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15500, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5884, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10074, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5885, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 11000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5886, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5887, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to mad philomena opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5888, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs products 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5889, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 525, 't n t of wheatbran 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5890, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1200, 'money to kumasi momo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5891, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5892, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 600, 'part payment made to mr joseph', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5893, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5894, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5895, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheatbran 150', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5896, '2021-08-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10074, 'payment made to agya osei', '2021-09-09', b'1'), (5897, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 400, 'full payment made to joseph', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5898, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of sankofa mash 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5899, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1650, 't n t of whiteshells 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5900, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of whiteshells 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5901, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of sankofa mash 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5902, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloadinf of whiteshells 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5903, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '11', '500', 90, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5904, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of tube for motorcycle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5905, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 7, 'workmanship on motorcycle', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5906, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'sales to kumasi momo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5907, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of white maize 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5908, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '11', '500', 40, 'onloading of koudjs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5909, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 400, 'part payment of dry maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5910, '2021-08-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 21877, 'payment made to agya osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5911, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14280, 'payment made to nana pizaro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5912, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 6107, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 27/8/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5913, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 805, 'purchasing of rubber and tnt', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5914, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5915, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of electrical switch', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5916, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 600, 'purchasing of tables for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5917, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5918, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5919, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 15, 'dropping from town by mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5920, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 714, 'purchasing of sand', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5921, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of water', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5922, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '9', '500', 49, 'payment made to mr osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5923, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 150, 'ceo to bro boakye', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5924, '2021-08-26', 1, 17, '10', '500', 770, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5925, '2021-08-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13980, 'payment made to agya osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5926, '2021-08-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 14500, 'sales sent to bank', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5927, '2021-08-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5928, '2021-08-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5929, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2450, 'payment to mr collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5930, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 51981.5, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5931, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 52252, 'payment made to flour mills tema', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5932, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to bro kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5933, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '10', '500', 800, 'ceo to 7-brothers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5934, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '10', '500', 714, 'ceo to mr paul', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5935, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumpinf of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5936, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 164.5, 't n t made to 7- brothers', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5937, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 240, 'offloading of white maize 600', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5938, '2021-08-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 260, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5939, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4418.5, 'part payment made to mr osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5940, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '9', '500', 28414.5, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5941, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to iddrisu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5942, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '10', '500', 102, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5943, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5944, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1050, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5945, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5946, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5947, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made on koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5948, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offlloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5949, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of white maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5950, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5951, '2021-08-30', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 30000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5952, '2021-08-31', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 44981.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 1/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5953, '2021-08-31', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 't n t mdae to agya poku farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5954, '2021-08-31', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5955, '2021-08-31', 1, 17, '9', '500', 11980.5, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5956, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '4020', '500', 80020, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5957, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 714, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5958, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '10', '500', 408, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5959, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 11595, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5960, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3480, 'payment made mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5961, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '11', '500', 160, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5962, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5963, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5964, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 140, 't n t made to isaah poultry feed', '2021-09-14', b'1'), (5965, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 632, 'refund made to opoku adanse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5966, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5967, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5968, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of koudjis products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5969, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of koudijs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5970, '2021-09-01', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1405, 't n t made to isaah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5971, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4405, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5972, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 222, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5973, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2875, 't n t of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5974, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2000, 't n t of sankofa layer mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5975, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of mob stick', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5976, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 6, 'offloading of sonal sonal 20', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5977, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of sankofa mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5978, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 23487, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '2021-09-15', b'1'), (5979, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'sis mat to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5980, '2021-09-02', 1, 17, '9', '500', 23482, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5981, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 6020, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5982, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 20300, 'payment made to nana pizaro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5983, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 130, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5984, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1000, 'payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5985, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '10', '500', 500, 'ceo to mr philip', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5986, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5987, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchasing of padlocks', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5988, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2450, 't n t of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5989, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 105, 'offloading of safrip soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5990, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of safrip soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5991, '2021-09-04', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 250, 'offloading of safrip soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5992, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '9', '500', 47000, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5993, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5994, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'purchasing of engine oil', '2021-09-15', b'1'), (5995, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5996, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 525, 't n t of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5997, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5998, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'refund made to mr yayya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (5999, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2125, 't n t of sonal soya 425', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6000, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 168, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6001, '2021-09-03', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 28, 'purchasing of engine oil', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6002, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '9', '500', 17888, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6003, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 45672, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 7/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6004, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 22000, 'money to bank by cecimec enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6005, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 25000, 'money to bank by julli farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6006, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 35, 'purchasing of notebook for office use', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6007, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6008, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 170, 'maintenance made on motobike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6009, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 130, 'purchasing of plastic chairs', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6010, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to agya poku farms', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6011, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 840, 'payment made to bro ali', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6012, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '901', '500', 875, 't n t of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6013, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'offloading of wheatbran 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6014, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 195, 'offloading of white maize 651', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6015, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of dried maize 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6016, '2021-09-06', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'payment made on shelves fixing', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6017, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2029, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6018, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 41000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '2021-09-17', b'1'), (6019, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '9', '500', 26000, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6020, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '9', '500', 10000, 'payment made to mr collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6021, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '9', '500', 1100, 'payment made to nana kwame premix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6022, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6023, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 70, 't n t made to mad suzzy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6024, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 130, 'money sent to kumasi momo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6025, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 4, 'purchasing of springs for milling machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6026, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'purchasing of electrical items', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6027, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2657, 'payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6028, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6029, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 40, 'offloading of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6030, '2021-09-07', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 41000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6031, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 4126, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6032, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13722, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6033, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12500, 'payment made to takoradi flour mills', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6034, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '9', '500', 16000, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6035, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6036, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '906', '500', 7, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6037, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of ldc soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6038, '2021-09-08', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 'offloading of ldc soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6039, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '9', '500', 11168.5, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6040, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'purchasing of stapler', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6041, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6042, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6043, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 45, 'offloading of layer champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6044, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchasing of envelop', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6045, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6046, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2551.5, 'full payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6047, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6048, '2021-09-09', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1717, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6049, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 33843.5, 'sales\r\n sent to bank by konadu 14/9/21', '2021-09-16', b'1'), (6050, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 33843.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 14/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6051, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '9', '500', 12080.5, 'payment made agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6052, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '10', '500', 100, 'ceo to afriyie', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6053, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '10', '500', 50, 'ceo to mr opoku', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6054, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 15, 't n t to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6055, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1400, 't n t of wheatbran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6056, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of wheatbran 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6057, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 30, 'offloading of layer champrix', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6058, '2021-09-10', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 10, 'purchasing of fuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6059, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9670, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6060, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 16460, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 14/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6061, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'purchasing of fuel', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6062, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '906', '500', 8, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6063, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1225, 't n t of wheatbran 350', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6064, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6065, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1499, 'purchasing of refrigerator', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6066, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of battery', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6067, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '908', '500', 700, 'payment of salary', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6068, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '901', '500', 500, 't n t of sonal soya 99', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6069, '2021-09-11', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 28, 'offloading of sonal soya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6070, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 83664.5, 'sales sent to bank by konadu 14/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6071, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '907', '500', 10, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6072, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 600, 'payment made at gra office', '2021-09-16', b'1'), (6073, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to revenue office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6074, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 80, 'dropping from maridav', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6075, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6076, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 9, 'purchasing of rapper bands', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6077, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '1', '500', 600, 'payment of tax', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6078, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 510, 'payment made at gra office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6079, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '8', '500', 610.5, 'payment of ssnit', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6080, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal sonal', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6081, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1300, 't n t made to issah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6082, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 320, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6083, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '11', '500', 64, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6084, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 40, 'dropping from frankatson', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6085, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'workmanship made to mason', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6086, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 600, 'ceo to mr red', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6087, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '10', '500', 1150, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6088, '2021-09-13', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of sonal soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6089, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 47310, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6090, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 17900, 'money to bank by cecimec ent', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6091, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14700, 'payment made made to dora konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6092, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6093, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'sales sent to kumasi momo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6094, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 175, 't n t made to mad suzzy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6095, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 160, 't n t made to mr yahya', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6096, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 't n t to issah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6097, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchasing of rubber', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6098, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '901', '500', 280, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6099, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '11', '500', 60, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6100, '2021-09-14', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 42, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6101, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3490, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6102, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '9', '500', 13553, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6103, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '10', '500', 300, 'ceo to mr abass yussif', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6104, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6105, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1050, 't n t of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6106, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 167, 'offloading of white maize 557', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6107, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'repairing of sewing machine', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6108, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 7, 'purchasing of belts', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6109, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '901', '500', 800, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6110, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '11', '500', 128, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6111, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 120, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6112, '2021-09-15', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6113, '2021-09-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 16493, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6114, '2021-09-16', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of essvee products 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6115, '2021-09-16', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of essvee products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6116, '2021-09-16', 1, 17, '9', '500', 330, 'payment made to uncle ebo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6117, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 16000, 'payment made to kwabena gmg', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6118, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 8138, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 20/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6119, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 476, 'payment made to agya osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6120, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 18476, 'payment made to maa dora', '2021-09-25', b'1'), (6121, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 25, 'purchasing of a4 sheets', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6122, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to revenue office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6123, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6124, '2021-09-17', 1, 17, '9', '500', 18000, 'payment made to maa dora', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6125, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 42069, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 18/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6126, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '9', '500', 9700, 'payment made to collins amankwah', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6127, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6128, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 20, 't n t to town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6129, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 12, 'purchasing of omo powder', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6130, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '901', '500', 120, 't n t of sankofa layer mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6131, '2021-09-18', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 300, 'funeral contribution made to chairman', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6132, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 4067, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6133, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 41000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6134, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2500, 't n t of sonal soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6135, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 150, 'offloading of sonal soya 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6136, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 20, 'purchasing of calculator', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6137, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '901', '500', 5, 't n t to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6138, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6139, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 150, 'ceo to iddrisu', '2021-09-25', b'1'), (6140, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 400, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6141, '2021-09-20', 1, 17, '10', '500', 204, 'ceo to iddrisu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6142, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 32571, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 22/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6143, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '900', '500', 400, 'purchasing of prepaid units', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6144, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6145, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'offloading of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6146, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6147, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t made to mad suzzy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6148, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of koudijs chick mash 400', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6149, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6150, '2021-09-21', 1, 17, '11', '500', 80, 'onloading of koudijs mash', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6151, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 8299, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6152, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 62000, 'sales sent to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6153, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 210000, 'money to bank by mr hamidu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6154, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '9', '500', 14300, 'payment made to nana pizaro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6155, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 35, 't n t / dropping from town by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6156, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1000, 't n t made to isaah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6157, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 1860, 'purchasing of surgical tools for office', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6158, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '11', '500', 150, 'onloading of koudijs mash 750', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6159, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 550, 't n t of koudijs mash 550', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6160, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 200, 't n t of koudijs mash 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6161, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of koudijs of koudijs 5% 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6162, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 200, 'offloading of koudijs chick mash 999', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6163, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '11', '500', 120, 'onloading of koudijs 5% 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6164, '2021-09-22', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of koudijs 5% 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6165, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 25787, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6166, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '11', '500', 50, 'onloading of koudijs mash 250', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6167, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '901', '500', 249, 't n t of koudijs mash 249', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6168, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 3160, 'purchasing of exercise book', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6169, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2, 'purchasing of plywood ,nails and others', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6170, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 59, 'offloading of dry maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6171, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '10', '500', 200, 'purchasing of soya by ceo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6172, '2021-09-23', 1, 17, '9', '500', 450, 'payment made to mr osei', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6173, '2021-09-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 5914, 'payment made to essvee agro ltd', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6174, '2021-09-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 15000, 'payment made to nana pizaro', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6175, '2021-09-24', 1, 17, '9', '500', 2000, 'payment made to mr osei maize', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6176, '2021-09-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 700, 'payment made on store rent', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6177, '2021-09-24', 1, 17, '901', '500', 3587.5, 't n t of wheatbran 1025', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6178, '2021-09-24', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 205, 'offloading of wheatbran', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6179, '2021-09-25', 1, 17, '9', '500', 11040, 'payment made to afayad', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6180, '2021-09-25', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 15250, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 27/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6181, '2021-09-25', 1, 17, '907', '500', 20, 'purchasing of credit card', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6182, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 6732, 'sales balance sent to bank by doris 28/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6183, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '9', '500', 3864, 'payment made to mr aseidu reiss and co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6184, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 20000, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6185, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 42000, 'money to bank by cecimec enterprise', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6186, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 10, 't n t to reiss n co by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6187, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1650, 't n t of wheatbran 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6188, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'onloading of whiteshells 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6189, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '906', '500', 10, 'dumping of refuse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6190, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 400, 't n t of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6191, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 130, 't n t made to staff', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6192, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'onloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6193, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 80, 'offloading of koudijs products', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6194, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of whiteshells 300', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6195, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 600, 't n t of hendrix concentrate 200and american fish 100', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6196, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 90, 'offloading of hendrix and american fish', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6197, '2021-09-27', 1, 17, '901', '500', 100, 'dropping from reiss and co', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6198, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 225, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/9/21', '2021-09-30', b'1'), (6199, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '9', '500', 525, 'payment made to uncle ebo', '2021-09-30', b'1'), (6200, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 225, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6201, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '9', '500', 525, 'payment made to uncle ebo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6202, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 75, 'purchasing of wood', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6203, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 840, 't n t of wheatbran 240', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6204, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1000, 't n t of pfc fish 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6205, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 48, 'offloading of wheatbran 240', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6206, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 60, 'offloading of fishmeal 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6207, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 100, 'money given to kojo', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6208, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 70, 'purchasing of fuel for motorbike', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6209, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '901', '500', 500, 't n t made to isaah poultry feed', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6210, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 500, 'workmanship made on carpentry work', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6211, '2021-09-28', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 70000, 'sales sent to bank by doris', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6212, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '1234', '500', 10113.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 30/9/21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6213, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 6, 'purchasing of staple pins', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6214, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 50, 'purchasing of wireless mouse', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6215, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't nt of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6216, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 700, 't n t of wheatbran 200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6217, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 2420, 'refund made to mad suzzy', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6218, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 2, 't n t to bank by felicia', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6219, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '1000', '500', 240, 'offloading of wheatbran 1200', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6220, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '901', '500', 1750, 't n t of wheatbran 500', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6221, '2021-09-29', 1, 17, '10', '500', 306, 'ceo to mad philomina', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6222, '2021-09-30', 1, 17, '4020', '500', 225, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 28-9-21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6223, '2021-09-30', 1, 17, '4020', '500', 10113.5, 'sales balance sent to bank by konadu 29-9-21', '0000-00-00', b'0'), (6224, '2021-09-30', 1, 17, '4020', '500', 13500, 'sales sent to bank by konadu', '0000-00-00', b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_expenses` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.gl_trans CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gl_trans` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `acc_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `debit_amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `credit_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `cheque_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `mtn_momo_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `note` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `seller` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0', `deleted_date` date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=20 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.gl_trans: ~19 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_trans` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `gl_trans` (`id`, `trans_id`, `branch_id`, `trans_date`, `acc_code`, `debit_amount`, `credit_amount`, `cheque_amount`, `mtn_momo_amount`, `note`, `seller`, `deleted`, `deleted_date`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 9800, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (2, 2, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 23800, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (3, 3, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 14560, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (4, 4, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 14560, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (5, 5, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 840, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (6, 6, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 12600, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (7, 7, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 9240, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'1', '2021-10-27'), (8, 8, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 9520, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (9, 9, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 9240, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (10, 10, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 12600, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (11, 11, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 1400, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (12, 12, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 12320, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (13, 13, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 12320, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (14, 14, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 280, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (15, 15, 1, '2021-10-27', '500', 1120, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (16, 16, 1, '2021-11-01', '500', 1120, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (17, 17, 1, '2021-11-01', '500', 9520, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 19, b'0', NULL), (18, 18, 1, '2021-11-01', '500', 132, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 13, b'0', NULL), (19, 19, 1, '2021-11-05', '500', 14560, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 13, b'0', NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gl_trans` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.item CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `item_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `item_type` int(11) DEFAULT 1, `vert_item` char(1) DEFAULT '0', `barcode` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `item_group` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `tax_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sales_acc` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `stock_acc` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `stock_level` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `active` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `item_name_active` (`item_name`,`active`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=587 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.item: ~568 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `item` (`id`, `item_name`, `item_type`, `vert_item`, `barcode`, `item_group`, `tax_id`, `sales_acc`, `stock_acc`, `stock_level`, `active`) VALUES (1, 'eggtray', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (2, 'alfa', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (3, 'hendrix', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (4, '5% koudijs', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (5, '20% koudijs', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (6, 'foreign soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (7, 'gafco soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (8, 'wheatbran', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (9, 'blackshells', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (10, 'whiteshells', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (11, 'layer champrix', 1, '1', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (12, 'broiler champrix', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (13, 'local soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (14, 'local fish', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (15, 'koudijs chick mash', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (16, 'champrix mash', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (17, 'sankofa chick mash', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (18, 'layer mash sankofa', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (19, 'broiler starter mash sankofa', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (20, '7-brothers', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (21, 'white maize (old)', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (22, 'white maize', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (23, 'yellow maize', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (24, 'russian fish', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (25, 'copra cake', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (26, 'allyte', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (27, 'senegal fish', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (28, 'brown shells', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (29, 'tuna fish', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (30, 'american fish', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (31, 'p.f.c.', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (32, 'neoxyvital forte', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (33, 'kepro oxytet 20% inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (34, 'amprolium 250 wsp kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (35, 'amprolium-20s 100g vmd', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (36, 'kepromec ivermec 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (37, 'kepromec ivermec 50ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (38, 'vmd aminovit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (39, 'vmd aminovit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (40, 'compound ivermec', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (41, 'tylodox extra kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (42, 'tylodox extra 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (43, 'vitamin b.complex', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (44, 'multiamino inj.pro', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (45, 'powervit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (46, 'dicalcium 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (47, 'dicalcium 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (48, 'hipralona enro 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (49, 'hipralona enro 100lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (50, 'terroxy la inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (51, 'kepro oxytet 250ml inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (52, 'feeders', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (53, 'piper dewormer kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (54, 'piper dewormer 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (55, 'cypermethrin 12% 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (56, 'cypermethrin 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (57, 'penprovit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (58, 'penprovit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (59, 'drinkers 10lts', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (60, 'drinkers 5lts', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (61, 'hipraoxivit egg kg', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (62, 'hipraoxivit egg 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (63, 'kepcox 2.5 oral 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (64, 'kepcox 2.5 oral 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (65, 'oxytetracycline 10%inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (66, 'multiamino vf 10kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (67, 'multivitamin vf', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (68, 'vmd oligovit plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 14, '1'), (69, 'levamisole inj. 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (70, 'levasol 200 wsp kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (71, 'tyloveto inj. 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (72, 'dexamethazone inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (73, 'neo oxy egg kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (74, 'neo oxy egg 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (75, 'kepromec oral 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (76, 'kepromec oral 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (77, 'coliprajet 200ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (78, 'hipravit inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (79, 'pederipra spray', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (80, 'wound spray', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (81, 'carrier 24', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (82, 'carrier 45', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (83, 'kenflox 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (84, 'iron 100ml inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (85, 'tanvit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (86, 'sulfavet inj. 250ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (87, 'oxy 200kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (88, 'oxy 200 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (89, 'vmd supervitamins kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (90, 'vmd supervitamins 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (91, 'hiprachock 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (92, 'tanlik', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (93, 'broiler premix 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (94, 'amoxy col kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (95, 'amoxy col 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (96, 'vitacox plus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (97, 'vitacox plus 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (98, 'oxy 500 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (99, 'doxy gen', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (100, 'hipralona nor-s', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (101, 'franceryl kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (102, 'franceryl 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (103, 'block selena', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (104, 'block selex', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (105, 'block bassic', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (106, 'tamin powder', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (107, 'penstrep 20/25 inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (108, 'penstrep 20/20 inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (109, 'd4+ disinfectant', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (110, 'tylosin tartrate', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (111, 'vitamino trace oral', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (112, 'heparol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (113, 'ceproceryl kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (114, 'ceproceryl 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (115, 'aquacol inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (116, 'la oxytetracycline 2%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (117, 'clotadona inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (118, 'stress aid kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (119, 'strsss aid 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (120, 'oxy tetracycline blue spray', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (121, 'penpro inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (122, 'tetracolivit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (123, 'tetracolivit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (124, 'cypervet', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (125, 'vitamin b complex new', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (126, 'franmec oral 1lit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (127, 'kepromec pour on', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (128, 'vitaminolyte kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (129, 'vitaminolyte 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (130, 'colvit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (131, 'colvit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (132, 'neotetravit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (133, 'neotetravit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (135, 'layer plus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (136, 'antibact 3x kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (137, 'antibact 3x 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (138, 'levasol 200kg maridav', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (139, 'levasol 200 wsp 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (140, 'amprocox kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (141, 'amprocox 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (142, 'stopcox kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (143, 'stopcox 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (144, 'lysine 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (145, 'new lysine sulph.1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (146, 'coxisol kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (147, 'coxisol 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (148, 'tylodoxine kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (149, 'tylodoxine 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (150, 'neoxyvit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (151, 'piperizine 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (152, 'penstrep plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (153, 'oxytetracycline 50%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (154, 'amino vitasol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (155, 't.s.o', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (156, 'toltracox', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (157, 'trisol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (158, 'trisol otc', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (159, 'tetravit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (160, 'tylovital', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (161, 'vitamino acido', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (162, 'tylodex plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (163, 'flodox', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (164, 'methionne 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (165, 'methionne 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (166, 'ashidox n', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (167, 'ashpirazine', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (168, 't.s.sol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (169, 'doxysol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (170, 'cocoban', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (171, 'glucose c', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (172, 'glucose d', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (173, 'britacox 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (174, 'britacox 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (175, 'quincide 5lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (176, 'quincide 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (177, 'coccivit dex', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (178, 'centre enro 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (179, 'centre tylo 20 inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (180, 'meth plus 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (181, 'meth plus 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (182, 'meth plus rebag', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (183, 'layer premix dexvet 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (184, 'layer premix dexvet 2kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (185, 'centre flopicol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (186, 'colivit dex', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (187, 'centre enrystrp', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (188, 'centre tiamdox', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (189, 'toxidex kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (190, 'micochem 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (191, 'neodox', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (192, 'glucose orange', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (193, 'glucose letap', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (194, 'mineravit dex', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (195, 'supercox kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (196, 'liptoaminovit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (197, 'ossiforte', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (198, 'liptosafe', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (199, 'egg master', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (200, 'tylos 20% inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (201, 'doxytiam', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (202, 'univit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (203, 'tcn extra', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (204, 'albenx bolus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (205, 'unimec 1%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (206, 'vita x kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (207, 'levavet kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (208, 'syringe 10ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (209, 'syringe 20 ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (210, 'go killice', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (211, 'introvit a+ kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (212, 'introvit a+ 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (213, 'neoxyvital kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (214, 'neoxyvital 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (215, 'leva 200 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (216, 'leva 200 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (217, 'amprolin 300 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (218, 'amprolin 300 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (219, 'doxin 200 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (220, 'doxin 200 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (221, 'piperin kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (222, 'piperin 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (223, 'aliseryl kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (224, 'aliseryl 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (225, 'nemovit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (226, 'nemovit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (227, 'stresssmix ws', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (228, 'limoxin 400 ws', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (229, 'zero tick', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (230, 'pharmacox', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (231, 'kelavital 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (232, 'atla leva kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (233, 'atlatet 20%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (234, 'atceryl', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (235, 'atla stress plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (236, 'atla chick tonic', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (237, 'atla oxy egg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (238, 'multi abendazol 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (239, 'multi abendazol 2.5%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (240, 'oximultivit egg for', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (241, 'piperamentic dew kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (242, 'piperamentic dew 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (243, 'multivitamin inj. brown', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (244, 'm.enro 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (245, 'mulpenstrep 20/20', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (246, 'poli hepravit plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (247, 'super egg for', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (248, 'amiraz 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (249, 'amiraz 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (250, 'drinkers 8lts', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (251, 'drinkers 2lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (253, 'clopivet kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (254, 'agristeryl 5lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (255, 'sulfaridine kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (256, 'cenosvit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (257, 'cenosvit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (258, 'cocciplus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (259, 'acalice super', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (260, 'enrocoli 1%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (261, 'hidro rex vital', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (262, 'multiaminovet', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (263, 'auto drinkers g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (264, 'enrovet inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (265, 'totavet 2.5%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (266, 'sulfadine inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (267, 'ashienro 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (268, 'multiamino m kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (269, 'multivitamin inj.pro', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (270, 'multiamino m 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (271, 'mectin 50ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (272, 'dog dewormer caniverm', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (273, 'dog vita', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (274, 'piperazine citrate', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (275, 'oxy egg for 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (276, 'tylorate inj.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (277, 'm sulfa 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (278, 'm sulfa 500ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (279, 'm sulfa 250ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (280, 'aspa aminovit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (281, 'm tylo', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (282, 'chick tray', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (283, 'layer premix 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (284, 'layer premix 2kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (285, 'broiler premix 2kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (286, 'local dicalcium 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (287, 'local dicalcium 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (289, 'allvit ma', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (290, 'macro sulfa', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (291, 'sulfanor 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (292, 'multinor 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (293, 'levanor 50ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (294, 'levanor 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (295, 'tylonor 50ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (296, 'tylonor 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (297, 'toxin bender 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (298, 'frankosate', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (299, 'oyeadieyie', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (300, 'franko 2,4-d', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (301, 'franko sprayer', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (302, 'frankosulron', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (303, 'frankocylon 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (304, 'frankocylon 250ml', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (305, 'frankozine kg', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (306, 'frankozine 500g', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (307, 'bonpyrifos', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (308, 'nopest', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (309, 'lamba super 2.5', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (310, 'striker', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (311, 'dresscare', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (312, 'whelllbarrow a', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (313, 'wheelbarrrow b', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (314, 'wallanton boot', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (315, 'hand gloves', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (316, 'nose mask', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (317, 'cutlasss kotokro', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (318, 'cutlass blantang', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (319, 'rake', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (320, 'aminoforce old', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (321, 'force up', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (322, 'flysate', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (323, 'green pepper', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (324, 'tecto 15lts', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (325, 'tecto 2lts', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (326, 'shovel', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (327, 'raincoat big size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (328, 'raincoat small size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (329, 'student hoe', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (330, 'hoe/rake', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (331, 'stick', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (332, 'as)', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (333, 'okro seed', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (334, 'white maize big size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (335, 'white maize small size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (336, 'adwuma-wura', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (337, 'adwuma pa', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (338, 'sinopat', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (339, 'sunphosate', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (340, 'dursban 4e', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (341, 'adwumamu hene', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (342, 'yellow maize big size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (343, 'yellow maize small size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (344, 'akate brefo', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (345, 'aceta star', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (346, 'algua', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (347, 'agyenkwa', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (348, 'gro more', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (349, 'k-optimal big size', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (350, 'k-optimal', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (351, 'sunpyrifos', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (352, 'lara care', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (353, 'head pan', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (354, 'ivanor 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (355, 'ivanor 50ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (356, 'broiler koudijs stater', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (357, 'new broiler koudijs', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (358, 'salt lick', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (359, 'sulfaridine 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (360, 'keprocerl 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (361, 'keproceryl 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (362, 'whole wheat', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (363, 'p.f.c fishmeal', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (364, 'penstrep plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (365, 'meth +lysine 2kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (366, 'sharp', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (367, 'tetranor 30ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (368, 'macro premix 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (369, 'drinkers 3lts', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (370, 'foreign dicalcium 25 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (371, 'wound care', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (372, 'levasol 100g maridav', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (373, 'micochem 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (374, 'cypertop pour on', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (375, 'vitamineral dog tablet', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (376, 'sulfavet inj. 500ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (377, 'tetranor 50ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (378, '3-sulfa', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (379, 'multi-abendazole 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (380, 'fmgl wheat', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (381, 'pellet wheat 45kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (382, 'takoradi wheat', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (383, 'centre neodox', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (384, 'enrocoli 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (385, 'powervit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (386, 'amoxycillin 15% w.s', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (387, 'gro up', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (388, 'toximold', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (393, 'teroxy 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 50, '1'), (395, 'tetranor 100mls', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 30, '1'), (396, 'jubaili normal', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 100, '1'), (397, 'jubaili coloured', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 50, '1'), (398, 'jubaili lysine 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (399, '', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (401, 'jubaili methione 25 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 1, '1'), (402, 'jubaili toxi binder', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 19, '1'), (403, 'meth + lysine 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 4, '1'), (404, 'foreign dicalcium 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (405, 'm enro 10% inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (406, 'hepasol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (412, 'doxysol c', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (414, '5% koudjis', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (415, 'levasol 100g - maridav', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (416, 'amprolium-20s vmd kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 10, '1'), (417, 'amprolium 250 wsp 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (418, 'foreign fish (essvee)', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 100, '1'), (419, 'broiler mash essvee', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 10, '1'), (420, 'neoxyvit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 20, '1'), (421, 'tylos 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (422, 'drinker 7.5ltrs.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (423, 'drinker 4ltrs.', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (424, 'maridav f. dicalcium 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (425, 'maridav f. dicalcium 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (426, 'new lysine sulph. 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (427, 'lysine 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (429, 'amprocox ws', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (430, 'essar layer 20%', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (431, 'essar broiler starter', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (432, 'tetranor 20% la 30ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (434, 'coccivex', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (435, 'worker wagg dog food', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (436, 'joyvet multivitamin pw', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (437, 'joyvet vitamin ad3e', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (438, 'p fatten prime', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (439, 'erne joyson auto d(small)', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (440, 'joyvet abendazol 2.5%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (441, 'essvee layer mash', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (442, 'multivitamin inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (443, 'pen-strep powder w.s.p', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (444, 'fran-cox 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (445, 'penstrep powder 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (446, 'essaar agro fish meal', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (447, 'jubaili layer premix 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (449, 'foreign layer premix 2kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (450, 'cg-herbs oral', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (451, 'salts', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (452, 'essvee broiler con..', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (453, 'humicvet', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (454, 'vita x 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (455, 'veto spray 250ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (456, 'ivermectin 2%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (457, 'salt big size', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (458, 'essvee 5% concentrate', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (459, 'layer plus100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (460, 'supercox 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (461, 'vita x 100ml inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (462, 'd 4 + disinfectant 5lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (463, 't h 4 disinfectant', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (464, 'univerm tabs', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (465, 'fenosvit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (466, 'fenosvit 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (467, 'dufacox 2.5%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (468, 'dufa aminovit oral', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (469, 'l d c soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (470, 'jubaili toxin binder plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (471, 'franmec oral 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (472, 'fran-cox kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (473, 'essvee chick mash', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (474, 'megavit plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (475, 'albioceryl wsp', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (476, 'compacta feeder', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (477, 'drinker 6ltr', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (478, 'auto drinker (long)', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (479, 'feeder 6 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (480, 'plastic legs', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (481, 'ernejoyson chick feeder', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (482, 'jubaili dicalcium 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (483, 'narcox plus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (484, 'tylosin plus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (485, 'crd oral solution 250ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (486, 'anti virus ilt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (487, 'micochem plus 0.5 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (488, 'jubaili chick mash 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (489, 'drinkers 15 lts', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (490, 'fran-zuril 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (491, 'drinker 10ltr frankatson', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (492, 'sulfadimerazine 500ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (493, 'patholyte 2ltrs', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (494, 'patholyte 5ltrs', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (495, 'centre toltr', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (496, 'dog food', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (497, 'feeder 3 kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (498, 'neoxyvital forte 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (499, 'tylo genta plus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (500, 'hendrix chick care 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (501, 'super vit kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (502, 'sulf- cure kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (503, 'debird 2kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (504, 'feed mixture', 2, '0', NULL, 5, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (505, 'grinding', 2, '0', NULL, 5, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (506, 'motor bike', 2, '0', NULL, 5, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (507, 'safrip soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (508, 'sonal soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (509, 'ashvit inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (510, 'amprocox 500g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (511, 'fran-zuril 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (512, 'joyvet vitamin ad3e 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (513, 'joyvet multivamin 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (514, 'levavet 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (515, 'ghana nuts soya', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (516, 'pellet wheat 40kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (517, 'naromix tetra plus kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (518, 'narcox plus 250g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (519, 'narcox plus 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (520, 'probiotics kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (521, 't dox vet', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (522, 'cipro-dx', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (523, 'flodox reiss&co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (524, 'koudijs 25%', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (525, 'kenflox 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (526, 'joyvet sulfa 100ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (527, 'joyvet ivermectin 1%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (528, 'nutriserly kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (529, 'layer primix', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (530, 'toxo-mix 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (531, 'ashvet toltacox 1lit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (532, 'franbendasol 10% kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (533, 'new penstrep 20/25 inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (534, 'cypermethrin 10% 1lt', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (535, 'naromix tetra egg enhancer kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (536, 'egg enhancer oral solution 500ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (537, 'amiraz 500ml', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (538, 'vitalac 25kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (539, 'enroval reiss&co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (540, 'ciproash 10% reiss&co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (541, 'toltrazuril reiss&co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (542, 'ectopowder', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (543, 'ectopowder 1kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (544, 'koudijs 50/50', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (545, 'amprolium 20% wsp kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (546, 'amprolium 20% wsp 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (547, 'dufamec 1lit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (548, 'mauritania fish', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (549, 'antibact 3x 500g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (550, 'tylodoxine 500g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (551, 'levasol 500g maridav', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (552, 'amino\'total', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (553, 'franvit inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (554, 'aminototal kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (555, 'aminototal 150g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (556, 'tylo genta plus 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (557, 'essaar layer mash', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (558, 'narcox kg', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (559, 'narcox 250g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (560, 'narcox 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '0'), (561, 'wheatbran 50kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (562, 'naromix tetra plus 250g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (563, 'naromix tetra plus 100g', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (564, 'bco-vit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (565, 'penstrep plus reiss n co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (566, 'albendazole 2.5% reiss n co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (567, 'oxy la inj reiss n co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (568, 'multivitamin inj reiss n co', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (569, 'grinded maize 40kg', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (570, 'king herbs', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (571, 'stress forte 1lit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (572, 'methiositol', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (573, 'enrofloxacin 10%', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (574, 'stress lyte plus', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (575, 'agristeryl 1lit', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (576, 'new frankosate', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (577, 'dried maize', 1, '0', NULL, 1, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (578, 'auto drinker frankatson', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (579, 'auto vaccinator', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (580, 'centre oxyte inj', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (581, 'delice', 1, '0', NULL, 2, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (582, 'xxxxxxxxx', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (583, 'xss', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (584, 'ssdd', 1, '1', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (585, 'ssdff', 1, '0', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'), (586, 'doll ver', 1, '1', NULL, 4, 0, '500', '200', 0, '1'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.item_count CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_count` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `usr` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `branch_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `trans_date` date NOT NULL, `trans_time` time NOT NULL, `witness` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `note` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.item_count: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_count` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `item_count` (`id`, `usr`, `branch_id`, `trans_date`, `trans_time`, `witness`, `note`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, '2019-01-29', '02:01:32', 'dd', 'ddd', b'0'), (2, 1, 1, '2019-02-01', '11:02:37', 'dd', 'ddd', b'0'), (3, 1, 1, '2019-03-20', '02:03:17', 'dd', 'ddd', b'0'), (4, 1, 1, '2019-03-26', '02:03:46', 'dd', 'ddd', b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_count` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.item_count_details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_count_details` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `item_unit` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `sys_qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `man_qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `count_diff` double DEFAULT NULL, `count_status` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=942 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.item_count_details: 941 rows /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_count_details` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `item_count_details` (`id`, `trans_id`, `item_id`, `item_unit`, `sys_qty`, `man_qty`, `count_diff`, `count_status`) VALUES (1, 1, 378, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (2, 1, 336, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (3, 1, 137, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (4, 1, 307, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (5, 1, 317, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (6, 1, 311, 1, -17, 0, 0, ''), (7, 1, 59, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (8, 1, 60, 1, -17, 0, 0, ''), (9, 1, 304, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (10, 1, 387, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (11, 1, 353, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (12, 1, 64, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (13, 1, 63, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (14, 1, 352, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (15, 1, 372, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (16, 1, 373, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (17, 1, 308, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (18, 1, 299, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (19, 1, 58, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (20, 1, 339, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (21, 1, 382, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (22, 1, 325, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (23, 1, 377, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (24, 1, 97, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (25, 1, 375, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (26, 1, 314, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (27, 1, 313, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (28, 1, 288, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (29, 1, 254, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (30, 1, 204, 1, -32, 0, 0, ''), (31, 1, 289, 1, -27, 0, 0, ''), (32, 1, 154, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (33, 1, 249, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (34, 1, 95, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (35, 1, 141, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (36, 1, 140, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (37, 1, 34, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (38, 1, 136, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (39, 1, 166, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (40, 1, 167, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (41, 1, 236, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (42, 1, 232, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (43, 1, 235, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (44, 1, 233, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (45, 1, 105, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (46, 1, 103, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (47, 1, 104, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (48, 1, 285, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (49, 1, 178, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (50, 1, 383, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (51, 1, 253, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (52, 1, 258, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (53, 1, 177, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (54, 1, 170, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (55, 1, 186, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (56, 1, 131, 1, -18, 0, 0, ''), (57, 1, 130, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (58, 1, 40, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (59, 1, 147, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (60, 1, 146, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (61, 1, 55, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (62, 1, 374, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (63, 1, 124, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (64, 1, 109, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (65, 1, 72, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (66, 1, 272, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (67, 1, 220, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (68, 1, 219, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (69, 1, 169, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (70, 1, 201, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (71, 1, 250, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (72, 1, 251, 1, -37, 0, 0, ''), (73, 1, 369, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (74, 1, 199, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (75, 1, 384, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (76, 1, 260, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (77, 1, 264, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (78, 1, 52, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (79, 1, 163, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (80, 1, 370, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (81, 1, 101, 1, -39, 0, 0, ''), (82, 1, 126, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (83, 1, 171, 1, -58, 0, 0, ''), (84, 1, 172, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (85, 1, 192, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (86, 1, 261, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (87, 1, 49, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (88, 1, 48, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (89, 1, 211, 1, -21, 0, 0, ''), (90, 1, 84, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (91, 1, 83, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (92, 1, 33, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (93, 1, 360, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (94, 1, 361, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (95, 1, 36, 1, -18, 0, 0, ''), (96, 1, 37, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (97, 1, 76, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (98, 1, 75, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (99, 1, 135, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (100, 1, 283, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (101, 1, 284, 1, -18, 0, 0, ''), (102, 1, 183, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (103, 1, 69, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (104, 1, 139, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (105, 1, 70, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (106, 1, 138, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (107, 1, 228, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (108, 1, 287, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (109, 1, 286, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (110, 1, 281, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (111, 1, 368, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (112, 1, 290, 1, -191, 0, 0, ''), (113, 1, 271, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (114, 1, 365, 1, -66, 0, 0, ''), (115, 1, 181, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (116, 1, 182, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (117, 1, 190, 1, -133, 0, 0, ''), (118, 1, 194, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (119, 1, 245, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (120, 1, 238, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (121, 1, 239, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (122, 1, 270, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (123, 1, 268, 1, -22, 0, 0, ''), (124, 1, 243, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (125, 1, 67, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (126, 1, 73, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (127, 1, 191, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (128, 1, 133, 1, -15, 0, 0, ''), (129, 1, 132, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (130, 1, 150, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (131, 1, 32, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (132, 1, 88, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (133, 1, 87, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (134, 1, 98, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (135, 1, 153, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (136, 1, 57, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (137, 1, 107, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (138, 1, 108, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (139, 1, 364, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (140, 1, 152, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (141, 1, 54, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (142, 1, 241, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (143, 1, 221, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (144, 1, 246, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (145, 1, 45, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (146, 1, 385, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (147, 1, 176, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (148, 1, 175, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (149, 1, 142, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (150, 1, 227, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (151, 1, 86, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (152, 1, 376, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (153, 1, 247, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (154, 1, 195, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (155, 1, 208, 1, -98, 0, 0, ''), (156, 1, 85, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (157, 1, 203, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (158, 1, 50, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (159, 1, 123, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (160, 1, 122, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (161, 1, 367, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (162, 1, 189, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (163, 1, 157, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (164, 1, 162, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (165, 1, 42, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (166, 1, 41, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (167, 1, 149, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (168, 1, 148, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (169, 1, 276, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (170, 1, 110, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (171, 1, 160, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (172, 1, 96, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (173, 1, 125, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (174, 1, 43, 1, -18, 0, 0, ''), (175, 1, 161, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (176, 1, 128, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (177, 1, 39, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (178, 1, 38, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (179, 1, 89, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (180, 1, 371, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (181, 1, 5, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (182, 1, 4, 1, -13, 0, 0, ''), (183, 1, 20, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (184, 1, 2, 1, -158, 0, 0, ''), (185, 1, 9, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (186, 1, 12, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (187, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (188, 1, 356, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (189, 1, 19, 1, -52, 0, 0, ''), (190, 1, 25, 1, -252, 0, 0, ''), (191, 1, 7, 1, -1480, 0, 0, ''), (192, 1, 3, 1, -102, 0, 0, ''), (193, 1, 15, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (194, 1, 11, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (195, 1, 18, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (196, 1, 14, 1, -55, 0, 0, ''), (197, 1, 13, 1, -84, 0, 0, ''), (198, 1, 357, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (199, 1, 31, 1, -27, 0, 0, ''), (200, 1, 17, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (201, 1, 381, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (202, 1, 8, 1, -332, 0, 0, ''), (203, 1, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (204, 1, 22, 1, -107, 0, 0, ''), (205, 1, 10, 1, -42, 0, 0, ''), (206, 1, 362, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (207, 1, 1, 1, -360, 0, 0, ''), (208, 2, 378, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (209, 2, 336, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (210, 2, 137, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (211, 2, 307, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (212, 2, 317, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (213, 2, 311, 1, -17, 0, 0, ''), (214, 2, 59, 1, 96, 0, 0, ''), (215, 2, 60, 1, -17, 0, 0, ''), (216, 2, 303, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (217, 2, 304, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (218, 2, 387, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (219, 2, 353, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (220, 2, 64, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (221, 2, 63, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (222, 2, 352, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (223, 2, 372, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (224, 2, 373, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (225, 2, 308, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (226, 2, 299, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (227, 2, 58, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (228, 2, 339, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (229, 2, 382, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (230, 2, 325, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (231, 2, 377, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (232, 2, 97, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (233, 2, 375, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (234, 2, 68, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (235, 2, 314, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (236, 2, 313, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (237, 2, 288, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (238, 2, 254, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (239, 2, 204, 1, -34, 0, 0, ''), (240, 2, 289, 1, -30, 0, 0, ''), (241, 2, 154, 1, -18, 0, 0, ''), (242, 2, 249, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (243, 2, 95, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (244, 2, 94, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (245, 2, 141, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (246, 2, 140, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (247, 2, 34, 1, 13, 0, 0, ''), (248, 2, 136, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (249, 2, 166, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (250, 2, 167, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (251, 2, 236, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (252, 2, 232, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (253, 2, 235, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (254, 2, 233, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (255, 2, 105, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (256, 2, 103, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (257, 2, 104, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (258, 2, 285, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (259, 2, 81, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (260, 2, 178, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (261, 2, 383, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (262, 2, 253, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (263, 2, 258, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (264, 2, 177, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (265, 2, 170, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (266, 2, 186, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (267, 2, 131, 1, -19, 0, 0, ''), (268, 2, 130, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (269, 2, 40, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (270, 2, 147, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (271, 2, 146, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (272, 2, 55, 1, 28, 0, 0, ''), (273, 2, 374, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (274, 2, 124, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (275, 2, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (276, 2, 72, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (277, 2, 272, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (278, 2, 220, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (279, 2, 219, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (280, 2, 169, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (281, 2, 201, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (282, 2, 250, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (283, 2, 251, 1, -40, 0, 0, ''), (284, 2, 369, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (285, 2, 199, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (286, 2, 384, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (287, 2, 260, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (288, 2, 264, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (289, 2, 52, 1, 64, 0, 0, ''), (290, 2, 163, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (291, 2, 370, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (292, 2, 101, 1, -39, 0, 0, ''), (293, 2, 126, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (294, 2, 171, 1, -58, 0, 0, ''), (295, 2, 172, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (296, 2, 192, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (297, 2, 261, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (298, 2, 49, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (299, 2, 48, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (300, 2, 211, 1, -22, 0, 0, ''), (301, 2, 84, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (302, 2, 83, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (303, 2, 33, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (304, 2, 51, 1, 33, 0, 0, ''), (305, 2, 360, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (306, 2, 361, 1, 32, 0, 0, ''), (307, 2, 36, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (308, 2, 37, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (309, 2, 76, 1, 54, 0, 0, ''), (310, 2, 75, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (311, 2, 135, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (312, 2, 283, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (313, 2, 284, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (314, 2, 183, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (315, 2, 69, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (316, 2, 139, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (317, 2, 70, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (318, 2, 138, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (319, 2, 228, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (320, 2, 287, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (321, 2, 286, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (322, 2, 281, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (323, 2, 368, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (324, 2, 290, 1, -199, 0, 0, ''), (325, 2, 271, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (326, 2, 365, 1, -67, 0, 0, ''), (327, 2, 181, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (328, 2, 182, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (329, 2, 190, 1, -143, 0, 0, ''), (330, 2, 194, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (331, 2, 245, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (332, 2, 238, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (333, 2, 239, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (334, 2, 270, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (335, 2, 268, 1, -22, 0, 0, ''), (336, 2, 243, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (337, 2, 269, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (338, 2, 67, 1, 146, 0, 0, ''), (339, 2, 73, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (340, 2, 191, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (341, 2, 133, 1, -15, 0, 0, ''), (342, 2, 132, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (343, 2, 150, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (344, 2, 32, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (345, 2, 88, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (346, 2, 87, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (347, 2, 98, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (348, 2, 153, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (349, 2, 57, 1, 35, 0, 0, ''), (350, 2, 107, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (351, 2, 108, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (352, 2, 364, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (353, 2, 152, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (354, 2, 54, 1, -20, 0, 0, ''), (355, 2, 53, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (356, 2, 241, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (357, 2, 221, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (358, 2, 246, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (359, 2, 45, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (360, 2, 385, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (361, 2, 176, 1, -11, 0, 0, ''), (362, 2, 175, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (363, 2, 142, 1, -7, 0, 0, ''), (364, 2, 227, 1, -13, 0, 0, ''), (365, 2, 86, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (366, 2, 376, 1, 28, 0, 0, ''), (367, 2, 247, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (368, 2, 195, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (369, 2, 208, 1, -98, 0, 0, ''), (370, 2, 85, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (371, 2, 203, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (372, 2, 393, 50, 2500, 0, 0, ''), (373, 2, 50, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (374, 2, 123, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (375, 2, 122, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (376, 2, 367, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (377, 2, 189, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (378, 2, 388, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (379, 2, 157, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (380, 2, 162, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (381, 2, 42, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (382, 2, 41, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (383, 2, 149, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (384, 2, 148, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (385, 2, 276, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (386, 2, 110, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (387, 2, 71, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (388, 2, 160, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (389, 2, 96, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (390, 2, 125, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (391, 2, 43, 1, -21, 0, 0, ''), (392, 2, 161, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (393, 2, 111, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (394, 2, 128, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (395, 2, 39, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (396, 2, 38, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (397, 2, 89, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (398, 2, 371, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (399, 2, 5, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (400, 2, 4, 1, -30, 0, 0, ''), (401, 2, 20, 1, -10, 0, 0, ''), (402, 2, 2, 1, -165, 0, 0, ''), (403, 2, 9, 1, -75, 0, 0, ''), (404, 2, 12, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (405, 2, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (406, 2, 356, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (407, 2, 19, 1, -53, 0, 0, ''), (408, 2, 25, 1, -261, 0, 0, ''), (409, 2, 7, 1, -1558, 0, 0, ''), (410, 2, 3, 1, -106, 0, 0, ''), (411, 2, 15, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (412, 2, 11, 1, -9, 0, 0, ''), (413, 2, 18, 1, -8, 0, 0, ''), (414, 2, 14, 1, -57, 0, 0, ''), (415, 2, 13, 1, -84, 0, 0, ''), (416, 2, 357, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (417, 2, 31, 1, -28, 0, 0, ''), (418, 2, 17, 1, -13, 0, 0, ''), (419, 2, 381, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (420, 2, 8, 1, -604, 0, 0, ''), (421, 2, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (422, 2, 22, 1, -112, 0, 0, ''), (423, 2, 10, 1, -49, 0, 0, ''), (424, 2, 362, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (425, 2, 1, 1, -389, 0, 0, ''), (426, 3, 336, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (427, 3, 137, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (428, 3, 307, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (429, 3, 317, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (430, 3, 311, 1, -25, 0, 0, ''), (431, 3, 59, 1, 93, 0, 0, ''), (432, 3, 60, 1, -17, 0, 0, ''), (433, 3, 340, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (434, 3, 301, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (435, 3, 303, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (436, 3, 304, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (437, 3, 298, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (438, 3, 353, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (439, 3, 64, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (440, 3, 63, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (441, 3, 352, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (442, 3, 405, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (443, 3, 373, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (444, 3, 379, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (445, 3, 308, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (446, 3, 299, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (447, 3, 58, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (448, 3, 339, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (449, 3, 382, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (450, 3, 325, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (451, 3, 377, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (452, 3, 97, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (453, 3, 375, 1, 700, 0, 0, ''), (454, 3, 314, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (455, 3, 313, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (456, 3, 378, 1, 131, 0, 0, ''), (457, 3, 259, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (458, 3, 254, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (459, 3, 204, 1, 162, 0, 0, ''), (460, 3, 289, 1, 127, 0, 0, ''), (461, 3, 154, 1, 33, 0, 0, ''), (462, 3, 249, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (463, 3, 248, 1, 23, 0, 0, ''), (464, 3, 95, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (465, 3, 94, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (466, 3, 386, 1, 11, 0, 0, ''), (467, 3, 141, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (468, 3, 140, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (469, 3, 417, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (470, 3, 34, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (471, 3, 35, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (472, 3, 416, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (473, 3, 136, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (474, 3, 166, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (475, 3, 167, 1, 29, 0, 0, ''), (476, 3, 280, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (477, 3, 236, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (478, 3, 232, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (479, 3, 235, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (480, 3, 233, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (481, 3, 105, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (482, 3, 103, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (483, 3, 104, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (484, 3, 174, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (485, 3, 173, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (486, 3, 93, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (487, 3, 285, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (488, 3, 81, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (489, 3, 256, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (490, 3, 178, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (491, 3, 383, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (492, 3, 179, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (493, 3, 253, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (494, 3, 258, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (495, 3, 177, 1, 38, 0, 0, ''), (496, 3, 170, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (497, 3, 186, 1, 42, 0, 0, ''), (498, 3, 131, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (499, 3, 130, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (500, 3, 40, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (501, 3, 147, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (502, 3, 146, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (503, 3, 55, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (504, 3, 374, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (505, 3, 124, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (506, 3, 109, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (507, 3, 72, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (508, 3, 272, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (509, 3, 220, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (510, 3, 219, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (511, 3, 169, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (512, 3, 412, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (513, 3, 201, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (514, 3, 250, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (515, 3, 251, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (516, 3, 369, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (517, 3, 199, 1, 76, 0, 0, ''), (518, 3, 260, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (519, 3, 384, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (520, 3, 264, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (521, 3, 52, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (522, 3, 163, 1, 59, 0, 0, ''), (523, 3, 404, 1, 42, 0, 0, ''), (524, 3, 370, 1, 13, 0, 0, ''), (525, 3, 101, 1, 50, 0, 0, ''), (526, 3, 126, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (527, 3, 171, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (528, 3, 172, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (529, 3, 192, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (530, 3, 387, 1, 63, 0, 0, ''), (531, 3, 406, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (532, 3, 261, 1, 40, 0, 0, ''), (533, 3, 49, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (534, 3, 48, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (535, 3, 211, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (536, 3, 84, 1, 36, 0, 0, ''), (537, 3, 398, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (538, 3, 401, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (539, 3, 402, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (540, 3, 83, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (541, 3, 33, 1, 31, 0, 0, ''), (542, 3, 51, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (543, 3, 360, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (544, 3, 361, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (545, 3, 36, 1, 29, 0, 0, ''), (546, 3, 37, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (547, 3, 76, 1, 51, 0, 0, ''), (548, 3, 75, 1, 3, 0, 0, ''), (549, 3, 135, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (550, 3, 283, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (551, 3, 284, 1, -56, 0, 0, ''), (552, 3, 183, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (553, 3, 69, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (554, 3, 294, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (555, 3, 293, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (556, 3, 372, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (557, 3, 139, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (558, 3, 70, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (559, 3, 138, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (560, 3, 228, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (561, 3, 287, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (562, 3, 286, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (563, 3, 145, 1, -12, 0, 0, ''), (564, 3, 277, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (565, 3, 281, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (566, 3, 368, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (567, 3, 290, 1, 109, 0, 0, ''), (568, 3, 271, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (569, 3, 403, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (570, 3, 365, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (571, 3, 181, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (572, 3, 182, 1, 25, 0, 0, ''), (573, 3, 190, 1, -38, 0, 0, ''), (574, 3, 194, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (575, 3, 245, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (576, 3, 238, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (577, 3, 239, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (578, 3, 270, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (579, 3, 268, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (580, 3, 292, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (581, 3, 243, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (582, 3, 269, 1, 44, 0, 0, ''), (583, 3, 67, 1, 117, 0, 0, ''), (584, 3, 73, 1, 31, 0, 0, ''), (585, 3, 191, 1, 21, 0, 0, ''), (586, 3, 133, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (587, 3, 132, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (588, 3, 150, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (589, 3, 32, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (590, 3, 88, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (591, 3, 87, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (592, 3, 98, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (593, 3, 153, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (594, 3, 57, 1, 28, 0, 0, ''), (595, 3, 107, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (596, 3, 108, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (597, 3, 364, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (598, 3, 152, 1, 29, 0, 0, ''), (599, 3, 54, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (600, 3, 53, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (601, 3, 241, 1, 21, 0, 0, ''), (602, 3, 221, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (603, 3, 246, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (604, 3, 45, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (605, 3, 385, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (606, 3, 176, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (607, 3, 175, 1, 21, 0, 0, ''), (608, 3, 358, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (609, 3, 142, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (610, 3, 227, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (611, 3, 291, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (612, 3, 359, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (613, 3, 255, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (614, 3, 86, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (615, 3, 376, 1, 28, 0, 0, ''), (616, 3, 247, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (617, 3, 195, 1, 37, 0, 0, ''), (618, 3, 208, 1, 81, 0, 0, ''), (619, 3, 168, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (620, 3, 85, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (621, 3, 203, 1, 38, 0, 0, ''), (622, 3, 393, 50, 2150, 0, 0, ''), (623, 3, 50, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (624, 3, 123, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (625, 3, 122, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (626, 3, 395, 1, 29, 0, 0, ''), (627, 3, 367, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (628, 3, 159, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (629, 3, 189, 1, 23, 0, 0, ''), (630, 3, 388, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (631, 3, 157, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (632, 3, 162, 1, 33, 0, 0, ''), (633, 3, 42, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (634, 3, 41, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (635, 3, 149, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (636, 3, 148, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (637, 3, 295, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (638, 3, 276, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (639, 3, 110, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (640, 3, 71, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (641, 3, 160, 1, 31, 0, 0, ''), (642, 3, 96, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (643, 3, 125, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (644, 3, 43, 1, 41, 0, 0, ''), (645, 3, 161, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (646, 3, 111, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (647, 3, 128, 1, 3, 0, 0, ''), (648, 3, 39, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (649, 3, 38, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (650, 3, 68, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (651, 3, 89, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (652, 3, 90, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (653, 3, 371, 1, 3, 0, 0, ''), (654, 3, 5, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (655, 3, 4, 1, -206, 0, 0, ''), (656, 3, 414, 1, -23, 0, 0, ''), (657, 3, 20, 1, -13, 0, 0, ''), (658, 3, 2, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (659, 3, 9, 1, -328, 0, 0, ''), (660, 3, 12, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (661, 3, 6, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (662, 3, 356, 1, 25, 0, 0, ''), (663, 3, 19, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (664, 3, 25, 1, -393, 0, 0, ''), (665, 3, 7, 1, -2630, 0, 0, ''), (666, 3, 3, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (667, 3, 397, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (668, 3, 396, 1, 82, 0, 0, ''), (669, 3, 15, 1, -80, 0, 0, ''), (670, 3, 11, 1, -50, 0, 0, ''), (671, 3, 18, 1, -59, 0, 0, ''), (672, 3, 14, 1, -80, 0, 0, ''), (673, 3, 13, 1, -140, 0, 0, ''), (674, 3, 357, 1, 117, 0, 0, ''), (675, 3, 31, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (676, 3, 17, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (677, 3, 381, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (678, 3, 8, 1, -2756, 0, 0, ''), (679, 3, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (680, 3, 22, 1, -431, 0, 0, ''), (681, 3, 10, 1, -394, 0, 0, ''), (682, 3, 362, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (683, 3, 1, 1, -581, 0, 0, ''), (684, 4, 336, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (685, 4, 137, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (686, 4, 307, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (687, 4, 317, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (688, 4, 311, 1, -25, 0, 0, ''), (689, 4, 59, 1, 91, 0, 0, ''), (690, 4, 60, 1, -17, 0, 0, ''), (691, 4, 340, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (692, 4, 301, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (693, 4, 303, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (694, 4, 304, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (695, 4, 298, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (696, 4, 353, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (697, 4, 64, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (698, 4, 63, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (699, 4, 352, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (700, 4, 405, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (701, 4, 373, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (702, 4, 379, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (703, 4, 308, 1, -14, 0, 0, ''), (704, 4, 299, 1, -13, 0, 0, ''), (705, 4, 58, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (706, 4, 339, 1, -6, 0, 0, ''), (707, 4, 382, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (708, 4, 325, 1, -4, 0, 0, ''), (709, 4, 377, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (710, 4, 97, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (711, 4, 375, 1, 700, 0, 0, ''), (712, 4, 314, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (713, 4, 313, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (714, 4, 378, 1, 126, 0, 0, ''), (715, 4, 259, 1, 47, 0, 0, ''), (716, 4, 254, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (717, 4, 204, 1, 160, 0, 0, ''), (718, 4, 289, 1, 123, 0, 0, ''), (719, 4, 154, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (720, 4, 249, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (721, 4, 248, 1, 23, 0, 0, ''), (722, 4, 95, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (723, 4, 94, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (724, 4, 386, 1, 11, 0, 0, ''), (725, 4, 141, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (726, 4, 140, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (727, 4, 417, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (728, 4, 34, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (729, 4, 35, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (730, 4, 416, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (731, 4, 136, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (732, 4, 166, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (733, 4, 167, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (734, 4, 280, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (735, 4, 236, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (736, 4, 232, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (737, 4, 235, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (738, 4, 233, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (739, 4, 105, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (740, 4, 103, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (741, 4, 104, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (742, 4, 174, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (743, 4, 173, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (744, 4, 93, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (745, 4, 285, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (746, 4, 81, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (747, 4, 256, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (748, 4, 178, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (749, 4, 383, 1, 18, 0, 0, ''), (750, 4, 179, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (751, 4, 253, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (752, 4, 258, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (753, 4, 177, 1, 38, 0, 0, ''), (754, 4, 170, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (755, 4, 186, 1, 37, 0, 0, ''), (756, 4, 131, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (757, 4, 130, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (758, 4, 40, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (759, 4, 147, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (760, 4, 146, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (761, 4, 55, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (762, 4, 374, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (763, 4, 124, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (764, 4, 109, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (765, 4, 72, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (766, 4, 272, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (767, 4, 220, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (768, 4, 219, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (769, 4, 169, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (770, 4, 412, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (771, 4, 201, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (772, 4, 250, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (773, 4, 251, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (774, 4, 369, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (775, 4, 199, 1, 72, 0, 0, ''), (776, 4, 260, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (777, 4, 384, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (778, 4, 264, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (779, 4, 52, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (780, 4, 163, 1, 59, 0, 0, ''), (781, 4, 404, 1, 39, 0, 0, ''), (782, 4, 370, 1, 13, 0, 0, ''), (783, 4, 101, 1, 49, 0, 0, ''), (784, 4, 126, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (785, 4, 171, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (786, 4, 172, 1, -3, 0, 0, ''), (787, 4, 192, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (788, 4, 387, 1, 60, 0, 0, ''), (789, 4, 406, 1, -2, 0, 0, ''), (790, 4, 261, 1, 38, 0, 0, ''), (791, 4, 49, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (792, 4, 48, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (793, 4, 211, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (794, 4, 84, 1, 36, 0, 0, ''), (795, 4, 398, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (796, 4, 401, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (797, 4, 402, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (798, 4, 83, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (799, 4, 33, 1, 31, 0, 0, ''), (800, 4, 51, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (801, 4, 360, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (802, 4, 361, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (803, 4, 36, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (804, 4, 37, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (805, 4, 76, 1, 49, 0, 0, ''), (806, 4, 75, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (807, 4, 135, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (808, 4, 283, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (809, 4, 284, 1, -66, 0, 0, ''), (810, 4, 183, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (811, 4, 69, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (812, 4, 294, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (813, 4, 293, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (814, 4, 372, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (815, 4, 139, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (816, 4, 70, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (817, 4, 138, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (818, 4, 228, 1, 32, 0, 0, ''), (819, 4, 287, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (820, 4, 286, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (821, 4, 145, 1, -18, 0, 0, ''), (822, 4, 277, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (823, 4, 281, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (824, 4, 368, 1, 44, 0, 0, ''), (825, 4, 290, 1, 90, 0, 0, ''), (826, 4, 271, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (827, 4, 403, 1, 4, 0, 0, ''), (828, 4, 365, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (829, 4, 181, 1, 26, 0, 0, ''), (830, 4, 182, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (831, 4, 190, 1, -57, 0, 0, ''), (832, 4, 194, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (833, 4, 245, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (834, 4, 238, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (835, 4, 239, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (836, 4, 270, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (837, 4, 268, 1, 28, 0, 0, ''), (838, 4, 292, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (839, 4, 243, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (840, 4, 269, 1, 41, 0, 0, ''), (841, 4, 67, 1, 115, 0, 0, ''), (842, 4, 73, 1, 31, 0, 0, ''), (843, 4, 191, 1, 21, 0, 0, ''), (844, 4, 133, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (845, 4, 132, 1, 25, 0, 0, ''), (846, 4, 150, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (847, 4, 32, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (848, 4, 88, 1, -1, 0, 0, ''), (849, 4, 87, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (850, 4, 98, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (851, 4, 153, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (852, 4, 57, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (853, 4, 107, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (854, 4, 108, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (855, 4, 364, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (856, 4, 152, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (857, 4, 54, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (858, 4, 53, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (859, 4, 241, 1, 21, 0, 0, ''), (860, 4, 221, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (861, 4, 246, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (862, 4, 45, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (863, 4, 385, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (864, 4, 176, 1, 7, 0, 0, ''), (865, 4, 175, 1, 21, 0, 0, ''), (866, 4, 358, 1, 9, 0, 0, ''), (867, 4, 142, 1, 8, 0, 0, ''), (868, 4, 227, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (869, 4, 291, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (870, 4, 359, 1, 16, 0, 0, ''), (871, 4, 255, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (872, 4, 86, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (873, 4, 376, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (874, 4, 247, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (875, 4, 195, 1, 37, 0, 0, ''), (876, 4, 208, 1, 77, 0, 0, ''), (877, 4, 168, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (878, 4, 85, 1, 30, 0, 0, ''), (879, 4, 203, 1, 38, 0, 0, ''), (880, 4, 393, 50, 2150, 0, 0, ''), (881, 4, 50, 1, 27, 0, 0, ''), (882, 4, 123, 1, 5, 0, 0, ''), (883, 4, 122, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (884, 4, 395, 1, 29, 0, 0, ''), (885, 4, 367, 1, 1, 0, 0, ''), (886, 4, 159, 1, 12, 0, 0, ''), (887, 4, 189, 1, 23, 0, 0, ''), (888, 4, 388, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (889, 4, 157, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (890, 4, 162, 1, 33, 0, 0, ''), (891, 4, 42, 1, 22, 0, 0, ''), (892, 4, 41, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (893, 4, 149, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (894, 4, 148, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (895, 4, 295, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (896, 4, 276, 1, 34, 0, 0, ''), (897, 4, 110, 1, 23, 0, 0, ''), (898, 4, 71, 1, 2, 0, 0, ''), (899, 4, 160, 1, 14, 0, 0, ''), (900, 4, 96, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (901, 4, 125, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (902, 4, 43, 1, 40, 0, 0, ''), (903, 4, 161, 1, 17, 0, 0, ''), (904, 4, 111, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (905, 4, 128, 1, 3, 0, 0, ''), (906, 4, 39, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (907, 4, 38, 1, 6, 0, 0, ''), (908, 4, 68, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (909, 4, 89, 1, 10, 0, 0, ''), (910, 4, 90, 1, 20, 0, 0, ''), (911, 4, 371, 1, 3, 0, 0, ''), (912, 4, 5, 1, 46, 0, 0, ''), (913, 4, 4, 1, -206, 0, 0, ''), (914, 4, 414, 1, 200, 0, 0, ''), (915, 4, 20, 1, -13, 0, 0, ''), (916, 4, 2, 1, 11, 0, 0, ''), (917, 4, 9, 1, -360, 0, 0, ''), (918, 4, 12, 1, -16, 0, 0, ''), (919, 4, 6, 1, 24, 0, 0, ''), (920, 4, 356, 1, 25, 0, 0, ''), (921, 4, 19, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (922, 4, 25, 1, -411, 0, 0, ''), (923, 4, 7, 1, -2703, 0, 0, ''), (924, 4, 3, 1, 19, 0, 0, ''), (925, 4, 397, 1, 48, 0, 0, ''), (926, 4, 396, 1, 77, 0, 0, ''), (927, 4, 15, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (928, 4, 11, 1, -57, 0, 0, ''), (929, 4, 18, 1, -66, 0, 0, ''), (930, 4, 14, 1, -87, 0, 0, ''), (931, 4, 13, 1, -141, 0, 0, ''), (932, 4, 357, 1, 114, 0, 0, ''), (933, 4, 31, 1, 15, 0, 0, ''), (934, 4, 17, 1, 13, 0, 0, ''), (935, 4, 381, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (936, 4, 8, 1, -2847, 0, 0, ''), (937, 4, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, ''), (938, 4, 22, 1, -482, 0, 0, ''), (939, 4, 10, 1, -394, 0, 0, ''), (940, 4, 362, 1, -5, 0, 0, ''), (941, 4, 1, 1, -598, 0, 0, ''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_count_details` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.item_group CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_group` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `group_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.item_group: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_group` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `item_group` (`id`, `group_name`) VALUES (1, 'feed'), (2, 'drug'), (3, 'others'), (4, 'agro'), (5, 'services'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_group` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.item_unit CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_unit` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `unit_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `abbr` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `unit_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.item_unit: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_unit` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `item_unit` (`id`, `unit_name`, `abbr`, `unit_type`) VALUES (1, 'carton', 'cat', 2), (2, 'piece', 'pc', 1), (5, 'tones', 'tn', 2), (6, 'kilograms', 'kg', 1), (7, 'bag', 'bg', 2), (8, 'kilograms', 'kg', 2); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_unit` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.item_unit_lnk CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `item_unit_lnk` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `item_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `unit_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `num_of_pc` int(11) DEFAULT 1, `cost_price` double DEFAULT 0, `selling_price` double DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `item_id_unit_id` (`item_id`,`unit_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=574 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.item_unit_lnk: ~573 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_unit_lnk` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `item_unit_lnk` (`id`, `item_id`, `unit_id`, `num_of_pc`, `cost_price`, `selling_price`) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 33), (2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 250), (3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 275), (4, 4, 2, 1, 0, 245), (5, 5, 2, 1, 0, 250), (6, 6, 2, 1, 0, 210), (7, 7, 2, 1, 0, 190), (8, 8, 2, 1, 0, 38), (9, 9, 2, 1, 0, 0), (10, 10, 2, 1, 0, 35), (11, 11, 2, 1, 0, 280), (12, 12, 2, 1, 0, 250), (13, 13, 2, 1, 0, 130), (14, 14, 2, 1, 0, 160), (15, 15, 2, 1, 0, 146), (16, 16, 2, 1, 0, 0), (17, 17, 2, 1, 0, 0), (18, 18, 2, 1, 0, 145), (19, 19, 2, 1, 0, 157), (20, 20, 2, 1, 0, 0), (21, 21, 2, 1, 0, 0), (22, 22, 2, 1, 0, 148), (23, 23, 2, 1, 0, 148), (24, 24, 2, 1, 0, 0), (25, 25, 2, 1, 0, 45), (26, 26, 2, 1, 0, 55), (27, 27, 2, 1, 0, 0), (28, 28, 2, 1, 0, 0), (29, 29, 2, 1, 0, 0), (30, 30, 2, 1, 0, 240), (31, 31, 2, 1, 0, 0), (32, 32, 2, 1, 0, 217), (33, 33, 2, 1, 0, 0), (34, 34, 2, 1, 0, 208), (35, 35, 2, 1, 0, 27), (36, 36, 2, 1, 0, 41), (37, 37, 2, 1, 0, 28), (38, 38, 2, 1, 0, 122), (39, 39, 2, 1, 0, 20), (40, 40, 2, 1, 0, 0), (41, 41, 2, 1, 0, 370), (42, 42, 2, 1, 0, 46), (43, 43, 2, 1, 0, 27), (44, 44, 2, 1, 0, 0), (45, 45, 2, 1, 0, 28), (46, 46, 2, 1, 0, 0), (47, 47, 2, 1, 0, 0), (48, 48, 2, 1, 0, 0), (49, 49, 2, 1, 0, 0), (50, 50, 2, 1, 0, 28), (51, 51, 2, 1, 0, 0), (52, 52, 2, 1, 0, 70), (53, 53, 2, 1, 0, 186), (54, 54, 2, 1, 0, 26), (55, 55, 2, 1, 0, 61), (56, 56, 2, 1, 0, 0), (57, 57, 2, 1, 0, 215), (58, 58, 2, 1, 0, 30), (59, 59, 2, 1, 0, 39), (60, 60, 2, 1, 0, 21), (61, 61, 2, 1, 0, 0), (62, 62, 2, 1, 0, 0), (63, 63, 2, 1, 0, 167), (64, 64, 2, 1, 0, 35), (65, 65, 2, 1, 0, 0), (66, 66, 2, 1, 0, 0), (67, 67, 2, 1, 0, 69), (68, 68, 2, 1, 0, 0), (69, 69, 2, 1, 0, 16), (70, 70, 2, 1, 0, 220), (71, 71, 2, 1, 0, 0), (72, 72, 2, 1, 0, 38), (73, 73, 2, 1, 0, 0), (74, 74, 2, 1, 0, 21), (75, 75, 2, 1, 0, 133), (76, 76, 2, 1, 0, 32), (77, 77, 2, 1, 0, 0), (78, 78, 2, 1, 0, 0), (79, 79, 2, 1, 0, 0), (80, 80, 2, 1, 0, 0), (81, 81, 2, 1, 0, 98), (82, 82, 2, 1, 0, 0), (83, 83, 2, 1, 0, 85), (84, 84, 2, 1, 0, 18), (85, 85, 2, 1, 0, 25), (86, 86, 2, 1, 0, 0), (87, 87, 2, 1, 0, 0), (88, 88, 2, 1, 0, 20), (89, 89, 2, 1, 0, 98), (90, 90, 2, 1, 0, 18), (91, 91, 2, 1, 0, 0), (92, 92, 2, 1, 0, 0), (93, 93, 2, 1, 0, 40), (94, 94, 2, 1, 0, 192), (95, 95, 2, 1, 0, 26), (96, 96, 2, 1, 0, 0), (97, 97, 2, 1, 0, 0), (98, 98, 2, 1, 0, 210), (99, 99, 2, 1, 0, 0), (100, 100, 2, 1, 0, 0), (101, 101, 2, 1, 0, 120), (102, 102, 2, 1, 0, 18), (103, 103, 2, 1, 0, 46), (104, 104, 2, 1, 0, 48), (105, 105, 2, 1, 0, 47), (106, 106, 2, 1, 0, 0), (107, 107, 2, 1, 0, 51), (108, 108, 2, 1, 0, 55), (109, 109, 2, 1, 0, 65), (110, 110, 2, 1, 0, 25), (111, 111, 2, 1, 0, 82), (112, 112, 2, 1, 0, 0), (113, 113, 2, 1, 0, 0), (114, 114, 2, 1, 0, 0), (115, 115, 2, 1, 0, 0), (116, 116, 2, 1, 0, 0), (117, 117, 2, 1, 0, 0), (118, 118, 2, 1, 0, 0), (119, 119, 2, 1, 0, 0), (120, 120, 2, 1, 0, 0), (121, 121, 2, 1, 0, 0), (122, 122, 2, 1, 0, 146), (123, 123, 2, 1, 0, 24), (124, 124, 2, 1, 0, 86), (125, 125, 2, 1, 0, 16), (126, 126, 2, 1, 0, 96), (127, 127, 2, 1, 0, 0), (128, 128, 2, 1, 0, 110), (129, 129, 2, 1, 0, 20), (130, 130, 2, 1, 0, 90), (131, 131, 2, 1, 0, 15), (132, 132, 2, 1, 0, 155), (133, 133, 2, 1, 0, 20), (134, 135, 2, 1, 0, 90), (135, 136, 2, 1, 0, 160), (136, 137, 2, 1, 0, 20), (137, 138, 2, 1, 0, 165), (138, 139, 2, 1, 0, 29), (139, 140, 2, 1, 0, 155), (140, 141, 2, 1, 0, 20), (141, 142, 2, 1, 0, 0), (142, 143, 2, 1, 0, 0), (143, 144, 2, 1, 0, 300), (144, 145, 2, 1, 0, 0), (145, 146, 2, 1, 0, 165), (146, 147, 2, 1, 0, 20), (147, 148, 2, 1, 0, 300), (148, 149, 2, 1, 0, 35), (149, 150, 2, 1, 0, 115), (150, 151, 2, 1, 0, 0), (151, 152, 2, 1, 0, 243), (152, 153, 2, 1, 0, 276), (153, 154, 2, 1, 0, 138), (154, 155, 2, 1, 0, 0), (155, 156, 2, 1, 0, 201), (156, 157, 2, 1, 0, 81), (157, 158, 2, 1, 0, 0), (158, 159, 2, 1, 0, 0), (159, 160, 2, 1, 0, 155), (160, 161, 2, 1, 0, 71), (161, 162, 2, 1, 0, 155), (162, 163, 2, 1, 0, 165), (163, 164, 2, 1, 0, 600), (164, 165, 2, 1, 0, 26), (165, 166, 2, 1, 0, 0), (166, 167, 2, 1, 0, 120), (167, 168, 2, 1, 0, 0), (168, 169, 2, 1, 0, 0), (169, 170, 2, 1, 0, 150), (170, 171, 2, 1, 0, 31), (171, 172, 2, 1, 0, 31), (172, 173, 2, 1, 0, 230), (173, 174, 2, 1, 0, 45), (174, 175, 2, 1, 0, 320), (175, 176, 2, 1, 0, 130), (176, 177, 2, 1, 0, 115), (177, 178, 2, 1, 0, 70), (178, 179, 2, 1, 0, 25), (179, 180, 2, 1, 0, 700), (180, 181, 2, 1, 0, 30), (181, 182, 2, 1, 0, 0), (182, 183, 2, 1, 0, 300), (183, 184, 2, 1, 0, 0), (184, 185, 2, 1, 0, 150), (185, 186, 2, 1, 0, 90), (186, 187, 2, 1, 0, 150), (187, 188, 2, 1, 0, 170), (188, 189, 2, 1, 0, 200), (189, 190, 2, 1, 0, 13), (190, 191, 2, 1, 0, 0), (191, 192, 2, 1, 0, 7), (192, 193, 2, 1, 0, 6), (193, 194, 2, 1, 0, 70), (194, 195, 2, 1, 0, 127), (195, 196, 2, 1, 0, 0), (196, 197, 2, 1, 0, 0), (197, 198, 2, 1, 0, 0), (198, 199, 2, 1, 0, 72), (199, 200, 2, 1, 0, 23), (200, 201, 2, 1, 0, 260), (201, 202, 2, 1, 0, 147), (202, 203, 2, 1, 0, 0), (203, 204, 2, 1, 0, 3), (204, 205, 2, 1, 0, 93), (205, 206, 2, 1, 0, 63), (206, 207, 2, 1, 0, 102), (207, 208, 2, 1, 0, 1), (208, 209, 2, 1, 0, 2), (209, 210, 2, 1, 0, 0), (210, 211, 2, 1, 0, 126), (211, 212, 2, 1, 0, 25), (212, 213, 2, 1, 0, 0), (213, 214, 2, 1, 0, 0), (214, 215, 2, 1, 0, 0), (215, 216, 2, 1, 0, 0), (216, 217, 2, 1, 0, 180), (217, 218, 2, 1, 0, 28), (218, 219, 2, 1, 0, 196), (219, 220, 2, 1, 0, 30), (220, 221, 2, 1, 0, 130), (221, 222, 2, 1, 0, 25), (222, 223, 2, 1, 0, 156), (223, 224, 2, 1, 0, 26), (224, 225, 2, 1, 0, 126), (225, 226, 2, 1, 0, 0), (226, 227, 2, 1, 0, 0), (227, 228, 2, 1, 0, 0), (228, 229, 2, 1, 0, 0), (229, 230, 2, 1, 0, 0), (230, 231, 2, 1, 0, 0), (231, 232, 2, 1, 0, 0), (232, 233, 2, 1, 0, 0), (233, 234, 2, 1, 0, 0), (234, 235, 2, 1, 0, 0), (235, 236, 2, 1, 0, 0), (236, 237, 2, 1, 0, 0), (237, 238, 2, 1, 0, 0), (238, 239, 2, 1, 0, 28), (239, 240, 2, 1, 0, 0), (240, 241, 2, 1, 0, 91), (241, 242, 2, 1, 0, 13), (242, 243, 2, 1, 0, 0), (243, 244, 2, 1, 0, 0), (244, 245, 2, 1, 0, 34), (245, 246, 2, 1, 0, 48), (246, 247, 2, 1, 0, 92), (247, 248, 2, 1, 0, 130), (248, 249, 2, 1, 0, 24), (249, 250, 2, 1, 0, 35), (250, 251, 2, 1, 0, 14), (251, 253, 2, 1, 0, 40), (252, 254, 2, 1, 0, 196), (253, 255, 2, 1, 0, 102), (254, 256, 2, 1, 0, 170), (255, 257, 2, 1, 0, 0), (256, 258, 2, 1, 0, 174), (257, 259, 2, 1, 0, 0), (258, 260, 2, 1, 0, 0), (259, 261, 2, 1, 0, 100), (260, 262, 2, 1, 0, 0), (261, 263, 2, 1, 0, 70), (262, 264, 2, 1, 0, 0), (263, 265, 2, 1, 0, 0), (264, 266, 2, 1, 0, 0), (265, 267, 2, 1, 0, 0), (266, 268, 2, 1, 0, 66), (267, 269, 2, 1, 0, 0), (268, 270, 2, 1, 0, 11), (269, 271, 2, 1, 0, 13), (270, 272, 2, 1, 0, 5), (271, 273, 2, 1, 0, 0), (272, 274, 2, 1, 0, 0), (273, 275, 2, 1, 0, 0), (274, 276, 2, 1, 0, 38), (275, 277, 2, 1, 0, 18), (276, 278, 2, 1, 0, 0), (277, 279, 2, 1, 0, 0), (278, 280, 2, 1, 0, 78), (279, 281, 2, 1, 0, 27), (280, 282, 2, 1, 0, 15), (281, 283, 2, 1, 0, 40), (282, 284, 2, 1, 0, 5), (283, 285, 2, 1, 0, 5), (284, 286, 2, 1, 0, 40), (285, 287, 2, 1, 0, 3), (286, 288, 2, 1, 0, 10), (287, 289, 2, 1, 0, 20), (288, 290, 2, 1, 0, 30), (289, 291, 2, 1, 0, 0), (290, 292, 2, 1, 0, 0), (291, 293, 2, 1, 0, 0), (292, 294, 2, 1, 0, 0), (293, 295, 2, 1, 0, 0), (294, 296, 2, 1, 0, 0), (295, 297, 2, 1, 0, 0), (296, 298, 2, 1, 0, 15), (297, 299, 2, 1, 0, 16), (298, 300, 2, 1, 0, 20), (299, 301, 2, 1, 0, 55), (300, 302, 2, 1, 0, 27), (301, 303, 2, 1, 0, 15), (302, 304, 2, 1, 0, 5.5), (303, 305, 2, 1, 0, 19), (304, 306, 2, 1, 0, 10), (305, 307, 2, 1, 0, 12), (306, 308, 2, 1, 0, 6.5), (307, 309, 2, 1, 0, 6.5), (308, 310, 2, 1, 0, 6), (309, 311, 2, 1, 0, 4), (310, 312, 2, 1, 0, 250), (311, 313, 2, 1, 0, 170), (312, 314, 2, 1, 0, 33), (313, 315, 2, 1, 0, 7), (314, 316, 2, 1, 0, 4), (315, 317, 2, 1, 0, 16), (316, 318, 2, 1, 0, 20), (317, 319, 2, 1, 0, 12), (318, 320, 2, 1, 0, 21), (319, 321, 2, 1, 0, 15.5), (320, 322, 2, 1, 0, 15), (321, 323, 2, 1, 0, 50), (322, 324, 2, 1, 0, 60), (323, 325, 2, 1, 0, 10), (324, 326, 2, 1, 0, 18), (325, 327, 2, 1, 0, 20), (326, 328, 2, 1, 0, 10), (327, 329, 2, 1, 0, 7), (328, 330, 2, 1, 0, 10), (329, 331, 2, 1, 0, 5), (330, 332, 2, 1, 0, 10), (331, 333, 2, 1, 0, 10), (332, 334, 2, 1, 0, 6), (333, 335, 2, 1, 0, 2.5), (334, 336, 2, 1, 0, 16), (335, 337, 2, 1, 0, 15.5), (336, 338, 2, 1, 0, 15.5), (337, 339, 2, 1, 0, 16), (338, 340, 2, 1, 0, 40), (339, 341, 2, 1, 0, 15.5), (340, 342, 2, 1, 0, 6), (341, 343, 2, 1, 0, 2.5), (342, 344, 2, 1, 0, 50), (343, 345, 2, 1, 0, 52), (344, 346, 2, 1, 0, 23), (345, 347, 2, 1, 0, 24), (346, 348, 2, 1, 0, 25), (347, 349, 2, 1, 0, 32), (348, 350, 2, 1, 0, 12), (349, 351, 2, 1, 0, 12), (350, 352, 2, 1, 0, 9), (351, 353, 2, 1, 0, 20), (352, 354, 2, 1, 0, 0), (353, 355, 2, 1, 0, 0), (354, 356, 2, 1, 0, 250), (355, 357, 2, 1, 0, 270), (356, 358, 2, 1, 0, 0), (357, 359, 2, 1, 0, 15), (358, 360, 2, 1, 0, 27), (359, 361, 2, 1, 0, 195), (360, 362, 2, 1, 0, 62), (361, 363, 2, 1, 0, 325), (362, 364, 2, 1, 0, 0), (363, 365, 2, 1, 0, 0), (364, 366, 2, 1, 0, 0), (365, 367, 2, 1, 0, 0), (366, 368, 2, 1, 0, 316), (367, 369, 2, 1, 0, 16), (368, 370, 2, 1, 0, 0), (369, 371, 2, 1, 0, 26), (370, 372, 2, 1, 0, 0), (371, 373, 2, 1, 0, 0), (372, 374, 2, 1, 0, 71), (373, 375, 2, 1, 0, 1), (374, 376, 2, 1, 0, 0), (375, 377, 2, 1, 0, 0), (376, 378, 2, 1, 0, 12), (377, 379, 2, 1, 0, 59), (378, 380, 2, 1, 0, 0), (379, 381, 2, 1, 0, 65), (380, 382, 2, 1, 0, 0), (381, 383, 2, 1, 0, 146), (382, 384, 2, 1, 0, 113), (383, 385, 2, 1, 0, 240), (384, 386, 2, 1, 0, 0), (385, 387, 2, 1, 0, 35), (386, 388, 2, 1, 0, 0), (387, 393, 1, 50, 0, 0), (388, 393, 2, 1, 0, 0), (389, 395, 2, 1, 0, 0), (390, 396, 2, 1, 0, 230), (391, 397, 2, 1, 0, 243), (392, 398, 2, 1, 0, 300), (393, 399, 2, 1, 0, 220), (394, 401, 2, 1, 0, 600), (395, 402, 2, 1, 0, 170), (396, 403, 2, 1, 0, 0), (397, 404, 2, 1, 0, 8), (398, 405, 2, 1, 0, 15), (399, 406, 2, 1, 0, 79), (400, 412, 2, 1, 0, 126), (401, 414, 2, 1, 0, 290), (402, 415, 2, 1, 0, 22), (403, 416, 2, 1, 0, 207), (404, 417, 2, 1, 0, 0), (405, 418, 2, 1, 0, 0), (406, 419, 2, 1, 0, 180), (407, 420, 2, 1, 0, 18), (408, 421, 2, 1, 0, 19), (409, 422, 2, 1, 0, 23), (410, 423, 2, 1, 0, 0), (411, 424, 2, 1, 0, 170), (412, 425, 2, 1, 0, 0), (413, 426, 2, 1, 0, 0), (414, 427, 2, 1, 0, 16), (415, 429, 2, 1, 0, 0), (416, 430, 2, 1, 0, 0), (417, 431, 2, 1, 0, 0), (418, 432, 2, 1, 0, 0), (419, 434, 2, 1, 0, 150), (420, 435, 2, 1, 0, 0), (421, 436, 2, 1, 0, 62), (422, 437, 2, 1, 0, 0), (423, 438, 2, 1, 0, 45), (424, 439, 2, 1, 0, 0), (425, 440, 2, 1, 0, 0), (426, 441, 2, 1, 0, 160), (427, 442, 2, 1, 0, 35), (428, 443, 2, 1, 0, 145), (429, 444, 2, 1, 0, 16), (430, 445, 2, 1, 0, 18), (431, 446, 2, 1, 0, 0), (432, 447, 2, 1, 0, 300), (433, 449, 2, 1, 0, 25), (434, 450, 2, 1, 0, 81), (435, 451, 2, 1, 0, 1.5), (436, 452, 2, 1, 0, 0), (437, 453, 2, 1, 0, 55), (438, 454, 2, 1, 0, 13), (439, 455, 2, 1, 0, 39), (440, 456, 2, 1, 0, 23), (441, 457, 2, 1, 0, 3.5), (442, 458, 2, 1, 0, 235), (443, 459, 2, 1, 0, 20), (444, 460, 2, 1, 0, 20), (445, 461, 2, 1, 0, 18), (446, 462, 2, 1, 0, 247), (447, 463, 2, 1, 0, 80), (448, 464, 2, 1, 0, 5), (449, 465, 2, 1, 0, 157), (450, 466, 2, 1, 0, 24), (451, 467, 2, 1, 0, 144), (452, 468, 2, 1, 0, 63), (453, 469, 2, 1, 0, 200), (454, 470, 2, 1, 0, 300), (455, 471, 2, 1, 0, 14), (456, 472, 2, 1, 0, 90), (457, 473, 2, 1, 0, 0), (458, 474, 2, 1, 0, 77), (459, 475, 2, 1, 0, 137), (460, 476, 2, 1, 0, 75), (461, 477, 2, 1, 0, 22), (462, 478, 2, 1, 0, 60), (463, 479, 2, 1, 0, 24), (464, 480, 2, 1, 0, 12), (465, 481, 2, 1, 0, 13), (466, 482, 2, 1, 0, 170), (467, 483, 2, 1, 0, 148), (468, 484, 2, 1, 0, 119), (469, 485, 2, 1, 0, 41), (470, 486, 2, 1, 0, 102), (471, 487, 2, 1, 0, 8), (472, 488, 2, 1, 0, 130), (473, 489, 2, 1, 0, 53), (474, 490, 2, 1, 0, 126), (475, 491, 2, 1, 0, 42), (476, 492, 2, 1, 0, 79), (477, 493, 2, 1, 0, 60), (478, 494, 2, 1, 0, 120), (479, 495, 2, 1, 0, 125), (480, 496, 2, 1, 0, 250), (481, 497, 2, 1, 0, 17), (482, 498, 2, 1, 0, 29), (483, 499, 2, 1, 0, 297), (484, 500, 2, 1, 125, 140), (485, 501, 2, 1, 0, 77), (486, 502, 2, 1, 0, 101), (487, 503, 2, 1, 0, 40), (488, 504, 6, 1, 0, 20), (489, 504, 5, 2, 0, 40), (490, 505, 6, 1, 0, 2), (491, 506, 2, 1, 0, 0), (492, 507, 2, 1, 0, 200), (493, 508, 2, 1, 0, 200), (494, 509, 2, 1, 0, 17), (495, 510, 2, 1, 0, 85), (496, 511, 2, 1, 0, 17), (497, 512, 2, 1, 0, 11), (498, 513, 2, 1, 0, 12), (499, 514, 2, 1, 0, 19), (500, 515, 2, 1, 0, 185), (501, 516, 2, 1, 0, 52), (502, 517, 2, 1, 0, 153), (503, 518, 2, 1, 0, 50), (504, 519, 2, 1, 0, 22), (505, 520, 2, 1, 0, 39), (506, 521, 2, 1, 0, 200), (507, 522, 2, 1, 0, 151), (508, 523, 2, 1, 0, 171), (509, 524, 2, 1, 0, 240), (510, 525, 2, 1, 0, 24), (511, 526, 2, 1, 0, 17), (512, 527, 2, 1, 0, 19), (513, 528, 2, 1, 0, 147), (514, 529, 7, 25, 0, 40), (515, 529, 6, 1, 0, 5), (516, 530, 2, 1, 0, 300), (517, 531, 2, 1, 0, 147), (518, 532, 2, 1, 0, 80), (519, 533, 2, 1, 0, 33), (520, 534, 2, 1, 0, 95), (521, 535, 2, 1, 0, 132), (522, 536, 2, 1, 0, 55), (523, 537, 2, 1, 0, 73), (524, 538, 2, 1, 0, 0), (525, 539, 2, 1, 0, 101), (526, 540, 2, 1, 0, 120), (527, 541, 2, 1, 0, 156), (528, 542, 2, 1, 0, 0), (529, 542, 6, 1, 0, 0), (530, 543, 2, 1, 0, 22), (531, 544, 2, 1, 0, 165), (532, 545, 2, 1, 0, 170), (533, 546, 2, 1, 0, 24), (534, 547, 2, 1, 0, 108), (535, 548, 2, 1, 0, 260), (536, 549, 2, 1, 0, 85), (537, 550, 2, 1, 0, 160), (538, 551, 2, 1, 0, 85), (539, 552, 2, 1, 0, 0), (540, 553, 2, 1, 0, 18), (541, 554, 2, 1, 0, 161), (542, 555, 2, 1, 0, 29), (543, 556, 2, 1, 0, 32), (544, 557, 2, 1, 0, 140), (545, 558, 2, 1, 0, 0), (546, 559, 2, 1, 0, 0), (547, 560, 2, 1, 0, 0), (548, 561, 2, 1, 0, 95), (549, 562, 2, 1, 0, 0), (550, 563, 2, 1, 0, 0), (551, 564, 2, 1, 0, 17), (552, 565, 2, 1, 0, 203), (553, 566, 2, 1, 0, 29), (554, 567, 2, 1, 0, 19), (555, 568, 2, 1, 0, 19), (556, 569, 2, 1, 0, 100), (557, 570, 2, 1, 0, 75), (558, 571, 2, 1, 0, 82), (559, 572, 2, 1, 0, 67), (560, 573, 2, 1, 0, 187), (561, 574, 2, 1, 0, 77), (562, 575, 2, 1, 0, 51), (563, 576, 2, 1, 0, 24), (564, 577, 2, 1, 0, 140), (565, 578, 2, 1, 0, 67), (566, 579, 2, 1, 0, 130), (567, 580, 2, 1, 0, 15), (568, 581, 2, 1, 0, 40), (569, 582, 6, 1, 0, 0), (570, 583, 6, 1, 0, 0), (571, 584, 6, 1, 0, 0), (572, 585, 6, 1, 0, 0), (573, 586, 2, 1, 0, 0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `item_unit_lnk` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.money_denom_code CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `money_denom_code` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `money_value` double DEFAULT NULL, `unit` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.money_denom_code: ~11 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `money_denom_code` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `money_denom_code` (`id`, `money_value`, `unit`) VALUES (1, 50, 'cedis'), (2, 20, 'cedis'), (3, 10, 'cedis'), (4, 5, 'cedis'), (5, 2, 'cedis'), (6, 1, 'cedis'), (7, 0.5, 'pessewa'), (8, 0.2, 'pessewa'), (9, 0.1, 'pessewa'), (10, 0.05, 'pessewa'), (11, 0.01, 'pessewa'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `money_denom_code` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.money_denom_trans CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `money_denom_trans` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `money_value` double DEFAULT NULL, `count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `total` double DEFAULT NULL, `user` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.money_denom_trans: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `money_denom_trans` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `money_denom_trans` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.pricing_type CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pricing_type` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `pricing_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `default_data` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.pricing_type: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pricing_type` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pricing_type` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.purchases CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `purchases` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `suppl_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `voucher_id` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `discount` double DEFAULT 0, `total_amount_debit` double DEFAULT 0, `total_amount_credit` double DEFAULT 0, `momo_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `cheque_amount` double DEFAULT 0, `current_bal` double DEFAULT 0, `change_given` double DEFAULT 0, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `buyer` int(11) NOT NULL, `del_notes` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `del_reason_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` int(11) DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2109 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.purchases: ~2,108 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `purchases` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `purchases` (`id`, `trans_date`, `suppl_id`, `trans_type`, `voucher_id`, `branch_id`, `discount`, `total_amount_debit`, `total_amount_credit`, `momo_amount`, `cheque_amount`, `current_bal`, `change_given`, `notes`, `buyer`, `del_notes`, `del_reason_id`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '2019-01-22', 1, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'madam matilda asked her manager to effect ft into her account', 1, NULL, NULL, 1), (2, '2019-01-22', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 33292, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'being owings of above amount paid through ft.', 1, NULL, NULL, 0), (3, '2019-02-05', 1, 'open_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 12525, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0), (4, '2019-02-05', 1, 'open_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 2035, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0), (5, '2019-02-05', 22, 'open_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 33292, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0), (6, '2019-02-01', 0, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'payment was made by mr opoku', 1, NULL, NULL, 0), (7, '2019-03-13', 6, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4290, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'payment of \r\n33bags of local fish at ghs130.00', 1, NULL, NULL, 1), (8, '2019-03-04', 6, 'cash_invoice', '000001', 1, NULL, 4290, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'local fish supplied by agya collins', 1, NULL, NULL, 1), (9, '2019-03-13', 6, 'open_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1), (10, '2019-03-26', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'cost for the order of 100bags of white shells paid to md. konadu.', 1, NULL, NULL, 1), (11, '2019-03-26', 24, 'open_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1), (12, '2019-07-02', 25, 'cash_invoice', '001597', 1, NULL, 65000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'purchase from sonal global ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (13, '2019-07-06', 26, 'credit_invoice', '0012061', 1, NULL, 0, 49440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'purchases make of nemovit =48 product', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (14, '2019-07-08', 26, 'credit_invoice', '0012061', 1, NULL, 0, 3000, 0, 0, 49440, 0, 'purchases make of aliseryl kg=24 product', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (15, '2019-07-08', 26, 'cash_invoice', '0012061', 1, NULL, 1644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'purchases make of doxin =12 product', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (16, '2019-07-06', 26, 'credit_invoice', '0012061', 1, NULL, 0, 7944, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'purchases make of nemovit=48 product\r\naliseryl=24 product\r\ndoxin =12 product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (17, '2019-07-06', 26, 'cash_invoice', '0012061', 1, NULL, 1644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'purchases make of doxin kg =12 product', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (18, '2019-07-06', 26, 'credit_invoice', '0012061', 1, NULL, 0, 1644, 0, 0, 7944, 0, 'purchases make of doxin kg =12 product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (19, '2019-07-08', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5368.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'pmt made to omni bank \r\nac no 1003020918000 by emmanuel', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (20, '2019-07-08', 27, 'open_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (21, '2019-07-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '017824', 1, NULL, 0, 24277.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'cost of product from frankatson by mr opoku', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (22, '2019-07-12', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011222', 1, NULL, 0, 9785, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from dexvet ghana ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (23, '2019-07-12', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011186', 1, NULL, 0, 3710, 0, 0, 9785, 0, 'product from dexvet ghana ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (24, '2019-07-13', 23, 'credit_invoice', '781332', 1, NULL, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from irani brothers and others ltd by driver - dauda', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (25, '2019-07-16', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0002270', 1, NULL, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil( hendrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (26, '2019-07-15', 12, 'credit_invoice', '000829', 1, NULL, 0, 35250, 0, 0, 24277.5, 0, 'product from frankatson yer champri', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (27, '2019-07-17', 15, 'credit_invoice', '0673', 1, NULL, 0, 10740, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from reiss and company ghana ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (28, '2019-07-17', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 537, 0, 0, 0, 10740, 0, 'less 5% discount of product by reiss and company', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (29, '2019-07-20', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0004469/0004470', 1, NULL, 0, 104800, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'product from safrip ghana by lucy paintsil', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (30, '2019-07-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '1703', 1, NULL, 0, 68750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (31, '2019-07-25', 30, 'cash_invoice', '0027045', 1, NULL, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from takoradi flour mill ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (32, '2019-07-26', 17, 'cash_invoice', '0466', 1, NULL, 19277.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from bro sammy white shells', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (33, '2019-07-29', 8, 'cash_invoice', '0202', 1, NULL, 30615, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from agya-sei (maize)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (34, '2019-07-29', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 7200, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 'product from dora konadu to techiman (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (35, '2019-07-31', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10203, 0, 0, 0, 10203, 0, 'full payment made to reiss and company 31-07-2019', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (36, '2019-07-31', 29, 'cash_invoice', '903732', 1, NULL, 15300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (37, '2019-07-31', 29, 'credit_invoice', '903732', 1, NULL, 0, 15300, 0, 0, 68750, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (38, '2019-07-31', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16800, 0, 0, 0, 16800, 0, 'full payment made to dora konadu at access bank', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (39, '2019-07-31', 12, 'cash_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 28380, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from frankatson', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (40, '2019-07-31', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 28380, 0, 0, 59527.5, 0, 'product from frankatson', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (41, '2019-07-31', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 709.5, 0, 0, 0, 87907.5, 0, 'payment of discount by frankatson', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (42, '2019-07-31', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 7200, 0, 0, 87198, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (43, '2019-08-02', 32, 'credit_invoice', '003242', 1, NULL, 0, 8800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from shinefeel (egg tray)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (44, '2019-08-06', 23, 'credit_invoice', '784133/784132', 1, NULL, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'products from irani brothers & others ltd (wheatbran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (45, '2019-08-07', 28, 'credit_invoice', '00005459', 1, NULL, 0, 44000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from jubaili agrotec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (46, '2019-08-08', 33, 'cash_invoice', '12', 1, NULL, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from nana kwame layer premix and local dicalcium', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (47, '2019-08-09', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 126800, 0, 'payment by bank transfer by c.e.o 09-08-2019(hendrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (48, '2019-08-09', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 44000, 0, 'payment by bank transfer by c.e.o 09-08-2019', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (49, '2019-08-12', 23, 'credit_invoice', '784972', 1, NULL, 0, 3200, 0, 0, 8000, 0, 'product from irani brothers and others ltd (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (50, '2019-08-12', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0001788', 1, NULL, 0, 33450, 0, 0, 104800, 0, 'product from quality farms (hendrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (51, '2019-08-08', 10, 'cash_invoice', '2786', 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from multivet (macro premix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (52, '2019-08-08', 10, 'credit_invoice', '2992', 1, NULL, 0, 11724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (53, '2019-08-08', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 351.7, 0, 0, 0, 11724, 0, 'discount payment made on product by multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (54, '2019-08-08', 10, 'credit_invoice', '2993', 1, NULL, 0, 3370, 0, 0, 11372.3, 0, 'product from multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (55, '2019-08-08', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 101.1, 0, 0, 0, 14742.3, 0, 'discount payment made by multivet on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (56, '2019-08-15', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 104800, 0, 0, 0, 138250, 0, 'payment made to lucy paintsil ( f .soya) by bank transfer by c.e.o 15-08-2019', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (57, '2019-08-13', 34, 'cash_invoice', '000000101', 1, NULL, 1170, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from collins poultry feed (local fish )', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (58, '2019-08-17', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 5600, 0, 0, 11200, 0, 'product from dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (59, '2019-08-19', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 16800, 0, 'part payment made to dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (60, '2019-08-19', 30, 'cash_invoice', 'wbtfmind000096372', 1, NULL, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from takordi flour mill ltd (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (61, '2019-08-16', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 35250, 0, 0, 0, 94398, 0, 'payment made to frankatson by bank transfer by moonlight (layer concentrate)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (62, '2019-08-20', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0004589', 1, NULL, 0, 39300, 0, 0, 33450, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (f. soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (63, '2019-08-20', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 100, 0, 0, 0, 72750, 0, 'part payment made to lucy paintsil (f. soya )', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (64, '2019-08-21', 25, 'cash_invoice', '001930', 1, NULL, 63500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from sonal global ltd (f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (65, '2019-08-21', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000102', 1, NULL, 0, 4940, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (66, '2019-08-22', 16, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 5400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from alex (black shells)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (67, '2019-08-23', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 189, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from ebo (3-sulfa)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (68, '2019-08-26', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0036998', 1, NULL, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 6800, 0, 'product from irani brothers and others ltd(wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (69, '2019-08-27', 26, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9588, 0, 0, 0, 9588, 0, 'full payment made to mark adu on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (70, '2019-08-28', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'full payment made to jubaili agrotec on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (71, '2019-08-29', 35, 'cash_invoice', '0007672/0007673', 1, NULL, 1665, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from ernejoyson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (72, '2019-08-29', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8800, 0, 0, 0, 8800, 0, 'full payment made to shinefeel gh ltd (egg tray) by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (73, '2019-08-29', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4940, 0, 0, 0, 4940, 0, 'full payment made to collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (74, '2019-08-30', 11, 'credit_invoice', '052212', 1, NULL, 0, 10014, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from maridav', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (75, '2019-08-30', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0289', 1, NULL, 0, 5400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from ess vee agro ltd (broiler starter mash)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (76, '2019-09-03', 37, 'cash_invoice', '227', 1, NULL, 1900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from dannex ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (77, '2019-09-03', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20580, 0, 0, 0, 84050, 0, 'part payment made to koudijs poultry feed ifo goods return back(210*98)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (78, '2019-09-04', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 63470, 0, 0, 0, 63470, 0, 'full payment made to koudijs poultry feed by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (79, '2019-09-06', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 33450, 0, 0, 0, 72650, 0, 'full payment made to lucy paintsil (hendrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (80, '2019-09-06', 29, 'credit_invoice', '903725', 1, NULL, 0, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (81, '2019-09-06', 38, 'cash_invoice', '0053172', 1, NULL, 4707.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from tema flour mills (layer mash sankofa)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (82, '2019-09-09', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 11600, 0, 'product from dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (83, '2019-09-09', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 20600, 0, 'part payment made to dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (84, '2019-09-09', 39, 'credit_invoice', '052', 1, NULL, 0, 8910, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr fataw (local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (85, '2019-09-10', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 500, 0, 0, 0, 8910, 0, 'part payment made to mr fataw(local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (86, '2019-09-11', 38, 'cash_invoice', '9053009', 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from flour mills tema(sankofa chick mash)', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (87, '2019-09-11', 38, 'cash_invoice', '9053009', 1, NULL, 5207.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from flour mills tema(sankofa chick mash)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (88, '2019-09-11', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13495, 0, 0, 0, 13495, 0, 'full payment made to dexvet on drugs', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (89, '2019-09-11', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0010495', 1, NULL, 0, 28875, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product fro dexvet drugs', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (90, '2019-09-11', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1444, 0, 0, 0, 28875, 0, 'discount payment made to dexvet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (91, '2019-09-11', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011239', 1, NULL, 0, 4100, 0, 0, 27431, 0, 'product from dexvet ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (92, '2019-09-11', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from nana kwame (layer premix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (93, '2019-09-11', 25, 'cash_invoice', '002094', 1, NULL, 63000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from sonal global ltd(f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (94, '2019-09-12', 25, 'cash_invoice', '002115', 1, NULL, 63000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from sonal global ltd(f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (95, '2019-09-13', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0003626', 1, NULL, 0, 8800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from shinefeel (egg tray)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (96, '2019-09-14', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000104', 1, NULL, 0, 6370, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (97, '2019-09-13', 17, 'cash_invoice', '0468', 1, NULL, 19250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from bro sammy (w.shells)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (98, '2019-09-16', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0003867', 1, NULL, 0, 11470, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from ashvet ghana ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (99, '2019-09-16', 27, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 31200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mamps service (alfa)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (100, '2019-09-17', 23, 'cash_invoice', '0001786', 1, NULL, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from maa dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (101, '2019-09-17', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0001786', 1, NULL, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 11600, 0, 'product from maa dora konadu(wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (102, '2019-09-17', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0332', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 5400, 0, 'product from ess vee agro (broiler starter)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (103, '2019-09-17', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 20600, 0, 'part payment made to dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (104, '2019-09-15', 8, 'cash_invoice', '0206', 1, NULL, 25544, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from agya-sei(maize)', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (105, '2019-09-16', 8, 'cash_invoice', '0206', 1, NULL, 25544, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from agya-sei (maize)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (106, '2019-09-19', 19, 'credit_invoice', '8864483', 1, NULL, 0, 35916, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mark adu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (107, '2019-09-19', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5400, 0, 0, 0, 16200, 0, 'part payment made to raj essvee agro pvt ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (108, '2019-09-23', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr ebo (3 sulfa)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (109, '2019-09-23', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2163', 1, NULL, 0, 22500, 0, 0, 45000, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed( 5%koudijs)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (110, '2019-09-27', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 50000, 0, 0, 0, 59148, 0, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd moonlight farms', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (111, '2019-09-27', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 39200, 0, 0, 0, 39200, 0, 'full payment made to lucy paintsil', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (112, '2019-09-27', 23, 'credit_invoice', '8130205732', 1, NULL, 0, 13500, 0, 0, 5600, 0, 'product from madam dora konadu (wheat bran) 900 bags', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (113, '2019-09-28', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0360', 1, NULL, 0, 4600, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 'product from essvee agro pvt ltd (layer mash)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (114, '2019-09-27', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 3900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mad elizabeth (copra cake)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (115, '2019-09-28', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from uncle ebo (3-sulfa)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (116, '2019-10-01', 19, 'credit_invoice', '8864475', 1, NULL, 0, 25368, 0, 0, 35916, 0, 'product from mark adu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (117, '2019-10-01', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, NULL, 0, 4554, 0, 0, 9148, 0, 'product frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (118, '2019-10-01', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 113.85, 0, 0, 0, 13702, 0, 'payment made by frankatson of product by discount', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (119, '2019-10-01', 42, 'cash_invoice', '28324', 1, NULL, 342, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from costa pharmacy', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (120, '2019-10-01', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 19100, 0, 'product from mad dora konnadu(wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (121, '2019-10-01', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 23600, 0, 'part payment made to madam dora konadu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (122, '2019-10-01', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 31200, 0, 0, 0, 31200, 0, 'full payment made to mamps service by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (123, '2019-10-02', 15, 'credit_invoice', '1450', 1, NULL, 0, 19440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from reiss and company ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (124, '2019-10-02', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 972, 0, 0, 0, 19440, 0, 'discount payment made by reiss and company', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (125, '2019-10-02', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0004770', 1, NULL, 0, 76800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (126, '2019-10-02', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0009551', 1, NULL, 0, 44600, 0, 0, 76800, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (hendrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (127, '2019-10-02', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 45540, 0, 0, 13588.15, 0, 'product from frankatson ( layer champrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (128, '2019-10-04', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 8410, 0, 'part payment made to mr fataw local soya', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (129, '2019-10-04', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 25600, 0, 0, 121400, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (130, '2019-10-07', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 15400, 0, 'part payment made to ess vee agro pvt ltd on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (131, '2019-10-07', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 6370, 0, 'part payment made to amankwa local fish', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (132, '2019-10-08', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0000008', 1, NULL, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 3600, 0, 'product from mad dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (133, '2019-10-09', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9148.15, 0, 0, 0, 59128.15, 0, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (134, '2019-10-09', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 67500, 0, 0, 0, 67500, 0, 'full payment made to koudijs poultry feed by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (135, '2019-10-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2334', 1, NULL, 0, 67500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (136, '2019-10-14', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8800, 0, 0, 0, 8800, 0, 'full payment made to shinefeel gh co ltd (egg tray)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (137, '2019-10-14', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 12600, 0, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (138, '2019-10-15', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2370, 0, 0, 0, 2370, 0, 'full payment made to collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (139, '2019-10-16', 44, 'cash_invoice', 'c0002780909', 1, NULL, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from olam ltd (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (140, '2019-10-17', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2411', 1, NULL, 0, 34500, 0, 0, 67500, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (141, '2019-10-18', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 14641.2, 0, 0, 0, 14641.2, 0, 'full payment made to multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (142, '2019-10-18', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13948, 0, 0, 0, 49980, 0, 'part payment made to frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (143, '2019-10-19', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 7600, 0, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (144, '2019-10-19', 10, 'credit_invoice', '4389', 1, NULL, 0, 8238, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (145, '2019-10-19', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 247.14, 0, 0, 0, 8238, 0, 'payment by multivet on discount on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (146, '2019-10-22', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 36032, 0, 0, 0, 36032, 0, 'full payment made to frankatson by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (147, '2019-10-22', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 102000, 0, 'part payment made to koudijs poultry feed bt bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (148, '2019-10-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2456', 1, NULL, 0, 21000, 0, 0, 80000, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed (20% koudijs)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (149, '2019-10-22', 25, 'cash_invoice', '002433/002430', 1, NULL, 126000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from sonal global ltd ( f. soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (150, '2019-10-22', 28, 'credit_invoice', '0005065/0005064', 1, NULL, 0, 65000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from jubaili agrotec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (151, '2019-10-23', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0419', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 4600, 0, 'product from ess vee agro pvt ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (152, '2019-10-23', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 14964, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (153, '2019-10-23', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 374.1, 0, 0, 0, 14964, 0, 'payment made to frankatson by discount on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (154, '2019-10-23', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, NULL, 0, 13100, 0, 0, 14589.9, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (155, '2019-10-23', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 27689.9, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (156, '2019-10-24', 45, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 25370, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr abdul (maize)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (157, '2019-10-24', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 17000, 0, 0, 0, 25370, 0, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize supplier', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (158, '2019-10-24', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0001695', 2, NULL, 0, 7500, 0, 0, 3600, 0, 'product from madam dora konadu (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (159, '2019-10-25', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3410, 0, 0, 0, 3410, 0, 'full payment made to mr fataw (local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (160, '2019-10-25', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4600, 0, 0, 0, 15400, 0, 'full payment made to ess vee agro pvt ltd (layer mash)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (161, '2019-10-28', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000105', 1, NULL, 0, 5200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (162, '2019-10-28', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10014, 0, 0, 0, 10014, 0, 'full payment made to maridav on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (163, '2019-10-28', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 18468, 0, 0, 0, 18468, 0, 'full payment made to reiss and co ltd by ofori', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (164, '2019-10-28', 11, 'credit_invoice', '052240', 1, NULL, 0, 15018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from maridav', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (165, '2019-10-30', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130057403', 1, NULL, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from olam ghana ltd (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (166, '2019-10-31', 12, 'credit_invoice', '013676', 1, NULL, 0, 9136, 0, 0, 50689.9, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (167, '2019-10-31', 12, 'credit_invoice', '013676', 1, NULL, 0, 9136, 0, 0, 50689.9, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (168, '2019-10-31', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 228.4, 0, 0, 0, 59825.9, 0, 'payment made by frankatson ltd by discount on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (169, '2019-10-31', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, NULL, 0, 5890, 0, 0, 59597.5, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (170, '2019-10-31', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 147.25, 0, 0, 0, 65487.5, 0, 'payment made by frankatson ltd by discount on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (171, '2019-11-01', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0003910', 1, NULL, 0, 13200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from shinefeel gh ltd (egg tray)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (172, '2019-11-01', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 65000, 0, 'part payment made to jubaili agro tec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (173, '2019-11-01', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 200, 0, 0, 0, 35000, 0, 'payment made by discount by jubaili agrotec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (174, '2019-11-04', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 147000, 0, 0, 0, 147000, 0, 'full payment made to lucy paintsil by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (175, '2019-11-02', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from nana kwame (layer premix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (176, '2019-11-02', 17, 'cash_invoice', '0469', 1, NULL, 29000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from bro sammy(w.shells)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (177, '2019-11-01', 39, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 12100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr fataw (local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (178, '2019-10-01', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, NULL, 0, 4554, 0, 0, 60786.25, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (179, '2019-11-01', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 12100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr fataw (local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (180, '2019-11-05', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7500, 0, 0, 0, 11100, 0, 'part payment made to mad dora konadu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (181, '2019-11-06', 8, 'credit_invoice', '0219', 1, NULL, 0, 27270, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr osei (russian fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (182, '2019-11-06', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 27270, 0, 'part payment made to mr osei', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (183, '2019-11-08', 46, 'cash_invoice', '0011647', 1, NULL, 18088, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from essaar agro (fish meal)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (184, '2019-11-08', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0001101', 1, NULL, 0, 9300, 0, 0, 3600, 0, 'product from mad dora (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (185, '2019-11-08', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8370, 0, 0, 0, 8370, 0, 'full payment made to mr abdul (maize supplier)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (186, '2019-11-08', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 5200, 0, 'part payment made to mr collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (187, '2019-11-11', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13200, 0, 0, 0, 13200, 0, 'full payment made to shinefeel gh co ltd (eggb tray)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (188, '2019-11-09', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3700, 0, 0, 0, 3700, 0, 'full payment made to collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (189, '2019-11-11', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 101000, 0, 0, 0, 101000, 0, 'full payment made to koudijs poultry feed by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (190, '2019-11-11', 10, 'cash_invoice', '4480', 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from multivet (macro premix )', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (191, '2019-11-11', 12, 'cash_invoice', '55', 1, NULL, 1680, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from frankatson (gro up)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (192, '2019-11-12', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 'full part made to ess vee agro pvt ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (193, '2019-11-12', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0478', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from essvee agro pvt ltd (broiler mash )', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (194, '2019-11-07', 28, 'credit_invoice', '00008185', 1, NULL, 0, 4039, 0, 0, 34800, 0, 'product from jubaili agro tec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (195, '2019-11-13', 12, 'cash_invoice', '19', 1, NULL, 672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd ( oyeadieyie)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (196, '2019-11-13', 29, 'credit_invoice', '25671', 1, NULL, 0, 34500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (197, '2019-11-13', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0004951', 1, NULL, 0, 76800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (f. soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (198, '2019-11-14', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 61284, 0, 'part payment made to mark adu kodie by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (199, '2019-11-15', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0004969', 1, NULL, 0, 25600, 0, 0, 76800, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (200, '2019-11-16', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 25600, 0, 0, 102400, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (f.soya) to techiman', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (201, '2019-11-16', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 31531, 0, 0, 0, 31531, 0, 'full payment made to dexvet ghana ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (202, '2019-11-16', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 12100, 0, 'part payment made mr fataw (local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (203, '2019-11-16', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0009555', 1, NULL, 0, 33450, 0, 0, 128000, 0, 'product from lucy paintsil (hendrix)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (204, '2019-11-18', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0010841', 1, NULL, 0, 5925, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from dexvet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (205, '2019-11-18', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 296, 0, 0, 0, 5925, 0, 'discount payment made by dexvet on prodcut', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (206, '2019-11-18', 14, 'cash_invoice', '0011318', 1, NULL, 7100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (207, '2019-11-18', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011318', 1, NULL, 0, 7100, 0, 0, 5629, 0, 'product from dexvet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (208, '2019-11-20', 12, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (209, '2019-11-20', 47, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 820, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (210, '2019-11-19', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from olam ghana ltd (wheat bran)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (211, '2019-11-20', 11, 'cash_invoice', '0060602', 1, NULL, 4428, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from maridav', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (212, '2019-11-20', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 38839, 0, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (213, '2019-11-20', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 130, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (214, '2019-11-21', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (215, '2019-11-21', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (216, '2019-11-21', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0507', 1, NULL, 0, 10500, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 'product from ess vee agro pvt ltd (broiler concentrate)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (217, '2019-11-22', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 21270, 0, 0, 0, 21270, 0, 'full payment made to agya -sei (russian fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (218, '2019-11-23', 45, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 20400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from mr abdul (maize dry)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (219, '2019-11-23', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 20400, 0, 'part payment made to mr abdul (maize dry)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (220, '2019-11-23', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0513', 1, NULL, 0, 4600, 0, 0, 21300, 0, 'product from ess vee agro pvt ltd ( ess vee layer mash )', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (221, '2019-11-23', 29, 'credit_invoice', '0077330', 1, NULL, 0, 28900, 0, 0, 34500, 0, 'product fro koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (222, '2019-11-25', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000106', 1, NULL, 0, 5460, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from collins amankwa (local fish)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (223, '2019-11-25', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 12900, 0, 'part payment made to maa dora konadu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (224, '2019-11-25', 23, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 300, 0, 3900, 0, 'part payment made to maa doro konadu by mtn momo pay', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (225, '2019-11-26', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2787', 1, NULL, 0, 16100, 0, 0, 63400, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (226, '2019-11-26', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 65340, 0, 0, 0, 65340.25, 0, 'full payment made to frankatson by bank transfer by c.e.o', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (227, '2019-11-27', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 500, 0, 0, 0, 25900, 0, 'payment made by discount by essvee', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (228, '2019-11-27', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 19400, 0, 'part payment made to mr abdul maize supplier', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (229, '2019-11-28', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11100, 0, 0, 0, 11100, 0, 'full payment made to mr fataw (local soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (230, '2019-11-28', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15400, 0, 0, 0, 25400, 0, 'part payment made to ess vee agro pvt ltd on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (231, '2019-11-30', 48, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 250, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (232, '2019-12-03', 12, 'credit_invoice', '000512', 1, NULL, 0, 27600, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 'product from frankatson ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (233, '2019-12-04', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0004091', 1, NULL, 0, 13200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (234, '2019-12-04', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13839, 0, 0, 0, 13839, 0, 'full payment made to jubaili agrotec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (235, '2019-12-06', 49, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (236, '2019-12-05', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5460, 0, 0, 0, 5460, 0, 'full payment made to collins amankwa', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (237, '2019-12-06', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9400, 0, 0, 0, 9400, 0, 'full payment made to mr abdul (maize)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (238, '2019-12-07', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 128000, 0, 0, 0, 161450, 0, 'part payment made to lucy paintsil (f.soya)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (239, '2019-12-07', 23, 'credit_invoice', '798456/798455', 1, NULL, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 3600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (240, '2019-12-08', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 79500, 0, 0, 0, 79500, 0, 'full payment made to koudijs poultry feed', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (241, '2019-12-08', 29, 'cash_invoice', '2877', 1, NULL, 34250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (242, '2019-12-08', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2877', 1, NULL, 0, 34250, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (243, '2019-12-08', 8, 'credit_invoice', '0222', 1, NULL, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (244, '2019-12-08', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 'part payment made to mr osei', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (245, '2019-12-10', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005082', 1, NULL, 0, 76800, 0, 0, 33450, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (246, '2019-12-11', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 11600, 0, 'part payment made to dora konadu', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (247, '2019-12-13', 16, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 5380, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (248, '2019-12-13', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'product from daniel b ventures (shells)', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (249, '2019-12-13', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 25000, 0, 'part payment made to daniel b ventures', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (250, '2019-12-14', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 7750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (251, '2019-12-16', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 21284, 0, 0, 0, 21284, 0, 'fulll payment made to mark adu kodie', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (252, '2019-12-16', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0003268', 1, NULL, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 3600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (253, '2019-12-16', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11500, 0, 0, 0, 18800, 0, 'part payment made to agye-sei', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (254, '2019-12-16', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7990, 0, 0, 0, 7990.86, 0, 'full payment made to multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (255, '2019-12-16', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11470, 0, 0, 0, 11470, 0, 'full payment made to ashvet ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (256, '2019-12-16', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0003699', 1, NULL, 0, 10470, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (257, '2019-12-16', 19, 'credit_invoice', '9865534', 1, NULL, 0, 5808, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (258, '2019-12-16', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000107', 1, NULL, 0, 6240, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (259, '2019-12-16', 12, 'credit_invoice', '5', 1, NULL, 0, 9028, 0, 0, 27600.25, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (260, '2019-12-16', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 225.7, 0, 0, 0, 36628.25, 0, 'discount payment made by frankatson ltf on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (261, '2019-12-16', 12, 'credit_invoice', '6', 1, NULL, 0, 840, 0, 0, 36402.55, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (262, '2019-12-16', 10, 'credit_invoice', '4739', 1, NULL, 0, 11151.5, 0, 0, 0.860000000000582, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (263, '2019-12-16', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 334.55, 0, 0, 0, 11152.36, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (264, '2019-12-17', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 37242.55, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (265, '2019-12-18', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12729, 0, 0, 0, 12729, 0, 'full payment made to dexvet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (266, '2019-12-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0592', 1, NULL, 0, 10250, 0, 0, 10000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (267, '2019-12-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0592', 1, NULL, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 10000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (268, '2019-12-18', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011492', 1, NULL, 0, 18600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (269, '2019-12-18', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 930, 0, 0, 0, 18600, 0, 'discount payment made by dexvet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (270, '2019-12-18', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011335', 1, NULL, 0, 2050, 0, 0, 17670, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (271, '2019-12-18', 28, 'credit_invoice', '0005703', 1, NULL, 0, 21800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (272, '2019-12-18', 28, 'credit_invoice', '0005703', 1, NULL, 0, 43600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (273, '2019-12-19', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 33450, 0, 0, 0, 110250, 0, 'payment made to lucy paintsil', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (274, '2019-12-19', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 11600, 0, 'part payment made to maa dora', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (275, '2019-12-19', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0003282', 2, NULL, 0, 5600, 0, 0, 1600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (276, '2019-12-20', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005138', 1, NULL, 0, 78000, 0, 0, 76800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (277, '2019-12-20', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 510, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (278, '2019-12-20', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 48742.55, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (279, '2019-12-20', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 0, 'full payment made to daniel b ventures', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (280, '2019-12-20', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 6600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (281, '2019-12-21', 23, 'credit_invoice', '8130218133', 1, NULL, 0, 5600, 0, 0, 7200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (282, '2019-12-21', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7300, 0, 0, 0, 7300, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (283, '2019-12-21', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 250, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (284, '2019-12-21', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9750, 0, 0, 0, 19750, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (285, '2019-12-23', 10, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (286, '2019-12-23', 25, 'cash_invoice', '002901', 1, NULL, 64000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (287, '2019-12-23', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 7750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (288, '2019-12-24', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 43600, 0, 'part payment made to jubaili agrotec', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (289, '2019-12-27', 30, 'cash_invoice', 'wbtfmind000099488', 1, NULL, 9600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (290, '2019-12-28', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 34250, 0, 0, 0, 34250, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (291, '2019-12-31', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12600, 0, 0, 0, 13200, 0, 'part payment made to shinefeel gh ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (292, '2020-01-03', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15018, 0, 0, 0, 15018, 0, 'full payment made to maridav on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (293, '2020-01-03', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0060824', 1, NULL, 0, 9859.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (294, '2020-01-04', 27, 'credit_invoice', '0000102', 1, NULL, 0, 31950, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (295, '2020-01-07', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0651', 1, NULL, 0, 14600, 0, 0, 10000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (296, '2020-01-08', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 600, 0, 0, 0, 600, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (297, '2020-01-08', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12800, 0, 0, 0, 12800, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (298, '2020-01-09', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1900, 0, 0, 0, 24600, 0, 'part payment made to essvee on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (299, '2020-01-09', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6240, 0, 0, 0, 6240, 0, 'full payment made to collins amankwa', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (300, '2020-01-09', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 4100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (301, '2020-01-09', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4240, 0, 0, 0, 6240, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (302, '2020-01-09', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6600, 0, 0, 0, 6600, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (303, '2020-01-11', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0003328', 1, NULL, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (304, '2020-01-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', '3086', 1, NULL, 0, 92000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (305, '2020-01-13', 32, 'credit_invoice', '00043309', 1, NULL, 0, 16100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (306, '2020-01-14', 23, 'credit_invoice', '802527/802528/802529', 1, NULL, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 4800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (307, '2020-01-14', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 18600, 0, 0, 0, 18600, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (308, '2020-01-14', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 60242, 0, 0, 0, 60242.55, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (309, '2020-01-14', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 154800, 0, 0, 0, 154800, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (310, '2020-01-15', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 43973, 0, 0, 0.549999999988358, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (311, '2020-01-15', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1099.32, 0, 0, 0, 43973.55, 0, 'payment made by frankatson on discount on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (312, '2020-01-15', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 4245, 0, 0, 42874.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (313, '2020-01-16', 42, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 491, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (314, '2020-01-16', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0009716', 1, NULL, 0, 44400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (315, '2020-01-17', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 39000, 0, 0, 44400, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (316, '2020-01-17', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 58000, 0, 0, 47119.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (317, '2020-01-17', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (318, '2020-01-18', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (319, '2020-01-18', 25, 'cash_invoice', '003084', 1, NULL, 64000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (320, '2020-01-18', 30, 'cash_invoice', 'd000100062', 1, NULL, 16000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (321, '2020-01-18', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0003345', 1, NULL, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 9600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (322, '2020-01-20', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22700, 0, 0, 0, 22700, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (323, '2020-01-20', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10817.81, 0, 0, 0, 10817.81, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (324, '2020-01-20', 10, 'credit_invoice', '000095', 1, NULL, 0, 21698, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (325, '2020-01-20', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 651.13, 0, 0, 0, 21698, 0, 'payment made by multivet on discount on product', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (326, '2020-01-20', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 5500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (327, '2020-01-21', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005218', 1, NULL, 0, 65000, 0, 0, 83400, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (328, '2020-01-23', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 31950, 0, 0, 0, 31950, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (329, '2020-01-22', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 6400, 0, 0, 14400, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (330, '2020-01-23', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15800, 0, 0, 0, 20800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (331, '2020-01-24', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (332, '2020-01-24', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0004279', 2, NULL, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 5000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (333, '2020-01-24', 43, 'credit_invoice', '0000435', 1, NULL, 0, 15576, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (334, '2020-01-24', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 778, 0, 0, 0, 15576, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (335, '2020-01-24', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 14798, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (336, '2020-01-24', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 778.8, 0, 0, 0, 15576, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (337, '2020-01-27', 29, 'credit_invoice', '076497', 1, NULL, 0, 21000, 0, 0, 92000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (338, '2020-01-27', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 25000, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (339, '2020-01-27', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 2760, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (340, '2020-01-27', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2020, 0, 0, 0, 2760, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (341, '2020-01-29', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000108', 1, NULL, 0, 4160, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (342, '2020-01-29', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0703', 3, NULL, 0, 14200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (343, '2020-01-30', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 740, 0, 0, 0, 740, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (344, '2020-01-30', 25, 'cash_invoice', '003159', 1, NULL, 64000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (345, '2020-01-31', 10, 'cash_invoice', '000196', 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (346, '2020-02-01', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 3, NULL, 0, 4950, 0, 0, 13000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (347, '2020-02-03', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 14797.2, 0, 0, 0, 14797.2, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (348, '2020-02-03', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 2424, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (349, '2020-02-04', 43, 'credit_invoice', '0961', 1, NULL, 0, 8868, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (350, '2020-02-04', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 443.4, 0, 0, 0, 8868, 0, 'payment discount made by reiss and company ltd', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (351, '2020-02-06', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 17000, 0, 0, 0, 17950, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (352, '2020-02-07', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0003377', 1, NULL, 0, 8250, 0, 0, 950, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (353, '2020-02-07', 23, 'credit_invoice', '805734', 1, NULL, 0, 1650, 0, 0, 9200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (354, '2020-02-10', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4838.75, 0, 0, 0, 113000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (355, '2020-02-10', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 108161.25, 0, 0, 0, 108161.25, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (356, '2020-02-10', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 4180, 0, 0, 5500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (357, '2020-02-10', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5500, 0, 0, 0, 9680, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (358, '2020-02-10', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9859.5, 0, 0, 0, 9859.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (359, '2020-02-11', 11, 'credit_invoice', '00061206/0061207', 1, NULL, 0, 36647.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (360, '2020-02-11', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0061207', 1, NULL, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 36647.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (361, '2020-02-11', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2030, 0, 0, 0, 38147.5, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (362, '2020-02-11', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4160, 0, 0, 0, 4160, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (363, '2020-02-11', 29, 'credit_invoice', '076487', 1, NULL, 0, 34000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (364, '2020-02-11', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (365, '2020-02-11', 29, 'credit_invoice', '3290', 3, NULL, 0, 45500, 0, 0, 34000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (366, '2020-02-13', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 19720, 0, 0, 0, 19720, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (367, '2020-02-13', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 85119, 0, 0, 0, 105119.23, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (368, '2020-02-13', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16100, 0, 0, 0, 16100, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (369, '2020-02-14', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0004052', 1, NULL, 0, 5100, 0, 0, 10850, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (370, '2020-02-14', 48, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 250, 0, 0, 0, 250, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (371, '2020-02-14', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0758', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 14200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (372, '2020-02-15', 48, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1350, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (373, '2020-02-17', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 4180, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (374, '2020-02-17', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13000, 0, 0, 0, 15950, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (375, '2020-02-18', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 44400, 0, 0, 0, 148400, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (376, '2020-02-18', 44, 'cash_invoice', 'c0002780909', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (377, '2020-02-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '013890', 1, NULL, 0, 36802, 0, 0, 20000.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (378, '2020-02-18', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 920, 0, 0, 0, 56802.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (379, '2020-02-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '013891', 1, NULL, 0, 2782, 0, 0, 55882.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (380, '2020-02-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '5', 1, NULL, 0, 600, 0, 0, 58664.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (381, '2020-02-18', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0012161', 1, NULL, 0, 35200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (382, '2020-02-18', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1760, 0, 0, 0, 35200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (383, '2020-02-18', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0004555', 1, NULL, 0, 16100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (384, '2020-02-19', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2950, 0, 0, 0, 2950, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (385, '2020-02-19', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (386, '2020-02-20', 23, 'credit_invoice', '8072602/807259', 1, NULL, 0, 5100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (387, '2020-02-20', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 962, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (388, '2020-02-21', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 14200, 0, 0, 0, 25000, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (389, '2020-02-24', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (390, '2020-02-24', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130061076', 1, NULL, 6800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (391, '2020-02-24', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1680, 0, 0, 0, 1680, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (392, '2020-02-25', 44, 'cash_invoice', '1847', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (393, '2020-02-25', 42, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (394, '2020-02-25', 25, 'cash_invoice', '003314', 1, NULL, 77400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (395, '2020-02-26', 23, 'credit_invoice', '807887/807888', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 5100, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (396, '2020-02-26', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0004082', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 8500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (397, '2020-02-27', 28, 'credit_invoice', '004278/004275', 1, NULL, 0, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (398, '2020-02-27', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8424.6, 0, 0, 0, 8424.6, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (399, '2020-02-27', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (400, '2020-02-28', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 79500, 0, 0, 0, 79500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (401, '2020-02-28', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 104000, 0, 0, 0, 104000, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (402, '2020-02-29', 28, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1650, 0, 0, 45000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (403, '2020-03-02', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 25000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (404, '2020-03-03', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 37500, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (405, '2020-03-04', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 13600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (406, '2020-03-05', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1890, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (407, '2020-03-09', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006418', 1, NULL, 0, 33750, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (408, '2020-03-09', 23, 'credit_invoice', '809513/809508/809506', 1, NULL, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 11900, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (409, '2020-03-09', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 21046, 0, 0, 0, 21046.87, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (410, '2020-03-09', 10, 'credit_invoice', '000140', 1, NULL, 0, 18298, 0, 0, 0.870000000002619, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (411, '2020-03-09', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 548.9, 0, 0, 0, 18298.87, 0, 'discount payment made by multivet', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (412, '2020-03-09', 10, 'credit_invoice', '000142', 1, NULL, 0, 13700, 0, 0, 17749.97, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (413, '2020-03-09', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000112', 1, NULL, 0, 8320, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (414, '2020-03-09', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 320, 0, 0, 0, 8320, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (415, '2020-03-10', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15941.5, 0, 0, 0, 33440, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (416, '2020-03-10', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0012194/0012032', 1, NULL, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 17498.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (417, '2020-03-10', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 625, 0, 0, 0, 29998.5, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (418, '2020-03-10', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0012032', 1, NULL, 0, 8400, 0, 0, 29373.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (419, '2020-03-10', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16100, 0, 0, 0, 16100, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (420, '2020-03-10', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 31449.97, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (421, '2020-03-10', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130227817', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (422, '2020-03-11', 43, 'credit_invoice', '1668', 1, NULL, 0, 9800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (423, '2020-03-11', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 490, 0, 0, 0, 9800, 0, 'discount payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (424, '2020-03-11', 29, 'credit_invoice', '3408', 1, NULL, 0, 90500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (425, '2020-03-12', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005420/0005419', 1, NULL, 0, 128000, 0, 0, 33750, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (426, '2020-03-12', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16000, 0, 0, 0, 22100, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (427, '2020-03-13', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 13600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (428, '2020-03-13', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 12500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (429, '2020-03-13', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0846', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 10800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (430, '2020-03-13', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 59264.23, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (431, '2020-03-14', 39, 'credit_invoice', '055', 1, NULL, 0, 14685, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (432, '2020-03-14', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2300, 0, 0, 0, 14685, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (433, '2020-03-14', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 4404, 0, 0, 29264.23, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (434, '2020-03-14', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 110.1, 0, 0, 0, 33668.23, 0, 'discount payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (435, '2020-03-16', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 2550, 0, 0, 6100, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (436, '2020-03-16', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0004717', 1, NULL, 0, 16100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (437, '2020-03-17', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10470, 0, 0, 0, 10470, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (438, '2020-03-17', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (439, '2020-03-17', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0001346', 1, NULL, 0, 16910, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (440, '2020-03-17', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 12385, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (441, '2020-03-17', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 12385, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (442, '2020-03-17', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 8650, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (443, '2020-03-18', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10535, 0, 0, 0, 161750, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (444, '2020-03-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '10/3', 1, NULL, 0, 58960, 0, 0, 33558.13, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (445, '2020-03-19', 44, 'credit_invoice', '9130061870', 1, NULL, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (446, '2020-03-19', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130061870', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (447, '2020-03-20', 27, 'credit_invoice', '0000107', 1, NULL, 0, 43000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (448, '2020-03-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 5100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (449, '2020-03-20', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 46650, 0, 0, 0, 46650, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (450, '2020-03-20', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 21600, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (451, '2020-03-21', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6385, 0, 0, 0, 6385, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (452, '2020-03-21', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 8000, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (453, '2020-03-23', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22871, 0, 0, 0, 36117.5, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (454, '2020-03-23', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0061233', 1, NULL, 0, 35595, 0, 0, 13246.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (455, '2020-03-23', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 151215, 0, 0, 0, 151215, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (456, '2020-03-23', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (457, '2020-03-24', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130229764', 1, NULL, 13600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (458, '2020-03-26', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005480', 1, NULL, 0, 91000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (459, '2020-03-26', 33, 'cash_invoice', '1213', 1, NULL, 750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (460, '2020-03-26', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (461, '2020-03-26', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005482', 1, NULL, 0, 65000, 0, 0, 91000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (462, '2020-03-26', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130230033', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (463, '2020-03-26', 42, 'cash_invoice', '124405', 1, NULL, 850, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (464, '2020-03-27', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 50000, 0, 0, 0, 156000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (465, '2020-03-27', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005494', 1, NULL, 0, 78000, 0, 0, 106000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (466, '2020-03-27', 23, 'credit_invoice', '1217698/1217695/1217696', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 12050, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (467, '2020-03-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 13600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (468, '2020-03-30', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (469, '2020-03-30', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 500, 0, 0, 0, 1500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (470, '2020-03-30', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 4000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (471, '2020-03-31', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005505', 1, NULL, 0, 78000, 0, 0, 184000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (472, '2020-03-31', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130062336', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (473, '2020-04-01', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 90500, 0, 0, 0, 90500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (474, '2020-04-01', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 15450, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (475, '2020-04-01', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 48841.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (476, '2020-04-01', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0002186', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 3450, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (477, '2020-04-02', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9310, 0, 0, 0, 9310, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (478, '2020-04-02', 43, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 12204, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (479, '2020-04-03', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 92518.13, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (480, '2020-04-03', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 7820, 0, 0, 32518.13, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (481, '2020-04-03', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 195.5, 0, 0, 0, 40338.13, 0, 'discount payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (482, '2020-04-03', 12, 'credit_invoice', '013938', 1, NULL, 0, 36404, 0, 0, 40142.63, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (483, '2020-04-03', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 910.1, 0, 0, 0, 76546.63, 0, 'discount payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (484, '2020-04-03', 43, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12204, 0, 0, 0, 12204, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (485, '2020-04-04', 29, 'credit_invoice', '076245', 1, NULL, 0, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (486, '2020-04-04', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 7820, 0, 0, 11500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (487, '2020-04-04', 41, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 10500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (488, '2020-04-04', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2350, 0, 0, 0, 10500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (489, '2020-04-06', 29, 'credit_invoice', '076243', 1, NULL, 0, 124500, 0, 0, 60000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (490, '2020-04-07', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130062652', 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (491, '2020-04-07', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (492, '2020-04-09', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1700, 0, 0, 6850, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (493, '2020-04-09', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 43000, 0, 0, 0, 43000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (494, '2020-04-09', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16100, 0, 0, 0, 16100, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (495, '2020-04-10', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130231909', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (496, '2020-04-10', 23, 'credit_invoice', '813936/813895', 1, NULL, 0, 2550, 0, 0, 8550, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (497, '2020-04-14', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 3, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (498, '2020-04-14', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0304466', 1, NULL, 0, 16905, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (499, '2020-04-15', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 162000, 0, 0, 0, 262000, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (500, '2020-04-15', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 19320, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (501, '2020-04-16', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (502, '2020-04-16', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11100, 0, 0, 0, 11100, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (503, '2020-04-16', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (504, '2020-04-16', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11300, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (505, '2020-04-16', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 75636.53, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (506, '2020-04-16', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 12700, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (507, '2020-04-17', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130062783', 2, NULL, 13600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (508, '2020-04-17', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0989', 1, NULL, 0, 26200, 0, 0, 10800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (509, '2020-04-17', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (510, '2020-04-17', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130062857', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (511, '2020-04-17', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12700, 0, 0, 0, 36700, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (512, '2020-04-17', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 8150, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (513, '2020-04-18', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 37000, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (514, '2020-04-18', 28, 'cash_invoice', '004801', 1, NULL, 44000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (515, '2020-04-18', 48, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1350, 0, 0, 0, 1350, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (516, '2020-04-19', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130232966', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (517, '2020-04-20', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 6110, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (518, '2020-04-20', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 6110, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (519, '2020-04-20', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 30636.53, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (520, '2020-04-21', 10, 'cash_invoice', '001527', 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (521, '2020-04-21', 12, 'credit_invoice', '011057/011058', 1, NULL, 0, 31074, 0, 0, 53636.53, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (522, '2020-04-21', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1044.54, 0, 0, 0, 84710.53, 0, 'discount payment by frankatson', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (523, '2020-04-21', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 28000, 0, 0, 100000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (524, '2020-04-21', 22, 'credit_invoice', '01559', 1, NULL, 0, 38500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (525, '2020-04-21', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 800, 0, 0, 0, 38500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (526, '2020-04-22', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1700, 0, 0, 1700, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (527, '2020-04-22', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 13600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (528, '2020-04-22', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 3400, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (529, '2020-04-23', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 17749.97, 0, 0, 0, 17749.97, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (530, '2020-04-23', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130063144/9130063141', 1, NULL, 17000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (531, '2020-04-24', 10, 'credit_invoice', '001537', 1, NULL, 0, 37639, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (532, '2020-04-24', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1129.17, 0, 0, 0, 37639, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (533, '2020-04-24', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 1700, 0, 0, 6800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (534, '2020-04-24', 50, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 4000, 0, 24000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (535, '2020-04-25', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 8500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (536, '2020-04-27', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 14000, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (537, '2020-04-28', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 83665.99, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (538, '2020-04-28', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 11900, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (539, '2020-04-28', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5808, 0, 0, 0, 5808, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (540, '2020-04-28', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11320, 0, 0, 0, 11320, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (541, '2020-04-29', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130234191', 1, NULL, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (542, '2020-04-29', 12, 'cash_invoice', '0000858', 1, NULL, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (543, '2020-04-29', 51, 'cash_invoice', '0001519', 1, NULL, 29400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (544, '2020-04-29', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (545, '2020-05-01', 28, 'cash_invoice', '00007973', 1, NULL, 8400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (546, '2020-05-02', 50, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 6000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (547, '2020-05-04', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (548, '2020-05-04', 52, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 2960, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (549, '2020-05-04', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 37700, 0, 0, 0, 37700, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (550, '2020-05-05', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130063661', 1, NULL, 11550, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (551, '2020-05-05', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2250, 0, 0, 0, 3910, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (552, '2020-05-05', 25, 'cash_invoice', '003723', 1, NULL, 95900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (553, '2020-05-06', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (554, '2020-05-06', 23, 'credit_invoice', '816907/816906', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 3400, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (555, '2020-05-06', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 41100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (556, '2020-05-06', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2150, 0, 0, 0, 3150, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (557, '2020-05-06', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (558, '2020-05-08', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 37773.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (559, '2020-05-08', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4360, 0, 0, 0, 28841.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (560, '2020-05-08', 11, 'cash_invoice', '0062556', 1, NULL, 6120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (561, '2020-05-08', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16905, 0, 0, 0, 16905, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (562, '2020-05-09', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 6800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (563, '2020-05-10', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (564, '2020-05-10', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 5100, 0, 0, 10200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (565, '2020-05-11', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (566, '2020-05-11', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1300, 0, 0, 0, 4800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (567, '2020-05-11', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 130, 0, 0, 0, 4800, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (568, '2020-05-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 25202, 0, 0, 106665.99, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (569, '2020-05-11', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 630.05, 0, 0, 0, 131867.99, 0, 'discount payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (570, '2020-05-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 131237.94, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (571, '2020-05-13', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (572, '2020-05-13', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130063894', 1, NULL, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (573, '2020-05-13', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 128000, 0, 0, 0, 128000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (574, '2020-05-13', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15300, 0, 0, 0, 15300, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (575, '2020-05-13', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10917, 0, 0, 0, 17773.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (576, '2020-05-13', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1660, 0, 0, 0, 1660, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (577, '2020-05-13', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 28800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (578, '2020-05-13', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 192000, 0, 0, 28800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (579, '2020-05-13', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 144000, 0, 0, 0, 220800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (580, '2020-05-13', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011813', 1, NULL, 0, 19450, 0, 0, 6856.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (581, '2020-05-13', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 972.5, 0, 0, 0, 26306.5, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (582, '2020-05-14', 28, 'credit_invoice', '9711', 1, NULL, 0, 33300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (583, '2020-05-14', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005644', 1, NULL, 0, 110400, 0, 0, 76800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (584, '2020-05-14', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005652', 3, NULL, 0, 69000, 0, 0, 187200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (585, '2020-05-14', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 256200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (586, '2020-05-14', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130063898', 3, NULL, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (587, '2020-05-14', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130063976', 1, NULL, 11550, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (588, '2020-05-14', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 140000, 0, 0, 0, 184500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (589, '2020-05-15', 29, 'credit_invoice', '3793', 1, NULL, 0, 100750, 0, 0, 44500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (590, '2020-05-15', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 56000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (591, '2020-05-15', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 4670, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (592, '2020-05-15', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 56000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (593, '2020-05-16', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (594, '2020-05-18', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16200, 0, 0, 0, 26200, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (595, '2020-05-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1079', 1, NULL, 0, 27500, 0, 0, 10000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (596, '2020-05-19', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005656', 2, NULL, 0, 138000, 0, 0, 270000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (597, '2020-05-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (598, '2020-05-20', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005683', 1, NULL, 0, 82800, 0, 0, 408000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (599, '2020-05-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064199', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (600, '2020-05-21', 32, 'credit_invoice', '191001221', 1, NULL, 0, 16800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (601, '2020-05-22', 35, 'cash_invoice', '00007720', 1, NULL, 750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (602, '2020-05-22', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 37500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (603, '2020-05-23', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (604, '2020-05-26', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000116', 1, NULL, 0, 5200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (605, '2020-05-26', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 54500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (606, '2020-05-27', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 24481.5, 0, 0, 0, 24481.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (607, '2020-05-27', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064478', 1, NULL, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (608, '2020-05-27', 10, 'cash_invoice', '004165', 1, NULL, 13700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (609, '2020-05-28', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0062468', 1, NULL, 0, 34967.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (610, '2020-05-28', 28, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 23300, 0, 33300, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (611, '2020-05-28', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 132437.94, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (612, '2020-05-28', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1670, 0, 0, 0, 1670, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (613, '2020-05-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064521', 1, NULL, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (614, '2020-05-30', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064612', 1, NULL, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (615, '2020-05-30', 35, 'credit_invoice', '138', 1, NULL, 0, 11680, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (616, '2020-05-30', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 292, 0, 0, 0, 11680, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (617, '2020-05-30', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 11388, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (618, '2020-05-30', 15, 'credit_invoice', '2188', 1, NULL, 0, 36480, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (619, '2020-05-30', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1824, 0, 0, 0, 36480, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (620, '2020-05-30', 15, 'credit_invoice', '0041', 1, NULL, 0, 5700, 0, 0, 34656, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (621, '2020-05-30', 12, 'credit_invoice', '11', 1, NULL, 0, 52966, 0, 0, 32437.9400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (622, '2020-05-30', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1324, 0, 0, 0, 85403.9400000001, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (623, '2020-05-30', 12, 'credit_invoice', '6', 1, NULL, 0, 6074, 0, 0, 84079.9400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (624, '2020-05-30', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 151.85, 0, 0, 0, 90153.9400000001, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (625, '2020-06-01', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (626, '2020-06-02', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5200, 0, 0, 0, 5200, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (627, '2020-06-02', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 14500, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (628, '2020-06-04', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064798', 1, NULL, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (629, '2020-06-04', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064823', 1, NULL, 11550, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (630, '2020-06-04', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000117', 1, NULL, 0, 6110, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (631, '2020-06-04', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (632, '2020-06-05', 35, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 9388, 0, 9388, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (633, '2020-06-05', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (634, '2020-06-05', 28, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (635, '2020-06-05', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 145250, 0, 0, 0, 145250, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (636, '2020-06-05', 29, 'credit_invoice', '903787', 1, NULL, 0, 35250, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (637, '2020-06-05', 12, 'credit_invoice', '12', 1, NULL, 0, 23500, 0, 0, 90002.0900000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (638, '2020-06-05', 19, 'credit_invoice', '2607305', 1, NULL, 0, 17664, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (639, '2020-06-05', 35, 'mtn_momo_invoice', '153', 1, NULL, 0, 0, 2925, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (640, '2020-06-08', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3600, 0, 0, 9000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (641, '2020-06-08', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064904', 1, NULL, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (642, '2020-06-08', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130064951', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (643, '2020-06-08', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16800, 0, 0, 0, 16800, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (644, '2020-06-08', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 350000, 0, 0, 0, 490800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (645, '2020-06-08', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 27500, 0, 0, 0, 27500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (646, '2020-06-08', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6110, 0, 0, 0, 6110, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (647, '2020-06-09', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130065037/9130065039/91300650', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (648, '2020-06-09', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 23500, 0, 0, 35250, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (649, '2020-06-09', 35, 'credit_invoice', '157/155', 1, NULL, 0, 5850, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (650, '2020-06-09', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 146.3, 0, 0, 0, 5850, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (651, '2020-06-10', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130065065/9130065056', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (652, '2020-06-11', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000114', 1, NULL, 0, 5985, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (653, '2020-06-11', 50, 'credit_invoice', '700/700', 1, NULL, 0, 33600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (654, '2020-06-11', 22, 'credit_invoice', '17162601', 1, NULL, 0, 57000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (655, '2020-06-11', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1177', 3, NULL, 0, 17250, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (656, '2020-06-11', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 57000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (657, '2020-06-12', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12600, 0, 0, 0, 12600, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (658, '2020-06-12', 25, 'cash_invoice', '004093', 1, NULL, 67500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (659, '2020-06-13', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (660, '2020-06-15', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 6300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (661, '2020-06-15', 53, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (662, '2020-06-16', 35, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 5703.7, 0, 5703.7, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (663, '2020-06-17', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 33600, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (664, '2020-06-18', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4007', 1, NULL, 0, 53250, 0, 0, 58750, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (665, '2020-06-19', 54, 'cash_invoice', 'c0007990332', 1, NULL, 67500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (666, '2020-06-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130065402', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (667, '2020-06-22', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130065444', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (668, '2020-06-23', 35, 'credit_invoice', '168', 1, NULL, 0, 1072.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (669, '2020-06-23', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130065487', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (670, '2020-06-24', 32, 'cash_invoice', '0005292', 1, NULL, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (671, '2020-06-24', 32, 'credit_invoice', '0005291', 1, NULL, 0, 16800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (672, '2020-06-24', 28, 'credit_invoice', '00008000', 1, NULL, 0, 7060, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (673, '2020-06-24', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16800, 0, 0, 0, 16800, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (674, '2020-06-25', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 258, 0, 0, 0, 113502.09, 0, 'discount payment made by frankatson', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (675, '2020-06-25', 12, 'credit_invoice', '011090', 1, NULL, 0, 24780, 0, 0, 113244.09, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (676, '2020-06-25', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 650, 0, 0, 0, 138024.09, 0, 'discount made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (677, '2020-06-25', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 1610, 0, 0, 137374.09, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (678, '2020-06-25', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 41, 0, 0, 0, 138984.09, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (679, '2020-06-25', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 140800, 0, 0, 0, 140800, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (680, '2020-06-27', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (681, '2020-06-27', 50, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 5600, 0, 5600, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (682, '2020-06-29', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5985, 0, 0, 0, 5985, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (683, '2020-07-01', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 40356, 0, 0, 0, 40356, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (684, '2020-07-01', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7060, 0, 0, 0, 7060, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (685, '2020-07-01', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (686, '2020-07-02', 55, 'cash_invoice', '1329', 1, NULL, 11840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (687, '2020-07-03', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'gr9728-17', 1, NULL, 0, 16800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (688, '2020-07-03', 28, 'credit_invoice', '004472', 1, NULL, 0, 33300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (689, '2020-07-03', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005107', 1, NULL, 0, 20500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (690, '2020-07-03', 35, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1072.5, 0, 1072.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (691, '2020-07-03', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066016', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (692, '2020-07-04', 28, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (693, '2020-07-06', 28, 'credit_invoice', '000695', 1, NULL, 0, 48390, 0, 0, 33300, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (694, '2020-07-06', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 6517, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, NULL, NULL, 0), (695, '2020-07-06', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 25334, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (696, '2020-07-06', 53, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (697, '2020-07-06', 53, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (698, '2020-07-06', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 96000, 0, 0, 20500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (699, '2020-07-06', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 112000, 0, 0, 0, 112000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (700, '2020-07-07', 35, 'credit_invoice', '189', 1, NULL, 0, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (701, '2020-07-07', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 75, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (702, '2020-07-07', 14, 'cash_invoice', '0011842', 1, NULL, 5500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (703, '2020-07-07', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0011842', 1, NULL, 0, 5500, 0, 0, 5334, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (704, '2020-07-07', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 275, 0, 0, 0, 10834, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (705, '2020-07-07', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066102', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (706, '2020-07-08', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6517, 0, 0, 0, 6517, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (707, '2020-07-08', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005896', 1, NULL, 0, 54400, 0, 0, 116500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (708, '2020-07-08', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1296', 1, NULL, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 17250, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (709, '2020-07-08', 53, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1600, 0, 0, 0, 1600, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (710, '2020-07-09', 28, 'credit_invoice', '006959', 1, NULL, 0, 4000, 0, 0, 81690, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (711, '2020-07-09', 56, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 1300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (712, '2020-07-09', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005899', 1, NULL, 0, 81600, 0, 0, 170900, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (713, '2020-07-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4148', 1, NULL, 0, 35500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (714, '2020-07-11', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 2, NULL, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (715, '2020-07-13', 34, 'cash_invoice', '000000120', 1, NULL, 8645, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (716, '2020-07-13', 35, 'credit_invoice', '192', 1, NULL, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 2925, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (717, '2020-07-13', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4925, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (718, '2020-07-13', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000120', 1, NULL, 0, 8645, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (719, '2020-07-13', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3645, 0, 0, 0, 8645, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (720, '2020-07-13', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 34967, 0, 0, 0, 34967.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (721, '2020-07-13', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 36509, 0, 0, 0, 36509.83, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (722, '2020-07-13', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11250, 0, 0, 0, 28750, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (723, '2020-07-13', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 53000, 0, 0, 0, 55000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (724, '2020-07-13', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 138943.09, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (725, '2020-07-13', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 252500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (726, '2020-07-14', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 12572, 0, 0, 38943.0900000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (727, '2020-07-14', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 314.3, 0, 0, 0, 51515.0900000001, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (728, '2020-07-14', 10, 'credit_invoice', '001372', 1, NULL, 0, 15031, 0, 0, 0.830000000001746, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (729, '2020-07-14', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 450.9, 0, 0, 0, 15031.83, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (730, '2020-07-14', 10, 'credit_invoice', '001373', 1, NULL, 0, 16440, 0, 0, 14580.93, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (731, '2020-07-15', 57, 'cash_invoice', '13426', 1, NULL, 7600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (732, '2020-07-15', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13115', 1, NULL, 0, 41500, 0, 0, 35500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (733, '2020-07-16', 58, 'credit_invoice', '000184', 3, NULL, 0, 6600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (734, '2020-07-16', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4875, 0, 0, 0, 4875, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (735, '2020-07-16', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 17520, 0, 0, 51200.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (736, '2020-07-16', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 438, 0, 0, 0, 68720.79, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (737, '2020-07-17', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 85690, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (738, '2020-07-17', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 4750, 0, 0, 68282.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (739, '2020-07-17', 12, 'credit_invoice', '6', 1, NULL, 0, 23500, 0, 0, 73032.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (740, '2020-07-18', 54, 'cash_invoice', '0000262', 2, NULL, 40500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (741, '2020-07-18', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066575/9130066579', 1, NULL, 12180, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (742, '2020-07-18', 58, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6600, 0, 0, 0, 6600, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (743, '2020-07-18', 54, 'cash_invoice', '0000262', 1, NULL, 40500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (744, '2020-07-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066623', 1, NULL, 10500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (745, '2020-07-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066642', 1, NULL, 12250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (746, '2020-07-21', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 450, 0, 0, 0, 16800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (747, '2020-07-21', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 11000, 0, 0, 0, 16350, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (748, '2020-07-21', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (749, '2020-07-21', 35, 'credit_invoice', '204', 1, NULL, 0, 2300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (750, '2020-07-21', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 57.5, 0, 0, 0, 2300, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (751, '2020-07-22', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5350, 0, 0, 0, 5350, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (752, '2020-07-22', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005962', 1, NULL, 0, 36720, 0, 0, 192500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (753, '2020-07-22', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005968', 3, NULL, 0, 54400, 0, 0, 229220, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (754, '2020-07-23', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000121', 1, NULL, 0, 9310, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (755, '2020-07-23', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 9310, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (756, '2020-07-23', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 9310, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (757, '2020-07-24', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 283620, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (758, '2020-07-24', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005983', 1, NULL, 0, 47600, 0, 0, 183620, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (759, '2020-07-24', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 17500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (760, '2020-07-25', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13100', 1, NULL, 0, 29500, 0, 0, 77000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (761, '2020-07-25', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066864', 1, NULL, 10500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (762, '2020-07-27', 59, 'credit_invoice', '0101', 1, NULL, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (763, '2020-07-27', 35, 'credit_invoice', '212', 1, NULL, 0, 1440, 0, 0, 2242.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (764, '2020-07-28', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 106500, 0, 0, 0, 106500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (765, '2020-07-28', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'aw4442-12/ge6480-13', 2, NULL, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (766, '2020-07-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130066940', 1, NULL, 12250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (767, '2020-07-28', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1393', 1, NULL, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 7500, 0, '', 0, NULL, NULL, 0), (768, '2020-07-28', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 80, 0, 0, 0, 29500, 0, 'part payment made to essvee agro pvt', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (769, '2020-07-29', 42, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 630, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (770, '2020-07-29', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 2040, 0, 0, 96532.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (771, '2020-07-29', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 51, 0, 0, 0, 98572.79, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (772, '2020-07-30', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130067038/9130067037', 1, NULL, 10500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (773, '2020-07-31', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 3300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (774, '2020-07-31', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 300, 0, 0, 0, 3300, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (775, '2020-07-31', 35, 'credit_invoice', '214', 1, NULL, 0, 58500, 0, 0, 3682.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (776, '2020-08-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', '5292', 1, NULL, 0, 189500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (777, '2020-08-03', 35, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 50000, 0, 62182.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (778, '2020-08-04', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0014096', 1, NULL, 0, 29680, 0, 0, 10559, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (779, '2020-08-04', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1484, 0, 0, 0, 40239, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (780, '2020-08-04', 32, 'credit_invoice', '1001602', 1, NULL, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (781, '2020-08-05', 53, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (782, '2020-08-05', 35, 'mtn_momo_invoice', '216', 1, NULL, 0, 0, 975, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (783, '2020-08-05', 14, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 10559, 0, 38755, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (784, '2020-08-05', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0000001', 1, NULL, 0, 9900, 0, 0, 28196, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (785, '2020-08-05', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 495, 0, 0, 0, 38096, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (786, '2020-08-05', 53, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (787, '2020-08-05', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6129, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (788, '2020-08-07', 18, 'credit_invoice', '10', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (789, '2020-08-07', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (790, '2020-08-07', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6545, 0, 0, 0, 17871, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (791, '2020-08-07', 15, 'credit_invoice', '0771', 1, NULL, 0, 12840, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (792, '2020-08-07', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 642, 0, 0, 0, 12840, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (793, '2020-08-07', 59, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (794, '2020-08-08', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (795, '2020-08-08', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 80000, 0, 0, 0, 81690, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (796, '2020-08-10', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 7110, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (797, '2020-08-11', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 231220, 0, 0, 0, 231220, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (798, '2020-08-11', 35, 'credit_invoice', '225', 1, NULL, 0, 1597.5, 0, 0, 12182.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (799, '2020-08-11', 53, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (800, '2020-08-11', 35, 'credit_invoice', '225', 1, NULL, 0, 1620, 0, 0, 12182.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (801, '2020-08-11', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 40.5, 0, 0, 0, 13802.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (802, '2020-08-11', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 82, 0, 0, 0, 13762, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (803, '2020-08-11', 35, 'credit_invoice', '212', 1, NULL, 0, 1440, 0, 0, 12322, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (804, '2020-08-11', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 82, 0, 0, 0, 13762, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (805, '2020-08-12', 60, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 2760, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (806, '2020-08-12', 61, 'cash_invoice', '0092', 1, NULL, 18000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (807, '2020-08-12', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 8100, 0, 0, 0, 11326, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (808, '2020-08-12', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3226, 0, 0, 0, 3226, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (809, '2020-08-12', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006058', 1, NULL, 0, 81600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (810, '2020-08-12', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130067475', 1, NULL, 19250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (811, '2020-08-13', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 9000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (812, '2020-08-13', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0005127', 1, NULL, 0, 48000, 0, 0, 81600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (813, '2020-08-13', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2300, 0, 0, 0, 2300, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (814, '2020-08-13', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 31020.93, 0, 0, 0, 31020.93, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (815, '2020-08-14', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 13680, 0, 0, 0, 13680, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (816, '2020-08-14', 10, 'credit_invoice', '000728', 1, NULL, 0, 14937, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (817, '2020-08-14', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 448, 0, 0, 0, 14937, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (818, '2020-08-14', 10, 'credit_invoice', '000729', 1, NULL, 0, 2088, 0, 0, 14489, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (819, '2020-08-14', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 62, 0, 0, 0, 16577, 0, 'discount made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (820, '2020-08-15', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 17664, 0, 0, 0, 17664, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (821, '2020-08-15', 41, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (822, '2020-08-15', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3940, 0, 0, 0, 4200, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (823, '2020-08-15', 39, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (824, '2020-08-17', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130067683', 1, NULL, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (825, '2020-08-17', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4318', 1, NULL, 0, 48000, 0, 0, 189500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (826, '2020-08-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 340, 0, 0, 98521.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (827, '2020-08-18', 48, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (828, '2020-08-18', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3110, 0, 0, 0, 3110, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (829, '2020-08-18', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5895, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (830, '2020-08-19', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130067777', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (831, '2020-08-19', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7216, 0, 0, 0, 14105, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (832, '2020-08-19', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 29420, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (833, '2020-08-19', 25, 'cash_invoice', '004657', 1, NULL, 39900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (834, '2020-08-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130067781', 1, NULL, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (835, '2020-08-20', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 6889, 0, 0, 0, 6889, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (836, '2020-08-22', 32, 'cash_invoice', '1001589', 1, NULL, 16200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (837, '2020-08-22', 25, 'cash_invoice', '004662', 2, NULL, 39900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (838, '2020-08-24', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006098/0006096/0006092', 2, NULL, 0, 133000, 0, 0, 129600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (839, '2020-08-24', 45, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (840, '2020-08-25', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 9420, 0, 0, 0, 9420, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (841, '2020-08-25', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 16910, 0, 0, 0, 16910, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (842, '2020-08-25', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 98861, 0, 0, 0, 98861.79, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (843, '2020-08-25', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 48000, 0, 0, 0, 262600, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (844, '2020-08-25', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000122', 1, NULL, 0, 7980, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (845, '2020-08-25', 18, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (846, '2020-08-25', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (847, '2020-08-26', 40, 'mtn_momo_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1320, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (848, '2020-08-26', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0002728', 1, NULL, 0, 10125, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (849, '2020-08-26', 35, 'credit_invoice', '239', 1, NULL, 0, 1530, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (850, '2020-08-26', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 94, 0, 0, 0, 1530, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (851, '2020-08-26', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 200000, 0, 0, 0, 237500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (852, '2020-08-26', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4418', 1, NULL, 0, 23850, 0, 0, 37500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (853, '2020-08-26', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0064220', 1, NULL, 0, 18414, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (854, '2020-08-26', 40, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 2180, 0, 10125, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (855, '2020-08-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.790000000037253, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (856, '2020-08-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, NULL, 0, 28142, 0, 0, 0.790000000037253, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (857, '2020-08-26', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 703.55, 0, 0, 0, 28142.79, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (858, '2020-08-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, NULL, 0, 18720, 0, 0, 27439.24, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (859, '2020-08-26', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 468, 0, 0, 0, 46159.24, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (860, '2020-08-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, NULL, 0, 1955, 0, 0, 45691.24, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (861, '2020-08-27', 45, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (862, '2020-08-27', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 715, 0, 0, 0, 16500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (863, '2020-08-27', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 15785, 0, 0, 0, 15785, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (864, '2020-08-27', 55, 'cash_invoice', '1167', 1, NULL, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (865, '2020-08-31', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 810, 0, 0, 47646.24, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (866, '2020-08-31', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 1436, 0, 0, 0, 1436, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (867, '2020-08-31', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 300, 0, 0, 0, 61350, 0, 'tnt made by koudijs', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (868, '2020-08-31', 35, 'credit_invoice', '247', 1, NULL, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (869, '2020-08-31', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 345, 0, 0, 0, 13800, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (870, '2020-08-31', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12198, 0, 0, 0, 12198, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (871, '2020-08-31', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 7980, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (872, '2020-09-01', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1572', 3, NULL, 0, 19450, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (873, '2020-09-01', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130068382', 1, NULL, 9600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (874, '2020-09-01', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1578', 1, NULL, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 19450, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (875, '2020-09-01', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130068399', 1, NULL, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (876, '2020-09-02', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006141', 1, NULL, 0, 53200, 0, 0, 214600, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (877, '2020-09-02', 27, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (878, '2020-09-03', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006148', 1, NULL, 0, 36575, 0, 0, 267800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (879, '2020-09-03', 28, 'credit_invoice', '003438', 1, NULL, 0, 32100, 0, 0, 1690, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (880, '2020-09-04', 28, 'credit_invoice', '006904', 1, NULL, 0, 6750, 0, 0, 33790, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (881, '2020-09-04', 35, 'cash_invoice', '257', 1, NULL, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (882, '2020-09-04', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2980, 0, 0, 0, 2980, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (883, '2020-09-04', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 12500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (884, '2020-09-05', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 61050, 0, 0, 0, 61050, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (885, '2020-09-05', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4491', 1, NULL, 0, 188550, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (886, '2020-09-05', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3800, 0, 0, 0, 3800, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (887, '2020-09-05', 18, 'credit_invoice', '10', 1, NULL, 0, 8800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (888, '2020-09-07', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 260, 0, 0, 0, 260, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (889, '2020-09-07', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006441', 1, NULL, 0, 47600, 0, 0, 304375, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (890, '2020-09-08', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130068756', 1, NULL, 9600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (891, '2020-09-08', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (892, '2020-09-08', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7946, 0, 0, 0, 13455, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (893, '2020-09-08', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5400, 0, 0, 0, 8800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (894, '2020-09-10', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 3400, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (895, '2020-09-10', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 250000, 0, 0, 0, 351975, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (896, '2020-09-10', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20885, 0, 0, 0, 41450, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (897, '2020-09-10', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130068851/9130068850', 3, NULL, 6400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (898, '2020-09-11', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006189', 1, NULL, 0, 40200, 0, 0, 101975, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (899, '2020-09-11', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006188', 1, NULL, 0, 93800, 0, 0, 142175, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (900, '2020-09-14', 28, 'credit_invoice', '001532', 1, NULL, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 40540, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (901, '2020-09-14', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, NULL, 0, 17920, 0, 0, 48456.24, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (902, '2020-09-14', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 537, 0, 0, 0, 66376.24, 0, 'discount payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (903, '2020-09-14', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, NULL, 0, 13184, 0, 0, 65839.24, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (904, '2020-09-14', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 329.6, 0, 0, 0, 79023.24, 0, 'discount payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (905, '2020-09-14', 12, 'credit_invoice', '9', 1, NULL, 0, 47000, 0, 0, 78693.64, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (906, '2020-09-14', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 14601, 0, 0, 0, 37601, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (907, '2020-09-15', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5509, 0, 0, 0, 5509, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (908, '2020-09-15', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130069002', 1, NULL, 16000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (909, '2020-09-16', 39, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 7500, 0, 0, 0, 7500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (910, '2020-09-16', 29, 'credit_invoice', '6811', 1, NULL, 0, 17887.5, 0, 0, 188550, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (911, '2020-09-16', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (912, '2020-09-16', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 8911, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (913, '2020-09-16', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006447', 1, NULL, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 235975, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (914, '2020-09-16', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 100, 0, 0, 0, 8911, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (915, '2020-09-17', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 101975, 0, 0, 0, 248475, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (916, '2020-09-18', 53, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 0, 16000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (917, '2020-09-18', 19, 'credit_invoice', '2607324', 1, NULL, 0, 48370, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (918, '2020-09-18', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (919, '2020-09-18', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 5811, 0, 0, 0, 8811, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (920, '2020-09-18', 42, 'cash_invoice', '51079', 1, NULL, 79.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (921, '2020-09-19', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'ge8471-20', 1, NULL, 0, 11000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (922, '2020-09-19', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1663', 1, NULL, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 20565, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (923, '2020-09-19', 33, 'credit_invoice', '19/9/2020', 1, NULL, 0, 2250, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (924, '2020-09-19', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 250, 0, 0, 0, 2250, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (925, '2020-09-21', 54, 'cash_invoice', 's00532000', 1, NULL, 133000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (926, '2020-09-22', 32, 'credit_invoice', '1967394', 1, NULL, 0, 18200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (927, '2020-09-22', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (928, '2020-09-22', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'gr9528-16', 1, NULL, 0, 11000, 0, 0, 11000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (929, '2020-09-22', 15, 'credit_invoice', '0000938', 1, NULL, 0, 5214, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (930, '2020-09-22', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 260.7, 0, 0, 0, 5214, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (931, '2020-09-23', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (932, '2020-09-23', 13, 'credit_invoice', '0719', 1, NULL, 0, 31758, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (933, '2020-09-23', 53, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 16000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (934, '2020-09-23', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 500, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (935, '2020-09-24', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (936, '2020-09-25', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 20565, 0, 0, 0, 32065, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (937, '2020-09-25', 23, 'credit_invoice', '835276', 1, NULL, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (938, '2020-09-25', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 2500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (939, '2020-09-28', 32, 'cash_invoice', '1967467', 1, 0, 15600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (940, '2020-09-28', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1695', 1, 0, 0, 17250, 0, 0, 11500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (941, '2020-09-29', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000124', 1, 0, 0, 9975, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (942, '2020-09-29', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4953.3, 0, 0, 0, 4953.3, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (943, '2020-09-29', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 95200, 0, 0, 146500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (944, '2020-09-29', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130089289', 1, 0, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (945, '2020-09-30', 23, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (946, '2020-09-30', 35, 'credit_invoice', '300', 1, 536.25, 0, 20913.75, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (947, '2020-09-30', 35, 'credit_invoice', '301', 1, 0, 0, 1440, 0, 0, 20913.75, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (948, '2020-10-01', 15, 'credit_invoice', '1478', 1, 1728, 0, 32832, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (949, '2020-10-01', 8, 'cash_invoice', '0030', 1, 0, 18088, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (950, '2020-10-01', 45, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (951, '2020-10-01', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 350, 0, 0, 0, 14000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (952, '2020-10-03', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 52000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (953, '2020-10-03', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2800, 0, 0, 0, 52000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (954, '2020-10-03', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 13650, 0, 0, 0, 13650, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (955, '2020-10-03', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 206437.5, 0, 0, 0, 206437.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (956, '2020-10-03', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 31758, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (957, '2020-10-03', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130069573', 1, 0, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (958, '2020-10-05', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 147500, 0, 0, 0, 241700, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (959, '2020-10-05', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 9000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (960, '2020-10-05', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (961, '2020-10-06', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0000669', 1, 0, 0, 7200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (962, '2020-10-06', 23, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (963, '2020-10-06', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130069647/9130069646', 1, 0, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (964, '2020-10-06', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0200', 1, 0, 0, 25000, 0, 0, 94200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (965, '2020-10-06', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130069661', 1, 0, 8250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (966, '2020-10-07', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9975, 0, 0, 0, 9975, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (967, '2020-10-07', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 18200, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (968, '2020-10-07', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130069633', 1, 0, 13200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (969, '2020-10-07', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 49200, 0, 0, 0, 49200, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (970, '2020-10-08', 42, 'cash_invoice', '229194', 1, 0, 834, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (971, '2020-10-08', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (972, '2020-10-08', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 16515, 0, 0, 0, 16515, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (973, '2020-10-08', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 70000, 0, 0, 0, 125693.64, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (974, '2020-10-08', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 28750, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (975, '2020-10-08', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 55693.64, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (976, '2020-10-08', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4756', 1, 0, 0, 189800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (977, '2020-10-08', 10, 'credit_invoice', '002305', 1, 1048.5, 0, 33901.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (978, '2020-10-09', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, 449.45, 0, 17528.55, 0, 0, 43693.64, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (979, '2020-10-09', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 0, 0, 3880, 0, 0, 61222.1900000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (980, '2020-10-09', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006317', 1, 0, 0, 41700, 0, 0, 119200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (981, '2020-10-09', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006319', 1, 0, 0, 97300, 0, 0, 160900, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (982, '2020-10-10', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005040', 1, 0, 82800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (983, '2020-10-10', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 258200, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (984, '2020-10-10', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006327', 1, 0, 0, 41700, 0, 0, 228200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (985, '2020-10-10', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005048', 1, 0, 55200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (986, '2020-10-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4784', 1, 0, 0, 47700, 0, 0, 189800, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (987, '2020-10-12', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 39500, 0, 0, 0, 269900, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (988, '2020-10-13', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130069845', 1, 0, 16500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (989, '2020-10-13', 28, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 61540, 0, 62540, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (990, '2020-10-15', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 25700, 0, 0, 0, 230400, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (991, '2020-10-15', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 140000, 0, 0, 0, 237500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (992, '2020-10-15', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4832', 1, 0, 0, 23850, 0, 0, 97500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (993, '2020-10-16', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 52000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (994, '2020-10-16', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 52000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (995, '2020-10-19', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7200, 0, 0, 0, 7200, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (996, '2020-10-19', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8200, 0, 0, 0, 8200, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (997, '2020-10-19', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 35000, 0, 0, 0, 49000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (998, '2020-10-20', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 21758, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (999, '2020-10-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130070068', 1, 0, 13200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1000, '2020-10-20', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 5520, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, NULL, NULL, 0), (1001, '2020-10-21', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 22353.75, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1002, '2020-10-21', 23, 'credit_invoice', '0000681', 1, 0, 0, 5480, 0, 0, 5520, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1003, '2020-10-22', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7945, 0, 0, 0, 7945, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1004, '2020-10-22', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0000260', 1, 0, 0, 11410, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1005, '2020-10-22', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 11410, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1006, '2020-10-22', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1007, '2020-10-23', 60, 'cash_invoice', '000082', 1, 0, 1840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1008, '2020-10-23', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 121350, 0, 0, 0, 121350, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1009, '2020-10-24', 29, 'credit_invoice', '7321', 1, 0, 0, 104825, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1010, '2020-10-24', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000125', 1, 0, 0, 4921, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1011, '2020-10-26', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9980, 0, 0, 0, 11000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1012, '2020-10-26', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1013, '2020-10-26', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0000327', 1, 507, 0, 9643, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1014, '2020-10-26', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0000458', 1, 0, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 9643, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1015, '2020-10-27', 35, 'cash_invoice', '347', 1, 25, 975, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1016, '2020-10-27', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4921, 0, 0, 0, 4921, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1017, '2020-10-27', 29, 'credit_invoice', '4940', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 104825, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1018, '2020-10-27', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 60, 2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1019, '2020-10-27', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1916', 1, 0, 0, 10500, 0, 0, 8750, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1020, '2020-10-29', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130070282', 1, 0, 9900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1021, '2020-10-29', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12353.75, 0, 0, 0, 12353.75, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1022, '2020-10-29', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 14000, 0, 0, 0, 14000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1023, '2020-10-29', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14014, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1024, '2020-10-29', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8750, 0, 0, 0, 19250, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1025, '2020-10-30', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 0, 0, 32832, 0, 0, 0, 32832, 0, 'full payment made', 0, NULL, NULL, 1), (1026, '2020-10-30', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 32832, 0, 0, 0, 32832, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1027, '2020-10-30', 36, 'credit_invoice', '1935', 1, 0, 0, 15900, 0, 0, 10500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1028, '2020-10-31', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 18414.5, 0, 0, 0, 18414.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1029, '2020-10-31', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 154525, 0, 0, 0, 154525, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1030, '2020-10-31', 32, 'credit_invoice', '1967666', 1, 0, 0, 21000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1031, '2020-10-31', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 95200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1032, '2020-10-31', 38, 'cash_invoice', '0058872', 1, 0, 112000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1033, '2020-10-31', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130070498', 1, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1034, '2020-11-03', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 46000, 0, 0, 0, 48370, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1035, '2020-11-03', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000126', 1, 0, 0, 14630, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1036, '2020-11-03', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130070584', 1, 0, 11900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1037, '2020-11-03', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 5400, 0, 0, 1020, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1038, '2020-11-03', 53, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1039, '2020-11-04', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 14014, 0, 0, 0, 14014, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1040, '2020-11-04', 62, 'credit_invoice', '0200', 1, 0, 0, 18125, 0, 0, 95200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1041, '2020-11-04', 27, 'credit_invoice', '0000116', 1, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1042, '2020-11-05', 18, 'credit_invoice', 'bw-205-20', 1, 0, 0, 8800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1043, '2020-11-05', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0005038', 1, 0, 0, 21361.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1044, '2020-11-05', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0005039', 1, 0, 0, 1655, 0, 0, 21361.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1045, '2020-11-05', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13303', 1, 0, 0, 198800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1046, '2020-11-05', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6600, 0, 0, 0, 8800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1047, '2020-11-05', 10, 'cash_invoice', '02433', 1, 0, 13950, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1048, '2020-11-06', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130070697', 1, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1049, '2020-11-09', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130070771', 1, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1050, '2020-11-09', 18, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 2200, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1051, '2020-11-10', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 26400, 0, 0, 0, 26400, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1052, '2020-11-10', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 50000, 0, 0, 0, 65102.1900000001, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1053, '2020-11-10', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 179700, 0, 0, 0, 179700, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1054, '2020-11-10', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 113325, 0, 0, 0, 113325, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1055, '2020-11-10', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1056, '2020-11-11', 44, 'cash_invoice', '91300707791', 1, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1057, '2020-11-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 0, 0, 1920, 0, 0, 15102.1900000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1058, '2020-11-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 0, 0, 17616, 0, 0, 17022.1900000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1059, '2020-11-11', 12, 'cash_invoice', '3', 1, 441, 17175, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1060, '2020-11-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 440.4, 0, 17175.6, 0, 0, 17022.1900000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1061, '2020-11-11', 35, 'credit_invoice', '369', 1, 137.7, 0, 5372.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1062, '2020-11-11', 35, 'credit_invoice', '370', 1, 0, 0, 1260, 0, 0, 5372.3, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1063, '2020-11-11', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 1000, 0, 23500, 0, 0, 34197.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1064, '2020-11-13', 23, 'credit_invoice', '841449/841451/841448', 1, 0, 0, 5400, 0, 0, 6420, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1065, '2020-11-13', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2029', 1, 0, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1066, '2020-11-13', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 14630, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1067, '2020-11-13', 60, 'credit_invoice', '090', 1, 0, 0, 10805, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1068, '2020-11-13', 28, 'credit_invoice', '002062/002061', 1, 0, 0, 61950, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1069, '2020-11-13', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 11758, 0, 0, 0, 11758, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1070, '2020-11-14', 45, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12740, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1071, '2020-11-16', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 37500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1072, '2020-11-17', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1750, 0, 0, 0, 37500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1073, '2020-11-17', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 72000, 0, 0, 0, 198800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1074, '2020-11-17', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 11820, 0, 0, 0, 11820, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1075, '2020-11-17', 45, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12740, 0, 0, 12740, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1076, '2020-11-17', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 700, 0, 0, 0, 25480, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1077, '2020-11-18', 57, 'cash_invoice', '004334', 1, 0, 67600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1078, '2020-11-18', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005282', 1, 0, 115500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1079, '2020-11-18', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130260274', 1, 0, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1080, '2020-11-18', 44, 'cash_invoice', '202901003287', 1, 0, 10200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1081, '2020-11-18', 60, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10805, 0, 0, 0, 10805, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1082, '2020-11-19', 45, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24780, 0, 0, 0, 24780, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1083, '2020-11-19', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4630, 0, 0, 0, 4630, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1084, '2020-11-19', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 21000, 0, 0, 0, 21000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1085, '2020-11-20', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005287', 1, 0, 49500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1086, '2020-11-20', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130071069', 1, 0, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1087, '2020-11-20', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'gn3705-14', 1, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1088, '2020-11-21', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2300, 0, 0, 0, 11500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1089, '2020-11-23', 44, 'cash_invoice', '202901003362', 1, 0, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1090, '2020-11-23', 44, 'cash_invoice', '202901003362', 1, 0, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1091, '2020-11-24', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1092, '2020-11-24', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130071200', 1, 0, 8500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1093, '2020-11-24', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 11537, 0, 0, 0, 14000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1094, '2020-11-25', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9410, 0, 0, 0, 9410, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1095, '2020-11-25', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0000271', 1, 0, 0, 18290, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1096, '2020-11-25', 40, 'cash_invoice', '2023', 1, 0, 3510, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1097, '2020-11-25', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2463, 0, 0, 0, 2463, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1098, '2020-11-26', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130071273', 1, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1099, '2020-11-26', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03968', 1, 0, 42000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1100, '2020-11-26', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03967', 1, 0, 42000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1101, '2020-11-26', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1850, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1102, '2020-11-27', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005324', 1, 0, 90000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1103, '2020-11-27', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 126800, 0, 0, 0, 126800, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1104, '2020-11-28', 29, 'credit_invoice', '8001', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1105, '2020-11-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '202001003563', 1, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1106, '2020-11-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1107, '2020-11-28', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03978', 1, 0, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1108, '2020-11-30', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6632, 0, 0, 0, 6632.29999999999, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1109, '2020-11-30', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6632.03, 0, 0, 0, 6632.29999999999, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1110, '2020-11-30', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 61950, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1111, '2020-11-30', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 6632.29999999999, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1112, '2020-11-30', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6632.29999, 0, 0, 0, 6632.29999999999, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1113, '2020-12-02', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 34750, 0, 0, 0, 35750, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1114, '2020-12-02', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 3700, 0, 0, 1850, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1115, '2020-12-02', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1116, '2020-12-02', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'full payment made', 0, NULL, NULL, 1), (1117, '2020-12-02', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1118, '2020-12-03', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9200, 0, 0, 0, 9200, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1119, '2020-12-03', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1120, '2020-12-03', 32, 'credit_invoice', '3218942', 1, 0, 0, 22500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1121, '2020-12-03', 32, 'credit_invoice', '3218941', 1, 0, 0, 31000, 0, 0, 22500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1122, '2020-12-03', 44, 'cash_invoice', '202901003786', 1, 0, 14220, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1123, '2020-12-04', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13460', 1, 0, 0, 36975, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1124, '2020-12-04', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13458', 1, 0, 0, 29420, 0, 0, 36975, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1125, '2020-12-05', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000129', 1, 0, 0, 13500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1126, '2020-12-05', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 13500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1127, '2020-12-08', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03997', 1, 0, 28000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1128, '2020-12-08', 50, 'cash_invoice', 'as5308-16', 1, 0, 6900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1129, '2020-12-08', 29, 'credit_invoice', '828496', 1, 0, 0, 68780, 0, 0, 66395, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1130, '2020-12-09', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130071762', 1, 0, 12600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1131, '2020-12-12', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005438', 1, 0, 90000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1132, '2020-12-12', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130071837', 1, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1133, '2020-12-14', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005435', 1, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1134, '2020-12-14', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13497', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 135175, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1135, '2020-12-15', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6500, 0, 0, 0, 6500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1136, '2020-12-16', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 37275, 0, 0, 184875, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1137, '2020-12-17', 64, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3450, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1138, '2020-12-17', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 33901.5, 0, 0, 0, 33901.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1139, '2020-12-17', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 222150, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1140, '2020-12-17', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'as 9093-20', 1, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1141, '2020-12-17', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7658, 0, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1142, '2020-12-17', 65, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 28800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1143, '2020-12-18', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005453', 1, 0, 54000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1144, '2020-12-18', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5550, 0, 0, 0, 5550, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1145, '2020-12-18', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13586', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 122150, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1146, '2020-12-18', 64, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5971.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1147, '2020-12-19', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000130', 1, 0, 0, 14850, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1148, '2020-12-19', 65, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 28800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1149, '2020-12-19', 65, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 23800, 0, 0, 0, 28800, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1150, '2020-12-21', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130072081/9130072019', 1, 0, 11100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1151, '2020-12-22', 8, 'credit_invoice', 'ge2390-z', 1, 0, 0, 61750, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1152, '2020-12-22', 66, 'credit_invoice', '0405536', 1, 0, 0, 85215, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1153, '2020-12-22', 66, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6176, 0, 0, 0, 85215, 0, 'part payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1154, '2020-12-23', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 61750, 0, 0, 0, 61750, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1155, '2020-12-23', 27, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1156, '2020-12-23', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 97000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1157, '2020-12-23', 28, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 16950, 0, 0, 0, 16950, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1158, '2020-12-23', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 23016.5, 0, 0, 0, 23016.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1159, '2020-12-23', 12, 'credit_invoice', '011981', 1, 884.4, 0, 28595.6, 0, 0, 57697.79, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1160, '2020-12-23', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, 131.45, 0, 5126.55, 0, 0, 86293.39, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1161, '2020-12-23', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0005791', 1, 2377.5, 0, 25122.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1162, '2020-12-23', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0, 25122.5, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1163, '2020-12-23', 35, 'credit_invoice', '446', 1, 0, 0, 7697, 0, 0, 0.00000999998883344233, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1164, '2020-12-23', 66, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 79039, 0, 0, 0, 79039, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1165, '2020-12-23', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7550, 0, 0, 0, 97000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1166, '2020-12-23', 60, 'credit_invoice', '189', 1, 0, 0, 9621, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1167, '2020-12-24', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130266646', 1, 0, 14800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1168, '2020-12-25', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1169, '2020-12-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '118502/2020-12', 1, 0, 18250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1170, '2020-12-28', 44, 'cash_invoice', '8130267176', 1, 0, 9250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1171, '2020-12-28', 55, 'cash_invoice', '0129', 1, 0, 19998, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1172, '2020-12-28', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005613', 1, 0, 90000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1173, '2020-12-29', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15342, 0, 0, 0, 15342, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1174, '2020-12-29', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7697, 0, 0, 0, 7697.00000999999, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1175, '2020-12-29', 60, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9621, 0, 0, 0, 9621, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1176, '2020-12-30', 14, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 14143, 0, 14143, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1177, '2020-12-30', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0014731', 1, 1535, 0, 29165, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1178, '2020-12-30', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0000481', 1, 0, 0, 2250, 0, 0, 29165, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1179, '2020-12-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '0083040', 1, 0, 0, 31062.5, 0, 0, 147000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1180, '2020-12-30', 62, 'credit_invoice', '01785', 1, 0, 0, 35750, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1181, '2020-12-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 147000, 0, 0, 0, 178062.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1182, '2020-12-30', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 53500, 0, 0, 0, 53500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1183, '2020-12-30', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 57697, 0, 0, 0, 91419.9400000001, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1184, '2020-12-31', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 14850, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1185, '2020-12-31', 29, 'credit_invoice', '0083044', 1, 0, 0, 31062.5, 0, 0, 31062.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1186, '2020-12-31', 62, 'credit_invoice', '01786', 1, 0, 0, 35750, 0, 0, 35750, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1187, '2020-12-31', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1850, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1188, '2020-12-31', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005661', 1, 0, 90000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1189, '2021-01-04', 42, 'cash_invoice', '10757', 1, 0, 921, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1190, '2021-01-04', 32, 'credit_invoice', '3218412', 1, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1191, '2021-01-04', 10, 'credit_invoice', '002806', 1, 1433.07, 0, 46335.93, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1192, '2021-01-04', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 46335.93, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1193, '2021-01-04', 10, 'credit_invoice', '002809', 1, 0, 0, 16740, 0, 0, 36335.93, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1194, '2021-01-04', 15, 'credit_invoice', '0000989', 1, 1866, 0, 35462, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1195, '2021-01-04', 15, 'credit_invoice', '0000989', 1, 1866.4, 0, 35461.6, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1196, '2021-01-06', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 62125, 0, 62125, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1197, '2021-01-06', 13, 'credit_invoice', '0852', 1, 0, 0, 17040, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1198, '2021-01-06', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 89450, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1199, '2021-01-06', 28, 'cash_invoice', '14281', 1, 0, 74510, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1200, '2021-01-06', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 150, 3600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1201, '2021-01-06', 50, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1202, '2021-01-07', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1203, '2021-01-08', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9800, 0, 0, 33722.9400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1204, '2021-01-08', 44, 'credit_invoice', '8130268798', 1, 0, 0, 18250, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1205, '2021-01-08', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13673', 1, 0, 0, 82975, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1206, '2021-01-11', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03707', 1, 0, 32000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1207, '2021-01-11', 44, 'cash_invoice', '91200720668', 1, 0, 9250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1208, '2021-01-11', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03708', 1, 0, 64000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1209, '2021-01-11', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2850, 0, 0, 0, 2850, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1210, '2021-01-12', 35, 'credit_invoice', '9', 1, 0, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0.00000999998883344233, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1211, '2021-01-12', 23, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1850, 0, 0, 1850, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1212, '2021-01-12', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3700, 0, 0, 0, 3700, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1213, '2021-01-12', 44, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 18250, 0, 0, 0, 18250, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1214, '2021-01-12', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100119', 1, 0, 0, 173950, 0, 0, 82975, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1215, '2021-01-12', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'ge4686-18', 1, 0, 0, 9200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1216, '2021-01-13', 27, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 22000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1217, '2021-01-13', 63, 'cash_invoice', '03721', 1, 0, 32000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1218, '2021-01-13', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15113, 0, 0, 0, 31415, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1219, '2021-01-13', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005860', 1, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1220, '2021-01-14', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24722.5, 0, 0, 0, 24722.5, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1221, '2021-01-14', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0006281', 1, 3337.5, 0, 30037.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1222, '2021-01-14', 11, 'credit_invoice', '00006282', 1, 0, 0, 7640, 0, 0, 30037.5, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1223, '2021-01-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005851', 1, 0, 44640, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1224, '2021-01-15', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'as4118-n', 1, 0, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 9200, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1225, '2021-01-15', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, 321.7, 0, 12546.3, 0, 0, 43522.9400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1226, '2021-01-15', 12, 'credit_invoice', '4', 1, 897, 0, 35013, 0, 0, 56069.2400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1227, '2021-01-15', 35, 'credit_invoice', '16', 1, 0, 0, 4184, 0, 0, 5000.00000999999, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1228, '2021-01-16', 23, 'credit_invoice', '849272', 1, 0, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1229, '2021-01-18', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1230, '2021-01-18', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 71500, 0, 0, 0, 71500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1231, '2021-01-18', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 150000, 0, 0, 0, 256925, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1232, '2021-01-18', 23, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1233, '2021-01-18', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0005891', 1, 0, 54360, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1234, '2021-01-19', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 16000, 0, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1235, '2021-01-19', 62, 'credit_invoice', '0025', 1, 0, 0, 19975, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1236, '2021-01-19', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 9184.00000999999, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1237, '2021-01-20', 19, 'credit_invoice', '2607334', 1, 0, 0, 38560, 0, 0, 2370, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1238, '2021-01-22', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20500, 0, 0, 0, 91082.2400000001, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1239, '2021-01-22', 44, 'cash_invoice', '212901000365', 1, 0, 12803.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1240, '2021-01-22', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1056582', 1, 0, 24310.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1241, '2021-01-22', 23, 'cash_invoice', '849673', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1242, '2021-01-22', 23, 'cash_invoice', '849717', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1243, '2021-01-22', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1244, '2021-01-23', 50, 'credit_invoice', 'as9093-20', 1, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 7000, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1245, '2021-01-26', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 70582.2400000001, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1246, '2021-01-26', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000146', 1, 0, 0, 11745, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1247, '2021-01-26', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 30000, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1248, '2021-01-27', 12, 'credit_invoice', '012271', 1, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 50582.2400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1249, '2021-01-28', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1250, '2021-01-28', 23, 'cash_invoice', '850353', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1251, '2021-01-28', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 924, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1252, '2021-01-28', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 35461.6, 0, 0, 0, 35461.6, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1253, '2021-01-29', 23, 'cash_invoice', '850446', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1254, '2021-01-29', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4184, 0, 0, 0, 4184.00000999999, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1255, '2021-01-30', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5550, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1256, '2021-01-30', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 101500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1257, '2021-01-30', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 101500, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1258, '2020-12-21', 65, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 0, 'full payment', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1259, '2021-02-01', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 99500, 0, 0, 0, 99500, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1260, '2021-02-01', 62, 'cash_invoice', '00029', 1, 0, 76500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1261, '2021-02-01', 62, 'credit_invoice', '00029', 1, 0, 0, 76500, 0, 0, 19975, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1262, '2021-02-02', 32, 'credit_invoice', '3218300', 1, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1263, '2021-02-02', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 106925, 0, 0, 0, 106925, 0, 'full payment made', 13, NULL, NULL, 0), (1264, '2021-02-02', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 49450, 0, 'part payment made', 13, NULL, NULL, 0), (1265, '2021-02-02', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 19975, 0, 0, 0, 96475, 0, 'part payment made', 13, NULL, NULL, 0), (1266, '2021-02-02', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1267, '2018-01-01', 1, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 14560, 0, 0, 0, 14560, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1268, '2021-02-02', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 11745, 0, 'part payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1269, '2021-02-02', 62, 'credit_invoice', '00031', 1, 0, 0, 51000, 0, 0, 76500, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1270, '2021-02-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13516', 1, 0, 0, 41700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1271, '2021-02-04', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100127', 1, 0, 0, 173950, 0, 0, 41700, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1272, '2021-02-05', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 17040, 0, 0, 0, 17040, 0, 'full payment made', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1273, '2021-02-05', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006463', 1, 0, 0, 147000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 1), (1274, '2021-02-05', 12, 'credit_invoice', '012274', 1, 200, 0, 12800, 0, 0, 65582.2400000001, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1275, '2021-02-05', 23, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 12, NULL, NULL, 0), (1276, '2021-02-08', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 38145, 0, 78382.2400000001, 0, 'part payment to frankatson', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1277, '2021-02-08', 67, 'credit_invoice', '0000010', 1, 0, 0, 19450, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1278, '2021-02-08', 28, 'cash_invoice', '14633', 1, 0, 26660, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1279, '2021-02-08', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 18290, 0, 0, 0, 18290, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1280, '2021-02-09', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0003955', 1, 0, 0, 20565, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1281, '2021-02-09', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, 82.2, 0, 3205.8, 0, 0, 40237.2400000001, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1282, '2021-02-09', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 0, 0, 14800, 0, 0, 43443.0400000002, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1283, '2021-02-09', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, 801, 0, 24239, 0, 0, 58243.0400000002, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1284, '2021-02-09', 35, 'cash_invoice', '51', 1, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1285, '2021-02-09', 63, 'cash_invoice', '04763', 1, 0, 26250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1286, '2021-02-11', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006490', 1, 0, 0, 94500, 0, 0, 147000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1287, '2021-02-12', 64, 'cash_invoice', '1221', 1, 0, 4379.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1288, '2021-02-13', 24, 'credit_invoice', '852527', 1, 0, 0, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'whaet 200bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1289, '2021-02-15', 30, 'credit_invoice', '0044203', 1, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'wheat 100 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1290, '2021-02-15', 51, 'cash_invoice', '01020', 1, 0, 82000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '400 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1291, '2021-02-15', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 4000, 0, 'full payment of wheat 200 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1292, '2021-02-15', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 150000, 0, 0, 0, 215650, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1293, '2021-02-15', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 6900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '300 bags of whiteshells', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1294, '2021-02-15', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9200, 0, 0, 6900, 0, '400 bags of whiteshell', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1295, '2021-02-15', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 16100, 0, 'part payment o shells', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1296, '2021-02-15', 30, 'cash_invoice', '0044203', 1, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '1000 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1297, '2021-02-16', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'wheatbran 500', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1298, '2021-02-16', 55, 'cash_invoice', '0237', 1, 0, 29132, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1299, '2021-02-17', 55, 'cash_invoice', '0237', 1, 0, 29132, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1300, '2021-02-18', 54, 'cash_invoice', '01020', 1, 0, 61500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '300 bags of ldc soya', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1301, '2021-02-19', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '200 bags of wheatbran', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1302, '2021-02-20', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4745, 0, 0, 0, 4745, 0, 'full payment of local fish', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1303, '2021-02-20', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 13110, 0, 0, 6100, 0, '570 bags of whiteshells', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1304, '2021-02-20', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 11500, 0, 0, 19210, 0, '500 bags of whiteshells', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1305, '2021-02-22', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130074203', 1, 0, 28080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '489 bags of pellet wheat', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1306, '2021-02-22', 44, 'cash_invoice', '9130074203', 1, 0, 28080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '489 bags of pellet 45kg', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1307, '2021-02-22', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'local dicalcium 120 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1308, '2021-02-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 20850, 0, 0, 65650, 0, '100 bags of 25% koudijs', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1309, '2021-02-23', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 19450, 0, 0, 0, 19450, 0, 'payment made through bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1310, '2021-02-23', 10, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 26075, 0, 53075.93, 0, 'part payment made to multivet', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1311, '2021-02-24', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 27000, 0, 0, 0, 27000.93, 0, 'payment via bank absa', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1312, '2021-02-24', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20800, 0, 0, 0, 82482.0400000002, 0, 'part partment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1313, '2021-02-24', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 86500, 0, 0, 0, 86500, 0, 'payment via fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1314, '2021-02-24', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 127500, 0, 0, 0, 127500, 0, 'full payment via fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1315, '2021-02-24', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 13433, 0, 0, 0, 30710, 0, 'part payment via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1316, '2021-02-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '300 bags of wheat', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1317, '2021-02-24', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '600 bags of wheat', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1318, '2021-02-24', 29, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 19880, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '80 bags of broiler koudijs', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1319, '2021-02-24', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '40 local layer premix', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1320, '2021-02-24', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 19880, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1321, '2021-02-24', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1322, '2021-02-24', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1323, '2021-02-24', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 'payment made to driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1324, '2021-02-24', 10, 'credit_invoice', '003461', 1, 0, 0, 16740, 0, 0, 0.929999999993015, 0, '60 bags of macro premix', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1325, '2021-02-25', 10, 'credit_invoice', '003460', 1, 867.2, 0, 28041.8, 0, 0, 16740.93, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1326, '2021-02-25', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006619', 1, 0, 0, 133900, 0, 0, 241500, 0, '650 bags of safrip soya', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1327, '2021-02-26', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 19880, 0, 0, 19880, 0, '80 bags of koudijs 5%', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1328, '2021-02-26', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 37231, 0, 39760, 0, 'payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1329, '2021-02-27', 24, 'cash_invoice', '3502015', 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '100 bags of wheatbran', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1330, '2021-02-27', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 16302, 0, 0, 0, 16302, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1331, '2021-02-27', 54, 'cash_invoice', '1057', 1, 0, 143500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '700 bags of ldc soya', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1332, '2021-02-27', 54, 'cash_invoice', '1057', 1, 0, 205000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '1000 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1333, '2021-03-01', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2529, 0, 2529, 0, 'full payment made via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1334, '2021-03-01', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 27500, 0, 0, 0, 375400, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1335, '2021-03-01', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 347900, 0, 'payment via bank transfer fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1336, '2021-03-01', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 8424, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1337, '2021-03-01', 63, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 52500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1338, '2021-03-02', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 39000, 0, 0, 0, 40930, 0, 'part payment via absa bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1339, '2021-03-02', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 540, 0, -540, 0, 0, 61682.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1340, '2021-03-02', 12, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 540, 21060, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1341, '2021-03-02', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 61682.0400000003, 0, 'payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1342, '2021-03-02', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 540, 0, 21060, 0, 0, 41682.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1343, '2021-03-03', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 17277, 0, 0, 0, 17277, 0, 'payment made via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1344, '2021-03-03', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1345, '2021-03-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100143', 1, 0, 0, 194875, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1346, '2021-03-03', 29, 'cash_invoice', 'w202100143', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1347, '2021-03-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100143', 1, 0, 0, 194800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1348, '2021-03-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100142', 1, 0, 0, 194800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1349, '2021-03-04', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1170, 0, 0, 0, 1170, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1350, '2021-03-04', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2361', 1, 0, 0, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '100 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1351, '2021-03-05', 19, 'credit_invoice', '0345325', 1, 0, 0, 36900, 0, 0, 1930, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1352, '2021-03-06', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0006158', 1, 0, 21000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '100 bags', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1353, '2021-03-06', 15, 'credit_invoice', '2114', 1, 2426.5, 0, 46103.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1354, '2021-03-06', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1355, '2021-03-06', 68, 'cash_invoice', '060321', 1, 0, 2247, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1356, '2021-03-08', 62, 'credit_invoice', '2466', 1, 0, 0, 73500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1357, '2021-03-09', 62, 'credit_invoice', '01554', 1, 0, 0, 38250, 0, 0, 73500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1358, '2021-03-08', 29, 'credit_invoice', '12373', 1, 0, 0, 41700, 0, 0, 194800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1359, '2021-03-10', 6, 'credit_invoice', '000000131', 1, 0, 0, 13770, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1360, '2021-03-08', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000131', 1, 0, 0, 13770, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1361, '2021-03-10', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 13770, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1362, '2021-03-10', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1363, '2021-03-06', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1364, '2021-03-09', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0001559', 1, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1365, '2021-03-09', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0001724', 1, 2042, 0, 27258, 0, 0, 23000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1366, '2021-03-09', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0001724', 1, 2042, 0, 38808, 0, 0, 23000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1367, '2021-03-09', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 61808, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1368, '2021-03-10', 67, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 19450, 0, 19450, 0, 'full payment made via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1369, '2021-03-11', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2380', 1, 0, 0, 20500, 0, 0, 14500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1370, '2021-03-11', 24, 'cash_invoice', '855561', 1, 0, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1371, '2021-03-11', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 35000, 0, 'part payment via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1372, '2021-03-11', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1470, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1373, '2021-03-12', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1374, '2021-03-12', 42, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1434, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1375, '2021-03-13', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 8770, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1376, '2021-03-15', 15, 'credit_invoice', '2145', 1, 225, 0, 4275, 0, 0, 46103.5, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1377, '2021-03-15', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 50378.5, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1378, '2021-03-15', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 37677.5, 0, 0, 0, 37677.5, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1379, '2021-03-16', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0807077', 1, 3615, 0, 37635, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1380, '2021-03-16', 69, 'cash_invoice', '0210', 1, 0, 960, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1381, '2021-03-16', 69, 'cash_invoice', '0210', 1, 0, 960, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1382, '2021-03-16', 62, 'credit_invoice', '01562', 1, 0, 0, 38250, 0, 0, 111750, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1383, '2021-03-16', 35, 'credit_invoice', '112', 1, 0, 0, 14560, 0, 0, 0.00000999998883344233, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1384, '2021-03-17', 67, 'credit_invoice', '0002960', 1, 0, 0, 9310, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1385, '2021-03-18', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 132152, 0, 236500, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1386, '2021-03-18', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20500, 0, 0, 0, 20500, 0, 'full payment made via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1387, '2021-03-18', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2770, 0, 0, 0, 2770, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1388, '2021-03-18', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000132', 1, 0, 0, 9045, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1389, '2021-03-18', 8, 'credit_invoice', '0469', 1, 0, 0, 41850, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1390, '2021-03-18', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200000, 0, 0, 0, 247900, 0, 'part payment made via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1391, '2021-03-18', 8, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 41850, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1392, '2021-03-18', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3600, 0, 0, 0, 21850, 0, 'part payment (driver)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1393, '2021-03-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1394, '2021-03-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2401', 1, 0, 0, 14500, 0, 0, 14500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1395, '2021-03-18', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 104348, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1396, '2021-03-18', 36, 'mtn_momo_invoice', '2401', 1, 0, 0, 0, 21750, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1397, '2021-03-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2401', 1, 0, 0, 21750, 0, 0, 14500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1398, '2021-03-19', 29, 'credit_invoice', '0002324', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 129198, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1399, '2021-03-19', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 18250, 0, 0, 0, 18250, 0, 'full payment made via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1400, '2021-03-19', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 11000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1401, '2021-03-20', 32, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1402, '2021-03-22', 69, 'cash_invoice', '0211', 1, 0, 1600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1403, '2021-03-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14850, 0, 0, 178898, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1404, '2021-03-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14850, 0, 0, 193748, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1405, '2021-03-23', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30000, 0, 62742.0400000003, 0, 'part payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1406, '2021-03-23', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1407, '2021-03-23', 8, 'credit_invoice', '0470', 1, 0, 0, 51150, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1408, '2021-03-23', 69, 'cash_invoice', '0212', 1, 0, 1600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1409, '2021-03-23', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 29700, 0, 0, 208598, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1410, '2021-03-23', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 51150, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1411, '2021-03-24', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2419', 1, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 36250, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1412, '2021-03-24', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 49650, 0, 0, 0, 49650, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1413, '2021-03-24', 30, 'cash_invoice', '020753', 1, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1414, '2021-03-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1415, '2021-03-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1416, '2021-03-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '857108', 1, 0, 1012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1417, '2021-03-25', 41, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1418, '2021-03-25', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2600, 0, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 'part payment(1000 to driver, 1000 via momo to maa lizzy and previous balance 600)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1419, '2021-03-25', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 20000, 0, 32742.0400000003, 0, 'part payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1420, '2021-03-26', 70, 'credit_invoice', '9130075299', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1421, '2021-03-26', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 11100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1422, '2021-03-26', 70, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 'full payment via bank fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1423, '2021-03-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '0005003', 1, 1500, 0, 37500, 0, 0, 12742.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1424, '2021-03-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '0005002', 1, 444, 0, 14340, 0, 0, 50242.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1425, '2021-03-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 111, 0, 4329, 0, 0, 64582.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1426, '2021-03-27', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0006239', 1, 0, 140000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1427, '2021-03-30', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 3400, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1428, '2021-03-30', 71, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1429, '2021-03-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 54125, 0, 0, 238298, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1430, '2021-03-30', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 40378.5, 0, 0, 0, 40378.5, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1431, '2021-03-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 238298, 0, 0, 0, 292423, 0, 'full payment as at 30/3/21', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1432, '2021-03-30', 13, 'credit_invoice', '0883', 1, 0, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1433, '2021-03-31', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 43700, 0, 0, 54125, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1434, '2021-03-31', 71, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 'full payment made via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1435, '2021-03-31', 28, 'cash_invoice', '15299', 1, 0, 23100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1436, '2021-03-31', 35, 'credit_invoice', '134', 1, 0, 0, 7900, 0, 0, 14560.00001, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1437, '2021-03-31', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 97825, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1438, '2021-04-01', 35, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 22460.00001, 0, 'part payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1439, '2021-04-01', 24, 'cash_invoice', '858364', 1, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1440, '2021-04-02', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 145600, 0, 0, -193600, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1441, '2021-02-05', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 145600, 0, 0, -193600, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1442, '2021-02-11', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 93600, 0, 0, -48000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1443, '2021-04-02', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 101500, 0, 0, 45600, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1444, '2021-04-06', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12460, 0, 0, 0, 12460.00001, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1445, '2021-04-06', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 25850, 0, 0, 0, 45850, 0, 'part payment via bank (adb)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1446, '2021-04-06', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9045, 0, 0, 0, 9045, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1447, '2021-04-06', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1448, '2021-04-06', 24, 'cash_invoice', '858732', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1449, '2021-04-07', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 122675, 0, 0, 0, 122675, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1450, '2021-04-07', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 150000, 0, 0, 0, 150000, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1451, '2021-04-07', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1452, '2021-04-08', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 12000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1453, '2021-04-08', 24, 'cash_invoice', '858910/ 858911', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1454, '2021-04-07', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 12000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1455, '2021-04-07', 24, 'cash_invoice', '858910/ 858911', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1456, '2021-04-07', 55, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14180, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1457, '2021-04-08', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1458, '2021-04-08', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 38380, 0, 0, 0, 38830, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, '', 3, 1), (1459, '2021-04-08', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 45600, 0, 0, 0, 147100, 0, 'payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1460, '2021-04-08', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 46808, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1461, '2021-04-09', 60, 'cash_invoice', '017', 1, 0, 8400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1462, '2021-04-08', 13, 'credit_invoice', '0885/0888', 1, 0, 0, 36072, 0, 0, 2500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1463, '2021-04-09', 32, 'credit_invoice', '19/3220277', 1, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1464, '2021-04-09', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0006818', 1, 0, 0, 142100, 0, 0, 101500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1465, '2021-04-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100185', 1, 0, 0, 174000, 0, 0, 49700, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1466, '2021-04-12', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'full payment via gcb', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1467, '2021-04-13', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000133', 1, 0, 0, 9180, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1468, '2021-04-13', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 9180, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1469, '2021-04-13', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 44782, 0, 0, 0, 44782.73, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1470, '2021-04-14', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9400, 0, 0, 20000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1471, '2021-04-13', 10, 'credit_invoice', 'c03652', 1, 0, 0, 18600, 0, 0, 0.729999999981374, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1472, '2021-04-13', 10, 'credit_invoice', 'c03651', 1, 828.21, 0, 26778.79, 0, 0, 18600.73, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1473, '2021-04-13', 12, 'credit_invoice', '1', 1, 560.5, 0, 21859.5, 0, 0, 68911.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1474, '2021-04-14', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 0, 0, 360, 0, 0, 90770.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1475, '2021-04-13', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 0, 0, 360, 0, 0, 90770.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1476, '2021-04-14', 8, 'credit_invoice', '0473', 1, 0, 0, 53900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1477, '2021-04-14', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1478, '2021-04-14', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 53350, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1479, '2021-04-14', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 53350, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1480, '2021-04-08', 19, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 38830, 0, 0, 0, 38830, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1481, '2021-04-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0051231', 1, 0, 50000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1482, '2021-04-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0006285', 1, 0, 90000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1483, '2021-04-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0051230', 1, 0, 50000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1484, '2021-04-15', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8980, 0, 0, 0, 8980, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1485, '2021-04-15', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 31350, 0, 0, 0, 31350, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1486, '2021-04-15', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 150000, 0, 0, 0, 223700, 0, 'part payment made via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1487, '2021-04-15', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 29400, 0, 0, 0, 29400, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1488, '2021-04-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1489, '2021-04-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0006286', 1, 0, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1490, '2021-04-16', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2482', 1, 0, 0, 23400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1491, '2021-04-17', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 52125, 0, 0, 73700, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1492, '2021-04-17', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1493, '2021-04-17', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 28200, 0, 0, 23400, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1494, '2021-04-19', 29, 'credit_invoice', '10317', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 125825, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1495, '2021-04-20', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 51600, 0, 'part payment made to essvee agro ltd via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1496, '2021-04-20', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1692, 0, 0, 0, 21600, 0, 'payment of 18 bags of maize (3kg *300 / 50kg)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1497, '2021-04-21', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 19200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1498, '2021-04-21', 67, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 9310, 0, 9310, 0, 'full payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1499, '2021-04-21', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1500, '2021-04-21', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 19200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1501, '2021-04-21', 71, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1502, '2021-04-22', 71, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer fbn', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1503, '2021-04-22', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 28800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1504, '2021-04-22', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 38400, 0, 'part payment ( was given to the driver)', 17, '', 3, 1), (1505, '2021-04-22', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0, 38400, 0, 'part payment (driver)', 17, '', 1, 1), (1506, '2021-04-23', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1507, '2021-04-23', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 14000, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1508, '2021-04-23', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 102000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1509, '2021-04-23', 33, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 90, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1510, '2021-04-24', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1511, '2021-04-26', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2513', 1, 0, 0, 21250, 0, 0, 19908, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1512, '2021-04-26', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2514', 1, 0, 0, 35000, 0, 0, 41158, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1513, '2021-04-26', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 0, 13800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1514, '2021-04-26', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20274, 0, 0, 0, 38000, 0, 'part payment via bank gcb', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1515, '2021-04-26', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 19908, 0, 0, 0, 76158, 0, 'full payment to previous balance via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1516, '2021-04-27', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1517, '2021-04-27', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1518, '2021-04-28', 71, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1519, '2021-04-29', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 38572, 0, 0, 0, 38572, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1520, '2021-04-29', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1521, '2021-04-29', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 98968, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1522, '2021-04-29', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 65000, 0, 0, 0, 98968, 0, 'part payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1523, '2021-04-29', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 33968, 0, 'part payment made to driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1524, '2021-04-29', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3928, 0, 0, 0, 32448, 0, 'part payment (purchasing of sacks and rebagging fee)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1525, '2021-04-29', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 432, 0, 0, 0, 28520, 0, 'part payment (payment of 4bags containing stones)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1526, '2021-04-22', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 18126, 0, 'part payment made to driver', 17, '', 1, 1), (1527, '2021-04-26', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 18126, 0, 'part payment made to driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1528, '2021-04-29', 71, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1529, '2021-04-30', 71, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1530, '2021-04-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 150625, 0, 0, 0, 150675, 0, 'payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1531, '2021-05-01', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1532, '2021-05-01', 69, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1533, '2021-05-01', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 41440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1534, '2021-04-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 're-calculation of chick mash on 10/4/21', 17, '', 3, 1), (1535, '2021-05-03', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 'recalculation of purchase made on 10/4/21 chick mash', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1536, '2021-05-04', 14, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 36808, 0, 36808, 0, 'full payment made with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1537, '2021-05-04', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 71130, 0, 91130.5400000003, 0, 'part payment made with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1538, '2021-05-04', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 243600, 0, 0, 0, 243600, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1539, '2021-05-05', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 37635, 0, 0, 0, 37635, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1540, '2021-05-05', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2548', 1, 0, 0, 6500, 0, 0, 56250, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1541, '2021-05-05', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 62750, 0, 'part payment via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1542, '2021-05-05', 28, 'cash_invoice', '15991', 1, 0, 32700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1543, '2021-05-05', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0008560', 1, 3763, 0, 33867, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1544, '2021-05-06', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100210', 1, 0, 0, 145950, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1545, '2021-05-06', 68, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 394, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1546, '2021-05-06', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1547, '2021-05-06', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2553', 1, 0, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 17750, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1548, '2021-05-06', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 136500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1549, '2021-05-06', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 99400, 0, 0, 145950, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1550, '2021-05-05', 11, 'credit_invoice', '1543', 1, 0, 0, 3050, 0, 0, 33867, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1551, '2021-05-07', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 58500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1552, '2021-05-07', 63, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 8750, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1553, '2021-05-07', 63, 'cash_invoice', '40552', 1, 0, 17500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1554, '2021-05-08', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1555, '2021-05-08', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1556, '2021-05-10', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 4400, 0, 'full payment via access bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1557, '2021-05-10', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 25000, 0, 0, 0, 30750, 0, 'part payment via stanbic bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1558, '2021-05-10', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 121, 0, 41019, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1559, '2021-05-10', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15019, 0, 0, 0, 41019, 0, 'part payment made to agya sei', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1560, '2021-05-10', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 17926, 0, 0, 0, 17926, 0, 'full payment via bank gcb', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1561, '2021-05-11', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 26000, 0, 0, 0, 26000, 0, 'full payment made to agya osei', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1562, '2021-05-11', 71, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1563, '2021-05-11', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1564, '2021-05-11', 71, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 12500, 0, 'full payment made by bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1565, '2021-05-11', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2569', 1, 0, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 5750, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1566, '2021-05-12', 72, 'cash_invoice', '0002568', 1, 0, 40250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1567, '2021-05-12', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 102000, 0, 0, 0, 102000, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1568, '2021-05-12', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 125350, 0, 0, 0, 245350, 0, 'part payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1569, '2021-05-13', 30, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1570, '2021-05-13', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1571, '2021-05-14', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13806', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 120000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1572, '2021-05-14', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 18750, 0, 'part payment (purchashing of wheatbran 100*34)', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1573, '2021-05-17', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 125350, 0, 0, 0, 144850, 0, 'part payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1574, '2021-05-18', 69, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1575, '2021-05-18', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15350, 0, 0, 0, 15350, 0, 'full payment via stanbic', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1576, '2021-05-18', 32, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1577, '2021-05-11', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'full payment via bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1578, '2021-05-18', 32, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1579, '2021-05-12', 72, 'cash_invoice', '0002568', 1, 0, 40250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1580, '2021-05-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '0005041/0005042', 1, 1275, 0, 41340, 0, 0, 20000.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1581, '2021-05-18', 12, 'credit_invoice', '0005041/0005042', 1, 1275, 0, 41340, 0, 0, 20000.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1582, '2021-05-19', 24, 'cash_invoice', '864054', 1, 0, 3300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1583, '2021-05-19', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1584, '2021-05-20', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13778', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 19500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1585, '2021-05-21', 29, 'credit_invoice', 'w202100222', 1, 0, 0, 153950, 0, 0, 69200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1586, '2021-05-21', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1587, '2021-05-21', 41, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1588, '2021-05-21', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 9000, 0, 'part payment made via gcb', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1589, '2021-05-21', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 0, 'part payment made to driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1590, '2021-05-21', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 1000, 0, 26000, 0, 0, 61340.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1591, '2021-05-22', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0006693', 1, 0, 97500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1592, '2021-05-22', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1593, '2021-05-22', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 14700, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1594, '2021-05-22', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0006697', 1, 0, 19500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1595, '2021-05-24', 73, 'credit_invoice', '000008', 1, 0, 0, 63000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1596, '2021-05-24', 12, 'credit_invoice', '0005046', 1, 500, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 87340.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1597, '2021-05-24', 66, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 72000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1598, '2021-05-24', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9700, 0, 0, 0, 9700, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1599, '2021-05-24', 41, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 1500, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1600, '2021-05-25', 29, 'credit_invoice', '13767', 1, 0, 0, 29700, 0, 0, 223150, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1601, '2021-05-25', 66, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 72000, 0, 0, 0, 72000, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1602, '2021-05-25', 73, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 63000, 0, 0, 0, 63000, 0, 'full payment via bank tranfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1603, '2021-05-25', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 252850, 0, 0, 0, 252850, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1604, '2021-05-25', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1605, '2021-05-25', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 19500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1606, '2021-05-25', 35, 'credit_invoice', '201', 1, 100, 0, 18450, 0, 0, 0.00000999998883344233, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1607, '2021-05-26', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 6600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1608, '2021-05-26', 40, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 20565, 0, 0, 0, 20565, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1609, '2021-05-26', 70, 'cash_invoice', '9130077380', 1, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1610, '2021-05-26', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0002357', 1, 1038, 0, 19712, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1611, '2021-05-26', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0001588', 1, 0, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 19712, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1612, '2021-05-27', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 0, 13800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1613, '2021-05-27', 10, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 11405.02, 0, 45379.52, 0, 'part payment with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1614, '2021-05-27', 10, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 33974.5, 0, 33974.5, 0, 'full payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1615, '2021-05-27', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 60, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1616, '2021-05-27', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 'part payment to driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1617, '2021-05-27', 10, 'credit_invoice', '003866', 1, 0, 0, 6200, 0, 0, -0.0000000000436557456851006, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1618, '2021-05-27', 42, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 261, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1619, '2021-05-28', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2642', 1, 0, 0, 20700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1620, '2021-05-28', 42, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1621, '2021-05-29', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9940, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1622, '2021-05-29', 46, 'cash_invoice', '0003358', 1, 0, 11200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1623, '2021-05-31', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9940, 0, 0, 0, 9940, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1624, '2021-05-31', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 100340.54, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1625, '2021-06-01', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1170, 0, 0, 0, 1170, 0, 'full payment', 17, '', 1, 1), (1626, '2021-05-31', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1170, 0, 0, 0, 1170, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1627, '2021-06-01', 15, 'credit_invoice', '2060', 1, 450, 0, 8550, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1628, '2021-06-01', 13, 'credit_invoice', '0978', 1, 0, 0, 7800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1629, '2021-06-01', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0000206', 1, 0, 0, 12035, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1630, '2021-06-01', 29, 'credit_invoice', '12953', 1, 0, 0, 49700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1631, '2021-06-01', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 700, 0, 22636, 0, 0, 40340.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1632, '2021-06-01', 10, 'credit_invoice', '003876', 1, 423.3, 0, 13787.7, 0, 0, 6199.99999999996, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1633, '2021-06-01', 10, 'credit_invoice', '003876', 1, 426.3, 0, 13784.7, 0, 0, 6199.99999999996, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1634, '2021-06-02', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 36450, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1635, '2021-06-02', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1636, '2021-06-03', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24300, 0, 0, 36450, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1637, '2021-06-03', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 1100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1638, '2021-06-03', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1639, '2021-06-03', 66, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1640, '2021-06-03', 5, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1641, '2021-06-04', 66, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 54000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1642, '2021-06-05', 5, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1643, '2021-06-05', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000136', 1, 0, 0, 15080, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1644, '2021-06-05', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5080, 0, 0, 0, 15080, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1645, '2021-05-29', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 58500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1646, '2021-06-07', 55, 'cash_invoice', '0957', 1, 0, 37920, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1647, '2021-05-05', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 28008, 0, 0, 0, 28088, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, '', 1, 1), (1648, '2021-05-05', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 28088, 0, 0, 0, 28088, 0, 'full payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1649, '2021-06-07', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 102000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1650, '2021-06-07', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 18450.00001, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1651, '2021-06-08', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2800, 0, 0, 0, 102000, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1652, '2021-06-09', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1653, '2021-06-09', 66, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1654, '2021-06-09', 66, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 18000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1655, '2021-06-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 49700, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1656, '2021-06-10', 66, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 18000, 0, 0, 0, 18000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1657, '2021-06-11', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 152000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1658, '2021-06-11', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1659, '2021-06-11', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24850, 0, 0, 74550, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1660, '2021-06-11', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7500, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1661, '2021-06-12', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 2500, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1662, '2021-06-12', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 65550, 0, 0, 99400, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1663, '2021-06-14', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1664, '2021-06-14', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 12000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1665, '2021-06-14', 35, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8450, 0, 0, 0, 8450.00000999999, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1666, '2021-06-14', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 57000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1667, '2021-06-12', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 57000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1668, '2021-06-01', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 49500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1669, '2021-06-10', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24750, 0, 0, 49500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1670, '2021-06-11', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24750, 0, 0, 74250, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1671, '2021-06-12', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 65250, 0, 0, 99000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1672, '2021-06-12', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2300, 0, 0, 0, 164250, 0, 'part payment via bank transfer', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1673, '2021-06-15', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1674, '2021-06-15', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 76000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1675, '2021-06-15', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1676, '2021-06-15', 12, 'credit_invoice', '015210', 1, 1570, 0, 50762, 0, 0, 62976.5400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1677, '2021-06-16', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100000, 0, 161950, 0, 'part payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1678, '2021-06-16', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30977.5, 0, 113738.54, 0, 'part payment via momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1679, '2021-06-16', 28, 'cash_invoice', '522', 1, 0, 44100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1680, '2021-06-16', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 51250, 0, 0, 61950, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1681, '2021-06-16', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 20700, 0, 'part payment via stanbic bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1682, '2021-06-16', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10700, 0, 0, 0, 10700, 0, 'full payment via stanbic bank', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1683, '2021-06-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2709', 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1684, '2021-06-18', 10, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 19984.7, 0, 0, 0, 19984.7, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1685, '2021-06-18', 10, 'credit_invoice', '003898', 1, 0, 0, 6200, 0, 0, -0.0000000000436557456851006, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1686, '2021-06-18', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 'full payment', 17, '', 1, 1), (1687, '2021-06-11', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1688, '2021-06-18', 32, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1689, '2021-06-21', 36, 'credit_invoice', '2717', 1, 0, 0, 13800, 0, 0, 30000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1690, '2021-06-22', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 13050, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1691, '2021-06-22', 10, 'credit_invoice', '004054', 1, 0, 0, 9300, 0, 0, 6199.99999999996, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1692, '2021-06-22', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 13050, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1693, '2021-06-22', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 43800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1694, '2021-06-23', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1695, '2021-06-23', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 60325, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1696, '2021-06-23', 74, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1697, '2021-06-23', 74, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 4800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1698, '2021-06-23', 74, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1650, 0, 0, 7300, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1699, '2021-06-23', 74, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1750, 0, 0, 6450, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1700, '2021-06-23', 74, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8200, 0, 0, 0, 8200, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1701, '2021-06-24', 75, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 56250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1702, '2021-06-24', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 24130, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1703, '2021-06-24', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 38000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1704, '2021-06-25', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1705, '2021-06-25', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 50000, 0, 0, 0, 58800, 0, 'part payment via stanbic', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1706, '2021-06-26', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'part payment made', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1707, '2021-06-26', 44, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1708, '2021-06-28', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 68000, 0, 0, 0, 99200, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1709, '2021-06-28', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 57000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1710, '2021-06-29', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 10400, 0, 0, 60750, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1711, '2021-06-29', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0012', 1, 0, 0, 14200, 0, 0, 8800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1712, '2021-06-29', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1713, '2021-06-30', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 13500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1714, '2021-06-30', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 65000, 0, 0, 0, 82761.0400000003, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1715, '2021-06-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 63700, 0, 0, 0, 113200, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1716, '2021-06-30', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1717, '2021-06-30', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 0, 13000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1718, '2021-06-30', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7800, 0, 0, 0, 7800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1719, '2021-06-30', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8550, 0, 0, 0, 8550, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1720, '2021-07-01', 22, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 100000, 0, 0, 31200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1721, '2021-07-01', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 36917, 0, 0, 0, 36917, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1722, '2021-07-01', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 82125, 0, 0, 49500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1723, '2021-07-01', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1724, '2021-07-01', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1725, '2021-07-02', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1726, '2021-07-02', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1727, '2021-07-02', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3400, 0, 0, 0, 131200, 0, 'part payment made to driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1728, '2021-07-02', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 47500, 0, 0, 131625, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1729, '2021-07-02', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 103000, 0, 0, 179125, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1730, '2021-07-02', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1731, '2021-07-03', 36, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1732, '2021-07-02', 36, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1733, '2021-07-03', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1734, '2021-07-03', 69, 'cash_invoice', '0231', 1, 0, 1581, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1735, '2021-07-02', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 103000, 0, 0, 179125, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1736, '2021-07-05', 77, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 42000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1737, '2021-07-05', 69, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3069, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1738, '2021-07-05', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 500, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 17761.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1739, '2021-07-05', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8050, 0, 0, 0, 8050, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1740, '2021-07-06', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 88200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1741, '2021-06-16', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 100000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1742, '2021-06-04', 70, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 60750, 0, 0, 0, 71150, 0, 'full payment of sankofa', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1743, '2021-06-29', 70, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10400, 0, 0, 0, 10400, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1744, '2021-07-06', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 70600, 0, 0, 0, 88200, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1745, '2021-07-07', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 282125, 0, 'part payment', 17, '', 1, 1), (1746, '2021-07-07', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 17600, 0, 0, 0, 17600, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1747, '2021-07-07', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100000, 0, 282125, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1748, '2021-07-07', 29, 'credit_invoice', '14107', 1, 0, 0, 37125, 0, 0, 182125, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1749, '2021-07-07', 29, 'cash_invoice', '14107', 1, 0, 36900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1750, '2021-07-07', 29, 'credit_invoice', '14017', 1, 0, 0, 36900, 0, 0, 182125, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1751, '2021-07-08', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 8400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1752, '2021-07-08', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1753, '2021-07-09', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1754, '2021-07-09', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 2600, 0, 0, 13000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1755, '2021-07-09', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1756, '2021-07-09', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 6300, 0, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1757, '2021-07-10', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1758, '2021-07-10', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 15300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1759, '2021-07-10', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5300, 0, 0, 0, 15300, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1760, '2021-07-12', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1761, '2021-07-12', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 500, 0, 13000, 0, 0, 30761.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1762, '2021-07-09', 70, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15600, 0, 0, 0, 15600, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1763, '2021-07-13', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1764, '2021-07-13', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 13500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1765, '2021-07-14', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1062127', 1, 0, 58500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1766, '2021-07-14', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 10800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1767, '2021-07-14', 55, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 38180, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1768, '2021-07-13', 55, 'credit_invoice', '0511', 1, 0, 0, 38180, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1769, '2021-07-14', 55, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 38180, 0, 0, 0, 38180, 0, 'full payment with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1770, '2021-07-14', 40, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 12035, 0, 12035, 0, 'full payment with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1771, '2021-07-14', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 17761, 0, 43761.0400000003, 0, 'full payment with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1772, '2021-07-14', 14, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 24512, 0, 24512, 0, 'full payment with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1773, '2021-07-15', 50, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1774, '2021-07-15', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12000, 0, 0, 10800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1775, '2021-07-15', 11, 'cash_invoice', '0909006', 1, 2408, 24222, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1776, '2021-07-15', 11, 'credit_invoice', '0909006', 1, 2408, 0, 24222, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1777, '2021-07-15', 40, 'credit_invoice', '0000227', 1, 0, 0, 20090, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1778, '2021-07-16', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007242', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1779, '2021-07-16', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007241', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1780, '2021-07-15', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 38625, 0, 0, 219025, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1781, '2021-07-16', 76, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 5400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1782, '2021-07-16', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1783, '2021-07-16', 15, 'credit_invoice', '1988', 1, 2029.5, 0, 38560.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1784, '2021-07-17', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 91000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1785, '2021-07-16', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1786, '2021-07-17', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7600, 0, 0, 0, 91000, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1787, '2021-07-22', 10, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 15500, 0, 15500, 0, 'full payment with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1788, '2021-07-22', 35, 'cash_invoice', '275', 1, 60, 7440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1789, '2021-07-22', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 436.2, 0, 17011.8, 0, 0, 26000.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1790, '2021-07-22', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 43011.8400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1791, '2021-07-22', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 106437, 0, 257650, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1792, '2021-07-23', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 85500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1793, '2021-07-23', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 64375, 0, 0, 151213, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1794, '2021-07-23', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1795, '2021-07-23', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 120000, 0, 0, 0, 127800, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1796, '2021-07-23', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24900, 0, 0, 0, 24900, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1797, '2021-07-23', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1798, '2021-07-23', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 28950, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1799, '2021-07-24', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1800, '2021-07-24', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1801, '2021-07-24', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000139', 1, 0, 0, 8700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1802, '2021-07-24', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 700, 0, 0, 0, 8700, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1803, '2021-07-24', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1062554', 1, 0, 39000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1804, '2021-07-24', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007342', 1, 0, 9500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1805, '2021-07-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1806, '2021-07-24', 41, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1807, '2021-07-19', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 83400, 0, 0, 0, 83400, 0, 'full payment made to agya osei', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1808, '2021-07-26', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1809, '2021-07-26', 22, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 7800, 0, 0, 0, 7800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1810, '2021-07-26', 12, 'credit_invoice', '015182', 1, 1000, 0, 26000, 0, 0, 47511.8400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1811, '2021-07-26', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 40000, 0, 'full payment of wheatbran 1000', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1812, '2021-07-26', 76, 'cash_invoice', '0000807', 1, 0, 11200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1813, '2021-07-26', 77, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1814, '2021-07-27', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 126000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1815, '2021-07-27', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 126000, 0, 0, 0, 126000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1816, '2021-07-27', 32, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 22400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1817, '2021-07-28', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 50925, 0, 0, 0, 215588, 0, 'over purchases', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1818, '2021-07-28', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 164663, 0, 164663, 0, 'full payment made with momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1819, '2021-07-28', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 47511.8, 0, 0, 0, 73511.8400000003, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1820, '2021-07-28', 8, 'credit_invoice', '0316', 1, 0, 0, 121410, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1821, '2021-07-28', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 121410, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1822, '2021-07-29', 29, 'credit_invoice', '14177', 1, 0, 0, 36900, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1823, '2021-07-29', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0173', 1, 0, 0, 11000, 0, 0, 8700, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1824, '2021-07-29', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1825, '2021-07-29', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 7800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1826, '2021-07-29', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5600, 0, 0, 0, 7800, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1827, '2021-07-29', 10, 'credit_invoice', '004217', 1, 0, 0, 21350, 0, 0, -0.0000000000436557456851006, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1828, '2021-07-29', 10, 'credit_invoice', '004218', 1, 2620.85, 0, 49796.15, 0, 0, 21350, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1829, '2021-07-29', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 105200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1830, '2021-07-29', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 2600, 0, 0, 2200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1831, '2021-07-30', 15, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 38560.5, 0, 0, 0, 38560.5, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1832, '2021-07-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 25800, 0, 0, 36900, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1833, '2021-07-22', 35, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 60, 0, 7440, 0, 0, 0.00000999998883344233, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1834, '2021-07-30', 35, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 7440, 0, 7440.00000999999, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1835, '2021-07-30', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 105200, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1836, '2021-07-30', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007385', 1, 0, 95380, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1837, '2021-07-30', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 8000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1838, '2021-07-26', 77, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 45000, 0, 0, 0, 45000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1839, '2021-07-22', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 22800, 0, 0, 0, 22800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1840, '2021-07-31', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 118410, 0, 0, 0, 118410, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1841, '2021-08-02', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 19700, 0, 0, 0, 19700, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1842, '2021-08-02', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 62700, 0, 0, 0, 62700, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1843, '2021-08-02', 44, 'cash_invoice', '1123', 1, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1844, '2021-08-02', 28, 'credit_invoice', '17891', 1, 0, 0, 23300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1845, '2021-08-02', 28, 'credit_invoice', '17900', 1, 0, 0, 11650, 0, 0, 23300, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1846, '2021-08-02', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 103200, 0, 0, 0, 103200, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1847, '2021-08-02', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4800, 0, 0, 0, 4800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1848, '2021-08-03', 28, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 34950, 0, 34950, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1849, '2021-08-03', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 105820, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1850, '2021-08-03', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 105820, 0, 0, 0, 105820, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1851, '2021-08-03', 29, 'cash_invoice', '2815', 1, 0, 99000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1852, '2021-08-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2815', 1, 0, 0, 99000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1853, '2021-08-03', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2816', 1, 0, 0, 32100, 0, 0, 99000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1854, '2021-08-03', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1855, '2021-08-04', 62, 'credit_invoice', '02304', 1, 0, 0, 105200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1856, '2021-08-04', 29, 'credit_invoice', '2828', 1, 0, 0, 48150, 0, 0, 131100, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1857, '2021-08-04', 42, 'cash_invoice', '49479', 1, 0, 440.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1858, '2021-08-04', 42, 'cash_invoice', '1123', 1, 0, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1859, '2021-08-05', 78, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 13725, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1860, '2021-08-06', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1861, '2021-08-06', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 61320, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1862, '2021-08-06', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0002603', 1, 1758, 0, 33392, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1863, '2021-08-06', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0002652', 1, 0, 0, 3200, 0, 0, 33392, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1864, '2021-08-06', 79, 'cash_invoice', '0002757', 1, 545, 21255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1865, '2021-08-07', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 35900, 0, 0, 179250, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1866, '2021-08-06', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 110253, 0, 0, 61320, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1867, '2021-08-07', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1868, '2021-08-07', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0226', 1, 0, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1869, '2021-08-10', 54, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1870, '2021-08-10', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1871, '2021-08-10', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 12500, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1872, '2021-08-10', 76, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1873, '2021-08-11', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1063083', 1, 0, 54000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1874, '2021-08-11', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1063083', 1, 0, 52252, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1875, '2021-08-11', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1925, 0, 0, 0, 215150, 0, 'deduction of over purchases made', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1876, '2021-08-11', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 113225, 0, 213225, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1877, '2021-08-11', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0244', 1, 0, 0, 11750, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1878, '2021-08-11', 60, 'cash_invoice', '030', 1, 260, 7280, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1879, '2021-08-06', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 171573, 0, 0, 0, 171573, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1880, '2021-08-12', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 2920, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1881, '2021-08-13', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 76000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1882, '2021-08-13', 69, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1883, '2021-08-13', 47, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 5600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1884, '2021-08-13', 29, 'credit_invoice', '12954', 1, 0, 0, 51500, 0, 0, 100000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1885, '2021-08-13', 76, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 12800, 0, 0, 0, 12800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1886, '2021-08-13', 47, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5600, 0, 5600, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1887, '2021-08-14', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007533', 1, 0, 19000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1888, '2021-08-16', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1889, '2021-08-16', 10, 'credit_invoice', '004236', 1, 123.36, 0, 3988.64, 0, 0, 71146.15, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1890, '2021-08-16', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 610, 0, 23766, 0, 0, 26000.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1891, '2021-08-16', 12, 'credit_invoice', '3', 1, 609.4, 0, 23766.6, 0, 0, 26000.0400000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1892, '2021-08-17', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 114400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1893, '2021-08-17', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007560', 1, 0, 28500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1894, '2021-08-17', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 57000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1895, '2021-08-17', 30, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 22000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1896, '2021-08-17', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4150, 0, 0, 0, 114400, 0, 'part payment driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1897, '2021-08-18', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100000, 0, 151500, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1898, '2021-08-18', 10, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 50000, 0, 75134.79, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1899, '2021-08-18', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 110250, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1900, '2021-08-18', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 80250, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1901, '2021-08-18', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1902, '2021-08-18', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0270', 1, 0, 0, 11740, 0, 0, 11750, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1903, '2021-08-18', 8, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 80150, 0, 80150, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1904, '2021-08-18', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1905, '2021-08-18', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1906, '2021-08-18', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 23490, 0, 0, 0, 23490, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1907, '2021-08-18', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1908, '2021-08-18', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 17922, 0, 49766.6400000004, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1909, '2021-08-19', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 60, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1910, '2021-08-19', 29, 'credit_invoice', '12113', 1, 0, 0, 91625, 0, 0, 51500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1911, '2021-08-19', 11, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24222, 0, 0, 0, 24222, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1912, '2021-08-19', 32, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 22400, 0, 0, 0, 22400, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1913, '2021-08-19', 62, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 105200, 0, 0, 0, 105200, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1914, '2021-08-19', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 1200, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1915, '2021-08-19', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 1000, 0, 26000, 0, 0, 31844.6400000004, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1916, '2021-08-20', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1917, '2021-08-20', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 74800, 0, 0, 143125, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1918, '2021-08-21', 54, 'cash_invoice', '002337', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1919, '2021-08-21', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 60, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 1000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1920, '2021-08-21', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 2500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1921, '2021-08-23', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 15750, 0, 0, 217925, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1922, '2021-08-23', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 4200, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1923, '2021-08-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1924, '2021-08-24', 36, 'cash_invoice', '0291', 1, 0, 16325, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1925, '2021-08-24', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 76491, 0, 233675, 0, '', 17, '', 1, 1), (1926, '2021-08-24', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 41000, 0, 157184, 0, '', 17, '', 1, 1), (1927, '2021-08-24', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 76491, 0, 233675, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1928, '2021-08-24', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 41000, 0, 157184, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1929, '2021-08-25', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1063542', 1, 0, 65890, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1930, '2021-08-25', 38, 'cash_invoice', 'ps1063542', 1, 0, 65325, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1931, '2021-08-25', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 43800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1932, '2021-08-25', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1933, '2021-08-25', 29, 'credit_invoice', '14255', 1, 0, 0, 54137.5, 0, 0, 116184, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1934, '2021-08-25', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 26600, 0, 0, 43800, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1935, '2021-08-25', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0, 70400, 0, 'driver', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1936, '2021-08-26', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 5600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1937, '2021-08-27', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 28950, 0, 0, 0, 28950, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1938, '2021-08-27', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 15500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1939, '2021-08-27', 70, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 14280, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1940, '2021-08-28', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 70000, 0, 0, 0, 70000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1941, '2021-08-28', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 85800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1942, '2021-08-28', 34, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12450, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1943, '2021-08-28', 34, 'credit_invoice', '000000140', 1, 0, 0, 12450, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1944, '2021-08-28', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2450, 0, 0, 0, 12450, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1945, '2021-08-30', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 8400, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1946, '2021-08-30', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4200, 0, 0, 0, 8400, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1947, '2021-08-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 287.5, 0, 0, 0, 170321.5, 0, 'over purchases made', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1948, '2021-08-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '14299', 1, 0, 0, 24790, 0, 0, 170034, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1949, '2021-08-30', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 85800, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1950, '2021-08-30', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 55800, 0, 0, 0, 55800, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1951, '2021-08-30', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 54375, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1952, '2021-08-30', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 54375, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1953, '2021-08-31', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1954, '2021-08-31', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 54375, 0, 0, 0, 54375, 0, 'full', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1955, '2021-08-31', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 108972, 0, 194824, 0, 'part', 17, '', 1, 1), (1956, '2021-08-31', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 540, 0, 0, 0, 194824, 0, 'over purchase made', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1957, '2021-08-31', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 108972, 0, 194284, 0, 'part', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1958, '2021-08-31', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 85312, 0, 85312, 0, 'full', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1959, '2021-08-31', 80, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9936, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1960, '2021-08-24', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 16325, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1961, '2021-09-01', 36, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 18200, 0, 0, 16325, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1962, '2021-09-01', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0318', 1, 0, 0, 18000, 0, 0, 16325, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1963, '2021-09-01', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 24000, 0, 0, 0, 24000, 0, 'full', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1964, '2021-09-01', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 3480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1965, '2021-09-01', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 105710, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1966, '2021-09-02', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007706', 1, 0, 110200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1967, '2021-09-02', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 52260, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1968, '2021-09-03', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 4200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1969, '2021-09-03', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 79800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1970, '2021-09-04', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 0, 8700, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1971, '2021-09-04', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 2100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1972, '2021-09-04', 70, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 20300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1973, '2021-09-04', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 19800, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1974, '2021-09-04', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 130, 0, 0, 0, 19800, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1975, '2021-09-04', 4, 'credit_invoice', '0007816', 1, 0, 0, 96500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1976, '2021-09-06', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 93600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (1977, '2021-09-06', 8, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 94395, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1978, '2021-09-06', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1979, '2021-09-06', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 26000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1980, '2021-09-07', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 19670, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1981, '2021-09-07', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 4200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1982, '2021-09-04', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 2100, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1983, '2021-09-07', 33, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1100, 0, 0, 0, 1100, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1984, '2021-09-07', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 70000, 0, 105710, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1985, '2021-09-08', 54, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1986, '2021-09-08', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 34325, 0, 0, 0, 34325, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1987, '2021-09-08', 12, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 35000, 0, 0, 0, 57844.6400000004, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1988, '2021-09-08', 78, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 13725, 0, 13725, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1989, '2021-09-08', 80, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 9936, 0, 9936, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1990, '2021-09-08', 12, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 22844.64, 0, 22844.6400000004, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1991, '2021-09-08', 10, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 25134.79, 0, 25134.79, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1992, '2021-09-09', 30, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1993, '2021-09-09', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 1000, 0, 27000, 0, 0, 0.000000000349245965480804, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1994, '2021-09-09', 29, 'credit_invoice', '12174', 1, 0, 0, 28400, 0, 0, 35710, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1995, '2021-09-09', 28, 'cash_invoice', '18710', 1, 0, 23700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1996, '2021-09-09', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 41700, 0, 0, 64110, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1997, '2021-09-07', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 26000, 0, 0, 0, 26000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1998, '2021-09-09', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 39000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (1999, '2021-09-09', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 76000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2000, '2021-09-10', 14, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 36592, 0, 36592, 0, 'full', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2001, '2021-09-10', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2002, '2021-09-10', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 10000, 0, 18000, 0, 0, 27000.0000000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2003, '2021-09-10', 12, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 1000, 0, 27000, 0, 0, 27000.0000000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2004, '2021-09-10', 11, 'credit_invoice', '00012962', 1, 4045, 0, 44055, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2005, '2021-09-10', 12, 'credit_invoice', '013061', 1, 800, 0, 13500, 0, 0, 54000.0000000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2006, '2021-09-11', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 96500, 0, 0, 96500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2007, '2021-09-10', 4, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 96500, 0, 0, 96500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2008, '2021-09-11', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9670, 0, 0, 0, 9670, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2009, '2021-09-11', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 18810, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2010, '2021-09-11', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 4500, 0, 0, 10200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2011, '2021-09-11', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 6400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2012, '2021-09-13', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 41800, 0, 0, 105810, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2013, '2021-09-13', 10, 'credit_invoice', '004433', 1, 256.32, 0, 8287.68, 0, 0, -0.0000000000291038304567337, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2014, '2021-09-13', 12, 'credit_invoice', '2', 1, 477.5, 0, 18622.5, 0, 0, 67500.0000000003, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2015, '2021-09-14', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007793', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2016, '2021-09-13', 25, 'cash_invoice', '0007793', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2017, '2021-09-14', 14, 'cash_invoice', '0002649', 1, 3172, 60278, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2018, '2021-09-14', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 36450, 0, 0, 147610, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2019, '2021-09-14', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 14700, 0, 0, 0, 14700, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2020, '2021-09-09', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 39000, 0, 0, 0, 39000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2021, '2021-09-15', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 80300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2022, '2021-09-15', 29, 'credit_invoice', '12197', 1, 0, 0, 82800, 0, 0, 184060, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2023, '2021-09-15', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 210, 0, 0, 0, 266860, 0, 'over entry of purchases', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2024, '2021-09-15', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 1022, 0, 0, 80300, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2025, '2021-09-15', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 110221, 0, 266650, 0, 'momo', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2026, '2021-09-15', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2027, '2021-09-15', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3490, 0, 0, 0, 81322, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2028, '2021-09-16', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 330, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2029, '2021-09-16', 36, 'credit_invoice', '891', 1, 0, 0, 32200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2030, '2021-09-17', 0, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 60863, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2031, '2021-09-17', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 60863, 0, 0, 0, 77832, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2032, '2021-09-17', 24, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 9000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2033, '2021-09-17', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 16969, 0, 0, 0, 16969, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2034, '2021-09-18', 34, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 17700, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2035, '2021-09-18', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 3800, 0, 0, 0, 17700, 0, 'payment of wheat', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2036, '2021-09-18', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 5900, 0, 0, 0, 13900, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2037, '2021-09-18', 38, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 54264, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2038, '2021-09-18', 13, 'credit_invoice', '0003336', 1, 0, 0, 11040, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2039, '2021-09-20', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 95000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2040, '2021-09-20', 29, 'mtn_momo_pay', NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 106843, 0, 156429, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2041, '2021-09-21', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2042, '2021-09-21', 29, 'credit_invoice', '0200907', 1, 0, 0, 51500, 0, 0, 49586, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2043, '2021-09-22', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 500, 0, 0, 0, 101086, 0, 'over purchases entry', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2044, '2021-09-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 31875, 0, 0, 100586, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2045, '2021-09-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 95625, 0, 0, 132461, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2046, '2021-09-22', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 80250, 0, 0, 228086, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2047, '2021-09-22', 36, 'credit_invoice', '0383', 1, 0, 0, 16100, 0, 0, 32200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2048, '2021-09-22', 70, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 14500, 0, 0, 0, 14500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2049, '2021-09-23', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 308336, 0, 0, 0, 308336, 0, 'full payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2050, '2021-09-23', 8, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 25472, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2051, '2021-09-23', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 450, 0, 0, 0, 25472, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2052, '2021-09-24', 70, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2053, '2021-09-24', 24, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2054, '2021-09-24', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 7200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2055, '2021-09-24', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1500, 0, 0, 0, 193000, 0, 'over entry of purchases', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2056, '2021-09-24', 4, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 191500, 0, 0, 0, 191500, 0, 'full', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2057, '2021-09-24', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 25022, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2058, '2021-09-25', 36, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 48300, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2059, '2021-09-14', 14, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 3172, 0, 62078, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2060, '2021-09-27', 14, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 3172, 0, 60278, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2061, '2021-09-14', 14, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 3172, 0, 60278, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2062, '2021-09-27', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 48500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2063, '2021-09-27', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 7500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2064, '2021-09-27', 25, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 85500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2065, '2021-09-27', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 85500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2066, '2021-09-27', 15, 'credit_invoice', '1754', 1, 188, 0, 3572, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2067, '2021-09-27', 15, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 188, 3572, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2068, '2021-09-27', 15, 'credit_invoice', '1754', 1, 1902, 0, 36138, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2069, '2021-09-27', 14, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 40000, 0, 0, 0, 60278, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2070, '2021-09-27', 13, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 11040, 0, 0, 0, 11040, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2071, '2021-09-27', 34, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 8000, 0, 0, 0, 8000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2072, '2021-09-27', 13, 'credit_invoice', '000344', 1, 0, 0, 10500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2073, '2021-09-27', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0002672', 1, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 20278, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2074, '2021-09-27', 14, 'credit_invoice', '0002672', 1, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 20278, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2075, '2021-09-27', 13, 'credit_invoice', '000344', 1, 0, 0, 10500, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2076, '2021-09-27', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 23022, 0, 0, 0, 23022, 0, '', 17, '', 1, 1), (2077, '2021-09-28', 5, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2078, '2021-09-28', 76, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 7680, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2079, '2021-09-28', 73, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 62000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2080, '2021-09-27', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 52600, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2081, '2021-09-28', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 46000, 0, 0, 52600, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2082, '2021-09-27', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 46000, 0, 0, 52600, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2083, '2021-09-29', 33, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2084, '2021-09-29', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2085, '2021-09-29', 70, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2086, '2021-09-29', 30, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 12500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2087, '2021-09-29', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2088, '2021-09-27', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 21740, 0, 0, 0, 23022, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2089, '2021-09-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 53200, 0, 0, 48500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2090, '2021-09-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 80250, 0, 0, 101700, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2091, '2021-09-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 25500, 0, 0, 181950, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2092, '2021-09-30', 70, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 15000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2093, '2021-09-30', 29, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 12750, 0, 0, 207450, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2094, '2021-09-30', 29, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 207450, 0, 0, 0, 220200, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2095, '2021-09-30', 8, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 1282, 0, 0, 0, 1282, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2096, '2021-09-30', 80, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 8100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2097, '2021-10-01', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 96500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2098, '2021-10-01', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 25000, 0, 0, 7500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2099, '2021-10-01', 55, 'mtn_momo_invoice', '0476', 1, 0, 0, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 1), (2100, '2021-10-01', 55, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 9600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2101, '2021-10-01', 24, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 6000, 0, 0, 6000, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2102, '2021-10-02', 25, 'cash_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 96500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2103, '2021-09-27', 62, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 23000, 0, 0, 52600, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2104, '2021-09-28', 50, 'credit_invoice', '123', 1, 0, 0, 11250, 0, 0, 32500, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2105, '2021-10-04', 50, 'suppl_payment', NULL, 1, 0, 30514, 0, 0, 0, 43750, 0, 'part payment', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2106, '2021-10-05', 4, 'cash_invoice', '0007941', 1, 0, 81000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2107, '2021-10-05', 4, 'cash_invoice', '0007943', 1, 0, 54000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0), (2108, '2021-10-05', 4, 'cash_invoice', '0007940', 1, 0, 67500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 17, NULL, NULL, 0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `purchases` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.purchases_details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `purchases_details` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `unit` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `base_qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `amount` double DEFAULT NULL, `tax` double DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2674 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.purchases_details: ~2,673 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `purchases_details` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `purchases_details` (`id`, `trans_id`, `item_id`, `qty`, `unit`, `base_qty`, `amount`, `tax`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, 8, 14, 33, 1, 33, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2, 12, 7, 500, 1, 500, 130, NULL, b'0'), (3, 13, 225, 48, 1, 48, 1030, NULL, b'1'), (4, 14, 223, 24, 1, 24, 125, NULL, b'1'), (5, 15, 0, 12, 0, 0, 137, NULL, b'1'), (6, 16, 225, 48, 1, 48, 103, NULL, b'0'), (7, 16, 223, 24, 1, 24, 125, NULL, b'0'), (8, 17, 219, 12, 1, 12, 137, NULL, b'1'), (9, 18, 219, 12, 1, 12, 137, NULL, b'0'), (10, 21, 67, 200, 1, 200, 50.7, NULL, b'0'), (11, 21, 101, 100, 1, 100, 91.65, NULL, b'0'), (12, 21, 126, 75, 1, 75, 66.3, NULL, b'0'), (13, 22, 189, 30, 1, 30, 140, NULL, b'0'), (14, 22, 180, 3, 1, 3, 495, NULL, b'0'), (15, 22, 403, 10, 1, 10, 410, NULL, b'0'), (16, 23, 161, 40, 1, 40, 50, NULL, b'0'), (17, 23, 178, 30, 1, 30, 57, NULL, b'0'), (18, 24, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16, NULL, b'0'), (19, 25, 3, 100, 1, 100, 220, NULL, b'0'), (20, 26, 11, 150, 1, 150, 235, NULL, b'0'), (21, 27, 167, 12, 1, 12, 85, NULL, b'0'), (22, 27, 154, 36, 1, 36, 90, NULL, b'0'), (23, 27, 152, 36, 1, 36, 180, NULL, b'0'), (24, 29, 7, 800, 1, 800, 131, NULL, b'0'), (25, 30, 414, 150, 1, 150, 225, NULL, b'0'), (26, 30, 357, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (27, 30, 15, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (28, 31, 8, 600, 1, 600, 15, NULL, b'0'), (29, 32, 10, 701, 1, 701, 27.5, NULL, b'0'), (30, 33, 22, 471, 1, 471, 65, NULL, b'0'), (31, 34, 8, 450, 1, 450, 16, NULL, b'0'), (32, 36, 356, 30, 1, 30, 230, NULL, b'1'), (33, 36, 15, 70, 1, 70, 120, NULL, b'1'), (34, 37, 15, 70, 1, 70, 120, NULL, b'0'), (35, 37, 356, 30, 1, 30, 230, NULL, b'0'), (36, 39, 34, 12, 1, 12, 140, NULL, b'1'), (37, 39, 417, 20, 1, 20, 17, NULL, b'1'), (38, 39, 361, 24, 1, 24, 160, NULL, b'1'), (39, 39, 360, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'1'), (40, 39, 57, 12, 1, 12, 170, NULL, b'1'), (41, 39, 58, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'1'), (42, 39, 70, 12, 1, 12, 150, NULL, b'1'), (43, 39, 139, 20, 1, 20, 19, NULL, b'1'), (44, 39, 98, 6, 1, 6, 170, NULL, b'1'), (45, 39, 87, 6, 1, 6, 106, NULL, b'1'), (46, 39, 88, 10, 1, 10, 12, NULL, b'1'), (47, 39, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'1'), (48, 39, 42, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'1'), (49, 39, 111, 12, 1, 12, 70, NULL, b'1'), (50, 39, 84, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'1'), (51, 39, 108, 24, 1, 24, 38, NULL, b'1'), (52, 39, 107, 24, 1, 24, 39, NULL, b'1'), (53, 39, 43, 12, 1, 12, 23, NULL, b'1'), (54, 39, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'1'), (55, 39, 110, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'1'), (56, 39, 53, 12, 1, 12, 115, NULL, b'1'), (57, 39, 54, 20, 1, 20, 17, NULL, b'1'), (58, 39, 85, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'1'), (59, 39, 269, 24, 1, 24, 25, NULL, b'1'), (60, 39, 63, 10, 1, 10, 140, NULL, b'1'), (61, 39, 64, 10, 1, 10, 25, NULL, b'1'), (62, 39, 74, 20, 1, 20, 15, NULL, b'1'), (63, 39, 75, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'1'), (64, 39, 76, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'1'), (65, 40, 34, 12, 1, 12, 140, NULL, b'0'), (66, 40, 417, 20, 1, 20, 17, NULL, b'0'), (67, 40, 361, 24, 1, 24, 160, NULL, b'0'), (68, 40, 360, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (69, 40, 57, 12, 1, 12, 170, NULL, b'0'), (70, 40, 58, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'0'), (71, 40, 70, 12, 1, 12, 150, NULL, b'0'), (72, 40, 139, 20, 1, 20, 19, NULL, b'0'), (73, 40, 98, 6, 1, 6, 170, NULL, b'0'), (74, 40, 87, 6, 1, 6, 106, NULL, b'0'), (75, 40, 88, 10, 1, 10, 12, NULL, b'0'), (76, 40, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'0'), (77, 40, 42, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'0'), (78, 40, 111, 12, 1, 12, 70, NULL, b'0'), (79, 40, 84, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (80, 40, 108, 24, 1, 24, 38, NULL, b'0'), (81, 40, 107, 24, 1, 24, 39, NULL, b'0'), (82, 40, 43, 12, 1, 12, 23, NULL, b'0'), (83, 40, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (84, 40, 110, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (85, 40, 53, 12, 1, 12, 115, NULL, b'0'), (86, 40, 54, 20, 1, 20, 17, NULL, b'0'), (87, 40, 85, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (88, 40, 269, 24, 1, 24, 25, NULL, b'0'), (89, 40, 63, 10, 1, 10, 140, NULL, b'0'), (90, 40, 64, 10, 1, 10, 25, NULL, b'0'), (91, 40, 74, 20, 1, 20, 15, NULL, b'0'), (92, 40, 75, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'0'), (93, 40, 76, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (94, 42, 52, 100, 1, 100, 58, NULL, b'0'), (95, 42, 60, 100, 1, 100, 14, NULL, b'0'), (96, 43, 1, 400, 1, 400, 22, NULL, b'0'), (97, 44, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16, NULL, b'0'), (98, 45, 397, 200, 1, 200, 220, NULL, b'0'), (99, 46, 283, 40, 1, 40, 30, NULL, b'0'), (100, 46, 286, 10, 1, 10, 30, NULL, b'0'), (101, 49, 8, 200, 1, 200, 16, NULL, b'0'), (102, 50, 3, 150, 1, 150, 223, NULL, b'0'), (103, 51, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (104, 52, 239, 10, 1, 10, 16, NULL, b'0'), (105, 52, 238, 20, 1, 20, 35, NULL, b'0'), (106, 52, 241, 12, 1, 12, 74, NULL, b'0'), (107, 52, 405, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (108, 52, 245, 20, 1, 20, 24, NULL, b'0'), (109, 52, 255, 12, 1, 12, 89, NULL, b'0'), (110, 52, 359, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (111, 52, 257, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (112, 52, 258, 12, 1, 12, 145, NULL, b'0'), (113, 52, 259, 36, 1, 36, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (114, 52, 270, 20, 1, 20, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (115, 52, 384, 36, 1, 36, 93, NULL, b'0'), (116, 52, 261, 24, 1, 24, 75, NULL, b'0'), (117, 54, 434, 12, 1, 12, 135, NULL, b'0'), (118, 54, 251, 100, 1, 100, 9, NULL, b'0'), (119, 54, 435, 5, 1, 5, 170, NULL, b'0'), (120, 57, 14, 9, 1, 9, 130, NULL, b'0'), (121, 58, 8, 350, 1, 350, 16, NULL, b'0'), (122, 60, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 15, NULL, b'0'), (123, 62, 7, 300, 1, 300, 131, NULL, b'0'), (124, 64, 7, 500, 1, 500, 127, NULL, b'0'), (125, 65, 14, 38, 1, 38, 130, NULL, b'0'), (126, 66, 9, 200, 1, 200, 13, NULL, b'0'), (127, 66, 9, 200, 1, 200, 14, NULL, b'0'), (128, 67, 378, 27, 1, 27, 7, NULL, b'0'), (129, 68, 8, 300, 1, 300, 16, NULL, b'0'), (130, 71, 436, 20, 1, 20, 40, NULL, b'0'), (131, 71, 437, 10, 1, 10, 20, NULL, b'0'), (132, 71, 440, 12, 1, 12, 15, NULL, b'0'), (133, 71, 438, 15, 1, 15, 30, NULL, b'0'), (134, 71, 439, 1, 1, 1, 35, NULL, b'0'), (135, 74, 415, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (136, 74, 137, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (137, 74, 140, 15, 1, 15, 108, NULL, b'0'), (138, 74, 141, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (139, 74, 131, 20, 1, 20, 10.8, NULL, b'0'), (140, 74, 133, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (141, 74, 420, 20, 1, 20, 14.4, NULL, b'0'), (142, 74, 146, 15, 1, 15, 108, NULL, b'0'), (143, 74, 147, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (144, 74, 144, 10, 1, 10, 145, NULL, b'0'), (145, 74, 144, 5, 1, 5, 235, NULL, b'0'), (146, 74, 164, 5, 1, 5, 405, NULL, b'0'), (147, 75, 419, 50, 1, 50, 108, NULL, b'0'), (148, 76, 171, 100, 1, 100, 19, NULL, b'0'), (149, 80, 357, 150, 1, 150, 230, NULL, b'0'), (150, 80, 5, 50, 1, 50, 210, NULL, b'0'), (151, 81, 18, 50, 1, 50, 94.15, NULL, b'0'), (152, 82, 8, 600, 1, 600, 15, NULL, b'0'), (153, 84, 13, 81, 1, 81, 110, NULL, b'0'), (154, 86, 17, 0, 1, 0, 0, NULL, b'1'), (155, 87, 17, 50, 1, 50, 104.15, NULL, b'0'), (156, 89, 162, 40, 1, 40, 120, NULL, b'0'), (157, 89, 160, 40, 1, 40, 120, NULL, b'0'), (158, 89, 163, 60, 1, 60, 120, NULL, b'0'), (159, 89, 186, 60, 1, 60, 70, NULL, b'0'), (160, 89, 185, 45, 1, 45, 115, NULL, b'0'), (161, 89, 178, 45, 1, 45, 60, NULL, b'0'), (162, 91, 403, 10, 1, 10, 410, NULL, b'0'), (163, 92, 283, 50, 1, 50, 30, NULL, b'0'), (164, 93, 7, 500, 1, 500, 126, NULL, b'0'), (165, 94, 7, 500, 1, 500, 126, NULL, b'0'), (166, 95, 1, 400, 1, 400, 22, NULL, b'0'), (167, 96, 14, 49, 1, 49, 130, NULL, b'0'), (168, 97, 10, 700, 1, 700, 27.5, NULL, b'0'), (169, 98, 199, 75, 1, 75, 60, NULL, b'0'), (170, 98, 206, 45, 1, 45, 50, NULL, b'0'), (171, 98, 207, 30, 1, 30, 72, NULL, b'0'), (172, 98, 205, 30, 1, 30, 80, NULL, b'0'), (173, 98, 204, 200, 1, 200, 0.8, NULL, b'0'), (174, 99, 2, 150, 1, 150, 208, NULL, b'0'), (175, 100, 8, 600, 1, 600, 15, NULL, b'1'), (176, 101, 8, 600, 1, 600, 15, NULL, b'0'), (177, 102, 419, 100, 1, 100, 108, NULL, b'0'), (178, 104, 22, 412, 1, 412, 62, NULL, b'1'), (179, 105, 22, 412, 1, 412, 62, NULL, b'0'), (180, 106, 223, 96, 1, 96, 125, NULL, b'0'), (181, 106, 219, 60, 1, 60, 137, NULL, b'0'), (182, 106, 225, 72, 1, 72, 103, NULL, b'0'), (183, 106, 211, 48, 1, 48, 105, NULL, b'0'), (184, 106, 429, 24, 1, 24, 135, NULL, b'0'), (185, 108, 378, 50, 1, 50, 7, NULL, b'0'), (186, 109, 414, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (187, 112, 8, 900, 1, 900, 15, NULL, b'0'), (188, 113, 441, 50, 1, 50, 92, NULL, b'0'), (189, 114, 25, 200, 1, 200, 19.5, NULL, b'0'), (190, 115, 378, 200, 1, 200, 7, NULL, b'0'), (191, 116, 223, 72, 1, 72, 125, NULL, b'0'), (192, 116, 219, 36, 1, 36, 137, NULL, b'0'), (193, 116, 215, 24, 1, 24, 120, NULL, b'0'), (194, 116, 217, 12, 1, 12, 120, NULL, b'0'), (195, 116, 225, 36, 1, 36, 103, NULL, b'0'), (196, 116, 211, 24, 1, 24, 105, NULL, b'0'), (197, 116, 227, 12, 1, 12, 74, NULL, b'0'), (198, 117, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'1'), (199, 117, 442, 12, 1, 12, 20, NULL, b'1'), (200, 117, 43, 12, 1, 12, 18, NULL, b'1'), (201, 117, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'1'), (202, 117, 50, 20, 1, 20, 22.5, NULL, b'1'), (203, 117, 86, 12, 1, 12, 34, NULL, b'1'), (204, 119, 193, 40, 1, 40, 3.3, NULL, b'0'), (205, 119, 192, 60, 1, 60, 3.5, NULL, b'0'), (206, 120, 8, 300, 1, 300, 15, NULL, b'0'), (207, 123, 154, 48, 1, 48, 90, NULL, b'0'), (208, 123, 152, 48, 1, 48, 180, NULL, b'0'), (209, 123, 153, 36, 1, 36, 180, NULL, b'0'), (210, 125, 7, 600, 1, 600, 128, NULL, b'0'), (211, 126, 3, 200, 1, 200, 223, NULL, b'0'), (212, 127, 11, 198, 1, 198, 230, NULL, b'0'), (213, 129, 7, 200, 1, 200, 128, NULL, b'0'), (214, 132, 8, 600, 1, 600, 15, NULL, b'0'), (215, 135, 414, 200, 1, 200, 225, NULL, b'0'), (216, 135, 15, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (217, 135, 5, 50, 1, 50, 210, NULL, b'0'), (218, 139, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 14.5, NULL, b'0'), (219, 140, 357, 150, 1, 150, 230, NULL, b'0'), (220, 144, 268, 24, 1, 24, 58, NULL, b'0'), (221, 144, 255, 24, 1, 24, 89, NULL, b'0'), (222, 144, 259, 48, 1, 48, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (223, 144, 239, 10, 1, 10, 17, NULL, b'0'), (224, 144, 271, 20, 1, 20, 9, NULL, b'0'), (225, 144, 280, 10, 1, 10, 72, NULL, b'0'), (226, 144, 270, 20, 1, 20, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (227, 144, 359, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (228, 144, 242, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (229, 144, 435, 10, 1, 10, 170, NULL, b'0'), (230, 144, 369, 50, 1, 50, 11, NULL, b'0'), (231, 148, 5, 100, 1, 100, 210, NULL, b'0'), (232, 149, 7, 300, 1, 300, 126, NULL, b'0'), (233, 149, 7, 700, 1, 700, 126, NULL, b'0'), (234, 150, 396, 100, 1, 100, 210, NULL, b'0'), (235, 150, 397, 200, 1, 200, 220, NULL, b'0'), (236, 151, 419, 100, 1, 100, 108, NULL, b'0'), (237, 152, 416, 10, 1, 10, 140, NULL, b'0'), (238, 152, 32, 40, 1, 40, 175, NULL, b'0'), (239, 152, 123, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (240, 152, 109, 24, 1, 24, 60, NULL, b'0'), (241, 152, 124, 12, 1, 12, 68, NULL, b'0'), (242, 152, 72, 24, 1, 24, 27, NULL, b'0'), (243, 152, 443, 10, 1, 10, 110, NULL, b'0'), (244, 152, 445, 20, 1, 20, 13, NULL, b'0'), (245, 152, 444, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (246, 152, 102, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (247, 152, 35, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (248, 152, 89, 10, 1, 10, 78, NULL, b'0'), (249, 154, 60, 100, 1, 100, 14, NULL, b'0'), (250, 154, 59, 100, 1, 100, 30, NULL, b'0'), (251, 154, 52, 150, 1, 150, 58, NULL, b'0'), (252, 155, 11, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (253, 156, 22, 430, 1, 430, 59, NULL, b'0'), (254, 158, 8, 500, 1, 500, 15, NULL, b'0'), (255, 161, 14, 40, 1, 40, 130, NULL, b'0'), (256, 164, 164, 5, 1, 5, 390, NULL, b'0'), (257, 164, 140, 15, 1, 15, 108, NULL, b'0'), (258, 164, 141, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (259, 164, 146, 15, 1, 15, 108, NULL, b'0'), (260, 164, 147, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (261, 164, 136, 30, 1, 30, 117, NULL, b'0'), (262, 164, 137, 30, 1, 30, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (263, 164, 130, 15, 1, 15, 72, NULL, b'0'), (264, 164, 131, 20, 1, 20, 10.8, NULL, b'0'), (265, 164, 138, 15, 1, 15, 103.5, NULL, b'0'), (266, 164, 415, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (267, 164, 132, 15, 1, 15, 112.5, NULL, b'0'), (268, 164, 133, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (269, 165, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 14.5, NULL, b'0'), (270, 166, 361, 30, 1, 30, 97, NULL, b'1'), (271, 166, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'1'), (272, 166, 111, 12, 1, 12, 70, NULL, b'1'), (273, 166, 83, 12, 1, 12, 78, NULL, b'1'), (274, 166, 63, 10, 1, 10, 145, NULL, b'1'), (275, 167, 75, 30, 1, 30, 97, NULL, b'0'), (276, 167, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'0'), (277, 167, 111, 12, 1, 12, 70, NULL, b'0'), (278, 167, 83, 12, 1, 12, 78, NULL, b'0'), (279, 167, 63, 10, 1, 10, 145, NULL, b'0'), (280, 169, 54, 30, 1, 30, 17, NULL, b'0'), (281, 169, 139, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (282, 169, 42, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'0'), (283, 169, 58, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (284, 169, 64, 30, 1, 30, 26, NULL, b'0'), (285, 169, 36, 30, 1, 30, 35, NULL, b'0'), (286, 169, 37, 30, 1, 30, 21, NULL, b'0'), (287, 169, 85, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'0'), (288, 169, 442, 24, 1, 24, 20, NULL, b'0'), (289, 171, 1, 600, 1, 600, 22, NULL, b'0'), (290, 175, 283, 50, 1, 50, 30, NULL, b'0'), (291, 176, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 29, NULL, b'0'), (292, 177, 13, 110, 1, 110, 110, NULL, b'1'), (293, 178, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'0'), (294, 178, 442, 12, 1, 12, 20, NULL, b'0'), (295, 178, 43, 12, 1, 12, 18, NULL, b'0'), (296, 178, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (297, 178, 50, 20, 1, 20, 22.5, NULL, b'0'), (298, 178, 86, 12, 1, 12, 34, NULL, b'0'), (299, 179, 13, 110, 1, 110, 110, NULL, b'0'), (300, 181, 24, 101, 1, 101, 270, NULL, b'0'), (301, 183, 446, 119, 1, 119, 152, NULL, b'0'), (302, 184, 8, 600, 1, 600, 15.5, NULL, b'0'), (303, 190, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (304, 191, 387, 60, 1, 60, 28, NULL, b'0'), (305, 193, 419, 100, 1, 100, 108, NULL, b'0'), (306, 194, 447, 5, 1, 5, 230, NULL, b'0'), (307, 194, 402, 20, 1, 20, 115, NULL, b'0'), (308, 194, 291, 20, 1, 20, 9.5, NULL, b'0'), (309, 194, 292, 30, 1, 30, 13.3, NULL, b'0'), (310, 195, 299, 48, 1, 48, 14, NULL, b'0'), (311, 196, 15, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (312, 196, 414, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (313, 197, 7, 600, 1, 600, 128, NULL, b'0'), (314, 199, 7, 200, 1, 200, 128, NULL, b'0'), (315, 200, 7, 200, 1, 200, 128, NULL, b'0'), (316, 203, 3, 150, 1, 150, 223, NULL, b'0'), (317, 204, 177, 20, 1, 20, 90, NULL, b'0'), (318, 204, 194, 20, 1, 20, 60, NULL, b'0'), (319, 204, 383, 15, 1, 15, 120, NULL, b'0'), (320, 204, 450, 15, 1, 15, 75, NULL, b'0'), (321, 206, 189, 20, 1, 20, 150, NULL, b'1'), (322, 206, 403, 10, 1, 10, 410, NULL, b'1'), (323, 207, 189, 20, 1, 20, 150, NULL, b'0'), (324, 207, 403, 10, 1, 10, 410, NULL, b'0'), (325, 208, 263, 10, 1, 10, 80, NULL, b'0'), (326, 209, 208, 1000, 1, 1000, 0.4, NULL, b'0'), (327, 209, 209, 500, 1, 500, 0.84, NULL, b'0'), (328, 210, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 15, NULL, b'0'), (329, 211, 140, 15, 1, 15, 108, NULL, b'0'), (330, 211, 141, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (331, 211, 146, 15, 1, 15, 108, NULL, b'0'), (332, 211, 147, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (333, 211, 131, 20, 1, 20, 10.8, NULL, b'0'), (334, 211, 137, 20, 1, 20, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (335, 213, 451, 100, 1, 100, 1.3, NULL, b'0'), (336, 214, 93, 10, 1, 10, 30, NULL, b'0'), (337, 214, 283, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'0'), (338, 215, 25, 150, 1, 150, 20, NULL, b'0'), (339, 216, 452, 50, 1, 50, 210, NULL, b'0'), (340, 218, 21, 400, 1, 400, 51, NULL, b'0'), (341, 220, 441, 50, 1, 50, 92, NULL, b'0'), (342, 221, 5, 50, 1, 50, 210, NULL, b'0'), (343, 221, 357, 80, 1, 80, 230, NULL, b'0'), (344, 222, 14, 42, 1, 42, 130, NULL, b'0'), (345, 225, 357, 70, 1, 70, 230, NULL, b'0'), (346, 231, 453, 5, 1, 5, 50, NULL, b'0'), (347, 232, 11, 120, 1, 120, 230, NULL, b'0'), (348, 233, 1, 600, 1, 600, 22, NULL, b'0'), (349, 235, 8, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (350, 239, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16, NULL, b'0'), (351, 241, 414, 50, 1, 50, 225, NULL, b'1'), (352, 241, 357, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'1'), (353, 242, 414, 50, 1, 50, 225, NULL, b'0'), (354, 242, 357, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (355, 243, 21, 400, 1, 400, 50, NULL, b'0'), (356, 245, 7, 600, 1, 600, 128, NULL, b'0'), (357, 247, 9, 170, 1, 170, 14, NULL, b'0'), (358, 247, 9, 200, 1, 200, 15, NULL, b'0'), (359, 248, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 25, NULL, b'0'), (360, 250, 8, 500, 1, 500, 15.5, NULL, b'0'), (361, 252, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16, NULL, b'0'), (362, 256, 199, 150, 1, 150, 60, NULL, b'0'), (363, 256, 206, 15, 1, 15, 50, NULL, b'0'), (364, 256, 454, 30, 1, 30, 7, NULL, b'0'), (365, 256, 200, 30, 1, 30, 17, NULL, b'0'), (366, 257, 211, 24, 1, 24, 105, NULL, b'0'), (367, 257, 219, 24, 1, 24, 137, NULL, b'0'), (368, 258, 14, 48, 1, 48, 130, NULL, b'0'), (369, 259, 41, 12, 1, 12, 250, NULL, b'0'), (370, 259, 85, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'0'), (371, 259, 35, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (372, 259, 39, 20, 1, 20, 14, NULL, b'0'), (373, 259, 90, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (374, 259, 64, 20, 1, 20, 26, NULL, b'0'), (375, 259, 111, 12, 1, 12, 70, NULL, b'0'), (376, 259, 445, 20, 1, 20, 13, NULL, b'0'), (377, 259, 102, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (378, 259, 97, 20, 1, 20, 28, NULL, b'0'), (379, 259, 124, 12, 1, 12, 68, NULL, b'0'), (380, 259, 110, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (381, 259, 371, 12, 1, 12, 20, NULL, b'0'), (382, 259, 108, 24, 1, 24, 38, NULL, b'0'), (383, 261, 105, 20, 1, 20, 42, NULL, b'0'), (384, 262, 254, 12, 1, 12, 135, NULL, b'0'), (385, 262, 268, 48, 1, 48, 58, NULL, b'0'), (386, 262, 270, 25, 1, 25, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (387, 262, 253, 48, 1, 48, 36, NULL, b'0'), (388, 262, 241, 12, 1, 12, 76, NULL, b'0'), (389, 262, 434, 12, 1, 12, 135, NULL, b'0'), (390, 262, 239, 10, 1, 10, 17, NULL, b'0'), (391, 262, 238, 10, 1, 10, 35, NULL, b'0'), (392, 262, 359, 25, 1, 25, 10, NULL, b'0'), (393, 262, 255, 12, 1, 12, 90, NULL, b'0'), (394, 262, 257, 25, 1, 25, 18, NULL, b'0'), (395, 264, 11, 50, 1, 50, 230, NULL, b'0'), (396, 266, 419, 50, 1, 50, 108, NULL, b'1'), (397, 266, 441, 50, 1, 50, 97, NULL, b'1'), (398, 267, 419, 50, 1, 50, 108, NULL, b'0'), (399, 267, 441, 50, 1, 50, 92, NULL, b'0'), (400, 268, 160, 40, 1, 40, 120, NULL, b'0'), (401, 268, 162, 40, 1, 40, 120, NULL, b'0'), (402, 268, 177, 40, 1, 40, 90, NULL, b'0'), (403, 268, 185, 45, 1, 45, 120, NULL, b'0'), (404, 270, 403, 5, 1, 5, 410, NULL, b'0'), (405, 271, 396, 50, 1, 50, 211, NULL, b'1'), (406, 271, 397, 50, 1, 50, 225, NULL, b'1'), (407, 272, 396, 100, 1, 100, 211, NULL, b'0'), (408, 272, 397, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (409, 275, 8, 350, 1, 350, 16, NULL, b'0'), (410, 276, 7, 600, 1, 600, 130, NULL, b'0'), (411, 277, 60, 30, 1, 30, 17, NULL, b'0'), (412, 278, 11, 50, 1, 50, 230, NULL, b'0'), (413, 280, 13, 60, 1, 60, 110, NULL, b'0'), (414, 281, 8, 350, 1, 350, 16, NULL, b'0'), (415, 285, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (416, 286, 7, 500, 1, 500, 128, NULL, b'0'), (417, 287, 8, 500, 1, 500, 15.5, NULL, b'0'), (418, 289, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16, NULL, b'0'), (419, 293, 140, 30, 1, 30, 117, NULL, b'0'), (420, 293, 141, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (421, 293, 146, 15, 1, 15, 117, NULL, b'0'), (422, 293, 147, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (423, 293, 138, 15, 1, 15, 117, NULL, b'0'), (424, 293, 415, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (425, 293, 133, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (426, 293, 130, 15, 1, 15, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (427, 293, 131, 20, 1, 20, 12.6, NULL, b'0'), (428, 294, 2, 150, 1, 150, 213, NULL, b'0'), (429, 295, 419, 50, 1, 50, 108, NULL, b'0'), (430, 295, 441, 100, 1, 100, 92, NULL, b'0'), (431, 300, 25, 200, 1, 200, 20.5, NULL, b'0'), (432, 303, 8, 300, 1, 300, 16, NULL, b'0'), (433, 304, 414, 200, 1, 200, 225, NULL, b'0'), (434, 304, 15, 200, 1, 200, 120, NULL, b'0'), (435, 304, 357, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (436, 305, 1, 700, 1, 700, 23, NULL, b'0'), (437, 306, 8, 300, 1, 300, 16, NULL, b'0'), (438, 310, 32, 30, 1, 30, 175, NULL, b'0'), (439, 310, 34, 12, 1, 12, 162, NULL, b'0'), (440, 310, 41, 12, 1, 12, 280, NULL, b'0'), (441, 310, 417, 20, 1, 20, 19, NULL, b'0'), (442, 310, 98, 6, 1, 6, 200, NULL, b'0'), (443, 310, 87, 6, 1, 6, 115, NULL, b'0'), (444, 310, 63, 20, 1, 20, 145, NULL, b'0'), (445, 310, 85, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'0'), (446, 310, 72, 24, 1, 24, 30, NULL, b'0'), (447, 310, 456, 20, 1, 20, 16, NULL, b'0'), (448, 310, 139, 20, 1, 20, 19, NULL, b'0'), (449, 310, 110, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (450, 310, 57, 24, 1, 24, 180, NULL, b'0'), (451, 310, 361, 36, 1, 36, 173, NULL, b'0'), (452, 310, 360, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (453, 310, 122, 20, 1, 20, 119, NULL, b'0'), (454, 310, 123, 20, 1, 20, 17, NULL, b'0'), (455, 310, 53, 12, 1, 12, 115, NULL, b'0'), (456, 310, 54, 20, 1, 20, 17, NULL, b'0'), (457, 310, 455, 20, 1, 20, 31, NULL, b'0'), (458, 310, 442, 12, 1, 12, 20, NULL, b'0'), (459, 310, 84, 30, 1, 30, 11.5, NULL, b'0'), (460, 310, 107, 24, 1, 24, 43, NULL, b'0'), (461, 310, 67, 50, 1, 50, 52, NULL, b'0'), (462, 310, 109, 5, 1, 5, 60, NULL, b'0'), (463, 310, 102, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (464, 310, 445, 20, 1, 20, 13, NULL, b'0'), (465, 310, 444, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (466, 310, 111, 24, 1, 24, 70, NULL, b'0'), (467, 310, 55, 12, 1, 12, 42, NULL, b'0'), (468, 310, 374, 12, 1, 12, 52, NULL, b'0'), (469, 310, 124, 12, 1, 12, 68, NULL, b'0'), (470, 310, 38, 10, 1, 10, 105, NULL, b'0'), (471, 312, 59, 100, 1, 100, 30, NULL, b'0'), (472, 312, 103, 15, 1, 15, 41, NULL, b'0'), (473, 312, 104, 15, 1, 15, 42, NULL, b'0'), (474, 313, 193, 60, 1, 60, 3, NULL, b'0'), (475, 313, 192, 40, 1, 40, 3.5, NULL, b'0'), (476, 313, 457, 75, 1, 75, 2.28, NULL, b'0'), (477, 314, 3, 200, 1, 200, 222, NULL, b'0'), (478, 315, 7, 300, 1, 300, 130, NULL, b'0'), (479, 316, 11, 200, 1, 200, 230, NULL, b'0'), (480, 316, 12, 50, 1, 50, 240, NULL, b'0'), (481, 318, 378, 200, 1, 200, 7, NULL, b'0'), (482, 319, 7, 500, 1, 500, 128, NULL, b'0'), (483, 320, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16, NULL, b'0'), (484, 321, 8, 300, 1, 300, 16, NULL, b'0'), (485, 324, 261, 60, 1, 60, 85, NULL, b'0'), (486, 324, 434, 24, 1, 24, 135, NULL, b'0'), (487, 324, 268, 60, 1, 60, 58, NULL, b'0'), (488, 324, 247, 20, 1, 20, 65, NULL, b'0'), (489, 324, 241, 12, 1, 12, 76, NULL, b'0'), (490, 324, 384, 48, 1, 48, 97, NULL, b'0'), (491, 324, 257, 25, 1, 25, 18, NULL, b'0'), (492, 324, 359, 25, 1, 25, 10, NULL, b'0'), (493, 324, 246, 10, 1, 10, 39, NULL, b'0'), (494, 324, 259, 48, 1, 48, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (495, 324, 255, 12, 1, 12, 90, NULL, b'0'), (496, 326, 13, 50, 1, 50, 110, NULL, b'0'), (497, 327, 7, 500, 1, 500, 130, NULL, b'0'), (498, 329, 8, 400, 1, 400, 16, NULL, b'0'), (499, 331, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 25, NULL, b'0'), (500, 332, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16, NULL, b'0'), (501, 333, 154, 48, 1, 48, 92, NULL, b'0'), (502, 333, 152, 48, 1, 48, 185, NULL, b'0'), (503, 333, 167, 24, 1, 24, 95, NULL, b'0'), (504, 337, 5, 100, 1, 100, 210, NULL, b'0'), (505, 339, 286, 17, 1, 17, 30, NULL, b'0'), (506, 339, 283, 70, 1, 70, 30, NULL, b'0'), (507, 339, 93, 5, 1, 5, 30, NULL, b'0'), (508, 341, 14, 32, 1, 32, 130, NULL, b'0'), (509, 342, 419, 50, 1, 50, 108, NULL, b'0'), (510, 342, 441, 50, 1, 50, 92, NULL, b'0'), (511, 342, 458, 20, 1, 20, 210, NULL, b'0'), (512, 344, 7, 500, 1, 500, 128, NULL, b'0'), (513, 345, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (514, 346, 8, 300, 1, 300, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (515, 348, 289, 202, 1, 202, 12, NULL, b'0'), (516, 349, 152, 36, 1, 36, 185, NULL, b'0'), (517, 349, 154, 24, 1, 24, 92, NULL, b'0'), (518, 352, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (519, 353, 8, 100, 1, 100, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (520, 356, 13, 38, 1, 38, 110, NULL, b'0'), (521, 359, 138, 45, 1, 45, 117, NULL, b'0'), (522, 359, 415, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (523, 359, 144, 10, 1, 10, 130, NULL, b'0'), (524, 359, 140, 45, 1, 45, 117, NULL, b'0'), (525, 359, 141, 60, 1, 60, 18, NULL, b'0'), (526, 359, 137, 60, 1, 60, 18, NULL, b'0'), (527, 359, 146, 45, 1, 45, 117, NULL, b'0'), (528, 359, 147, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (529, 359, 132, 45, 1, 45, 121.5, NULL, b'0'), (530, 359, 133, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (531, 359, 135, 30, 1, 30, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (532, 359, 459, 50, 1, 50, 12.6, NULL, b'0'), (533, 359, 130, 30, 1, 30, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (534, 359, 131, 50, 1, 50, 12.6, NULL, b'0'), (535, 359, 128, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'0'), (536, 359, 129, 50, 1, 50, 13.5, NULL, b'0'), (537, 360, 164, 4, 1, 4, 375, NULL, b'0'), (538, 363, 414, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (539, 363, 357, 50, 1, 50, 230, NULL, b'0'), (540, 365, 414, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (541, 365, 357, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (542, 369, 8, 300, 1, 300, 17, NULL, b'0'), (543, 371, 419, 100, 1, 100, 108, NULL, b'0'), (544, 372, 453, 30, 1, 30, 45, NULL, b'0'), (545, 376, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (546, 377, 67, 200, 1, 200, 52, NULL, b'0'), (547, 377, 101, 120, 1, 120, 94, NULL, b'0'), (548, 377, 72, 36, 1, 36, 30, NULL, b'0'), (549, 377, 361, 12, 1, 12, 173, NULL, b'0'), (550, 377, 123, 30, 1, 30, 17, NULL, b'0'), (551, 377, 38, 10, 1, 10, 105, NULL, b'0'), (552, 377, 43, 72, 1, 72, 23, NULL, b'0'), (553, 377, 32, 50, 1, 50, 175, NULL, b'0'), (554, 379, 104, 10, 1, 10, 43, NULL, b'0'), (555, 379, 387, 60, 1, 60, 28, NULL, b'0'), (556, 379, 299, 48, 1, 48, 14, NULL, b'0'), (557, 380, 370, 5, 1, 5, 120, NULL, b'0'), (558, 381, 178, 45, 1, 45, 60, NULL, b'0'), (559, 381, 187, 45, 1, 45, 120, NULL, b'0'), (560, 381, 185, 45, 1, 45, 120, NULL, b'0'), (561, 381, 163, 60, 1, 60, 125, NULL, b'0'), (562, 381, 188, 30, 1, 30, 140, NULL, b'0'), (563, 381, 162, 40, 1, 40, 125, NULL, b'0'), (564, 381, 160, 40, 1, 40, 125, NULL, b'0'), (565, 383, 1, 700, 1, 700, 23, NULL, b'0'), (566, 385, 25, 200, 1, 200, 21, NULL, b'0'), (567, 386, 8, 300, 1, 300, 17, NULL, b'0'), (568, 387, 289, 51, 1, 51, 12, NULL, b'0'), (569, 387, 378, 50, 1, 50, 7, NULL, b'0'), (570, 389, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (571, 390, 8, 400, 1, 400, 17, NULL, b'0'), (572, 392, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (573, 393, 192, 100, 1, 100, 3.5, NULL, b'0'), (574, 394, 7, 600, 1, 600, 129, NULL, b'0'), (575, 395, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (576, 396, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (577, 397, 397, 200, 1, 200, 225, NULL, b'0'), (578, 399, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 25, NULL, b'0'), (579, 402, 402, 15, 1, 15, 110, NULL, b'0'), (580, 403, 10, 500, 1, 500, 25, NULL, b'0'), (581, 405, 8, 800, 1, 800, 17, NULL, b'0'), (582, 406, 283, 53, 1, 53, 30, NULL, b'0'), (583, 406, 286, 10, 1, 10, 30, NULL, b'0'), (584, 407, 3, 150, 1, 150, 225, NULL, b'0'), (585, 408, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (586, 410, 268, 48, 1, 48, 58, NULL, b'0'), (587, 410, 241, 24, 1, 24, 76, NULL, b'0'), (588, 410, 434, 24, 1, 24, 135, NULL, b'0'), (589, 410, 255, 24, 1, 24, 90, NULL, b'0'), (590, 410, 359, 50, 1, 50, 10, NULL, b'0'), (591, 410, 257, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (592, 410, 256, 10, 1, 10, 159, NULL, b'0'), (593, 410, 249, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (594, 410, 258, 30, 1, 30, 146, NULL, b'0'), (595, 410, 435, 4, 1, 4, 80, NULL, b'0'), (596, 412, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (597, 413, 14, 64, 1, 64, 130, NULL, b'0'), (598, 416, 160, 60, 1, 60, 125, NULL, b'0'), (599, 416, 162, 40, 1, 40, 125, NULL, b'0'), (600, 418, 189, 40, 1, 40, 150, NULL, b'0'), (601, 418, 183, 10, 1, 10, 240, NULL, b'0'), (602, 421, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (603, 422, 157, 140, 1, 140, 70, NULL, b'0'), (604, 424, 414, 300, 1, 300, 225, NULL, b'0'), (605, 424, 357, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (606, 425, 7, 1000, 1, 1000, 128, NULL, b'0'), (607, 427, 8, 800, 1, 800, 17, NULL, b'0'), (608, 429, 419, 100, 1, 100, 108, NULL, b'0'), (609, 431, 21, 267, 1, 267, 55, NULL, b'0'), (610, 433, 57, 12, 1, 12, 180, NULL, b'0'), (611, 433, 110, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (612, 433, 442, 12, 1, 12, 20, NULL, b'0'), (613, 433, 43, 48, 1, 48, 23, NULL, b'0'), (614, 435, 8, 150, 1, 150, 17, NULL, b'0'), (615, 436, 1, 700, 1, 700, 23, NULL, b'0'), (616, 438, 25, 200, 1, 200, 21, NULL, b'0'), (617, 439, 200, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (618, 439, 461, 30, 1, 30, 13, NULL, b'0'), (619, 439, 195, 30, 1, 30, 110, NULL, b'0'), (620, 439, 460, 40, 1, 40, 15, NULL, b'0'), (621, 439, 206, 75, 1, 75, 50, NULL, b'0'), (622, 439, 454, 40, 1, 40, 8, NULL, b'0'), (623, 439, 199, 90, 1, 90, 60, NULL, b'0'), (624, 439, 421, 30, 1, 30, 15, NULL, b'0'), (625, 439, 204, 800, 1, 800, 1.5, NULL, b'0'), (626, 439, 423, 50, 1, 50, 12, NULL, b'0'), (627, 442, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (628, 444, 11, 200, 1, 200, 230, NULL, b'0'), (629, 444, 12, 50, 1, 50, 240, NULL, b'0'), (630, 444, 370, 8, 1, 8, 120, NULL, b'0'), (631, 445, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'1'), (632, 446, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (633, 447, 2, 200, 1, 200, 215, NULL, b'0'), (634, 448, 8, 300, 1, 300, 17, NULL, b'0'), (635, 454, 140, 75, 1, 75, 117, NULL, b'0'), (636, 454, 135, 60, 1, 60, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (637, 454, 136, 90, 1, 90, 130.5, NULL, b'0'), (638, 454, 137, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (639, 454, 138, 15, 1, 15, 117, NULL, b'0'), (640, 454, 415, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (641, 454, 148, 30, 1, 30, 216, NULL, b'0'), (642, 454, 149, 30, 1, 30, 27, NULL, b'0'), (643, 456, 13, 100, 1, 100, 115, NULL, b'0'), (644, 457, 8, 800, 1, 800, 17, NULL, b'0'), (645, 458, 7, 700, 1, 700, 130, NULL, b'0'), (646, 459, 286, 25, 1, 25, 30, NULL, b'0'), (647, 460, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (648, 461, 7, 500, 1, 500, 130, NULL, b'0'), (649, 462, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (650, 463, 192, 200, 1, 200, 3.5, NULL, b'0'), (651, 463, 193, 50, 1, 50, 3, NULL, b'0'), (652, 465, 7, 600, 1, 600, 130, NULL, b'0'), (653, 466, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (654, 467, 8, 800, 1, 800, 17, NULL, b'0'), (655, 468, 283, 50, 1, 50, 30, NULL, b'0'), (656, 471, 7, 600, 1, 600, 130, NULL, b'0'), (657, 472, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (658, 476, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (659, 478, 152, 60, 1, 60, 185, NULL, b'0'), (660, 478, 154, 12, 1, 12, 92, NULL, b'0'), (661, 480, 371, 30, 1, 30, 21, NULL, b'0'), (662, 480, 110, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (663, 480, 64, 30, 1, 30, 27, NULL, b'0'), (664, 480, 107, 36, 1, 36, 45, NULL, b'0'), (665, 480, 445, 40, 1, 40, 13, NULL, b'0'), (666, 480, 58, 40, 1, 40, 21, NULL, b'0'), (667, 480, 462, 3, 1, 3, 230, NULL, b'0'), (668, 480, 417, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (669, 480, 42, 50, 1, 50, 32, NULL, b'0'), (670, 482, 122, 20, 1, 20, 119, NULL, b'0'), (671, 482, 57, 24, 1, 24, 185, NULL, b'0'), (672, 482, 463, 48, 1, 48, 75, NULL, b'0'), (673, 482, 34, 24, 1, 24, 165, NULL, b'0'), (674, 482, 385, 12, 1, 12, 213, NULL, b'0'), (675, 482, 406, 12, 1, 12, 65, NULL, b'0'), (676, 482, 41, 36, 1, 36, 295, NULL, b'0'), (677, 482, 126, 35, 1, 35, 68, NULL, b'0'), (678, 482, 53, 36, 1, 36, 158, NULL, b'0'), (679, 485, 5, 300, 1, 300, 200, NULL, b'0'), (680, 486, 13, 68, 1, 68, 115, NULL, b'0'), (681, 487, 25, 500, 1, 500, 21, NULL, b'0'), (682, 489, 414, 400, 1, 400, 225, NULL, b'0'), (683, 489, 357, 150, 1, 150, 230, NULL, b'0'), (684, 490, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (685, 492, 8, 100, 1, 100, 17, NULL, b'0'), (686, 495, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (687, 496, 8, 150, 1, 150, 17, NULL, b'0'), (688, 497, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (689, 498, 1, 735, 1, 735, 23, NULL, b'0'), (690, 501, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 24, NULL, b'0'), (691, 503, 8, 100, 1, 100, 17, NULL, b'0'), (692, 506, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 24, NULL, b'0'), (693, 507, 8, 800, 1, 800, 17, NULL, b'0'), (694, 508, 419, 200, 1, 200, 108, NULL, b'0'), (695, 508, 441, 50, 1, 50, 92, NULL, b'0'), (696, 510, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (697, 514, 396, 100, 1, 100, 215, NULL, b'0'), (698, 514, 397, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (699, 516, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (700, 517, 14, 47, 1, 47, 130, NULL, b'0'), (701, 519, 11, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (702, 520, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (703, 521, 32, 70, 1, 70, 185, NULL, b'0'), (704, 521, 38, 20, 1, 20, 106, NULL, b'0'), (705, 521, 89, 30, 1, 30, 80, NULL, b'0'), (706, 521, 416, 30, 1, 30, 154, NULL, b'0'), (707, 521, 111, 24, 1, 24, 75, NULL, b'0'), (708, 521, 406, 24, 1, 24, 65, NULL, b'0'), (709, 521, 126, 30, 1, 30, 68, NULL, b'0'), (710, 521, 58, 30, 1, 30, 21, NULL, b'0'), (711, 521, 464, 60, 1, 60, 2.9, NULL, b'0'), (712, 521, 122, 10, 1, 10, 119, NULL, b'0'), (713, 521, 102, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (714, 521, 103, 30, 1, 30, 41, NULL, b'0'), (715, 523, 7, 200, 1, 200, 140, NULL, b'0'), (716, 524, 21, 700, 1, 700, 55, NULL, b'0'), (717, 526, 8, 100, 1, 100, 17, NULL, b'0'), (718, 527, 8, 800, 1, 800, 17, NULL, b'0'), (719, 528, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (720, 530, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 17, NULL, b'0'), (721, 531, 384, 84, 1, 84, 97, NULL, b'0'), (722, 531, 261, 84, 1, 84, 87, NULL, b'0'), (723, 531, 59, 100, 1, 100, 35, NULL, b'0'), (724, 531, 369, 150, 1, 150, 11, NULL, b'0'), (725, 531, 268, 72, 1, 72, 58, NULL, b'0'), (726, 531, 270, 50, 1, 50, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (727, 531, 247, 20, 1, 20, 66, NULL, b'0'), (728, 531, 259, 60, 1, 60, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (729, 531, 254, 4, 1, 4, 135, NULL, b'0'), (730, 531, 468, 12, 1, 12, 58, NULL, b'0'), (731, 531, 467, 24, 1, 24, 129, NULL, b'0'), (732, 531, 465, 36, 1, 36, 150, NULL, b'0'), (733, 531, 466, 20, 1, 20, 19, NULL, b'0'), (734, 533, 8, 100, 1, 100, 17, NULL, b'0'), (735, 535, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (736, 537, 11, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (737, 541, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (738, 542, 263, 20, 1, 20, 75, NULL, b'0'), (739, 543, 469, 200, 1, 200, 147, NULL, b'0'), (740, 544, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (741, 545, 470, 20, 1, 20, 220, NULL, b'0'), (742, 545, 402, 20, 1, 20, 100, NULL, b'0'), (743, 545, 401, 5, 1, 5, 400, NULL, b'0'), (744, 547, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (745, 548, 7, 20, 1, 20, 148, NULL, b'0'), (746, 550, 8, 700, 1, 700, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (747, 552, 7, 700, 1, 700, 137, NULL, b'0'), (748, 553, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (749, 554, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (750, 555, 7, 300, 1, 300, 137, NULL, b'0'), (751, 557, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (752, 560, 148, 30, 1, 30, 204, NULL, b'0'), (753, 562, 8, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (754, 563, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (755, 564, 8, 300, 1, 300, 17, NULL, b'0'), (756, 565, 286, 40, 1, 40, 30, NULL, b'0'), (757, 565, 283, 100, 1, 100, 30, NULL, b'0'), (758, 565, 93, 20, 1, 20, 30, NULL, b'0'), (759, 568, 456, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (760, 568, 443, 30, 1, 30, 120, NULL, b'0'), (761, 568, 299, 72, 1, 72, 13.5, NULL, b'0'), (762, 568, 84, 80, 1, 80, 14, NULL, b'0'), (763, 568, 32, 50, 1, 50, 185, NULL, b'0'), (764, 568, 58, 20, 1, 20, 21, NULL, b'0'), (765, 568, 124, 36, 1, 36, 70, NULL, b'0'), (766, 568, 122, 20, 1, 20, 119, NULL, b'0'), (767, 568, 471, 50, 1, 50, 12, NULL, b'0'), (768, 568, 125, 40, 1, 40, 12, NULL, b'0'), (769, 568, 108, 48, 1, 48, 45, NULL, b'0'), (770, 568, 472, 10, 1, 10, 80, NULL, b'0'), (771, 570, 370, 10, 1, 10, 120, NULL, b'0'), (772, 571, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (773, 572, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (774, 577, 30, 150, 1, 150, 192, NULL, b'0'), (775, 578, 3, 800, 1, 800, 240, NULL, b'0'), (776, 580, 186, 80, 1, 80, 75, NULL, b'0'), (777, 580, 177, 40, 1, 40, 95, NULL, b'0'), (778, 580, 162, 20, 1, 20, 125, NULL, b'0'), (779, 580, 160, 20, 1, 20, 125, NULL, b'0'), (780, 580, 161, 40, 1, 40, 60, NULL, b'0'), (781, 580, 450, 30, 1, 30, 75, NULL, b'0'), (782, 582, 396, 150, 1, 150, 222, NULL, b'0'), (783, 583, 7, 800, 1, 800, 138, NULL, b'0'), (784, 584, 7, 500, 1, 500, 138, NULL, b'0'), (785, 585, 7, 100, 1, 100, 138, NULL, b'0'), (786, 586, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (787, 587, 8, 700, 1, 700, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (788, 589, 414, 250, 1, 250, 235, NULL, b'0'), (789, 589, 15, 50, 1, 50, 120, NULL, b'0'), (790, 589, 357, 150, 1, 150, 240, NULL, b'0'), (791, 590, 21, 1000, 1, 1000, 56, NULL, b'0'), (792, 593, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (793, 595, 419, 150, 1, 150, 115, NULL, b'0'), (794, 595, 473, 50, 1, 50, 110, NULL, b'0'), (795, 595, 441, 50, 1, 50, 95, NULL, b'0'), (796, 596, 7, 1000, 1, 1000, 138, NULL, b'0'), (797, 597, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (798, 598, 7, 600, 1, 600, 138, NULL, b'0'), (799, 599, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (800, 600, 1, 700, 1, 700, 24, NULL, b'0'), (801, 601, 438, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (802, 603, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (803, 604, 14, 40, 1, 40, 130, NULL, b'0'), (804, 607, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (805, 608, 368, 50, 1, 50, 274, NULL, b'0'), (806, 609, 148, 45, 1, 45, 225, NULL, b'0'), (807, 609, 149, 40, 1, 40, 27, NULL, b'0'), (808, 609, 136, 75, 1, 75, 130.5, NULL, b'0'), (809, 609, 137, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (810, 609, 135, 15, 1, 15, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (811, 609, 132, 15, 1, 15, 121.5, NULL, b'0'), (812, 609, 138, 45, 1, 45, 117, NULL, b'0'), (813, 609, 415, 60, 1, 60, 18, NULL, b'0'), (814, 609, 141, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (815, 609, 424, 10, 1, 10, 80, NULL, b'0'), (816, 609, 144, 5, 1, 5, 250, NULL, b'0'), (817, 609, 164, 3, 1, 3, 450, NULL, b'0'), (818, 613, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (819, 614, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (820, 615, 477, 100, 1, 100, 15, NULL, b'0'), (821, 615, 59, 100, 1, 100, 30, NULL, b'0'), (822, 615, 479, 60, 1, 60, 18, NULL, b'0'), (823, 615, 476, 60, 1, 60, 60, NULL, b'0'), (824, 615, 478, 50, 1, 50, 50, NULL, b'0'), (825, 618, 153, 72, 1, 72, 190, NULL, b'0'), (826, 618, 152, 120, 1, 120, 190, NULL, b'0'), (827, 620, 475, 30, 1, 30, 120, NULL, b'0'), (828, 620, 474, 30, 1, 30, 70, NULL, b'0'), (829, 621, 83, 24, 1, 24, 80, NULL, b'0'), (830, 621, 406, 12, 1, 12, 90, NULL, b'0'), (831, 621, 101, 60, 1, 60, 98, NULL, b'0'), (832, 621, 443, 20, 1, 20, 120, NULL, b'0'), (833, 621, 109, 36, 1, 36, 60, NULL, b'0'), (834, 621, 462, 8, 1, 8, 237, NULL, b'0'), (835, 621, 75, 50, 1, 50, 105, NULL, b'0'), (836, 621, 34, 12, 1, 12, 170, NULL, b'0'), (837, 621, 416, 10, 1, 10, 154, NULL, b'0'), (838, 621, 361, 60, 1, 60, 180, NULL, b'0'), (839, 621, 41, 60, 1, 60, 300, NULL, b'0'), (840, 623, 37, 60, 1, 60, 24, NULL, b'0'), (841, 623, 43, 48, 1, 48, 23, NULL, b'0'), (842, 623, 76, 30, 1, 30, 23, NULL, b'0'), (843, 623, 360, 50, 1, 50, 21, NULL, b'0'), (844, 623, 85, 20, 1, 20, 15, NULL, b'0'), (845, 623, 45, 40, 1, 40, 23, NULL, b'0'), (846, 623, 35, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (847, 625, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18, NULL, b'0'), (848, 628, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (849, 629, 8, 700, 1, 700, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (850, 630, 14, 47, 1, 47, 130, NULL, b'0'), (851, 631, 378, 200, 1, 200, 8, NULL, b'0'), (852, 636, 414, 150, 1, 150, 235, NULL, b'0'), (853, 637, 11, 100, 1, 100, 235, NULL, b'0'), (854, 638, 223, 48, 1, 48, 139, NULL, b'0'), (855, 638, 219, 24, 1, 24, 158, NULL, b'0'), (856, 638, 211, 24, 1, 24, 114, NULL, b'0'), (857, 638, 217, 24, 1, 24, 131, NULL, b'0'), (858, 638, 225, 12, 1, 12, 110, NULL, b'0'), (859, 639, 476, 50, 1, 50, 58.5, NULL, b'0'), (860, 640, 8, 200, 1, 200, 18, NULL, b'0'), (861, 641, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (862, 642, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (863, 647, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (864, 648, 414, 100, 1, 100, 235, NULL, b'0'), (865, 649, 480, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (866, 649, 59, 100, 1, 100, 32, NULL, b'0'), (867, 649, 477, 150, 1, 150, 15, NULL, b'0'), (868, 649, 481, 20, 1, 20, 10, NULL, b'0'), (869, 651, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (870, 652, 14, 45, 1, 45, 133, NULL, b'0'), (871, 653, 10, 1400, 1, 1400, 24, NULL, b'0'), (872, 654, 21, 1000, 1, 1000, 57, NULL, b'0'), (873, 655, 419, 150, 1, 150, 115, NULL, b'0'), (874, 658, 7, 500, 1, 500, 135, NULL, b'0'), (875, 659, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (876, 660, 25, 300, 1, 300, 21, NULL, b'0'), (877, 661, 290, 400, 1, 400, 20, NULL, b'0'), (878, 664, 414, 150, 1, 150, 235, NULL, b'0'), (879, 664, 15, 150, 1, 150, 120, NULL, b'0'), (880, 665, 7, 500, 1, 500, 135, NULL, b'0'), (881, 666, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (882, 667, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (883, 668, 369, 100, 1, 100, 10.725, NULL, b'0'), (884, 669, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (885, 670, 1, 1000, 1, 1000, 25, NULL, b'0'), (886, 671, 1, 700, 1, 700, 24, NULL, b'0'), (887, 672, 401, 4, 1, 4, 400, NULL, b'0'), (888, 672, 398, 20, 1, 20, 200, NULL, b'0'), (889, 672, 482, 20, 1, 20, 73, NULL, b'0'), (890, 675, 63, 20, 1, 20, 150, NULL, b'0'), (891, 675, 57, 84, 1, 84, 185, NULL, b'0'), (892, 675, 70, 12, 1, 12, 180, NULL, b'0'), (893, 675, 34, 24, 1, 24, 170, NULL, b'0'), (894, 677, 64, 30, 1, 30, 27, NULL, b'0'), (895, 677, 139, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (896, 680, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (897, 685, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (898, 686, 483, 48, 1, 48, 125, NULL, b'0'), (899, 686, 484, 32, 1, 32, 110, NULL, b'0'), (900, 686, 485, 42, 1, 42, 35, NULL, b'0'), (901, 686, 486, 10, 1, 10, 85, NULL, b'0'), (902, 687, 10, 700, 1, 700, 24, NULL, b'0'), (903, 688, 396, 150, 1, 150, 222, NULL, b'0'), (904, 689, 30, 100, 1, 100, 205, NULL, b'0'), (905, 691, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (906, 692, 402, 40, 1, 40, 100, NULL, b'0'), (907, 693, 396, 50, 1, 50, 222, NULL, b'0'), (908, 693, 397, 150, 1, 150, 233, NULL, b'0'), (909, 693, 488, 20, 1, 20, 117, NULL, b'0'), (910, 694, 14, 49, 1, 49, 133, NULL, b'0'), (911, 696, 290, 480, 1, 480, 20, NULL, b'0'), (912, 698, 3, 400, 1, 400, 240, NULL, b'0'), (913, 700, 478, 60, 1, 60, 50, NULL, b'0'), (914, 702, 187, 30, 1, 30, 120, NULL, b'1'), (915, 702, 177, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'1'), (916, 703, 187, 30, 1, 30, 120, NULL, b'0'), (917, 703, 177, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'0'), (918, 705, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (919, 707, 7, 400, 1, 400, 136, NULL, b'0'), (920, 708, 419, 100, 1, 100, 115, NULL, b'0'), (921, 710, 401, 10, 1, 10, 400, NULL, b'0'), (922, 711, 15, 10, 1, 10, 130, NULL, b'0'), (923, 712, 7, 600, 1, 600, 136, NULL, b'0'), (924, 713, 414, 100, 1, 100, 235, NULL, b'0'), (925, 713, 15, 50, 1, 50, 120, NULL, b'0'), (926, 713, 357, 25, 1, 25, 240, NULL, b'0'), (927, 714, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18, NULL, b'0'), (928, 715, 14, 65, 1, 65, 133, NULL, b'1'), (929, 716, 489, 50, 1, 50, 40, NULL, b'0'), (930, 718, 14, 65, 1, 65, 133, NULL, b'0'), (931, 726, 63, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'0'), (932, 726, 126, 30, 1, 30, 70, NULL, b'0'), (933, 726, 55, 24, 1, 24, 50, NULL, b'0'), (934, 726, 39, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'0'), (935, 726, 445, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'0'), (936, 726, 101, 20, 1, 20, 98, NULL, b'0'), (937, 726, 102, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (938, 726, 490, 12, 1, 12, 120, NULL, b'0'), (939, 726, 43, 24, 1, 24, 23, NULL, b'0'), (940, 726, 125, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (941, 726, 110, 40, 1, 40, 19, NULL, b'0'), (942, 726, 456, 20, 1, 20, 18, NULL, b'0'), (943, 726, 72, 12, 1, 12, 30, NULL, b'0'), (944, 726, 90, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (945, 728, 270, 50, 1, 50, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (946, 728, 255, 24, 1, 24, 90, NULL, b'0'), (947, 728, 359, 50, 1, 50, 11, NULL, b'0'), (948, 728, 261, 72, 1, 72, 87, NULL, b'0'), (949, 728, 466, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (950, 728, 384, 24, 1, 24, 98, NULL, b'0'), (951, 728, 247, 40, 1, 40, 69, NULL, b'0'), (952, 730, 368, 60, 1, 60, 274, NULL, b'0'), (953, 731, 1, 200, 1, 200, 38, NULL, b'0'), (954, 732, 357, 75, 1, 75, 240, NULL, b'0'), (955, 732, 414, 100, 1, 100, 235, NULL, b'0'), (956, 733, 10, 300, 1, 300, 22, NULL, b'0'), (957, 735, 360, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'0'), (958, 735, 417, 40, 1, 40, 19, NULL, b'0'), (959, 735, 42, 60, 1, 60, 36, NULL, b'0'), (960, 735, 385, 12, 1, 12, 200, NULL, b'0'), (961, 735, 36, 60, 1, 60, 37, NULL, b'0'), (962, 735, 37, 50, 1, 50, 24, NULL, b'0'), (963, 735, 107, 36, 1, 36, 45, NULL, b'0'), (964, 735, 94, 12, 1, 12, 185, NULL, b'0'), (965, 735, 95, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'0'), (966, 735, 492, 30, 1, 30, 70, NULL, b'0'), (967, 735, 89, 6, 1, 6, 80, NULL, b'0'), (968, 738, 491, 100, 1, 100, 33, NULL, b'0'), (969, 738, 60, 100, 1, 100, 14.5, NULL, b'0'), (970, 739, 11, 100, 1, 100, 235, NULL, b'0'), (971, 740, 7, 300, 1, 300, 135, NULL, b'0'), (972, 741, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17.4, NULL, b'0'), (973, 743, 7, 300, 1, 300, 135, NULL, b'0'), (974, 744, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (975, 745, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (976, 749, 479, 100, 1, 100, 18, NULL, b'0'), (977, 749, 480, 50, 1, 50, 10, NULL, b'0'), (978, 752, 7, 270, 1, 270, 136, NULL, b'0'), (979, 753, 7, 400, 1, 400, 136, NULL, b'0'), (980, 754, 14, 70, 1, 70, 133, NULL, b'0'), (981, 758, 7, 350, 1, 350, 136, NULL, b'0'), (982, 760, 414, 100, 1, 100, 235, NULL, b'0'), (983, 760, 15, 50, 1, 50, 120, NULL, b'0'), (984, 761, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (985, 762, 13, 50, 1, 50, 120, NULL, b'0'), (986, 763, 493, 24, 1, 24, 45, NULL, b'1'), (987, 763, 494, 4, 1, 4, 90, NULL, b'1'), (988, 765, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 24, NULL, b'0'), (989, 766, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (990, 767, 419, 150, 1, 150, 115, NULL, b'0'), (991, 767, 441, 50, 1, 50, 95, NULL, b'0'), (992, 769, 192, 100, 1, 100, 3.5, NULL, b'0'), (993, 769, 457, 100, 1, 100, 2.8, NULL, b'0'), (994, 770, 34, 12, 1, 12, 170, NULL, b'0'), (995, 772, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (996, 773, 93, 11, 1, 11, 30, NULL, b'0'), (997, 773, 283, 99, 1, 99, 30, NULL, b'0'), (998, 775, 476, 1000, 1, 1000, 58.5, NULL, b'0'), (999, 776, 414, 500, 1, 500, 235, NULL, b'0'), (1000, 776, 357, 250, 1, 250, 240, NULL, b'0'), (1001, 776, 15, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1002, 778, 163, 60, 1, 60, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1003, 778, 162, 40, 1, 40, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1004, 778, 185, 45, 1, 45, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1005, 778, 178, 75, 1, 75, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1006, 778, 187, 30, 1, 30, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1007, 778, 495, 30, 1, 30, 110, NULL, b'0'), (1008, 778, 179, 20, 1, 20, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1009, 780, 1, 800, 1, 800, 25, NULL, b'0'), (1010, 781, 290, 600, 1, 600, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1011, 782, 481, 100, 1, 100, 9.75, NULL, b'0'), (1012, 784, 188, 60, 1, 60, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1013, 784, 186, 20, 1, 20, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1014, 788, 10, 400, 1, 400, 27, NULL, b'0'), (1015, 791, 154, 60, 1, 60, 100, NULL, b'0'), (1016, 791, 152, 36, 1, 36, 190, NULL, b'0'), (1017, 798, 479, 90, 1, 90, 17.75, NULL, b'1'), (1018, 800, 479, 90, 1, 90, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1019, 803, 493, 24, 1, 24, 45, NULL, b'0'), (1020, 803, 494, 4, 1, 4, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1021, 805, 171, 80, 1, 80, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1022, 805, 172, 40, 1, 40, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1023, 806, 21, 300, 1, 300, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1024, 809, 7, 600, 1, 600, 136, NULL, b'0'), (1025, 810, 8, 1100, 1, 1100, 17.5, NULL, b'0'), (1026, 812, 3, 200, 1, 200, 240, NULL, b'0'), (1027, 816, 405, 50, 1, 50, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1028, 816, 281, 30, 1, 30, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1029, 816, 245, 50, 1, 50, 28, NULL, b'0'), (1030, 816, 271, 30, 1, 30, 9, NULL, b'0'), (1031, 816, 379, 50, 1, 50, 49, NULL, b'0'), (1032, 816, 359, 25, 1, 25, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1033, 816, 255, 12, 1, 12, 92, NULL, b'0'), (1034, 816, 247, 40, 1, 40, 69, NULL, b'0'), (1035, 816, 268, 60, 1, 60, 59, NULL, b'0'), (1036, 816, 466, 50, 1, 50, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1037, 816, 241, 12, 1, 12, 79, NULL, b'0'), (1038, 818, 261, 24, 1, 24, 87, NULL, b'0'), (1039, 821, 25, 200, 1, 200, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1040, 823, 13, 100, 1, 100, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1041, 824, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1042, 825, 357, 200, 1, 200, 240, NULL, b'0'), (1043, 826, 406, 5, 1, 5, 68, NULL, b'0'), (1044, 827, 453, 50, 1, 50, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1045, 830, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1046, 833, 7, 300, 1, 300, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1047, 834, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1048, 836, 1, 600, 1, 600, 27, NULL, b'0'), (1049, 837, 7, 300, 1, 300, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1050, 838, 7, 1000, 1, 1000, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1051, 839, 22, 300, 1, 300, 55, NULL, b'0'), (1052, 844, 14, 60, 1, 60, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1053, 845, 10, 400, 1, 400, 27, NULL, b'0'), (1054, 847, 496, 6, 1, 6, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1055, 848, 454, 50, 1, 50, 8, NULL, b'0'), (1056, 848, 199, 75, 1, 75, 63, NULL, b'0'), (1057, 848, 201, 20, 1, 20, 250, NULL, b'0'), (1058, 849, 493, 18, 1, 18, 45, NULL, b'0'), (1059, 849, 494, 8, 1, 8, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1060, 852, 357, 90, 1, 90, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1061, 852, 15, 20, 1, 20, 119.25, NULL, b'0'), (1062, 853, 140, 45, 1, 45, 117, NULL, b'0'), (1063, 853, 138, 30, 1, 30, 117, NULL, b'0'), (1064, 853, 130, 15, 1, 15, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (1065, 853, 150, 15, 1, 15, 103.5, NULL, b'0'), (1066, 853, 141, 50, 1, 50, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1067, 853, 147, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1068, 853, 137, 60, 1, 60, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1069, 853, 415, 60, 1, 60, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1070, 853, 131, 30, 1, 30, 12.6, NULL, b'0'), (1071, 853, 420, 30, 1, 30, 16.2, NULL, b'0'), (1072, 853, 144, 15, 1, 15, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1073, 855, 69, 60, 1, 60, 12, NULL, b'1'), (1074, 855, 360, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'1'), (1075, 855, 443, 10, 1, 10, 120, NULL, b'1'), (1076, 855, 139, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'1'), (1077, 855, 299, 60, 1, 60, 13.5, NULL, b'1'), (1078, 855, 58, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'1'), (1079, 855, 122, 20, 1, 20, 138, NULL, b'1'), (1080, 855, 385, 12, 1, 12, 200, NULL, b'1'), (1081, 855, 123, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'1'), (1082, 855, 43, 24, 1, 24, 23, NULL, b'1'), (1083, 855, 371, 30, 1, 30, 21, NULL, b'1'), (1084, 855, 72, 12, 1, 12, 30, NULL, b'1'), (1085, 855, 472, 10, 1, 10, 80, NULL, b'1'), (1086, 855, 84, 50, 1, 50, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1087, 855, 101, 60, 1, 60, 98, NULL, b'1'), (1088, 855, 53, 24, 1, 24, 160, NULL, b'1'), (1089, 855, 54, 50, 1, 50, 19, NULL, b'1'), (1090, 855, 50, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'1'), (1091, 855, 63, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'1'), (1092, 855, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, b'1'), (1093, 856, 69, 60, 1, 60, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1094, 856, 360, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1095, 856, 443, 10, 1, 10, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1096, 856, 139, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1097, 856, 299, 60, 1, 60, 13.5, NULL, b'0'), (1098, 856, 58, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1099, 856, 122, 20, 1, 20, 138, NULL, b'0'), (1100, 856, 385, 12, 1, 12, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1101, 856, 123, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1102, 856, 43, 24, 1, 24, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1103, 856, 371, 30, 1, 30, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1104, 856, 72, 12, 1, 12, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1105, 856, 472, 10, 1, 10, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1106, 856, 84, 50, 1, 50, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1107, 856, 53, 24, 1, 24, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1108, 856, 54, 50, 1, 50, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1109, 856, 50, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1110, 856, 63, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1111, 856, 101, 60, 1, 60, 98, NULL, b'0'), (1112, 858, 361, 36, 1, 36, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1113, 858, 70, 24, 1, 24, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1114, 858, 111, 24, 1, 24, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1115, 858, 34, 36, 1, 36, 170, NULL, b'0'), (1116, 860, 103, 30, 1, 30, 41, NULL, b'0'), (1117, 860, 60, 50, 1, 50, 14.5, NULL, b'0'), (1118, 861, 22, 300, 1, 300, 55, NULL, b'0'), (1119, 864, 486, 40, 1, 40, 85, NULL, b'0'), (1120, 865, 299, 60, 1, 60, 13.5, NULL, b'0'), (1121, 868, 369, 300, 1, 300, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1122, 868, 477, 300, 1, 300, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1123, 868, 479, 200, 1, 200, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1124, 868, 497, 200, 1, 200, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1125, 872, 419, 150, 1, 150, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1126, 872, 458, 10, 1, 10, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1127, 873, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1128, 874, 419, 150, 1, 150, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1129, 874, 441, 50, 1, 50, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1130, 875, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1131, 876, 7, 400, 1, 400, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1132, 877, 2, 100, 1, 100, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1133, 878, 7, 275, 1, 275, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1134, 879, 396, 150, 1, 150, 214, NULL, b'0'), (1135, 880, 402, 30, 1, 30, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1136, 880, 401, 10, 1, 10, 390, NULL, b'0'), (1137, 881, 477, 200, 1, 200, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1138, 881, 481, 400, 1, 400, 10, NULL, b'0'), (1139, 885, 414, 450, 1, 450, 233.5, NULL, b'0'), (1140, 885, 15, 200, 1, 200, 119.25, NULL, b'0'), (1141, 885, 357, 250, 1, 250, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1142, 887, 10, 400, 1, 400, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1143, 889, 3, 200, 1, 200, 238, NULL, b'0'), (1144, 890, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1145, 897, 8, 400, 1, 400, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1146, 898, 7, 300, 1, 300, 134, NULL, b'0'), (1147, 899, 7, 700, 1, 700, 134, NULL, b'0'), (1148, 900, 397, 100, 1, 100, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1149, 901, 416, 30, 1, 30, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1150, 901, 38, 40, 1, 40, 112, NULL, b'0'), (1151, 901, 443, 30, 1, 30, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1152, 901, 445, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1153, 901, 89, 40, 1, 40, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1154, 903, 126, 45, 1, 45, 74, NULL, b'0'), (1155, 903, 498, 50, 1, 50, 28, NULL, b'0'), (1156, 903, 39, 40, 1, 40, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1157, 903, 108, 36, 1, 36, 48, NULL, b'0'), (1158, 903, 90, 40, 1, 40, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1159, 903, 43, 12, 1, 12, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1160, 903, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'0'), (1161, 903, 455, 40, 1, 40, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1162, 903, 499, 10, 1, 10, 225, NULL, b'0'), (1163, 903, 125, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1164, 905, 11, 200, 1, 200, 235, NULL, b'0'), (1165, 908, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1166, 910, 15, 150, 1, 150, 119.25, NULL, b'0'), (1167, 911, 378, 10, 1, 10, 8, NULL, b'0'), (1168, 912, 14, 67, 1, 67, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1169, 913, 500, 100, 1, 100, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1170, 916, 290, 800, 1, 800, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1171, 917, 223, 180, 1, 180, 142, NULL, b'0'), (1172, 917, 219, 72, 1, 72, 161, NULL, b'0'), (1173, 917, 211, 36, 1, 36, 116, NULL, b'0'), (1174, 917, 225, 36, 1, 36, 112, NULL, b'0'), (1175, 917, 224, 70, 1, 70, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1176, 917, 212, 70, 1, 70, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1177, 918, 378, 250, 1, 250, 8, NULL, b'0'), (1178, 920, 193, 24, 1, 24, 3.3, NULL, b'0'), (1179, 921, 10, 500, 1, 500, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1180, 922, 419, 100, 1, 100, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1181, 923, 283, 60, 1, 60, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1182, 923, 93, 15, 1, 15, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1183, 925, 7, 1000, 1, 1000, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1184, 926, 1, 700, 1, 700, 26, NULL, b'0'), (1185, 928, 10, 500, 1, 500, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1186, 929, 501, 10, 1, 10, 70, NULL, b'0'), (1187, 929, 502, 10, 1, 10, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1188, 929, 156, 12, 1, 12, 195, NULL, b'0'), (1189, 929, 167, 12, 1, 12, 102, NULL, b'0'), (1190, 932, 225, 60, 1, 60, 112, NULL, b'0'), (1191, 932, 223, 84, 1, 84, 142, NULL, b'0'), (1192, 932, 219, 60, 1, 60, 161, NULL, b'0'), (1193, 932, 503, 30, 1, 30, 35, NULL, b'0'), (1194, 932, 475, 20, 1, 20, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1195, 937, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1196, 939, 1, 600, 1, 600, 26, NULL, b'0'), (1197, 940, 419, 150, 1, 150, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1198, 941, 14, 75, 1, 75, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1199, 943, 3, 400, 1, 400, 238, NULL, b'0'), (1200, 944, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1201, 945, 362, 50, 1, 50, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1202, 946, 476, 200, 1, 200, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1203, 946, 479, 200, 1, 200, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1204, 946, 497, 100, 1, 100, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1205, 946, 477, 200, 1, 200, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1206, 946, 369, 150, 1, 150, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1207, 947, 494, 16, 1, 16, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1208, 948, 152, 120, 1, 120, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1209, 948, 154, 96, 1, 96, 110, NULL, b'0'), (1210, 949, 22, 266, 1, 266, 68, NULL, b'0'), (1211, 950, 22, 200, 1, 200, 70, NULL, b'0'), (1212, 952, 22, 800, 1, 800, 65, NULL, b'0'), (1213, 957, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1214, 961, 8, 400, 1, 400, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1215, 962, 362, 50, 1, 50, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1216, 963, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1217, 964, 500, 200, 1, 200, 125, NULL, b'1'), (1218, 965, 8, 500, 1, 500, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1219, 968, 8, 800, 1, 800, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1220, 970, 193, 24, 1, 24, 3.4583, NULL, b'0'), (1221, 970, 192, 72, 1, 72, 3.625, NULL, b'0'), (1222, 970, 457, 175, 1, 175, 2.8, NULL, b'0'), (1223, 976, 15, 500, 1, 500, 119.25, NULL, b'0'), (1224, 976, 357, 350, 1, 350, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1225, 976, 414, 200, 1, 200, 233.5, NULL, b'0'), (1226, 977, 245, 30, 1, 30, 28, NULL, b'0'), (1227, 977, 277, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1228, 977, 239, 40, 1, 40, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1229, 977, 405, 40, 1, 40, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1230, 977, 384, 60, 1, 60, 98, NULL, b'0'), (1231, 977, 261, 60, 1, 60, 87, NULL, b'0'), (1232, 977, 255, 48, 1, 48, 92, NULL, b'0'), (1233, 977, 359, 60, 1, 60, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1234, 977, 268, 84, 1, 84, 59, NULL, b'0'), (1235, 977, 270, 60, 1, 60, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (1236, 977, 246, 20, 1, 20, 41, NULL, b'0'), (1237, 977, 247, 20, 1, 20, 69, NULL, b'0'), (1238, 977, 280, 10, 1, 10, 72, NULL, b'0'), (1239, 977, 258, 30, 1, 30, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1240, 977, 253, 48, 1, 48, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1241, 977, 271, 30, 1, 30, 9, NULL, b'0'), (1242, 977, 254, 8, 1, 8, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1243, 977, 242, 25, 1, 25, 10, NULL, b'0'), (1244, 978, 472, 10, 1, 10, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1245, 978, 444, 60, 1, 60, 10, NULL, b'0'), (1246, 978, 490, 12, 1, 12, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1247, 978, 101, 40, 1, 40, 100, NULL, b'0'), (1248, 978, 102, 60, 1, 60, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1249, 978, 98, 6, 1, 6, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1250, 978, 416, 10, 1, 10, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1251, 978, 53, 12, 1, 12, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1252, 978, 122, 10, 1, 10, 138, NULL, b'0'), (1253, 978, 123, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1254, 978, 50, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1255, 978, 85, 50, 1, 50, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1256, 978, 492, 10, 1, 10, 74, NULL, b'0'), (1257, 978, 43, 24, 1, 24, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1258, 978, 72, 24, 1, 24, 34, NULL, b'0'), (1259, 979, 105, 40, 1, 40, 43, NULL, b'0'), (1260, 979, 104, 30, 1, 30, 44, NULL, b'0'), (1261, 979, 103, 20, 1, 20, 42, NULL, b'0'), (1262, 980, 507, 300, 1, 300, 139, NULL, b'0'), (1263, 981, 507, 700, 1, 700, 139, NULL, b'0'), (1264, 982, 508, 600, 1, 600, 138, NULL, b'0'), (1265, 984, 507, 300, 1, 300, 139, NULL, b'0'), (1266, 985, 508, 400, 1, 400, 138, NULL, b'0'), (1267, 986, 357, 200, 1, 200, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1268, 988, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1269, 992, 357, 100, 1, 100, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1270, 993, 22, 800, 1, 800, 65, NULL, b'0'), (1271, 999, 8, 800, 1, 800, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1272, 1000, 8, 300, 1, 300, 18.4, NULL, b'0'), (1273, 1002, 8, 200, 1, 200, 18.4, NULL, b'0'), (1274, 1002, 8, 100, 1, 100, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1275, 1004, 201, 40, 1, 40, 250, NULL, b'0'), (1276, 1004, 200, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1277, 1004, 421, 30, 1, 30, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1278, 1004, 509, 30, 1, 30, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1279, 1006, 25, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1280, 1007, 171, 20, 1, 20, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1281, 1007, 172, 60, 1, 60, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1282, 1009, 5, 100, 1, 100, 218.5, NULL, b'0'), (1283, 1009, 357, 250, 1, 250, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1284, 1009, 414, 100, 1, 100, 233.5, NULL, b'0'), (1285, 1010, 14, 37, 1, 37, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1286, 1013, 162, 20, 1, 20, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1287, 1013, 495, 45, 1, 45, 110, NULL, b'0'), (1288, 1013, 178, 45, 1, 45, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1289, 1014, 189, 30, 1, 30, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1290, 1015, 481, 100, 1, 100, 10, NULL, b'0'), (1291, 1017, 414, 200, 1, 200, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1292, 1018, 283, 61, 1, 61, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1293, 1018, 93, 21, 1, 21, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1294, 1019, 419, 50, 1, 50, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1295, 1019, 441, 50, 1, 50, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1296, 1020, 8, 600, 1, 600, 16.5, NULL, b'0'), (1297, 1023, 10, 637, 1, 637, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1298, 1027, 419, 100, 1, 100, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1299, 1027, 458, 20, 1, 20, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1300, 1030, 1, 750, 1, 750, 28, NULL, b'0'), (1301, 1031, 3, 400, 1, 400, 238, NULL, b'0'), (1302, 1032, 7, 800, 1, 800, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1303, 1033, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1304, 1035, 14, 110, 1, 110, 133, NULL, b'0'), (1305, 1036, 8, 700, 1, 700, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1306, 1037, 8, 300, 1, 300, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1307, 1040, 500, 145, 1, 145, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1308, 1041, 2, 100, 1, 100, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1309, 1042, 10, 400, 1, 400, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1310, 1043, 132, 15, 1, 15, 139.5, NULL, b'0'), (1311, 1043, 133, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1312, 1043, 130, 15, 1, 15, 81, NULL, b'0'), (1313, 1043, 140, 30, 1, 30, 139.5, NULL, b'0'), (1314, 1043, 510, 15, 1, 15, 76.5, NULL, b'0'), (1315, 1043, 141, 3, 1, 3, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1316, 1043, 146, 15, 1, 15, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (1317, 1043, 147, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1318, 1043, 136, 30, 1, 30, 144, NULL, b'0'), (1319, 1043, 137, 40, 1, 40, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1320, 1043, 150, 15, 1, 15, 103.5, NULL, b'0'), (1321, 1043, 138, 15, 1, 15, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (1322, 1043, 415, 30, 1, 30, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1323, 1044, 164, 2, 1, 2, 415, NULL, b'0'), (1324, 1044, 144, 5, 1, 5, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1325, 1045, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1326, 1045, 357, 450, 1, 450, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1327, 1045, 414, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1328, 1047, 368, 50, 1, 50, 279, NULL, b'0'), (1329, 1048, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1330, 1049, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1331, 1056, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1332, 1057, 387, 60, 1, 60, 32, NULL, b'0'), (1333, 1058, 83, 12, 1, 12, 80, NULL, b'1'), (1334, 1058, 63, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'1'), (1335, 1058, 511, 20, 1, 20, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1336, 1058, 443, 20, 1, 20, 120, NULL, b'1'), (1337, 1058, 67, 30, 1, 30, 56, NULL, b'1'), (1338, 1058, 416, 20, 1, 20, 180, NULL, b'1'), (1339, 1058, 124, 24, 1, 24, 75, NULL, b'1'), (1340, 1058, 111, 12, 1, 12, 75, NULL, b'1'), (1341, 1058, 37, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'1'), (1342, 1058, 110, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'1'), (1343, 1058, 456, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'1'), (1344, 1058, 299, 60, 1, 60, 13.5, NULL, b'1'), (1345, 1058, 107, 24, 1, 24, 47, NULL, b'1'), (1346, 1058, 445, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1347, 1058, 464, 80, 1, 80, 3.1, NULL, b'1'), (1348, 1059, 83, 12, 1, 12, 80, NULL, b'1'), (1349, 1059, 63, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'1'), (1350, 1059, 511, 20, 1, 20, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1351, 1059, 443, 20, 1, 20, 120, NULL, b'1'), (1352, 1059, 67, 30, 1, 30, 56, NULL, b'1'), (1353, 1059, 416, 20, 1, 20, 180, NULL, b'1'), (1354, 1059, 124, 24, 1, 24, 75, NULL, b'1'), (1355, 1059, 111, 12, 1, 12, 75, NULL, b'1'), (1356, 1059, 37, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'1'), (1357, 1059, 110, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'1'), (1358, 1059, 456, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'1'), (1359, 1059, 299, 60, 1, 60, 13.5, NULL, b'1'), (1360, 1059, 107, 24, 1, 24, 47, NULL, b'1'), (1361, 1059, 445, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1362, 1059, 464, 80, 1, 80, 3.1, NULL, b'1'), (1363, 1060, 83, 12, 1, 12, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1364, 1060, 63, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1365, 1060, 511, 20, 1, 20, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1366, 1060, 443, 20, 1, 20, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1367, 1060, 67, 30, 1, 30, 56, NULL, b'0'), (1368, 1060, 416, 20, 1, 20, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1369, 1060, 124, 24, 1, 24, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1370, 1060, 111, 12, 1, 12, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1371, 1060, 37, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1372, 1060, 110, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1373, 1060, 456, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1374, 1060, 299, 60, 1, 60, 13.5, NULL, b'0'), (1375, 1060, 107, 24, 1, 24, 47, NULL, b'0'), (1376, 1060, 445, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1377, 1060, 464, 80, 1, 80, 3.1, NULL, b'0'), (1378, 1061, 59, 100, 1, 100, 32, NULL, b'0'), (1379, 1061, 436, 40, 1, 40, 48, NULL, b'0'), (1380, 1061, 512, 30, 1, 30, 6, NULL, b'0'), (1381, 1061, 513, 30, 1, 30, 7, NULL, b'0'), (1382, 1062, 493, 12, 1, 12, 45, NULL, b'0'), (1383, 1062, 494, 8, 1, 8, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1384, 1063, 11, 100, 1, 100, 245, NULL, b'0'), (1385, 1064, 8, 300, 1, 300, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1386, 1065, 419, 100, 1, 100, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1387, 1067, 170, 8, 1, 8, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1388, 1067, 173, 12, 1, 12, 215, NULL, b'0'), (1389, 1067, 175, 8, 1, 8, 300, NULL, b'0'), (1390, 1067, 176, 15, 1, 15, 115, NULL, b'0'), (1391, 1067, 174, 20, 1, 20, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1392, 1067, 171, 100, 1, 100, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1393, 1068, 396, 150, 1, 150, 227, NULL, b'0'), (1394, 1068, 397, 100, 1, 100, 232, NULL, b'0'), (1395, 1068, 401, 10, 1, 10, 400, NULL, b'0'), (1396, 1068, 482, 10, 1, 10, 70, NULL, b'0'), (1397, 1070, 22, 182, 1, 182, 70, NULL, b'0'), (1398, 1071, 22, 500, 1, 500, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1399, 1075, 22, 182, 1, 182, 70, NULL, b'0'), (1400, 1077, 469, 400, 1, 400, 169, NULL, b'0'), (1401, 1078, 508, 700, 1, 700, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1402, 1079, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1403, 1080, 8, 600, 1, 600, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1404, 1085, 508, 300, 1, 300, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1405, 1086, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1406, 1087, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1407, 1089, 8, 17, 1, 17, 500, NULL, b'1'), (1408, 1090, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1409, 1092, 8, 500, 1, 500, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1410, 1095, 199, 75, 1, 75, 65, NULL, b'0'), (1411, 1095, 206, 45, 1, 45, 56, NULL, b'0'), (1412, 1095, 195, 15, 1, 15, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1413, 1095, 201, 20, 1, 20, 250, NULL, b'0'), (1414, 1095, 205, 20, 1, 20, 87, NULL, b'0'), (1415, 1095, 207, 15, 1, 15, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1416, 1095, 460, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1417, 1095, 514, 30, 1, 30, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1418, 1096, 282, 270, 1, 270, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1419, 1098, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1420, 1099, 515, 300, 1, 300, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1421, 1100, 515, 300, 1, 300, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1422, 1101, 8, 100, 1, 100, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1423, 1102, 508, 500, 1, 500, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1424, 1104, 357, 200, 1, 200, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1425, 1105, 8, 600, 1, 600, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1426, 1106, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1427, 1107, 515, 200, 1, 200, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1428, 1114, 8, 200, 1, 200, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1429, 1120, 1, 750, 1, 750, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1430, 1121, 1, 1000, 1, 1000, 31, NULL, b'0'), (1431, 1122, 8, 790, 1, 790, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1432, 1123, 414, 120, 1, 120, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1433, 1123, 5, 30, 1, 30, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1434, 1124, 414, 80, 1, 80, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1435, 1124, 5, 40, 1, 40, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1436, 1125, 14, 100, 1, 100, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1437, 1127, 515, 200, 1, 200, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1438, 1128, 10, 300, 1, 300, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1439, 1129, 414, 200, 1, 200, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1440, 1129, 5, 80, 1, 80, 238.5, NULL, b'0'), (1441, 1130, 8, 700, 1, 700, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1442, 1131, 508, 500, 1, 500, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1443, 1132, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1444, 1133, 508, 200, 1, 200, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1445, 1134, 357, 200, 1, 200, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1446, 1136, 357, 150, 1, 150, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1447, 1137, 22, 52, 1, 52, 66.3461, NULL, b'0'), (1448, 1140, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1449, 1142, 22, 300, 1, 300, 96, NULL, b'0'), (1450, 1143, 508, 300, 1, 300, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1451, 1145, 357, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1452, 1146, 22, 90, 1, 90, 66.3461, NULL, b'0'), (1453, 1147, 14, 110, 1, 110, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1454, 1148, 22, 300, 1, 300, 96, NULL, b'0'), (1455, 1150, 8, 600, 1, 600, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1456, 1151, 22, 650, 1, 650, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1457, 1152, 22, 897, 1, 897, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1458, 1155, 2, 100, 1, 100, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1459, 1156, 23, 200, 1, 200, 97, NULL, b'0'), (1460, 1156, 22, 800, 1, 800, 97, NULL, b'0'), (1461, 1159, 472, 30, 1, 30, 84, NULL, b'0'), (1462, 1159, 111, 36, 1, 36, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1463, 1159, 406, 36, 1, 36, 70, NULL, b'0'), (1464, 1159, 53, 24, 1, 24, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1465, 1159, 70, 24, 1, 24, 190, NULL, b'0'), (1466, 1159, 101, 50, 1, 50, 106, NULL, b'0'), (1467, 1159, 122, 30, 1, 30, 138, NULL, b'0'), (1468, 1159, 443, 30, 1, 30, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1469, 1160, 444, 40, 1, 40, 10, NULL, b'0'), (1470, 1160, 139, 40, 1, 40, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1471, 1160, 85, 30, 1, 30, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1472, 1160, 107, 24, 1, 24, 47, NULL, b'0'), (1473, 1160, 37, 50, 1, 50, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1474, 1160, 84, 50, 1, 50, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1475, 1160, 445, 20, 1, 20, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1476, 1161, 138, 45, 1, 45, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1477, 1161, 415, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1478, 1161, 136, 45, 1, 45, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1479, 1161, 137, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1480, 1161, 149, 40, 1, 40, 35, NULL, b'0'), (1481, 1161, 146, 30, 1, 30, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1482, 1161, 133, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1483, 1161, 164, 5, 1, 5, 415, NULL, b'0'), (1484, 1161, 144, 10, 1, 10, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1485, 1163, 59, 100, 1, 100, 32, NULL, b'0'), (1486, 1163, 438, 75, 1, 75, 35, NULL, b'0'), (1487, 1163, 493, 24, 1, 24, 48, NULL, b'0'), (1488, 1163, 494, 8, 1, 8, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1489, 1166, 171, 100, 1, 100, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1490, 1166, 172, 40, 1, 40, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1491, 1166, 173, 19, 1, 19, 215, NULL, b'0'), (1492, 1166, 174, 31, 1, 31, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1493, 1166, 175, 4, 1, 4, 300, NULL, b'0'), (1494, 1167, 8, 800, 1, 800, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1495, 1168, 378, 100, 1, 100, 8, NULL, b'0'), (1496, 1169, 516, 500, 1, 500, 36.5, NULL, b'0'), (1497, 1170, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1498, 1171, 486, 30, 1, 30, 85, NULL, b'0'), (1499, 1171, 485, 84, 1, 84, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1500, 1171, 483, 48, 1, 48, 128, NULL, b'0'), (1501, 1171, 518, 40, 1, 40, 38, NULL, b'0'), (1502, 1171, 519, 100, 1, 100, 18, NULL, b'0'), (1503, 1171, 517, 16, 1, 16, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1504, 1171, 520, 40, 1, 40, 35, NULL, b'0'), (1505, 1171, 521, 8, 1, 8, 185, NULL, b'0'), (1506, 1172, 508, 500, 1, 500, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1507, 1177, 160, 40, 1, 40, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1508, 1177, 163, 40, 1, 40, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1509, 1177, 186, 40, 1, 40, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1510, 1177, 177, 60, 1, 60, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1511, 1177, 162, 60, 1, 60, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1512, 1177, 178, 75, 1, 75, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1513, 1178, 189, 15, 1, 15, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1514, 1179, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1515, 1179, 15, 50, 1, 50, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1516, 1180, 3, 100, 1, 100, 245, NULL, b'0'), (1517, 1180, 30, 50, 1, 50, 225, NULL, b'0'), (1518, 1185, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1519, 1185, 15, 50, 1, 50, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1520, 1186, 3, 100, 1, 100, 245, NULL, b'0'), (1521, 1186, 30, 50, 1, 50, 225, NULL, b'0'), (1522, 1187, 8, 100, 1, 100, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1523, 1188, 508, 500, 1, 500, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1524, 1189, 192, 96, 1, 96, 3.625, NULL, b'0'), (1525, 1189, 193, 24, 1, 24, 3.45833, NULL, b'0'), (1526, 1189, 457, 175, 1, 175, 2.8, NULL, b'0'), (1527, 1190, 1, 830, 1, 830, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1528, 1191, 268, 72, 1, 72, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1529, 1191, 270, 50, 1, 50, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (1530, 1191, 468, 24, 1, 24, 58, NULL, b'0'), (1531, 1191, 467, 48, 1, 48, 139, NULL, b'0'), (1532, 1191, 379, 30, 1, 30, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1533, 1191, 369, 300, 1, 300, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1534, 1191, 422, 100, 1, 100, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1535, 1191, 271, 40, 1, 40, 9, NULL, b'0'), (1536, 1191, 255, 36, 1, 36, 94, NULL, b'0'), (1537, 1191, 359, 50, 1, 50, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1538, 1191, 384, 72, 1, 72, 104, NULL, b'0'), (1539, 1191, 241, 36, 1, 36, 83, NULL, b'0'), (1540, 1191, 253, 36, 1, 36, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1541, 1191, 434, 36, 1, 36, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1542, 1191, 261, 72, 1, 72, 92, NULL, b'0'), (1543, 1193, 368, 60, 1, 60, 279, NULL, b'0'), (1544, 1194, 154, 72, 1, 72, 120, NULL, b'1'), (1545, 1194, 153, 48, 1, 48, 270, NULL, b'1'), (1546, 1194, 412, 24, 1, 24, 120, NULL, b'1'), (1547, 1194, 523, 10, 1, 10, 165, NULL, b'1'), (1548, 1194, 502, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'1'), (1549, 1194, 522, 10, 1, 10, 145, NULL, b'1'), (1550, 1194, 152, 36, 1, 36, 218, NULL, b'1'), (1551, 1195, 154, 72, 1, 72, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1552, 1195, 153, 48, 1, 48, 270, NULL, b'0'), (1553, 1195, 412, 24, 1, 24, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1554, 1195, 523, 10, 1, 10, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1555, 1195, 502, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1556, 1195, 522, 10, 1, 10, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1557, 1195, 152, 36, 1, 36, 218, NULL, b'0'), (1558, 1197, 223, 120, 1, 120, 142, NULL, b'0'), (1559, 1199, 396, 150, 1, 150, 232, NULL, b'0'), (1560, 1199, 397, 150, 1, 150, 227, NULL, b'0'), (1561, 1199, 401, 10, 1, 10, 402, NULL, b'0'), (1562, 1199, 482, 20, 1, 20, 82, NULL, b'0'), (1563, 1200, 283, 103, 1, 103, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1564, 1200, 93, 22, 1, 22, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1565, 1201, 10, 400, 1, 400, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1566, 1202, 8, 800, 1, 800, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1567, 1203, 11, 40, 1, 40, 245, NULL, b'0'), (1568, 1204, 516, 500, 1, 500, 36.5, NULL, b'0'), (1569, 1205, 357, 50, 1, 50, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1570, 1205, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1571, 1205, 524, 100, 1, 100, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1572, 1205, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1573, 1206, 515, 200, 1, 200, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1574, 1207, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1575, 1208, 515, 400, 1, 400, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1576, 1210, 478, 100, 1, 100, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1577, 1211, 8, 100, 1, 100, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1578, 1214, 414, 500, 1, 500, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1579, 1214, 357, 200, 1, 200, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1580, 1215, 10, 400, 1, 400, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1581, 1217, 515, 200, 1, 200, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1582, 1219, 508, 200, 1, 200, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1583, 1221, 136, 45, 1, 45, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1584, 1221, 137, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1585, 1221, 140, 60, 1, 60, 155, NULL, b'0'), (1586, 1221, 141, 60, 1, 60, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1587, 1221, 146, 15, 1, 15, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1588, 1221, 147, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1589, 1221, 135, 45, 1, 45, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1590, 1221, 132, 30, 1, 30, 155, NULL, b'0'), (1591, 1221, 130, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1592, 1222, 424, 10, 1, 10, 84, NULL, b'0'), (1593, 1222, 144, 15, 1, 15, 170, NULL, b'0'), (1594, 1222, 164, 10, 1, 10, 425, NULL, b'0'), (1595, 1223, 508, 248, 1, 248, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1596, 1224, 10, 600, 1, 600, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1597, 1225, 42, 60, 1, 60, 42, NULL, b'0'), (1598, 1225, 95, 60, 1, 60, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1599, 1225, 360, 60, 1, 60, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1600, 1225, 58, 60, 1, 60, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1601, 1225, 525, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1602, 1225, 85, 40, 1, 40, 21, NULL, b'0'), (1603, 1225, 107, 24, 1, 24, 47, NULL, b'0'), (1604, 1225, 110, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1605, 1225, 84, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1606, 1225, 37, 50, 1, 50, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1607, 1225, 125, 40, 1, 40, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1608, 1225, 371, 30, 1, 30, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1609, 1226, 111, 48, 1, 48, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1610, 1226, 490, 12, 1, 12, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1611, 1226, 361, 24, 1, 24, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1612, 1226, 57, 24, 1, 24, 190, NULL, b'0'), (1613, 1226, 83, 36, 1, 36, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1614, 1226, 67, 60, 1, 60, 58, NULL, b'0'), (1615, 1226, 89, 30, 1, 30, 93, NULL, b'0'), (1616, 1226, 387, 60, 1, 60, 32, NULL, b'0'), (1617, 1226, 124, 36, 1, 36, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1618, 1226, 472, 10, 1, 10, 84, NULL, b'0'), (1619, 1226, 34, 36, 1, 36, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1620, 1227, 526, 80, 1, 80, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1621, 1227, 527, 80, 1, 80, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1622, 1227, 436, 18, 1, 18, 48, NULL, b'0'), (1623, 1227, 494, 12, 1, 12, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1624, 1228, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1625, 1229, 8, 250, 1, 250, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1626, 1233, 508, 302, 1, 302, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1627, 1235, 3, 55, 1, 55, 245, NULL, b'0'), (1628, 1235, 500, 50, 1, 50, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1629, 1237, 223, 240, 1, 240, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1630, 1237, 528, 12, 1, 12, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1631, 1237, 220, 80, 1, 80, 26, NULL, b'0'), (1632, 1239, 381, 96, 1, 96, 79, NULL, b'0'), (1633, 1239, 516, 143, 1, 143, 36.5, NULL, b'0'), (1634, 1240, 19, 150, 1, 150, 146.65, NULL, b'0'), (1635, 1240, 18, 20, 1, 20, 115.65, NULL, b'0'), (1636, 1241, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1637, 1242, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1638, 1243, 378, 250, 1, 250, 8, NULL, b'0'), (1639, 1244, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1640, 1246, 14, 87, 1, 87, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1641, 1248, 11, 60, 1, 60, 250, NULL, b'0'), (1642, 1250, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1643, 1251, 289, 66, 1, 66, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1644, 1253, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1645, 1255, 8, 300, 1, 300, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1646, 1256, 6, 500, 1, 500, 203, NULL, b'0'), (1647, 1260, 3, 300, 1, 300, 255, NULL, b'1'), (1648, 1261, 3, 300, 1, 300, 255, NULL, b'0'), (1649, 1262, 1, 800, 1, 800, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1650, 1269, 3, 200, 1, 200, 255, NULL, b'0'), (1651, 1270, 524, 200, 1, 200, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1652, 1271, 357, 300, 1, 300, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1653, 1271, 414, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1654, 1271, 15, 300, 1, 300, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1655, 1273, 507, 700, 1, 700, 210, NULL, b'1'), (1656, 1274, 263, 200, 1, 200, 65, NULL, b'0'), (1657, 1275, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1658, 1277, 530, 50, 1, 50, 215, NULL, b'0'), (1659, 1277, 164, 20, 1, 20, 435, NULL, b'0'), (1660, 1278, 396, 100, 1, 100, 242, NULL, b'0'), (1661, 1278, 482, 30, 1, 30, 82, NULL, b'0'), (1662, 1280, 207, 45, 1, 45, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1663, 1280, 514, 20, 1, 20, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1664, 1280, 199, 105, 1, 105, 65, NULL, b'0'), (1665, 1280, 206, 60, 1, 60, 56, NULL, b'0'), (1666, 1280, 200, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1667, 1280, 421, 30, 1, 30, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1668, 1280, 204, 80, 1, 80, 1.5, NULL, b'0'), (1669, 1280, 195, 15, 1, 15, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1670, 1280, 460, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1671, 1280, 509, 30, 1, 30, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1672, 1280, 375, 100, 1, 100, 0.35, NULL, b'0'), (1673, 1280, 461, 40, 1, 40, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1674, 1280, 531, 10, 1, 10, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1675, 1281, 39, 40, 1, 40, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1676, 1281, 54, 20, 1, 20, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1677, 1281, 88, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1678, 1281, 107, 24, 1, 24, 47, NULL, b'0'), (1679, 1281, 533, 20, 1, 20, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1680, 1282, 491, 300, 1, 300, 38, NULL, b'0'), (1681, 1282, 60, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1682, 1283, 63, 10, 1, 10, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1683, 1283, 499, 20, 1, 20, 240, NULL, b'0'), (1684, 1283, 102, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1685, 1283, 126, 30, 1, 30, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1686, 1283, 534, 10, 1, 10, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1687, 1283, 532, 20, 1, 20, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1688, 1283, 11, 50, 1, 50, 260, NULL, b'0'), (1689, 1284, 493, 30, 1, 30, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1690, 1285, 515, 150, 1, 150, 175, NULL, b'0'), (1691, 1286, 507, 450, 1, 450, 210, NULL, b'1'), (1692, 1287, 22, 66, 1, 66, 66.35, NULL, b'0'), (1693, 1288, 8, 200, 1, 200, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1694, 1289, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 20, NULL, b'1'), (1695, 1290, 469, 400, 1, 400, 205, NULL, b'0'), (1696, 1293, 10, 300, 1, 300, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1697, 1294, 10, 400, 1, 400, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1698, 1296, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1699, 1297, 8, 500, 1, 500, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1700, 1298, 517, 18, 1, 18, 130, NULL, b'1'), (1701, 1298, 535, 32, 1, 32, 118, NULL, b'1'), (1702, 1298, 486, 80, 1, 80, 85, NULL, b'1'), (1703, 1298, 484, 64, 1, 64, 112, NULL, b'1'), (1704, 1298, 485, 36, 1, 36, 168, NULL, b'1'), (1705, 1298, 536, 60, 1, 60, 50, NULL, b'1'), (1706, 1299, 517, 18, 1, 18, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1707, 1299, 535, 32, 1, 32, 118, NULL, b'0'), (1708, 1299, 486, 80, 1, 80, 85, NULL, b'0'), (1709, 1299, 484, 64, 1, 64, 112, NULL, b'0'), (1710, 1299, 485, 168, 1, 168, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1711, 1299, 536, 60, 1, 60, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1712, 1300, 469, 300, 1, 300, 205, NULL, b'0'), (1713, 1301, 8, 200, 1, 200, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1714, 1303, 10, 570, 1, 570, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1715, 1304, 10, 500, 1, 500, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1716, 1305, 381, 489, 1, 489, 57.423312, NULL, b'1'), (1717, 1306, 381, 489, 1, 489, 57.42331, NULL, b'0'), (1718, 1307, 286, 120, 1, 120, 27, NULL, b'0'), (1719, 1308, 524, 100, 1, 100, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1720, 1316, 8, 300, 1, 300, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1721, 1317, 8, 600, 1, 600, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1722, 1318, 357, 80, 1, 80, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1723, 1319, 283, 40, 1, 40, 30, NULL, b'1'), (1724, 1320, 357, 80, 1, 80, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1725, 1321, 283, 40, 1, 40, 30, NULL, b'1'), (1726, 1321, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, b'1'), (1727, 1322, 283, 40, 1, 40, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1728, 1324, 368, 60, 1, 60, 279, NULL, b'0'), (1729, 1325, 254, 4, 1, 4, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1730, 1325, 253, 72, 1, 72, 36, NULL, b'0'), (1731, 1325, 468, 72, 1, 72, 58, NULL, b'0'), (1732, 1325, 384, 48, 1, 48, 108, NULL, b'0'), (1733, 1325, 261, 60, 1, 60, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1734, 1325, 245, 50, 1, 50, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1735, 1325, 270, 50, 1, 50, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (1736, 1325, 359, 50, 1, 50, 11, NULL, b'0'), (1737, 1325, 247, 60, 1, 60, 85, NULL, b'0'), (1738, 1325, 246, 20, 1, 20, 41, NULL, b'0'), (1739, 1325, 249, 36, 1, 36, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1740, 1325, 537, 24, 1, 24, 68, NULL, b'0'), (1741, 1326, 507, 650, 1, 650, 206, NULL, b'0'), (1742, 1327, 414, 80, 1, 80, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1743, 1329, 8, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1744, 1331, 469, 700, 1, 700, 205, NULL, b'1'), (1745, 1332, 469, 1000, 1, 1000, 205, NULL, b'0'), (1746, 1336, 8, 374, 1, 374, 22.52406, NULL, b'0'), (1747, 1337, 515, 300, 1, 300, 175, NULL, b'0'), (1748, 1339, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'1'), (1749, 1339, 361, 12, 1, 12, 180, NULL, b'1'), (1750, 1339, 533, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'1'), (1751, 1339, 443, 100, 1, 100, 130, NULL, b'1'), (1752, 1339, 45, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'1'), (1753, 1339, 499, 10, 1, 10, 240, NULL, b'1'), (1754, 1339, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'1'), (1755, 1339, 90, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1756, 1339, 39, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'1'), (1757, 1339, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, b'1'), (1758, 1340, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'1'), (1759, 1340, 361, 12, 1, 12, 180, NULL, b'1'), (1760, 1340, 533, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'1'), (1761, 1340, 443, 100, 1, 100, 130, NULL, b'1'), (1762, 1340, 45, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'1'), (1763, 1340, 499, 10, 1, 10, 240, NULL, b'1'), (1764, 1340, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'1'), (1765, 1340, 39, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'1'), (1766, 1340, 90, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1767, 1342, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'0'), (1768, 1342, 361, 12, 1, 12, 180, NULL, b'0'), (1769, 1342, 533, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1770, 1342, 443, 100, 1, 100, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1771, 1342, 45, 30, 1, 30, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1772, 1342, 499, 10, 1, 10, 240, NULL, b'0'), (1773, 1342, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1774, 1342, 39, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1775, 1342, 90, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1776, 1344, 8, 600, 1, 600, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1777, 1345, 357, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1778, 1345, 15, 300, 1, 300, 124.5, NULL, b'1'), (1779, 1345, 524, 100, 1, 100, 208.5, NULL, b'1'), (1780, 1345, 414, 300, 1, 300, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1781, 1346, 357, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1782, 1346, 414, 300, 1, 300, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1783, 1346, 15, 300, 1, 300, 124.25, NULL, b'1'), (1784, 1346, 524, 100, 1, 100, 208.5, NULL, b'1'), (1785, 1346, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, b'1'), (1786, 1347, 414, 300, 1, 300, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1787, 1347, 357, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'1'), (1788, 1347, 0, 300, 0, 0, 124.25, NULL, b'1'), (1789, 1347, 524, 100, 1, 100, 208.5, NULL, b'1'), (1790, 1348, 414, 300, 1, 300, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1791, 1348, 357, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1792, 1348, 15, 300, 1, 300, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1793, 1348, 524, 100, 1, 100, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1794, 1350, 419, 100, 1, 100, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1795, 1351, 223, 240, 1, 240, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1796, 1351, 217, 12, 1, 12, 175, NULL, b'0'), (1797, 1352, 538, 100, 1, 100, 210, NULL, b'0'), (1798, 1353, 154, 60, 1, 60, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1799, 1353, 152, 96, 1, 96, 220, NULL, b'0'), (1800, 1353, 157, 140, 1, 140, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1801, 1353, 167, 12, 1, 12, 110, NULL, b'0'), (1802, 1353, 539, 10, 1, 10, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1803, 1353, 523, 20, 1, 20, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1804, 1353, 540, 24, 1, 24, 110, NULL, b'0'), (1805, 1353, 541, 10, 1, 10, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1806, 1354, 289, 85, 1, 85, 14, NULL, b'0'), (1807, 1355, 422, 2, 1, 2, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1808, 1355, 497, 2, 1, 2, 15, NULL, b'0'), (1809, 1355, 192, 2, 1, 2, 7, NULL, b'0'), (1810, 1355, 208, 4, 1, 4, 1, NULL, b'0'), (1811, 1355, 42, 1, 1, 1, 46, NULL, b'0'), (1812, 1355, 454, 1, 1, 1, 13, NULL, b'0'), (1813, 1355, 491, 50, 1, 50, 42, NULL, b'0'), (1814, 1356, 3, 200, 1, 200, 255, NULL, b'0'), (1815, 1356, 30, 100, 1, 100, 225, NULL, b'0'), (1816, 1357, 3, 150, 1, 150, 255, NULL, b'0'), (1817, 1358, 524, 200, 1, 200, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1818, 1359, 14, 102, 1, 102, 135, NULL, b'1'), (1819, 1360, 14, 102, 1, 102, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1820, 1363, 289, 85, 1, 85, 14, NULL, b'1'), (1821, 1364, 189, 50, 1, 50, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1822, 1364, 180, 30, 1, 30, 500, NULL, b'0'), (1823, 1365, 177, 40, 1, 40, 105, NULL, b'1'), (1824, 1365, 162, 40, 1, 40, 140, NULL, b'1'), (1825, 1365, 383, 30, 1, 30, 130, NULL, b'1'), (1826, 1365, 187, 60, 1, 60, 130, NULL, b'1'), (1827, 1365, 185, 60, 1, 60, 130, NULL, b'1'), (1828, 1366, 177, 40, 1, 40, 105, NULL, b'0'), (1829, 1366, 162, 40, 1, 40, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1830, 1366, 383, 30, 1, 30, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1831, 1366, 187, 60, 1, 60, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1832, 1366, 185, 60, 1, 60, 130, NULL, b'0'), (1833, 1366, 188, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1834, 1366, 450, 30, 1, 30, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1835, 1369, 419, 100, 1, 100, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1836, 1369, 441, 50, 1, 50, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1837, 1370, 8, 200, 1, 200, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1838, 1372, 283, 49, 1, 49, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1839, 1373, 8, 200, 1, 200, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1840, 1374, 457, 500, 1, 500, 2.868, NULL, b'0'), (1841, 1376, 157, 60, 1, 60, 75, NULL, b'0'), (1842, 1379, 140, 60, 1, 60, 155, NULL, b'0'), (1843, 1379, 510, 30, 1, 30, 85, NULL, b'0'), (1844, 1379, 141, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1845, 1379, 136, 30, 1, 30, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1846, 1379, 137, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1847, 1379, 132, 30, 1, 30, 155, NULL, b'0'), (1848, 1379, 128, 15, 1, 15, 110, NULL, b'0'), (1849, 1379, 130, 15, 1, 15, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1850, 1379, 138, 30, 1, 30, 165, NULL, b'0'), (1851, 1379, 148, 15, 1, 15, 300, NULL, b'0'), (1852, 1379, 147, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1853, 1379, 144, 30, 1, 30, 170, NULL, b'0'), (1854, 1380, 542, 60, 1, 60, 16, NULL, b'1'), (1855, 1381, 543, 60, 1, 60, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1856, 1382, 3, 150, 1, 150, 255, NULL, b'0'), (1857, 1383, 369, 400, 1, 400, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1858, 1383, 251, 100, 1, 100, 9, NULL, b'0'), (1859, 1383, 477, 200, 1, 200, 17, NULL, b'0'), (1860, 1383, 250, 100, 1, 100, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1861, 1383, 479, 100, 1, 100, 19, NULL, b'0'), (1862, 1383, 494, 8, 1, 8, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1863, 1383, 480, 50, 1, 50, 10, NULL, b'0'), (1864, 1384, 144, 10, 1, 10, 235, NULL, b'0'), (1865, 1384, 164, 16, 1, 16, 435, NULL, b'0'), (1866, 1388, 14, 67, 1, 67, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1867, 1389, 22, 450, 1, 450, 93, NULL, b'0'), (1868, 1393, 419, 100, 1, 100, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1869, 1394, 419, 100, 1, 100, 145, NULL, b'1'), (1870, 1395, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1871, 1396, 419, 150, 1, 150, 145, NULL, b'1'), (1872, 1397, 419, 150, 1, 150, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1873, 1398, 357, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1874, 1398, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1875, 1400, 8, 500, 1, 500, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1876, 1401, 1, 830, 1, 830, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1877, 1402, 543, 100, 1, 100, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1878, 1403, 544, 100, 1, 100, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (1879, 1404, 544, 100, 1, 100, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (1880, 1406, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1881, 1407, 22, 550, 1, 550, 93, NULL, b'0'), (1882, 1408, 543, 100, 1, 100, 16, NULL, b'0'), (1883, 1409, 544, 200, 1, 200, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (1884, 1411, 441, 80, 1, 80, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1885, 1413, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1886, 1414, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1887, 1415, 8, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'1'), (1888, 1416, 8, 46, 1, 46, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1889, 1417, 25, 200, 1, 200, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1890, 1420, 8, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1891, 1421, 8, 600, 1, 600, 18.5, NULL, b'0'), (1892, 1423, 11, 150, 1, 150, 260, NULL, b'0'), (1893, 1424, 55, 24, 1, 24, 56, NULL, b'0'), (1894, 1424, 374, 6, 1, 6, 65, NULL, b'0'), (1895, 1424, 70, 12, 1, 12, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1896, 1424, 41, 24, 1, 24, 360, NULL, b'0'), (1897, 1424, 124, 12, 1, 12, 80, NULL, b'0'), (1898, 1424, 53, 6, 1, 6, 175, NULL, b'0'), (1899, 1425, 108, 12, 1, 12, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1900, 1425, 37, 40, 1, 40, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1901, 1425, 125, 40, 1, 40, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1902, 1425, 50, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (1903, 1425, 498, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (1904, 1425, 533, 30, 1, 30, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1905, 1426, 508, 700, 1, 700, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1906, 1428, 8, 450, 1, 450, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1907, 1429, 524, 200, 1, 200, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1908, 1429, 357, 50, 1, 50, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1909, 1432, 475, 20, 1, 20, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1910, 1433, 524, 150, 1, 150, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1911, 1433, 357, 50, 1, 50, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1912, 1435, 396, 100, 1, 100, 231, NULL, b'0'), (1913, 1436, 493, 120, 1, 120, 50, NULL, b'0'), (1914, 1436, 494, 20, 1, 20, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1915, 1437, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1916, 1439, 8, 100, 1, 100, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1917, 1440, 507, 700, 1, 700, 208, NULL, b'1'), (1918, 1441, 507, 700, 1, 700, 208, NULL, b'0'), (1919, 1442, 507, 450, 1, 450, 208, NULL, b'0'), (1920, 1443, 507, 500, 1, 500, 203, NULL, b'0'), (1921, 1447, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1922, 1448, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1923, 1452, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'1'), (1924, 1453, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'1'), (1925, 1454, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1926, 1455, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1927, 1456, 545, 18, 1, 18, 160, NULL, b'0'), (1928, 1456, 546, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1929, 1456, 486, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'0'), (1930, 1456, 535, 64, 1, 64, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1931, 1457, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1932, 1457, 357, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1933, 1461, 171, 300, 1, 300, 28, NULL, b'0'), (1934, 1462, 219, 36, 1, 36, 170, NULL, b'0'), (1935, 1462, 225, 96, 1, 96, 118, NULL, b'0'), (1936, 1462, 211, 12, 1, 12, 118, NULL, b'0'), (1937, 1462, 217, 36, 1, 36, 172, NULL, b'0'), (1938, 1462, 475, 20, 1, 20, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1939, 1462, 218, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (1940, 1462, 222, 30, 1, 30, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1941, 1462, 221, 48, 1, 48, 122, NULL, b'0'), (1942, 1462, 475, 10, 1, 10, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1943, 1463, 1, 800, 1, 800, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1944, 1464, 507, 700, 1, 700, 203, NULL, b'0'), (1945, 1465, 414, 400, 1, 400, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1946, 1465, 357, 200, 1, 200, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (1947, 1465, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.5, NULL, b'0'), (1948, 1467, 14, 68, 1, 68, 135, NULL, b'0'), (1949, 1470, 22, 100, 1, 100, 94, NULL, b'0'), (1950, 1471, 368, 60, 1, 60, 310, NULL, b'0'), (1951, 1472, 465, 48, 1, 48, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1952, 1472, 466, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1953, 1472, 547, 36, 1, 36, 102, NULL, b'0'), (1954, 1472, 270, 50, 1, 50, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (1955, 1472, 261, 60, 1, 60, 95, NULL, b'0'), (1956, 1472, 384, 60, 1, 60, 108, NULL, b'0'), (1957, 1472, 468, 36, 1, 36, 60, NULL, b'0'), (1958, 1472, 272, 100, 1, 100, 3, NULL, b'0'), (1959, 1472, 239, 40, 1, 40, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1960, 1473, 38, 40, 1, 40, 116, NULL, b'0'), (1961, 1473, 32, 40, 1, 40, 210, NULL, b'0'), (1962, 1473, 416, 40, 1, 40, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1963, 1473, 35, 60, 1, 60, 23, NULL, b'0'), (1964, 1474, 69, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'1'), (1965, 1475, 69, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (1966, 1476, 22, 550, 1, 550, 98, NULL, b'1'), (1967, 1477, 8, 250, 1, 250, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1968, 1478, 22, 550, 1, 550, 97, NULL, b'0'), (1969, 1481, 23, 500, 1, 500, 100, NULL, b'0'), (1970, 1482, 508, 450, 1, 450, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1971, 1483, 23, 500, 1, 500, 100, NULL, b'0'), (1972, 1488, 508, 150, 1, 150, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1973, 1489, 508, 300, 1, 300, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1974, 1490, 419, 120, 1, 120, 145, NULL, b'0'), (1975, 1490, 441, 50, 1, 50, 120, NULL, b'0'), (1976, 1491, 524, 250, 1, 250, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (1977, 1492, 8, 100, 1, 100, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1978, 1493, 22, 300, 1, 300, 94, NULL, b'0'), (1979, 1494, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (1980, 1497, 10, 800, 1, 800, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1981, 1499, 8, 250, 1, 250, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1982, 1500, 10, 400, 1, 400, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1983, 1501, 8, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1984, 1503, 10, 400, 1, 400, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1985, 1506, 14, 100, 1, 100, 140, NULL, b'0'), (1986, 1508, 3, 400, 1, 400, 255, NULL, b'0'), (1987, 1509, 283, 43, 1, 43, 30, NULL, b'0'), (1988, 1510, 508, 300, 1, 300, 200, NULL, b'0'), (1989, 1511, 419, 100, 1, 100, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1990, 1511, 441, 50, 1, 50, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1991, 1512, 419, 150, 1, 150, 150, NULL, b'0'), (1992, 1512, 441, 100, 1, 100, 125, NULL, b'0'), (1993, 1516, 8, 500, 1, 500, 20, NULL, b'0'), (1994, 1517, 8, 250, 1, 250, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1995, 1518, 8, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (1996, 1520, 8, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'0'), (1997, 1521, 22, 890, 1, 890, 111.2, NULL, b'0'), (1998, 1528, 8, 600, 1, 600, 25, NULL, b'0'), (1999, 1531, 548, 1, 1, 1, 240, NULL, b'0'), (2000, 1532, 543, 100, 1, 100, 16, NULL, b'0'), (2001, 1533, 22, 370, 1, 370, 112, NULL, b'0'), (2002, 1540, 441, 50, 1, 50, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2003, 1542, 396, 150, 1, 150, 218, NULL, b'0'), (2004, 1543, 148, 15, 1, 15, 300, NULL, b'0'), (2005, 1543, 141, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2006, 1543, 510, 15, 1, 15, 85, NULL, b'0'), (2007, 1543, 140, 30, 1, 30, 155, NULL, b'0'), (2008, 1543, 137, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2009, 1543, 549, 15, 1, 15, 85, NULL, b'0'), (2010, 1543, 136, 45, 1, 45, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2011, 1543, 147, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2012, 1543, 146, 15, 1, 15, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2013, 1543, 135, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'0'), (2014, 1543, 415, 40, 1, 40, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2015, 1543, 551, 15, 1, 15, 85, NULL, b'0'), (2016, 1543, 138, 15, 1, 15, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2017, 1543, 133, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2018, 1543, 149, 40, 1, 40, 35, NULL, b'0'), (2019, 1543, 550, 15, 1, 15, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2020, 1543, 150, 15, 1, 15, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2021, 1544, 414, 300, 1, 300, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (2022, 1544, 524, 200, 1, 200, 208.5, NULL, b'0'), (2023, 1544, 544, 200, 1, 200, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (2024, 1545, 223, 2, 1, 2, 152, NULL, b'0'), (2025, 1545, 35, 2, 1, 2, 27, NULL, b'0'), (2026, 1545, 460, 1, 1, 1, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2027, 1545, 125, 1, 1, 1, 16, NULL, b'0'), (2028, 1546, 8, 100, 1, 100, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2029, 1547, 441, 100, 1, 100, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2030, 1548, 508, 700, 1, 700, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2031, 1549, 357, 250, 1, 250, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (2032, 1549, 15, 100, 1, 100, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (2033, 1549, 414, 100, 1, 100, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (2034, 1550, 144, 5, 1, 5, 170, NULL, b'0'), (2035, 1550, 424, 20, 1, 20, 110, NULL, b'0'), (2036, 1551, 508, 300, 1, 300, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2037, 1552, 515, 50, 1, 50, 175, NULL, b'0'), (2038, 1553, 515, 100, 1, 100, 175, NULL, b'0'), (2039, 1554, 8, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2040, 1555, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2041, 1558, 22, 340, 1, 340, 121, NULL, b'0'), (2042, 1562, 8, 500, 1, 500, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2043, 1563, 507, 500, 1, 500, 200, NULL, b'0'), (2044, 1565, 441, 100, 1, 100, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2045, 1566, 23, 350, 1, 350, 115, NULL, b'1'), (2046, 1569, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2047, 1570, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2048, 1571, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (2049, 1574, 543, 200, 1, 200, 16, NULL, b'0'), (2050, 1576, 1, 830, 1, 830, 28.91566, NULL, b'1'), (2051, 1578, 1, 830, 1, 830, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2052, 1579, 22, 350, 1, 350, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2053, 1580, 126, 75, 1, 75, 85, NULL, b'1'), (2054, 1580, 101, 50, 1, 50, 110, NULL, b'1'), (2055, 1580, 102, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'1'), (2056, 1580, 406, 24, 1, 24, 74, NULL, b'1'), (2057, 1580, 122, 30, 1, 30, 140, NULL, b'1'), (2058, 1580, 123, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'1'), (2059, 1580, 67, 50, 1, 50, 60, NULL, b'1'), (2060, 1580, 499, 20, 1, 20, 245, NULL, b'1'), (2061, 1580, 556, 30, 1, 30, 28, NULL, b'1'), (2062, 1580, 472, 20, 1, 20, 84, NULL, b'1'), (2063, 1580, 443, 60, 1, 60, 16, NULL, b'1'), (2064, 1580, 83, 12, 1, 12, 80, NULL, b'1'), (2065, 1580, 444, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'1'), (2066, 1580, 498, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'1'), (2067, 1580, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'1'), (2068, 1580, 554, 10, 1, 10, 152, NULL, b'1'), (2069, 1580, 555, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'1'), (2070, 1580, 456, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'1'), (2071, 1580, 108, 24, 1, 24, 50, NULL, b'1'), (2072, 1580, 37, 40, 1, 40, 24, NULL, b'1'), (2073, 1580, 125, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'1'), (2074, 1580, 442, 24, 1, 24, 31, NULL, b'1'), (2075, 1580, 455, 20, 1, 20, 36, NULL, b'1'), (2076, 1580, 50, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'1'), (2077, 1580, 553, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'1'), (2078, 1580, 525, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'1'), (2079, 1581, 126, 75, 1, 75, 85, NULL, b'0'), (2080, 1581, 101, 50, 1, 50, 110, NULL, b'0'), (2081, 1581, 102, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'0'), (2082, 1581, 406, 24, 1, 24, 74, NULL, b'0'), (2083, 1581, 122, 30, 1, 30, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2084, 1581, 123, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2085, 1581, 67, 50, 1, 50, 60, NULL, b'0'), (2086, 1581, 499, 20, 1, 20, 245, NULL, b'0'), (2087, 1581, 556, 30, 1, 30, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2088, 1581, 472, 20, 1, 20, 84, NULL, b'0'), (2089, 1581, 445, 60, 1, 60, 16, NULL, b'0'), (2090, 1581, 83, 12, 1, 12, 80, NULL, b'0'), (2091, 1581, 525, 30, 1, 30, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2092, 1581, 444, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (2093, 1581, 498, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2094, 1581, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2095, 1581, 554, 10, 1, 10, 152, NULL, b'0'), (2096, 1581, 555, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2097, 1581, 456, 30, 1, 30, 19, NULL, b'0'), (2098, 1581, 108, 24, 1, 24, 50, NULL, b'0'), (2099, 1581, 37, 40, 1, 40, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2100, 1581, 125, 30, 1, 30, 12, NULL, b'0'), (2101, 1581, 442, 24, 1, 24, 31, NULL, b'0'), (2102, 1581, 455, 20, 1, 20, 36, NULL, b'0'), (2103, 1581, 50, 30, 1, 30, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2104, 1581, 553, 30, 1, 30, 14, NULL, b'0'), (2105, 1582, 8, 150, 1, 150, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2106, 1583, 22, 300, 1, 300, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2107, 1584, 15, 400, 1, 400, 124.25, NULL, b'0'), (2108, 1585, 414, 500, 1, 500, 248.5, NULL, b'0'), (2109, 1585, 544, 200, 1, 200, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (2110, 1586, 8, 100, 1, 100, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2111, 1587, 25, 300, 1, 300, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2112, 1590, 11, 100, 1, 100, 270, NULL, b'0'), (2113, 1591, 508, 500, 1, 500, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2114, 1592, 14, 105, 1, 105, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2115, 1594, 508, 100, 1, 100, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2116, 1595, 363, 200, 1, 200, 315, NULL, b'0'), (2117, 1596, 11, 50, 1, 50, 270, NULL, b'0'), (2118, 1597, 22, 600, 1, 600, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2119, 1600, 544, 200, 1, 200, 148.5, NULL, b'0'), (2120, 1604, 441, 100, 1, 100, 138, NULL, b'0'), (2121, 1605, 508, 100, 1, 100, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2122, 1606, 369, 150, 1, 150, 13, NULL, b'0'), (2123, 1606, 477, 200, 1, 200, 18, NULL, b'0'), (2124, 1606, 479, 100, 1, 100, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2125, 1606, 478, 50, 1, 50, 55, NULL, b'0'), (2126, 1606, 526, 50, 1, 50, 13, NULL, b'0'), (2127, 1606, 494, 80, 1, 80, 95, NULL, b'0'), (2128, 1607, 8, 300, 1, 300, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2129, 1609, 8, 500, 1, 500, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2130, 1610, 163, 60, 1, 60, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2131, 1610, 177, 40, 1, 40, 105, NULL, b'0'), (2132, 1610, 495, 30, 1, 30, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2133, 1610, 161, 40, 1, 40, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2134, 1610, 178, 30, 1, 30, 60, NULL, b'0'), (2135, 1611, 189, 30, 1, 30, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2136, 1615, 283, 42, 1, 42, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2137, 1617, 368, 20, 1, 20, 310, NULL, b'0'), (2138, 1618, 192, 72, 1, 72, 3.625, NULL, b'1'), (2139, 1619, 441, 150, 1, 150, 138, NULL, b'0'), (2140, 1620, 192, 24, 1, 24, 3.625, NULL, b'0'), (2141, 1621, 14, 71, 1, 71, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2142, 1622, 557, 100, 1, 100, 112, NULL, b'0'), (2143, 1627, 154, 72, 1, 72, 125, NULL, b'0'), (2144, 1628, 475, 60, 1, 60, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2145, 1629, 205, 40, 1, 40, 87, NULL, b'0'), (2146, 1629, 206, 60, 1, 60, 56, NULL, b'0'), (2147, 1629, 454, 40, 1, 40, 8, NULL, b'0'), (2148, 1629, 199, 75, 1, 75, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2149, 1630, 15, 400, 1, 400, 124.25, NULL, b'1'), (2150, 1631, 32, 60, 1, 60, 210, NULL, b'0'), (2151, 1631, 124, 24, 1, 24, 80, NULL, b'0'), (2152, 1631, 416, 40, 1, 40, 200, NULL, b'0'), (2153, 1631, 72, 24, 1, 24, 34, NULL, b'0'), (2154, 1632, 255, 36, 1, 36, 96, NULL, b'1'), (2155, 1632, 241, 24, 1, 24, 85, NULL, b'1'), (2156, 1632, 258, 45, 1, 45, 167, NULL, b'1'), (2157, 1632, 271, 40, 1, 40, 9, NULL, b'1'), (2158, 1632, 246, 20, 1, 20, 42, NULL, b'1'), (2159, 1633, 255, 36, 1, 36, 96, NULL, b'0'), (2160, 1633, 241, 24, 1, 24, 85, NULL, b'0'), (2161, 1633, 258, 45, 1, 45, 167, NULL, b'0'), (2162, 1633, 271, 40, 1, 40, 9, NULL, b'0'), (2163, 1633, 246, 20, 1, 20, 42, NULL, b'0'), (2164, 1634, 18, 300, 1, 300, 121.5, NULL, b'0'), (2165, 1635, 8, 200, 1, 200, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2166, 1636, 18, 200, 1, 200, 121.5, NULL, b'0'), (2167, 1637, 8, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2168, 1638, 8, 150, 1, 150, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2169, 1639, 22, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2170, 1640, 378, 150, 1, 150, 8, NULL, b'0'), (2171, 1641, 22, 450, 1, 450, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2172, 1643, 14, 104, 1, 104, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2173, 1645, 508, 300, 1, 300, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2174, 1646, 483, 64, 1, 64, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2175, 1646, 518, 40, 1, 40, 45, NULL, b'0'), (2176, 1646, 519, 40, 1, 40, 18, NULL, b'0'), (2177, 1646, 517, 64, 1, 64, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2178, 1646, 545, 36, 1, 36, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2179, 1646, 521, 60, 1, 60, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2180, 1649, 22, 850, 1, 850, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2181, 1652, 8, 200, 1, 200, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2182, 1653, 22, 250, 1, 250, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2183, 1654, 22, 150, 1, 150, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2184, 1655, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.25, NULL, b'1'), (2185, 1657, 508, 800, 1, 800, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2186, 1658, 8, 200, 1, 200, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2187, 1659, 15, 200, 1, 200, 124.25, NULL, b'1'), (2188, 1662, 524, 300, 1, 300, 218.5, NULL, b'1'), (2189, 1663, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2190, 1664, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2191, 1666, 508, 300, 1, 300, 190, NULL, b'1'), (2192, 1667, 508, 300, 1, 300, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2193, 1668, 15, 400, 1, 400, 123.75, NULL, b'0'), (2194, 1669, 15, 200, 1, 200, 123.75, NULL, b'0'), (2195, 1670, 15, 200, 1, 200, 123.75, NULL, b'0'), (2196, 1671, 524, 300, 1, 300, 217.5, NULL, b'0'), (2197, 1673, 8, 100, 1, 100, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2198, 1674, 508, 400, 1, 400, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2199, 1675, 8, 100, 1, 100, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2200, 1676, 361, 60, 1, 60, 185, NULL, b'0'), (2201, 1676, 360, 40, 1, 40, 23, NULL, b'0'), (2202, 1676, 75, 30, 1, 30, 128, NULL, b'0'), (2203, 1676, 70, 24, 1, 24, 210, NULL, b'0'), (2204, 1676, 139, 40, 1, 40, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2205, 1676, 76, 40, 1, 40, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2206, 1676, 41, 24, 1, 24, 360, NULL, b'0'), (2207, 1676, 42, 40, 1, 40, 42, NULL, b'0'), (2208, 1676, 57, 60, 1, 60, 205, NULL, b'0'), (2209, 1676, 58, 40, 1, 40, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2210, 1676, 385, 6, 1, 6, 230, NULL, b'0'), (2211, 1676, 53, 24, 1, 24, 178, NULL, b'0'), (2212, 1679, 397, 100, 1, 100, 221, NULL, b'0'), (2213, 1679, 396, 100, 1, 100, 220, NULL, b'0'), (2214, 1680, 544, 200, 1, 200, 147.5, NULL, b'0'), (2215, 1680, 524, 100, 1, 100, 217.5, NULL, b'0'), (2216, 1683, 419, 200, 1, 200, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2217, 1685, 368, 20, 1, 20, 310, NULL, b'0'), (2218, 1688, 1, 830, 1, 830, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2219, 1689, 441, 100, 1, 100, 138, NULL, b'0'), (2220, 1690, 14, 90, 1, 90, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2221, 1691, 368, 30, 1, 30, 310, NULL, b'0'), (2222, 1693, 419, 100, 1, 100, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2223, 1694, 8, 100, 1, 100, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2224, 1695, 18, 500, 1, 500, 120.65, NULL, b'0'), (2225, 1696, 8, 150, 1, 150, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2226, 1697, 8, 50, 1, 50, 50, NULL, b'1'), (2227, 1698, 8, 50, 1, 50, 33, NULL, b'0'), (2228, 1699, 8, 50, 1, 50, 35, NULL, b'0'), (2229, 1701, 561, 750, 1, 750, 75, NULL, b'0'), (2230, 1702, 18, 200, 1, 200, 120.65, NULL, b'0'), (2231, 1703, 508, 200, 1, 200, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2232, 1704, 8, 100, 1, 100, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2233, 1707, 8, 350, 1, 350, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2234, 1709, 508, 300, 1, 300, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2235, 1710, 8, 400, 1, 400, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2236, 1711, 441, 100, 1, 100, 142, NULL, b'0'), (2237, 1712, 8, 250, 1, 250, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2238, 1713, 8, 500, 1, 500, 27, NULL, b'0'), (2239, 1720, 22, 800, 1, 800, 125, NULL, b'0'), (2240, 1722, 414, 100, 1, 100, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2241, 1722, 357, 50, 1, 50, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2242, 1722, 524, 200, 1, 200, 217.5, NULL, b'0'), (2243, 1723, 22, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2244, 1724, 22, 100, 1, 100, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2245, 1725, 23, 200, 1, 200, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2246, 1726, 23, 300, 1, 300, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2247, 1728, 414, 100, 1, 100, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2248, 1728, 524, 100, 1, 100, 217.5, NULL, b'0'), (2249, 1729, 414, 250, 1, 250, 257.5, NULL, b'1'), (2250, 1729, 357, 150, 1, 150, 257.5, NULL, b'1'), (2251, 1730, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2252, 1731, 441, 100, 1, 100, 142, NULL, b'1'), (2253, 1732, 441, 100, 1, 100, 142, NULL, b'0'), (2254, 1733, 23, 300, 1, 300, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2255, 1734, 543, 102, 1, 102, 15.5, NULL, b'0'), (2256, 1735, 414, 250, 1, 250, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2257, 1735, 357, 150, 1, 150, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2258, 1736, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 42, NULL, b'0'), (2259, 1737, 543, 198, 1, 198, 15.5, NULL, b'0'), (2260, 1738, 11, 50, 1, 50, 270, NULL, b'0'), (2261, 1740, 22, 700, 1, 700, 126, NULL, b'0'), (2262, 1748, 15, 300, 1, 300, 123.75, NULL, b'1'), (2263, 1749, 15, 300, 1, 300, 123, NULL, b'1'), (2264, 1750, 15, 300, 1, 300, 123, NULL, b'0'), (2265, 1751, 8, 350, 1, 350, 24, NULL, b'1'), (2266, 1752, 8, 350, 1, 350, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2267, 1753, 8, 500, 1, 500, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2268, 1754, 8, 100, 1, 100, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2269, 1755, 441, 100, 1, 100, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2270, 1757, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2271, 1758, 14, 102, 1, 102, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2272, 1761, 11, 50, 1, 50, 270, NULL, b'0'), (2273, 1763, 8, 200, 1, 200, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2274, 1764, 8, 500, 1, 500, 27, NULL, b'0'), (2275, 1765, 18, 450, 1, 450, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2276, 1766, 10, 450, 1, 450, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2277, 1767, 486, 50, 1, 50, 95, NULL, b'1'), (2278, 1767, 483, 160, 1, 160, 140, NULL, b'1'), (2279, 1767, 520, 50, 1, 50, 40, NULL, b'1'), (2280, 1767, 517, 48, 1, 48, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2281, 1767, 562, 30, 1, 30, 45, NULL, b'1'), (2282, 1767, 563, 40, 1, 40, 18, NULL, b'1'), (2283, 1768, 486, 50, 1, 50, 95, NULL, b'0'), (2284, 1768, 483, 160, 1, 160, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2285, 1768, 520, 50, 1, 50, 40, NULL, b'0'), (2286, 1768, 517, 48, 1, 48, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2287, 1768, 518, 30, 1, 30, 45, NULL, b'0'), (2288, 1768, 519, 40, 1, 40, 18, NULL, b'0'), (2289, 1773, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'1'), (2290, 1774, 10, 500, 1, 500, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2291, 1775, 138, 30, 1, 30, 165, NULL, b'1'), (2292, 1775, 415, 40, 1, 40, 22, NULL, b'1'), (2293, 1775, 140, 45, 1, 45, 155, NULL, b'1'), (2294, 1775, 141, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'1'), (2295, 1775, 146, 15, 1, 15, 165, NULL, b'1'), (2296, 1775, 136, 45, 1, 45, 160, NULL, b'1'), (2297, 1775, 137, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'1'), (2298, 1775, 144, 10, 1, 10, 255, NULL, b'1'), (2299, 1776, 138, 30, 1, 30, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2300, 1776, 415, 40, 1, 40, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2301, 1776, 140, 45, 1, 45, 155, NULL, b'0'), (2302, 1776, 141, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2303, 1776, 146, 15, 1, 15, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2304, 1776, 136, 45, 1, 45, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2305, 1776, 137, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2306, 1776, 144, 10, 1, 10, 255, NULL, b'0'), (2307, 1777, 202, 15, 1, 15, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2308, 1777, 195, 60, 1, 60, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2309, 1777, 206, 75, 1, 75, 56, NULL, b'0'), (2310, 1777, 460, 30, 1, 30, 16, NULL, b'0'), (2311, 1777, 199, 90, 1, 90, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2312, 1777, 564, 20, 1, 20, 13, NULL, b'0'), (2313, 1778, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2314, 1779, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2315, 1780, 414, 150, 1, 150, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2316, 1781, 8, 200, 1, 200, 27, NULL, b'1'), (2317, 1783, 152, 96, 1, 96, 235, NULL, b'0'), (2318, 1783, 154, 72, 1, 72, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2319, 1783, 565, 36, 1, 36, 195, NULL, b'0'), (2320, 1783, 566, 48, 1, 48, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2321, 1783, 567, 29, 1, 29, 15, NULL, b'0'), (2322, 1783, 568, 1, 1, 1, 15, NULL, b'0'), (2323, 1784, 22, 700, 1, 700, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2324, 1785, 8, 200, 1, 200, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2325, 1788, 497, 150, 1, 150, 14, NULL, b'1'), (2326, 1788, 479, 150, 1, 150, 20, NULL, b'1'), (2327, 1788, 438, 60, 1, 60, 40, NULL, b'1'), (2328, 1789, 101, 60, 1, 60, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2329, 1789, 67, 60, 1, 60, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2330, 1789, 72, 12, 1, 12, 34, NULL, b'0'), (2331, 1789, 110, 10, 1, 10, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2332, 1789, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (2333, 1789, 499, 20, 1, 20, 290, NULL, b'0'), (2334, 1790, 103, 30, 1, 30, 42, NULL, b'0'), (2335, 1790, 104, 30, 1, 30, 44, NULL, b'0'), (2336, 1790, 387, 60, 1, 60, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2337, 1792, 508, 450, 1, 450, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2338, 1793, 414, 100, 1, 100, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2339, 1793, 357, 150, 1, 150, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2340, 1794, 283, 40, 1, 40, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2341, 1798, 507, 150, 1, 150, 193, NULL, b'0'), (2342, 1799, 25, 150, 1, 150, 30, NULL, b'1'), (2343, 1800, 25, 200, 1, 200, 30, NULL, b'1'), (2344, 1801, 14, 58, 1, 58, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2345, 1803, 18, 300, 1, 300, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2346, 1804, 508, 50, 1, 50, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2347, 1805, 8, 100, 1, 100, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2348, 1806, 25, 150, 1, 150, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2349, 1808, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 40, NULL, b'0'), (2350, 1810, 11, 100, 1, 100, 270, NULL, b'0'), (2351, 1812, 8, 400, 1, 400, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2352, 1813, 569, 500, 1, 500, 90, NULL, b'0'), (2353, 1814, 22, 900, 1, 900, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2354, 1816, 1, 800, 1, 800, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2355, 1820, 22, 855, 1, 855, 142, NULL, b'0'), (2356, 1822, 15, 300, 1, 300, 123, NULL, b'0'), (2357, 1823, 441, 50, 1, 50, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2358, 1823, 419, 20, 1, 20, 175, NULL, b'0'), (2359, 1824, 8, 100, 1, 100, 28, NULL, b'1'), (2360, 1825, 8, 300, 1, 300, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2361, 1827, 368, 70, 1, 70, 305, NULL, b'0'), (2362, 1828, 268, 132, 1, 132, 62, NULL, b'0'), (2363, 1828, 253, 240, 1, 240, 36, NULL, b'0'), (2364, 1828, 239, 50, 1, 50, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2365, 1828, 379, 50, 1, 50, 55, NULL, b'0'), (2366, 1828, 465, 96, 1, 96, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2367, 1828, 261, 60, 1, 60, 95, NULL, b'0'), (2368, 1828, 466, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2369, 1828, 270, 50, 1, 50, 7.5, NULL, b'0'), (2370, 1828, 384, 96, 1, 96, 108, NULL, b'0'), (2371, 1829, 3, 400, 1, 400, 263, NULL, b'0'), (2372, 1830, 8, 100, 1, 100, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2373, 1832, 414, 100, 1, 100, 258, NULL, b'0'), (2374, 1833, 497, 150, 1, 150, 14, NULL, b'0'), (2375, 1833, 479, 150, 1, 150, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2376, 1833, 438, 60, 1, 60, 40, NULL, b'0'), (2377, 1836, 508, 502, 1, 502, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2378, 1843, 8, 250, 1, 250, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2379, 1844, 397, 100, 1, 100, 233, NULL, b'0'), (2380, 1845, 397, 50, 1, 50, 233, NULL, b'0'), (2381, 1849, 22, 740, 1, 740, 143, NULL, b'0'), (2382, 1851, 357, 200, 1, 200, 267.5, NULL, b'1'), (2383, 1851, 524, 200, 1, 200, 227.5, NULL, b'1'), (2384, 1852, 357, 200, 1, 200, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2385, 1852, 524, 200, 1, 200, 227.5, NULL, b'0'), (2386, 1853, 414, 120, 1, 120, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2387, 1854, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2388, 1855, 3, 400, 1, 400, 263, NULL, b'0'), (2389, 1856, 414, 180, 1, 180, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2390, 1857, 193, 24, 1, 24, 3.854, NULL, b'0'), (2391, 1857, 192, 96, 1, 96, 3.625, NULL, b'0'), (2392, 1858, 451, 100, 1, 100, 1, NULL, b'0'), (2393, 1858, 457, 75, 1, 75, 3.3333, NULL, b'0'), (2394, 1859, 164, 30, 1, 30, 435, NULL, b'0'), (2395, 1859, 144, 3, 1, 3, 225, NULL, b'0'), (2396, 1860, 8, 100, 1, 100, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2397, 1861, 22, 420, 1, 420, 146, NULL, b'0'), (2398, 1862, 162, 80, 1, 80, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2399, 1862, 163, 60, 1, 60, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2400, 1862, 161, 100, 1, 100, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2401, 1862, 194, 60, 1, 60, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2402, 1862, 570, 45, 1, 45, 70, NULL, b'0'), (2403, 1863, 189, 20, 1, 20, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2404, 1864, 571, 72, 1, 72, 75, NULL, b'0'), (2405, 1864, 572, 120, 1, 120, 60, NULL, b'0'), (2406, 1864, 573, 60, 1, 60, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2407, 1864, 574, 20, 1, 20, 70, NULL, b'0'), (2408, 1865, 414, 50, 1, 50, 266, NULL, b'0'), (2409, 1865, 524, 100, 1, 100, 226, NULL, b'0'), (2410, 1866, 22, 771, 1, 771, 143, NULL, b'0'), (2411, 1867, 8, 500, 1, 500, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2412, 1868, 441, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2413, 1868, 419, 20, 1, 20, 175, NULL, b'0'), (2414, 1869, 469, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2415, 1870, 8, 350, 1, 350, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2416, 1872, 8, 400, 1, 400, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2417, 1873, 18, 400, 1, 400, 135, NULL, b'1'), (2418, 1874, 18, 400, 1, 400, 130.63, NULL, b'0'), (2419, 1877, 441, 20, 1, 20, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2420, 1877, 419, 50, 1, 50, 175, NULL, b'0'), (2421, 1878, 171, 200, 1, 200, 29, NULL, b'0'), (2422, 1878, 172, 60, 1, 60, 29, NULL, b'0'), (2423, 1880, 22, 20, 1, 20, 146, NULL, b'0'), (2424, 1881, 508, 400, 1, 400, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2425, 1882, 543, 400, 1, 400, 15, NULL, b'0'), (2426, 1883, 209, 5000, 1, 5000, 0.8, NULL, b'0'), (2427, 1883, 208, 5000, 1, 5000, 0.32, NULL, b'0'), (2428, 1884, 15, 400, 1, 400, 128.75, NULL, b'0'), (2429, 1887, 508, 100, 1, 100, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2430, 1888, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2431, 1889, 254, 16, 1, 16, 185, NULL, b'0'), (2432, 1889, 575, 24, 1, 24, 48, NULL, b'0'), (2433, 1890, 75, 30, 1, 30, 128, NULL, b'1'), (2434, 1890, 32, 60, 1, 60, 210, NULL, b'1'), (2435, 1890, 84, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'1'), (2436, 1890, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'1'), (2437, 1890, 576, 48, 1, 48, 22, NULL, b'1'), (2438, 1890, 554, 20, 1, 20, 155, NULL, b'1'), (2439, 1890, 126, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'1'), (2440, 1891, 75, 30, 1, 30, 128, NULL, b'0'), (2441, 1891, 32, 60, 1, 60, 210, NULL, b'0'), (2442, 1891, 84, 60, 1, 60, 14, NULL, b'0'), (2443, 1891, 125, 20, 1, 20, 12, NULL, b'0'), (2444, 1891, 576, 48, 1, 48, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2445, 1891, 554, 20, 1, 20, 155, NULL, b'0'), (2446, 1891, 126, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'0'), (2447, 1892, 22, 800, 1, 800, 143, NULL, b'0'), (2448, 1893, 508, 150, 1, 150, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2449, 1894, 508, 300, 1, 300, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2450, 1895, 8, 1000, 1, 1000, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2451, 1901, 508, 50, 1, 50, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2452, 1902, 441, 40, 1, 40, 157, NULL, b'0'), (2453, 1902, 419, 30, 1, 30, 182, NULL, b'0'), (2454, 1904, 8, 150, 1, 150, 26, NULL, b'0'), (2455, 1905, 8, 150, 1, 150, 28, NULL, b'1'), (2456, 1907, 8, 150, 1, 150, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2457, 1909, 283, 42, 1, 42, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2458, 1910, 15, 400, 1, 400, 128.75, NULL, b'0'), (2459, 1910, 414, 150, 1, 150, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2460, 1915, 11, 100, 1, 100, 270, NULL, b'0'), (2461, 1917, 414, 100, 1, 100, 266, NULL, b'0'), (2462, 1917, 524, 100, 1, 100, 226, NULL, b'0'), (2463, 1917, 357, 100, 1, 100, 256, NULL, b'0'), (2464, 1918, 469, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2465, 1919, 283, 31, 1, 31, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2466, 1919, 93, 21, 1, 21, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2467, 1921, 544, 100, 1, 100, 157.5, NULL, b'0'), (2468, 1923, 8, 150, 1, 150, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2469, 1924, 441, 75, 1, 75, 157, NULL, b'1'), (2470, 1924, 419, 25, 1, 25, 182, NULL, b'1'), (2471, 1929, 18, 500, 1, 500, 131.78, NULL, b'1'), (2472, 1930, 18, 500, 1, 500, 130.65, NULL, b'0'), (2473, 1931, 22, 300, 1, 300, 146, NULL, b'0'), (2474, 1932, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2475, 1933, 414, 150, 1, 150, 266, NULL, b'0'), (2476, 1933, 15, 50, 1, 50, 128.75, NULL, b'0'), (2477, 1933, 544, 50, 1, 50, 156, NULL, b'0'), (2478, 1934, 577, 200, 1, 200, 133, NULL, b'0'), (2479, 1936, 8, 200, 1, 200, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2480, 1938, 8, 500, 1, 500, 31, NULL, b'0'), (2481, 1939, 8, 500, 1, 500, 28.56, NULL, b'0'), (2482, 1941, 22, 600, 1, 600, 143, NULL, b'0'), (2483, 1942, 14, 83, 1, 83, 150, NULL, b'1'), (2484, 1943, 14, 83, 1, 83, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2485, 1945, 8, 300, 1, 300, 28, NULL, b'0'), (2486, 1948, 524, 49, 1, 49, 227.5, NULL, b'0'), (2487, 1948, 414, 51, 1, 51, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2488, 1951, 22, 375, 1, 375, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2489, 1952, 22, 375, 1, 375, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2490, 1959, 1, 368, 1, 368, 27, NULL, b'0'), (2491, 1960, 441, 75, 1, 75, 157, NULL, b'0'), (2492, 1960, 419, 25, 1, 25, 182, NULL, b'0'), (2493, 1961, 419, 100, 1, 100, 182, NULL, b'1'), (2494, 1962, 419, 100, 1, 100, 180, NULL, b'0'), (2495, 1964, 22, 24, 1, 24, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2496, 1965, 15, 200, 1, 200, 127.5, NULL, b'0'), (2497, 1965, 414, 299, 1, 299, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2498, 1965, 524, 1, 1, 1, 227.5, NULL, b'0'), (2499, 1966, 508, 580, 1, 580, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2500, 1967, 18, 400, 1, 400, 130.65, NULL, b'0'), (2501, 1968, 8, 150, 1, 150, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2502, 1969, 508, 420, 1, 420, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2503, 1971, 283, 70, 1, 70, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2504, 1972, 8, 700, 1, 700, 29, NULL, b'0'), (2505, 1973, 14, 132, 1, 132, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2506, 1975, 507, 500, 1, 500, 193, NULL, b'0'), (2507, 1976, 22, 650, 1, 650, 144, NULL, b'1'), (2508, 1977, 22, 651, 1, 651, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2509, 1978, 8, 250, 1, 250, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2510, 1979, 577, 200, 1, 200, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2511, 1981, 8, 200, 1, 200, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2512, 1985, 469, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2513, 1992, 8, 500, 1, 500, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2514, 1993, 11, 100, 1, 100, 280, NULL, b'0'), (2515, 1994, 544, 100, 1, 100, 151, NULL, b'0'), (2516, 1994, 414, 50, 1, 50, 266, NULL, b'0'), (2517, 1995, 396, 100, 1, 100, 237, NULL, b'0'), (2518, 1996, 544, 100, 1, 100, 151, NULL, b'0'), (2519, 1996, 414, 100, 1, 100, 266, NULL, b'0'), (2520, 1998, 577, 300, 1, 300, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2521, 1999, 508, 400, 1, 400, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2522, 2001, 8, 400, 1, 400, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2523, 2002, 11, 100, 1, 100, 280, NULL, b'1'), (2524, 2003, 11, 100, 1, 100, 280, NULL, b'0'), (2525, 2004, 136, 60, 1, 60, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2526, 2004, 510, 30, 1, 30, 85, NULL, b'0'), (2527, 2004, 141, 40, 1, 40, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2528, 2004, 140, 60, 1, 60, 155, NULL, b'0'), (2529, 2004, 137, 50, 1, 50, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2530, 2004, 138, 30, 1, 30, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2531, 2004, 415, 40, 1, 40, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2532, 2004, 128, 15, 1, 15, 110, NULL, b'0'), (2533, 2004, 129, 20, 1, 20, 16, NULL, b'0'), (2534, 2004, 135, 30, 1, 30, 90, NULL, b'0'), (2535, 2004, 130, 15, 1, 15, 90, NULL, b'0'), (2536, 2004, 146, 30, 1, 30, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2537, 2004, 147, 20, 1, 20, 20, NULL, b'0'), (2538, 2004, 144, 30, 1, 30, 255, NULL, b'0'), (2539, 2005, 60, 150, 1, 150, 18, NULL, b'0'), (2540, 2005, 491, 150, 1, 150, 39, NULL, b'0'), (2541, 2005, 489, 50, 1, 50, 50, NULL, b'0'), (2542, 2005, 578, 50, 1, 50, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2543, 2006, 507, 500, 1, 500, 193, NULL, b'1'), (2544, 2007, 507, 500, 1, 500, 193, NULL, b'0'), (2545, 2009, 508, 99, 1, 99, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2546, 2010, 8, 150, 1, 150, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2547, 2011, 8, 200, 1, 200, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2548, 2012, 15, 200, 1, 200, 128.75, NULL, b'0'), (2549, 2012, 414, 60, 1, 60, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2550, 2013, 281, 20, 1, 20, 24, NULL, b'0'), (2551, 2013, 245, 20, 1, 20, 31, NULL, b'0'), (2552, 2013, 268, 72, 1, 72, 62, NULL, b'0'), (2553, 2013, 405, 40, 1, 40, 12, NULL, b'0'), (2554, 2013, 579, 20, 1, 20, 125, NULL, b'0'), (2555, 2014, 101, 60, 1, 60, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2556, 2014, 67, 50, 1, 50, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2557, 2014, 455, 20, 1, 20, 36, NULL, b'0'), (2558, 2014, 50, 40, 1, 40, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2559, 2014, 75, 20, 1, 20, 128, NULL, b'0'), (2560, 2014, 443, 10, 1, 10, 140, NULL, b'0'), (2561, 2014, 387, 40, 1, 40, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2562, 2014, 125, 50, 1, 50, 13, NULL, b'0'), (2563, 2014, 553, 20, 1, 20, 15, NULL, b'0'), (2564, 2014, 533, 20, 1, 20, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2565, 2014, 110, 20, 1, 20, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2566, 2015, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'1'), (2567, 2016, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2568, 2017, 188, 60, 1, 60, 165, NULL, b'1'), (2569, 2017, 185, 75, 1, 75, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2570, 2017, 187, 90, 1, 90, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2571, 2017, 495, 60, 1, 60, 120, NULL, b'1'), (2572, 2017, 162, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'1'), (2573, 2017, 177, 80, 1, 80, 110, NULL, b'1'), (2574, 2017, 178, 45, 1, 45, 65, NULL, b'1'), (2575, 2017, 580, 50, 1, 50, 12, NULL, b'1'), (2576, 2017, 179, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'1'), (2577, 2018, 15, 200, 1, 200, 128.75, NULL, b'0'), (2578, 2018, 414, 40, 1, 40, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2579, 2021, 22, 550, 1, 550, 146, NULL, b'0'), (2580, 2022, 357, 200, 1, 200, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2581, 2022, 414, 100, 1, 100, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2582, 2022, 524, 20, 1, 20, 227.5, NULL, b'0'), (2583, 2024, 22, 7, 1, 7, 146, NULL, b'0'), (2584, 2026, 8, 300, 1, 300, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2585, 2028, 289, 22, 1, 22, 15, NULL, b'0'), (2586, 2029, 441, 100, 1, 100, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2587, 2029, 419, 100, 1, 100, 172, NULL, b'0'), (2588, 2034, 14, 118, 1, 118, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2589, 2037, 18, 400, 1, 400, 135.66, NULL, b'0'), (2590, 2038, 219, 24, 1, 24, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2591, 2038, 223, 24, 1, 24, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2592, 2038, 225, 24, 1, 24, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2593, 2039, 508, 500, 1, 500, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2594, 2041, 8, 500, 1, 500, 29, NULL, b'0'), (2595, 2042, 15, 400, 1, 400, 128.75, NULL, b'0'), (2596, 2044, 15, 250, 1, 250, 127.5, NULL, b'0'), (2597, 2045, 15, 750, 1, 750, 127.5, NULL, b'0'), (2598, 2046, 414, 300, 1, 300, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2599, 2047, 419, 50, 1, 50, 172, NULL, b'0'), (2600, 2047, 441, 50, 1, 50, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2601, 2050, 577, 199, 1, 199, 128, NULL, b'0'), (2602, 2052, 8, 500, 1, 500, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2603, 2053, 8, 300, 1, 300, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2604, 2054, 8, 225, 1, 225, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2605, 2059, 188, 60, 1, 60, 165, NULL, b'1'), (2606, 2059, 185, 75, 1, 75, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2607, 2059, 187, 90, 1, 90, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2608, 2059, 495, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'1'), (2609, 2059, 162, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'1'), (2610, 2059, 177, 80, 1, 80, 110, NULL, b'1'), (2611, 2059, 178, 45, 1, 45, 65, NULL, b'1'), (2612, 2059, 580, 50, 1, 50, 12, NULL, b'1'), (2613, 2059, 179, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'1'), (2614, 2060, 188, 60, 1, 60, 165, NULL, b'1'), (2615, 2060, 185, 75, 1, 75, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2616, 2060, 187, 90, 1, 90, 145, NULL, b'1'), (2617, 2060, 495, 60, 1, 60, 120, NULL, b'1'), (2618, 2060, 162, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'1'), (2619, 2060, 177, 80, 1, 80, 110, NULL, b'1'), (2620, 2060, 178, 45, 1, 45, 65, NULL, b'1'), (2621, 2060, 580, 50, 1, 50, 12, NULL, b'1'), (2622, 2060, 179, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'1'), (2623, 2061, 188, 60, 1, 60, 165, NULL, b'0'), (2624, 2061, 185, 75, 1, 75, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2625, 2061, 187, 90, 1, 90, 145, NULL, b'0'), (2626, 2061, 495, 60, 1, 60, 120, NULL, b'0'), (2627, 2061, 162, 60, 1, 60, 150, NULL, b'0'), (2628, 2061, 177, 80, 1, 80, 110, NULL, b'0'), (2629, 2061, 178, 45, 1, 45, 65, NULL, b'0'), (2630, 2061, 580, 50, 1, 50, 12, NULL, b'0'), (2631, 2061, 179, 50, 1, 50, 22, NULL, b'0'), (2632, 2062, 357, 100, 1, 100, 257.5, NULL, b'0'), (2633, 2062, 524, 100, 1, 100, 227.5, NULL, b'0'), (2634, 2063, 10, 300, 1, 300, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2635, 2064, 508, 450, 1, 450, 190, NULL, b'1'), (2636, 2065, 508, 450, 1, 450, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2637, 2066, 152, 16, 1, 16, 235, NULL, b'1'), (2638, 2067, 152, 16, 1, 16, 235, NULL, b'0'), (2639, 2068, 152, 72, 1, 72, 235, NULL, b'0'), (2640, 2068, 154, 120, 1, 120, 130, NULL, b'0'), (2641, 2068, 540, 12, 1, 12, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2642, 2068, 167, 36, 1, 36, 115, NULL, b'0'), (2643, 2072, 581, 300, 1, 300, 35, NULL, b'1'), (2644, 2073, 189, 60, 1, 60, 160, NULL, b'1'), (2645, 2074, 189, 60, 1, 60, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2646, 2075, 581, 300, 1, 300, 35, NULL, b'0'), (2647, 2077, 289, 35, 1, 35, 15, NULL, b'0'), (2648, 2078, 8, 240, 1, 240, 32, NULL, b'0'), (2649, 2079, 363, 200, 1, 200, 310, NULL, b'0'), (2650, 2080, 3, 200, 1, 200, 263, NULL, b'0'), (2651, 2081, 30, 200, 1, 200, 230, NULL, b'1'), (2652, 2082, 30, 200, 1, 200, 230, NULL, b'1'), (2653, 2083, 283, 10, 1, 10, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2654, 2084, 8, 200, 1, 200, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2655, 2085, 8, 500, 1, 500, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2656, 2086, 8, 500, 1, 500, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2657, 2087, 508, 50, 1, 50, 190, NULL, b'0'), (2658, 2089, 414, 200, 1, 200, 266, NULL, b'0'), (2659, 2090, 414, 300, 1, 300, 267.5, NULL, b'0'), (2660, 2091, 15, 200, 1, 200, 127.5, NULL, b'0'), (2661, 2093, 15, 100, 1, 100, 127.5, NULL, b'0'), (2662, 2096, 1, 300, 1, 300, 27, NULL, b'0'), (2663, 2097, 508, 500, 1, 500, 193, NULL, b'0'), (2664, 2098, 10, 1000, 1, 1000, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2665, 2099, 545, 60, 1, 60, 160, NULL, b'1'), (2666, 2100, 545, 60, 1, 60, 160, NULL, b'0'), (2667, 2101, 8, 200, 1, 200, 30, NULL, b'0'), (2668, 2102, 508, 500, 1, 500, 193, NULL, b'0'), (2669, 2103, 30, 100, 1, 100, 230, NULL, b'0'), (2670, 2104, 10, 450, 1, 450, 25, NULL, b'0'), (2671, 2106, 23, 600, 1, 600, 135, NULL, b'0'), (2672, 2107, 23, 400, 1, 400, 135, NULL, b'0'), (2673, 2108, 23, 500, 1, 500, 135, NULL, b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `purchases_details` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.security_access CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `security_access` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `area_code` int(11) NOT NULL, `method` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `access` char(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.security_access: ~17 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_access` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `security_access` (`id`, `area_code`, `method`, `access`) VALUES (1, 4, 'ITEM_MODIFY', '0'), (2, 4, 'ITEM_DELETE', '0'), (3, 4, 'ITEM_ADD', '0'), (4, 1, 'SALES_EVERY_ALL', '0'), (5, 1, 'SALES_RCV_STOCK', '0'), (6, 1, 'SALES_VOID', '0'), (7, 1, 'SALES_DAMAGE_ITEM', '0'), (8, 1, 'SALES_HISTORY', '0'), (9, 1, 'SALES_DASHBOARD', '0'), (10, 1, 'SALES_MODIFY_CUST', '0'), (11, 1, 'SALES_DEL_CUST', '0'), (12, 1, 'SALES_ADD_CUST', '0'), (13, 2, 'REPORT_PROFIT_SHOW', '0'), (14, 3, 'PURCHASE_VOID', '0'), (15, 4, 'STOCK_ADJUST', '0'), (16, 4, 'STOCK_TRANSFER', '0'), (17, 2, 'SINGLE_BRANCH_REPORT', '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_access` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.security_area CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `security_area` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `section` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.security_area: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_area` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `security_area` (`id`, `section`) VALUES (1, 'sales'), (2, 'reports'), (3, 'purchase'), (4, 'inventory'), (5, 'banking'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_area` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.security_groups CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `security_groups` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.security_groups: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_groups` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `security_groups` (`id`, `role`) VALUES (1, 'admin'), (2, 'sales_person'), (3, 'stock_person'), (4, 'company_owner'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_groups` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.security_roles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `security_roles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `group_code` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `access_code` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.security_roles: ~12 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_roles` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `security_roles` (`id`, `group_code`, `access_code`) VALUES (1, 2, 5), (2, 2, 7), (3, 2, 9), (5, 2, 1), (6, 3, 1), (7, 3, 2), (9, 2, 12), (10, 2, 6), (12, 2, 14), (13, 2, 15), (14, 2, 16), (15, 2, 17); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `security_roles` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.settings CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `settings` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `setting` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `setting` (`setting`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.settings: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `settings` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `settings` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.stock_adjust CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stock_adjust` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `adjust_date` date NOT NULL, `adjst_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `stock_manager` int(11) NOT NULL, `branch_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1184 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.stock_adjust: ~1,183 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_adjust` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `stock_adjust` (`id`, `adjust_date`, `adjst_type`, `stock_manager`, `branch_id`, `notes`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '2019-01-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (2, '2019-01-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (3, '2019-01-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (4, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (5, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (6, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (7, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (8, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (9, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (10, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (11, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (12, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (13, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (14, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (15, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (16, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (17, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (18, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (19, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (20, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (21, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (22, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (23, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (24, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (25, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (26, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (27, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (28, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (29, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (30, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (31, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (32, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (33, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (34, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (35, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (36, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (37, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (38, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (39, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (40, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (41, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (42, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (43, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (44, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (45, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (46, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (47, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (48, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (49, '2019-01-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (50, '2019-01-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (51, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (52, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (53, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (54, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (55, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (56, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (57, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (58, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (59, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (60, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (61, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (62, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (63, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (64, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (65, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (66, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (67, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (68, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (69, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (70, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (71, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (72, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (73, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (74, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (75, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (76, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (77, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (78, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (79, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (80, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (81, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (82, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (83, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (84, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (85, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (86, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (87, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (88, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (89, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (90, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (91, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (92, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (93, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (94, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (95, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (96, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (97, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (98, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (99, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (100, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (101, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (102, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (103, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (104, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (105, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (106, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (107, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (108, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (109, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (110, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (111, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (112, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (113, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (114, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (115, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (116, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (117, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (118, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (119, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (120, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (121, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (122, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (123, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (124, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (125, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (126, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (127, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (128, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (129, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (130, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (131, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (132, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (133, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (134, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (135, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (136, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (137, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (138, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (139, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (140, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (141, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (142, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (143, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (144, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (145, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (146, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (147, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (148, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (149, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (150, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (151, '2019-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (152, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (153, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (154, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (155, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (156, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (157, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (158, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (159, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (160, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (161, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (162, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (163, '2019-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (164, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (165, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (166, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (167, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (168, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (169, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (170, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (171, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (172, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (173, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (174, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (175, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (176, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (177, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (178, '2019-02-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (179, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (180, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (181, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (182, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (183, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (184, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (185, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (186, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (187, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (188, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (189, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (190, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (191, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (192, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (193, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (194, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (195, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (196, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (197, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (198, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (199, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (200, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (201, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (202, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (203, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (204, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (205, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (206, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (207, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (208, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (209, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (210, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (211, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (212, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (213, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (214, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (215, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (216, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (217, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (218, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (219, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (220, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (221, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (222, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (223, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (224, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (225, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (226, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (227, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (228, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (229, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (230, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (231, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (232, '2019-02-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (233, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (234, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (235, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (236, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (237, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (238, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (239, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (240, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (241, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (242, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (243, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (244, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (245, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (246, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (247, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (248, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (249, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (250, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (251, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (252, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (253, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (254, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (255, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (256, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (257, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (258, '2019-02-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (259, '2019-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (260, '2019-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (261, '2019-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (262, '2019-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (263, '2019-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (264, '2019-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (265, '2019-02-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (266, '2019-03-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (267, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (268, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (269, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (270, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (271, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (272, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (273, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (274, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (275, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (276, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (277, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (278, '2019-03-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (279, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (280, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (281, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (282, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (283, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (284, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (285, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (286, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (287, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (288, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (289, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (290, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (291, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (292, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (293, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (294, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (295, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (296, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (297, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (298, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (299, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (300, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (301, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (302, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (303, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (304, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (305, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (306, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (307, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (308, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (309, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (310, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (311, '2019-03-19', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (312, '2019-03-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (313, '2019-03-22', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (314, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (315, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (316, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (317, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (318, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (319, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (320, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (321, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (322, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (323, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (324, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (325, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (326, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (327, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (328, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (329, '2019-03-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (330, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (331, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (332, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (333, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (334, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (335, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (336, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (337, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (338, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (339, '2019-03-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (340, '2019-03-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (341, '2019-03-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (342, '2019-03-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (343, '2019-04-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (344, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (345, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 1, 1, NULL, b'0'), (346, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (347, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (348, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (349, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (350, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (351, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (352, '2019-04-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (353, '2019-04-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (354, '2019-04-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (355, '2019-04-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (356, '2019-04-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (357, '2019-04-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (358, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (359, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (360, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (361, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (362, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (363, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (364, '2019-04-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (365, '2019-04-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (366, '2019-04-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (367, '2019-04-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (368, '2019-04-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (369, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (370, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (371, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (372, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (373, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (374, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (375, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (376, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (377, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (378, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (379, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (380, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (381, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (382, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (383, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (384, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (385, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (386, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (387, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (388, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (389, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (390, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (391, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (392, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (393, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (394, '2019-04-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (395, '2019-04-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (396, '2019-04-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (397, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (398, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (399, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (400, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (401, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (402, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (403, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (404, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (405, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (406, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (407, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (408, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (409, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (410, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (411, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (412, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (413, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (414, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (415, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (416, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (417, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (418, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (419, '2019-04-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (420, '2019-04-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (421, '2019-04-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (422, '2019-04-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (423, '2019-04-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (424, '2019-04-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (425, '2019-04-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (426, '2019-04-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (427, '2019-04-23', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (428, '2019-04-23', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (429, '2019-04-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (430, '2019-04-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (431, '2019-04-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (432, '2019-04-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (433, '2019-04-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (434, '2019-04-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (435, '2019-04-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (436, '2019-05-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (437, '2019-05-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (438, '2019-05-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (439, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (440, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (441, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (442, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (443, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (444, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (445, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (446, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (447, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 0, 1, NULL, b'0'), (448, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (449, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (450, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (451, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (452, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (453, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (454, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (455, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (456, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (457, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (458, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (459, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (460, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (461, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (462, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (463, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (464, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (465, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (466, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (467, '2019-05-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (468, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (469, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (470, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (471, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (472, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (473, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (474, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (475, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (476, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (477, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (478, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (479, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (480, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (481, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (482, '2019-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (483, '2019-05-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (484, '2019-05-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (485, '2019-05-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (486, '2019-05-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (487, '2019-05-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (488, '2019-05-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (489, '2019-05-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (490, '2019-05-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (491, '2019-05-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (492, '2019-05-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (493, '2019-05-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (494, '2019-05-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (495, '2019-05-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (496, '2019-05-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (497, '2019-05-11', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (498, '2019-05-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (499, '2019-05-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (500, '2019-05-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (501, '2019-05-13', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (502, '2019-05-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (503, '2019-05-15', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (504, '2019-05-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (505, '2019-05-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (506, '2019-05-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (507, '2019-05-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (508, '2019-05-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (509, '2019-05-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (510, '2019-05-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (511, '2019-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (512, '2019-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (513, '2019-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (514, '2019-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (515, '2019-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (516, '2019-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (517, '2019-05-20', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (518, '2019-05-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (519, '2019-05-20', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (520, '2019-05-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (521, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (522, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (523, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (524, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (525, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (526, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (527, '2019-05-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (528, '2019-05-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (529, '2019-05-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (530, '2019-05-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (531, '2019-05-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (532, '2019-05-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (533, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (534, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (535, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (536, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (537, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (538, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (539, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (540, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (541, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (542, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (543, '2019-05-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (544, '2019-05-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (545, '2019-05-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (546, '2019-05-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (547, '2019-06-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (548, '2019-06-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (549, '2019-06-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (550, '2019-06-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (551, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (552, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (553, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (554, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (555, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (556, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (557, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (558, '2019-06-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (559, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (560, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (561, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (562, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (563, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (564, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (565, '2019-06-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 2, NULL, b'0'), (566, '2019-06-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (567, '2019-06-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (568, '2019-06-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (569, '2019-06-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (570, '2019-06-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (571, '2019-06-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (572, '2019-06-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (573, '2019-06-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (574, '2019-06-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (575, '2019-06-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (576, '2019-06-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (577, '2019-06-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (578, '2019-06-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (579, '2019-06-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (580, '2019-06-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (581, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (582, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (583, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (584, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (585, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (586, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (587, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (588, '2019-06-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (589, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (590, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (591, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (592, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (593, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (594, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (595, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (596, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (597, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (598, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (599, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (600, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (601, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (602, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (603, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (604, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (605, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (606, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (607, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (608, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (609, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (610, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (611, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (612, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (613, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (614, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (615, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (616, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (617, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (618, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (619, '2019-06-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (620, '2019-06-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (621, '2019-06-22', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (622, '2019-06-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (623, '2019-06-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (624, '2019-06-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, NULL, b'0'), (625, '2019-06-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (626, '2019-06-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (627, '2019-06-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (628, '2019-06-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (629, '2019-06-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (630, '2019-06-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (631, '2019-06-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (632, '2019-06-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (633, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (634, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (635, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (636, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (637, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (638, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (639, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (640, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (641, '2019-06-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (642, '2019-06-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (643, '2019-06-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 11, 1, '', b'0'), (644, '2019-07-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (645, '2019-07-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (646, '2019-07-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (647, '2019-07-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (648, '2019-07-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'aliseryl stock adjust positive =24 product', b'1'), (649, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (650, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (651, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (652, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (653, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (654, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (655, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (656, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (657, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (658, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (659, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (660, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (661, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (662, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (663, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (664, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (665, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (666, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (667, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (668, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (669, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (670, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (671, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (672, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (673, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (674, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (675, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (676, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (677, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'1'), (678, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (679, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (680, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (681, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (682, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (683, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (684, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (685, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (686, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (687, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (688, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (689, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (690, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (691, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (692, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (693, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (694, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (695, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (696, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (697, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (698, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (699, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (700, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (701, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (702, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (703, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (704, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (705, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (706, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (707, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (708, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (709, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (710, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (711, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (712, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (713, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (714, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (715, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (716, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (717, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (718, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (719, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (720, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 13, 1, '', b'0'), (721, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 13, 2, '', b'0'), (722, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (723, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (724, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (725, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (726, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (727, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (728, '2019-07-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (729, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'1'), (730, '2019-07-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of layer premix 25kg to 2kg', b'0'), (731, '2019-07-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 'layer premix25kg error made', b'0'), (732, '2019-07-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of 25kg to 2kg', b'0'), (733, '2019-07-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're- bag of 2kg', b'0'), (734, '2019-07-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're- bag 25kg to 2kg and 1kg', b'0'), (735, '2019-07-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're- bag', b'0'), (736, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (737, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (738, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (739, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (740, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (741, '2019-07-22', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'product send back to supplier date 22-07-2019', b'0'), (742, '2019-07-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (743, '2019-07-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'1'), (744, '2019-07-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're -bag', b'0'), (745, '2019-07-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (746, '2019-07-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're - bag of product', b'0'), (747, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (748, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (749, '2019-07-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 'negative adjustment made by emmanuel ifo c.e.o', b'0'), (750, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (751, '2019-07-31', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of layer premix', b'0'), (752, '2019-07-31', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're- bag of layer premix 2kg', b'0'), (753, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (754, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (755, '2019-08-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'product return by customer bro isaac', b'0'), (756, '2019-08-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (757, '2019-08-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'short paid by abdul fatwa', b'0'), (758, '2019-08-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'more paid to abdul fatwa', b'0'), (759, '2019-08-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (760, '2019-08-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (761, '2019-08-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (762, '2019-08-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'product exp on feburary 2019 and out from stock', b'0'), (763, '2019-08-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag product from 25kg to 2kg', b'0'), (764, '2019-08-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product from 2kg to 25kg and 1kg', b'0'), (765, '2019-07-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (766, '2019-08-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (767, '2019-08-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'product re-bag', b'0'), (768, '2019-08-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're- bag of product 25kg to 1kg and 2kg', b'0'), (769, '2019-08-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're- bag of product from 25kg to 1kg and 2kg', b'0'), (770, '2019-08-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product from 25kg to 1kg and 2kg', b'0'), (771, '2019-08-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (772, '2019-08-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product from 25kg to 2kg', b'0'), (773, '2019-08-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (774, '2019-08-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag sold to boga ntim', b'0'), (775, '2019-08-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag sold to boga ntim', b'0'), (776, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (777, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (778, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (779, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (780, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (781, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (782, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (783, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (784, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (785, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (786, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (787, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (788, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (789, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (790, '2019-09-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're- bag of product', b'0'), (791, '2019-09-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (792, '2019-09-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (793, '2019-09-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (794, '2019-09-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (795, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag', b'0'), (796, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (797, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (798, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (799, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (800, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (801, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (802, '2019-09-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (803, '2019-09-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (804, '2019-09-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (805, '2019-09-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (806, '2019-09-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (807, '2019-09-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (808, '2019-09-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (809, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (810, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (811, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (812, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (813, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (814, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (815, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (816, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (817, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (818, '2019-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (819, '2019-10-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (820, '2019-10-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (821, '2019-10-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (822, '2019-10-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (823, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (824, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (825, '2019-10-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (826, '2019-10-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (827, '2019-10-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (828, '2019-10-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (829, '2019-10-23', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (830, '2019-10-23', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (831, '2019-10-23', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (832, '2019-11-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (833, '2019-11-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (834, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (835, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (836, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjust', b'1'), (837, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjust', b'1'), (838, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (839, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (840, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (841, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (842, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (843, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (844, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (845, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (846, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (847, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (848, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (849, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (850, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (851, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (852, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (853, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjust', b'0'), (854, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjust', b'0'), (855, '2019-11-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'exchange of good with essar agro west africa ltd(essar layer 20% to poultry meal)', b'0'), (856, '2019-11-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're bag of product', b'0'), (857, '2019-11-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (858, '2019-07-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (859, '2019-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (860, '2019-11-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're bag of product', b'0'), (861, '2019-11-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're bag of product', b'0'), (862, '2019-11-20', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're bag of product', b'0'), (863, '2019-11-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're bag of product', b'0'), (864, '2019-11-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (865, '2019-11-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (866, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (867, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (868, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (869, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (870, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (871, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (872, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (873, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (874, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (875, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (876, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (877, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (878, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (879, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock adjustment', b'0'), (880, '2019-12-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (881, '2019-12-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (882, '2019-12-18', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're- bag of product', b'0'), (883, '2019-12-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're- bag of product', b'0'), (884, '2019-12-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (885, '2019-12-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (886, '2019-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (887, '2020-01-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (888, '2020-01-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (889, '2020-01-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (890, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (891, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (892, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (893, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (894, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (895, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (896, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (897, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (898, '2020-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (899, '2020-01-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (900, '2020-01-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (901, '2020-01-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (902, '2020-01-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (903, '2020-01-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (904, '2020-01-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (905, '2020-01-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (906, '2020-01-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (907, '2020-01-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (908, '2020-01-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (909, '2020-02-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (910, '2020-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (911, '2020-01-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (912, '2020-01-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (913, '2020-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (914, '2020-02-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (915, '2020-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (916, '2020-02-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (917, '2020-02-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (918, '2020-02-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (919, '2020-02-13', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (920, '2020-02-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (921, '2020-02-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (922, '2020-02-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (923, '2020-02-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (924, '2020-02-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (925, '2020-02-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (926, '2020-02-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (927, '2020-02-29', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (928, '2020-02-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (929, '2020-03-11', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (930, '2020-03-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (931, '2020-03-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (932, '2020-03-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (933, '2020-03-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'1'), (934, '2020-03-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (935, '2020-03-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (936, '2020-03-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (937, '2020-03-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (938, '2020-03-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (939, '2020-03-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (940, '2020-03-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (941, '2020-03-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (942, '2019-09-10', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (943, '2020-03-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're -bag of product', b'0'), (944, '2020-03-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're -bag of product', b'0'), (945, '2020-04-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (946, '2020-04-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (947, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock balance report', b'0'), (948, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (949, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance report', b'0'), (950, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance report', b'1'), (951, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock balance report', b'0'), (952, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 'stock balance report', b'0'), (953, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (954, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (955, '2020-04-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (956, '2020-04-11', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (957, '2020-04-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (958, '2020-04-20', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (959, '2020-04-20', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (960, '2020-04-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (961, '2020-04-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (962, '2020-05-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (963, '2020-05-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (964, '2020-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock count adjust', b'0'), (965, '2020-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock count adjust', b'0'), (966, '2020-05-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock count adjust', b'0'), (967, '2020-05-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock count adjust', b'0'), (968, '2020-05-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (969, '2020-05-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (970, '2020-05-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (971, '2020-05-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (972, '2020-05-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (973, '2020-05-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (974, '2020-05-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 'stock adjust mampong on report', b'0'), (975, '2020-05-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 'stock adjust mampong on report', b'0'), (976, '2020-05-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (977, '2020-05-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (978, '2020-05-18', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (979, '2020-05-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (980, '2020-05-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (981, '2020-05-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (982, '2020-06-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (983, '2020-06-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (984, '2020-06-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock balance for may', b'0'), (985, '2020-06-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance for may', b'0'), (986, '2020-06-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 'stock balance for may', b'0'), (987, '2020-06-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (988, '2020-06-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (989, '2020-06-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (990, '2020-06-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (991, '2020-06-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'1'), (992, '2020-06-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (993, '2020-06-11', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (994, '2020-06-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (995, '2020-06-23', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (996, '2020-06-23', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (997, '2020-06-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (998, '2020-06-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (999, '2020-06-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1000, '2020-06-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1001, '2020-06-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1002, '2020-06-29', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1003, '2020-06-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1004, '2020-07-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1005, '2020-07-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1006, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 'stock balance report (techiman)', b'0'), (1007, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 'stock balance report (techiman)', b'0'), (1008, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock balance report (techiman)', b'0'), (1009, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance report (techiman)', b'0'), (1010, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1011, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1012, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1013, '2020-07-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'expired product (moonlight farm)', b'0'), (1014, '2020-07-10', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1015, '2020-07-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1016, '2020-07-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'1'), (1017, '2020-07-13', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1018, '2020-07-13', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1019, '2020-07-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1020, '2020-07-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1021, '2020-07-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1022, '2020-07-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1023, '2020-07-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1024, '2020-07-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'return goods by moonlight farms to essvee agro pvt ltd', b'0'), (1025, '2020-07-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'return goods by moonlight farms to essvee agro pvt ltd', b'0'), (1026, '2020-07-29', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1027, '2020-07-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1028, '2020-07-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1029, '2020-07-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1030, '2020-07-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1031, '2020-07-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1032, '2020-07-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1033, '2020-08-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1034, '2020-08-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1035, '2020-08-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock balance re-port july', b'0'), (1036, '2020-08-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance re-port july', b'0'), (1037, '2020-08-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1038, '2020-08-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1039, '2020-08-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1040, '2020-08-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1041, '2020-08-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1042, '2020-08-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1043, '2020-08-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1044, '2020-08-15', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1045, '2020-08-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1046, '2020-08-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1047, '2020-08-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1048, '2020-08-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1049, '2020-08-22', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1050, '2020-08-22', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1051, '2020-08-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1052, '2020-08-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1053, '2020-08-29', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1054, '2020-08-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1055, '2020-09-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 'stock balance august 2020', b'0'), (1056, '2020-09-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 'stock balance august 2020', b'0'), (1057, '2020-09-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 'stock balance for august', b'0'), (1058, '2020-09-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance for august', b'0'), (1059, '2020-09-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1060, '2020-09-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1061, '2020-09-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1062, '2020-09-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1063, '2020-09-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1064, '2020-09-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1065, '2020-09-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1066, '2020-09-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1067, '2020-09-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1068, '2020-09-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1069, '2020-09-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1070, '2020-09-18', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1071, '2020-09-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1072, '2020-09-19', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'add product', b'0'), (1073, '2020-09-26', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1074, '2020-09-26', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1075, '2020-09-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1076, '2020-09-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1077, '2020-09-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1078, '2020-09-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1079, '2020-10-01', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1080, '2020-10-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1081, '2020-10-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1082, '2020-10-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1083, '2020-10-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1084, '2020-10-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1085, '2020-10-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1086, '2020-10-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1087, '2020-10-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1088, '2020-10-10', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1089, '2020-10-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1090, '2020-10-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1091, '2020-10-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1092, '2020-10-14', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1093, '2020-10-14', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1094, '2020-10-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1095, '2020-10-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1096, '2020-10-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1097, '2020-10-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1098, '2020-10-22', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1099, '2020-10-22', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1100, '2020-11-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1101, '2020-11-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1102, '2020-11-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1103, '2020-11-03', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1104, '2020-11-03', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1105, '2020-11-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1106, '2020-11-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1107, '2020-11-05', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1108, '2020-11-05', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1109, '2020-11-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1110, '2020-11-07', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1111, '2020-11-07', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1112, '2020-11-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1113, '2020-11-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1114, '2020-11-18', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1115, '2020-11-18', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1116, '2020-11-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1117, '2020-11-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1118, '2020-11-24', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1119, '2020-11-24', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1120, '2020-11-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1121, '2020-11-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1122, '2020-12-02', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1123, '2020-12-02', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1124, '2020-12-04', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1125, '2020-12-04', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1126, '2020-12-10', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1127, '2020-12-10', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1128, '2020-12-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1129, '2020-12-16', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1130, '2020-12-16', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1131, '2020-12-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1132, '2020-12-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1133, '2020-12-17', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1134, '2020-12-17', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1135, '2020-12-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1136, '2020-12-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1137, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1138, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1139, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1140, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1141, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1142, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1143, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1144, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1145, '2020-12-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1146, '2020-12-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1147, '2020-12-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1148, '2020-12-28', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1149, '2020-12-28', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1150, '2020-12-30', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1151, '2020-12-30', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1152, '2021-01-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1153, '2021-01-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1154, '2021-01-06', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1155, '2021-01-06', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1156, '2021-01-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1157, '2021-01-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1158, '2021-01-08', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1159, '2021-01-08', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1160, '2021-01-09', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1161, '2021-01-09', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1162, '2021-01-11', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1163, '2021-01-11', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1164, '2021-01-12', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1165, '2021-01-12', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1166, '2021-01-15', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1167, '2021-01-15', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'), (1168, '2021-01-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1169, '2021-01-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1170, '2021-01-21', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1171, '2021-01-21', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1172, '2021-01-25', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1173, '2021-01-25', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1174, '2021-01-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1175, '2021-01-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 2, '', b'0'), (1176, '2021-01-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1177, '2021-01-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, '', b'0'), (1178, '2021-01-27', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1179, '2021-01-27', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 're-bag of product', b'0'), (1180, '2021-01-29', 'stock_adjst_n', 12, 3, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1181, '2021-01-29', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 3, 're-bags of product', b'0'), (1182, '2021-01-31', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, 'stock balance', b'0'), (1183, '2021-02-01', 'stock_adjst_p', 12, 1, '', b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_adjust` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.stock_adjust_affiliate CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stock_adjust_affiliate` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `affiliate_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `trans_date` date NOT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `stock_worth` double DEFAULT 0, `notes` tinytext NOT NULL, `deleted` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.stock_adjust_affiliate: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_adjust_affiliate` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_adjust_affiliate` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.stock_moves CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stock_moves` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` double DEFAULT NULL, `stock_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `amount` double DEFAULT NULL, `stock_cost` double DEFAULT 0, `uom_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `base_qty` double DEFAULT NULL, `branch` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` int(11) DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=21 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.stock_moves: ~20 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_moves` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `stock_moves` (`id`, `trans_id`, `stock_id`, `trans_type`, `trans_date`, `amount`, `stock_cost`, `uom_id`, `qty`, `base_qty`, `branch`, `deleted_date`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, 1, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -35, -35, 1, NULL, 0), (2, 2, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -85, -85, 1, NULL, 0), (3, 3, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -52, -52, 1, NULL, 0), (4, 4, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -52, -52, 1, NULL, 0), (5, 5, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -3, -3, 1, NULL, 0), (6, 6, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -45, -45, 1, NULL, 0), (7, 7, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -33, -33, 1, NULL, 1), (8, 8, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -34, -34, 1, NULL, 0), (9, 9, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -33, -33, 1, NULL, 0), (10, 10, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -45, -45, 1, NULL, 0), (11, 11, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -5, -5, 1, NULL, 0), (12, 12, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -44, -44, 1, NULL, 0), (13, 13, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -44, -44, 1, NULL, 0), (14, 14, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, NULL, 0), (15, 15, 11, 'sales', '2021-10-27', 280, 0, 1, -4, -4, 1, NULL, 0), (16, 16, 11, 'sales', '2021-11-01', 280, 0, 1, -4, -4, 1, NULL, 0), (17, 17, 11, 'sales', '2021-11-01', 280, 0, 1, -34, -34, 1, NULL, 0), (18, 0, 586, 'stock_adjst_p', '2021-11-01', 33, 33, 1, 50, 50, 1, NULL, 0), (19, 18, 586, 'sales', '2021-11-01', 33, 0, 1, -4, -4, 1, NULL, 0), (20, 19, 11, 'sales', '2021-11-05', 280, 0, 1, -52, -52, 1, NULL, 0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_moves` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.stock_transfer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stock_transfer` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tranf_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `stock_manager` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `branch_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `stock_from` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `stock_to` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted_date` date NOT NULL, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=288 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.stock_transfer: ~287 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_transfer` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `stock_transfer` (`id`, `tranf_date`, `stock_manager`, `branch_id`, `stock_from`, `stock_to`, `deleted_date`, `notes`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '2019-04-10', 11, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', NULL, b'0'), (2, '2019-06-06', 11, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', NULL, b'0'), (3, '2019-06-06', 11, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', NULL, b'0'), (4, '2019-06-06', 11, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', NULL, b'0'), (5, '2019-06-06', 11, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', NULL, b'0'), (6, '2019-06-11', 11, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', NULL, b'0'), (7, '2019-07-16', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of stock from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (8, '2019-07-31', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (9, '2019-08-21', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (10, '2019-08-22', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (11, '2019-08-26', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product fro maakro to techiman', b'0'), (12, '2019-08-30', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro ro techiman', b'0'), (13, '2019-09-07', 12, 1, 2, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from techiman to maakro', b'0'), (14, '2019-09-12', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (15, '2019-10-02', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (16, '2019-10-22', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of goods from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (17, '2019-11-05', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman (feeders)', b'0'), (18, '2019-11-12', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (19, '2019-11-23', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (20, '2019-11-27', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (21, '2019-12-03', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (22, '2019-12-13', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (23, '2019-12-17', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (24, '2019-12-17', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (25, '2020-01-14', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (26, '2020-01-17', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (27, '2020-01-25', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (28, '2020-01-28', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (29, '2020-01-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (30, '2020-02-13', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (31, '2020-02-13', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (32, '2020-02-13', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (33, '2020-02-13', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro mampong', b'0'), (34, '2020-02-26', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (35, '2020-02-28', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (36, '2020-02-28', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (37, '2020-03-02', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (38, '2020-03-13', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (39, '2020-03-14', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from mampong to maakro', b'0'), (40, '2020-03-18', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (41, '2020-03-25', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (42, '2020-03-26', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (43, '2020-03-28', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (44, '2020-04-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product to mampong', b'0'), (45, '2020-04-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product to mampong', b'0'), (46, '2020-04-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product to mampong', b'0'), (47, '2020-04-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '2020-04-06', 'transfer of product to mampong', b'1'), (48, '2020-04-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product to mampong', b'0'), (49, '2020-04-06', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of product to techiman', b'0'), (50, '2020-04-11', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'transfer of goods from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (51, '2020-04-17', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (52, '2020-04-17', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (53, '2020-04-19', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (54, '2020-04-21', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (55, '2020-04-24', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (56, '2020-04-29', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (57, '2020-05-01', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (58, '2020-05-13', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (59, '2020-05-14', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (60, '2020-05-14', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (61, '2020-05-15', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product send t o techiman', b'0'), (62, '2020-05-15', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product send t o techiman', b'0'), (63, '2020-05-28', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (64, '2020-06-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (65, '2020-06-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (66, '2020-06-04', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from to mampong to maakro', b'0'), (67, '2020-06-10', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (68, '2020-06-24', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (69, '2020-06-24', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (70, '2020-06-27', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (71, '2020-07-03', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (72, '2020-07-03', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (73, '2020-07-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (74, '2020-07-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (75, '2020-07-10', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (76, '2020-07-11', 12, 1, 2, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from techiman to maakro', b'0'), (77, '2020-07-20', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (78, '2020-07-25', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (79, '2020-07-27', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (80, '2020-07-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (81, '2020-07-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (82, '2020-07-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (83, '2020-08-11', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (84, '2020-08-11', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (85, '2020-08-13', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (86, '2020-08-13', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (87, '2020-08-14', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from mampong to maakro', b'0'), (88, '2020-08-17', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (89, '2020-08-17', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (90, '2020-08-19', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (91, '2020-09-03', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (92, '2020-09-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mam pong', b'0'), (93, '2020-09-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '2020-09-04', 'product from maakro to mam pong', b'1'), (94, '2020-09-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mam pong', b'0'), (95, '2020-09-05', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (96, '2020-09-07', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (97, '2020-09-08', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (98, '2020-09-11', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (99, '2020-09-14', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (100, '2020-09-16', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (101, '2020-09-19', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (102, '2020-09-21', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (103, '2020-09-22', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (104, '2020-09-25', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (105, '2020-09-29', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (106, '2020-09-29', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (107, '2020-10-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (108, '2020-10-07', 12, 1, 1, 2, '2020-10-07', '', b'1'), (109, '2020-10-07', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (110, '2020-10-07', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (111, '2020-10-08', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (112, '2020-10-10', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (113, '2020-10-10', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (114, '2020-10-10', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (115, '2020-10-13', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (116, '2020-10-15', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (117, '2020-10-19', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from mampong to maakro', b'0'), (118, '2020-10-23', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (119, '2020-10-24', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (120, '2020-10-24', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (121, '2020-10-27', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (122, '2020-10-29', 12, 1, 3, 1, '0000-00-00', 'product from mampong to maakro', b'0'), (123, '2020-10-29', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (124, '2020-10-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to mampong', b'0'), (125, '2020-10-31', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (126, '2020-11-05', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (127, '2020-11-05', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (128, '2020-11-11', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (129, '2020-11-13', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (130, '2020-11-18', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (131, '2020-11-18', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (132, '2020-11-20', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (133, '2020-11-20', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (134, '2020-11-23', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (135, '2020-11-26', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (136, '2020-11-28', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (137, '2020-11-28', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (138, '2020-12-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (139, '2020-12-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (140, '2020-12-04', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (141, '2020-12-08', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (142, '2020-12-08', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (143, '2020-12-12', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (144, '2020-12-14', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (145, '2020-12-16', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (146, '2020-12-17', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (147, '2020-12-18', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (148, '2020-12-28', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (149, '2020-12-28', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (150, '2020-12-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (151, '2020-12-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (152, '2020-12-30', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (153, '2021-01-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (154, '2021-01-06', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (155, '2021-01-06', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (156, '2021-01-07', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (157, '2021-01-07', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (158, '2021-01-07', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (159, '2021-01-11', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (160, '2021-01-12', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (161, '2021-01-12', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (162, '2021-01-13', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (163, '2021-01-22', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'product from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (164, '2021-01-25', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (165, '2021-02-01', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (166, '2021-02-03', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (167, '2021-02-03', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (168, '2021-02-04', 12, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (169, '2021-02-05', 12, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (170, '2021-02-08', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', 'products from maakro to techiman', b'0'), (171, '2021-02-09', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '150 gh nut to techiman', b'0'), (172, '2021-02-11', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '450 safrip soya to mampong', b'0'), (173, '2021-02-15', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '300 bags', b'0'), (174, '2021-02-15', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '400 bags of white shells', b'0'), (175, '2021-02-16', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'wheatbran 500', b'0'), (176, '2021-02-18', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '300 bags of ldc soya', b'0'), (177, '2021-02-19', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', 'feeds and drugs', b'0'), (178, '2021-02-19', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (179, '2021-02-22', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '200 bags of pellet wheat', b'0'), (180, '2021-02-27', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-02-27', '300 bags', b'1'), (181, '2021-02-27', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '200 bags', b'0'), (182, '2021-03-03', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '600', b'0'), (183, '2021-03-03', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (184, '2021-03-06', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (185, '2021-03-09', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (186, '2021-03-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (187, '2021-03-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-03-16', '', b'1'), (188, '2021-03-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-03-16', '', b'1'), (189, '2021-03-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (190, '2021-03-18', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (191, '2021-03-19', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-03-20', '', b'1'), (192, '2021-03-19', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (193, '2021-03-22', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (194, '2021-03-22', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (195, '2021-03-26', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (196, '2021-03-26', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (197, '2021-03-30', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (198, '2021-03-31', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (199, '2021-03-31', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (200, '2021-04-02', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (201, '2021-04-07', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (202, '2021-04-10', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (203, '2021-04-12', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (204, '2021-04-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (205, '2021-04-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (206, '2021-04-21', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (207, '2021-04-21', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (208, '2021-04-21', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (209, '2021-04-23', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (210, '2021-04-26', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (211, '2021-04-26', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (212, '2021-04-29', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (213, '2021-05-05', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (214, '2021-05-06', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (215, '2021-05-07', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (216, '2021-05-13', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (217, '2021-05-13', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (218, '2021-05-21', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-05-21', '', b'1'), (219, '2021-05-21', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (220, '2021-05-21', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (221, '2021-05-21', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (222, '2021-05-22', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (223, '2021-06-03', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (224, '2021-06-05', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (225, '2021-06-12', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (226, '2021-06-12', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (227, '2021-06-15', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (228, '2021-06-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-06-16', '', b'1'), (229, '2021-06-16', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (230, '2021-06-23', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (231, '2021-06-23', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (232, '2021-07-01', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (233, '2021-07-02', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (234, '2021-07-03', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (235, '2021-07-03', 17, 1, 2, 1, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (236, '2021-07-08', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (237, '2021-07-09', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (238, '2021-07-09', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (239, '2021-07-14', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (240, '2021-07-15', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (241, '2021-07-16', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (242, '2021-07-16', 17, 1, 1, 3, '2021-07-16', '', b'1'), (243, '2021-07-23', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (244, '2021-07-23', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (245, '2021-07-26', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (246, '2021-07-26', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (247, '2021-07-30', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (248, '2021-07-30', 17, 1, 1, 3, '2021-07-30', '', b'1'), (249, '2021-07-30', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (250, '2021-07-30', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (251, '2021-08-03', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (252, '2021-08-07', 17, 1, 1, 3, '2021-08-07', '', b'1'), (253, '2021-08-07', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (254, '2021-08-07', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (255, '2021-08-17', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (256, '2021-08-18', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (257, '2021-08-19', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (258, '2021-08-20', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (259, '2021-08-25', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (260, '2021-08-25', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (261, '2021-08-25', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (262, '2021-08-25', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (263, '2021-08-27', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (264, '2021-08-27', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (265, '2021-08-27', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (266, '2021-08-30', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (267, '2021-09-08', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (268, '2021-09-09', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-09-09', '', b'1'), (269, '2021-09-09', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (270, '2021-09-09', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (271, '2021-09-10', 17, 1, 1, 3, '2021-09-13', '', b'1'), (272, '2021-09-10', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (273, '2021-09-13', 17, 1, 1, 2, '2021-09-13', '', b'1'), (274, '2021-09-10', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (275, '2021-09-09', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (276, '2021-09-22', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (277, '2021-09-24', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (278, '2021-09-24', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (279, '2021-09-25', 17, 1, 1, 3, '2021-09-28', '', b'1'), (280, '2021-09-27', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (281, '2021-09-28', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (282, '2021-09-29', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (283, '2021-09-30', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (284, '2021-10-01', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (285, '2021-10-01', 17, 1, 1, 3, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (286, '2021-10-01', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'), (287, '2021-09-28', 17, 1, 1, 2, '0000-00-00', '', b'0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `stock_transfer` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.suppliers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `suppliers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `sup_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sup_addr` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sup_tel` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sup_email` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=81 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.suppliers: ~80 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `suppliers` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`id`, `sup_name`, `sup_addr`, `sup_tel`, `sup_email`) VALUES (1, 'maa knadu', '', '', ''), (2, 'maa thez', '', '', ''), (3, 'maa dorcas', '', '', ''), (4, 'lucy paintsil', '', '', ''), (5, 'uncle ebo', '', '', ''), (6, 'collins amankwa(agya collins)', '', '0241861525', ''), (7, 'quality farm', '', '', ''), (8, 'mr osei(agya-sei)', '', '', ''), (9, 'mr james(white maize)', '', '', ''), (10, 'multiivet', '', '0207658501', ''), (11, 'maridav', '', '0204355607', ''), (12, 'frankatson ltd', '', '0244214718', ''), (13, 'afayad', '', '0243737743', ''), (14, 'dexvet', '', '0502486465/024474206', ''), (15, 'reiss& co', '', '', ''), (16, 'bro alex (shells)', '', '0249912976', ''), (17, 'bro sammy(white shells)', '', '', ''), (18, 'robert dalikey (shells)', '', '0546404335', ''), (19, 'mark adu kodie', '', '', ''), (20, 'oxford ventures', '', '', ''), (21, 'vbp limited', '', '', ''), (22, 'mr opoku mensah ( maize supplier nkoranz', 'nkoranza b/a', '0543099242', ''), (23, 'madam dora konadu', 'tema', '', ''), (24, 'maa dora konadu', 'tema', '00000000', ''), (25, 'sonal global limited', 'plt no. 64/39-43 p o box kia 30720 airpo', '0552526029/054854335', ''), (26, 'agrisla venture', '0208724056', '0208724056', ''), (27, 'mamps service', '0243406736', '0243406736', ''), (28, 'jubaili agrotec', '0243836005', '0243836005', ''), (29, 'koudijs poultry feed', 'santasi kumasi', '0209022759/020446429', ''), (30, 'takoradi flour mill ltd', 'p o box 1812 accra', '03020774226/03120231', ''), (31, 'mr osei techiman', 'techiman', '0244036429', ''), (32, 'shinefeel gh co ltd', 'p o box 49 akuse', '0575236689', 'shinefeelct@gmail.com'), (33, 'nana kwame premix supplier', '0243478339', '0243478339', ''), (34, 'collins amankwa local fish', 'p o box mj 70 fawoade', '0505961340', ''), (35, 'ernejoyson limited', 'p.o.box kn 4088 kaneshie accra', '+2330302901243', ''), (36, 'ess vee agro pvt ltd', 'p.o.box ks 16544 adum ksi', '0509484850', ''), (37, 'dannex', 'p o box 3251kaneshie', '0244281903', ''), (38, 'flour mills tema', 'p.o.box ce11345 tema', '0248640004', ''), (39, 'mr fataw local soya', 'p.o.box as77 ksi', '0244587659', ''), (40, 'ashvet ghana ltd', 'p.o.box kw,92 k\'daso ksi', '0244412083/027204644', ''), (41, 'mad elizabeth (copra cake)', '0242607194', '0242607194', ''), (42, 'costa pharmacy', 'gps ak-017-2398', '0208865580/055185855', ''), (43, 'reiss and company ltd', 'p.o.box 3074 accra', '02332824502', ''), (44, 'olam ghana ltd', 'plot no;ind/a/54/a-d', 'accra tema', ''), (45, 'mr abdul maize supplier', 'maakro', '0244110197', ''), (46, 'essaar agro west africa ltd', 'kokompe a7 tema ghana', '0209229141 /+9197525', ''), (47, 'mr daniel (syringe)', 'maakro', '0244073469', ''), (48, 'humic vet gh ltd', 'kumasi', '0202086129/020650527', ''), (49, 'abba concept', 'maakro', '0244630817', ''), (50, 'daniel b.ventures (shells)', 'big ada (near ada technical)', '0265867172 /05559340', ''), (51, 'l d c soya', 'accra', '000', ''), (52, 'best grains company ltd', 'kumasi', '0275352016/055350638', ''), (53, 'hajia macro sulfa', 'kumasi', '', ''), (54, 'louis drefus company (ldc soya)', 'pmb 283 community 1', '+233303206060/+23305', ''), (55, 'owford vet ent', 'kumasi', '0208172791/020236793', ''), (56, 'mr clement', 'maakro', '123', ''), (57, 'boris b farms', 'bantama', '0544444459', ''), (58, 'phimich ent (w.shells)', 'tema', '0244402065', ''), (59, 'ruma ent (local soya )', 'ahwia saw mill maduma', '0242925537', ''), (60, 'richovet emi ventures', 'kumasi', '0242132721/020816453', ''), (61, 'ibra alu abu ent (maize)', 'p o box wa upper west', '0547063211/020908324', ''), (62, 'quality farms', 'kumasi', '0249582186', ''), (63, 'ghana nuts ltd', 'p o box 825 techiman', '+2330322022123', ''), (64, 'nii armah (white maize)', 'maakro', '', ''), (65, 'mr afriyie maize supplier', 'kumasi', '0247948200', ''), (66, 'mr gyan sonal', 'kumasi', '0244926427', ''), (67, 'best commodities limited', 'p.o.box 124 tema, gh', '0207744986/055784428', 'sales@bestcomgh.com'), (68, 'moonlight more account', '', '', ''), (69, 'william wood engineering', '', '0547438192', ''), (70, 'nana pizaro ent', '', '', ''), (71, 'kofi poku enterprise', '', '', ''), (72, 'tupay farms', '', '', ''), (73, 'chisibu ventures', '', '', ''), (74, 'razak wheatbran', '', '', ''), (75, 'ibrahim watara ent', '', '', ''), (76, 'kwabena gmg', '', '', ''), (77, 'ice stone ventures', '', '', ''), (78, 'hammond', '', '', ''), (79, 'medivet', '', '', ''), (80, 'taiwan company', '', '', ''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `suppliers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.tax CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tax` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tax_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `rate` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.tax: ~2 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tax` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `tax` (`id`, `tax_name`, `rate`) VALUES (1, 'VAT & NHIS', 0), (2, 'No Tax', 0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tax` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.users CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( `id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `usr_name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `pwd` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `display_name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `role_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `branch` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `inter_branch_sales` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=20 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.users: ~12 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `usr_name`, `pwd`, `display_name`, `role_id`, `branch`, `inter_branch_sales`) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'jesusismafada01', 'admin', 'admin', 1, '0'), (8, 'fataw', 'aaaaa', 'fataw', 'sales_person', 1, '0'), (9, 'michael', 'wonderful12', 'michael', 'sales_person', 1, '0'), (10, 'moonlight', 'aaaaa', 'moonlight', 'admin', 1, '0'), (12, 'yeboah____disabled', 'unibank@1998', 'emmanuel yeboah', 'sales_person', 1, '1'), (13, 'admin', 'aaaaa', 'admin', 'admin', 1, '0'), (14, 'ohemaa', 'aaaaa', 'ohemaa', 'stock_person', 1, '1'), (15, 'prince', 'prince1845', 'prince', 'sales_person', 1, '0'), (16, 'jaal', 'aaaaa', 'jaal', 'sub_admin', 1, '0'), (17, 'doris', 'christall', 'doris opoku', 'admin', 1, '1'), (18, 'baba', 'aaaaa', 'baba', 'operator', 1, '0'), (19, 'vert', 'aaaaa', 'vert', 'vert', 1, '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_animals CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_animals` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `date_added` date DEFAULT NULL, `animal_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `breed` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `animal_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sex` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `desexed` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `color_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `species` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `b_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `owner_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_animals: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_animals` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_animals` (`id`, `date_added`, `animal_name`, `breed`, `animal_type`, `sex`, `desexed`, `color_id`, `species`, `b_date`, `owner_id`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '2021-10-14', 'bad girl', NULL, 3, 'male', 'off', 2, 1, '2021-10-14', 7, '0'), (2, '2021-10-14', 'fadsfad', NULL, 2, 'male', 'off', 2, 1, '2021-10-14', 20, '0'), (3, '2021-10-14', 'fasdfads', NULL, 4, 'male', 'on', 2, 1, '2021-10-14', 9, '0'), (4, '2021-10-14', 'fadfa', NULL, 5, 'male', 'off', 2, 1, '2021-10-14', 6, '0'), (5, '2021-10-14', 'poki', 'fdad', 1, 'male', 'on', 2, 1, '2021-10-14', 2, '0'), (6, '2021-10-25', 'kofi gay', 'white', 1, 'male', 'off', 2, 1, '2021-10-25', 285, '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_animals` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_animal_type CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_animal_type` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `animal_types` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_animal_type: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_animal_type` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_animal_type` (`id`, `animal_types`) VALUES (1, 'cat'), (2, 'caw'), (3, 'poultry'), (4, 'sheep'), (5, 'goat'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_animal_type` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_appointments CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_appointments` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `customer_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `appoint_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `patient_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `clinician` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `appoint_type` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `visit_loc` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `visit_cost` double DEFAULT NULL, `reason_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `appoint_notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `checked` char(1) DEFAULT '0', `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=40 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_appointments: ~22 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_appointments` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_appointments` (`id`, `customer_id`, `appoint_date`, `patient_id`, `clinician`, `appoint_type`, `visit_loc`, `visit_cost`, `reason_id`, `appoint_notes`, `checked`, `deleted`) VALUES (14, 0, '2021-10-13', NULL, 3, 'in', 'old tafo', 0, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (15, 0, '2021-10-14', NULL, 1, 'in', 'kumasi', 500, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (16, 0, '2021-10-14', NULL, 3, 'out', 'suame', 0, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (21, 11, '2021-10-14', NULL, 1, 'in', 'suame', 52, NULL, 'fadfadsff', '0', '0'), (22, 3, '2021-10-14', NULL, 3, 'in', 'santazi', 256, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (23, 0, '2021-10-15', NULL, 3, 'in', '', 0, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (24, 3, '2021-10-15', NULL, 3, 'in', '', 0, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (25, 3, '2021-10-15', NULL, 3, 'out', '', 0, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (26, 0, '2021-10-15', 0, 3, 'in', '', 3, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (27, 0, '2021-10-15', 0, 3, 'in', '', 53, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (28, 0, '2021-10-15', 0, 3, 'in', '', 34, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (29, 0, '2021-10-15', 0, 3, 'in', '', 52, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (30, 0, '2021-10-15', 0, 3, 'in', '', 34, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (31, 0, '2021-10-15', 3, 3, 'in', '', 44, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (32, 0, '2021-10-15', 5, 3, 'in', '', 44, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (33, 0, '2021-10-15', 1, 3, 'out', 'old tafo', 55, NULL, 'is okey', '0', '0'), (34, 0, '2021-10-15', 4, 3, 'out', 'tamele', 500, NULL, 'vv', '0', '0'), (35, 0, '0000-00-00', 0, 0, '', '', 0, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (36, 14, '2021-10-30', 0, 3, 'in', '', 562, NULL, 'good to come', '0', '0'), (37, 41, '2021-10-25', 0, 3, 'in', '', 453, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (38, 41, '2021-10-25', 0, 3, 'in', '', 453, NULL, '', '0', '0'), (39, 41, '2021-10-25', 0, 3, 'out', 'suame', 43, NULL, '', '0', '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_appointments` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_clinicians CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_clinicians` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cln_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `tel` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `active` char(1) DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_clinicians: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_clinicians` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_clinicians` (`id`, `cln_name`, `tel`, `active`) VALUES (1, 'father', NULL, '1'), (2, 'data', NULL, '1'), (3, 'baba', NULL, '1'), (4, 'joe', NULL, '1'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_clinicians` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_colors CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_colors` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `color_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_colors: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_colors` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_colors` (`id`, `color_name`) VALUES (1, 'red'), (2, 'black'), (3, 'white'), (4, 'brown'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_colors` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_diag_test CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_diag_test` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `diag_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `active` char(1) DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_diag_test: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_diag_test` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_diag_test` (`id`, `diag_name`, `active`) VALUES (1, 'diabettes', '1'), (2, 'tubaclosis', '1'), (3, 'fatu', '1'), (4, 'pregnancy test', '1'), (5, 'parvo test', '1'), (6, 'babesia test', '1'), (7, 'newcastle disease test', '1'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_diag_test` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_diag_trans CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_diag_trans` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `patient_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `active` char(1) DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_diag_trans: ~11 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_diag_trans` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_diag_trans` (`id`, `trans_date`, `cust_id`, `patient_id`, `active`) VALUES (1, '2021-10-24', 20, 3, '1'), (2, '2021-10-24', 2, 5, '1'), (3, '2021-10-24', 7, 3, '1'), (4, '2021-10-24', 36, 3, '1'), (5, '2021-10-27', 9, 5, '1'), (6, '2021-10-27', 2, 5, '1'), (7, '2021-10-27', 3, 5, '1'), (8, '2021-10-27', 12, 5, '1'), (9, '2021-10-27', 9, 5, '1'), (10, '2021-10-27', 23, 5, '1'), (11, '2021-10-27', 3, 3, '1'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_diag_trans` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_diag_trans_details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_diag_trans_details` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `diag_test_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `diag_result` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `active` char(1) DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_diag_trans_details: ~12 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_diag_trans_details` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_diag_trans_details` (`id`, `trans_id`, `diag_test_id`, `diag_result`, `active`) VALUES (1, 1, 3, 'af dsf', '1'), (2, 1, 4, 'data is good', '1'), (3, 2, 3, '345', '1'), (4, 3, 3, '444', '1'), (5, 4, 3, 'adsf ds', '1'), (6, 5, 3, 'posite', '1'), (7, 5, 7, 'positive', '1'), (8, 6, 3, '33', '1'), (9, 7, 3, '525', '1'), (10, 9, 3, '33', '1'), (11, 10, 3, 'fad', '1'), (12, 11, 3, '44', '1'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_diag_trans_details` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_payment CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_payment` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `amount` double DEFAULT NULL, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_payment: ~17 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_payment` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_payment` (`id`, `trans_date`, `cust_id`, `trans_type`, `amount`, `notes`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '0000-00-00', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0'), (2, '2021-10-24', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0'), (3, '2021-10-24', 20, NULL, 3555, NULL, '0'), (4, '2021-10-24', 0, NULL, 3443, NULL, '0'), (5, '2021-10-24', 12, NULL, 3333, NULL, '0'), (6, '2021-10-24', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, '0'), (7, '2021-10-24', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, '0'), (8, '2021-10-24', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, '0'), (9, '2021-10-24', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, '0'), (10, '2021-10-24', 4, NULL, 5260, NULL, '0'), (11, '2021-10-24', 23, NULL, 5632, 'is this for test?', '0'), (12, '2021-10-24', 38, NULL, 344, '', '0'), (13, '2021-10-24', 581, NULL, 3556, 'is better', '0'), (14, '2021-10-24', 2, '0', 44, 'is tok', '0'), (15, '2021-10-24', 9, '', 444, '', '0'), (16, '2021-10-24', 36, 'visit', 445, '', '0'), (17, '2021-10-24', 302, 'consultation', 456, '', '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_payment` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_prescribe CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_prescribe` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `Column 4` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_prescribe: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_prescribe` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_prescribe` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_prescribe_details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_prescribe_details` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `trans_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `qty` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `unit_price` double DEFAULT NULL, `total_price` double DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_prescribe_details: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_prescribe_details` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_prescribe_details` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_species CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_species` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `species_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_species: ~3 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_species` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_species` (`id`, `species_name`) VALUES (1, 'avian'), (2, 'bovine'), (3, 'canine'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_species` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_treatments CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_treatments` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `patient_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `total_amount` double DEFAULT NULL, `notes` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_treatments: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_treatments` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_treatments` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_treatments_details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_treatments_details` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `treat_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `value` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `cost` double DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_treatments_details: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_treatments_details` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_treatments_details` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_treatments_lists CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_treatments_lists` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `treatment` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_treatments_lists: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_treatments_lists` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_treatments_lists` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_vaccination CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_vaccination` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `trans_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `patient_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `vaccine_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `revaccinate_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `notes` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` char(1) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_vaccination: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_vaccination` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_vaccination` (`id`, `trans_date`, `cust_id`, `patient_id`, `vaccine_type`, `revaccinate_date`, `notes`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '0000-00-00', 2021, 0, NULL, '2021-11-04', 'java ca', '0'), (2, '2021-11-04', 2, 0, 1, '2021-11-30', 'fdf asdfsd fd ds', '0'), (3, '2021-11-04', 2, 0, 1, '2021-11-04', 'fasdf', '0'), (4, '2021-11-04', 3, 5, 1, '2021-11-04', 'fsd asd fa asdfasd', '0'), (5, '2021-11-04', 3, 5, 1, '2021-11-04', 'sdf sdf', '0'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_vaccination` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table moon.vert_vaccine_types CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vert_vaccine_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table moon.vert_vaccine_types: ~3 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_vaccine_types` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `vert_vaccine_types` (`id`, `type_name`) VALUES (1, 'biocan'), (2, 'nobivac'), (3, 'rfgg'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vert_vaccine_types` ENABLE KEYS */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_SQL_MODE, '') */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=IFNULL(@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, 1) */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=IFNULL(@OLD_SQL_NOTES, 1) */;